Use the word centuries in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word centuries, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use centuries in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «centuries». In addition, we also show how different variations of centuries can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are centuries’, centuries—both, centuries—setting and centuries—the. If you click on the variation of centuries that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Centuries in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word centuries in a sentence.

  1. Other authorities give 199 centuries.

  2. Averaging 50.36, he scored seven centuries.

  3. For over two centuries (1789-1989) of early U.S.

  4. Five more centuries before the end of the season.

  5. The region has been used by humans for centuries.

  6. Hammond made 22 centuries in international cricket.

  7. Both families had lived in Siebenbürgen for centuries.

  8. In three visits to England, Brown scored 18 centuries.

  9. He scored 1,198 runs at 27.22 and scored two centuries.

  10. It was remodelled in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

  11. These factors have given it an enormous military significance over the centuries.

  12. Volubilis continued to be inhabited for centuries after the end of Roman control.

  13. Hirst scored 1,413 runs in the season, at an average of 31.11 with two centuries.

  14. From the 17th to 19th centuries Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world.

  15. Here these mushrooms have been collected for centuries and exported commercially.

  16. Hungarian and Polish chronicles written centuries later give three different years: 967, 969 and 975.

  17. The exact location of the Hutchinson house has been a source of great interest for several centuries.

  18. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries several authors offered their own interpretations of the case.

  19. Due to their familiarity to whalers over a number of centuries, the right whales have had many names.

  20. It was Bradman who dominated with the bat for Australia, scoring four centuries and 806 runs overall.

  21. Karlheinz Stockhausen and Wolfgang Rihm are important composers of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

  22. The Goldfinch was lost and unknown for more than two centuries before it first came to light in 1859.

  23. All of the fossils come from the limestone deposits, quarried for centuries, near Solnhofen, Germany.

  24. The Byzantine economy was among the most advanced in Europe and the Mediterranean for many centuries.

  25. The earliest Ganesha icons in stone were carved in Mathura during Kushan times (2nd–3rd centuries CE).

  26. He suggested a concrete dam could flood the plateau, just as nature blocked it with ice centuries ago.

  27. Judd Trump equalled Ding’s record of seven centuries made by one player in a world championship match.

  28. Qing forces ruled areas of Taiwan’s highly populated western plain for over two centuries, until 1895.

  29. Vasa was exposed to acidic water for more than three centuries, and therefore has a relatively low pH.

  30. They concentrated on defence but both men reached centuries, and the press praised their achievements.

  31. It used castle battlements as well as cliff ledges for nesting before vanishing from Europe at least three centuries ago.

  32. Michael’s Cathedral is the product of a strong German presence in Shandong Province in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

  33. A third farm, Home Farm appeared on late 19th and early 20th centuries Ordnance Survey maps in the centre of the village.

  34. The use of Latin as the language of administration persisted for centuries, though it was increasingly replaced by Greek.

  35. These last suggestions reveal Fox’s Puritan leanings, which continued to influence Quakers for centuries after his death.

  36. The divergence and evolution that has occurred in the ensuing centuries has resulted in a distinctive Australian culture.

  37. The colony grew rapidly during the 19th and early 20th centuries, becoming a key British possession in the Mediterranean.

  38. For the first two centuries of its existence, Christianity and its practitioners were unpopular with the people at large.

  39. The memory of the Second Crusade was to color French views of the Byzantines for the rest of the 12th and 13th centuries.

  40. Christianity became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire, including Egypt, during the fourth and fifth centuries CE.

  41. MacLaren played regularly for Lancashire at the start of 1910, but his poor form continued until midway through the season, when he scored centuries in successive matches.

  42. At first the coins were used as standardized pieces of precious metal rather than true money, but in the following centuries international traders came to rely on coinage.

  43. The heart of the Rashtrakuta empire included nearly all of Karnataka, Maharashtra and parts of Andhra Pradesh, an area which the Rashtrakutas ruled for over two centuries.

  44. Bolívar replies by pointing out that Europe had centuries to progress to its current state, and that South America should be left to experience its «Middle Ages in peace».

  45. Improvements and repairs were made, particularly by John of Gaunt, and the building was in generally good condition throughout the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.

Centuries’ in a sentence

Centuries’ is a variation of centuries, below you can find example sentences for centuries’.

