Use the word color in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word color, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use color in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «color».

Color in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word color in a sentence.

  1. Never is he any other color.».

  2. Croix macaw’s color is not known.

  3. Its legs are a grey-brown in color.

  4. Furthermore, range of cap color in M.

  5. The color and general appearance of A.

  6. It is a place of color and silence …

  7. None of them knew the color of the sky.

  8. Boron is responsible for the blue color.

  9. They relied on the lighting to add color.

  10. All-black color morphs are known to exist.

  11. The surface of Ariel is generally neutral in color.

  12. Memling’s use of color achieves a startling effect.

  13. The mixture has a distinctive pink or magenta color.

  14. Easy Jet was of sorrel color, a light yellowish-red.

  15. The head, neck, underparts, and back are flame color.

  16. Most of the tail is similar in color to the body, but the tip is yellowish-brown.

  17. The color and flavor of the flesh depends on the diet and freshness of the trout.

  18. The evolution of color vision in primates is unique among most eutherian mammals.

  19. Its surface is generally slightly red in color, but less red than that of Oberon.

  20. Woolpert’s choice of how to deploy his players was unaffected by their skin color.

  21. Its upperparts are mostly brown with rufous fringes, its cap, back, and wings being the former color.

  22. They are nonamyloid, meaning they have a negative color reaction with the iodine in Melzer’s reagent.

  23. Gumbo is usually identified by its dark roux, cooked until it is a color «a few shades from burning».

  24. He has appeared frequently as part of the color guard at Denver’s annual National Western Stock Show.

  25. The underparts are not strongly demarcated from the upperparts in color and are yellow-brown to gray.

  26. The first protection is a prohibition of intentional discrimination based on race or color in voting.

  27. It is sparsely haired and dark, and there is no difference in color between the upper and lower side.

  28. Primates usually have dimorphism in body mass and canine tooth size along with pelage and skin color.

  29. Dodd chose an old gold paint from a Lincoln car paint catalogue as the base for the new color scheme.

  30. The leaves are colorful, mainly in the green and red color spectrums, with some variegated varieties.

  31. The upperparts are gray–brown and the underparts are buff; the color changes gradually over the body.

  32. Only marginally dimmer than Alpha, Beta Andromedae is a red giant, its color visible to the naked eye.

  33. Peck said he wrote down his ideas for costumes and proposed different color palette options to Happel.

  34. There is no justifiable reason for discrimination because of ancestry, or religion, or race, or color.

  35. At the time, 95 percent of all the world’s sapphires were being heated to enhance their natural color.

  36. Peking opera is performed using both Classical Chinese and Modern Standard Chinese with some slang terms added for color.

  37. Adopting the color of their favorite charioteers was a way fans showed their loyalty to that particular racer or faction.

  38. Unique markings of white or cream fur color the throat and under the chin, allow individuals to be identified from birth.

  39. Newman «favored pulse, rhythm, and color over melody», making for a more minimalist score than he had previously created.

  40. The memory of the Second Crusade was to color French views of the Byzantines for the rest of the 12th and 13th centuries.

  41. The cap color is highly variable in this species, and the cap is often variegated with a mixture of light and dark colors.

  42. Merriam divided his palustris-mexicanus group in two «series» according to the color of the underparts (white or fulvous).

  43. The mature male’s skin color ranges from dark grey to turquoise blue, whereas the female is more olive green to pale blue.

  44. The station itself incorporates a blue color scheme that highlights fantasy elements, which was selected by a public poll.

  45. With minor changes in the color shades and proportions, the flags adopted in 1889 are still in use by the imperial family.

  46. Adams graded El Camino’s color palette with DaVinci Resolve; he did not let Breaking Bad dictate which colors he used and opted to make a palette specific to the film.

  47. Cathode ray tube (CRT) color displays and new electronics replaced the role of the flight engineer by enabling the pilot and co-pilot to monitor aircraft systems directly.

  48. Players boost weapon power by collecting powerups that match the current weapon’s power; collecting a different color gives the player the first level of that weapon type.

  49. In 1953, French mycologists Robert Kühner and Henri Romagnesi placed Rhodotus in the family Tricholomataceae—a traditional «wastebasket taxon»—on the basis of spore color.

  50. So Jack Diamond went at his dancin’ with double energy—first, for his place, next, for his color.» He beat Juba’s time and «gave a hop, skip and a jump, a yell and a bow».

Synonyms for color

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word color has the following synonyms: colour, coloring material, colouring material, coloring, colouring, vividness, coloration, colouration, people of color, people of colour, semblance, gloss, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, color in, colour in, emblazon, discolor, discolour, tinge and distort.

General information about «color» example sentences

The example sentences for the word color that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «color» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «color».

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  1. Color «Cyrillic/JJ»> white»>Cyrillic, style» background-


    : brown;,


    ,: white;» >


    «Georgian/JJ»> white»>Georgian, style »
  2. Expertise in making objects, as well as adding trace elements to control the,


    ,of the finished glass. A range of


    s could be produced, including yellow
  3. Or drawn directly into a computer system. Various software programs are used to,


    ,the drawings and simulate camera movement and effects. The final animated piece
  4. Change. These artistic standards—simple lines, shapes,and flat areas of,


    ,combined with the characteristic flat projection of figures with no indication
  5. Hall by the Daughters of the American Revolution because of her skin,


    , In 2009,on her album» Running for the Drum «, Buffy Sainte-Marie released a
  6. Madam X) (1884),caused a huge uproar over the reddish pink used to,


    ,the woman’s ear lobe, considered far too suggestive and supposedly ruining the
  7. Interview conducted shortly after finishing Andrei Ruble, Tarkovsky dismissed,


    ,film as a» commercial gimmick» and cast doubt on the idea that contemporary
  8. Style» background-


    : brown;


    : white;» >,


    ,»Georgian/JJ»> white»>Georgian, style» background-


    : #0000FF;

  9. Filmed in English and called simply Runaway Train, would have been his first in,


    , But the language barrier proved a major problem, and the English version of
  10. To the cornea, some depth. The depth is accomplished by applying variable,


    ,shading. Generally, a mixture of a light shade, the tone


    , and a dark
  11. Working quickly and efficiently within a limited budget. For his first work in,


    , the dynamic editing and complex compositions of his earlier pictures were set
  12. For 1940 the award was divided into separate awards for black-and-white and,


    ,films. 1940s * 1940 Black-and-white Cedric Gibbons, Paul Gross — Pride and
  13. One place, within the span of a single day. Several of Tarkovsky’s films have,


    ,or black and white sequences, including for example Andrei Ruble which
  14. Printing, were originally used in comic strips and newspapers to reproduce,


