Use the word celebrate in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word celebrate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use celebrate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «celebrate». In addition, we also show how different variations of celebrate can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are celebrated and celebrates. If you click on the variation of celebrate that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Celebrate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word celebrate in a sentence.

  1. Poems were also written to celebrate kingship.

  2. The lyrics celebrate crowd energy and headbanging.

  3. Elmo’s mother holds a ball to celebrate the engagement.

  4. So few groups celebrate musical freedom the way Yes did.

  5. Melish—and issued to celebrate a nonexistent anniversary.

  6. Melish and issued to celebrate a nonexistent anniversary.

  7. They go swimming at a college pool to celebrate their love.

  8. Corvo returns to the Hound Pits Pub, where the Loyalists celebrate their success.

  9. Dickens was not the first author to celebrate the Christmas season in literature.

  10. We celebrate the happiness we’ve found / Every night in the best bedroom in town».

  11. The musicians were invited to a banquet with Communist Party officials to celebrate.

  12. Bette and Valérie are pure wickedness, and even celebrate the ruin of their targets.

  13. Jesse drives to Neil’s shop, where Neil, Casey, and three friends celebrate with escorts and cocaine.

  14. Following the Series victory over the Giants, McAleer returned to his hometown to celebrate the event.

  15. Cantrell explained the reunion saying, «We want to celebrate what we did and the memory of our friend.

  16. Glenn was supposed to go with him to celebrate, but decided not to as there would be many people there.

  17. Bengali students and civilians disobeyed the restrictions to celebrate the anniversary of the protests.

  18. Villains parade ran during the June–July school holiday period to celebrate DC Comics’ 75th anniversary.

  19. In 2002, the clock tower was restored to celebrate the Silver and Golden Jubilees of Queen Elizabeth II.

  20. Undeniable is the group’s 16th studio recording, released in 2019 to celebrate their 25th year together.

  21. The two celebrate their reunion before Ulisse sends Telemaco to the palace, promising to follow shortly.

  22. Loud cheers were heard forty minutes later during the concert to celebrate the arrival of King George V.

  23. On 27 August 2018, to celebrate 110 years since his birth, Bradman was commemorated with a Google Doodle.

  24. According to co-founder Marie Jackson, «We are here to celebrate an artist’s right to fail, gloriously.».

  25. At Tikal, the twin pyramid groups were built to celebrate the kʼatun ending and reflected Maya cosmology.

  26. To celebrate ten years as a band, Godsmack released a greatest hits album entitled Good Times, Bad Times..

  27. By 1970 Wax had introduced services to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut and commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day.

  28. Bowyer appeared in Victory Lane to celebrate his first win of the season in front of 95,000 people who attended the race.

  29. Canberra Day is a public holiday observed in the ACT on the second Monday in March to celebrate the founding of Canberra.

  30. In May 2021, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Born This Way and its cultural impact, West Hollywood mayor, Lindsey P.

  31. An event at nearby Willow Kiln Park was held on June 29, 2013 to celebrate the grand opening of the trestle to the public.

  32. In 1925, a single strand of 16 colored-lights was placed above a doorway in the Country Club Plaza to celebrate Christmas.

  33. He is thought to have commissioned Lisa’s portrait to celebrate both Andrea’s birth and the purchase of the family’s home.

  34. The remaining four celebrate their reunion, while Goffredo announces that the attack on Jerusalem will begin the next day.

  35. Afterwards the inmates celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, but Eliezer cannot take part: «Blessed be God’s name?

  36. Vickers appeared in Victory Lane to celebrate his first career win in front of the crowd, earning $228,850 for the victory.

  37. The 125 BC gold staters containing Alexander II’s epithets were probably struck to celebrate his victory over Demetrius II.

  38. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Reign In Blood, the band performed all of the album’s tracks at the All Tomorrow’s Parties festival at the Alexandra Palace in London.

  39. They ranked number one on Billboard magazine’s list of the all-time most successful Hot 100 artists, released in 2008 to celebrate the US singles chart’s 50th anniversary.

