Use the word charming in a sentence

1, To forgive our enemies is a charming way of revenge. 

2, She describes him as urbane and charming.

3, She’s a very charming and very pretty girl.

4, It was a charming piece of music.

5, Her charming face was framed with raven hair.

6, The village is charming and the surrounding scenery superb.

7, He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.

8, Fundamentally, women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.

9, A smile is the most charming part of a person forever.

10, I think he’s the most charming, most considerate man I’ve ever known.

11, They live in a charming house in the shadow of the cathedral.

12, Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities.

13, He’s a charming rogue.

14, Your smile is charming.

15, He was a charming mixture of glum and glee.

16, What a charming young man!

17, They live in a charming old cottage.

18, He was gifted with a charming smile.

19, He was charming and urbane, full of witty conversation.

20, They found him to be charming.

21, She looked small and gentle and altogether charming.

22, She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.

23, To begin with he was Prince Charming.

24, The hotel has a charming roof garden.

25, He can be charming to his friends.

26, He’s a bit of a rogue,[] but very charming.

27, Beneath her charming exterior lies a very determined woman.

28, This brings a birthday message especially to say how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.

29, Happy birthday to my sweetheart who is always so charming and good-looking.

30, In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming.

‘And I think it is _most_ charming, Mister Lushington; and I remember me now that Lady Fanny Errol, poor thing, said it would be a _charming_ sight. ❋ Various (N/A)

I started getting sick all the time, had trouble sleeping and just wasn’t my usual…..charming….yeah, we’ll go with charming self. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Calling a video game cute is like calling a house charming in the real estate section of the newspaper, meaning that like charming is code for tiny, cute is usually code for a game for kids. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Here they reëmbarked, following a river of wonderful windings, and through a series of magnificent and beautiful lakes, and through a country which they described as charming in the extreme, until they entered the magnificent expanse of Green Bay, at its southern extremity. ❋ Unknown (1841)

But Benedict, however «charming,» is still stifling theologians who challenge ideas about Catholicism, says Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and former editor of the Jesuit-owned magazine America. ❋ Unknown (2008)

& odq; I had noticed that she was much changed, & cdq; Mr. Wentworth declared, in a tone whose unexpressive, unimpassioned quality appeared to Felix to reveal a profundity of opposition. & odq; It may be that she is only becoming what you call a charming woman. &cdq; ❋ Unknown (1878)

These gorgeous little paper cupcake wrappers from Belle & Boo are almost too good to use, so charming is the illustration. ❋ Kate Carter (2010)

Ora recounts in charming detail her 20 miraculously unscathed years of family life, when she and her husband and boys were like a little underground cell in the heart of the ‘situation.’ ❋ Donna Rifkind (2010)

Worm charming is an art and a science as is fishing. ❋ Unknown (2010)

His character is described as a charming politician who wants to end his gubernatorial bid after a family scandal. ❋ Unknown (2012)

Hahahahah Dick calling palin charming and engaging! ❋ Unknown (2009)

Mostly though, I’m concerned about our dog who, while charming, is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I cannot stand McCain, but at least he’s not spewing propaganda wrapped up in charming promises of change like Obama does. ❋ Unknown (2008)

These are people who use the word charming because it sounds British and would probably curtsey if they met her. ❋ Unknown (2010)

There used to be another John McCain — charming, open, unpredictable. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Now I have no reason to believe the Gregoire herself indulges in «charming vices», but almost everything else in that sketch sounds all too familiar, the travel (Leo X would have loved, one suspects, jet travel.), the charity (with other people’s money), and, above all, the extravagance. ❋ Unknown (2007)

It is also nice to seem him in charming regular guy mode after the heaviness of “Hotel Rwanda” and the gloomy pretentiousness of “Crash.” ❋ Unknown (2007)

kevin: what’s [the weather] like outside?
[lindsay]: rather charming, really. we should go take pictures, or [conquest]. ❋ L In Dai Sy (2009)

my boyfriend is so charming he made a trail of a dozen [roses] leading to a [picnic] beneath [a waterfall] ❋ *grin* (2004)

