Use the word challenged in a sentence

Definition of Challenged

to be invited to partake in a contest

Examples of Challenged in a sentence

The nobleman challenged his rival to a duel, in which they would determine who was better with a sword.


I was often challenged by my brother in my youth, since he was very competitive and wanted to surpass me in everything.


Challenged by the opposing team, we had no choice but to accept it and face them in a game on their home turf.


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situation we are challenged with in our lives

What I have just described here can be challenged by

“What would you have done differently?” Vinnie challenged him

«Hey you!» An angry voice challenged him

«She’s not with you?» Thom challenged

” Sera challenged him,

“What other explanation of that letter do the laws of physics allow?” Kelvin challenged

When did you take them in without our noticing?” She challenged, stumped by the information

Egged on by the friend (and who needs friends like this?), Terry challenged Andy when he got home last night and the whole sorry tale came out

Why in the world had she challenged him, of course he could do it better and faster than she could

” Belle listened, as Kaitlyn continued, “I have forced not merely my nerves and sinews to do my bidding, but I have challenged my every thought and emotion in the effort to purge what silliness and inanity might yet remain in me

«Wes, challenged you again?» Todd’s voice rattled as he asked the question

They obtained permission for Otto to take the tour for the mobility challenged as there was no way that Otto would have managed the walking needed for the main tour

It was with signs and wonders that Moses challenged the gods of Egypt and delivered the people of God

The rain and oncoming night challenged Drau’d’s limited cave-vision, obscuring his father’s image

With their hands always on the hilt of their weapons, they challenged all who crossed their path with a glance

The Spirit challenged me to

Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to see whose

The Dort Championship in Golf was an annual event where last years champions were challenged by another team selected by drawing from a hat whose hat didn’t really matter, generally it was from Mr

You are going to be challenged in ways you 40

challenged by the Bailli’s Sergeant

And X’ander was proud to note, that the more he challenged her, the greater her talents became

And the conclusions they make by themselves are rarely challenged

She’d say that Aristides had challenged me to a contest of cup and ball

This is why it’s so critical that Jason, David and Jill are positively nurtured and challenged – when a child is stressed out by their environment and unable to control their negative reactions, they are focused on their emotional state and thereby less able to follow directions or develop higher-level skills that allow them to analyze situations and plan ahead (executive functions)

He challenged himself to perform his task in the shortest time possible

They ignore the fact that it is those who have challenged

I should have challenged it

It was a beautiful, tight run, with great falls and dangerous rock formations that challenged anyone especially after days of spring rain in the Laurel Mountains

“Never before have we been challenged by such a front of evil as this

It didn’t take us long to reach our lines we were challenged and then allowed through the mules and their drivers took the water off to a central point and the Fusiliers went off with them after saying goodbye

We were challenged from our lines and so I replied

likelihood that his ship would not be able to resume her raiding activities, Alabama’s Captain Semmes challenged Kearsarge Captain John Winslow to a ship-to-ship duel

Dad, eighty-four, spent time on the computer and napping, while Mom, nine years younger, watched television, read, and challenged herself with crossword puzzles

When I challenged the instructor on this point, he had no rejoinder

“I challenged them saying what the fuck are you doing and then when they turned round I saw that it was that little shite Stanley and Tommy Smith I had left my rifle in the crater when I went and these two both fired at the same time and I took a bullet in the gut and one in the chest

’ The voice was calm but with a force suggesting not to be challenged

part and parcel of the Soviet Union, the same Soviet dictatorship that challenged the United States for global leadership

Our pickets challenged and fired, and the Spaniards turned to run back to the city

Anything they do which is beyond their specific powers will be challenged but that is an entirely different book which I will not be bothered to write

It is also well-known in law that a woman with children is a lesser «catch» than one who is a virgin but I expect that this will be challenged under the equality laws

An environment which finds itself aesthetically challenged, however, must inevitably hasten the radical departure of polished elements to more refined environments

oftentimes distorts a child‘s (emotional) sense of proportion; conditioned as many of them are by undisciplined, emotionally challenged environments that fail to provide spiritual sustenance and practical guidance to that child

The above was challenged many times in court by the long haired liberal lawyers, and the commissioned officers soon learned to adapt to the conditions

At the time Slikit could only suppose such a terrible thing was happening because the Custodians of Spinningbrock had forsaken the old ways when younger more impatient badgers had challenged their customs, thinking they knew better how to live life

On the ride here I challenged him to bed even three women in the keep within three days, to prove he was the great lover he claimed to be

It is a highly unlikely scenario but theoretically possible and I know of quite a few submarine commanders who swore they took pictures of your carriers (fat juicy targets in their language) without being detected and one showed it to me when I challenged him