  40. He refused, however, to celebrate the coronation in the expensive way his brother had—the 1821 coronation had cost £240,000, of which £16,000 was merely to hire the jewels.

  41. The Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005 required that the cent’s reverse be redesigned for 2009, and that four designs be issued to celebrate the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial.

  42. Obote claimed that immediately after the phone call he telephoned Nyerere to inform him of the fall of Kampala, and Nyerere came to his residence to celebrate the occasion.

Celebrated in a sentence

Celebrated is a variation of celebrate, below you can find example sentences for celebrated.

  1. Among his celebrated students are:.

  2. In both countries he was celebrated.

  3. Martenitsa is also widely celebrated.

  4. It celebrated four festivals honoring St.

  5. Independence Day is celebrated on 31 January.

  6. Yet it remains a celebrated case nonetheless.

  7. The festival was celebrated in November 2019.

  8. Her demise was celebrated in a mocking rhyme:.

  9. We got together Saturday night and celebrated.

  10. Norwich City celebrated its centenary in 2002.

  11. Other creative artists have celebrated Britten.

  12. Stevens was celebrated for his wit and sarcasm.

  13. It celebrated the city, its origins and artists.

  14. Manlius returned to Rome and celebrated a triumph.

  15. Pei celebrated his 100th birthday on 26 April 2017.

  16. Both celebrated their 90th birthdays in March 2018.

  17. Not all reviewers celebrated her independence of mind.

  18. Maraba coffee celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2012.

  19. It celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Reformation.

  20. Another goddess is celebrated in the «Temple of Venus».

Celebrates in a sentence

Celebrates is a variation of celebrate, below you can find example sentences for celebrates.

  1. Boston still celebrates «Evacuation Day» each year.

  2. Mission Control celebrates the successful splashdown.

  3. Rajkumar celebrates the life and times of the great king.

  4. It celebrates the life of the spirit not its extinction.».

  5. With grunts, moans and subliterary lyrics, it celebrates ..

  6. In late April, Georgetown University celebrates Georgetown Day.

  7. A sung ballo celebrates the anticipated betrothal of Bacchus and Ariadne.

  8. It celebrates Canada’s fur-trading past and French-Canadian heritage and culture.

  9. Each cadet class celebrates at least one special «class weekend» per academic year.

  10. Besides, the diverse ethnic populace of the town also celebrates several local festivals.

  11. In the ending FMV, he celebrates catching a large fish until Fujin kicks him into the water.

  12. The work celebrates English history and culture, with the Victorian period as the grand finale.

  13. Falstaff celebrates his potential success («Va, vecchio John» / «Go, old Jack, go your own way»).

  14. While angered by the announcement, Strike Force Centauri celebrates its victory as the game ends.

  15. It is different, and no one is going to endorse different in this world, no one celebrates different.

  16. Taare Zameen Par is a film about children and it is a film which celebrates the abilities of children.

  17. Peru celebrates a yearly public holiday in honor of the cocktail during the first Saturday of February.

  18. Later, when Barton celebrates the completed script by dancing at a USO show, he is surrounded by soldiers.

  19. Each year, the United States celebrates a holiday known as Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November.

  20. The group celebrates the anniversary of the union of Earth and the confederation annually around October 12.

Synonyms for celebrate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word celebrate has the following synonyms: fete, lionize, lionise, observe and keep.

General information about «celebrate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word celebrate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «celebrate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «celebrate».

Synonym: commemorate, make merry, observe, praise, proclaim, revel. Similar words: celebration, celebrity, accelerate, decelerate, bracelet, vibrate, adumbrate, electorate. Meaning: [‘selɪbreɪt]  v. 1. celebrate, as of holidays or rites 2. have a celebration 3. assign great social importance to. 

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1) I think I’ve got the job. Let’s celebrate.

2) The winners peal the bells to celebrate victory.

3) I was in a mood to celebrate.

4) We try to celebrate the achievements of our students.

5) Jake’s passed his exams. We’re going out to celebrate.

6) He will celebrate his birthday on Friday.

7) He will celebrate his birthday on.

8) The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding.

9) It’s my birthday let’s celebrate!

