Use the word collocation in a sentence

1. ‘Commit a crime’ is a typical collocation in English.

2. The phrase ‘a hard frost’ is a collocation.

3. Dictionary and collocation databases are also in preparation.

4. For this reason, the general collocation dictionary is suggested as the more appropriate.

5. In the second investigation, a general collocation dictionary was tested using the same document.

6. Suitable for collocation insipidity food, odd drink and taste.

7. The forth part, Co-occurrence and Collocation.

8. Honey and what collocation are good!

9. Next, should pay attention to colorific reasonable collocation.

10. The complex potential method and the boundary collocation method are applied in the calculation.

11. Then, on the basis of least squares collocation, an iterative model is given to dispose the refraction error, and the effect is satisfactory.

12. Anomalous collocation results when two or more semantically incompatible words are combined in a syntagmatic structure.

13. Transferred epithet, a super — conventional collocation, is composed of a transferred epithet and its new modified object.

14. Collocation is an important concept of linguistics linguistics as well as the core domain corpus linguistics.

15. The wonderful collocation of shade head and shade body, massiness and easy.

16. Banker: There are two other modes. One is collocation; the other is letter of Credit LIC.

17. The proposal uses light color and brunet collocation, be like black, bottle green , blue-black feel more easily dirty, must cooperate white to use so.

18. Both leben and much food collocation do not alternate very much, especially, breakfast is matching for bread , dessert , there is trunk having sparse, good mouth feeling nutrition enriches.

19. In the phrase ‘a hard frost’, ‘hard’ is a collocation of ‘frost’ and ‘strong’ would not sound natural.

20. Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation.

21. Evidently, there are a number of limitations to the collocation analysis technique.

22. The adjective that forms part of the syllogism is one that has come to form a sort of collocation with the noun.

23. Third, regard relative conditional entropy information beneficial to term words collocation as a feature of translation model.

24. This dissertation analyzes the think-category verbs from five aspects, which are Semantics, syntax collocation, syntax function, reduplicate forms and correspond relations.

25. Bedroom adornment should be mixed with warmth to the person cozy feeling, curtain, antependium , bedding these soft vestee art, often be a when collocation important step.

26. The nautical design cushion for leaning on of inwrought craft on the collocation of single person sofa of blue white stripe, comfortable while the detail quality that does not lack the life.

26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

27. What is called and coherence in writing is intrinsically the collocation relations of words and expressions.

28. This paper explores into the theoretical basis of relevance by discussing the usage of four rhetorical devices in collocation variation, namely metaphor, hypallage, zeugma and pun.

29. The Opera Mask pattern is composed of the Chinese character «Beijing» from above to below. adopt the collocation colors of Five Rings, combine together in the traditional form and innovative method.

30. Someone says, a piece of again good bed, if come without beautiful bedding, collocation also is equivalent to doing not have the semifinished product room that decorate.

Definition of Collocation

the actions of placing things side by side

Examples of Collocation in a sentence

The collocation of two doors in the same entryway is to allow for a larger opening, or to let people come in and out at the same time.


Our collocation of the two different cars was because we wanted to compare them visually, and it was easier with them side by side.


Bored during lunch, Samantha attempted to entertain herself with the collocation of as many milk cartons as she could get her hands on, creating a lengthy line of them.


Other words in the Collection category:

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Complete the collocations with words from the text. Use each collocation in a sentence of your own.
1 stout……….2 quiet………. 3 native……….
4 bank……….5 bare………. 6 first-class………
Вокруг света за 80 дней
«Yes, indeed, my good man, in only eighty days,» answered Mr Fogg, «so we have not a moment to lose.»
«But the cases, what about the cases?» asked Passepartout in despair, shaking his head.
«We will have no cases; only a carpet bag, with two shirts and three pairs of stockings for me and the same for you. We will buy clothes on the way. Bring my mackintosh, travelling cloak and some stout shoes, when he noticed his five friends from the club.» Passepartout tried to respond in some way but seemed unable to do so. He went to his room and collapsed into a chair complaining, «That’s good, that is, when all I wanted was a quiet life!»
He immediately began to prepare for their departure. Around the world in eighty days indeed! Was this all just a joke? First heading for Dover and then Calais? Perhaps it was not such a bad plan after all as Passepartout, who had been away from France for a number of years, would certainly not be sorry to set foot on his native soil once again. Perhaps they would travel as far as Paris, which would almost certainly do his eyes good.
By eight o’clock Passepartout had packed the carpet bag with clothing for his master and himself. Then, still troubled by the shock of it all, he carefully shut the door of his room and went to find Mr Fogg, who was indeed all ready and prepared. Under his arm Passepartout could see a red copy of Bradshaw’s Continental Railway, Steam Transit and General Guide, with its timetables showing the arrivals and departures of trains and steamers. The master took the carpet bag, opened it, and slipped a good number of Bank of England notes into it in order to have no problems wherever they might go.
«You have forgotten nothing?» asked Mr Fogg. «Absolutely nothing, monsieur.»
«My mackintosh and cloak?»
«Here you are, monsieur.»
«Good! Take this carpet bag and take good care of it, for there are twenty thousand pounds in it.»
Passepartout almost dropped the bag at that point, as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold and weighed him down.
Master and valet then descended to the street where they took a cab and were driven quickly to Charing Cross. The cab pulled up before the railway station at twenty minutes past eight. Passepartout followed his master, who, after paying the cabman, was about to enter the station when a poor woman with a child in arms and bare feet covered with mud came up to him and pleaded for money.
Mr Fogg took out the twenty guineas he had won previously while playing cards with friends at the gentlemen’s club he often went to and handed them to the woman. «Here you are, my good woman, and I’m so glad to have met you.»
A tear welled up in the valet’s eyes; his master’s action had so touched his heart.
Mr Fogg purchased two first-class tickets for Paris and was just crossing the station to the train though we shall be doing little walking I believe
«Well, gentlemen,» he said, «I’m off and you will be able to check my passport on my return and see whether I have made the journey we agreed upon.»
«Oh, that will be quite unnecessary, Mr Fogg,» said Ralph politely. «We trust your word as a gentleman.
«You do have in mind the date you are due back in London, don’t you?» checked Stuart.
«In eighty days — on Saturday 21st December, 1872, at a quarter before nine pm. Never fear, gentlemen, and goodbye until then.

English Collocations in Use


Collocations are a pair or group of words that are often used together in combination in the English language. Using collocations in speech or writing makes the language seem more natural and fluid.

However, native speakers of the English language seem to know and use collocations naturally and habitually, whereas, non-native speakers must be careful in its usage The slightest difference in a collocation can change the sense of the entire sentence. No word in a collocation can be replaced with another synonym, or it will modify the meaning and gist of what is being said.


Correct Collocation Incorrect Collocation
fast food  quick man
tall man high man
great man big man
strong tea powerful tea
burst into tears blow up into tears

It should also be remembered that certain collocations are always used in particular circumstances and not used elsewhere, as they do not seem natural otherwise.

Correct Collocation Incorrect Collocation
excruciating pain excruciating joy
feel free feel bound
catch a cold catch a-hot

The best way to learn correct collocations is to read and listen to native writers and speakers use them.

Collocations can begin with adverbs, adjectives, nouns, or verbs. Here are some common everyday collocations that begin with verbs.

 Verb Collocations 
Make make a mistake, make a promise, make a wish, make a difference, make one’s bed
Catch catch a bus, catch a cold, catch a thief, catch a ball, catch lire, catch someone’s attention
Pay pay attention, pay the price, pay a visit, pay one’s


Save save money, save energy, save time
Take take a bus (or a train, flight, taxi), take a look, take a break, take a picture
Keep keep calm, keep in touch, keep quiet, keep the change, keep a promise
Get get ready, get on, get off, get lost, get angry, get in,

get out

Do do the dishes, do the laundry, do one’s hair, do one’s homework, do a favour
Feel feel free, feel comfortable, feel happy (or proud, nervous, sleepy)
Have have a bath, have faith, have breakfast (or lunch, dinner), have fun, have a party, have an excuse

here are some common everyday collocations that begin with adjective:

Adjective Collocations 
Deep deep thought, deep sleep, deep trouble
Heavy heavy rain (or snow), heavy traffic, heavy smoker, heavy duty
High (or Low) high (or low) cost, self-esteem, energy, expectations
Strong strong willed, strong smell, strong taste, strong tea (or coffee), strong feeling
Tall tali order, tall building, tall man, tall glass

Care should be taken to always use the right collocation in the right situation. If the collocation is used correctly but out of place, it is going to seem as strange as if it were used incorrectly.

