Use the word chose in a sentence

actual y chose to be in this position

Mind you, I stil chose to send her to the wrong one – after all, what did the cheeky cow think I was? ; A walking information booth?

We should ask ourselves, «What did we do with what we were given?» A lot of people are going to have a hard time explaining to God why they chose their plan instead of His while they were here on earth

Following is a story of a man who chose to do nothing but wait for God’s help

He chose not to

Mike chose his words carefully

What she chose to reveal was invariably better than the inter-intelligence communiqués where one agency often hid detail from another in order to maintain tactical advantage

Few women randomly chose to be single mothers in the Highlands, even here in the Gengee, so he doubted that any of his casual encounters were fertile

«No one knew you would chose me to carry it

Europol, yes I have heard of this terrible scourge on those of us» He gestured to his own tattoos, «who chose to express ourselves artistically through skin-art

him that he chose life at all

failing to understand that they too hurt as he did, he chose a simple life

chose those who you are going to pray in agreement with

I wouldn’t honestly have worried about a broken finger or two for me, or even a leg if it would protect my children, but not being able to do anything if they chose to punish Will

of that friendship, because you chose us rather than your own kind, I have no option

He could have asked Moses to tell him about Jehovah God, but he chose

‘I had far too many good actors to chose from

For example, when an infant has an accident and is paralyzed for the rest of his life, I can never swallow the tale that “this event serves an invisible but good purpose” or “his soul chose this because he needs this experience”, or “he is punished for something bad he did in his past life” and all that paranoiac piffle

His wife of twenty years chose the pension and condo in Sao Luis rather than a berth on the Lula and now she was his greatest disappointment, he knew then it had been a one-sided relationship all along

He chose to ignore the other basins of the planet and just learn the one he was in, the Gengee basin of the Elven Highlands

I’ll chose this,» she said

When He chose to eat, God had at that point placed in effect the cosmic redemption of all things

God knew what would happen if Adam chose to not eat that fruit

It was, even after all these years, still strange to him that he chose life at all

They found their way where he would not, and wilfully failing to understand that they too hurt as he did, he chose a simple life

‘It sort of chose me

and Fred chose not to mention what was going to be happening

‘What made you chose that way of life?’

She chose it

Two professors chose to remain with the students, John Hudson, 31, a biology and sciences teacher; and Alexandria Grissom, 33, a math and history teacher

I chose the bed nearest the French windows and lay down bathed in the cool of the sheets

‘ He chose his words with care and spoke with the slight smile and nods of one who knows

My mother assured me that I wasn’t as she was grounding up more Atavin to put in my orange soda, the only thing I chose to ingest at this point for some reason

Kate interrupted quickly,, “I think you all missed the point, they chose John

‘Oh yes – the gift doesn’t just chose men

There, you could count on at least some new arrivals hanging round, whatever time you chose to turn up

And when he couldn’t find one he wanted, he chose a man

Without local knowledge it was impossible to interpret the land and that made it so much easier to become lost — which was the most probable reason my father chose this route when they were fleeing from the fires — yet Alexis had no problem and kept our spirits up leading us through a maze of beautiful woods and dense tangled thickets along the way

To celebrate our opening we chose the

Quickly surveying the scene, Rayne chose her targets, and then leaped into action

She chose Thom because he wasn’t much clutter and her sexual needs were modest

chose his friends accordingly

He was one of the richest and most powerful men on Earth, but he initially chose to make his residence in the hills near Scranton because it would never be suspected, and he had near total control of so large an area, thru the judges and their constables

was maxed out, and you chose to feel very angry or

He chose the time and

were volatile episodes in her home, she chose to feel

the family wondered why she chose to stay in such a

and couldn’t believe her subconscious chose them

subconscious mind chose to build the Heart-Wall out

Even if they did have to swim out thru the palace sewers, she wasn’t letting Yellelle get away from her unless she chose to blink out

We chose to call Allison on the phone in this situation

“Many of us who lived in the later days of the Minoan civilization, especially those of us who watched the mainlanders smash and grab everything they could, chose to wander back in time to greater days, just like your captain’s mother has done in America, settling in the 1932 echo

the emotion chose you, but you really did choose the

that chose emotions of love and hope

” In his extremity, he chose the

chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them

“They think we are pagan savages because we chose our image of the almighty in female form

