Use the word channel in a sentence

Synonym: TV station, artery, corridor, passageway, strait, waterway. Similar words: tunnel, personnel, manner, planner, change, chance, merchant, mechanic. Meaning: [‘tʃænl]  n. 1. a path over which electrical signals can pass 2. a passage for water (or other fluids) to flow through 3. a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record) 4. a deep and relatively narrow body of water (as in a river or a harbor or a strait linking two larger bodies) that allows the best passage for vessels 5. (often plural) a means of communication or access 6. a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance 7. a television station and its programs 8. a way of selling a company’s product either directly or via distributors. v. 1. transmit or serve as the medium for transmission 2. direct the flow of 3. send from one person or place to another. 

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1. Please tune the television set to Channel 4.

2. We’re going to have a day-trip across the Channel.

3. Would you change the channel?

4. The English Channel is between France and England.

5. Clear water gushed into the irrigational channel.

6. Would you switch the channel?

7. Channel 4 is independent television’s answer to BBC2.

8. The channel is marked by buoys.

9. The kids are watching cartoons on the Disney Channel.

10. She switched/turned to another channel to watch the football.

11. The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.

12. The Broadcasting Act allows ministers to proscribe any channel that offends against good taste and decency.

13. The workmen dug out a deep channel for the water.

14. The channel was sounded.

15. The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.

16. A tunnel has been bored under the channel to link England and France.

17. Channel 4 has published its spring schedules.

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. The stream had washed a channel in the sand.

19. The captain sailed his ship through the narrow channel.

20. What channel is ER on?

21. Incoming tides funnel up the channel with enormous power.

22. We can’t get Channel 5 in our area.

23. Here the river is confined in a narrow channel.

24. Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?

25. The commentary on the Olympic games was much better on the other channel.

26. She is the first woman who navigates a sail crossing the English Channel.

27. The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai.

28. Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.

29. The Americans recognise that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity.

30. Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened.

More similar words: tunnel, personnel, manner, planner, change, chance, merchant, mechanic, exchange, by chance, mechanism, more often than not, changeable, mechanical, take a chance, in exchange for, unchangeable, hand in hand, panel, routinely, runner, winner, connect, cannot, wanna, annual, connection, cannot help, annually, announce. 

Definition of Channel

a passage that water or other liquids flow through

Examples of Channel in a sentence

A channel was created between the two rivers so that goods could be transported across the waterway.


Boats floated down the channel, squeezing through the tight passage just a few feet apart.


Because the city is built on water, we had to take a boat down the channel to get to the hotel.




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  • Use the word Channel in a sentences

Sentence Examples

All of us here at channel Four Fernfield, along with the world, collectively hold our breath, as we watch anxiously, awaiting a sign from the sky that the puppies, our space heroes, have survived the fiery re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Hey, the History channel never loses your luggage.

Listen to me on channel 2018 at 8:00 tomorrow. I’ll give you my orders.

I get seasick so easy, and the thought of having to sit up for three hours… while I’m being tossed around on that channel doesn’t make me any too happy.

I’d rather swim the channel than tackle one of these French phones.

Where’s that channel swimmer?

I hear it’s a bit rough in the channel.

channel crossings extremely rough.

Does your mind never run into any other channel?

The channel‘s here on the chart.

Two light buoys mean a safe channel between the world over.

No, and he wasn’t down for lunch. He hasn’t left the bridge since you decided to come through the channel.

Go ahead. We’re heading straight for the channel between Branca Island and the mainland.

I think that Mr. Rainsford should know… that the channel lights aren’t just in the position given on the charts.

I was trying to make him understand there’d been a shipwreck in the channel.

Those channel lights must have been shifted.

But there are light buoys to mark the safe channel.

You should have seen us, Babs. We were up to our knees in water trying to get a drain ditch through to the main channel.

And when a ship comes into the channel, suddenly out goes the light and another light comes up onto the cliffs, and the ship goes on to the rocks over there.

They tell me the Merry Fern signaled up channel.

It’s opened up a new channel in my imagination…

Tonight a car will take you to Dover. You will change to a boat which you’ll take across the channel. From there you’ll go to Switzerland by a small route.

I look to you to direct her in the right channel.

On the channel boat, I ran into the very thing i was running away from.

So he crossed the channel.

No, I said on the other side of the channel, in London, a woman can dine alone with a man without causing a scandal.

It was a wonderful sight, the vessel steaming out into the channel… and all those men cheering and —

Some French chap’s flown the channel.

Maybe it disappeared into a subterranean channel or something.

Somebody flying an airship across the English channel.

It was a passenger on a steamer which was making its way across the foggy English channel from Southampton toward Le Havre.

This tube is my conducting channel.

Near Edgecombe, about 40 miles up channel, about two months afterwards.

We’re in the English channel.

«in the English channel

I believe Phillip’s thirst for power… can only be quenched in the English channel.

Luckily, she’ll only know that when the Armada appears in the channel.

Horrible morning for the channel crossing.

I’ve handled many big promotions in my time, from the World’s Fair to a channel swimmer, but this has got me spinning.

From Boulogne to Brest, every single channel port is chock-full of them.

Look, sir, they’re coming over the channel!

Oh, this is just a new fad collar I picked up on the other side of the channel.

All the time I was floating in the channel, I was thinking of you.

I may be what you regard as a chair warmer now but a few months ago, I was flying with my squadron on fighter patrol over the English channel at 30,000 feet.

That’s roughly 400 miles to the channel coast.

And when you are across the channel, tell the people in England that there are people like us left in Germany still living, still hoping, still fighting.

You can dump that bomb when we get over the channel.

Can now see channel ahead of us.

channel (n): a television station

Use “channel” in a sentence

This channel is only available on cable.
The kids are watching cartoons on the Disney Channel.
What is on VTV3 Channel?
They has just published a new television channel.

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