10) How do people celebrate New Year in your country?

11) The country has been able to celebrate the return of its independence so brutally snuffed out in 1940.

12) She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee.

13) Celebrate what you’ve accomplished,( but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.

14) It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

15) He was in Kansas to celebrate his 74th birthday .

16) We always celebrate our wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant.

17) Be happy, be cheerful.It’s time to celebrate.My friend was born today.Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.

18) It’s time to celebrate your birthday.Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl.

19) We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.

20) Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.

21) How do you usually celebrate New Year?

22) We’re having a do to celebrate his 30th birthday.

23) Let’s crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

24) How did you celebrate the millennium?

25) We’re having a little get-together to celebrate David’s promotion.

26) We celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary next week.

27) They had a big jubilee to celebrate the victory.

28) Let you taste my poise, you leave me want to celebrate.

29) It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to celebrate.

30) It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

More similar words: celebration, celebrity, accelerate, decelerate, bracelet, vibrate, adumbrate, electorate, cerebral, executive branch, legislative branch, priceless, celestial, isosceles, brattle, inebriated, celibate, vibrational, elevate, delegate, rate, irate, prate, grate, operate, pirate, berate, grate on, hydrate, obdurate. 

When the locals are happy and celebrate, one can barely hear the Krummling eating

Let us celebrate,» she said and pushed the fruit toward him

If those near to your current physical identity knew that you have gone by your own higher choice, they would celebrate your departure!

On the 16th, I produce a birthday cake for Fred and we surprise him with a little party in the hall to celebrate his birthday – complete with balloons and streamers

Revel in it… celebrate what you want! Whatever

What other religion can you think of that describes a God who would require that when you offer your sacrifice that you celebrate because you now know that you have peace with this God? It says in Deuteronomy that the Israelites were to only offer their sacrifices in the city that God shall choose

Let’s all celebrate and have a good time

Once you learn to celebrate and

The religions of those nations that only bore bad fruit will be abolished and all nations will go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Isaiah 2:2, Zechariah 14:16)

I hardly rcognised him — he has put on a little weight but he knew me at once and we went for a drink in the wayhouse to celebrate

“Well, to put it in a nutshell, we celebrate Christmas as the day of

«We shall have all eternity in which to celebrate our victories, but we have only one swift hour before the sunset in which to win them

Two young men came to investigate and even through my apologies they insisted I join their little group for a drink to celebrate the finishing touches to their new sandwich and wine bar

Gilla swiftly embroils me in the plans she is making for a party to celebrate our respective nuptuals which entails far too much writing of notes for my liking

Our bishop will celebrate a service in the basilica and all the leaders will be there

Dinner: An expensive dinner is a nice way to celebrate a first date but should be reserved

To celebrate our opening we chose the

All around the princess the ladies of the court sang and celebrated the occasion as the great and the good of the England’s green and pleasant land, the celebrities and the superstars, assembled to celebrate the marriage

We decide to celebrate with a whisky each

Formally open the doors and celebrate the commencement of the school

I never wanted to celebrate Republic Day, which came in a week

did want to celebrate our resurrection after the earthquake a year ago

‘Do you remember how she insisted on going up to the woods and dancing ‘sky clad’ to celebrate midsummer? When it was pointed out to her that this was more appropriate for the spring or autumn equinoxes, she said it would be too cold then

Eventually everyone comes to Sea Hold to celebrate during Gathering

assembled to celebrate the marriage

Celebrate! Acknowledge the truth about it and

15 December – AC told me there is going to be a massive party at Christmas to celebrate 25 years of the House

‘The tenants at Danvers House threw a massive Christmas party to celebrate their Silver Jubilee

triumph, and as such I would have you celebrate

It’ll all resolve itself on Easter Sunday when we celebrate the fact that Jesus rose from the dead

celebrate the Festival of

nations that do not go up to celebrate

“Well thank you for all those flowers,” she said, “But if you and a whole expedition just journeyed all the way here from YingolNeerie in a starship I’d think you’d want to pull up in the center of town with your best speakers blasting your best tunes and celebrate