I chose to live and that’s what happened

I had to make drugs or I die, but one day I chose another way

Sixteen years ago, we chose to seal the portal and stop recruiting and stop rescuing orphans

“For that you chose extermination? You prefer genocide and suicide to supporting the Life Principles? This is wrong! I was not included in the vote

That’s why I chose to come here tonight, rather than do another bottle of whiskey

George now chose this opportunity to explain certain important things

The horse, which had been waiting patently during all this, chose

Seated once again in the rolling restaurant, they were offered bills of fare and chose quickly from the selections available

the poison than the dart and that’s why Johnson chose it

Ava wondered why she chose to look like this

Which is why they chose a mathematical symbol, a picture

What he thought was that they had just executed the near same excursion that very day, and couldn’t make out the need for such belabored planning for a similar trip; once again he chose to remain mum on the subject

chose a woman who’s more than capable of defending

Tom and I had helped move the items of furniture he chose to take with him and, after I had decided which of the remaining things I wanted for myself, we auctioned the rest

Spelman,” Harry chose his words very carefully, “I cannot give someone something they do not wish to have

He chose his phasing cautiously, “Kaitlyn there is nothing which I have done, or do, that is outside your own reach, should you truly wish to grasp it for your own

‘ Corrente chose his words

Also, she was told that pages 1-19 must be answered with green pen, the pages from 20-59 in red pen, and the pages from 60-92 in black pen, and that page 93 must be answered in hieroglyphics in any color pen she chose

They chose as the backdrop for the portrait the grand gateway into the Lodge’s grounds

proved too much for her to handle, and instead of punishing him, she chose to look

Finally she decided she’d had enough and chose to announce it to the world

Why she chose to ask about the way he’d pronounced the small house’s description like a name, she wasn’t exactly sure; after all, it belonged to her and she could call it anything she wanted

They ordered two ales and chose an empty table in the

though it might have been that they just chose to stay instead of getting back on the

“Our strengths I estimate thus: We are eight gentlemen and five ladies, not including myself, and the population of the School to chose from for lesser, but important roles to be filled

Kit traveled back with her, he’d finished classes nearly a month early, and since there wasn’t anything holding him in Salt Lake, he chose to assist her there

He chose to believe the latter

calling him a liar, but Roman’s brain chose his words very carefully

Collette chose that moment to enter the room carrying

replies clambered for life, and the one I chose was:

«Why do you chose to live here?»

He chose a bottle himself and thrust it into my

Paul chose to teach about the manifestation gifts to the Corinthians

Instead, he chose to disable her with an attack to her shielded head

boys and I chose the two bedroom apartment and Enid

seating, so the boys and I chose one at random, while

It was only as the warriors chose

reigned supreme, turned and chose to follow Yahweh with all

He also chose David His servant, and took him from the

“Yes she told me and she said if you were looking for the red ones she chose two of those for delivery charges!”

“No,” he stroked his chin thoughtfully “I don’t believe I was paid, I booked under a false name, one I chose from a wealthy family

he only thanked God that he chose that moment to

Firstly he chose five personal guards, then he divided the rest of the gang into roughly four groups of fifty each

Random good picture Not show

1. She chose an academic career.

2. We chose a new cooker from the gas showroom.

3. Jim chose Mary for his wife.

4. I chose a book from the bookcase.

5. We chose to go by train.

6. I chose a spot well away from the road.

7. Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people.

8. England won the toss and chose to kick off.

9. We chose Paul Stubbs to be chairperson.

10. We chose Paul Stubbs as / for chairperson.

11. She chose the present with loving care.

12. Sarah chose her words carefully.

13. She chose to have an early termination.

14. He chose banking as a career.

15. We chose some curtains with a flower motif.

16. They chose to take voluntary redundancy.

17. He chose his words carefully.

17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

18. He chose a cartoon from the stack of videos on the shelf.

19. I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.

20. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.

21. They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.

22. We chose the house for its proximity to the school.

23. It’s a complete mystery to me why they chose him.

24. Sometimes you are not without effort, but chose the wrong direction; sometimes, success is not your ability, but by the power of others.