    , Lichtenstein thus uses the dots as a style to question the» high» art of
  15. Of the proposed clade Afroinsectiphilia. The aardvark is pale yellowish-gray in,


    ,and often stained reddish-brown by soil. The aardvark’s coat is thin, and the
  16. Moments, but not all the time as this distracts the viewer. To him, films in,


    ,are like moving paintings or photographs, which are too beautiful to be a
  17. Stalker, which feature monochrome and sepia sequences while otherwise being in,


    , In 1966,in an interview conducted shortly after finishing Andrei Ruble
  18. Sequences, including for example Andrei Ruble which features an epilogue in,


    ,of religious icon paintings, as well as Polaris, The Mirror, and Stalker, which
  19. Color «Georgian/JJ»> white»>Georgian, style» background-


    : #0000FF;,


    ,: white;» >


    «Greek/IN»> white»>Greek
  20. Americium (III) halves form hexagonal crystals with slight variation of the,


    ,and exact structure between the halogens. So, chloride (AmCl3) is reddish and
  21. Of the thousands wire (and the million wire, if present) may have a different,


    , As a simple, cheap and reliable device, the Russian abacus was in use in all
  22. Of the Declaration of Independence never intended ‘to say all were equal in,


    , size, intellect,moral developments, or social capacity ‘, but they ‘did
  23. Angora goats produce white, black (deep black to grass and silver),red (the,


    ,fades significantly as the goat gets older),and brownish fiber. Angora goats
  24. Variable


    shading. Generally, a mixture of a light shade, the tone,


    , and a dark shade is used. Cultural anthropologist Matt Thorn argues that
  25. In an attempt to paint images that were closer to the way people really see,


    , Both artists use dots, but the particular style and technique relate to the
  26. Style» background-


    : #0000FF;


    : white;» >,


    ,»Greek/IN»> white»>Greek
  27. Research of H. F. Ne wall and W. N. Hartley. Each observed new lines in the,


    ,spectrum of air but were unable to identify the element responsible for the
  28. Ge’EZ, style » background-


    : olive;


    : white;» >,


    ,»Taney/IN»> white»>Taney, Canadian
  29. Armenian, style » background-


    : #008080;,


    ,: white;» >


    «Cyrillic/JJ»> white»>Cyrillic, style »
  30. Is a consequence of its extremely short half-life. The halogens get darker in,


    ,with increasing molecular weight and atomic number: fluorine is nearly
  31. Accessible, and to represent the fact the monitor could reproduce images in,


    , The logo is often erroneously referred to as a tribute to Alan Turing, with
  32. Come in tabby and tabby-white, along with smoke varieties, and are in every,


    ,other than pointed, lavender,and cinnamon (all of which would indicate
  33. Ge’EZ, style » background-


    : olive;,


    ,: white;» >


    «Taney/IN»> white»>Taney
  34. Life one does not consciously notice


    s most of the time. Hence, in film,


    ,should be used mainly to emphasize certain moments, but not all the time as
  35. That the shifting robot can even display an individual’s hairstyle and skin,


    ,if a photo of their face is projected onto the 3D Mask. Korea KITSCH researched
  36. Give another example, the formal qualities of painting are the canvas texture,


    , and brush texture. The formal qualities of video games are non-linearity
  37. Egyptians and other inhabitants of the eastern Mediterranean. It could be any,


    ,: black, red,green, blue. Accordingly, the modern study of marine and freshwater
  38. Gimmick» and cast doubt on the idea that contemporary films meaningfully use,


    , He claimed that in everyday life one does not consciously notice


    s most
  39. Took a liking to it. While Jobs liked the logo, he insisted it be in,


    ,to humanize the company. The Apple logo was designed with a bite so that it
  40. Apple introduced System 7,a major upgrade to the operating system, which added,


    ,to the interface and introduced new networking capabilities. It remained the
  41. Photo as he did so. In the ensuing scramble Andes took the more famous,


    ,photo, later picked by Life magazine as one of its hundred photos of the
  42. In his company, I was never reminded of my humble origin, or of my unpopular,


    ,». Gettysburg Address With the great Union victory at the Battle of Gettysburg
  43. The debasing doctrine of equality of all men, irrespective of race or,


    ,», and that the African race» were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior
  44. Lazurite, but which gave also the name in some European languages to the blue,


    ,(azure in ENG., azur in French),is taken by the Arabs from Persian language
  45. Were likewise split into two separate categories (black-and-white films and,


    ,films). Another award, entitled the Academy Award for Best Original Musical
  46. Seurat, that employs dots that are spaced in a way to create variation in,


    ,and depth in an attempt to paint images that were closer to the way people
  47. From its major rivals, the TRS-80 and Commodore PET, because it came with,


    ,graphics and an open architecture. While early models used ordinary cassette
  48. Title» Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue» ( where» blue» can refer to the,


    , or to sadness). In narrative, ambiguity can be introduced in several ways:
  49. Armenian, style » background-


    : #008080;


    : white;» >,


    ,»Cyrillic/JJ»> white»>Cyrillic, style» background-


    : brown;


  50. Lichtenstein used Ben-Day dots: they are evenly spaced and create flat areas of,


    , Dots of this type, used in halftone printing, were originally used in comic

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«The water isn’t the same color here

«Then you are very much more like me than like her, no matter what color the sun was where you grew up

Their color is usually somewhere between white and brown

There was a limited budget and time constraints, and too many variables to meld together an effective color scheme

Red Spiders: These tiny spiders are reddish in color and are found on indoor plants that have very little air circulation

The carriage was around by the time she had everything ready, He had a very pretty keda the color of a chipmunk with five dark manes and spotted stripes down his back

(Hair that has bright yellow color)

«He’s a Megnor,» Estwig said, «he’s taken some color but his chest is small and his belly’s big

Her body had a putrid color

Yellow is my favorite color

She was a rich milk chocolate color with half-loosened curls that fell over her shoulders and were tied back with small pins behind her dainty ears

They could have chosen any color they wanted

Her skin was a light bronzed ochre in color

The liquid’s color was a deep royal blue, closer to black than any color, darker than merlot

Her tuft is the same color and a luxurious thick diamond of reaching nearly to her navel

Her skin is the color of thick smoke in the sunset, grayer than ivory, a strange color that went well with her other unique coloration

She had always been drawn to his eyes; they were grayish in color, and could bore thru a person

Daniel leaped off the bar stool, “Son of a bitch! Damn you weren’t kidding about the thunder!” Daniel could see the effect the thunder had on the woman, her face was drained of color

They were just a little different color and texture

It didn’t have fuzz however, it was covered in warty, saggy, skin, dust grey in color

