Use the word chatted in a sentence

  • Use the word CHATTED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

She just chatted at me all the time.

Now he had a drink with Senator Babcock and he chatted with a Miss Pringle about some mice she had in a cage and then he picked up a book dropped by a Mrs. Jellison.

Business chatted for a while.

We chatted at length, right?

Mr. Swanson, explain to the jury why you did not recognize me, while we chatted, but are able to identify a thief with which you have been in contact for a minute.

We chatted a while, a few beers.

You have enough chatted, Cynthia and you on the phone.

As I did the flowers, I chatted on to Maurice just as if we had nothing better to do.

Would you mind if we chatted for a while?

To keep from being chatted up by strangers?

We met, we chatted sometimes, we walked around the block.

We sat by the window and chatted.

Earlier, you chatted with a capitalist embassy attach├®.

We chatted about you, she and I.

He and Oshima came here and chatted over drinks.

We chatted on the phone. About a Mr. Klausen.

They sat, and while I answered cheerily… they chatted familiar things.

My head ached, and I fancied a ringing in my ears. But still they sat and they chatted.

It it grew louder, louder… and still the men chatted pleasantly and smiled.

Well, the way it went, we went in and we chatted. Yeah?

chatted with our guests? — Yes.

I wanted to strike down your hard, white resistance, but we chatted away and talked about how well we got along.

No one tried to bring me up, and when the girls were among themselves they chatted so amusingly.

Today a man chatted me up in the subway.

I think we chatted too long, Dr. Teodoro

Just the other day, we chatted on your doorstep.

I chatted with a depressive.

He writes in his notebook about a curious little man named Leon Selwyn or Zelman, who seemed clearly to be an aristocrat, and extolled the very rich as he chatted with socialites.

When you and Mrs. Kirk talked to Dr. Morrison… when you chatted with him… about the crime Claudia had been charged with… did he also indicate to you that… he thought it was the best way?

While my mother stood over the dirty plates,… ..Irene and Roger ate an elegant breakfast in their chic Manhattan town house… ..while they chatted charmingly about people and places we only dreamt of.

It surprised you, and we chatted a bit.

Next time you see him… you can say to yourself, you know… that you and me, we chatted him up and how it went or something.

I went up to her room to say goodbye… we sat on the bed and chatted while her friend was collecting her things.

I ran down the other side of that copse there, came in through the gate there, and met him here, as if totally by chance, and we chatted easily.

I merely said we chatted when he bought a drink.

We chatted, and then he asked me to help fix the mast

We’ve chatted from time to time.

I don’t recall what he asked me, but we chatted for a quarter of an hour or so.

Her Majesty and I chatted for a while, and she was impressed with such wit and good sense in so diminutive a person.

She chatted to the teacher, and she said:

Then he sat over at that table with a couple of fellas and… they chit-chatted for a while…

My ma, she would’ve come home, shook me awake, chatted me up till dawn.

I call to you in half an hour and we chatted, it seems to you well?

We chatted at the buffet before you came over.