25. The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes.

26. You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us — what a coincidence!

27. We chose to live out of town and commute to work every day.

28. He got more than he reckoned for when he chose to play against such an opponent.

29. Each other just have the tacit understanding, but you let go chose abandoned.

30. There are 7 billion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.

More similar words: whose, those, choose, host, ghost, bathos, hostel, hostile, hospice, hostage, hospital, hostility, hospitable, inhospitable, chop, echo, hospitalization, choke, chorus, school, anchor, choice, catch on, inchoate, scholar, reach out, choke off, touch on, each other, phosphorescent. 

Some English verbs have more complex past tense forms, and one example is the word choose. Is it choose or chooses? chose or choosed? Choosing or choosing? 

I’ll show you the difference between choose vs. chose and its other verb forms. I’ll also give you helpful examples of how to use it in a sentence.

Is it Chose or Choose?

Use chose if you have already decided on something, and use choose if the act of choosing is done at present. The difference between choose and chose is their tense forms. Choose is in the present tense, while chose is in the simple past tense. The action word means to pick out, select, or make a choice. 

Why is it Chose and Not Choosed?

The rules on the form of verbs can be confusing, especially when it comes to the past tense form. The past tense use of choose is chose because it’s an irregular verb. Unlike the verb bake, you don’t just add -d or -ed to the word. 

Irregular verbs do not follow the typical rule for simple past and past participle forms. Rather than choosed, you remove one o to make the past form chose. And you add -en for the past participle to form chosen.

Here are some examples of chose in a sentence:

  • The Ecuadorian people chose to be friendly to their tourists and visitors.
  • Out of all the items on the menu, you chose the one we have at home.
  • I chose not to disclose everything that happened in the meeting yesterday.

Another example of irregular verbs is sing. The past and past participle forms are sang and sung. The simple past and past participle forms of bring is brought. 

When to Use Choose

Chosing or choosing

You can also add the auxiliary verb will or shall l before the word choose for the simple future tense. Here are some examples:

  • She gave me a choice between coconuts and melons, and I will choose melons tomorrow. 

The word chooses is the simple present tense of choose, which you use after singular third-person subjects. 

For example, instead of saying “Maya choose the bacon hamburger”, say, “Maya chooses the bacon hamburger. It’s inaccurate to use choose with the third person reference to the noun Maya. Here are other examples:

  • Miguel chooses to study in his room every day. 
  • My dog always chooses peanut butter treats over chicken.

When to Use Chose

Use chose as the past tense of choose. When you chose something, it means you have already picked it among a selection of choices. Or you have already selected a course of action. The following sentences imply that a choice has already been made:

  • Last night, I chose the dress to wear to prom. 
  • My dad chose to skip breakfast this morning because he was in a rush.
  • She chose her career over him. 

When to Use Chosen

Use chosen as the past participle form of choose. An auxiliary verb has, have, or had usually comes before it to form a compound verb or verb phrase in the present or past perfect tense.

Has chosen and have chosen are the present perfect form of choose. Use to show that you already chose something at an indefinite time. You can also use it if you decided on something in the past and continued it to the present–for example:

  • I think I have chosen this color before.
  • I have always chosen you.

Use had chosen to refer to a time earlier than now. It means you had chosen something before another event occurred in the past. Here’s an example:

  • Event A: I had chosen cookie dough flavor
  • Event B: when the lady recommended mint chocolate. 

Event A occurred first before Event B. That means Event A should use the past perfect tense (had chosen), while Event B is in the simple past tense (recommended). The final sentence is:

  • I had chosen cookie dough flavor when the lady suggested mint chocolate.

Here are other examples of had chosen in a sentence:

  • I had chosen to enroll in Lehigh University when I received the University of Pennsylvania’s acceptance letter.
  • Richard had chosen to leave for California before Sutton asked her to stay.

When to Use Choosing 

Is it choosing or choosing? The correct term is choosing. Use itto express an action that is not yet done. That means you haven’t decided yet if you are still choosing. The three progressive verb tenses include:

  • Past progressive (was/were + choosing).
  • Present progressive (is/are + choosing).
  • Future progressive (will be + choosing).

Here are some examples of choosing in a sentence:

  • I was choosing my outfit when Jane canceled our plan.
  • I am still choosing who to hang out with this Sunday.
  • I will be choosing my project partner once our collaboration is over.

How Do You Use Choose and Chose in a Sentence?

