Use the word coined in a sentence

Definition of Coined

invented or created a new phrase

Examples of Coined in a sentence

Before someone coined the word “bae” to mean one’s girlfriend/boyfriend, it was only a Danish word for poop.


The artist coined the phrase “pop art” and used it as a catch-all term for culturally based pieces.


Thirty years before the term “chillax” was coined, people simply called it resting.




Other words in the Neutral category:




















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The old American term ‘do-rag’ was coined for the garment closest to it in appearance

Even the Peruvians, the more civilized nation of the two, though they made use of gold and silver as ornaments, had no coined money of any kind

No account has been got of the gold coin ; but it appears from the ancient accounts of the mint of Scotland, that the value of the gold annually coined somewhat exceeded that of the silver

Every year they found themselves under the necessity of coining nearly the same quantity of gold as they had coined the year before ; and from the continual rise in the price of gold bullion, in consequence of the continual wearing and clipping of the coin, the expense of this great annual coinage became, every year, greater and greater

If there were in England, for example, an effectual demand for an additional quantity of gold, a packet-boat could bring from Lisbon, or from wherever else it was to be had, fifty tons of gold, which could be coined into more than five millions of guineas

By the annual exportation of silver to the East Indies, plate is probably somrwhat dearer in Europe than it otherwise might have been ; and coined silver probably purchases a larger quantity both of labour and commodities

Coined gold and silver would be more valuable than uncoined

When this great company, therefore, bought gold bullion in order to have it coined, they were obliged to pay for it two per cent

upon the bullion which was to be coined into more than eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds, or incurring an annual loss of more than £21,250 pounds, would not probably have incurred the tenth part of that loss

They had no coined money, nor any established instrument of commerce of any kind

Had any considerable alteration been made in the standard of the money, either by sinking the same quantity of silver to a lower denomination, or by raising it to a higher ; had an ounce of silver, for example, instead of being coined into five shillings and two pence, been coined either into pieces which bore so low a denomination as two shillings and seven pence, or into pieces which bore so high a one as ten shillings and four pence, it would, in the one case, have hurt the revenue of the proprietor, in the other that of the sovereign

We cannot lose sight of the fact that the terms ―Leftist and Conservative‖ were coined simply to identify these people as to their political choices

“Major Jerran, when the first of the Magi spoke to us, he called his group the Magi; later, when I met you, you also referred to them as the Magi; yet as far as I know Larath coined that name a couple of weeks ago and it was known only by a few select members of the Dragon Claw’s crew

I think Mark Joyner coined the term integrated marketing

Hence they coined the idea of a ‘quantum field,’ or a

The term “out of body experience” was coined by C

The term xenoglossy was originally coined by Charles Richet and means an occurrence

He coined the name to the bay because he found in it very friendly and prosperous Maori

The phrase, be careful what you ask for, might have been coined by Job

The phrase, be careful what you ask for might have been coined by Job

Owens and his ‘Utopian’ followers coined the term ’Social-

Sophie and I have now coined a term for this phenomenon

Between silent curses as he fought the clutching jungle vines and thorns, the Wolf grinned thinking that whoever coined the old saw about ride to the sound of the guns could never have envisioned this most basic of ground movement, walking in a crouch, to the sound of the most modern death dealing technology

30 The word Socialism was not coined yet

The Owenites failed to * It is an interesting historical fact that Robert Owen and his followers coined the term socialism

The ‘Akashic records’ was a term coined by the Theosophical movement (which originated in the 19th century) and referred to a universal filing system which records every thought, word, and action

The term “plasma” was coined by Irving Langmuir

In fact, we have coined a phrase in the industry for these men who write letters but never go on a trip

Later he coined the word ‘Satyāgraha’ meaning ‘a force based on truth’ or ‘forceful insistence on truth’

‖ This term was coined to describe a state when a group is moving along so efficiently that no one dares

Hence we have even coined the term

In the legal field, the term has been coined to describe a crime that was not pre-meditated but rather happened in the spur of the moment due to strong emotions

Aromatherapy was actually coined because of Mr

$40 per ounce on our gold, then $5 more of currency could be coined for each

And this all came about in the following manner: During the Asmonean dynasty the Jews coined their own silver money, and it had become the practice to require the temple dues of one-half shekel and all other temple fees to be paid with this Jewish coin

