Use the word challenge in a sentence

Synonym: confront, dare, defy, dispute, doubt, question. Similar words: challenged, length, at length, engender, hallelujah, passenger, sullen, pollen. Meaning: [‘tʃælɪndʒ]  n. 1. a demanding or stimulating situation 2. a call to engage in a contest or fight 3. questioning a statement and demanding an explanation 4. a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror 5. a demand by a sentry for a password or identification. v. 1. take exception to 2. issue a challenge to 3. ask for identification 4. raise a formal objection in a court of law. 

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1. Never challenge a fool to do wrong. 

2. An awesome challenge/task lies ahead of them.

3. We must meet the challenge squarely .

4. The college entrance examination is a real challenge.

5. I want to challenge,is naked game.

6. Liszt’s piano music presents an enormous technical challenge.

7. I always relish a challenge.

8. I’m ready for any challenge.

9. Challenge is needed for success.

10. Schools must meet the challenge of new technology .

11. She likes her job to be a challenge.

12. The weather presented a particular challenge, especially for American servicemen unaccustomed to subarctic conditions.

13. Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision.

14. The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.

15. The planned general strike represents an important economic challenge to the government.

16. Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.

17. The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government’s credibility.

18. I was totally unprepared for the challenge which faced me.

19. I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.

20. Six journalists sought to challenge in court the legality of the ban on broadcasting.

21. Life is challenge, not to stand high mountains,but you see how far.

22. I like a big challenge and they don’t come much bigger than this.

23. We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of western philosophy.

23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

24. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.

25. The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment. 

26. Life without sinuations and frustrations is life the flower in greenhouse, which can not stand the challenge from wind and rain , frost and snow ,and will srely die away in the end .

27. Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote.

28. The outside world is full of danger, but here is no challenge of life, is doomed to no applause.

29. There is no reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge.

30. Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation.Wishing you all the excitement, all the challenge, all the happiness life call hold.

More similar words: challenged, length, at length, engender, hallelujah, passenger, sullen, pollen, change, millennia, excellent, exchange, changeable, unchangeable, in exchange for, half, whale, hallway, behalf, shallow, halfway, in half, engage, engine, exhalation, on behalf of, English, engaged, engulfed, engineer. 

It took a long time, it took a lot of energy, it took money, it took commitment, it took integrity, it took focus, it took a lot of things that are a challenge, but I embraced those challenges

He showed that a reasonable level of stress provides challenge and creative stimulus and motivates us to action

“There’s no challenge in it

I grin at him debating whether I should challenge him for a moment

‘Some of us had rather a lot to drink and what started out as a race across the lake transmogrified into more of a ‘see who can knock who out of the boat’ challenge

His greatest challenge would be

The responsibility was now his, and what a great challenge he was faced with

he hear – a challenge to his monarchy! He did not hear a word about God

The air bristled with the electric confusion of unbidden challenge and hasty counter

It was the challenge of rendering all those views with all those actors in each view, each from a slightly different angle

He didn’t say anything now, but he would take that challenge

The challenge is that most of us don’t spend

If we are not willing to hear a word that will require or challenge our faith and perception, then we are no longer candidates to receive wisdom

Are you willing for the potential word that will shake and challenge your beliefs? Are you willing to possibly have to change?

 It’s a challenge to remember that The Universe

When Peter spoke of His resurrection, no one dared challenge it

This is where the heart comes into this challenge

To be a people person and to enjoy the challenge of making a connection with them is a talent, whereas the ability to build a network of friends and supporters who know you and are prepared to help you is a strength

The crystal and the explosives are not a great challenge

Who knew what lurked there? What demons and monsters waited to pounce? Every step was a challenge

He had known many women of her race in those days, the Megnor were powerful and respected, even as God of the Nycoba in their days of Empire he wouldn’t challenge any of the great kingdoms of the deeps, and they were well beyond the heights of their power by those days

‘I’d heard that chestnut mares tend to be sprightly and highly strung – it’s clear she likes a challenge

There’ll be a leadership challenge for sure»

Bringing them together would be a challenge, not as difficult as she and Daniel, but still a challenge

I believe Lord Boras is looking for an excuse to challenge me; he could become a problem

Word had spread thru the Queen’s Light Brigade of Altera’s challenge

It was a standard Pan Solar League Soul Registry record with all the right keys and holograms and challenge questions

confluence of opportunity and challenge was his moment of

Give thanks for the lessons and opportunities that are always hidden in every challenge

When there’s a challenge, it brings out the

passers-by would see and think and take up the challenge

His personality is such that he need not challenge anyone, nor try to prove anything

He roared a challenge loudly, and Tarak answered him with one of his own

A flare of the tail feathers and a challenge and within the blink of an eye Mya was on the beam not five feet from the large bird

She tried her best not to give him a hint, made it as big a challenge as possible to get her off

It will be an intellectual challenge

She would have relished the challenge of going a year without sleep

Autumns bowed to winters and the Livingsons were prepared for almost anything with which nature, or the vagaries of commerce might challenge them