Fred: [Muhahaha].
George: We would, but—
Fred: —we don’t want to.
Ginny: SHUT UP!!
[Lucius]: [Weasley], youre children are absolutely… charming.
Arthur: *grunt*
Fred: Hey!
George: Take that back! ❋ Parawhore #34 (2009)

he was charming for [two hours] until [the air] was [poison] ❋ Jordan D (2006)

[Lucy’s] charm made her date feel at ease and special.
Michelle [charmed] the policeman into letting her go without getting a [speeding ticket]. ❋ World Citizen (2005)

“[Damn bro] ,Who That”
“[Bro] ,That’s Charm [She Bad]” ❋ Omgitsstace (2018)

“Sooo i [bumped into] this girl and she gave me a nasty look then continued walking, [let me just] say she had some [cake] for a white girl”
” You’re talking bout Charm, yea she’s something else “ ❋ PandaMane (2020)

J: Hey [babe]! If you could describe me in [one word] [what word] would that be?
E: [One Word]?
J: Yeah
E: Charming. ❋ Bbbbbaaashful (2010)

Example #1:
Me: Okay, I admit it, I cried when Chris died in [Charmed], I mean…He died in his father’s arms. How sad is that?
A friend: It was sad, and totaly real, because of how great they wrote and acted it.
Example #2:
Poser Witch: Charmed makes fun of [Wicca], I’m gonna do a spell to rid the world of it. *sneers*
Me: Charmed does not offend Wicca, and real witches know that [magick] should not be taken lightly! ❋ M. C. N. (2006)

«She [used] a Charm, and [I don’t remember] [what I said].» ❋ Kwing (2009)

He began to think that maybe he wasn’t as charming and fun as he once believed and that maybe it was just the alcohol that made him happy

‘You look charming when you blush, Kate

‘You look charming this morning, Kate

She is a charming young lady and Wiesse’s initial demurrals were overruled as soon as he met her

’ Joris said, throwing her one of his charming smiles

Berndt occupies himself talking to Drens all afternoon while I laze on the foredeck with Joris who appears to be going out of his way to be charming

Behind the busiest street, I walked romantic corridors between dilapidated wood and mud houses with charming little kitchens, fire-places, wood storage rooms, and some with courtyards and even pebble mosaic designs laid in the ground beneath knotty gnarled old trees that still flowered bright crimson and pale blue

She was very charming and quite funny at times

’ He replied – in English this time — the Welsh lilt to his voice charming to hear

If you are naturally funny or charming then use this to your advantage, If not then the less said the better

‘ And yes, she was charming and lush but all the lounge bits, like the three sofas on the afterdeck, looked as though they’d been added after the armaments

‘The Vivaldi ‘Gloria’ at the Corn Exchange, I think, wasn’t it?’ he said with that charming professional smile of his

shaking from that moment and his charming,

‘When she went to Italy she met up with a charming American and, not surprisingly, fell for him, her experience and education didn’t include womanising lotharios

Apart from her concern for Mickey, Sheila was her usual self – handing out food and hot beverages in her normal, less than charming manner

Ava took it with a lidded eye because she had worked with Kulai in the past and found him passively charming, but Enjteen didn’t say anything she knew was a lie

The truth was, Kaitlyn Spelman was a charming and beautiful young woman and he was definitely not at ease in her presence

Olivia Allcock—my better half really, will be only too pleased to meet yourself and your charming family,” explained Samuel as tactfully as he could

The only good thing was he rode up with a charming girl who took his mind off it long enough to think about how nice it would be to have Nightday off and find her in one of the places she talked about

“Those glad tidings have, of course, caused no little disruption to our Kaitlyn’s lodging arrangements in this charming hamlet

