Use the word clothes in a sentence

How to use clothes in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use clothes in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for clothes.

  • Skepsey for clothes. (10)
  • Her clothes must be ruined. (8)
  • Then he dashed into his clothes. (8)
  • He looked well in evening clothes. (8)
  • Serviceable old clothes, no doubt. (10)
  • But the clothes, the wedding clothes! (4)
  • And stripping off his clothes, he swam out. (8)
  • Thomas can go in and fetch you some clothes. (8)
  • I just pop my clothes into this and open that. (8)
  • His clothes were loose, his stride was springy. (8)
  • Lavender to the three soldiers in blue clothes. (8)
  • At what time did you take his clothes and boots? (8)
  • He is still unshaven, and his clothes unchanged. (8)
  • He lay quite still, his clothes covered with mud. (8)
  • What suitable clothes he wore for the warm weather! (2)
  • Harz, glancing at his dusty clothes, excused himself. (8)
  • And a farmer took me for a lunatic, in my dress clothes. (8)
  • After changing to Park clothes he went into the drawing-room. (8)
  • His hunting clothes are splashed; his face very grim and set. (8)
  • His clothes were bedrabbled down the front with soap and water. (9)
  • He is rather stout, wears dark clothes, with a large gold chain. (8)
  • I had a queasy sense that I wore my last dry clothes upon my body. (2)
  • His thick hair is rather untidy, and his dress clothes not too new. (8)
  • An open mind for new impressions came with the warmth of our clothes. (10)
  • It was time; I had much trouble with his clothes, his legs were swollen. (8)
  • He had one helpless arm; his clothes were torn as from a fierce struggle. (10)
  • He had one helpless arm; his clothes were torn as from a fierce struggle. (22)
  • If Frank would give him an arm, he could get to his clothes all right now. (8)
  • Though in evening clothes, he is white and disheveled for so spruce a young mean.] (8)
  • But when he was close, the old familiar scent of her clothes suddenly affected him. (8)
  • Maybe you think this place is too fine or that I got expensive clothes and jewels? (12)
  • He stole up to his dressing-room, bathed, shaved, put on fresh linen and dark clothes. (8)
  • We landed at a floating lavatory, where the washerwomen were still beating the clothes. (2)
  • He is rich, to be sure, and you may have more fine clothes and fine carriages than Jane. (4)
  • My clothes were excellent, and I had jewellery; but I never even thought of pawning them. (8)
  • Winton, in his mud-stained clothes before the fire, supported it better than his visitor. (8)
  • The whole thing was scaring, and jumping up, he began to throw his clothes into his trunks. (8)
  • The bed was unpressed: no clothes about: nothing to show that he had been there that night. (10)
  • He came to the surface in the year 187-, with nothing in the world but his clothes and an idea. (8)
  • She turned her face away, and that tossing movement of the limbs beneath the clothes began again. (8)
  • He is still in splashed hunting clothes, and looks exceptionally weathered, thin-lipped, reticent. (8)
  • The man put down his paper and looked at me; he had a big fair moustache and rather shabby clothes. (8)
  • Then his fear left him; he swam in easily enough, dried himself in the sun, and put on his clothes. (8)
  • Another lad of his age, some eighty years earlier, was partial, like him, to taverns and old clothes. (2)
  • However, every one can afford the clothes-chute, which guides the dirty clothes down to the laundry. (17)
  • He looked as if he had not slept; his dress was out of order, he had not taken his clothes off, I think. (8)
  • The door is opened; Snow comes in, a detective in plain clothes and bowler hat, with clipped moustaches. (8)
  • In preparation for his visit to Holm Oaks he shaved his beard and had some clothes sent down from London. (8)
  • Dusty clothes and shoes that show inconsiderate treatment occupy his time until the yawning cook appears. (21)
  • Could she have seen half as much love in Mr. Darcy for herself, she would have ordered her wedding clothes. (4)
  • George had seated himself again and was staring before him; he looked big and lonely in those black clothes. (8)
  • His clothes and linen, his cravats and jewels and toilet articles are largely still here where I live alone. (12)
  • The poor fellow was in an effect of belated summer as to clothes, and he looked not merely haggard but shabby. (9)
  • At that dreadful little saying, Winton leaned forward and put his lips to her hand, that lay outside the clothes. (8)
  • Summer verdure clothes the scenery, and the view is often entrancingly beautiful to the crowd-surfeited vagrants. (21)
  • Though his clothes were now so nice, his nails were not quite clean, and his fingertips seemed yellow to the bone. (8)
  • Clothes and garments were hanging on nails, pans lay about the hearth, a sewing-machine stood on a bare deal table. (8)
  • Old newspapers increased the litter, and on nails in the wall hung dirty clothes, ties, and a couple of overcoats. (12)
  • The last month went, as all such last months go, in those intoxicating pastimes, the buying of furniture and clothes. (8)
  • By the door Left, a pleasant and comely gentleman has entered, dressed with indefinable rightness in shooting clothes. (8)
  • These ugly objects may be on the neighboring property, or they may be the drying-yard for the clothes, or the garage. (17)
  • Sure enough there was the slip in the corner of the basin, and at the top of it two nice-looking lads in boating clothes. (2)
  • His clothes were saturated with the soil of Goito; but wounded and wet, he smiled gaily, and talked sweet boyish English. (10)
  • You behaved as if it was a matter of course that you should go overboard after anybody, in your clothes, on a dark night. (10)
  • Her new clothes, which he had not been privileged to see before, while giving him a sense of Sunday, deepened his moral doubts. (8)
  • I am once again almost without clothes, and know not where to turn to make that figure necessary for the fulfilment of my duties. (8)
  • In the winter months the protected plants with their ugly clothes will not seem so out of place in this secreted patch of ground. (17)
  • While he speaks, a substantial woman, a little over middle-age, in old dark clothes and a black straw hat, enters from the corridor. (8)
  • Some of the stalactites that hung from it looked like great icicles, and some of them looked like damp, grey clothes hung out to dry. (5)
  • And rain, the heaviest you can meet, is a lively companion when the resolute pacer scorns discomfort of wet clothes and squealing boots. (10)
  • He suspected that Coburn had gone without clothes and tobacco to feed a lot of guinea-pigs and rabbits on which he was making experiments. (13)
  • Never there her face Is planetary; reddens to shore sea-shell Around such whiteness the enamoured air Of noon that clothes her, never there. (10)
  • Following, they ascended some wooden, fresh-washed stairs, and entered a large boarded room smelling of sawdust, gas, stale coffee, and old clothes. (8)
  • Elizabeth most thankfully consented, and a servant was dispatched to Longbourn to acquaint the family with her stay and bring back a supply of clothes. (4)