Agoraphobia, coined by Carl Otto Westphal in 1871, is the most common kind of phobia seen clinically (Marks 1969)

hacker who coined the Twenex term, says he came up with the

6 Using a phrase coined in South Africa to describe whites’ subconscious acceptance of racial segregation, Wilbert Hall called this white-only assumption in missions a hidden “lie in the soul,” which destructively exists unrecognized

I wish I had coined the phrase ‘tyranny of choice,’ but someone beat me to it

thought that I had coined the word septemial to describe

Many people lost their lives; countless homes were destroyed and a black pall of smoke seemed to hang in the minds of the populace as the term, ‘Black Friday’, was coined to describe the thirteenth of January, Nineteen-thirty-nine

He coined the

a similar character at all magnifications — the word «fractal» was coined in 1975 by

But to use a phrase coined by U

«fractal» was coined in 1975 by French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot)

character at all magnifications — the word «fractal» was coined in 1975 by French

which is of a similar character at all magnifications — the word «fractal» was coined in

«fractal» was coined in 1975 by French

similar character at al magnifications — the word «fractal» was coined in 1975 by French

Sigmund Freud had coined a new term for conscience; he called it “superego

However, was Truman as the leader ultimately responsible, right in endorsing this action? He was, after all the president who coined the phrase «the buck stops here»

thinking about primates, they coined the term

least I have coined the term ethnosphere, for this web of social life

I can hear the whispers, coined in snide

From now on I will refer to the human electromagnetic system as the ‘Living Matrix’ a term coined by biophysicist Dr James Oschman

writer Karel Capek, who coined the word slash term ‘robot,’ was created by a human

Decoding NRMB may have been an interesting talking point in a seminar, but how would the image be captured in an election advertising campaign? A new ad line was coined: ‘Bharat ke Mazboot Haath, Hum Sab Hain Ek Saath

Won’t that make her a bed-hedger in the arena of adultery? But courtesy the darling, haven’t I coined a new phrase for the flirting

I�m not sure who coined that term, but they sure had a flair for the dramatic,� supplied Rheus

The term was coined by humans, you should know these things

he had coined many years ago: “Truth is sacrificed on the altar of the fear of

When your group coined the same phrase, ‘we the people,’ that I had used

There is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of Power, and good and evil are simply words which have been coined to indicate the result of our action, or our compliance or noncompliance with this law

This indicates the origin of both good and evil; they are simply words which have been coined in order to indicate the nature of the result of the thinking or creative process

The term ezines is coined for publications sent

It is nolonger coined, but is still a favorite unit for

Anchoring is a term coined in the NLP world, which really just describes the

For example, to mark the occasion of charging into battle, Liam had coined the phrase, “I’m flyin’ in!” Brian hadn’t reached the stage in his training yet where he deserved the use of such exclamations of intent, at least, not in Liam’s estimations

as well have been coined

You might bne asking “What in the world is a Thankformation how in the world are they going to help us overcome Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar and Stress? Those are great questions and very understandable, I will answer your question with one word that we coined “Thankformations”, We believe in miracles

Philip Hench coined the term “fibromyalgia” to refer to

” Thus Braid coined the term

this time that Ambroise-Auguste Liebault coined the term rapport – meaning that critical and required consensus between the hypnotist and the subject for a successful hypnosis

address the problem of the “Cold War” (a term he had coined)

When none of these crushing victories materialized: it quickly degenerated into what was coined a Trench War: since so many trenches were dug… not that they had planned it this way: it just happened

This is a term that has been coined out by outsiders, biographers, commentators, historians and book sellers

coined by the Vatican as part of the effort to obscure my identity and historical importance

Early on in this effort I coined the pen name and web moniker, “Seven Star Hand

(A term coined by Dr Eric Berne

The term “viral” has been coined after videos that reached millions of views across YouTube and other social media sites

This term was coined and defined by Shawne Duperon

Cycle of reciprocity is a term coined by Shawne Duperon in her networking and communications courses—her work on this topic is described in full in Chapter 10

He coined the word

Maich and George have coined a term to refer to the underlying idea marketers use to sell their wares to those of us concerned with the individual aspect of self