1. He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial.

2. My neighbour’s very chatty — she tells me all the news.

3. He’s a friendly chatty sort of person.

4. He wrote a chatty letter to his wife.

5. She’s quite a chatty person.

6. Holmes used an informal, chatty tone in his essays.

7. He was in an unusually chatty mood.

8. Nobles is a chatty, energetic 55-year-old.

9. She is serious and yet chatty.

10. You’re very chatty today, Alice.

11. Lane eyes the chatty after-work crowd carefully.

12. They are uniformly polite, chatty and cheerful with visitors.

13. Don Nobles is a chatty, energetic 75-year-old.

14. This is a small, chatty volume of the kind that White has turned out in recent years with great success.

15. Why do our chatty children often have such difficulty talking about books?

16. As well as the chatty bit about not forgetting the urine sample,( both sides carry advertising.

17. The nurses at the hospital were pleasant and chatty, and they made me feel less nervous.

18. A very shy boy has gradually become chatty and lively.

19. On the fourth day he received a long chatty letter from Eleanor.

20. Chefs Kuni and Yasu, both chatty artists, carve edible canvasses that are spectacular feasts for the eyes.

21. Don’t expect chatty presenters on a comfy settee just yet.

22. Sir John was very chatty.

23. That girl in PR is really a chatty Cathy.

24. The » chatty » description is quite useless.

25. Quietly spoken, and with the tensions of his acting day behind him, Holden now seemed more relaxed and chatty.

26. The statues of the saints were ranged along the walls in clumps of two and three, like groups of chatty friends.

27. For hours the magician swam around, with the normally chatty parrot perched silently on his shoulder.

28. Perhaps the articles turned out badly because his heart wasn’t really in that kind of parish pump, chatty writing.

29. Crew members said they were struck by how laid back and chatty the vacationing Clintons were.

30. Graham is very shy with most people but he gets quite chatty with Mr Roberts.

A sentence using the word chatty. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use chatty in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for chatty.

  • Louise is a chatty person; she likes to have you make an effort for her. (13)
  • Miss Bates was very chatty and good-humoured, as she always is, though she speaks rather too quick. (4)
  • He found her as handsome as she had been last year; as good natured, and as unaffected, though not quite so chatty. (4)
  • Mr. Weston was chatty and convivial, and no friend to early separations of any sort; but at last the drawing-room party did receive an augmentation. (4)

Also see sentences for: chatted, chattel, chatter, chattered, chatterer.

Definition of chatty:

  • chatty, chat’i, n. an earthen water-pot in india. (0)

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A chat room is an Internet environment where you can have several conversations with other people from around the world at the same time. There are different kinds of chat rooms such as IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and web page chat rooms. Most of them are used for entertainment purposes only and have cartoon characters that are used to identify frequent users. In monitored chat rooms, programmes either search conversations for bad language or administrators read texts before they are shown online. Consequently, those who misbehave are warned or kicked out!

In today’s world, over half of teens visit chat rooms. They feel they can talk to others in the virtual world without being judged by their looks or popularity. Unfortunately, some discuss their problems online when, in the real world, they would never ask a stranger for advice! What is more, the same technology that lets teens express themselves also attracts online predators. Online predators are Internet users who use the Internet to have access to children and teenagers.

Being Smart!

Teens who chat online should remember not to give out personal information, to use a nickname that does not reveal their sex and not to respond to private messages. They should also be careful of users who ask too many questions even if the questions seem innocent. These questions may be asked to trick teens into revealing where they live or go to school. In addition, teens must remember that they are in control and can stop a conversation at anytime, especially if they begin to feel uncomfortable or are suspicious.

Teens should avoid meeting online users. However, if they do decide to meet an online user, they should tell their parents beforehand and make sure the meeting is in a public place and under adult supervision.

Doing a Little Detective Work!

If a teen is under threat from an online predator, the police can find the “IP address” of the predator’s computer and track him down. An IP address is a unique identifying number that every computer connected to the Internet has. It acts just like a car licence plate and a telephone number: it shows ownership and enables authorities to protect people’s safety if needed.


1) There are chat rooms for different age groups.

2) Teens visiting chat rooms should give specific details about themselves.

3) Teens should be with adults whenever they meet online users in person.

4) An IP address is a special number that every computer connected to the Internet has.


A chat room is an Internet environment where you can have several conversations with other people from around the world at the same time. There are different kinds of chat rooms such as IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and web page chat rooms. Most of them are used for entertainment purposes only and have cartoon characters that are used to identify frequent users. In monitored chat rooms, programmes either search conversations for bad language or administrators read texts before they are shown online. Consequently, those who misbehave are warned or kicked out! – Чат-комната представляет собой интернет-среду, где вы можете одновременно вести несколько разговоров с другими людьми со всего света. Существует несколько видов чат-комнат, такие как IRC (Internet Relay Chat – ретранслируемый интернет-чат) и чаты на вебстранице. Многие из них испoльзуются только в развлекательных целях и имеют мультипликационных героев для идентификации частых пользователей. В редактируемых чатах либо программы ищут разговоры, в которых используется плохой язык, либо администраторы читают тексты, до того как их показать онлайн. В результате, те, кто ведет себя плохо, получают предупреждения или их выкидывают из чата!