  1. This analysis has been praised by many feminist critics, combating what is, by Heilbrun’s argument, centuries’ worth of misinterpretation.

  2. The late-16th-century Hungarian countess and mass murderess Elizabeth Báthory became particularly infamous in later centuries’ works, which depicted her bathing in her victims’ blood in order to retain beauty or youth.

Centuries—both in a sentence

Centuries—both is a variation of centuries, below you can find example sentences for centuries—both.

  1. He finished with 525 runs at a batting average of 43.75 with two centuries—both against Sri Lanka—and a fifty, and a total of 27 dismissals in 12 matches.

Centuries—setting in a sentence

Centuries—setting is a variation of centuries, below you can find example sentences for centuries—setting.

  1. In total, he scored 16 centuries—setting a record for most centuries in a season—and totalled 3,024 runs at an average of 70.32 to top the national averages for the first time.

Centuries—the in a sentence

Centuries—the is a variation of centuries, below you can find example sentences for centuries—the.

  1. Coastal flooding has affected Portland’s residents and transport for centuries—the only way off the island by land is along the causeway in the lee of Chesil Beach.

General information about «centuries» example sentences

The example sentences for the word centuries that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «centuries» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «centuries».

Any one woman in flesh sitting with him now would be better than all the might-have-beens in the centuries of memories in his mind

Two thousand years of foot traffic had worn the floors to rolling hills, the glass in the windows had sagged and the marble plumbing fixtures were heavily eroded, though they were just replaced a few centuries ago

She knew it said, ‘Let all who’s way is eased give thanks to those who’s centuries of toil have joined our basins in peace and brotherhood

«If we decide to enhance the individual, as has been the dominant theme on this planet for twenty centuries now, we will not evolve in that direction

It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

Before the starship age, one paid copper to get into the only eye room in the city and he had been in there only twice in all those centuries

story of one of God’s generals at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

breaking of the taboos that had dogged her line down the centuries gave her a strength

It was now known that the Kassikan had been secretly influencing Earth for centuries, nearly taking over America in the 1970’s, Europe in the 1990’s, completely taking over Brazil by 2350

Bahkmar was born in 2312, unnoticed because the two hundredth anniversary of Talstan’s founding by Qaida, the Prophet of Holy War, was the year before, but he was able to consider himself two centuries younger than the nation all his life

» That was no doubt a dusty pitted hulk for it was over two and a half centuries old by now, built of bulk aluminum and steel using big bolts

Obliterate that and then claim some land for themselves, plant their seed and begin their advance across the planet, as they had done across Asia in the preceding centuries

Now it was a voyage of centuries to communicate with home

«You would take the Lula, an unarmed apartment building with a big burner on it, out to protect us from a warship built two centuries in our future?» He continued howling

I’ve lost one crewman in five centuries on this river and that was to a spheelunge and even then he was too pig-headed drunk to get out of the water when the lookout yelled to him

Luray remembered how they met, it was about five centuries ago when Knume stumbled home from Zhlindu

In all her centuries in this basin Vyinga had never picked up the habit of always having a cup with her and always shared Nlara’s

Only a couple centuries later, Constantine made Christianity the religion of Rome

The oldest surviving ones are from the end of the 41st century, but I’ve copied over some that go back four centuries farther than that

In previous centuries, there were forced conversions, and the possibility that you could identify yourself as German instead of Jewish

The late 34th century in these parts was literate, peaceful and prosperous actually, compared to the centuries that lead up to it

Nlara obviously didn’t want to chat, what was there left to say after the centuries they’d shared? Having Kalaz and Dencah back, along with Gardir, was fanning the current flare-up in her addiction to the hormone high

Somehow, over the centuries, man has lost the knowledge of what to do

There hasn’t been much wilderness in this style for a couple centuries, it’s been soil-mined out for those mechanized farms

«The oldest were born as flesh more than one of your centuries ago

Luray was silent awhile, then said, «I think I’ve had two children of this body in my life, the one with Knume at the beginning of the 52nd, and another one back in the 41st, fourteen centuries ago

The tooth it threw was huge with a wicked straight-edge point, one like he hadn’t seen in thirty centuries

