Use the word certainly in a sentence

certainly (adv): used to reply completely or to emphasize something and show that there is no doubt about it

Use “certainly” in a sentence

I will certainly die if you don’t call a doctor.
He certainly deserves the award.
He will certainly die if you don’t call a doctor.
He certainly knows how to entertain people.
Our current revenues are certainly lower than anticipated.
That’s certainly one possibility.

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I certainly understand that you have obligations and needs that eat into your time

Certainly, most of my original

Certainly, I now have no wish to record any future decline if, or when, it should happen

He certainly wasn’t worried about upsetting me

This certainly was a lavish home

If she couldn’t have her villa on the Carribean beach, this was certainly the next best thing

Who made this web? Who supports this family? Certainly not him, and he doesn’t show a lot of gratitude for it

«I don’t see how this relates to me? I’m sorry this has happened but it’s certainly not my problem

When she was there, at the closest star in whatever constellation it’s in, she certainly never imagined she would be here, now, wondering what happened there

When she was there she certainly never imagined she would even exist now

Not a big deal on this world, but certainly more than she ever dreamed of as a girl

But while the Blacktooths had been largely ambivalent toward humanity in the past, they were certainly in the habit of taking slaves to work in their mountains

It is certainly difficult to remain silent when you see your grandchildren making poor decisions

But I have never seen it fired … I don’t even think he had any ammunition for it – I’ve certainly never seen any

‘It certainly looks that way

“You’re a little late, aren’t you? Isn’t this supposed to be delivered first thing in the morning? While it is morning, it most certainly is not first thing,” Ackers rambled, trying to get some sort of information out of the paper boy while confusing him at the same time

that leads almost certainly to

‘He certainly has the skills and equipment needed to repair the gun

It would certainly be some kind of trick with hidden wicks and special fuel, but he’d seen people spit fire so he figured there would be some way to perform that circus stunt also

Anyone running a lab certainly wouldn’t want to call attention to themselves

He wondered if he should go to the council with this question? That would certainly expose everything of Tahlmute’s past and doing that would likely lose him the job

For my part, I certainly call it the latter

«No, certainly not, no and not yet

Even though the place certainly wouldn’t boast of city services, it would probably be a better place to spend the dark than dry sand

Younger than me in years, but in gravity and girth, certainly my elder

» There probably was an Elven community down there, but they would not be the majority and there would certainly be a lot of Megnor culture in evidence in daily life

» In spite of knowing she was totally illegal and would be erased if found out, she would fight for survival if she had to wouldn’t she? That survival instinct had certainly been cloned with her hadn’t it?

‘You certainly come highly recommended

I shall certainly be giving them a report on this interview

certainly not the boss

There was certainly no question that he knew a lot about Gino’s criminal past, way too much, so in that sense the game was up

‘You certainly scrub up nicely

She certainly felt like destroying something that morning

It was certainly better for them that Ava was still here and she hoped they appreciated the effort she had been putting into helping them

Glenelle certainly couldn’t hack their way out of it, other than turning off enhancements

Certainly they had slept after that long drive

Suzy was certainly a smart kid

«Yes, with this hammer we certainly can; but to what point, Most Learned?» Diam Al’Hassad, commandant of Astrophysics asked

He is either pulling my leg or a penniless Albanian; he is certainly not a literature master, I thought but suppressed that suspicion at once

«Yes, certainly,» he answered, «Come on in

Certainly women will have violated their God given role and men will have

Physical exercise is certainly much harder here, while it requires special suppleness which -let’s face it- I’ve never had

Leadership begins with the head of any organization! This is certainly true of the Lord’s

That was certainly a clear insinuation about me too; and I, as usual, kept on acting the fool lest I should lose that great friend

So, I corrected and sent them an old story of mine titled “Escape from the Tower of Eons”, and it was included in the issue of March! Certainly, this isn’t a terrific success, but it is an unprecedented victory for me! I am on cloud nine!