He’s got a ground floor flat at ‘Chamberlains’, a very up-market sheltered housing property on the outskirts of Chippenham, and has a terrific social life charming all the old ladies who live in the property

A stay-over in a charming Dover Inn and they were again on a train for Redditch

even care if he’s not his charming self every once in awhile

Allcock again for the charming company upon his arrival which so increased his spirits, and went up the broad stairway to the first floor and his rooms

(apparently), but nonetheless charming for that

charming and infuriating in equal measure

Then he heard a song, which was so charming that he stood still and listened

An hour before daybreak the sister awoke, and said, as she had promised, “My dear sister, if you are not asleep, tell me, one of your charming stories

“Then send Rosecare with them, at the moment she’s charming my flowers to bloom and its getting pretty dazzling up here, now she’s started on the fruit trees and I’ve already bottled a ton of pears and mangoes

talking to you – “Your brother! How charming!! Can I have his

Rather charming actually

What he had initially tried to discount as nonsensical mutterings and charming riddles were beginning to hold a strange resonance

Penelope ran into the chaos, the once charming and orderly capital now ravaged and weeping

It was also entirely likely that the eastern city, one so full of characters almost charming for their dubious yet reliable connections, would yield the intelligence he sought

«Oh fuck off,» said Sharon, softly, at the same time giving the driver her most charming

It was a charming quality

He seemed so charming and plausible and he was supposed to be a pal of yours and so I said yes and to tell the truth I was feeling lonely everyone seemed to have someone but me but little did I know what he was really like

As Khan passed him, they made eye contact and he gave Raven a charming smile

It was charming, handsome and deadly

“Hello you three what brings you out to a charming holiday resort like this then?” Mickey replied

Jessie was most charming as the

He telephoned Carl, had a heartening conversation with the well spoken and charming young man and reassured him that he would be able to visit on Saturday week for morning prayers and after that, a very important tradition in the Jewish religion, for a very special young woman

It was a very charming, light, and airy room that she led me into

If Maldynado had been charming, this boy was his utter opposite

according to their own fancies; and this new Costumer had charming

gardens on the tops of them, and the charming shapes of gold and

made the old house charming and bright

«That’s charming of you, Maidie,»

for example, an attitude, that, may appear charming and pleasant on the surface while in fact concealing a darker, insidious nature; that is to say, external impressions are oftentimes misleading

He did still make it to church on Sundays where he was as charming and friendly as ever

This time she wouldn’t let Frank’s charming smile and easy ways put her off so easily

Bungalows in town are dirt-cheap, but if you’re interested there is a charming little place near the waterfalls that is comfortable and inexpensive

She told him all this with a charming smile, and a kind of verbal flourish

For the life of her, she couldn’t understand how the hotel’s outdated fixtures could have struck her as charming, because at the moment…

With its green space of heavenly environment, that charming country city holds a warrant for new emotions

Not only do the roosters show jubilation and wellbeing in that charming city

Additionally, a charming lattice-covered patio appeared where had been a garbage dumpster and the entire lower level was torn out

We were granted that exception because Luis Lago Alba, a great friend of mine and of whom I wrote in Odyssey Fulfilled was our guide and presented us with the gift of a deliciously charming and instructive visit of the place

“Some of them are quite charming

The bungalows at first glance looked like nothing but grass shacks built over the water on sticks, but inside they were charming, with finished walls, air conditioning, kitchenette, bar and bed with soft mattress

For her part, Mia had successfully set about charming Mrs

He spent the time reviewing the conversation he’d had with the charming Nicaraguan woman he’d met while nursing his first drink at Cabañas Arrecifes, and whom he’d invited to join him for dinner – at least she had every right to claim she was Nicaraguan: as the child of a migrant farm hand working abroad when she was born in Costa Rica, she was definitely entitled to citizenship

What a charming little soul you once had

“He just isn’t so charming to females of his own species, yet we should have been able to understand our own species