Never-the-less both boys were disciplined and adept at any physical challenge presented them

So it was that by the morning of their rendezvous with the impending academic challenge, they were calm and excited to begin

“I am most taken with Hipolyta’s handwriting and number formation, always so precise; she would provide an excellent model of instruction for the younger one’s as they attempt proper letter construction and also as they move from block letters to cursive—always such a challenge for the finer muscles of the hand and wrist

He was going to be a larger challenge then even that which she’d endured over the weekend

Everyone became a challenge to train and most of them she won

there was no mistaking the challenge behind them as

Both felt, finding a man was the most important thing in life; they were going to be a challenge

challenge awaits the tourist willing to put in the effort

The satisfaction felt in overcoming that challenge is

Of course having the stupidity to go in there and challenge his grade made him a legend in law school; I wonder if he ever graduated

They challenge the false religious leaders who are more concerned about building their own kingdom than the kingdom of God

They challenge the injustices of government and of the rich and powerful

They challenge society with the truth

your closet and your storage shed to challenge you in the area of

Don’t be afraid to challenge ideas that seem to be contrary to

The system plotted a new route, he nearly got the android damaged because he was busy looking at that plot and noticing what a challenge Alan’s new location was going to be, so he paid too little attention to the android’s sensors

They challenge the excesses of the

The most difficult challenge for Marguerite was that of

must have represented a major challenge

But what if the trunk of the Dead Tree was days away, or weeks? What then? And should his power last that long, what new challenge would he encounter there? The trunk of the Dead Tree reached the clouds, possibly the stars

instant gratification lifestyles we also know that eating healthy can be a challenge

And as you can imagine, even if they were willing to weigh in, just finding a bathroom and a scale big enough and that wouldn’t go “crunch” when they stepped up on it would be a harrying challenge in itself!

To dream that you are on a campus indicates your need to expand your thinking/knowledge and challenge yourself mentally

She looked at him with admiration for his brave move to challenge the king like that

Nobody wanted to challenge the king and face certain death by fire

To see your veins in your dream represent a challenge that will test your character and ability

If a student sees a goal as worth pursuing, and/or they appreciate the challenge, then they will be motivated to not only try, but to persevere beyond failures

Children are unlikely to take on a challenge if it’s not interesting to them, or if they believe they don’t have the tools or resources to be successful

Now, after writing professionally for 15 years, I am tackling this book on happiness, which is my biggest challenge so far

Here, the challenge is to allow a sense impression to come into awareness, without focusing on that sense

This man approached his task not as a tedious job, but as a challenge

As you look for a hobby, remember these elements — challenge, skill, concentration, clear goals, and feedback

That is why, so unlike certain other historical Court situations, you as Heir aren’t having to face down a single challenge to your ascendency

If there were to be a challenge at all, it would have to come from us

We’re pretty sure that’s why Auntie sent us with you: partly to remove a potential challenge at court, partly to allow us to eliminate any hint or trace of doubt we may have harbored toward you

GingerKat took up the challenge, “I’ll tell you what we told them:” The others around the room and the patio hushed to listen as well


There will be those who challenge the notion that we can learn from someone, say a criminal

Doris decided not to challenge the statement

The dichotomy is the single greatest challenge that we have on Earth

challenge life and themselves to deliver more than the

Children, in their innocence and naïveness, charge ahead no matter what the challenge

Surely even the safe would not be too much of a challenge for him, and yet it was all still there

or perhaps it was the challenge of the thing

It was only a matter of time, and really not much of a challenge to remove the necessary memory engrams

Putting up the tent on gravel proved to be a different challenge to that of the previous night

‘I think it would be a challenge to find him,’ said Jannson

However, directing this vessel back to your home world undetected will be a challenge

“I think this is going to be a challenge to ask the right questions

How much much did they fear the potential challenge of machine life – the sentience borne out of silicon that evolved to encompass the biological? The machines could link in to every database, they were part of those early data storage devices

How were these the same beings as the dark, malevolent creatures that once dissected him like some lab rat? Now the Elusivers’ attempts to push away the only real challenge they faced seemed to be working, in their focused and determined way

Before her incarceration walking that distance would have been effortless, but after the months of inactivity and a lack of nutrition it felt like a challenge; the few items in her bag a burden

Newton was enthusiastic about this challenge and embarked on a journey, which would last for 55 years until his death in 1727

Maureen was aware of the challenge as she began to read

It turned out to be a greater challenge than she could have ever imagined

Frank sensed the challenge in her tone

Either way, golfing in the extreme is a challenge, and not one for the faint of heart, or the poor of play

If you weren’t praising him, everything else was taken as a put-down, and he’d challenge it at all costs

On the other hand there are avid putt-putt golf participants that travel the United States in search of the next great challenge

So my challenge now is to find the energy and strength to do all that I want to do with the time that I have left