The use of the right collocation in the right situation can only come from practice.

Use of a few collocations in sentences;

Collocations with Catch Collocations with Get

Collocations with pay

Collocations with Get with Urdu meanings

Collocations with pay with Urdu Meanings

Collocations with Catch

Click for Download PDF File

Collocations Definition, Rules with their Examples

10 common collocationscollocation examples adjective + nouncollocation examples and meaningcollocation examples sentences adverb + adjectivecollocation exercisescollocationscollocations exercisescorrect collocationstypes of collocationstypes of collocations with examples

English collocations – how words are put together

Collocation is a sequence of words that often occur together, because they sound correct and natural. Similar combination of words describing the same thing or situation might sound unnatural or even funny.

What could be the result?
As a result, it may have a negative impact on your confidence to speak English. Therefore good knowledge of English collocations and phrases is very mportant. It will help you speak more fluently with higher confidence and your English will sound much more natural.

Collocations examples – correct and incorrect:

Collocation types with examples

There are several forms of collocations in English language. The most common types along with some examples are described in the following table:

verb + noun catch a bus, make a call, do a homework, take a photo, pay attention
verb + adverb regret deeply, disagree strongly, deny completely, accuse falsely
adjective + noun heavy rain, strong supporter, fast car, quick shower, big surprise
adverb + adjective bitterly angry, deeply concerned, widely acceptable, highly appreciated
noun + noun round of drinks, sense of humor, smell of success, bar of soap

This is a short video that explains some of the most common verb + noun collocations.

Collocations versus phrasal verbs / idioms

Unlike phrasal verbs or idioms, collocations can be quite easily understood. That makes them a little bit easier to learn. However, the best way to learn them quickly and correctly is to read a lot of examples.

Here are some useful tips for your self-study:
1. in any situation, try to be aware of any collocation you hear or read
2. if you notice a collocation, write it down or associate it with a situation (context)
3. organize your list by words or by topic

Remember, it is very likely that you will have to memorize some English collocations. It will be the same process as learning new words. In other cases, though, the collocation may come naturally and you will understand and learn it by reading and listening.

Therefore it’s strongly advisable (another nice example of adverb + adjective collocation) that you read a lot of news articles where you can learn many collocations from daily life.

Our 2-step method:

In order to help you to understand correctly when somebody uses a collocation in a speech or conversation, we have created a concept based on examples from movies.

As you probably know, you can hear lots of collocations in American movies and TV shows. In fact, they are really frequently used in spoken English.

The method is very simple, yet very effective.

STEP 1. Listen to collocations in short video samples in real-life situations

These are the examples of some of them, which you will certainly hear in many conversations with English speakers on a daily basis.
So the best way to master them is to learn them in context in real sentences. And I am pretty sure that the best context is your favorite movie or TV show 🙂

STEP 2. Practice them in short exercises

If teacher in a school smokes a cigarette, he is ______ a bad example for his students.

Collocations sample

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More examples of sentences with English collocations

1. John was complaining bitterly about the poor attitudes of his staff.
2. Don’t judge him too harshly. You don’t know all the details.
3. Could you please do me a favor and stop smoking?
4. The proposed Enbridge pipeline poses a massive threat to pristine areas across central B.C.