But, if I had not gone to get it when I did, it may well have been buried for centuries as the original ancient town had been

in wisps of smoke that echo centuries

Of course the Shempala Lakes Tourist Council that had published these highly symbolic maps four centuries ago could have exaggerated the size of the lakes by a whole lot and the lakes might really be thirty eight and twenty nine miles long instead of the hundred ten and seventy that was shown on this map

This must have been abandoned for many centuries

‘It’s nearly three centuries, isn’t it?’ Joris replied, turning to Berndt

Why has this particular process of chemical interaction been walking around so long, centuries past any usefulness

That had been in the 43rd, some centuries before her idyll with Knume

She knew they wouldn’t remember any details from three hundred centuries ago, but knew their behavior patterns were based on the successful patterns from all the ages of their lives

«Those herdsman’s villages aren’t as permanent as towns like Yoonbarla, after four centuries they could have come and gone several times

Two centuries and more I have sat here, waiting for mists to clear,

Thirty centuries later, her beauty was still as magnificent as in the legends, and the simple elegance of her robes even more so

We just know that with chemical explosives and sun sails the centuries involved are not practical

People have lived ten centuries with the Instinct now, no one could cope with even the threat of violence

Luray knew that a lot of these people were the descendants of the villagers that had tried to roast her twenty one centuries ago

For centuries those vicious teeth have ripped apart hundreds of ships and drowned over a thousand people

To go off that far, now, with someone this sad, was that what she really wanted? This was an interlude she needed, but should it become a way of life? «I’ve come to care a lot about you, but I have a home here, I haven’t left this basin in twenty centuries

» Reading speed was a modification he’d made to himself centuries ago, he flipped the page, there were three more repetitions of the same tale, as told by different members of that crew to different newsmen

She brought his mind back over twenty centuries to the ancient lands he once called home

She beamed with joy because the enhancements he’d made to himself over the centuries insured that no woman would ever fail to find fulfillment in his bed again

Desa had a yaag problem when she first lived in her house in Dos and no doubt she would have that problem several times again before she was twenty two centuries old

This is rural Greece, secluded mountain farming not much changed for centuries

It still took centuries to reach the more isolated basins

Nevertheless, centuries of fine and proper blood were coursing through her adrenalin swollen arteries, and with her unwavering sense of indignation on behalf of underdogs everywhere, she steeled herself for the physical punishment that was about to pour forth upon her head

‘So, I suppose there must have been others who went across and left their mark over the centuries

He presented her to Rhontin and Lady Olivia, and followed the birth rite that had been started by Daniel and Kate; and would be carried on for centuries

The most obvious ones had already lost their rooves, collapsing over the centuries, so they’d be useless in bad weather and anything hidden inside would have been ruined

We have learned the hard way over the centuries to be ready for anything where the Scathers are concerned

Since he never married it had been sitting in a museum for centuries

Heymon was pretty sure that myth had been busted three centuries ago but Kelvin couldn’t follow the proof

“We believe the population has been manipulated and lied to over the centuries

Their losses over the centuries have been great, and they would have to explain it away to their people somehow

and keep killing us over the centuries

Curitiba is two centuries ahead of us in technology, they could certainly hack our electronics

Even after two and a third centuries of consensual sex, she still didn’t feel she had totally overcome those attacks

Nevertheless, centuries of fine and

It was clear that the last two and a half centuries had not been kind to the area

nurtured the beings on this planet for centuries; and I have waited millennia for this meeting

He might not have ever been truly ordained as a minister, he might not have even believed as a mortal, but over the centuries of this expedition Arthur had become as sincere in his faith as any saint

“It will take centuries,” Kelvin said, “Even if we are near the boundary

“I’m four centuries older than you, a century and a half older than Leand

It had barely passed five million, in a couple centuries Bhangyon would surpass it since it was now fourteen times as big as it was a century ago, when it was the same size as Sinbara

“I am over four centuries

He was born near the turn of the 52nd century, he’d never known the fear of years, could never feel what countless generations had known, that they had a finite count of decades, not centuries, and not much over twenty, and then they were dead like a tentacloid instead of remaining an ongoing process like a celluloid

“Twenty centuries now,” Jorma answered Venna’s original question

Age showed on some for the artificial limestone had already eroded and formed stalactites in the three or more centuries it had stood here

People must have been living on this site for centuries … she visualised fur clad people with straggly hair wandering around the boggy bits with spears … no, that felt wrong … why would they need spears to collect plants? Baskets, perhaps … did they have baskets then? When exactly would it have been? Her daytime TV watching had given her a hazy smattering of terms – bronze age came before iron age, she knew that … but how much before? And when did they stop being savages and become civilised?