Although hard work can be a challenge, it totes great rewards, one of the biggies, stress relief

situation we are challenged with in our lives

What I have just described here can be challenged by

“What would you have done differently?” Vinnie challenged him

«Hey you!» An angry voice challenged him

«She’s not with you?» Thom challenged

” Sera challenged him,

“What other explanation of that letter do the laws of physics allow?” Kelvin challenged

When did you take them in without our noticing?” She challenged, stumped by the information

Egged on by the friend (and who needs friends like this?), Terry challenged Andy when he got home last night and the whole sorry tale came out

Why in the world had she challenged him, of course he could do it better and faster than she could

” Belle listened, as Kaitlyn continued, “I have forced not merely my nerves and sinews to do my bidding, but I have challenged my every thought and emotion in the effort to purge what silliness and inanity might yet remain in me

«Wes, challenged you again?» Todd’s voice rattled as he asked the question

They obtained permission for Otto to take the tour for the mobility challenged as there was no way that Otto would have managed the walking needed for the main tour

It was with signs and wonders that Moses challenged the gods of Egypt and delivered the people of God

The rain and oncoming night challenged Drau’d’s limited cave-vision, obscuring his father’s image

With their hands always on the hilt of their weapons, they challenged all who crossed their path with a glance

The Spirit challenged me to

Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to see whose

The Dort Championship in Golf was an annual event where last years champions were challenged by another team selected by drawing from a hat whose hat didn’t really matter, generally it was from Mr

You are going to be challenged in ways you 40

challenged by the Bailli’s Sergeant

And X’ander was proud to note, that the more he challenged her, the greater her talents became

And the conclusions they make by themselves are rarely challenged

She’d say that Aristides had challenged me to a contest of cup and ball

This is why it’s so critical that Jason, David and Jill are positively nurtured and challenged – when a child is stressed out by their environment and unable to control their negative reactions, they are focused on their emotional state and thereby less able to follow directions or develop higher-level skills that allow them to analyze situations and plan ahead (executive functions)

He challenged himself to perform his task in the shortest time possible

They ignore the fact that it is those who have challenged

I should have challenged it

It was a beautiful, tight run, with great falls and dangerous rock formations that challenged anyone especially after days of spring rain in the Laurel Mountains

“Never before have we been challenged by such a front of evil as this

It didn’t take us long to reach our lines we were challenged and then allowed through the mules and their drivers took the water off to a central point and the Fusiliers went off with them after saying goodbye

We were challenged from our lines and so I replied

likelihood that his ship would not be able to resume her raiding activities, Alabama’s Captain Semmes challenged Kearsarge Captain John Winslow to a ship-to-ship duel

Dad, eighty-four, spent time on the computer and napping, while Mom, nine years younger, watched television, read, and challenged herself with crossword puzzles

When I challenged the instructor on this point, he had no rejoinder

“I challenged them saying what the fuck are you doing and then when they turned round I saw that it was that little shite Stanley and Tommy Smith I had left my rifle in the crater when I went and these two both fired at the same time and I took a bullet in the gut and one in the chest

’ The voice was calm but with a force suggesting not to be challenged

part and parcel of the Soviet Union, the same Soviet dictatorship that challenged the United States for global leadership

Our pickets challenged and fired, and the Spaniards turned to run back to the city

Anything they do which is beyond their specific powers will be challenged but that is an entirely different book which I will not be bothered to write

It is also well-known in law that a woman with children is a lesser «catch» than one who is a virgin but I expect that this will be challenged under the equality laws

An environment which finds itself aesthetically challenged, however, must inevitably hasten the radical departure of polished elements to more refined environments

oftentimes distorts a child‘s (emotional) sense of proportion; conditioned as many of them are by undisciplined, emotionally challenged environments that fail to provide spiritual sustenance and practical guidance to that child

The above was challenged many times in court by the long haired liberal lawyers, and the commissioned officers soon learned to adapt to the conditions

At the time Slikit could only suppose such a terrible thing was happening because the Custodians of Spinningbrock had forsaken the old ways when younger more impatient badgers had challenged their customs, thinking they knew better how to live life

On the ride here I challenged him to bed even three women in the keep within three days, to prove he was the great lover he claimed to be

It is a highly unlikely scenario but theoretically possible and I know of quite a few submarine commanders who swore they took pictures of your carriers (fat juicy targets in their language) without being detected and one showed it to me when I challenged him

The mind must be continually challenged or otherwise it will weaken its natural capacity for growth

Grindel, the claws of one paw resting on the jagged edge of the plywood box that had become so much a part of his life since he’d discovered it, challenged Thesa with eyes that accused him of committing some despicable act

That judicial nominees are being routinely challenged on private matters of Faith is setting a troubling precedence in our nation

Despair is a catharsis of the soul that, on some level, provides meaning to the spiritually challenged

Media spread false stories about “crack babies” that supposedly were born severely deformed and mentally challenged and would never be normal

do better than that” she challenged with fierce eyes towards the girl

Carter was also challenged in his own party’s primary by Ted Kennedy, the leading liberal, and also by John Anderson, one of the last liberal Republicans, running in 1980 as an independent

Where Roosevelt encouraged unions as a way to reduce inequality but kept them under government control, Obama never challenged anti unionism

“And he needs to be challenged

The governor of Georgia challenged him

No one challenged my logic, even though I was barely twenty!