I wish I was with you to celebrate the wonderful season

How’s everything going on with you? How did you celebrate your 36th birthday, where and with whom?? I hope you had a good time

Today they have a shamrock on their passport, celebrate St Patrick‘s Day and even the ‘bam-chick-a-lay’ dance looks Irish

The people were called to celebrate the feast of

We might even celebrate with a real feast late this duskmeal

We’re having a party to celebrate and I’m so glad to see you here

The city I live in was a very popular place for college students to celebrate Halloween

seemed to celebrate a kind of perennial festival

It was soon after the Millennium and one day she told me about a new park that had been recently opened to celebrate the year 2000

Richard decided it was an occasion to celebrate, and

Who would celebrate the

five into six was indeed thirty! What a fool I was to celebrate

And I hope that when I do, I can celebrate them in your banquet

deceased – were waiting for me, to celebrate the

It was a time to celebrate

He even had a special wine brought from his personal cellar to celebrate their betrothal

«I’ll celebrate my misreading of his words» on the last day

The soldiers of Code Sanguinary would probably celebrate their great leader’s return tonight, while I’ll be drinking by myself, wondering how much of this is MY fault

We can celebrate a person who came from slavery with love then why are we still enslaving others in hate and greed

We celebrate and offer ourselves

Learn instead to celebrate the successes of everyone

After all, you would want others to celebrate your own

We are here to celebrate the short life of Alex Milligan

Some ring a bell 108 times to celebrate a new year

Well, she would celebrate by herself

We went to visit Mama to help her celebrate her 70th birthday

“We are gong to take you into Auchonvillers tonight for a little light R & R and to help celebrate your birthday

“It does get awkward, but we celebrate it on the 28th when there isn’t a 29th

He decided to celebrate

When Prempeh ascended the throne enormous sacrifices also took place to celebrate the event

can do what you are here to do: heal, celebrate, and co-create

“For the cannot thee, can not celebrate thee” (Isaiah

These people trusted in her to keep them safe from the MacDougals, to store their grain for the tumultuous winter, to celebrate the delights of the sultry summer

Therefore, I commanded My servant that he not celebrate this holiday1 with his peers, nor with his community, for he must remain separate

It was Marco’s birthday and Josie had invited a small gathering of close friends over to celebrate the occasion

Like every other occasion, some happy and some sad, we chose to celebrate under the lapa in their backyard

Thus says The Lord YahuShua: Those who knowingly celebrate Easter, and its deplorable traditions, hate My resurrection

Carefully cutting around the knee joint of the remaining leg, I successfully completed the operation and had another drink to celebrate

I waited for Borislaw to try to protect Lolek, but to my astonishment he replied, “I did not think you came here to celebrate something

The chance of a major US war the public would support before 2030 is now luckily quite remote, and something to celebrate

This year, for the first time, I was going to celebrate Christmas with people that I could really call family

Rarely taught is that Francis Scott Key’s lyrics also celebrate US troops defeating runaway slaves, who were among the British troops

a cake to help celebrate her birthday with her

It had been four days since my appetite had finally returned after discontinuing the alemtuzumab, and I couldn’t have invented a better way to celebrate

Both localities, already described in my Odyssey to Opportunity, presented us with an opportune occasion of talking to Bobby and Danielle about the apparition of the Virgin Mary to the three little shepherds Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, and about the magnificent “Monasterio de Santa Maria de la Victoria later on in Batalha, which Juan I, first Portuguese king of the Avis Dynasty, ordered to be built to celebrate the defeat that his troops inflicted on the Spanish forces in 1385

theme in our society is to support and celebrate the underdog

is al ow the child to be the child and celebrate it in that role

Juan Gelmán, an Argentinean poet wrote that “poetry is an act of love, a useless, but necessary glowing-red type of job…” As most of you know, poetry is one’s lyrical spirit highlighted, and coincides with the harmonized conditions of the heart… So, I decided to play for her, with a poem, the melody that today fills my heart: a ballad that I wrote to celebrate her birthday with a very special gift: A POETIC KISS

No one felt exempt from the fear and worry of cancer; we wanted to celebrate life together as a united front

I felt grounded and hopeful that we would all celebrate many years of survivor anniversary dates together

celebrate the holidays in the loving embrace of my new found

We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has returned to life

‘Your brother is back,’ he was told, ‘and your father has killed the calf we were fattening and prepared a great feast to celebrate his coming home again, unharmed

But it is right to celebrate

What is the message in the parable? Is it, don’t worry about who the party is for, just celebrate the good news?