They had been most gracious and charming, but as they were leaving, her son suggested that he have someone from his unit dynamite the bridge over which the estate’s main access road passed, in order to isolate the place

She likes to hear me talk and finds my vivacity charming

I had to congratulate the owner’s charming wife Nui on the beautiful gardens she maintains in the small complex

Real phony, very charming

This highly charming, wealthy, and intelligent man that you called Dad was, in fact, acting like a ten year-old kid trying to be and look like an adult

She never showed her pain, and she smiled all night as charming as ever

He was charming

5 Which will not listen to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely

Christina was a few years younger than me and was a charming, friendly young girl, reminding me of my nieces (Sarah’s children)

His charming wit could seduce anyone

“Why did you have to be so charming?” he whispered

Maybe Prince Charming did still exist

She was a charming, stunning woman who captivated everyone who met her

“Me too, mate,” added Steve with a charming smile

Shamansky gave them a charming smile, flashed his badge, and said, “Police business, ladies

I, of course, thought she was most charming

They were charming

This was She: My sweetheart, the center of my life! The ever charming, the ever beautiful, ever gorgeous, ever

Ben seemed a lot like his daughters in a weird sort of way, he was also very open and charming

He was endowed with a charming gracefulness of

learners would leave the class with a vivid image of the beauty of the charming island of her beloved

As usual he was funny and charming as he wished me and Lucky peace and happiness

From Legend of the Seas Roger contemplated in awe the scenic landscape of that charming, peaceful

Built in the environs of various lakes, that charming metropolis spreads through pleasant hills and scenic valleys

himself, Roger wondered secretly: “who would have said that some day I would find pictures of my son in Tasmania…!” If he felt some weak spot in his heart for the charming city, now he found another

Perhaps it was because of these comments that they changed him as the guide after the tour through that charming historic temple

It was a charming place

Naturally, the tourist should not leave that charming town without having tasted the famous Alaskan salmon

The citizens of that charming locality must be simple, healthy, conscientious of their unique position and interested in making their visitors stay pleasant

In this charming locality, sightseers can experience hikes through trails of still intact and unspoiled natural beauty in the coastal forest, or do mountain biking through the famous Inside Passage and see the biggest collection of original totems of the nineteenth century

But, at the other end, what visitors can always anticipate are the charming old days of that marvelous city where the environment encourages them to recline into the past and live history

When he got near her, she looked sideways towards him and smiled—the same shy and charming smile that had attracted him during the girl-seeing ceremony

Both localities are three to four hours from Florence by bus, but both are almost perfect examples of the period of history that are portrayed in their buildings and their streets: Urbino, a striking flawlessly harmonious ensemble of Renaissance style and tradition, with a fairytale-like skyline yet untouched by pollution; and Spoleto, a charming center of medieval streets and a scenic hilltop setting that overwhelms the sensitivity of nature lovers as Roger is

  • Use the word Charming in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Mm-hmm. — She overate, and he found her charming.

He’s charming and talented and good-looking

Then, the stars are replaced by a lovely vision of Phoebes on the crescent, of Saturn in his globe and of charming young girls holding up a star.

Well, Mrs. Caldwell was beautiful and charming for a woman of 36.

The famous Prince Zsbrschosky- by the way, a charming gentleman, and not without means — is giving a large ball to which we are invited.

«What a charming custom.»

Will you wear your charming suit for dinner as well?

Your Highness, I have a proposal for you… a charming young girl… .

You are really a charming boy. I’m almost in love with you.

You’re so charming that I cannot believe you would be so cruel to me…

Chapter 1, wherein we will know an incredibly small island which might be in the Mediterranean Sea, the Great Dukedom of Abacco, its charming tyrant, Ramon the 12th (Harry Liedtke), last heir to a little crown and to a quite big public debt,

Le.c.t has finally accepted the Indian crown that a charming maharajah offered her.

charming as the moon, mysterious as the moon!