‘No, I don’t think so, certainly no-one has said anything to me

This will certainly lead to another war, more destruction and more bloodshed on both sides

’ He said in a matter of fact tone of voice which stops me in my tracks ‘I don’t pretend to have any answers at the moment, but that certainly won’t solve anything

Jarome certainly had the skills to create this reality box and stuff him in it, who else could do that, he wasn’t sure

may be important, but they certainly are not the most important thing and should never

«This will certainly test your trustworthiness

She wondered if they would ever know, she doubted there was a soul on what remained of Gordon’s Lamp that was half as competent with silicon as that avatar was, certainly none that would be able to detect what she had actually done

«We’ll certainly get a lot more research done now that we don’t have to clear every atmosphere probe thru security and the captain

«Oh I most certainly did

‘By the standards of Earth technology, life is certainly a lot simpler on Errd … slower in some ways … no, that’s not accurate, less frenzied would be better … but we have a high standard of living … and I think it’s fair to say that our culture is more ecologically sound

There was a definite odour of polish though for the life of her Kara couldn’t see why, it certainly hadn’t been applied to the staircase

Certainly, not all negative thoughts are directed inwards at

Jesus put it this way: If I speak to you of earthly things and you do not believe me, how will you believe me when I speak of heavenly things? The Spirit is certainly not understood by many

God’s wisdom is certainly called foolishness – even among Christianity

The architecture is so-so modern Dwarf-revival but certainly not so lofty

It was nobody she knew, she certainly didn’t have this recording

Yes, certainly along with feeling new vibrational feelings,

«I know what you’re really asking,» Alan said, «And the answer is no, he would not be allowed to live outside the money economy, no one is allowed to do that in most nations, and certainly not where they still have outdoor motorcars

«Why certainly, I see how good you’re feeling lately so I think I would enjoy him also

All I can say is that you have certainly lived up to your extremely well-deserved reputation, though I hazard a guess that Joris would have your head for being so careless

It must have been the length of time she had been with no one else, or maybe the fear that they had only a short time before Alan came to interfere, because while Tiytha was certainly attractive to her, she didn’t think he was enough to get her this lusty in such a short time

She certainly has Elf ears and the hills of Wescarp aren’t short of Nordic blood

«Unless he stays with those girls, they will certainly know

A new beginning … it was certainly a thought

«Because if he’s gone into the wilds, he probably fell victim to a predator during the first darkness and if not then, certainly the second

” Caesar certainly knew the sword and was not afraid to use it

It’s not like home in the garden, but we certainly won’t starve out here

Have you considered displaying your paintings? They would certainly be of a sufficiently high standard to exhibit, I think

If we return to Vyinga’s ship they will certainly know it and will come after us again

A little more grown up and bushy but certainly still wild

«They can certainly see our fire, but they’re still within a quarter mile of us

was certainly at its happiest when flying, but even more so when

Wiesse would certainly not be amused by that sort of inattentiveness … as a result I find myself watching the path carefully, straining my eyes for any such rut

The smaller claw he saw earlier was certainly real, that straight-edged point on the flying claw was certainly real, but what if this huge claw that one was holding was nothing more than a stick? That would even things up a little bit wouldn’t it?

Oh he certainly felt an attraction to Luray, had been feeling it strongly all day and would certainly enjoy every second of coupling with her

To think I’d been concerned at Gilla’s apparent lack of enthusiasm for the proposed marriage! And you thought she was making the best of a bad job, settling for any man rather than none at all, Lintze! You idiot! Her delighted welcome for Caderl certainly knocks that idea on the head

There could now be no doubt that he was telling the truth about YingolNeerie so he certainly WAS from a different culture

«You are certainly accepted

I certainly have no doubt; from what I have seen of Caderl we can trust him – he seems a pretty solid reliable sort of man

‘Yes, I certainly can … and Sefir is no apology!’ I replied, my chin up at the implication

My Michael, purred Lady Jennie after Michael relayed what Collin had said, he certainly does have manners

She had certainly never been the center of his life

«If we were approaching them from the civilization side we certainly would,» Luray said, «but they wouldn’t have much reason to take wagons out this way, they’d drive the herd to the village and pack them there

‘You were certainly out for the count

Damn sexual equality! This woman was certainly was not going to argue with that particular decision

She was a lot less intellectual than Alan, not quite what one would call limited, but other than pop culture and basic reading and writing, she wasn’t educated and she certainly wasn’t the deep thinker that he was