And human nature, Adeimantus, appears to have been coined into yet smaller pieces, and to be as incapable of imitating many things well, as of performing well the actions of which the imitations are copies

Other rays passed by so quickly I couldn’t tell if they deserved that name «eagle ray» coined by the ancient Greeks, or those designations of «rat ray,» «bat ray,» and «toad ray» that modern fishermen have inflicted on them

And when all was said and done the lies a fellow told about himself couldn’t probably hold a proverbial candle to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him

Since their names were coupled, though, since he was her declared favourite, where was the particular necessity to proclaim it to the rank and file from the housetops, the fact, namely, that he had shared her bedroom which came out in the witnessbox on oath when a thrill went through the packed court literally electrifying everybody in the shape of witnesses swearing to having witnessed him on such and such a particular date in the act of scrambling out of an upstairs apartment with the assistance of a ladder in night apparel, having gained admittance in the same fashion, a fact the weeklies, addicted to the lubric a little, simply coined shoals of money out of

The book was the first place where many Americans heard the term Kramer had coined, “cosmetic psychopharmacology,” and heard him ponder whether Prozac made some people “better than well”—suggesting the drugs would be used not just to treat illness but to enhance the performance of well people

We would demand these diseases be treated as early as possible, not only when it’s almost too late—well before their final stages or, “B4Stage4” (using a smart phrase coined by our friends at Mental Health America)

Langer (1975), who first coined the term illusion of control, showed that it was more prevalent in tasks when “skill cues” were present—competitive tasks with clearly defined and familiar outcomes where the individual seems to have the ability to make a choice

futile traders A term coined by Larry Harris to describe traders who do not make money in markets, and who have no hope of doing so

Apparently Rothschild coined this phrase and as a big fan of his wine I have to go along with him

In fact any investigation shows the saying to have been unjustified when coined and becoming less reliable since

It was also Graham and Dodd who coined the term “margin of safety,” which has special relevance for the investment professionals who contributed to this edition of the book

We passed behind Millionaires’ Row, the place where, locals swore, Henry James coined the phrase white elephants

Later, silver was refined and coined in its pure form.


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Позже, серебро очищали, и монеты чеканили из чистого серебра.


She coined the term»downsizing,» fired Lee Iacocca.

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Это она придумала термин’ сокращение’, и уволила Ли ЯкОку.

If I coined it, I would be rich.

The name»United Nations», coined by United States President Franklin D.


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Название Объединенные Нации, предложенное президентом Соединенных Штатов Франклином Д.


Old Hawaiians coined a new name for each child, with careful thought of its meaning.

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Старейшины придумывали новое имя для каждого ребенка, при тщательном осмыслении его значения.

The term»papyrologist» itself was coined in connection with the establishment of the BGU project.

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Сам термин« папирология» был введен в связи с созданием проекта BGU.

The word cyberspace, coined by Gibson, was first used in this story.

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Термин« киберпространство», придуманный Гибсоном, был впервые использован именно в этом рассказе.

Charles de Brosses coined the term(as French Australasie)

in Histoire des navigations aux terres australes 1756.

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Термин был введен Шарлем де Броссом в Histoire des navigations

aux terres australes 1756.

We coined a new term for this joining of heart and mind: Heartellect.”.

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Мы придумали новый термин для этого союза сердца и ума:» Heartellect»(

интеллект сердца)».

A coined finish to interior door handles.

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Тисненая отделка дверных ручек с внутренней стороны.

She was studied this condition and coined the term»burnout.


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Есть классический тест Кристины Маслач- именно она исследовала это состояние и ввела термин» burnout.


Starting at 4:00 P.M. yesterday,

when Mr. Donaghy coined the word»innoventually.

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Начиная с четырех часов вчерашнего дня,

когда мистер Донаги изобрел слово» инновачерный.

The term“countervailing power” was coined by Galbraith 1952.


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Danko is the pseudonym of the singer, coined by producer Leonid Gutkin.

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Данко- псевдоним певца, придуманный продюсером Леонидом Гуткиным.

George Weinberg, 87, American psychologist, coined the term»homophobia»,

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Вайнберг, Джордж( 87)- американский психолог, введший термин« гомофобия».

The term»non-homologous end joining» was coined in 1996 by Moore and Haber.