I am lucky to find a room with so charming a hostess.

You are one of the most charming women that exist.

Such a charming character!

«Who is that charming girl with you?»

Ah, he is so charming too.

Pandora. She was beautiful, charming, versed in the art of flattery

And now, friends, I want to present to you a charming little lady.

These dinners in Paris… were charming?

Well, what a charming reception.

The Captain is charming, isn’t he?

Good morning. charming party.

But you had a very charming model.

Really? To me, Lady Pillsbury… is one of the most charming women I have ever met.

Well, now, that is charming of you to say that.

Well, has he been properly charming?

You look charming this morning

Oh, I was quite glad, glad as a breath of fresh air. What a charming place you have up here, sir John.

The queen, charming, coquettish and greedy was only interested in the Ortolan brochettes.

The queen looks charming in brocaded satin, delightfully trimmed with fresh ermine.

This charming lady will sell you the song with a smile.

She says: «You eat like a horse «You have no remorse» Love’s a charming course!

Well, now that we’ve finished our business and caught a glimpse of the charming Mr. Carlyle, we really must go.

What a charming evening we might have had… if you hadn’t been a spy, and I a… traitor.

Oh, what a charming sense of humor!

  • Meanings of words and phrases

  • Example sentences

  • Similar words

  • Translations

  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Charming» in various phrases and sentences

What does how very charming of you mean?

how nice of you.
that’s very nice of you.

for example.

a kid helps their neighbor with their grocery bags.

that’s very charming of you.

but i think it’s said as “how charming of you. or that’s very charming of you”

not how very charming of you (the very doesn’t make sense between how and charming)

What does charming mean?

When someone is good looking, they are “charming”

What does charming mean?


Example: «A charming person.» Una persona encantadora.

What does charming mean?

Charming is like handsome. Have you heard of prince charming? He is supposed to be handsome

Example sentences using «Charming»

Please show me example sentences with charming.

He’s a charming man.

That little village was quite charming.

She was dressed in a charming skirt and top.

Their traditions were quite old-fashioned and charming.

Please show me example sentences with charming.

(ADJ) it means attractive and very pleasant
«A charming county»
of a person or their manner) very polite, friendly, and likeable
» he was charming and sweet»
use one’s ability to please and attract in order to influence (someone).
«you’re not going to charm me into changing my mind»

Please show me example sentences with charming .

«I find her charismatic personality to be very charming»

«the way he looks at me is very charming»

«what a charming young man.»

Synonyms of «Charming» and their differences

What is the difference between «charming» and «gorgeous» and «stunning» ?

They are all adjectives that describe good things about a person.

Gorgeous is used mostly to describe a pretty woman. (But this does not mean you cannot call a man gorgeous xD)

Charming is used when a person is likeable or very pleasant.

Stunning is mostly used to describe a person who is so attractive that you stop to stare at them. Or, they are so pretty that you become stunned!

But all this can mean the same as pretty, beautiful and so on…

What is the difference between charming and fascinating and captivating ?

I see «charming» and «captivating» as sexual related things and fascinating works for most things,you can say that a girl is fascinating or a fact/story that is fascinating.

What is the difference between charming and fascinating and bewitching and enchanting ?

charming — usually describes people
fascinating — usually describes objects
bewitching and enchanting are very similar and can be used interchangeably, but:
«bewitching» 比較像 神秘
«enchanting» 比較像 夢幻

What is the difference between charming and attractive ?

An attractive person is someone you find beautiful. A charming person is someone that is good with words. It’s someone who gives a lot of compliments and is considered ‘cool’

Translations of «Charming»

How do you say this in English (US)? charming

Check the question to view the answer

Other questions about «Charming»

More smiling,more charming Does this sound natural?

“More smiling, more charming
I love it :)

More smiling makes one more charming.

Smile more, it’s more charming.

The more you smile, the more charming you become.

He’s charming Does this sound natural?

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

Latest words


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