Also see sentences for: apparel, attire, clothing, decorations, dress, finery, garments.

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  • Use the word Clothes in a sentences

Sentence Examples

There, you will dazzle the eyes in clothes designed by Alberto Beddini.

I’m gonna have me clothes, rich cigars, best liquor tastiest vittles… I’ll pick money off bushes like I used to pick beans as a kid.

Donning clothes over a bad bra is like building a house without laying a foundation.

Right, she just came in her Sanyasi clothes.

I packed your airplane ticket, some clothes and enough money to last you till you die.

What kind of earring will match with this kind of clothes? Diamond?

Didn’t Galchi teach you that it’s bad to steal clothes?

Meet my poor mother, buy her pretty clothes, some kalbi meat, and a gorgeous house.

I’ll bring Yoon’s clothes, wanna wear that?

Daly: During the blind auditions, dance-pop artist casey desmond, Who designs all of her own clothes,

You make her take her clothes off?

I pay her to take her clothes off.

Your man wasn’t itinerant, because in my experience, homeless people don’t tend to have their clothes laundered.

The names of every male guest who had their clothes laundered by housekeeping in the last two weeks.

Now, I left some clothes in a pile by the front door.

They’re putting some dry clothes on him now.

Yes, he was wearing the same clothes.

Got a whole closet full of nice clothes.

Do you have any old clothes to sell?

Huye dressed in my clothes.

We shall look up and there will be angels coming down from the sky and they will put food in front of us and perhaps new clothes to wear.

Sofren’s two rivals to the post had faith in their handsome clothes and the fine learning that was crammed into them in Copenhagen.

Take these clothes to the beautiful dancer!



Quick, change your clothes, I’m going to introduce you to society!

«The dozens of times I’ve said I won’t have clothes drying in here!»

Change quickly into these clothes!

The reporter thought of a good idea, to have the Little Fellow pose in his mining clothes.

Where is the one whose clothes you are wearing?

And now — just as one would strip a rose, Little Frau Maske has lost her clothes!

«I’ll buy you diamonds — clothes — everything you want -«

«But, I say — what about your clothes

«An’ I never thanked you for them swell clothes you bought me.»

«You are charged with having in your possession clothes stolen from the Harbor Pawn Shop.»

Joan, if we permit you to attend Mass… will you stop wearing men’s clothes?