Luray had some color back, but still clung to him

) There was a bruise two inches below the left hipbone that had turned bluish in color

He was a large dark forest green color

Your color will shield you from their eyes

He was a deep forest green color, and at least 24 feet

They are all dark midnight blue in color, and their only rider is this woman

It was forest green in color and at least twice Jake’s size

Blue is a color that is associated with

men, dark green is a color that is equated with masculinity and wealth

Red is a color that is usually associated with lust and sexuality

considered to be a sensual color that is very alluring

She was obviously used to this costume and projected proudly out of it with no difference in her skin color whatsoever

The sky was a brilliant rich blue color, and the earth all around was a deep reddish-brown

He could see that great care was taken as to color and form

The Shark-IV had several user panels but they controlled things like what kind of suit it wore, the color and style of hair, features, build, the sound and tone of voice it used, its manners and personality type and what hobbies it should speak of in social settings

The fruit was large and a deep purple color, and to Duncan’s surprise, very sweet to the taste

No matter what the color of the water is they are able to rely on their vision to guide them

Every color of the rainbow,

If he could do it as if it was an intellectual argument and stare her down in the eyes, that would be one thing, but he had just noticed that her robes weren’t quite opaque enough to completely hide the color of her nipples, and he had to bring up his med panel to make sure his hormones were properly set

The sky was a dark bluish color from horizon to horizon, interspaced within were white lightening strikes

One was already dead, but the other, a creamy tan and white color, was still breathing; but just barely

In the same way that you can inherit your eye color or

Then the picture seemed to fill with a dark grey color as the lead ship passed close to the probe

» The color of green

The color of red

It is given color by its adherent

color that defies a name

The style had a few themes from Minoan times, mainly the color schemes and the fact that there were no depictions of important men, and it was all connected into one building

The dull and colorless void could burst with color

He was completely hairless, pallid in color, but nothing like the grey in the gnomes of the Yakhan of Alan’s world

31Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it gives his color in the cup, when it

Her face was very elegant and well shaped and smooth, an almond flavored creme in color, not quite as tan as one usually expected in this highland sunshine

Below that was an orchid color silk skirt that stopped above her ankles

He saw strange people, paper white to grey in color with large heads, especially large foreheads and thin curly hair

“Actually the color of yaag comes from a pigment that the plant produces, the chlorophyll, the purified cannaboloid is actually a clear liquid to which a little grain alcohol is added as a vehicle

Harry, mother wants me to order a color of paint for the entry gate that will go with the foxgloves

To their mother they presented wooden signs, or plaques; one for each of the bungalows, and carved in relief that bungalow’s number and each was painted in its own color scheme

But the girl recognized the lady at once and the color drained from her once flushed cheeks and neck

color, dusted and polished to the point of being able to see my reflection

Her bra and panties were the same color red as her dress, only a

Their color mirrored that of the

Some color was returning to his cheeks and he had stopped quivering

The first thing I saw when I stepped onto the basement floor was the color

As pale as he was, Ed still lost color in his face

Also, she was told that pages 1-19 must be answered with green pen, the pages from 20-59 in red pen, and the pages from 60-92 in black pen, and that page 93 must be answered in hieroglyphics in any color pen she chose

The sky had changed from its usual light-blue color and was now covered with a thick grey blanket of cloudy clouds

Jesse wove a tapestry of color, intertwined with historical facts, and people whom Emma would never know

quarters, both draped in the same beige color as the mansion itself

«Your room’s across the hall, and I think the extra color adds to your beauty

It was easy to see from the outer surface and the color and texture and veining pattern on the leaves that these weren’t at all related to the tall ones

These berries were much larger and deeper in color than any he had seen before

He added, in color the way Mrs

To her amazement the first man, through the door pined a color-coded map on the wall, and then began to bring in boxes and furniture with the same color tagged for that house

The color coordinated plates and glasses where then put in their places, along with some fine silverware found in another box

He was unreasonably impressed that the color of the designs was inside the glass

off the fire extinguisher, the color of the device a bit brighter than the blood on his

He could tell by the color and texture that they were from the nuclei-free life

Brown was the color of this room

sitting in the lunchroom and how the color of life is often emitted from the inside,

was a Pit Bull, twice the size of Apollo, and dusty brown in color

God knew she seldom wore either, but when she did, they were never the same color

There were high-speed photogravure printing presses in full color turning out millions of copies of glossy publications to millions of consumers basin-wide

A color that didn’t fit in the room, and now her eyes retraced the path of

like the color of a toilet

The bricks were actually red, but looked the color of brown

Nathan spent the next two hours classifying the diamonds into groups of similar color and clarity and then weighed each pile then tapped the results into his calculator

She had no objection to the emerald color, or the full skirt that fell below her knees, but the strap less tight fitting bodes made her feel self-conscience about her muscular arms

They went thru curtains of color and sound, always the same song

She put her hands on him, he was leaner and firmer than she would have thought from the color of his hair

In the open air out on the bridge it was far enough from the blossoms that the view would even sit still and come into sharp focus and stay the same color for awhile

Beneath the canopy of leaves, his skin appeared dark red — the color of coagulated blood

She looked at his face and watched as the color drained from his skin

From one end of the hall to the other — well over five hundred feet — the multicolored windows filled the northern wall, their panes of color and pictures of heroes only briefly interrupted by pillars of polished marble stretching from the floor to the ceiling

His hair no longer shimmered, but seemed dull and yellow, the color of stale urine

The color of their robes was dictated by their Order, which was in turn dictated by their level of power

Hundreds of artists and photographers have their shops along here and the windows dazzle with color in the bright lantern light

The color of his hair hinted at it, as did his drooping ears, but for Emily, it was his eyes that truly gave it away

Her body was attractive and sturdy, her skin a nice dusky-tawny color in the lantern light

the color of the sun just moments before it is swallowed by the night

Considering the numerous plants, the color green was, surprisingly, one of the least visible colors

His hair was an inch layer of rich-earth colored wool over his head and chin

From the four places on her torso where the artificial, machine limbs would have attached had they been represented, what looked like endless colored veins extended out from the neural interface ports, representing the connections between the breaching ship’s systems and the neural processors set in Chief Horcheese’s torso

Where the limbs should have been that reached out to her world there were only bundles of colored control conduits extending off into the web around her

From drawing images on a canvas, to creating a whole new world with a few different colored markers, most of the images that are posted on the company’s feed use a variety of colors, show images popping up off the screen and show some form of creativity flowing off the page

SAMANTHA: Daddy, you think of yourself as a colored person, I think of myself as a person

A beautiful brownish red colored falcon sailed out of the nearby woods and landed on her outstretched arm, “easy Lancelot,” it squawked once and settled itself

