Use the word colloquial in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word colloquial, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use colloquial in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «colloquial». In addition, we also show how different variations of colloquial can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are colloquialism, colloquialisms and colloquially. If you click on the variation of colloquial that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Colloquial in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word colloquial in a sentence.

  1. Found throughout Canada, the bird is popularly known by several colloquial names.

  2. The term is now used in the colloquial sense in reference to all Malagasy primates.

  3. The accuracy of the colloquial name «jackal» to describe all jackals is therefore questionable.

  4. Sheep also enter in colloquial sayings and idiom frequently with such phrases as «black sheep».

  5. A tornado is also commonly referred to as a «twister» or the old-fashioned colloquial term cyclone.

  6. Both the scientific and colloquial name of the bird are related to its use of human-made structures.

  7. Regarding the film’s unusual title, they said the word aitraaz was colloquial and suited the subject.

  8. It almost always appears in lowercase in colloquial expressions such as «what on earth are you doing?

  9. She stresses the Gospels’ contemporary pertinence and recreates them, often with «wit and American colloquial language».

  10. Furthermore, his poems use a wide range of registers, from the direct and colloquial to the allusive and self-consciously literary.

  11. Jiang is an uncommon pronunciation of 虹, limited to colloquial or dialectal usage, and unlike hong not normally found in compounds.

  12. Further south, Hamstone is the colloquial name given to stone from Ham Hill, which is also widely used in the construction industry.

  13. By 1906 Ravel was taking even further than Debussy the natural, sometimes colloquial, setting of the French language in Histoires naturelles.

  14. The game is often referred to by critics and fans with colloquial terms that reference its year of release, such as Sonic 2006 or Sonic ’06.

  15. The colloquial abbreviation coon is used in words like coonskin for fur clothing and in phrases like old coon as a self-designation of trappers.

  16. He encouraged all of his writers to use «plain syntax and colloquial diction» so that «self-educated readers» could understand his publications.

  17. Friar Laurence, for example, uses sermon and sententiae forms and the Nurse uses a unique blank verse form that closely matches colloquial speech.

  18. Having difficulty speaking formal Hindi, Munna uses a lot of colloquial language and calls his version of Gandhism «Gandhigiri» (lit. ’Gandhi-ing’).

  19. The poems’ use of free verse and colloquial São Paulo expressions, though related to European modernist poems of the same period, were entirely new to Brazilians.

  20. It’s more of a colloquial style of clothing …» However, observers have noted that Breyfogle’s Christian upbringing may have also inspired the «priestly analogy.».

  21. The New York Times described the language as «fibrous and athletic, colloquial and fresh, hard and clean, his very prose seems to have an organic being of its own».

  22. In Christgau’s opinion, Johansen’s colloquial and morally superior lyrics are imbued with humor and a sense of human limits in songs whose fundamental theme is authenticity.

  23. Despite the colloquial name «saber-toothed tiger», Smilodon is not closely related to the modern tiger (which belongs in the subfamily Pantherinae), or any other extant felid.

  24. Strepsirrhines are defined by their «wet» (moist) rhinarium (the tip of the snout) hence the colloquial but inaccurate term «wet-nosed» similar to the rhinaria of dogs and cats.

  25. Crane was often criticized by early reviewers for his frequent incorporation of everyday speech into dialogue, mimicking the regional accents of his characters with colloquial stylization.

  26. Others criticised the book as being «merely a riff on a better story that comes dangerously close to being a spoof» and saying it «does not fare well [as a] colloquial feminist retelling».

  27. Canada jays adapt to human activity in their territories and are known to approach humans for food, inspiring a list of colloquial names including «lumberjack», «camp robber», and «venison-hawk».

  28. The colloquial name Spam Can arose from their utilitarian appearance, enhanced by the flat, boxy air-smoothed casing, and the resemblance of this to the distinctive tin cans in which SPAM was sold.

  29. When the Swiss franc was introduced in 1850 as a common currency for all Swiss cantons, the batzen denomination was no longer officially used, but remained a colloquial term for the 10 rappen coin.

  30. The brilliant plumage of many pittas has resulted in considerable interest in pittas from people living within their range, scientists, aviculturists and birdwatchers, and has led to the colloquial name jewel-thrushes.

Colloquialism in a sentence

Colloquialism is a variation of colloquial, below you can find example sentences for colloquialism.

  1. Schräge Musik derives from the German colloquialism for Jazz Music (the German word schräg means slanted or oblique).

  2. From its inception, the coin was referred to as the «Buffalo nickel», reflecting the American colloquialism for the North American bison.