“I’m sure you have centuries ahead of you as a brewmaster,” Ava told him

creatures that live there are real! For many centuries

“You associate that with my laziness don’t you? Which do you think came first? The laziness or the thirst for yaag? It was the laziness by a few virtual centuries

Hers, as Tdeshi, was in the same decade four centuries later, 55,52,43

Over centuries, with hundreds of thousands of students at any one time, there would be many Tdeshi’s in the records

Twenty five centuries of masons had filled in levels of the old city for a hundred stories

It was centuries old

“The final death is when Kassidor stops rotating ten million centuries from now,” he said

He hoped she still thought it was funny five million centuries from now

But he was centuries old and had handled better than hers several times in his life

“Over thirty centuries here,” he said about his age, “well over thirty centuries

It kept up his enthusiasm after all the centuries

She knew from his old pictures that he had looked like a very old man for many centuries, not assuming his present appearance til the 40th century

Enjteen and his mother shared a home down in what had once been student quarters ten centuries ago

But what they’re sitting on top of is twenty five centuries of build-up, a staff of hundreds of thousands that they hardly know

There were some that had happened centuries ago who were still being hounded today, and only got peace when they moved to a different basin

‘Well, I put in new central heating and hot water systems not long after I moved in, the cottage, but apart from that, it’s more or less as it was when it was built three centuries ago

“He hasn’t used that name in centuries,” someone else said

More than twenty centuries ago people only used to live twenty decades

” It would take her a while, Luray didn’t know how carefully Desa might study a map, even one centuries old

The walls had old bark worn smooth by centuries of human hands as their finish

“He was a wizard who used to live around here in the 35th, 40th, and 41st centuries

We could have continued to play the second tier for decades, maybe even centuries

Knume’s over fourteen centuries and Braneen is older than that

What was called the ‘Energy Age’ was more or less the 14th thru 22nd centuries

Normal humans were exterminated from much of the planet, leading to what was called the ‘Troubled Times’; the 22nd thru 40th centuries

“It’s less than two centuries old actually, but it’s a dwarf style from the 34th Century, when Yoonbarla was young

centuries — перевод на русский

Early eighteenth century.

— Начало восемнадцатого века.

Happy new century!

Счастливого нового века!

Ignorance and prejudice reminiscent of 17th century witch-hunting.

В торжество невежества и предрассудков подобно охоте на ведьм 17-го века!

A potent figure of our century America’s Kubla Khan:

Один из столпов нашего века, американский Кубла Хан —

I’m afraid you’ve stumbled on the sorrow of Sidwich, the secret of the century.

Боюсь, ты обнаружил пятно Сидвичей. Это тайна века.

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Built by the Portuguese, centuries ago.

Построена португальцами столетия назад.

After centuries of investigation, it comes to this.

За столетия исследований пришли к этому.

For almost two centuries the Pyncheons have lived in fear of my ancestor’s curse.

Видите ли, вот уже два столетия Пинчены живут в страхе перед проклятьем моего предка.

The walls have withstood the atlantic gales for two centuries.

Стены противостояли атлантическим штормам два столетия. — Спасибо.

The sensation of the century.

Сенсация столетия

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Nijinsky could do 10, but that only happens once in a century.

Юджинский делал десять. Но такое бывает только раз в сто лет.

— It was spoilt centuries ago.

— Её уж сто лет как испортили.

After a whole century, what will a Romulan ship look like, Mr. Stiles?

Спустя сто лет, м-р Стайлс, на что похож ромуланский корабль?

If it were, considering the Platonians’ hostile propensities, two or three of them would have combined forces centuries ago and deposed Parmen.

Если рассматривать враждебные действия платонианцев, двое или трое объединили бы силы сто лет назад и свергли бы Пармена.

Until, after another Brahma century, he stirs recomposes himself and begins again to dream the great cosmic lotus dream.

Пока, еще через сто лет Брахмы, бог не пошевелится, не воссоздаст свою сущность и не вернется к великим космическим грезам.