” Leaving us to anticipate the older son’s change of attitude in the face of this loving reassurance and his renewed willingness to continue to do what his father asks of him, to help him celebrate the good news

Brownie, LP and Kato’s family and friends were arriving to celebrate the old year and welcome the New Year in

Let us now celebrate in joy and the honor of the Light

In fact he was off to Bali surfing with his 35 year old son and to celebrate the lad’s birthday

– Let them sleep in peace now! Go out, celebrate, and be happy

— Maybe you should relax and celebrate too, nere Ilmal, Calras said

It was past midnight, but still there was drinking and dancing to celebrate Ryato and Alaric’s successful journey to Cathaomatt and not at least, their return to Livyliar

But just as it seemed that the time to celebrate was upon me, a disturbing thought began to gnaw at my peace of mind

They walked hand in hand down to the camp and found a fairly private place where they could celebrate being together again

“We should celebrate

The dog’s wound healed and my accomplishment was celebrated

They all drank and celebrated for a day

Emperor Constantine, they said, had changed the date of the Sabbath as a compromise to appease the pagans who celebrated their heathen debaucheries on Sunday

When Son reached the Land of Mortality the people celebrated with

the legendry Pishima and her equally celebrated troop of

The people celebrated because the hour had come that the climax of history was here

The first anniversary of the official establishment of the Guild was celebrated by a brilliant show at the new concert hall here in London … I have a feeling that it has been built on roughly the same site as the Royal Albert Hall on Earth, though I am not positive about that

an unfinished product in this celebrated world,

Just then the doors to the boardroom crashed open and the combined weight and wealth of the Cameron and Flashman-Pebble clans surged into the room, waving glasses of bubbly and cheering loudly as they celebrated the perfect society couple locked in true love’s wonderful embrace

celebrated on Valentine’s Day on February 14th enthusiastically by many couples, both young

The celebrated couple could not believe their ears

Living with Nigel had been so very non-normal in the last years, naturally, I believed all he told me – you trust the man you marry … that he could deliberately try to twist my mind is something I still do not understand, and probably never shall, but I have survived it and that is to be celebrated

All around the princess the ladies of the court sang and celebrated the occasion as the great and the good of the England’s green and pleasant land, the celebrities and the superstars, assembled to celebrate the marriage

Accompanied by paparazzi flashbulbs and reality television cameramen, one by one the young man invited each and every one of the most beautiful and celebrated young ladies in the land to come and stay at his country pile

celebrated the perfect society couple locked in true love’s

celebrated the occasion as the great and the good of the England’s

of the most beautiful and celebrated young ladies in the land to

As the others celebrated being amongst civilisation

announcing the border of Galicia, and quietly celebrated

Vienne was behind them, and they celebrated by mooring

for the wedding feast to be celebrated in the home of

Proud owner of a celebrated baritone, he’d won many singing contests at the Festival of Dionysus back when Smyrna knew prosperity

“Historically, you human beings have celebrated great achievements in many areas of development, yet all the while have suffered every kind of difficulty, treachery, and unspeakable aggression and violence that could be imaginable on our planet

Daphne was a celebrated beauty

Homer’s mother Leucania was a celebrated beauty, daughter of a wealthy merchant

It has been celebrated, however, as a masterpiece of the commercial policy of England

For although Mr Pinscher could never hope to be held in the same reverence as his celebrated acquaintance, his role as gatherer of the council’s taxes afforded him equal power

when I stumbled, celebrated my successes and are still

Those of the same kind which were constructed by the ancient sovereigns of Indostan, for the proper distribution of the waters of the Ganges, as well as of many other rivers, though they have been less celebrated, seem to have been equally great

remembered the time she and her husband Tom celebrated

Moreover, Jessie had celebrated her birthday on board ship on July 4

further, celebrated the end of slavery

Both are delightful, full of all the antics and curiosity that are endearing about cats, and as celebrated as their namesakes