These shameless clothes… abominable to God…

«Fix him up with some working clothes for the boat.»

Working clothes for the boat with her help.

so I gave them your clothes.

They got pretty clothes for girls there?

He will wear my clothes, and on his head… a large, white mantilla.

I will wear his clothes, and ride away.»

The bandit’s gonna try to escape tonight in a girl’s clothes.

And your theater with all those men… and the girls with no clothes on.

/ October 14, 2019/ Usage

cloth versus clothes

What is the Difference Between Cloth and Clothes?


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Cloth and Clothes?
  • 2 Using Cloth in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Clothes in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Cloth vs. Clothes
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Cloth vs. Clothes
  • 7 Article Summary

Cloth and clothes look similar, and the words are slightly related. However, they have different pronunciations and definitions. Therefore, you must be careful not to mix the two of them up.

Cloth is a noun that means a piece of fabric.

  • He used a clean cloth to wipe the food off of his baby’s face.

Clothes is a noun that always keeps its plural form. It refers to things people wear including shirts, pants, and other garments.

  • I need to buy some new clothes for the upcoming school year.

Now, let’s go over the specific ways each of these words are used.

Using Cloth in a Sentence

When to use cloth: Cloth is a singular noun that means fabric. It can also act as an adjective to describe the material of an object. The plural form is spelled cloths.

For example,

  • We prefer to use cloth diapers for our infant because they are better for the environment. (adjective)
  • The doctor needs fresh cloths to dress her patient’s wounds.

The expression a man of the cloth means a member of the clergy.

Using Clothes in a Sentence

When to use Clothes: Clothes is a plural noun that refers to the things that people wear. The equivalent noun in singular form would be clothing.

For example:

  • Nudists prefer to not wear any clothes.
  • The fashionista always has on very trendy clothes.

There are a couple of idioms that use the word clothes:

  • the emperor’s new clothes: something people praise only because they don’t want to be the only one, or the first one, to criticize it (to be afraid to go against popular opinion)
    • Sarah is pretty and popular so everyone says that hew new haircut is cute. However, it’s obviously ugly. No one wants to say so because it’s a case of the emperor’s new clothes.
  • clothes make the man: the things a person wears affect his position in business and in life
    • Wear a nice suit to your job interview. Clothes make the man!

The verb form of clothes is clothe, which means to put clothes on.

Remembering Cloth vs. Clothes

The most common problem people have with these two words is not remembering whether or not to include the letter e in the spelling.

One way to avoid this problem is to remember that adding an e to the end of the word usually makes the vowel before the consonant sound a long vowel. For example, consider the words pop and pope. Pop has no e after the vowel consonant pair op, which means the o has a short o sound. Pope does have an e after the vowel consonant pair op, which changes the o to a long o sound. Other examples like this include, not/note, hop/hope, and of course cloth/clothe.

However, if the spelling rule of thumb is too difficult to remember, you could also remember that just like its synonym fabric, cloth has no e. Additionally, clothes does contain an e, just like its synonyms garment and attire.

Outside Examples

  • “No matter how many times you try to clean that cloth cushion, it doesn’t work. It starts looking shabby,” Yachmetz said. “With this process, we are getting caught up.” –USA Today
  • Garcia Zarate, who was homeless, said he found the gun wrapped in some sort of cloth under a seat he was sitting on at the pier. –OC Register
  • The T-shirt, bearing the word ‘LOL’, and the skirt could have easily been found in a pile of clothes in the hotel room where Huong stayed, the witness, Nasrol Sain Hamzah, an assistant superintendent, told Huong’s lawyer, Hisyam Teh Poh Teik. –New York Post
  • The man was wearing camo-colored pants and a matching Brooklyn Nets hat — but his clothes were not what caught her attention. –New York Daily News

Quiz: Cloth vs. Clothes

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either cloth or clothes.

  • I need to buy some new outfits. All my other __________ don’t fit me anymore.
  • The doctor pulled a white __________ over the body and pronounced him dead.
  • What is a man of the ________________ doing in such a disreputable place?
  • It is important to wear black ___________ to the funeral.
  • You can tell this is a fancy restaurant because it has ____________ napkins.

Article Summary

Should I use cloth or clothes? These two words are similar, but they are never interchangeable.

  • Cloth is a piece of fabric when it is a noun or the type of material when it is an adjective.
  • Clothes is a noun that means garment, attire, or an article of dress.

Using the information above can help to ensure that you don’t mix up these two different words.