Choose in a Sentence

You don’t have to select a seat in order to get a seat. You just might get stuck with a suboptimal one if you choose to skip it. (Market Watch)

Must China choose sides in the Russia-Ukraine War? (The Straits Times)

Warren Buffet tests college kids to seek a job they would choose if they had no need for money. (Business Insider)

Chose in a Sentence

Kamala Harris felt “wounded” and “belittled” by the photo Vogue chose for her February 2021 cover. (Yahoo)

When we sat down last fall to conceive a version of this project that could become an ongoing tradition, we chose to spotlight leaders who are working to create a better future for women everywhere. (Time)

“She chose giving people the benefit of the doubt, she looked for the good in them,” one vigil attendee said. “She chose compassion, and she chose time and time again to lift others up.” (NBC Chicago)

Choose and Chose Summary

In summary, choose and chooses are the present tense of choose, while chose is the past tense. You also know the correct term between choosing or choosing and chose and choosed.

Mastering the correct form of English verbs will take you a step further to becoming more fluent. It will help you be more confident in using the verb in a sentence! Learn more about easily confused words like this such as separate vs separate and electric vs eclectic.


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Most English verbs are regular. They follow a predictable pattern of conjugation. But some English verbs don’t follow the same pattern. They are called irregular verbs.

Choose is an irregular verb that tends to confuse new writers and people learning English. It doesn’t follow the same rules as most verbs, but once you learn the rules it does follow, it’s easy to know whether you should use choose or chose, depending on context.

What is the Difference Between Choose and Chose?

In this article, I will compare choose vs. chose. I will use each of them in a sentence, and, at the end, I will give you a helpful trick use when you need to determine whether to use chose or choose in your own writing.

When to Use Choose

Definition of chose definition of choose definitionWhat does choose mean? Choose (pronounced chooze) is a verb that means to pick one thing over another.

Choose is the simple present tense form of this verb. With a helping or auxiliary verb like will or should, choose becomes the simple future form as well.

One might choose which sandwich to order from a restaurant, or which night to go out with friends, or which person to marry.

Here are some examples,

  • Andy has proven time and time again that he will choose money over happiness.
  • “Choose carefully,” the genie said, “for your life hangs in the balance!”
  • “Choose a restaurant quickly, because everything around here closes at 9pm,” Rebeca said.
  • In an era of abundant good TV, how do I choose what to watch? How do I find those shows? And how do I fit those choices into a busy schedule? –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Chose

Define chose and define chooseWhat does chose mean? Chose (pronounced choez) is the simple past tense form of the verb choose.

Use chose to describe a decision that happened in the past, like in the following examples,

  • The contestant chose what was behind door number three.
  • Gary could have used this time to prepare for the race, but he chose to fool around instead.
  • We were given a choice between coconuts and starvation, and we chose coconuts.

When to Use Chosen

What does chosen mean? The same verb to choose becomes chosen as a past participle, and in past perfect form with an auxiliary verb.

Use past perfect tense to describe a past event that happened before a related event. Use a past participle to modify a noun, much the same way you would use an adjective. See the sentences below.

  • We had already chosen to stay home by the time Marla called us back. (Past Perfect Form)
  • An organization announced on Wednesday that it had chosen the winners of $10 million grants in a competition to rethink the American high school. –The New York Times
  • In the Christian Bible, the Israelites were God’s chosen people. (Past Participle)

Trick to Remember the Difference

choose versus choseHere is a helpful trick to remember chose vs. choose.

Chose and choose are difference tenses of the same verb to choose.

  • Chose is the simple past tense form.
  • Choose is the simple present and future forms.

If you are speaking about a decision that was made in the past, use chose. If the decision currently being made or will be made in the future, use choose. Since choose shares a double O with the word soon, it should be easy to remember to save choose for these contexts.


Is it choose or chose? These two spellings represent different tenses of the same verb.

  • Choose is the simple present and future tense forms of the verb to choose, which means to select something instead of something else.
  • Chose is the simple past tense form of the same verb.

You can remember to use choose in the future tense since that word and soon both have a double O.

I hope this article helped you understand the differences between choose and chose. You can always reread it if you need a refresher.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Choose and Chose?
  • 2 When to Use Choose
  • 3 When to Use Chose
  • 4 When to Use Chosen
  • 5 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

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Jane rejected all the suggestions in the report and chosesomething altogether different.

She chose the blue sweater because it matched her eyes.

I chose to miss the meeting and risk the consequences.

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