To play together at the highest level of their performance, so that each and every one of them is still challenged in a sense that they can reach their highest

The Patriarch’s voice carried a finality that could not be challenged

After observing municipal politics in his own hometown for a few years, he concluded that ‘The Big Lie’ didn’t work half as well as lots of little lies, none of which were important enough to be challenged

Every great cause that ever challenged the support of

You will be challenged

With some effort he gathered his wits and cast aside the protests of his mind to see, hear, touch and wonder wide-eyed at this inexplicable, majestic building that challenged reason at every opportunity

mathematically challenged also the reality challenged? Or do current mathematical

Even though his memory was challenged to exactly where the old photo was taken, in the end, he couldn’t have wished for a better outcome

The large amounts of open land needed by semi-nomadic, shepherding societies have been periodically challenged by the needs of settled largely agricultural entities, for the exclusive use of the lands immediately surrounding the semi-permanent habitations afforded by this newer way of life

First the settled peoples of the east drove the semi-nomadic Indian tribal societies before them in their westward movement, and then, the cattlemen among these migrants fought the tillers of the soil who had, in turn, challenged them for the use of the land

What had really challenged his sanity though, was the sight of a world being destroyed

Loran shouted a challenge and watched as the walk instantly paralleled theirs at the distance challenged, but no answering hail returned

It is probable that this veto will be challenged in the courts which will add to the costs

I thought that all the questions had been settled once and for all at the meeting in Jerusalem when Paul had first been challenged! he plunged on after the visual distraction

Then Wah Wah challenged me to a game of pool

Joshua could see, in his day, some who could be persuaded by others to look at things differently, and he remonstrated mightily against that influence when he challenged, “Choose this day whom you will serve

In the long “protest” initiated by Marten Luther and carried on by others, the heretofore monolithic Church was now challenged on the basis of its answers, they must accord with the Bible, members of the “Protest” declared as they appealed to the hierarchy to reground their answers

It is confusing when postulations prove false and theories are challenged by repeatedly discovered exceptions

Our faith had been challenged many times in the previous

Error on the one side has bred error on the other as even the reality of the “Axiom of Existence,” God that is, has been challenged

This canon consists of 73 books: 46 that constitute the so-called Old Testament, including 7 books currently called Deuterocanonical books (Tobit, Judith, I Maccabees, II Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach and Baruch) -which have been challenged by Jews and Protestants- and 27 of the New Testament

He joined Susan and their three youngest, living in different hotels, upsetting staff wherever they went, pulling their usual uncooperative and confrontationist stunts whenever challenged with requests that did not suit them

Surprisingly, the usual nasty tone of voice Adam used when he was challenged wasn‘t there this time

He challenged the notion that earth’s temperature was driven mainly by CO2 in the atmosphere since superimposition of the two curves showed a lag in the

challenged when they arise

If we take those weapons away, she won’t have nearly as much power, and she can be challenged

As the CMM was made up mostly of ELP sympathizers who rarely challenged the

Xanophanes challenged belief in the gods

The greatest teacher in Athens was a short, sloppily dressed man with a large head and buggy eyes who walked about with his students and challenged them with questions

Jackson, with the Senate, challenged Marshall’s ruling and initiated The Removal Act, which culminated in the Trail of Tears

The next morning after a modest meal, I returned to the spears and again challenged the instructor

I like to be challenged, because of the question, I will be more perfect

organisations had significantly challenged this

I challenged Sephiroth and lived

“How can you be so sure?” challenged Suzuki

It took a long time, it took a lot of energy, it took money, it took commitment, it took integrity, it took focus, it took a lot of things that are a challenge, but I embraced those challenges

from His throne dealing with life challenges on your own

When they said ‘I Do’ they were in a mood, once they get into a fight and they continue to have more challenges in life, that mood is gone

Now, trust me, when you’re married or in a relationship or anything you are committed to, you are going to have challenges that change your mood

Weak instead of strong – When challenges to the Almighty God arose, Zedekiah

In these quarters, his life was so empty without the mothers of his children, no matter how delightful the scents of these gardens or exciting the challenges of his adventure parks or voluptuous the sculpture of his houris

On top of Mount Carmel (up toward the gods), Elijah challenges their entire religion to see if Ba’al can offer his own sacrifice

Try finding an activity that is new to both of you and you will be able to bond while tackling new challenges and adventures

They may also help small groups with other challenges, such as training volunteers and staff or expanding the reach of the services they provide

However, challenges are there to be surmonted and after an hour’s hard slog, the rudiments are in place

Unbeknownst to anyone, Jameson had secretly observed, when his own training permitted, Titania and Hipolyta as they performed some of their own challenges and tasks

The open campfire presented challenges the cookstove at home hadn’t, but he managed admirably and both his father and uncle said so

“Well Lawrence, how do think these ladies have done with the challenges of the day?”