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Термин« негомологичное соединение концов» был предложен в 1996 году Муром и Хабером.

The term moblogging, however, wasn’t coined until 2002, by Adam Greenfield.

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Термин« моблогинг»(« moblogging») впервые был описан в 2002 году Адамом Гринфилдом.

It is a term probably first coined by Paracelsus.

The name“United Nations”, coined by American President Franklin D.


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Новости вкратце Название« Организация Объединенных Наций», придуманное президентом США Франклином Д.


Coined from the time of the rule of the Romanov dynasty starting from Empress Elisabeth,

to Soviet time.


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Монеты, датируемые годами правления представителей династии Романовых начиная с императрицы Елизаветы Петровны до монет советского периода.


Raymond Aron coined the famous phrase»paix impossible,

guerre improbable», to describe the nuclear stalemate that left its indelible imprint in those years.


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Характеризуя тот ядерный тупик, который наложил неизгладимый отпечаток на минувшую эпоху,

Раймонд Арон отчеканил знаменитую фразу» Мир невозможен, война невероятна.


Fraser’s design was coined as a commemorative five-dollar gold piece in 1999.

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Дизайн Лауры Фрейзер был использован значительно позже, в 1999 году, когда были выпущены памятные золотые пятидолларовые монеты.

Golda Meir coined a phrase applicable not only to Israel, but also to Ukraine today:»We want to live.


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Голда Меир отчеканила фразу, которая применима не только к Израилю, но и к сегодняшней Украине:« Мы хотим жить.


The»Principality» coined a»currency» called Luigino,

with no legal value, but good used as expendable in the city, which has also been some interest in the world of collecting numismatic.


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Княжества» придумал» валюта» называется Luigino,

не имеет юридического значения, но хорошо использовали как расходный в городе, который также был некоторый интерес в мире по сбору нумизматической.


Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian-born economist, coined the term»creative destruction» in 1942 to describe the turbulent forces of

innovation and competition in market economies.


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Родившийся в Австрии экономист Иозеф Шумпетер в 1942 году придумал термин» созидательное разрушение» для описания вихревой стихии инновации

и конкуренции, бушующей в рыночной экономике.


The term PUP was first coined as a means of defining this downloadable adware

or crapware as something other than malicious software.


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Термин ПНП впервые был придуман в качестве определения для скачиваемого рекламного или захламляющего ПО,

которое отличается от вредоносного программного обеспечения.


We have spoken before about the military term that was coined in the 90’s of»Volatile,

Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous,» and has become known by the acronym of»VUCA.


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Мы уже говорили ранее о военном термине, что был придуман в 90- х годах» Изменчивый,

Неопределенный, Сложный и Сомнительный», и он стал известен под аббревиатурой» VUCA» Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.


In the early 1990s,

speech language pathologist Michelle Garcia Winner coined the term»social thinking»

and developed a treatment model called Social Thinking and related teaching strategies.


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В начале 1990-

х языковой патолог Мишель Гарсиа Виннер ввел термин« социальное мышление»

и разработал метод лечения под названием« Социальное мышление», а также соответствующие учебные стратегии.


When he coined the terms»anima» and»animus»,

you don’t really think he meant beasts within us, do you, Professor Danvers?

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Когда он придумал термины» anima» и» animus»,

вы же не думаете, что он имел в виду зверя внтури нас, Правда, профессор Данверс?

The oft-quoted Dr. Rudolf Pekar from Bad Ischl, who coined the concept of bio-electric therapy(BET),

therapierte breast cancer solely the needle electrode technique.


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Часто цитировал д-р Рудольф Пекар из Бад- Ишль, который ввел понятие био- электрическая терапия( BET),

therapierte рак молочной железы только метод игольчатый электрод.


  • Use the word Coined in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Words coined by politicians and profiteers to trick you into fighting for them.

field marshal Daun and his headquarters are in Lissa castle we must report that at once the royal mint is instructed to have the silver treasure of my palaces coined into talers as quickly as possible.

Spruce, the man who coined it was murdered and robbed.

coined since his day. Now tell me, are there any of his manuscripts left?

And everywhere they are lovingly coined «Cheryomushki».

The American idea, which was «sink or swim with Ngo Dinh Diem»- as my colleague Homer Bigart had coined the phrase-

«Mickey Rooney coined the term ‘glamour girl’ for her.