The mind must be continually challenged or otherwise it will weaken its natural capacity for growth

Grindel, the claws of one paw resting on the jagged edge of the plywood box that had become so much a part of his life since he’d discovered it, challenged Thesa with eyes that accused him of committing some despicable act

That judicial nominees are being routinely challenged on private matters of Faith is setting a troubling precedence in our nation

Despair is a catharsis of the soul that, on some level, provides meaning to the spiritually challenged

Media spread false stories about “crack babies” that supposedly were born severely deformed and mentally challenged and would never be normal

do better than that” she challenged with fierce eyes towards the girl

Carter was also challenged in his own party’s primary by Ted Kennedy, the leading liberal, and also by John Anderson, one of the last liberal Republicans, running in 1980 as an independent

Where Roosevelt encouraged unions as a way to reduce inequality but kept them under government control, Obama never challenged anti unionism

“And he needs to be challenged

The governor of Georgia challenged him

No one challenged my logic, even though I was barely twenty!

To play together at the highest level of their performance, so that each and every one of them is still challenged in a sense that they can reach their highest

The Patriarch’s voice carried a finality that could not be challenged

After observing municipal politics in his own hometown for a few years, he concluded that ‘The Big Lie’ didn’t work half as well as lots of little lies, none of which were important enough to be challenged

Every great cause that ever challenged the support of

You will be challenged

With some effort he gathered his wits and cast aside the protests of his mind to see, hear, touch and wonder wide-eyed at this inexplicable, majestic building that challenged reason at every opportunity

mathematically challenged also the reality challenged? Or do current mathematical

Even though his memory was challenged to exactly where the old photo was taken, in the end, he couldn’t have wished for a better outcome

The large amounts of open land needed by semi-nomadic, shepherding societies have been periodically challenged by the needs of settled largely agricultural entities, for the exclusive use of the lands immediately surrounding the semi-permanent habitations afforded by this newer way of life

First the settled peoples of the east drove the semi-nomadic Indian tribal societies before them in their westward movement, and then, the cattlemen among these migrants fought the tillers of the soil who had, in turn, challenged them for the use of the land

What had really challenged his sanity though, was the sight of a world being destroyed

Loran shouted a challenge and watched as the walk instantly paralleled theirs at the distance challenged, but no answering hail returned

It is probable that this veto will be challenged in the courts which will add to the costs

I thought that all the questions had been settled once and for all at the meeting in Jerusalem when Paul had first been challenged! he plunged on after the visual distraction

Then Wah Wah challenged me to a game of pool

Joshua could see, in his day, some who could be persuaded by others to look at things differently, and he remonstrated mightily against that influence when he challenged, “Choose this day whom you will serve

In the long “protest” initiated by Marten Luther and carried on by others, the heretofore monolithic Church was now challenged on the basis of its answers, they must accord with the Bible, members of the “Protest” declared as they appealed to the hierarchy to reground their answers

It is confusing when postulations prove false and theories are challenged by repeatedly discovered exceptions

Our faith had been challenged many times in the previous

Error on the one side has bred error on the other as even the reality of the “Axiom of Existence,” God that is, has been challenged

This canon consists of 73 books: 46 that constitute the so-called Old Testament, including 7 books currently called Deuterocanonical books (Tobit, Judith, I Maccabees, II Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach and Baruch) -which have been challenged by Jews and Protestants- and 27 of the New Testament

He joined Susan and their three youngest, living in different hotels, upsetting staff wherever they went, pulling their usual uncooperative and confrontationist stunts whenever challenged with requests that did not suit them

Surprisingly, the usual nasty tone of voice Adam used when he was challenged wasn‘t there this time

He challenged the notion that earth’s temperature was driven mainly by CO2 in the atmosphere since superimposition of the two curves showed a lag in the

challenged when they arise

If we take those weapons away, she won’t have nearly as much power, and she can be challenged

As the CMM was made up mostly of ELP sympathizers who rarely challenged the

Xanophanes challenged belief in the gods

The greatest teacher in Athens was a short, sloppily dressed man with a large head and buggy eyes who walked about with his students and challenged them with questions

Jackson, with the Senate, challenged Marshall’s ruling and initiated The Removal Act, which culminated in the Trail of Tears

The next morning after a modest meal, I returned to the spears and again challenged the instructor

I like to be challenged, because of the question, I will be more perfect

organisations had significantly challenged this

I challenged Sephiroth and lived

“How can you be so sure?” challenged Suzuki

  • Use the word challenged in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Later, when I challenged him, he said he’d never been out at all.