Colored sparkles of light slanted in from the enormous pictureglass windows that looked out across the Karedarzin plains

The ancient little man sat in a large chair, his diminutive frame almost hidden among brightly colored pillows and blankets

about a large golden colored egg… it is behind stone doors in a chamber that can only be

She sat in silence; her fuchsia colored nails drumming the seat handles until the descent started

He did the best he could, though his memory may have become cloudy and colored since that time

Titania wore a cornflower blue Moire tie-back, in contrast to Hipolyta’s salmon colored one

Weaving threads of silver, gold, and colored silk into her cloth, she made pictures of flowers, birds, and animals, so real they seemed almost alive

The scene before her instantly changed, brightly colored floral wallpaper covered the dark paneling of the hall and even wrapped around the staircase

Brightly colored letters adorned the highly polished floor

Stumps were common here and surrounded by brightly colored, slowly-breathing mushrooms

It in turn heaved forth three smaller, roaring falls, then another thirty feet to the glassy surface of a large, rainbow colored lake

Before dinner was ready to be placed on the table, Beth insured that the tables were all properly dressed with clothes, of brightly colored floral prints and napkins to match

His walnut colored hair flaring from under the large hat

«But of course,» a small chuckle slipped from the back of his throat, «there was the time, that a sweet little city girl, with raven colored eyes, drove into town, scooped up my heart, and drove away

It was full of brightly lit signs with many colored, or even strobing lanterns

It tried to lose them, leading them over uncharted stormy seas and strangely colored oceans until at last it broke free and became a starship, complete and complex in itself

Blood ran from the corners of his mouth, he reached down to the floor and ensnared his fist in the plush emerald colored carpet

The boy had crooked eyebrows colored orange like his short cropped hair

A blood colored chrysanthemum of red wine splashed across the wall

A flowing emerald colored gown, which fell off the shoulders in layers of a darker green

Colored lights, which resembled the aurora borealis glistened across the inky blanket

But later when He found enough nerve to appear, the colored arc of Iris shone out of this vapor

The flame itself gave off sheets of colored energy

paper, dripping of colored water, causing all of the

“Your scar has faded to a coral colored line that’s barely visible

Was it her imagination or was there still a rust colored stain on the blade? A sickening memory of the pain and fear suffused her mind

He had an egg shaped head, a few wisps of ash colored hair, and a curving nose that looked like it wanted to touch his chin

For example, red colored paint may imply painting the town red and releasing pent up excitement

To dream that you have rainbow colored hair refers to your light-hearted and carefree nature

Tragus colored deeply, like he used to during one of his rages

He hung up the call and went back to staring at the foamy top of his chestnut colored drink

To see a green colored sky in your dream symbolizes high hopes

Soon three individuals appeared dressed in drab olive and sand colored uniforms

Kurt looked at the bottle closely, smiled, and walked over and poured more of the brown colored whiskey into her glass

She reached in a pocket on her sleeve and pulled out a thin, silver colored card and depressed the edge with her thumb

Some of the streets were covered with brightly colored canvases to give protection from the sun

Elaine colored, but stood her ground

I finally tied it with a piece of colored string and placed it so I could see it when I became homesick

Her dreams were strong, filled with brightly colored horses as she came closer to reaching the brass ring

you prefer to have the colored decking, or the stamped concrete that strikingly resembles as

Considering he is the only cat we’ve ever known who has run in fear of a dangling length of brightly colored yarn, we can only surmise that someone must have tried to hang him

Bogie was solid black, and his female counterpart, Bacall, was rust colored

The kid had been cleaned and its copper colored fur was still damp

white colored brace things around their necks

The boat’s interior was outfitted with light colored teak woodwork, lots of upholstery, and plenty of headroom

Looking up their way from my driver’s seat, through the bright colored falling leaves, seeing bits of the white (ish) chicken coop poking through the gaps in the trees and hearing the squawks of curious hens, I decided that I was going to do just that

colored sign affixed to it reading ‘Mailbox #2’

Reconciling the past in an (intellectually) honest… forthright manner… embracing… without bias or prejudice… or colored by

These can be colored according to season and cut into shapes, using cookie or canape cutters

is every splay footed, hump backed, thick lipped, flat nosed, wooly headed, ebon colored Negro

Twenty-four hours a day, prostitutes milled about and tourists slammed tequila down their throats, often becoming incoherent within minutes, while the bargirls in their company, intent upon the contents of their wallets, sipped expensive cocktails of colored water and offered gleeful encouragement

I put tobacco in each colored cloth of red, white, yellow, and black and said a prayer into each of them and

“Get used to it, Cora,” he said, the words still colored with amusement

In some cases the federal government directly intervened, getting city governments to desegregate so that military officers from Third World nations training in the US would not be humiliated by whites only and colored only separate bathrooms, theaters, etc

We step onto the path through the roses and occasionally we stop and smell the roses! The coral colored ones are my favorite, though the white ones are stunning too

Beyond the cluster of cays, they entered the wide bay, greeted to a vista of unmatched beauty: the water had a mirror smooth surface, colored in shifting hues of aquamarine and deep blue by sunlight reflected from a bottom of coral and white sand

the group would still be there for a bit longer, and she could find her way out anyway, following the colored lights and the signposting

Light faded and the orange of the clouds capping the mountains changed to purple, then black, and floodlights suddenly colored the log yard and pier with yellowed tones; still, the tug strained against its load

Blood had already colored its center crimson when they turned towards the wheelhouse

” At hearing this, Colling saw that the clear wine was in fact colored with a tinge of green

The suns came up, two blinding spots of light walking hand in hand rising across a violet-blue colored sky

He saw the place they were in: It was a small nondescript room with walls colored in greenish hues all around

As a result, a certain level of skepticism about Quarles colored his answer, “Well, I don’t know

Lands and waters beyond anything that he could grasp, bright things and dark things, and colored things, and strange things that seemed not to see him

The signals’ officer then communicated it by a hand gesture to a soldier who held two colored flags

A quick glance at Amonas unnerved him, the man’s face serene as if it had surrendered to death, but brightly and vividly colored as if blood flowed hot in his veins still

Ron was looking intently at a star chart, its black band of glass colored cyan, in a desperate attempt at trying to be, in its own words, ’rad’, a colloquialism that Hilderich never inquired further about

Everything whirled about as colored vortexes

How could you not laugh when the sun danced around in the puddles and decorated all leaves and flower heads with shiny, colored crystals? How could you not smile when squirrels with bushy tails shook the water off the ears and vanished up trunks to wave at the sun from the treetops?