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Captain the last such vessel was built centuries ago, back in the 1990s.

Капитан… Последнее такое судно построили сотни лет тому назад, в 1990-е годы.

But centuries of history and civilization have not changed the fact that humans are wolves.

Но сотни лет истории цивилизации не отменяют того факта, что человек человеку — волк.

But surely, Doctor, Cybermen died out centuries ago.

Но Доктор, кибермены вымерли сотни лет назад.

Cowering from the memory of something that happened centuries ago.

! Только лишь из страха перед событиями, которые произошли сотни лет назад.

The Daleks left you for dead centuries ago.

Далеки оставили тебя умирать сотни лет назад.

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The Zeon colony has existed for nearly half a century.

Зеонская колония существует уже полвека. Посмотрите на его рот.

You are tormenting yourselves with those test-tubes for half a century already, without even knowing what you have deprived yourselves from.

¬ы уже полвека мучаетесь с своими пробирками, даже не зна€ чего вы себ€ лишили.

Five minutes’ walk from here and half a century ago.

В пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда. И полвека тому назад.

I was married to the same woman for half a century.

Я полвека был женат на одной и той же женщине.

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And the surrounding hedge of thorns, which for a century no one had been able to penetrate.

И про колючую изгородь, через которую никто за 100 лет не смог проникнуть внутрь

The men of Elas have tried desperately for centuries to dispel its power.

Мужчины Эласа много лет пытались его найти.

You’ve been dead for centuries.

Вы уже много лет мертвы.

Perhaps in another century or two when our solar system is all explored we will also have put our own planet in order. Then we will set sail for the stars and the beckoning worlds around them.

Возможно, через сотню-другую лет, когда мы изучим всю Солнечную систему и приведем нашу планету в порядок, тогда мы отправимся к звездам и манящим планетам возле них.

My foot’s been asleep for six centuries.

Я спал шесть тысяч лет.

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It has taken you centuries to even grasp what we developed eons of your years ago.

Понадобилось много веков, даже тысячелетий, пока вы дошли до такого примитивного уровня, чтобы с вами можно было общаться.

«Nova» from the Latin word for new and «Crab» because that’s what an astronomer centuries later was reminded of when looking at this explosion or remnant through the telescope.

Крабовидной, потому что она напомнила краба астроному, который много веков спустя наблюдал останки этой звезды через телескоп.

Through centuries our ancestors had protected them up to this day.

Предки наши много веков берегли их и донесли до наших дней.

This technology is simply a route to powers that conjurers and alchemists used centuries ago.

Ваша технология — это то,.. …что алхимики и колдуны использовали много веков назад.

That means that human were here, …centuries, maybe eons ago.

Это значит, что люди были здесь много веков, а может и тысячелетий назад.

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It must have been here for centuries.

Она, должно быть, пролежала там несколько веков.

For centuries before the Earth colony arrived.

Несколько веков до прибытия колонистов с Земли.

Centuries ago, when we resettled the Swampies from Delta Magna, we shipped along a couple of specimens just to keep them happy.

Несколько веков назад, когда мы переселяли Болотников с Дельты Магна, мы привезли сюда несколько экземпляров им на радость.

This model was withdrawn centuries ago.

Эта модель была снята с производства несколько веков назад.

Centuries ago, you’d have been burned as a witch for teaching…

Мария, несколько веков назад вас сожгли бы на костре за ваши уроки.

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No need, the graves have been empty for two centuries.

Это без надобности, могилы пусты уже сотни лет.

Seems a thousand centuries ago.

Кажется, это было так давно, сотни, тысячи лет назад.

It may take decades, even centuries, for them to reach it, but they will reach it. And I must help.

Может пройти десятки, или даже сотни лет, пока цель не будет достигнута, но они достигнут ее и я должен помочь в этом.

What he didn’t realize was that most European nations had already fallen prey to the central bankers decades or centuries earlier.

Ћиндберг оказалс€ прав по всем пунктам. ќн только не понимал, что большинство европейских наций уже пали жертвой своих центральных банкиров дес€тки или даже сотни лет назад.

She needs the Taelon energy. Energy that allows them to live for centuries.

Ей необходима энергия тейлонов, энергия, которая позволяет тейлонам жить сотни лет!