“I was adequate to the challenges set forth

Her father was understanding in that he did not expect his daughter to abandon her training immediately, but hoped she would be amenable to returning to Ohio and helping him sort through the requisite challenges his wife’s death left their little family, after her term had ended

The sixth form should provide some challenges and he relished the prospects, hence his residency of the library and reading rooms of the College

The other apprentices of Waterhouse, there were two others, were subject to much the same rigorous and varied challenges as himself

The Orphanage was moving ahead without as much of his direct oversight, and other challenges were presented to his little ‘team

more and more these days to Heather’s intellectual challenges and her need to

I see a prophetic generation rising that challenges the status quo

She understands the challenges of getting elected with her background, but she remains

It challenges the religious institutions and false beliefs we trust in, and it is easier to put it aside

challenges and pressures of today

Seeing business as a game can help you through the challenges and make it

What are the main challenges that will impact your profitability

is successful has encountered challenges along the way

You live and thrive on life’s challenges

know that there’ll be many challenges, both at sea and ashore

I may have a prominent scar, but we both know that in a life filled with fearsome challenges, that’s nothing

The bases for such intellectual and emotional capabilities are built through caring, consistent nurturing and age-appropriate challenges

Only when you are ready challenges will confront you to remind you that you are in a growing period of time and you are strong

There is a reason to discover the challenges of glory

Any other challenges?”

«You’d rather the pigs went unmonged, would you?» he challenges us

First, dukkha is the physical and emotional suffering caused by the basic challenges of life: birth, aging, sickness, injury, and death

All this while, the setting that has been creating the numerous challenges in life is the dualistic nature of this planet

From the largest to the smallest family member there will be challenges for each one

The challenges on a legitimate golf course can’t be too much more challenging than those

So I surmised that these challenges were preparing me for this, and again I gained a sense of peace

What is significant about this opportunity and the success of my other ventures is that they are predicated on my own life experiences and challenges

I felt so blessed that my challenges did not make me bitter and that I didn’t give up hope

My challenges have been raising a special needs child, inappropriate relationships, a poverty mentality and the consequences of this negative environment, internalized oppression, a dysfunctional family that was not able to give me support, and my own insecurities in having to deal with all of these dynamics

My later years have added the challenges of aging issues

But I have accepted even those challenges as a part of my dynamic growth

Life has mellowed out the challenges of my youth, but my aging process and diabetes give me a whole new set of challenges

One of my greatest challenges was learning how to separate myself from the opinions of others while remaining close

But the greatest challenges I faced were those inside of me

Their very existence challenges the tenets of the Red Catholic faith

‘L-Seven-Six had got bored with this role, he simply wanted a new set of experiences and challenges – and what’s more challenging than being a human in the real world?’

At midnight the artillery moved to San Juan, and then the silence was broken only by groans of the wounded and hoarse challenges from the guards

Softer skills in the field of information, commercial and industrial technology, computer and software designs, among others, are gradually replacing the diminishing demands for unskilled labor (especially) among manufacturing and factory workers whose positions are facing daunting challenges from computer-based technologies

The challenges facing our schools will prove to be enormous in the coming years

Like meditation, which challenges the mind with concentration and

leads to facing inner states of discomfort, a practice of creativity challenges the

It avoids convenient or simple solutions to complex questions or easy expressions for hard-nosed assumptions that require testing, at every level; prepared to accept in whatever manner, the pretentious challenges of misleading or presumptive propositions whose attainment is (sufficient) reward in itself

It brought its own challenges with it and we were exposed to a whole new industry – from the stylists and the hair itself, to the rules, unique procedures and the products

A number of (politically) prominent individuals have achieved historical repute for their providential and skillful management of exceptional events that defined their tenure in (public) office notwithstanding the reluctance of some who were neither willing or able to meet the extraordinary challenges that confronted them; provoked to action, however, by the enlightened examples of others before taking formal or appropriate action in response to such events

without challenges? Incredibly boring

” These principles are based on the premise that despite the joint-responsibility for the upbringing of your children, there are challenges that need to be overcome so that the two of you can cooperate and be effective as parents

As many as 2 out of 3 of these marriages do not last because they have challenges that threaten the stability and continuity of the family

Your family will follow bringing order even in the midst of the everyday challenges and the extraordinary challenges

The challenges confronting any free society lie in the unshakable confidence invested in its citizens as free-thinking individuals capable of making the right choices and exercising proper judgment rather than perceived as sophisticated machines guided by neural impulses connected to some highly developed nerve center

Such differences oftentimes present a number of imposing challenges to individuals wedded to firmly held beliefs who, in every other respect, are genuinely committed to friendship

For this reason, a timid individual, for example, may be more unlikely than another individual, who is more daring, to confront pressing challenges unless the underlying motives are superseded by other, more compelling reasons or competing factors connected in some manner with the