Mom came in with a tray of those brightly colored sugar cookies shaped like Christmas trees and bells

silver colored sticker tag to put around her wrist to show that she was VIP

them light colored shits, those belong to the Mrs

light colored 4-story house

skinned woman holding her cream colored gown by the knees as she held her

her; all wearing the same colored gown with champagne glasses

light colored shades and a light blue 3 piece suit had his finger in his ear as he

Junya looked closer to the center of the collage of colored people and saw an

Somewhere she had only been waiting for it to happen, but she still jumped when his autumn sky colored eyes met hers

What was she to do with herself? She just stood there with the rainbow colored stone in her hand staring at Mevarn

Like the neighbor that came over to welcome you with an offer to help when you moved into the little peach colored house

I’m mixing herbs with colored grounded stones and bones, chanting prayers into the mix with a deep but almost silent voice

I came out of the experience feeling stoned but rather normal; I didn’t really appreciate the changes until that night when I experienced a new type of vivid dream, colored like old films and packed with precious information provided by my old Teacher

Red colored the corners of his mouth

Countless different colored eyes stared back at him, each glowing like a

As the birdies, colored dove,

Celestial eyes colored the waves of sea

After a great display of colored rockets, the Khan and his guests withdrew and the festival was over

He was covered with a beautifully colored and decorated blanket

They were dressed in brightly colored robes, and had black hair that spiked away from their scalps

doostEr was suspicious that Tahlmute was coloring this with his own fortunes, the Yingolian crystals bubble burst ten decades ago

Kate could see that she was really very pretty under all that coloring

She still wore her top open and she was still impressive, though her skin was not as smooth as a young woman’s, her coloring was still even and her nipples dark and strong

Wax sticks as coloring

They transited back to the bridge where the other girls were playing with the ‘statues,’ fixing their hair, coloring nails and generally playing dress-up with the frozen figures

With his „Origin of Spiecies and Descent of Man,» he may have accounted for the coloring of moths in 1900th century London, but not of the supposed origin of species, most especially of humans

A tabby with beautiful coloring, she had hazel eyes rimmed with gold and medium-length hair

Simply drawing a line or coloring in the area will look very unnatural and harsh

Because of the season and her coloring, we named her Autumn, and she quickly settled in

Felicity, and finally by a dark haired beauty that I took to be a relative of Mother’s, as she had the same coloring

Roll in red sugar; tint sliced almonds with green food coloring and

Remove from heat and stir in candies and food coloring until just mixed

Remove from heat, add oil flavoring and enough food coloring to color; stir only to mix

When bubbling has ceased, stir in the flavoring and a food coloring

Color with food coloring as desired

Add food coloring and mix

Remove from the heat, and stir in the marshmallow creme, vanilla, food coloring and pecans

Alternating with the rust stripes were black, dripping runs of greasy oil, giving her the overall coloring of a seagoing Bengal tiger

He is slight and short and looks nothing like Uriah, apart from his coloring

had already fallen, vagrant smoke and flames still coloring the debris

There was a more ominous tone coloring the day

The same face she washed tenderly every morning with a special cleanser and smoothed over with an SPF 25 lotion before coloring it with lipstick, mascara and a perfect layer of foundation

The rocky walls have a brown-grayish or a yellow-greyish coloring

In the clamoring world of PC enforcers “sensitivity” to “minority rights” is required in a manner that journalist William McGowan in his book Coloring the News shows to be selective at best

dark chocolate coloring only accentuated the beauty of her high

And I will enhance your coloring a bit

To me, it is as obvious as your coloring

” He studied his own reflection, and changed the coloring of the Illusion’s hair to match

“How much time do we have?” he asked Talia, who was experimenting with magically coloring her hair slightly different shades of blond in order to better complement the blue dress she had chosen

Her millions of twenty-five centimeter long workers and forty centimeter long warriors assumed the same coloring at the same moment, since their minds were merely extensions of hers

Her millions of ten-inch long workers and sixteen-inch long warriors assumed the same coloring at the same moment, since their minds were merely extensions of hers

youthful movie star, he remained strikingly handsome and with his fair coloring, some of

Place one drop of green food coloring in a clear glass

You could use blue and yellow food coloring if you didn’t have green, but it will have mixed results

Don’t put in too much food coloring

Quite beautiful, tall and slim—and light coloring

Bobbing on the turquoise waves in a life vessel they sent out chemical signals to potential mates coloring the ocean with envy

were coloring pictures on the floor

To make a glaze, mix together butter, powdered sugar, almond extract, and a few drops of yellow food coloring

You could also use food coloring but I would probably add that at the end

I saw many things that I liked: stylized sculptures, coloring paintings with sceneries of the region and ceramic ornaments carved by expert hands, considering the beauty of its forms

Azucena had the gift of making appeared out of nothing the most beautiful garments that the textile industry could ever imagine; not even Versace in his best times could have designed so elegant and pompous, simple and stately, coloring or monochrome, conservative or showy, opaque or brilliant, long or short garments which such delicacy and pledge! In other words there were no limits that the creative and textile magic of Azucena could not cover, in terms of textures and designs

The stain glass window were coloring the saints and virgins tunics, given them a look like members of the same race

“You left this?” A light pink coloring flushed her cheeks again, thinking of him wrapping her in the blanket

He was not coming alone; was accompanied by seven oriental magicians decked with elegant garbs, riding on massive camels decorated also with metallic skeletons of magisterial coloring

The concoction was turning thick, watery and the yellow coloring became gray, it was at that moment when I began to worry about how I would swallow that potion, taking into account its unpleasant appearance its taste should be really horrible

His face had lost all of its coloring and he was now fidgeting in his chair—his blustering was over

Being of African-American descent, her skin carries with it a certain caramel coloring, which, if it had not been for the acne, many a young person might sit up and take notice; added to this is her hair, which is at a good length, draping down past her shoulders and inspired by charcoal, though not well kept

Regardless of whether or not they stay inside the lines, coloring books allow children an opportunity to experiment with different colors and artistic mediums to create unique masterpieces

Old dreams and fancies coloring it,

On the porch coloring canvas with spinning suns

It was dark yellow colored with a brown coloring on its short feet and two, small floppy ears

Its shoulders and head had deep brown coloring

The coloring blended the mountain with the lake in front of it

The head of the machine was grey with some blue coloring at the back and short neck

“What are you?” The words came out not in the smooth deep baritone of before, but a rich alto, the first actual tinge of fear coloring it