It was up to Alan who he went with, she certainly wasn’t going to get into a squawk-up with a shallow brat over a shipboard companion

Lord, I tell you his life is certainly going to be interesting

I don’t know if it is because he has a captive audience or because he is trying to ensure that I stay awake, but he chats to me, telling me some stories of his travels – whether they are true or not, I cannot tell, but they certainly help the miles to pass more pleasantly

I don’t think they saw her fling down the shovel into the gravel or understood the curses she invoked, but certainly they felt the sting of the grit that flew from her hands and showered them like nettles

He certainly didn’t want to appear unfit or stupid

They were certainly transferring less quantum info than their brethren who were not on collision courses with some body in the Sol system, but there were still condensates on them and they were undergoing state changes

“And the female… is she really that good?” Naria raised her eyebrow and tilted her head coyly, “she certainly seems to have impressed you

She certainly made her point as far as appearance

His evidence was tenuous, but it certainly didn’t point to God’s doing

Use Certainly in a sentence. How to use the word Certainly in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Certainly. Sentence for Certainly.

Use Certainly in a Sentence - How to use "Certainly" in a sentence


Examples of Certainly in a sentence

  1. There was certainly a hand up there.
  2. Certainly ZZ TOP had this kind of feel.
  3. Potato chips are certainly not a good choice!
  4. I have certainly eaten my share of potato chips and candy bars.
  5. That is certainly what utility companies are positing.
  6. This raise will certainly come in handy Now that Christmas is approaching.
  7. Now that you say that, certainly Ms Tanaka wasn’t shot even once in the mock battles.
  8. Hardly glamorous and certainly a footnote in the best of the story, but a job I had to do, however.
  9. A carpenter, for instance, would certainly lose his custom if he should not perform his work faithfully and in season.
  10. He offered one to every five scholars, as they sat on their benches, and every boy then saw that a reward would certainly come within five of him.
  11. Their motive was to help their class-mate out of his difficulties; that is a good feeling, certainly.
  12. In future life you will certainly be unsuccessful if you fail, no matter for what reason, to discharge the duties which devolve upon you.
  13. A streetscape project certainly made the appearance better, even though it did nothing to help the horrid traffic situation in historic downtown Winder.
  14. Price performance may have been lackluster in June but industry developments certainly lifted animal spirits.
  15. But, above all things, remember that dullness and stupidity–and you will certainly find them in every school–are the very last things to get out of patience with.
  16. He is also obliged to resort to arts which are certainly not very honorable to conceal his ignorance.
  17. At the appointed time on the following day the subject was again brought before the school, and some plans proposed by which the resolutions now formed might be more certainly kept.

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1. The design certainly looks good on paper.

2. Macmillan wrote back saying that he could certainly help.

3. A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown.

4. Georgia certainly didn’t seem to be a fool.

5. There certainly wasn’t any malice in her comments.

6. She certainly hasn’t been pining while you were away!

7. An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.

8. Music can certainly enrich your whole life.

9. He certainly was not politically inactive.

10. The timely rain will certainly bring on the crops.

11. Without treatment, she will almost certainly die.

12. He certainly is a marvellous actor.

13. The company certainly has the potential for growth.

14. The story is almost certainly false.

15. He certainly didn’t seem to be a fool.

16. She was certainly no paragon of virtue!

17. Paul’s certainly mellowed over the years.

18. The timing of the meeting is certainly fortuitous.

19. They will certainly report back to their government.

20. I certainly don’t begrudge him the Nobel Prize.

21. I certainly did not like the place.

22. Wow ! That car certainly goes fast ! !

23. I certainly never expected to become a writer.

24. I’m certainly not scared of him.

25. I’m certainly never going there again.

26. She certainly bears you no malice.

27. «Can you help me?» «Certainly«.

28. I’ll certainly carry on living here for the foreseeable future.

29. I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights.

30. Everything goes amiss with him[], he has certainly bad luck.

More similar words: certainly not, certain, uncertain, for certain, uncertainty, entertainment, mainly, ungainly, curtain, maintain, concert, undertake, obtain, retain, sustain, captain, contain, container, retaining, sustainable, in line, only, openly, if only, only too, fall in love, in line with, commonly, only that, cancer. 

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