Quiz Answers

  • clothes
  • cloth
  • cloth
  • clothes
  • cloth

  • Meanings of words and phrases

  • Example sentences

  • Similar words

  • Translations

  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Clothes» in various phrases and sentences

Что значит Like those clothes, just really need to go. Stat.?

that the clothes need to be gotten rid of or be taken off immediately..usually said in the context of them being unstylish or not appropriate

Что значит revailing clothes?

The spelling is «revealing» clothes. It means clothing that shows more of the skin that for the United states culture feels is too much. Ex. would be a woman wearing a skirt that shows too much of her upper thigh.

Что значит Please hang up your clean clothes and put them in the wardrobe?

Well usually when our clothes are finished being washed we put them in a wardrobe so we can, a few days later, wear it

Что значит me too. the clothes are wonderful ?

Me too: yo también
The clothes are wonderful: las prendas están maravillosas

Что значит clothes?

Clothes are all things that you wear like jeans, t-shirt, dress.
ex: I put some clothes on me. ( you don’t say what you wear)

Example sentences using «Clothes»

Покажите мне примеры предложений с fold my clothes.

1. I will fold my clothes.
2. Please go and fold my clothes.
3. They are all going to fold my clothes.
4. I am going to fold my clothes tomorrow.
5. Jake is going to help me to fold my clothes later today.

Покажите мне примеры предложений с If I go shoppoing for clothes, but i couldn’t find what I want after trying on some clothes. So I decide not to buy anthing and look around other shops. In this case, what expressions / sentences can I use? Thank you! .

Hello !

In this case, you can say to the store staff:

‘Thank you for letting me try some things on. Sadly, none of it was quite right.’


‘Some things were ok, but still not quite right. Thank you, though!’


‘The fit of these weren’t quite right. I’ll keep looking! Thank you, though.’


‘These weren’t quite right for me. Thank you, though! I’ll be back to see your new stock when it comes.’

^^ All of these expressions are very gentle and polite. They are casual enough and they aren’t direct. I think they are nice ways of saying no thank you. 😊

Also, as a bit of a joke, you could say:

‘Ah, I think what I tried looks better on the hanger/on the shelf 😅. Thank you, though!’

^^ This is a cute expression to say the clothing looked better on display than on me. It’s a soft way of saying no and the staff will probably laugh a bit.

I hope these are helpful! 😊 (I personally own a clothing shop, so I hear and use these expressions a lot!)

Покажите мне примеры предложений с 買い物してる時、試着後で買わない場合の例文(how to say after you trying some clothes and you don’t want those?).

“Thanks but no thanks” is something I’ve said where people tend to be younger. Sometimes I say “theses didn’t fit” and hand them back. In America the people at the store usually ask if you want to keep what you tried on and so I just say “no”. If they don’t ask I’ll go up to them and just say “hi, where do I put these I don’t want them” and they point me to a hanger or take them from me. I hope it helps.

Покажите мне примеры предложений с buy, clothes, exchange, refund.

Retail phrases for a salesperson and customer:

May I help you?
Is there something you are looking for?

Would you like to buy this?

Can I exchange this here?
-Yes, you can exchange that here.
-No, I’m sorry. You cannot exchange that here.

Please give me a refund.
Can I get this refunded?
-Do you have your receipt?
-May I see your receipt?
-Please give me the receipt.
-I’m sorry. You cannot get a refund without a receipt.

Do you have this in a bigger/smaller size?
-Yes, we do.
-No, I’m sorry. We do not.

What size do you wear?

Do you have it in another color?

Покажите мне примеры предложений с how many, clothes, and wear.

how many shirts are you wearing? how many types of clothes are you wearing?

Synonyms of «Clothes» and their differences

В чем разница между I put clothes on. и I put on clothes. ?

No difference just two ways of saying the same thing.

В чем разница между flashy clothes и loud clothes ?

Flashy is meant as a derogatory way of saying the person is showing off their wealth. So a rich person who wears designer everything would be flashy.

Loud is when the clothing is so obnoxiously attention grabbing that you can’t ignore it. Clothes with very bold (or tacky) patterns are considered «loud»

В чем разница между clothes и clothing ?

The word «clothes» is pronounced is only used in the plural way.

For example: Correct way — His new clothes look good.
Incorrect way — His new clothes looks good.
The word “clothe” is not the singular of “clothes”, as one might think. It is a verb meaning “to dress” or “provide clothing” and sounds quite formal and is not very common.