As i am the challenged party, i have the choice of weapons.


If one of you don’t help me, everyone of you whose face I remember I’ll call out, if you live through this epidemic, to be challenged.

The Duke de Vallombreuse has challenged an actor!

Oh, I’m gonna be challenged.

Our reputation in the field of science can’t be challenged.

When you say I’m lying dead on the floor, you will not be challenged.

Remember the young Scot you challenged to a duel in Edinburgh?

(Laughing) I have brought my caravan past three sentinels… all so busy staring at the lighthouse that not one of them challenged me.

If you’re challenged to a duel…

Your Honor, while I feel that the validity… of the defendant’s confession may be challenged… I’m forced to admit that it too falls in the category of the inconclusive.

Dr. Pierce, I’ve made a great study of abnormal psychology… and I’ve found from experience that when a fixed delusion is challenged, the deluded is apt to become violent.

They’re gonna hear that capitalism itself is being challenged.

Frequently, during her extensive travels she’s been challenged by various marksmen to shoot in competition with her.

Unmistakable evidence that our country then, as always, would fight against aggression and all the aggressors that challenged the rights of free men.

And I was told that in the tournament at Acre Richard of England led five of his Saxon knights into combat and vanquished all who challenged them.

We stand alone at the head of the table… and if ever our rights are challenged, this is our answer.

In 1920, he had challenged the city of Civitavecchia, which was Red.

Boogulroo has just challenged me to personal combat.

Yeah. It would have been a good fight if the knave had fought fairly. He was searching the wood when I challenged him.

Since it was I who suffered the indignity of being challenged on the field of honour by a squire in the guise of a knight, I feel that it is my privilege to ask a favour for the prisoner.

Someone has challenged Franz Mahler.

While driving a herd of cattle… to New Orleans, in defiance of the law… was challenged by a troop of Confederate Cavalry.

But I was challenged to a duel.

If Musashi hadn’t done so, I might have challenged Yoshioka.

All the defences have been alerted, so if you’re challenged, use the code word «water babies» and give yourselves up.

Griswold has challenged the jester to mortal combat. The jester!

But Hector didn’t want you to be challenged by Achilles.

You are not nice to somebody who’s sight challenged.

Mr. Logan, you are challenged.

I didn’t just slug him, I challenged him, but he won’t stand up like a man.

Ten days ago, in Operation Prometheus the power of the atom bomb was challenged by a band of battle-hardened air aces.

BUSH: Ten days ago, in Operation Prometheus the power of the atom bomb was challenged

Barney came over and challenged me to a game.

You challenged the authority of an Army physician in his own hospital.

Well, then it would be known to Hilary that I challenged you, and leave it to you to explain why you didn’t accept.

But they were driven to it because their faith was challenged.

We leave without being challenged

Ben Yusuf has challenged us to meet him on the plains of Sagrajas.

One day the Quericotto challenged me…

The accused, by neither deed nor word has ever challenged the jurisdiction of Rome.

You might be challenged by the defense or the prosecution… but who could refuse to have Gregoire Duval as a juror.

I really hope you won’t be challenged.

Mr. Pierre Parent, 20th on the list. challenged by the Prosecution.

Sentence with word challenged. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use challenged in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for challenged.

  • A crony challenged him to piquet. (8)
  • Verrian challenged her with a smile. (9)
  • Beppo then challenged his Styrian to fight. (10)
  • We heard the portico-sentinel challenged and relieved. (10)
  • De Levis might have challenged the other ten, Miss Orme. (8)
  • Her low eyelids challenged Beauchamp for a look of indifference. (10)
  • He was feeling hurt, but considered it preferable to feel challenged. (10)
  • A statement that he could call false must be challenged hot the next morning. (10)
  • But Thyme, thus challenged, knew not what to say, having spoken out of terror. (8)
  • Luciano Romara came in, and Ammiani challenged him to small-sword and broadsword. (10)
  • I challenged my philosopher in vain for a specific cause of his dislike of the scene. (9)
  • I would not have challenged Machiavelli; but I should not have encountered the Florentine ruefully. (10)
  • I cried out for a pause, offered to take a couple of them at a time: I challenged three-the fourth to bide. (10)
  • An existence without colour, without anxious throbbing, without salient matter for thought, challenged contempt. (10)
  • The two approached the mansion and a sentry challenged them, but the Adjutant was recognized and allowed to enter. (18)
  • The soldier challenged us as we came near, and we answered that we were travellers and wanted to camp there for the night. (20)
  • The plainly doomed duellist with the insensible Black Goddess offered her all the advantages of the Immortals challenged by flesh. (10)
  • Jenny Chassediane challenged me to perilous sarabandes, I wished that Janet had ever so small a grain of sentiment, for a preservative to me. (10)
  • She became a young lady of fortune, in love with Robert, and concealed by the artifice of the offending gentleman whom Robert had challenged. (10)
  • She became a young lady of fortune, in love with Robert, and concealed by the artifice of the offending gentleman whom Robert had challenged. (22)
  • In the early morning a boat-load of natives rowing up-stream past our camp was immediately challenged by the guard, and ordered to come ashore. (20)
  • As America reaches out for commercial predominance, so the American circus challenged competition abroad, and foreign rivals quivered and shrunk. (21)
  • Cavour challenged debate; he had faith in the active intellect, and that is the thing to be prayed for by statesmen who would register permanent successes. (10)