It’s found in ammonia, anesthetics, antihistamines, artificial limbs, artificial turf, antiseptics, aspirin, auto parts, awnings, balloons, ballpoint pens, bandages, beach umbrellas, boats, cameras, candles, car battery cases, carpets, caulking, combs, cortisones, cosmetics, crayons, credit cards, curtains, deodorants, detergents, dice, disposable diapers, dolls, dyes, eye glasses, electrical wiring insulation, faucet washers, fishing rods, fishing line, fishing lures, food preservatives, food packaging, garden hose, glue, hair coloring, hair curlers, hand lotion, hearing aids, heart valves, ink, insect repellant, insecticides, linoleum, lipstick, milk jugs, nail polish, oil filters, panty hose, perfume, petroleum jelly, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, shampoo, shaving cream, shoes, toothpaste, trash bags, upholstery, vitamin capsules, water pipes and yarn

Italian coloring – I couldn’t tell

The red coloring, he believed, would be seen by anyone at a

effective camouflage by virtue of the the coloring in the cliff-side

“Yeah we all bought toys, stuffed animals, coloring books, balloons and fruit for this child and brought the stuff all the way here to the school, only to realize that ‘the kid who has leukemia’ never even existed, that it was all a hoax just to prey on all of our sympathy to get our daughter to come to this school!”

These porkers had the same coloring

— Food coloring paste, gel, or powder: These food colorings are more concentrated than liquid, and they will not thin the icing

The image may fade over time, as with any food coloring

It was different than the tonalities his stone made, so he had to wonder if it was due to the difference in shape, or the variation in its coloring

survival bag” (an oversized bag containing children’s picture books, coloring books, crayons, drawing pads and markers) for her young daughter while she was having coffee with a friend

The CNP is to determine if G has a coloring for a given K

On one side of the salon was a cabinet filled with hair coloring waxes, hair sprays, brushes, combs, curlers, and blow dryers, and on another side was a cabinet overflowing with Heaven Scents perfumes, lotions, soaps and shower gels

There were also few emergency lights on, coloring the aisles with a faint red

So how is the principled conservative to resolve the matter? Is a person»s sexuality the same immutable characteristic as race, gender or hair color, that cannot change (well, absent surgery or hair coloring)? We would rightly call anyone a bigot who dislikes or hates a person solely because of such a characteristic

It is a premier source of omega-3 with EHA and DPA fatty acids, is high in antioxidants, and is free of antibiotics, pesticides, synthetic coloring agents, growth hormones, and GMOs

food coloring but I would probably add that at

iridescent coloring along the outermost edges of the backyard pine tree needles

some things,” he responded, exasperation lightly coloring his words

On either side of this lettering, was the band’s logo, which was a garland of roses entwined into a wreath, sculpted in the same dark blue and gold edged coloring which matched the colors of the business’s name

Two men and a woman who had the same coloring and build as Conrad, Joel, and Kathy, would be seen getting into one of the Garland Crest’s glass-tinted, luxury mini vans, ducking their heads and acting furtively, as if they were trying to make a quick getaway from the building undetected from the press

He hadn’t noticed the cat right away, because it’s coloring so closely matched that of the hopping rabbit’s furry body

She stood on the other side, dressed in jeans and a dark red sweater that complemented her light coloring

I consider it a monstrous ugly thing to have particles of pig rioting up and down my veins, turning into brains, coloring my thoughts, becoming a very part of my body

The twins had chosen a simple knee-length teal dress for her, believing it would accentuate her new dark coloring

Something about her albino-like coloring had been unquestionably supernatural

His face, his wounds, his coloring

Guadixthat surely furnished most of the local coloring for

Most lipsticks are based on a mixture of waxes, oils, and fatty alcohols, with pigments for coloring

Vegetable dyes are non-toxic and cannot harm your hair, in fact, many of them have a conditioning as well as coloring effect

This is usually the result of too much perming, tinting, and coloring, or too frequent use of heated rollers, dryers, and tongs

By the mouth of the cave, Silas found bird droppings by a feather with coloring the same as ground cover

A beat-up journal, half price at John’s; stenography, light and prerendered; coloring, cheap and affordable—a collective effort could produce such an immoral thing at an astoundingly-low price

Sara follows Jane as she sits down on a bench, next to a young man who looks about her age, with the same brown hair, the same coloring, a young man who might be her brother

Industries treat humans like animals; chemicals to fatten cows, pigs, food coloring, aromatic amines, synthetic additives are all related to explosion of cancers

His verses have rich coloring,

There are over 72 different chemicals in beer! From pesticides to colors to anti foaming to foaming agents

She was wearing another one of her loud polka dot dresses and Johnny couldn’t understand how someone could wear such ugly clothes that made them stand out to such a high degree; it was almost as if the dots and varied colors were specifically made to clash as much as possible

deflects light so that a myriad of colors are seen

From drawing images on a canvas, to creating a whole new world with a few different colored markers, most of the images that are posted on the company’s feed use a variety of colors, show images popping up off the screen and show some form of creativity flowing off the page

And the small ones were different colors; deep purple, dark blue, several dark shades of brown

Desa was feeling a little dull and grey herself lately, and some of that was undoubtedly that she was used to some of the colors being turned up some of the time at least

They were different colors, very pale but you could see there were blue, green and red hues

One question that many people ask about online dating is what colors they should wear in their

And to do this there are certain colors that you should wear for maximum impact

The number one choice when it comes to colors is blue

White and yellow should be your last choice of colors to wear in an

These colors will give you a washed out and pasty look, leaving you with an aura

Rayne admired a huge mountain rage covered with flowers of various colors; commenting that it was beautiful in the sunlight; which seemed to please him very much

He worked so frenziedly, he didn‘t notice the sun shining, or the beautiful smell of the flowers or the colors or even when the sky clouded and began to rain

As Rayne sat there watching the dancing colors, a dream, or maybe memory, unexpectedly broke and all the information she was seeking suddenly flowed into her mind

They were a little more sheer, the breeze pressed them to her body a little more closely than it did during business, and the colors were a little brighter and the patterns a lot bolder

colors, shapes and sizes

She had never seen such a convincing replica of ancient Earth, complete with the smells and sounds of the livestock, the limited but vibrant palette of colors and an aroma that told her that the drain trap had not yet been invented

It reminded her of the palace of Knossos excavated by Evans, but was somewhat larger than Reston as she remembered it from her youth, and the colors were somewhat more tasteful than the pictures she remembered

Colors were heavy and there was ornamentation everywhere

Make a coat of many colors

colors we are all made nude

It was painted a mixture of orange and blood-red colors

He had finally shown his true colors, ‘exceeded above his tolerated station’ to compete with the established families of Tahoe City for a share of their tourist dollars

The windows on either side of the reassuringly immovable cast iron franklin stove were dressed in expertly woven curtains of traditional Shoshone patterns and colors, augmented by the appealing designs in the hanging blankets and spacious area rug over the polished hardwood floor