  3. The first American author to use natural diction and a pioneer of colloquialism, John Neal is the first to use the phrase son-of-a-bitch in a work of fiction.

  4. Roosevelt popularized the negative colloquialism by which the controversy would later be known to describe one who purposefully fabricates details about the natural world.

  5. The mainland within the city limits roughly forms a «seven-by-seven-mile square», a common local colloquialism referring to the city’s shape, though its total area, including water, is nearly 232 square miles (600 km).

Colloquialisms in a sentence

Colloquialisms is a variation of colloquial, below you can find example sentences for colloquialisms.

  1. Kris Ex of Complex said Trainor imitated body standards often used to stereotype black women and appropriated colloquialisms that are associated with African-American Vernacular English.

Colloquially in a sentence

Colloquially is a variation of colloquial, below you can find example sentences for colloquially.

  1. The name is still used colloquially for the plains zebra.

  2. In British India, it was also colloquially termed ‘blue jay’.

  3. Wight referred to it colloquially as the «Willamette Valley gopher».

  4. The record label implemented a campaign they colloquially titled «A Song a Day».

  5. Grus (/ˈɡrʌs/, or colloquially /ˈɡruːs/) is a constellation in the southern sky.

  6. The term «crow» is colloquially applied to any or all species of Australian corvid.

  7. The result is a constant flux of gluon splits and creations colloquially known as «the sea».

  8. The church, colloquially known until modern times as the Lady of the Pillars, fell into disrepair.

  9. The episodes were then passed to storyboard artists (often referred to colloquially as «boarders»).

  10. It is sometimes used colloquially to mean ‘bug’—a very general term, unlike the scientific ‘insect’.

  11. It is colloquially known as the Church of Our Lady of the Pillars (Arabic: كنيسة سيدة العواميد‎).

  12. It is also known simply as the splendid wren or more colloquially in Western Australia as the blue wren.

  13. The stadium is colloquially known as «The Big House» due to its status as the largest American football stadium.

  14. The pied butcherbird is one of six (or seven) members of the genus Cracticus, known colloquially as butcherbirds.

  15. It is often colloquially called the «Dog Star» as the brightest star of Canis Major, the «Great Dog» constellation.

  16. Due to the pear shaped crowns on top of the towers the building is colloquially named ‘Perenburg’ (English: pearburg).

  17. The practice, known colloquially as «false muster» was common even though it was technically illegal and frowned upon.

  18. The bird is also occasionally referred to colloquially as the rock sparrow because of its preference for rocky slopes.

  19. Sometimes, gusts of wind known colloquially as «flaws» blew over Stepper Point and pushed vessels towards the sandbank.

  20. Sirius is known colloquially as the «Dog Star», reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (the Greater Dog).

Synonyms for colloquial

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word colloquial has the following synonyms: conversational and informal.

General information about «colloquial» example sentences

The example sentences for the word colloquial that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «colloquial» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «colloquial».

Definition of Colloquial

casual and conversational language

Examples of Colloquial in a sentence

Because a job interview is such a serious event, one should not speak to the interviewer in a colloquial tone.


Since I am from a different country, I have a difficult time understanding the colloquial language in this country.


In the play, Eileen portrays a Southern woman whose use of colloquial language made her unpopular with her upper class peers.


The author makes use of colloquial speech to highlight the differences in upbringing between the novel’s hero and heroine.


While my father always speaks formally at work, he addresses us in colloquial terms at home.


The award-winning article compares the colloquial writings of the mountain people with the formal writings of the educated elite.


Because of her wealthy upbringing, Eva found it difficult to speak the colloquial dialect used by the kids in her urban school.


Despite her skills, the elderly school counselor was unable to understand the students’ colloquial speech.


As an adult woman used to proper etiquette, I was shocked that my daughter’s teenage friend spoke to me in such a colloquial manner at our first meeting.


Margaret had no idea that she was not supposed to address the members of the royal family in such a colloquial manner.