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Через месяц будет уже 25 лет, как я здесь работаю, — четверть века.

Where do you think I’ve been this last breathless quarter of a century?

А где, по-твоему, я находилась последние четверть века?

That’s a quarter of a century.

Четверть века.

In his early 20s, Jim. That’s over a quarter of a century ago.

Когда ему было слегка за 20, Джим, четверть века назад.

— A quarter of a century, possibly more.

Четверть века, возможно больше.

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Definition of Centuries

a period of 100 years

Examples of Centuries in a sentence

For centuries, the concept of justice has been a central concern of philosophers and legal scholars.


The art of calligraphy has been practiced for centuries in many different cultures around the world.


For centuries, the desert has been a source of mystery and adventure for travelers and explorers.


The art of storytelling has been passed down for centuries through the generations.


For centuries, humans have looked to the stars for guidance and inspiration.


For centuries, the changing of the seasons has been a source of inspiration for artists and writers.


According to legend, the city of El Dorado has been hidden in the jungle for centuries.


For centuries, the concept of the afterlife has been a topic of fascination and debate in many different cultures.


The art of woodcarving has been practiced for centuries and is still used to create beautiful and functional objects.


For centuries, the concept of the soul has been a topic of philosophical and religious debate.


The practice of yoga has been used for centuries as a way to improve physical and mental health.


For centuries, the ocean has been a source of both fear and fascination for human beings.


The use of acupuncture has been practiced for centuries as a way to improve health and wellness.


The art of tattooing has been practiced for centuries as a way of expressing identity and cultural heritage.


For centuries, the concept of beauty has been a subject of artistic and philosophical exploration.


For centuries, the northern lights have fascinated people with their mesmerizing displays of color and light.


For centuries, the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table has captivated the imaginations of people around the world.


For centuries, the art of blacksmithing has been a vital part of many cultures around the world.


The game of chess has been played for centuries and is enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.


For centuries, the concept of good and evil has been a central concern of philosophers and theologians.


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A sentence using the word centuries. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use centuries in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for centuries.

  • Two centuries! (9)
  • It will not do ten centuries hence. (10)
  • This dispute lasted for many centuries. (3)
  • We are a few centuries in advance of Homer. (10)
  • Whole centuries of authority stood behind him. (8)
  • A man may escape for centuries and yet be found out. (9)
  • Ten centuries had come to an end in him to prove the formula correct. (10)
  • The fact is, he wants to jam the business of two or three centuries into a life-time. (10)
  • In those cruel words he heard the murmur of the centuries breaking upon the shore of eternity. (1)
  • She is many centuries old, and still she lives to remind people that she married a Rouaillout. (10)
  • She swung the sword for centuries; in a day It slipped her, like a stream cut off from source. (10)
  • There stands the man who has faith in Italy, though she has been lying like a corpse for centuries. (10)
  • Meager indeed is our knowledge of this only British bard whose works have endured through thirty centuries. (7)
  • During the 14th century, it spread over all Europe, retaining its popularity from the 15th to the 17th centuries. (3)
  • Paris, London, Munich, Vienna, Rome—each has the artistic tradition and atmosphere, coming down through the centuries. (16)
  • The necessity for the two conditions will explain how it is that we count him during centuries in the singular number. (10)
  • What circumstances show that the church singers of the 13th to 16th centuries must have had considerable skill in singing? (3)
  • We shall lose the toil of two centuries and the sacrifices of twenty generations of Englishmen in colonizing a wilderness. (18)
  • By virtue of this power he was where he was, had been for centuries, and hoped to be for centuries to come. (8)
  • Great people of yore, kings and queens, buffoons, and grave ambassadors, played their stately farce for centuries in Holyrood. (2)
  • The French Court and people were filled with enthusiasm about Canada, and so they continued to be for more than two centuries. (19)
  • The carpenter who builds in wood to-day builds according to certain customs which come down to him from centuries of carpenters. (17)
  • If those traders had ruled for other than ego, power might have rested with them on broad basis enough to carry us forward for centuries. (10)
  • For three successive centuries the towns of Rhineland boasted his visits in the flesh, and the conqueror of Darkness caused dire Rhenish feuds. (10)
  • The great church has been distorted by successive additions and rebuildings during several centuries, and little remains of its original Byzantine dignity. (20)

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