The bed frame echoed the sitting room’s furniture design and manufacture; the quilts and pillows carried on the patterns and colors introduced in the other room as well

only a couple of weeks, some years only a couple of days, to enjoy the colors

Gale was wearing a sundress patterned in an array of colors and flowers

” and he went about searching his swatch book for the authorized colors of School house

There were plenty of animals, most of the same general multi-legged lizard shape in all sizes, colors and patterns

It was not lost on Harry that the colors of her new-bought gloves were the House colors of Number Two, Malvern College

Yourself?” They shook hands as Harry admitted he wore the colors of School House as well

that had bright colors and furs

colors merged to create, it was clearly some sort of painting

Desa did a quick little tinkle, Klegnif’s drone metamorphosed into an orchestra and Alan got blown halfway back to YingolNeerie because suddenly that yandrille was screaming in all colors and the whole room was stomping with it

It would be helpful if you could find a tailor who has a catalog that shows colors and prices


Violet, red and purple blooms hung on vines, signs glowed in swirling colors during Nightday

Scotty came through with flying colors, keeping intact his impeccable

The vine was everywhere and the bloom was already rampant, the fragrance making the journey a dizzying stroll thru a quasi-real world of colors and motions

Parmu and Lurain had a lot of lanterns and they were burning rainbow oil that rapidly evolved thru very strong colors


Rollinthor thrashing in his hands, Drua’d trudged past the line of wolf helmed soldiers, the light of a thousand colors flashing on his face while the pair of Rock Dwarves walking beside him moved in darkness, obscured by the shadow of the Keeper’s guard

All the colors were so intense and the lines drawn so sharply it looked like a surrealistic painting

The courtyard was filled with vibrant colors, a rainbow of foliage spreading out before them

Considering the numerous plants, the color green was, surprisingly, one of the least visible colors

His mouth dropped in awe as one of the larger species of birds spread its feathers, displaying a vast rainbow of colors that had previously been concealed beneath a pair of black wings

Above him the sky glowed with all the colors of the rainbow as the sun continued to pulse and flare

All painted in bright primary colors

 Choose fruits and vegetables from a variety of different colors

With chameleon colors changing,

men’s and women’s in several different colors

I jerked my hand back from the colors

comfortable, and the colors must instill trust in your site

After leading her mare into the tiny settlement, she spotted the fluttering colors of the Legion, a pair of banners hanging in front of one of the buildings

Ben switched over to water colors

arity at the waving Legion colors set against the striking towers

Bob the Buho’s camouflage, found in other species of Mother Nature’s children, is not only created by the darkness of his environment when he is out on the hunt, but also his plumage itself is skillfully adapted to blend in with the colors, textures, and patterns of his surroundings

isn’t more appropriate for the circus? Not sure the colors match? Do

A couple of police cars passed by the van, driving in the opposite direction towards the convenience store, their sirens making a vivid display of blue and red colors and an ear deafening noise

To dream of pastel colors indicate that you are not fully recognizing and dealing with some part of your emotions

The last I saw them, she was teaching him his colors

There was a haze lingering about as well, one that softened the rich colors of the Rift’s foliage normally brown and striking green — but she paid it no mind

Natas true colors started to

) The Kirlian photographs show emanations of colors surrounding the human body which are interpreted as our energy field or aura

All were in different colors

Suddenly, as he turned the next bend in the walkway, several church spires of different heights and colors appeared before him

Because of this, he had decided to issue newcomers marker pens of different colors instead of the standard black color, so as to supplement the creativity of his visitors

the requirements with flying colors

done in water colors

You can substitute different vegetables, but be sure to use ones that have contrasting colors

Kurt looked around at the trees, bushes, and fading colors around Fallingwater

The silk prayer shawl he wore over his scull cap contained many colors

As I dressed in the robe she left for me, I couldn»t believe the colors

It was made with bright colors that brought out the color of my eyes and made them shine

It should have exploded in brilliant colors of red, mauve, orange and pinks

It was a beautiful fall and they were basking in the beauty of New England and it’s masterpiece of colors

passed his examination with flying colors and graduated with the Class of 1847

Jessie took everything in stride and with flying colors

Confederate flag to be raised on the Shenandoah, thereby showing its colors to the Delphine

of twenty-five years and are offered in four different natural colors that include Redwood, cedar,

A white bib set off her faded colors

Using darker colors will only make tin lips appear even smaller/thinner

You can find lip colors already infused with glitter and shimmer or you can layer on your regular lipstick and then top it with a layer of gloss with glitter speckles in them

She was sort of all the colors: gray, brown, black, and tan, with a blue sheen

The contrast between the muted colors of her coat and her day-glow green eyes was entrancing

The first to come into view was a vessel flying the Oahu colors

A flightless bird species, the male of which displays a wonderful variety of colors when extending his tail feathers

interior finishes, carpeting, and colors

to the factory to choose carpet colors, styles, cabinets, and so on

colors were shouting at me

Then they had to be painted the company colors

shamanic knack for gathering the newest vibrational colors she can bring in from the

His true colors have shown

Kay sat in her room as the sun delicately painted the sky with autumn colors, brushing her hair out for the twentieth time

The sky was tingeing in cascades of oranges and saffron colors when Jevan came up beside her

cars were not that powerful, but had a degree of dignity instead of lots of colors

Click on the Desktop Background icon, then select Solid Colors in the Picture Location drop-down box and choose a background color that you like best

The prayer ties were made of different colors of cloth (yellow, black, white, and red) each signifying the directions of

Gradually, the colors brightened and spread, sending spears of pink light through holes in the clouds

  • Use the word Color in a sentences

Sentence Examples

┬ñ «Clear water who flows between the leaves and twigs,… ┬ñ «tell him that roses have their thorns… ┬ñ «tell him I’m missing no color in my feathers,… ┬ñ «tell him I’m dying of love. Tell him to come home!» ┬ñ

Font color = # FFFF00 — Hello, Bashia.

Ran outside, and the sky this just this odd color that I’ve never seen in my life, and I’m thinking it can’t be the show doing this because that’s way out of their powers and their control.

The sky changing color and looking like fire— the producers, the show can’t do that.

Let’s show her how the color on my lips is a perfect match to the one on your shirt.

Hey, Harvard, your school color‘s not crimson.

color, style, comfort, utility and convenience.

Not only orange… Oh… I haven’t seen color.

I can’t use color… I can do everything…

Or some blue, like the color of the sky.

At night, she dreamed of a magnificent magazine full of color and light.

Play red, the color of good fortune.

And I’d paint the shingles any color you like.

Then they’d be just the color of your eyes.