As he’d expected, there were grumbles from one or two villagers, while Cheeryup and Wyll celebrated the news, as it gave them more time to run, play, and explore

Fetish sacrifices were conducted separately in the sacred quarter known as Bantama, employing the celebrated execution bowl, a large brass basin some five feet in diameter, ornamented with four small lions around its rim and a space for the victim’s neck to rest on the edge

The celebrated Golden Stool of Ashanti, the solid gold crown, and many other almost historical relics of great intrinsic worth, had been previously removed to a place of safety, and secretly hidden where, perhaps, no eye will ever penetrate

In Spain the people knew little of the straits of their forces, and celebrated their “impending victory” by fiesta and bullfight

In other countries (Argentine apparently) a serious relationship is celebrated with a silver ring, then a gold one at the engagement and finally a diamond ring at the actual wedding

This was better than he’d ever imagined it could be, and he celebrated with a silent elegy to the Guardian of Blackness, who had made it all possible

Many of these defenses were successful, and the victories were celebrated as brave and proper, rather than dismissed as an unusual act for a woman

Filthiness has made a home, and perversion is praised and celebrated openly in the streets!

Up to this day it is believed and celebrated as an attack on unarmed refugees which it certainly was not

Other lyrics added to the song during the Civil War changed Key’s pro-slavery meaning completely, and celebrated the end of slavery

“Happy Birthday Margarette!” all cheered for her as she celebrated her

As a preparation for the 144th festival of its Patron Saint Francis Xavier on December 3rd, “Teachers’ Night” was celebrated in the community center

Thus, the 2003 Corpus Christi Festival was celebrated with its inauguration and the restoration of its sacred procession, as it had been done for many centuries in the pleasant town that Fuentesnuevas is

Michael and I, with Scott, Michelle, and their families, celebrated Christmas on February 12

in Brooklyn, we learned that before the pilgrims celebrated the

They even doubted her existence; there are many creatures celebrated in the lyrics of folk songs or the tall tales of legends

This event was celebrated with rejoicing by the community

Ladies in big hats and men in ties and sports jackets celebrated their wins and drowned their losses

While the two siblings now peacefully slept side by side in the Healers’ House, the Ainatunarit’s Army celebrated

Through the day and the night, the two of them slept while everyone else in Ainatunarit’s Army celebrated

She and I celebrated the ceremony in her sacred healing space

Nic celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday and one Christmas in hospital

In this rapidly congealing context, it might be asked who then were the authentic visitors? The real visitors might have been taken as demons that brought misfortune and disease, or the very gods they celebrated in their rituals

(In my other book I explain the origin of Easter which is absolutely pagan and has nothing to do with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but celebrated religiously with all the other false rituals by Christians – note “the house of Ashtaroth” in verse 10 above)

It is still celebrated in song and tale around the campfire

The Passover was celebrated at Jerusalem

This means that neither of the two men could have celebrated the

meeting him, he gave to him his daughter Cleopatra, and celebrated her marriage at Ptolemais with great glory, as the manner of kings

16 The king was filled with great and constant joy, and celebrated banquets before the temple idols

for success, and success is celebrated

2 It is this Enoch to whom many wonders happened, and who also wrote a celebrated book; but those wonders may not be told in this place

humorously said that two people check into that hotel and sometimes three or four check out… In that same subdivision of the celebrated metropolis, another famous hotel, Hotel Princesa, has also been operational for quite some time

With quite a tumultuous past, Nassau is now celebrated for its mild sun and renowned beaches as well as for its smooth and perfumed breezes

I was going to become the most celebrated scientist of the twenty-first century

Some of his friends told him they would have celebrated with candy or appropriate beverages, but certainly with something more usual… Naturally, his celebration did not last long and he is not going to shed any tears, not even crocodile ones, depriving himself from such meats in the future