Also see sentences for: unchallenged.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for challenged. Now that you’ve seen how to use challenged in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Sentences starting with challenged

  • Challenged peremptorily, and set aside. [5]
  • Challenged by this question Pierre raised his head and felt a need to express the thoughts that filled his mind. [2]
  • Challenged there, I answered with my name. [11]
  • Challenged peremptorily. [5]

Sentences ending with challenged

  • I liked his views so well that I should have been ready to adopt them as my own, if they had been challenged. [6]
  • But there is one trouble: while you can seemingly «secure» the two lower berths by making early application, there is no ticket as witness of it, and no other producible evidence in case your proprietorship shall chance to be challenged. [5]
  • I could not give an account of myself, if challenged. [6]
  • He went softly, but he was soon challenged. [11]
  • He could find a sufficient explanation if he was challenged. [11]
  • Soolsby had expected a different attitude; he was not easier in mind because his story had not been challenged. [11]
  • Nobody challenged. [5]

Short sentences using challenged

  • A Spanish sentinel challenged them. [10]

More example sentences with the word challenged in them

  • The challenged party, who had the choice of weapons, had marked the destructiveness of his opponent’s lance, and elected, therefore, to fight with pistols and battle-axes. [4]
  • In due time we were challenged by the warders, from the castle walls, and after a parley admitted. [5]
  • I was a Unique; and glad to know that that fact could not be dislodged or challenged for thirteen centuries and a half, for sure. [5]
  • Dicky challenged him to prove his libels by probing the business to the bottom, like a true scientist. [11]
  • By the same title which South Carolina asserted to Fort Sumter, Florida would have challenged as her own the Gibraltar of the Gulf, and Virginia the Ehrenbreitstein of the Chesapeake. [6]
  • Michael challenged him thus: «Come now, my blitherin’ friend, tell us your trouble—why are you risin’? [11]
  • The first night the sailors of a British ship, being happy with grog, came down on the pier and challenged our sailors to a free fight. [5]
  • Her father challenged the marquis, but no blood was spilled in the duel, and Monsieur d’Avennes led a happy wedded life with Hortense de Chevreaux. [10]
  • Cambyses laughed at the large size of the target, weighted the bow with his right hand, challenged his subjects to try their fortune first, and handed the bow to the aged Hystaspes, as the highest in rank among the Achaemenidae. [10]
  • He did not stop—strangely enough—to reflect how far they had gone, to demand by what right she brought him to the bar, challenged the consistency of his life. [9]
  • When Katuti first sounded her whistle he slunk to his post; he was challenged by no watchman, for the few guards who had been placed in the immediate vicinity of the pavilion, had all gone to sleep under the influence of the Regent’s wine. [10]
  • Day before yesterday Shields challenged Butler, who accepted, and proposed fighting next morning at sunrise in Bob Allen’s meadow, one hundred yards’ distance, with rifles. [7]
  • Yet, now that she remembered, she had sweetly challenged one of a royal house for the like lapse into the vulgar tongue. [11]
  • We accept the saying unquestioning, as a sort of inspiration out of the air, true because nobody has challenged it for ages, and probably for the same reason that we try to see the new moon over our left shoulder. [4]
  • In this, our own century, it has built hospitals, perfected and multiplied its associations and educational institutions, enlarged and created museums, and challenged a place in the world of science by its literature. [3]
  • We were challenged only once; we made no answer, but held our breath and crept steadily and stealthily along, and got through without any accident. [5]
  • Since the motives of every philanthropist and public benefactor are inevitably challenged by cynics, there were many who asked the question, «What did Mr. Crewe want? [9]
  • When the war of 1813 began he entered the service of «the liberators,» as the Russians were then called, and at the head of his regiment challenged the colonel of a French one to a duel, and seriously wounded him. [10]
  • They were challenged nowhere, and the surgeon’s servant, entering a side door of the palace, led her hastily through gloomy halls and passages where they met no one, though once in a dark corridor some one brushed against her. [11]
  • England’s champion still may cry his challenge and not be forsworn, and he who challenged goeth in honour again from the lists. [11]
  • Likewise this Mr. Lincoln, who had once been a rail-sputter, was uproariously derided by Northern Democrats because he had challenged Mr. Douglas to seven debates, to be held at different towns in the state of Illinois. [9]