Many of our public schools are performing a disservice to students entrusted to their care; many of whom, having ―graduated‖, are oftentimes ill equipped to meet the basic day-to-day challenges that lie ahead

This, despite the many domestic and foreign challenges it has encountered over the years

This proverb is about the regrets associated with old age when men who were once strong and mighty find themselves looking vulnerable to people who would have offered no challenges to them when they were in their prime

In the face of all these challenges, and judging him not on politics and ideological tests, Obama can point to humanitarian victories, limited but still impressive

I refer specifically to the participation in this trip of grandchildren Bobby and Danielle Lincoln, which would enrich the trip with new goals and challenges, and the expectation of visiting the latest flaming new places and discover details as yet unnoticed in already described locations

Consumed by thoughts of future challenges, I still enjoyed

ended with, “Lord, please stay with me for the challenges that

do you think are the major challenges to inclusion?

I think that one of the biggest challenges that we are

That takes a while and is one of the biggest challenges that we have

Those are the two biggest challenges that we face

What do you think then, are the major challenges of

The challenges are that you are working with someone

Looking at the examples, the following challenges could be made to the negative thoughts

random collection of challenges and lessons, all well

This “underground stream” of teaching challenges the traditional sex-free view that a celibate Jesus was born of a perpetual virgin, and that his closest friends were Lazarus, Martha and Mary, a celibate brother and his two spinster sisters

That was when loud screaming challenges, accompanied by the thump, thump, thumping of her large staff, seemed an urgently required response

challenges ahead of us without you at my side

Was the “new name” that of the highest Christian leader, the bishop of Rome, which seemed to mysteriously morph into the title of “pope”? And might the “white stone” be metaphorically the headpiece and vestments put upon the newly anointed as he ascended to the highest office in the Catholic (universal) hierarchy, in the name of Jesus? And regarding the “new name that no one knows,” does this explain the many challenges to the later addition of and legitimacy of the “Office of the Papacy

The discovery of modern printing methods facilitated the spreading of the knowledge of the biblical basis of those challenges

But, if the Bible can be seen as the parable this author claims, then most of the power of those challenges fall away

There it was an internationally recognized symbol of man‘s extraordinary ability to overcome the most daunting of challenges represented in the mighty span of concrete, steel and cable? How tragic that there were so many that unhappy

than my share of problems and challenges, yet through all of them,

If instead, they are required to gain visibility and construct an identity, which I call safe zones, they become highly stressful, never-ending challenges that are unable to bring any long-lasting satisfaction

brought on by Gore’s court challenges to the 2000 election results

“The smart kid who listens in on the History Club, and who challenges Orb and Prince, in class

I would appreciate it if you would visit my website where I have listed a few “Bible challenges

encounter challenges along the way to success

One of the challenges is that most of us grow up with an ’employee mindset’ and it

The other option, the higher one, is to learn to live consciously, developing skills of awareness and insight that release a person from having to feel victimized or controlled by life’s challenges ever again

Your challenges will come from your emotions

He had two of the red parrots that quickly shrieked challenges to Cuauhtzin

We rode across the causeway with no further challenges although there were guards posted at all the drawbridges

We crossed the causeway to Tlacopan getting salutes along the way instead of challenges

The air was mild and a little humid, the earliest flowers were preparing to bloom, birds were singing (in spite of Cuauhtzin’s challenges), insects were buzzing, but they were not yet a nuisance, a gentle rain would fall almost every day, and the animals in the forest darted about

throughout all the challenges he remained very much alive, his

This book is about challenging your faith, challenging

The rusting cranes and conveyor belts in the water made a challenging obstacle course

Fighting the pull of gravity becomes more challenging with age

“Yeah,” she said, challenging him with her eyes

Long-distance grand parenting is challenging, but with care, you can stay in touch

Karalintze, Reading between the lines of your message, I gather that your little task has proved to be more challenging than anticipated

“Ah, are you challenging me woman? It would not be wise,” he said smiling at her lovingly

Regularly update the daily assignments you have done over the last four weeks and continuously look out for new and challenging assignments

Mistress Fate heard this desperate plea and within a week Miss Jones found herself facing a very new and challenging situation, for which she was entirely unprepared

On the one hand this was emotionally challenging, but on the other, it’s lovely feeling that so many people care

One of the most challenging aspects of fear is that it can often

Use ‘ feel good’ triggers to instantly improve your emotional state, almost anywhere and anytime so you can overcome the most challenging situations and phobias, easily and quickly

I’m hoping to learn the Laudamus Te from the Mozart C Minor Mass – it is a piece I have wanted to sing for a while, but it is challenging, full of runs needing a lot of breath control

The most challenging aspect of

a bit more challenging to learn

‘I can see that living with you is going to be challenging

’ Sheila said from the other side of the muddy hole – her eyes challenging

She looked at Ozzie as though challenging him to say otherwise

He was an unwitting dupe, challenging her in a way she could not resist even if she wanted to

challenging to tweak his brain

Hipolyta nodded and added, “It really can’t be any more challenging than the one Harry took at Malvern College