Finally, there is “clothing”, a singular noun similar in meaning to “clothes”, but it is typically used to refer to a certain type of clothes, e.g. “protective clothing”, rather than a particular piece of clothing:

I wear these clothes every day. (correct)
I wear this clothing every day. (unnatural; overly formal)
When referring to a specific “number of clothes”, we would say “piece of clothing”, “article of clothing”, or “item of clothing”, for example:

I bought a new piece of clothing. (correct)
I bought a new clothes. (wrong)
You will get a discount if you buy five or more articles of clothing. (correct)
You will get a discount if you buy five or more clothes. (unnatural)
I hope this helps. 😊

В чем разница между clothes и garment ?

@Lina777: garments are often referred to as underwear or an under shirt. where as clothes are what you would wear over top of the garments.

В чем разница между clothes и clothing ?

Probably in everyday conversations, we say «clothes» more frequently (like if we’re talking about what someone is wearing, or if we bought some new clothes, etc). But the more proper word is «clothing», so if you go to a department store, you might see signs for «women’s clothing» or «children’s clothing».

Translations of «Clothes»

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? clothes

Check the question to view the answer

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? I put on clothes and then I close the close clothes closet

I’m not sure of what you mean but what I got from this sentence was. «I put on my clothes and then I close my closet.»

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? clothes

The ending sounds like there is a «z»

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? the clothes with a alarm devise, avoid to be stolen, the staff will remove it when you buy it, how do you say this thing in English?

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? «They are _______ their clothes

Other questions about «Clothes»

So many clothes are produced for each seasons and each season has its trend. If we follow that marketing habit, as a result, our closet get full in a short period of time and we get one extra chore to sort out them, and the clothes you bought are most likely to be thrown in garbage without being used enough. does this sound natural? это звучит нормально?

So many clothes are produced every season, each with its own trends. Following this marketing habit can result in a full closet/wardrobe in a short amount of time and also means more sorting out to do. Most of the clothes you buy are hardly/rarely worn and end up being thrown out.

I haven’t worn thick clothes like padded jackets. That make feel suffocating.

Yeah! You’re right. Homes in Korea have heating on the floors. It’s really good! I’m always wearing short-sleeves and shorts in my home even in winters.

Everything is doing good! I have classes next weekend and next next weekend. I’ll learn how to take pictures.

Yeah. They are cute and you too!! You are so adorable! And good to hear that you had a date!! How was your date!? I think the more is the better haha. Give me details. what’s going on!? это звучит нормально?

I always wear short-sleeves and shorts at home even during winter.
Everything is going well! I have classes next weekend and the weekend after.
I think the more the better haha.
—-i corrected some grammar mistakes. Everything else is nice-

even though you wear very expensive clothes, it doesnt work if it isnt suitable for you это звучит нормально?

Just the «expensive»change for become more natural but the pronunciation is correctly.

it’s hot!
i should have wore flimsy clothes. это звучит нормально?

you can also say I should have worn something cooler

after fitting clothes an employee might ask you. how was it? or something. but I don’t want to take it. then how can I answere ?

I usually say
It didn’t work for me. Thank you.
if I just generally don’t like the item.
If there is a specific reason, you can add It’s too big.
The color just isn’t right for me.
The fit isn’t right on me.
But you don’t have to.

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

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1. Fine clothes make the man.

2. Truth hath a good face, but ill clothes

3. Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes

4. Clothes don’t make the man. 

5. He is in his better blue clothes

6. Clothes make the man.

7. Clothes maketh the man.

8. She disguised herself in man’s clothes.

9. Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.

10. What low-down son of a bitch took my clothes?

11. He clothed himself in his best clothes.

12. That boy outgrows his clothes every few months.

13. He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.

14. His clothes were covered with dirt.

15. His clothes were covered in dirt.

16. Don’t just sling your clothes on the floor.

17. The clothes froze solid on the washing-line.

18. He went upstairs and changed into fresh clothes.

19. She always pranks herself up with the best clothes.

20. The front room was strewn with books and clothes.

21. His clothes did not fit him very well .

22. You look rather shabby in those clothes.

23. The dirty clothes are soaking in soapy water.

24. There were dirty clothes strewn around the beds.

25. I need to change into some dry clothes .

26. He wore his best clothes to the interview.

26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

27. He make a lot of money selling clothes.

28. I immerse my clothes in the water.

29. Jane’s clothes were all mussed up.

30. His clothes were torn and bloody.

More similar words: bedclothes, cloth, loincloth, clothing, cloture, sloth, blood clot, slothful, hypothesis, hypothesize, lot, plot, allot, slot, lots, blot, pilot, ballot, lotus, zealot, harlot, lots of, lotion, blotch, a lot of, feedlot, these, ashes, polyglot, allotment. 

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