  • In fact, the latter would long since have challenged his former friend had he not been so conscious of his own superiority, and shrunk from the thought of bringing fresh sorrow upon Ursula and her parents, whom he still remembered with friendly regard. [10]
  • Do you know, I’ve never fought a duel in my life—never once—and yet have been challenged, like other people. [5]
  • There was nothing in them which could be challenged, could be construed into active criticism of men or things; and yet much he said was horrifying. [11]
  • I will engage in the conflict to which she challenged the loving wife and mother! [10]
  • He thought that if he challenged him without some fresh cause it might compromise the young Countess Rostova and so he wanted to meet Kuragin personally in order to find a fresh pretext for a duel. [2]
  • Brown threw off his coat and challenged the man to fight —abused him, threatened him, impeached his courage, and urged and even implored him to fight; and in the meantime the smiling stranger placed himself under our protection in mock distress. [5]
  • She had challenged him, and he knew it. [11]
  • When he entered he was challenged again and again, and his messenger’s pass and the prince’s letter were frequently inspected. [10]
  • It was not he that challenged after all. [11]
  • You, sir, who have challenged, shall we not see your face or hear your voice? [11]
  • Those whom Macavoy had challenged were not so sure. [11]
  • I reached the garrison, was challenged by Jack Terrill, the guard, and brought by him to Bowman’s room. [9]
  • For what country, for what prince lifted you the gauge and challenged England’s honour? [11]
  • The knight of Eberstein it was, who ere long, albeit unwittingly, came to her aid; he challenged Ursula to give us a song in thanks to Junker Herdegen’s praise of the maids of Franconia. [10]
  • So they neared each other, the challenger and the challenged, the champion and the invader, and quickly the village emptied itself out to see. [11]
  • The three journeyed down into the valley, then up onto the plateau, where they were challenged, allowed to pass, and came to where Valmond sat upon his horse. [11]
  • I would have challenged the publisher in the «blind lead» days—I wanted to fall down and worship him, now. [5]
  • If he had challenged the bona fides of Sebastian Dolores only, he might have been convincing, but he used the word «they» constantly, and that roused the chivalry of Jean Jacques. [11]
  • Then Antony had challenged Octavianus to a duel, and received the unfeeling reply that he would find many roads to death open. [10]
  • M. Fille had challenged his intellect—his intellect! [11]
  • We were challenged by the guard, and caused sufficient amazement when we appeared in the hall before the master, who was a bachelor of fifty. [9]
  • No sentry challenged, but I knew that at the top Lancy’s tents were set. [11]
  • Never had he been challenged so. [11]
  • You might have been challenged first by one who could do you more harm than Elizabeth of England, whose office is to do good, not evil. [11]
  • That I shall be the laughingstock of all Moscow, that everyone will say that you, drunk and not knowing what you were about, challenged a man you are jealous of without cause. [2]
  • He never could be got to wrestle, though I challenged him more than once. [9]
  • Duke Ernest of Austria had challenged Duke Kanthner of Oels in Silesia to meet him in the lists and, besides the glory to be gained, there was a prize of sixty and four gold pieces. [10]
  • But fate had at last played into his hands, on the very day that Oom Paul had challenged destiny, when all things were ready for the ruin of the hated English. [11]
  • The young Seigneur and his companions were not challenged, and they passed on up to the Rock of Red Pigeons. [11]
  • Carnac saw that, and he was glad he had challenged the man. [11]
  • Her heart had almost leaped with joy at the suggestion that he could not stay; but as suddenly self-reproach and shame filled her mind, and she had challenged him so. [11]
  • He himself was a peer and high-placed, for it was a time when the West Indian Islands were a centre of the world’s fighting, where men like Rodney had made everlasting fame; where the currents of world-controversy challenged, met and fought for control. [11]
  • He was writing a book with Warner at this time—The Gilded Age —the two authors having been challenged by their wives one night at dinner to write a better book than the current novels they had been discussing with some severity. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word challenged in a sentence? How do you use challenged in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word challenged?
It contains example sentences with the word challenged, a sentence example for challenged, and challenged in sample sentence.

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