You coined words like «bed gown», and yet you understand words like «emolument».

Rumor has it that every third-world leader coined the same phrase the morning after independence:

Well, whoever coined that phrase… might have had these two fine, young people in mind.

-Silver dinar of Vuk Brankovic, coined in Prizren.

He coined the phrase, «Make love, not war.»

Thou knave thou! Thou that didst bear the key of all my counsels, that knewest the very bottom of my soul, that almost mightst have coined me into gold, which thou have practiced on me for thy use.

I coined the phrase, «AII nude.»

But I’ve told you that they’re actually not designed and coined a special word «designoid» and I said that there is a special process that brings designoid objects into existence and gives them their apparently designed look.

The word «black hole,» which John Wheeler coined, suddenly caught on. Everybody adopted it, and from then on… people around the world… in Moscow… in America… in England and elsewhere… could know they were speaking about the same thing.

The man coined the term «cultural insanity»

The northwest is where «flying saucers»… the term «flying saucers» Was coined.

Named after Saint Augustine, who coined my favorite phrase—

Whoever coined the phrase…

The phrase coined by the coroner when describing Platt was «pur├®ed».

I just coined it. One look at you, and poetry flowed.

Whoever coined the phrase,

I don’t know who coined the term… but they began to call the zombies «Stacies. «

Actually Buddha himself first coined the phrase «know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away and know when to run»

I’m starting you out with the speech George Perkins Marsh used in 1845 to rouse the agricultural community of Rutland, Vermont and then you’ll need to study on the word»ecology» coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel.

Flyers from the primortan galaxy coined it.

However, it is where the term «Zipper» was coined, so… if any of you have zippers, you have Opel… to thank for that.

It was coined in MacBeth and derives from Middle English.

Whatever idiot coined that phrase was not an understudy in a community theater production.

Americans coined that phrase.

Uh, Linus, go ahead and tell ’em about when Truman Capote bitch-slapped Tennessee Williams here and then later coined the phrase «bitch-slap»

It was the police and the press who coined the nickname Jigsaw.

The Straighter scene was coined, say in Washington DC… with the Teen Idols or Minor Threat.

Mm. Did you know that the term «hot dog» was actually coined at a baseball game?

The term «shoo-in» was coined for a figurine like you.

It’s just something I coined.

A term I coined in an article I submitted to the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is August Christopher. Named after Saint Augustine, who coined my favorite phrase-

She lived as brothers in peace and harmony while a student is not Valhvija coined the evil plans.

A Natalie was a term that Sean had coined for any sexual encounter that happened with a girl you weren’t in a relationship with.

‘It was coined in 1969 by the American scientist John…’

The character’s name came from the word coined by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche some 50 years earlier.

The term «multi-murderer,» they coined it to describe Holmes.

And coined the phrase «radical chic !»

Horrible saying. Probably coined in Hollywood.

Wait. In fact,you’re the one who coined the term «man slut.

Ironically, the term Big Bang was coined by Hoyle in 1949 during one of this popular radio broadcasts.

Learn how to use coined in a sentence and make better sentences with `coined` by reading coined sentence examples.