Of course, you could have them black, or brown, or green, or… any color you like, just so long as you’re there.

Every color under the sun.

Sam, it’s awful cold in here! Why Sam, your whole body is changing color!

In it he has achieved a greatness in the handling of color and line.

But that one has the color, the depth, the soul of the Beaugard.

Every color of them, from here to the China Sea.

In a year, you’ll have forgotten the color of Ted’s hair.

It says an Ethahopian, an Othahep… well, anyway, some guy who’s full of Ether had to change his color and a leopard always takes off his own spats.

Let’s see the color of that money.

Is blue your favorite color?

I had a hunch I’d like to wear your color today.

You must at least know the color of the cap the little girl wore whom you say you saw with the stranger!

If you rely on a color-blind man for clues, don’t be surprised if you get nowhere!

As a matter of fact, I was trying to decide the color of Anne’s eyes.

Not until you’re better and get some color in those cheeks.

He was black in color and limped slightly with his left foot.

Her hair is a color you must know — black!

The color I see if I rub my eyes

There, the color is coming back into her cheeks.

I can change the color of my eyes.

Everything had a delicate am-amber color.

Certainly. The color rides up!

Is that their real color, do you suppose, or have they painted themselves?

Your hair’s always been that color?

What color are your eyes?

A-and put «Hold ‘Em Up» in a brighter color.

Color (American English) or colour (Commonwealth English) is the characteristic of human visual perception described through color categories, with names such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Ombre is when a color fades from dark to light.


On Etsy shop, Lucy’s Letters, you’ll find wooden name signs available in a rainbow of gorgeous colors.


While Apple’s cameras are still a little better at color accuracy in dim settings, the OnePlus 3 makes up the gap with superior dynamic range in bright light and much faster autofocus.


Overall, the simple color scheme really let the collection speak -LSB-…]


Oh, and it comes in either 16-GB or 32-GB, and in 10 fun colors.


Your pasta looks gorgeous MJ — the colors are blazing against your lovely table linen and dish.


Add almonds and stir until color deepens, about 1 minute.


These substances can be artificial flavors, colors, emulsifiers or other additives.


Crossing over it’s river that wound around the city — which is the prettiest blue/green color — I just loved it in all forms.


Add several drops of food coloring to make any color of DIY chalk paint.


Some turned out a sad, bland, gray color.


The scriptural command to die to self has been used for centuries to reinforce social systems that limit the ability of women, people of color, poor people and other oppressed people to claim their full human dignity.


Every element of design — the bright colors, bubbly type-face, and exclamation and question mark-laden copy was meant to get shoppers to pick up the package («YES, WE ARE VEGAN SO?»


Toast chiles in a dry small skillet over medium-high heat, turning occasionally and pressing down to help them make contact with the pan, until darkened in color and beginning to soften, about 3 minutes.


Its colors and flavors make it perfect for the holiday season.


I had Ethiopian food today ands it was wonderful.I was wondering whether they addedwheat flour to their injera it was lighter in color than just teff.the recipe looks great.


As Black Lives Matter is working to address issues such as; failing public education, ending the mass incarceration of Blacks and Latinos, affordable housing, issues with food security, and reproductive justice challenges for poor women of color.


We wanted to paint the entry/stairway/upstairs hall the same color as the playroom and while we had the paint open, it just made sense.


Choose the sturdier salmon that still resembles a fillet, coral and caramelized in color (not the thinly sliced lox typically served on bagels).


Really love the color, and I’m sure the grape + rosemary flavor is just divine.


They found that red is definitely an unsafe color for hunters.


Slice remaining two apples with a planer in thin rounds (I like to keep the peels on for color).


There is really not a lot of difference in the taste so choose any color you fancy!


They consider gem attributes such as weight, color, clarity, cut, location of sale, auction house, brand and certification as allowed by subsample sizes.


The texture and color is spot on (well, from what i remember lol..


I sell specialty foods to restaurants (like several colors of quinoa for example) and it’s nice to see these foods treated as everyday nutritional goodness instead of «specialty.»


Not only are the color photos beautiful, the recipes themselves have enough chiles in them to satisfy the most ardent chilehead and for the other soups, well, you can always add chiles or hot sauces to them.


All natural ingredients free of artificial colors and preservatives and harmful additives like MSG, hydrolyzed proteins, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and soy-based imitation foods.


The only thing I did differently was to puree a few roasted beets in with the carrots, which made the soup a lovely hot pink color.


Last weekend, after a career spent drifting from team to team, the man few expected to win anything again won his second Bundesliga title in the familiar colors of Bayern Munich.


My favorite part of fall might be getting to wear plaid again and seeing all the colors change in the mountains.


The strawberries, blueberries, and the golden color of the muffins represent our independent country’s flag.


It might use the same Surface tablet color scheme and design in a smaller form factor.


I try to embrace the crisp air and changing colors, but my enthusiasm never lasts too long!


Continue cooking until the butter foams up and begins to take on a darker color.


I also added turmeric, which not only enriches the color and medicinal value but adds a depth of flavor that I find you miss without the black tea.


Autumn is by far my favorite season, for me there are no days so pleasing to the eye as the sunny ones from October, filled with great colors of yellow, bronze, green and red.


s co-founder along with Dr. Susana Morris of the Crunk Feminist Collective, a feminist of color scholar-activist group that runs a highly successful blog.


Accessories made from natural fibers can be used to add color in other areas of the room.


It is used in food and beverage applications including bakery mixes; it may contribute an orange-yellow color.


This cornbread muffin passed the test with flying colors and will be made over and over again.


Over the years, our line of men’s shaving products has become a staple of Italian culture, and evolved to feature natural-based formulations without mineral oils or artificial colors.


We only use the finest whole grains, fruits, and nuts; and in fact, our Sweet Home Farm Granolas are never made with preservatives, artificial colors or artificial flavors.


Add a burst of freshness and color to grilled Ribeye steaks with a fresh tomato and olive tapenade.


They’re packed with protein, fiber, and lots of vibrant colors and flavors.


The mix of colors — orange, red, bronze and brown — makes it a perfect side dish for this time of year.


His eggs are the best — the yolks are generally orange in color and so good.


I am a married woman with three small daughters who is not welcome into a church environment because I am tattooed and choose to color my hair vibrant colors (which I dont get because the PASTORS wife is totally not a natural blonde!)


I made the icing using your measurements and it came out very runny and did not have the nice white color shown in your photos.


I find the golden flax to be a little more mellow in taste than the dark brown flax, but honestly either color seed will work great!


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  • Use the word collocation in a sentence
  • Use the word collection in a sentence
  • Use the word cold in a sentence
  • Use the word coined in a sentence
  • Use the word coast in a sentence