The first term was challenging, not so much for the studies, but the school’s culture, events, activities and clubs kept him so occupied and pulled this way and that, he was ready for the break of term

Architecture was as challenging and fascinating as he’d hoped it should be, and the Waterhouse firm encouraged his input and creativity, though in moderation

made all the more challenging by the fact that we were

The music was extremely challenging, probably over the heads of all but the other musicians

Once it was time to storm the interior, sword drawn, it had proven not overly challenging

The king noticed his firm stance and his confident look without the impression of being forward or challenging

Life was certainly challenging these days

I have a quiet office, with few interruptions; writing is challenging, but I have the necessary skills; writing has clear goals; and I get immediate feedback when I read what I wrote

It is undeniably a major part of the unique but challenging set-up of Earth

As he understood that challenging times are lessons for growth, he suggested that they pray for courage, instead!

known to be one of the most challenging

I knew that joining the Colonisation Program often resulted in instant promotions, one of their incentives, and I desperately wanted something more challenging than acting as a bus service for two-hundred ton cargo canisters

“As I understand,” he continued, “Sebastian’s new method also reduces some of the more challenging aspects of our service

not challenging in any way

Planning for and executing the plans was challenging

When you are standing on the green, waiting for your turn at the challenging ninth hole of your favorite golf course these helpful online tips will come flooding back to you and will make a huge difference in how you see the game, how you play the game and how you execute each precise effective swing

Most people don’t consider miniature golf to be challenging

The challenges on a legitimate golf course can’t be too much more challenging than those

Maybe this is a TIAR program, and she a challenging conquest

It was challenging and fun, for a while

Monique stood facing the tall glass entrance, wondering whether to play along with the charade (both that of it being literally an illusion and not challenging the deception of father’s life) or say something that would cause consternation within the household

‘L-Seven-Six had got bored with this role, he simply wanted a new set of experiences and challenges – and what’s more challenging than being a human in the real world?’

Perhaps it was in the genes to strive for the most challenging goal

The rest of us might find that feat challenging, especially with a monster crashing through the door

Being young men they immediately started showing off by challenging the female cadets to races and other water games, which proved beyond any doubt that they could indeed swim very well

” Amaranthe wasn’t yet panting, but carrying on a conversation was growing more challenging

The occasional flashes of lightning lit the world, but the resulting darkness was even more challenging to deal with

One which might be much more challenging to negotiate

They’d learnt very quickly that a challenging stare was usually met with a stinging blow or a bruising bite

Addendum to the above: Every generation is influenced in part by the prevailing customs of its time; challenging the formal

I encourage you to continue reading into the Appendix to see some resources that can help separated-fathers in the challenging areas we must tackle

Christ‘s principled teachings are oftentimes questioned by Secularists, Atheists and (nominal) ―Christians‖ alike who routinely disclaim their authenticity by either challenging scriptural interpretations or biblical precedence(s) mentioned in His teachings; that is to say, questioning whether or not Christ specifically said this or said that or whether His (contemporary) followers/biographers simply put words in His mouth in order to lend legitimacy to an incipient religious movement inasmuch as Christ, Himself, never 122

Many (young) adults are failing to measure up to the basic reading, writing and number skills required for ordinary jobs, not to mention the highly specialized skills required by more challenging working environments

Political Correctness has accelerated this admonitory process by its simplistic characterization of individuals or groups; by not only disregarding the complexity of singular viewpoints but by challenging the moral and intellectual foundation of the individuals expressing them

would find expressing a coherent thought particularly challenging? Although each of us has the potential to exceed the somewhat (flexible) limits imposed by natural designs, no substitute exists for natural intelligence

” When Beth lost on three consecutive spins, he abruptly announced it was time to cash her chips, but quickly discovered that getting her to quit was far more challenging than getting her started

experiences, as challenging as they were, always provided me the

The way became progressively more challenging

One way where Obama failed was in challenging wealthy elites

He was to the point of storming a plush office on the top floor when a savvy sergeant reminded him of the futility of challenging the ingrained system

Doc had been eliminated and Alan was boasting, challenging him

Which I have found challenging in the past, and if you don’t believe me, ask Constable Ralph McKyber of the village police, or a couple of others back home

“Figure drawing is extremely challenging,” I rambled on

Creating something from scratch, was much more challenging

What would it be like to have such higher level skills, to travel between earth and heaven, to have such powers? What would it be like to turn her face up to that golden face, to gaze into that challenging emerald gaze, knowing with confidence that he was hers, all hers!

to its proper destination, can be challenging at times

She would conspire with the Black Fox and cast more spells, challenging the delicate balance of the forest

heroically to the great causes then challenging men

Amonas feared the worst and came rushing down the steps as fast as he could without challenging a similar fate

The howling sounds of the sandstorm ruled supreme, whipping the very earth, tormenting the sky, challenging the reign of night eternal itself

The Pilgrim started chanting, his clear voice challenging the howls of the rising wind, cutting a clean path through the hurtling sands towards the heart of the storm