  • That is probably why I never saw it when I coined my phrase.
  • The term » millionaire » was coined in 1827 by Benjamin Disraeli.
  • Eugene Bleuler first coined the term autism in 1912.
  • Dr William Sears, an American paediatrician coined this term over 25 years ago.
  • Since 1873 gold has been the standard, and gold pieces of 20 and 10 kroner are coined, but not often met with, as the public prefers bank-notes.
  • Of note is the opening of the article which clearly states that the term is new coined.
  • The procedure was later popularized by Camellin, who coined the term LASEK for laser epithelial keratomileusis.
  • For example, Graham and Dodd coined the term margin of safety in » Security Analysis «.
  • The term » » comstockery » «, meaning » censorship because of perceived obscenity or immorality «, was coined in an editorial in » The New York Times » in 1895.
  • I coined my new mantra, your food is the answer.
  • Radin is well known for developing the concept of market-inalienability, a term she coined to refer to what kinds of things should not be traded in markets.
  • That suggests it’s a word Beethoven invented ( or coined, but not pennied ), and it’s had little or no exposure outside this use.
  • The name Starlite was coined by Ward’s granddaughter Kimberly.
  • Hermann Welcker coined the term trigonocephaly in 1862.
  • The term was coined by Philippe Smets, and stems from the Latin » pignus «, a bet.
  • He used the term » metakinesis » ( coined by Otto Jaekel ) to describe sudden changes of development in organisms.
  • Almost 150 years after Gustav Langenscheidt’s distressing experience of speechlessness, the company’s work focuses on how to deal with newly coined words and phrases.
  • He coined it, but he did not utter it upon discovering David Livingstone in deepest Africa.
  • But just because the term has just been coined does not mean there is not merit behind it.
  • Exultant fans coined the phrase to glorify their team’s upcoming adventure.
  • The term » exothermic » was first coined by Marcellin Berthelot.
  • Critics coined the term : » scrunge .».
  • As shock policy, the term was coined by economist Milton Friedman.
  • You will attempt to repeat Topper’s newly coined malediction.
  • Czech author Karel Kapek coined the term in this classic play.
  • An Italian monk from Pisa who also coined the term for eyeglasses, «occhiali,» Giordano da Rivalto, called them the art of making spectacles «one of the most useful arts on earth» and claimed to have
  • In a phrase coined by C.
  • She also coined such unique catch phrases as » swankienda » and » playcation » that Houston’s » smart set » adopted as their own.
  • Bailey on Grey’s Anatomy coined the phrase, and I was right.
  • My standards for all things seafood and coined as Cajun or creole are through the roof high.
  • The term ‘ meme ‘ was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 bestseller The Selfish Gene.
  • In No One is Watching, the once coined city of angels quickly becomes a city in ruin.
  • It has had to be coined because no other term adequately describes its function.
  • Coined a new subgenre right ‘ere.
  • We have now coined a phrase when something smells bad.
  • But the second half seems to be coined in a rush to close all loose ends.
  • Recently, philosopher Maximiliano Korstanje coined the term thana-capitalism to refer to a climate of social Darwinism aimed at fostering the survival of the fittest.
  • The word was coined by Johann Eduard Erdmann as » Psychologismus «, being translated into English as » psychologism «.
  • It is a phrase coined by Joseph Schumpter in the 30’s.
  • The title » Lost Kingdom of Tambora » was coined by media.
  • Well, it’s been coined to refer to guys that just don’t know how to pick up the ladies.
  • Yet another source says that Isin was coined out from the cult, Agbasin.
  • The term » strong inference » was coined by John R . Platt, a biophysicist at the University of Chicago.
  • In 1845, Brownson coined the term » Americanization » at Fordham University, where he was an intellectual leader on campus.
  • These were first coined in the reign of Charles II.
  • An actionizer is a word coined by Paul Colligan.
  • Avri, against, e6 sos, law), a term apparently coined by Luther to stigmatize Johannes Agricola and his following, indicating an interpretation of the antithesis between law and gospel, recurrent from
  • He also coined the name Chelicerata for arachnids and their relatives.
  • The term poetaster, meaning an inferior poet with pretentions to artistic value, had been coined by Erasmus in 1521.
  • As a result, Ovation’s sole contribution to computing history is this: their nonexistent software is supposedly the reason why the term ‘vaporware ‘ was coined.
  • I think you also coined a new epithet with, HEX YOU.
  • But Peirce did not seize on this fact to enhance his reputation, and even coined the word » pragmaticism » to distinguish his philosophical position.
  • Osborn was a believer in orthogenesis, he coined the term » aristogenesis » for his theory.
  • Silicon Beach and Ed Bomke are credited with having coined the term » plug-in «.
  • The term Attention Deficit Disorder was coined in 1980.