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colloquial term, loved silence but with love comes an inevitable discontent

Smith, using a modern colloquial term, loved silence but with love comes an inevitable discontent

“I could never figure out some of your quaint colloquial expressions

what’s the colloquial term for it? A suck-up

He was captivated by the rich West Country accents, the colloquial conversations and the general banter of the locals and enjoyed it immensely

The conceptual bridge between the precise description of an operating system and the colloquial definition is the tendency to bundle widely, or generally, used utilities and applications (such as text editors or file managers) with the basic OS for the sake of convenience; as OSes progressed, a larger selection of ‘second class’ OS software came to be included, such that now, an OS without a graphical user interface or various file viewers is often considered not to be a true or complete OS

Also, understanding many of the Hebraism’s and colloquial

The dialogue was directed personally to Rudolph with colloquial diction punctuated at irregular intervals by stammered ers, and ums

Wolf was familiar with the inside of Lauder Road Apartments, the colloquial term for Mt Eden prison, but not from the aspect he faced this last Sunday in September

also know the colloquial usage of the word

understand this centuries-old way of life? This unique colloquial

220 I shall insert colloquial idioms where either I or the person I am writing about would probably have

of its appearance in the more colloquial pages ofsuch

Samantha Olsen had chosen Atropa Belladonna as her instrument of destruction as she adored the colloquial name of the plant, Deadly Nightshade

This colloquial form ofthe imperative is parallel to the French forms in- s of the firstconj

She spoke perfect colloquial Arabic and looked at least two years older than she was

And one controversial characteristic of his writing is the way he mixed the formal, semi-classical katharevousa style of writing, which was widely used at the time, with colloquial, spoken Greek

In our colloquial dialect everlastingly is used in the

In our colloquial dialect everlastingly is used in the same way

(I am using the term ego here in the colloquial sense to mean self-image rather than in any formal, psychoanalytical context

” Darrow was the most effective courtroom presenter of the day, his style casual, colloquial, at times downright homey, with ample doses of country wisdom and sentiment tossed in

16 11 c’était tout comme colloquial, ‘it was just the same’

plus? colloquial construction; transl

  • Use the word Colloquial in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It is a colloquial rendering, of course.

colloquial English will do fine, thank you.

It’s a colloquial expression, Sir Henry.

You can get as colloquial as you like.

«Television» was the colloquial term.

Never. colloquial 20th-century English.

«Broad» to me is just another colloquial term for «woman»!

(COMPUTER) Language trace completed. Dialect English, colloquial, 23rd century.

«Yo» is a common colloquial greeting… comma…

But I prefer its more colloquial appellation, a railgun.

(colloquial) He’s not Arjun, he’s Duryodhan (the dreadful)… And this white-bearded tyrant is Ravana (the ten-headed monster)

I’ve made my peace with the colloquial.

Everyday life… the destruction of noble poetical themes… the colloquial phrase, no one came closer than Vinicius to being natural, no one came closer to everyday life, to the prosaic, but at the same time within a poetry of continuity and formal perfection.

Raisin was a colloquial term for slave.

We’ll go with the colloquial idiomatic thing.

Nonthreatening colloquial greetings?

Simple, to the point, colloquial.

the relative, the colloquial, the formal, the oral and the writing, in short, to know to travel among all and to dominate them. Yes, Lucie?

But he/she tries to speak in French colloquial. Am I the something?

Say in French colloquial.

Now yes, it is French colloquial.

But you seemed a more colloquial sort.

It’s colloquial, a conversation opener.

Which is in rotten colloquial Latin and not really worth bothering with… But something in what it said got Dr Magwilde here frothy around the nether-regions.

Piggyback is the colloquial name for the procedure.

But he also doesn’t wanna be addressed with disparaging colloquial expressions… that imply some sort of genetic or cultural inferiority… or that are simply used out of some form of inappropriate ethnocentrism.

Your daughter has something called trichobezoar or the more colloquial Rapunzel Syndrome.

I prefer the colloquial term «Job syndrome.»

Of course, the young lady apparently mistook my exclamation for a colloquial expression for a woman of ill repute.

It’s colloquial again. What do you think?

«Rocket belt» being the original terminology rather than the more colloquial «jet pack.»

The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial, but less precise «neener-neener.»

Well, sometimes I feel like I’m getting too technical, so I like to throw in the occasional colloquial term.

That’s colloquial for «house.»

[Notes] There are some colloquial terms used in the movie that during 1974, the terms used by Akari are not familiar to Ryouta.

Do you prefer the more colloquial «poops,» or perhaps the more formal «se├▒or poopy»?

Handcuffed, not hitched— the colloquial or any other connotation or meaning.

sounds more colloquial than like, an actual — Well, if you wanna back out on me, now’s probly the time to do that.

Um, I’ll go in and check he’s not missing any colloquial moments.

It’s a colloquial way of saying «you’re fired,» Kevin,

He’s just running his colloquial routine.

Well, in colloquial terms, a form of hypnosis.

But I think this is one of those things like «literally,» where the colloquial usage of the word eventually wins out.

Its more colloquial, yet very descriptive name… is «truth serum.»

In colloquial terms, the subject could, in theory, be remotely operated.

They are colloquial 17th century.


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