Collocations | Idioms | Phrasal verbs | Words

(117 terms)
go for something to start doing something
pay attention to listen carefully and trying to understand the subject matter
consolation prize a small prize given to someone who lost in a competition
in my time during my life
sealed container container with a firm cover
file (tax) returns to submit taxes to authorities
cake recipe step by step process for preparing a cake
to taste good to have a good taste
keep a promise to do what was promised
flat tires tires with no air
long-distance relationship relationship when partners are living far from each other
flax seeds seeds of a flax plant
rib of beef meat from a rib section of beef
The best is yet to come the best experience is still to come
cop-watch watching whether police is not approaching
take a nap to have a quick, short sleep
come easy happen easily
to stay between us keep a secret, not to tell to anybody else
fall asleep start sleeping
self-esteem feeling good about own personality
cruise ship large ship for pleasure voyages
side note extra piece of information
induction day first day when somebody starts in an organization
take chances to go into risk
nasty freak pervert person
get straight to make things clear
pick pockets to steal personal belongings of tourists from pockets
whipped cream cream mixed using a whisk or mixer
play somebody against somebody to make someone to have a conflict with someone else
takeout food food in plastic container for eating later
so to speak when you try to get an attention to a choice of words (if metaphoric phrase is used)
on purpose to do something deliberately with an intention to do it
time zone geographical zone with specific time
all of a sudden suddenly, unexpectedly
evade responsibility to run away from responsibility
snow-capped covered with snow
take it slow to do something slowly
never mind it does not matter
crooked as a politician corrupted as politician
chem analysis chemical analysis
put (something) in action to turn theory into action
do one’s best to do the maximum
unspoken agreement agreement without saying any words
get to know each other know other person better
bring to the boil to reach the state when water boils
at stake amount or value which can be won or lost
move forward the next step in a process
straight up directly
tartar sauce mayonnaise with chopped pickles
give a warm welcome (to someone) to welcome someone with applause
freshly prepared recently prepared fresh food
come as a surprise to make someone feel surprised
Behave yourself to behave decently
human being human (man or woman)
clam chowder thick soup with clams (seafood)
needles to say when something is known and can be taken for granted, of course
beat downs physical attacks
best man friend of the bridegroom at the wedding
take a look to have a look
middle of nowhere far from a civilization
full time working full hours (not part-time)
to be on sale when something is for sale at a discount price
high tide rise of a sea level
raise an objection (to someone or something) to disagree or to protest against someone or something
tell him I said hi to give greetings
brain damage injury to brain
senior year final year in high school
jet lag conditions of sleep problem when travelling
take a loan to borrow some amount of money
criminal charges formal accusation that somebody has commited a crime
sexual ardour sexual passion
snow squall heavy snow precipitation
well-groomed very well maintained person with regard to dress and appearance
all over everywhere
in vain without sense, pointless
stay put stay where you are
couple of weeks away in a few weeks
by the way incidentally
meal to go takeout food, food in plastic container
jumper cables cables to help start the car engine when an auto battery is low
first mate the first officer on a ship after captain
all around all over the place
happen to notice to see accidentally
no offense without intention to offend somebody
take a while to take some amount of time
do a favor to help with something
tax evasion not paying taxes
out of nowhere when something appears suddenly and unexpectedly
to be of service to offer service
split x ways to divide into x parts
take eye off something to look in the different direction
fancy dinner dinner in an expensive restaurant
seat is taken seat is not vacant, seat is unavailable
to be better off to be in a better position than before
take something the wrong way to misunderstand or misinterpret something
make (something) happen accomplish or achieve something, not just talking but actually doing it
take turns when two or more people alternate in doing something
hard wood floor made of wood
without consent without agreement or approval from other person
This is so us! This is typical for us!
to get something looked at to get something checked (by a doctor)
As you were! Military command meaning that soldier may return to normal posture
long-distance call phone call between two distant cities or countries
I am sorry about your loss phrase used at funerals to express condolences
for a while certain amount of time
out of reach unreachable, inaccessible
no offence without intention to offend somebody
retread tires to replace worn out material on tires
say hi form of greeting
make fun of somebody make jokes about somebody, to mock
fall asleep to start sleeping
find (someone) attractive to think that someone is attractive
soul mate person with strong emotional connection
on your own to be solely responsible for something
to have a point to be right about something, to provide a good description of a situation
take a chance to risk
get going to move, to start moving

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