  • The VC coined the term » desktop publishing » during this time.
  • The name, coined in 1863 by linoleum’s inventor, Frederick Walton, comes from the Latin words linum ( flax ) and oleum ( oil ).
  • Bratman, medical director of tnp . com, a science-based natural-health Web site, has coined the term orthorexia nervosa _ from the Greek orthos, meaning straight or correct _ to define this behavior.
  • Rudolf Peierls, in his autobiography » Bird of Passage » states he was the originator of this phrase and coined it during his 1929 crystal lattice studies under the tutelage of Wolfgang Pauli.
  • The term was apparently coined in 1938 during a political campaign.
  • Silver, he said, was in ample supply and if coined into money would restore prosperity while undermining the illicit power of the money trust.
  • The word » blurb » was coined in 1907 by American humorist Gelett Burgess ( 1866-1951 ).
  • Was no fan of Nixon, but he coined the ‘silent majority’ logo.
  • What’s more, her parents were locavores well before the word was coined.
  • Physicists call that particle a quark a nonsense word coined a famous Irish author.
  • The story of the hatchet and the cherry-tree, and similar tales, are undoubtedly apocryphal, having been coined by Washington’s most popular biographer, Mason Weems (d.
  • I’ve experienced entire company cultures coined by one executive.
  • But she doesn’t want to just give it up to just anyone and be coined a campus slut.
  • He coined the term and by his will created Great Britain.
  • Gaby Brown was a former regular fill-in presenter . ( The name Super Request was coined by Gazzo after a trip to Japan in late 97).
  • The slogan was coined in 1944 by the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
  • The term was coined by mountaineer Sir Arnold Lunn.
  • The original term and concept were coined by Michael Moorcock for his » Eternal Champion » sequence.
  • Palladino has coined a phrase for children like this who are nonconforming thinkers.
  • In 1842, he coined the term dinosaur (from the Greek for » terrible lizard » ).
  • It just shows how the man who coined the term fake news,is sooo fake himself.
  • Jesus Messiah, as were the previous tandem Essene Messiahs, was initially coined as a party label.
  • Writing in 2004, Professor Alan Williams judged » Le Corbeau » to be » the first classic French film noir, » though made before the term film noir was coined.
  • The story of the hatchet and the cherry-tree, and similar tales, are undoubtedly apocryphal, having been coined by Washington’s most popular biographer, Mason Weems.
  • It was conceived by Norbert Wiener, who coined the term in 1948.
  • The name was coined by Disney comic editor Bob Foster . » Aw, phooey » is also one of Donald’s catch phrases.
  • The term » thin client » was coined in 1993 by Tim Negris, VP of Server Marketing at Oracle 7.
  • The name was coined by sportswriter Caswell Adams in the mid-1930s.
  • Allen Ginsberg coined the term ‘flower power ‘.
  • The remark every word they say is a lie including and and the was coined by Mary McCarthy.
  • His plan was to replace coined gold dollars by » gold bullion dollar certificates » which should command such weight of gold bullion as might legally be declared to constitute a dollar at that particu
  • Silver was coined in the island of Aegina soon afterwards.
  • Warren Buffett coined this term, which simply means a competitive advantage.
  • And the issue is not what a contemporary English term says or when it was coined.
  • The word derives from » guarapachanga «, itself a portmanteau of » guarapo » and » pachanga » coined by composer Juan Rivera Prevot in 1961.
  • «Postural tachycardia syndrome » was coined in 1982 in a description of a patient who had postural tachycardia, but not orthostatic hypotension.
  • This name was coined as a pun since it means both as pet smart and pets’ mart.
  • The term Zimmermann-Laband was coined by Carl Jacob Witkop in 1971.
  • In papers from 1959 onwards, Irving Janis and Leon Mann coined the phrase » decisional balance sheet » and used the concept as a way of looking at decision-making.
  • Solomon W . Golomb coined the term rep-tiles for self-replicating tilings.
  • In the 1990s a senior researcher at the of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ( 1957-2009 ), coined the term » island-Russia » and developed the » Great Limitrophe » concept.
  • The term » beaver fever » is a misnomer coined by the American press in the 1970s, following findings that the parasite » Giardia lamblia «, which causes Giardiasis, is carried by beavers.
  • It therefore becomes clear that the term » rentier capitalism » could not be coined by Marxists simply because of redundancy of the words composing it.
  • Maybe he coined the story but he sure didn’t write it.
  • That thesis led to Duverger’s law, and later he coined the term » semi-parliamentarism «.

Similar words: Coinciding With, Coiffures, Coil Testing, Coimbatore, Coitus, Coiffure, Coinmaking, Coincidently, Cointreau, Coing, Coin Clipping, Coistrel, COI, Cointer, Coinciding, Coin Weighing, Coitus Interruptus, Coifing, Coif, Coinage

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