In today’s world, over half of teens visit chat rooms. They feel they can talk to others in the virtual world without being judged by their looks or popularity. Unfortunately, some discuss their problems online when, in the real world, they would never ask a stranger for advice! What is more, the same technology that lets teens express themselves also attracts online predators. Online predators are Internet users who use the Internet to have access to children and teenagers. – В современной мире свыше половины подростков посещают чаты. Они чувствуют, что могут поговорить с другими в виртуальном мире, не будучи осужденными за свои взгляды или популярность. К сожалению, некоторые обсуждают свои проблемы онлайн, когда в реальном мире они бы не спросили у незнакомца совета! Более того, так же самая технология, которая позволяет подросткам самовыражаться, таже привлекает онлайн-хищников. Онлайн-хищники – это пользователи интернета, которые испoльзуют интернет для подступа к детям и подросткам.

Being Smart! – Быть разумным!

Teens who chat online should remember not to give out personal information, to use a nickname that does not reveal their sex and not to respond to private messages. They should also be careful of users who ask too many questions even if the questions seem innocent. These questions may be asked to trick teens into revealing where they live or go to school. In addition, teens must remember that they are in control and can stop a conversation at anytime, especially if they begin to feel uncomfortable or are suspicious. – Подростки, которые общаются онлайн, должны помнить о том, чтобы не выдавать свои персональные данные, использовать псевдоним, который не раскрывает его их пола, и не отвечать на личные сообщения. Им также следует опасаться пользователей, которые задают слишком много вопросов, даже если вопросы кажутся безобидными. Эти вопросы могут могут обманом выявить, где подростки живут и куда ходят в школу. Кроме того, подросткам надо помнить о том, что ни управляют ситуацией и могут прекратить разговор в любое время, особенно если они начинают чувствовать себя некомфортно или подозрительно.

Teens should avoid meeting online users. However, if they do decide to meet an online user, they should tell their parents beforehand and make sure the meeting is in a public place and under adult supervision. – Подросткам следует избегать встреч с онлайн-пользователями. Тем не менее, если они все-таки решают встретиться с онлайн-пользователем, они должны заранее рассказать об этом своим родителям и позаботиться о том, чтобы встреча происходила в общественном месте и под надзором взрослого.

Doing a Little Detective Work! – Провести небольшую детективную работу!

If a teen is under threat from an online predator, the police can find the “IP address” of the predator’s computer and track him down. An IP address is a unique identifying number that every computer connected to the Internet has. It acts just like a car licence plate and a telephone number: it shows ownership and enables authorities to protect people’s safety if needed. – Если подростку угрожает какой-либо онлайн-хищник, то полииция может определить IP-адрес его компьютера и выследить его. IP-адрес – это уникальное идентификационное число компьютера, подключенного к интернету. Он действует так же, как и автомобильный или телефонный номер: он указывает на владельца и позволяет властям в случае необходимости защитить безопасность людей.


1) There are chat rooms for different age groups. – Для различных возрастных групп имеются чаты. (doesn’t say – об этом не сказано)

2) Teens visiting chat rooms should give specific details about themselves. – Подростки, посещающие чат, должны указывать специальную информацию о себе. (false – неверно)

3) Teens should be with adults whenever they meet online users in person. – Подростки должны быть со взрослыми, когда они лично встречаются с онлайн-пользователями. (true – верно)

4) An IP address is a special number that every computer connected to the Internet has. – IP-адрес – это особое число, которое имеет любой компьютер, подключенный к интернету. (true – верно)

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