I remember reading a rather challenging book some years ago titled The Gagging of God

She stared at me and Anita; then looked about the room, challenging all comers

challenging by lifting the bar one notch higher

So, for me, it is both challenging and rewarding

Many of the objections challenging a specific portion of this scientific proposition were eventually answered by the research necessary to restore the order of the theory, until it stands today as the preeminent answer, in the world of Man’s knowledge, as to how we came to be as we are today

It seemed that all the tests, the treatments, the pain, the discomforts and challenging commitment to the in vitro process were worthwhile and had paid off

Therefore, the application of this challenging methodology is justified for the complexity of the activities and in the verification that nobody makes something alone, because all obtained result for the human activity occurs in an integrated way in a complete partnership even in the competitiveness, also in process of personal creation

though god’s instructions were very challenging to follow

The consciousness revolution of the sixties has dramatically transformed our society, making this task much more challenging than ever before

But it becomes extremely challenging if this process is constant and unnecessary

Back in the library, I passively observe my mind doing a highly challenging job

Today some of these spirits are already Angels, some are only starting, and some, like us, are working hard, through a challenging series of reincarnations to become Angels ourselves

I bring him in the initial challenging situation once more, and he is good, feeling totally cool and happy

Second job done! I carry on the same process throughout my life, exploring over a dozen experiences; some were real, others were invented, but each one was tough and really challenging

It’s a highly complex and challenging project, tailor-made for each individual stage of evolution and in constant transformation as a result of our free will

Understanding the lesson that we need to learn from a challenging experience, as well as acquiring specific knowledge sooner than planned, will shorten the experience and avoid new similar ones

If we are able to read these messages and learn the lesson before they become a challenging experience, Karma will be satisfied and the experience can be avoided

This challenging noble action rewards the Spirit Guides with new experiences lived through their protégé

I strode over to Johnny who stood erect, eyes flaming, challenging me

Choosing to work with the most challenging children — those apparently hopeless ones who needed to “come alive,” Maureen and Audrey had persuaded the governing body to establish this Special Unit

Bruce’s handwriting was the more challenging

The slaves will be more challenging to free

Bruce and Juliet were invited, perhaps as a buffer to a potentially challenging evening

Attainable- Goals can be challenging, but it has to be achievable

Software contracts can be challenging

“I found them quite challenging

challenging hike to a shaking and withering patient who cannot walk on his own

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«It was a big challenge for us.«
(big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, real, serious, significant)

«He will face difficult challenges.«
(difficult, stiff, tough, daunting, continuing, ongoing, future)

«This will be the key challenge.«
(key, fundamental, main, major, primary, ultimate)

«We are facing fresh challenges.«
(fresh, new, unprecedented, constant)

«She is anticipating exciting challenges.«
(exciting, interesting, unique, special)

«What are the economic challenges?«
(economic, environmental, logistical, physical, political, technical, global, local)

«He posed an effective challenge.«
(effective, serious, strong, direct)

«The lawyer offered a legal challenge.«
(legal, constitutional)

Used with verbs:

«Will he accept the challenge?«
(accept, answer, agree to)

«We will address the new challenge.«
(address, confront, face, handle, meet, respond to, tackle, take on)

«Budget cuts will create new challenges.«
(create, offer, pose, present, make, provide, raise)

«She relishes a challenge.«
(relishes, loves, enjoys, welcomes, likes)

«How will we overcome the challenges?«
(overcome, solve, fight, survive)

Used with prepositions:

«He received a challenge from his rival.«

«She offered a challenge to her students.«

Definition of Challenge

a demand to battle in a match or brawl

Examples of Challenge in a sentence

As the two men challenge the obnoxious younger man to a fight, he agreed and all three of them headed out of the establishment into the street.


Aaron Burr decided to challenge the vice president of the United States which left Alexander Hamilton fatally injured after Burr shot him.


Traditionally, the two adult sons would challenge each other to a game of ice hockey because the loser would have to buy dinner for the family.


When the police officer approached the teenager, she would challenge the authority figure using her argumentative and stubborn words.


In the wild, two lions would challenge each other over a dead coyote in which one of them would be win the meat and the other would die.


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∙ 12y ago

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Janet always enjoyed a challenge.

The sports challenge looked good this year.

I will challenge your decision.

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∙ 8y ago

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∙ 7y ago


She loved the challenge so accepted it and won. This is a
sentence containing the word challenge.

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∙ 6y ago


The puzzle was a challenge!I wanted to challenge my

Though a challenge, she finished the 5K race.

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What is sentence using the word challenge?

I was ready for a challenge

How do you put the word challenge in a sentence?

That’s quite a challenge.
I challenge you to a duel!
The champion’s open acceptance of any challenge is widely

A sentence with the word acquiescent in it?

He was too acquiescent to challenge authority

Use the word demure in a sentence?

Despite her demure appearance, she is a competitive speed
skater, always ready for a challenge on ice.

Use process in a sentence?

Example sentence — The process for applying to college can be a

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