Hemisphere’s shiniest star”: that, dear reader, is the celebrated city of Sidney

This is how that ancient order of monks celebrated their brothers’ deaths

“And of course, you will be outside, doing your job, becoming celebrated, as you deserve

On the 26th that same month of April, Roger celebrated the 44th anniversary of his 21st birthday… In some parts of the world, families prepare special parties for their beloved when they reach the age of “65”

Unfortunately, that year it rained heavily while they were there, and they could not witness the celebrated Easter processions through the streets of the city

She has never forgotten that such an important day in her life occurred in Rome, during a Mass celebrated by Pope John XXIII for the First International Charismatic Congress

celebrated its 18th anniversary

Selma had been the one she had celebrated her birthdays

Dixie and I celebrated the illusory NNS job by taking three weeks’

The residents of the cave celebrated the new life among them

celebrated, while the reality of context continues on

2 It is this Enoch to whom many wonders happened and who also wrote a celebrated book; but those wonders may not be told in this place

20 We recently celebrated our 12th anniversary; I can conclusively say

K Wolfe, whose son Tom was later the celebrated journalist and novelist in the white suit, gave me some lessons about writing

He had been looking forward to this time, with it being their first Christmas spent together, and though he had celebrated it many times before, he was thankful to have someone else closer to him than any other before to share it with

celebrated the birth of his first child by giving a toi (a family gathering

24 For we are all one celebrated people Who have received one law from One and the law which is among us will aid us; And the surpassing wisdom which is in us will help us

57 So Ptoleme went out of Egypt with his daughter Cleopatra and they came to Ptolemais in the hundred threescore and second year: 58 Where King Alexander meeting him he gave to him his daughter Cleopatra and celebrated her marriage at Ptolemais with great glory as the manner of kings is

“By the source, I like you human, though I truly wish I didn’t! Your courage and that of your two companions at the end of Zarkog’s chase will be celebrated in song for eons! To think that you entrusted your lives, as well as the fate of your alliance and perhaps the fate of this world, to the untested luck of an adolescent elf! And in the very face of Zarkog’s fire! That was courage and audacity of the finest order! Perhaps you have indeed experienced a bit of stress, as you say!”

16 The king was filled with great and constant joy and celebrated banquets before the temple idols

So Tony returned to Brazil and celebrated, as he got it the way he wanted

9 But Herod feared John for he knew that he was a righteous man and a holy; and he guarded him and heard him much and did and obeyed him with gladness; And he wished to kill him; but he feared the people for they adhered to him as the prophet; And there was a celebrated day and Herod had made a feast for his great men on the day of his anniversary and for the officers and for the chief men of Galilee; And the daughter of Herodias came in and danced in the midst of the company and pleased Herod and those who sat with him; And the king said to the damsel Ask of me what you will and I will give it you; And he sware to her whatever you shall ask I will give it you to the half of my kingdom; And she went out and said to her mother What shall I ask him? She said to her The head of John the Baptist; And immediately she came in hastily to the king and said to him I desire in this hour that you give me on a dish the head of John the Baptist; And the king was exceeding sorry; but because of the oath and the guests he did not wish to refuse her; But immediately the king sent an executioner and commanded that he should bring the head of John and he went and cut off the head of John in the prison and brought it on a dish and delivered it to the damsel; and the damsel gave it to her mother; And his disciples heard and came and took his body and buffed it; And they came and told Jesus what had happened; And for this cause Herod said I beheaded John: who is this of whom I hear these things; And he desired to see him; And Jesus when he heard moved from there in a boat to a waste place alone to the other side of the sea of the Galilee of Tiberias

“That’s why I celebrated with you yesterday to show

And when we had come to Lapithus and an idol festival being celebrated in the theatre they did not allow us to go into the city but we rested a little at the gate

For if he was to join them in their celebration, I tell you the truth, it would be death he celebrates and great captivity he honors

“What other corner of the earth celebrates in various localities its regional dish, receiving it with brass-drums and with cymbals, glorifying it with songs and poetry as it is done with the “botillo”? Yes, there are indeed programs that praise some nutritious products to the tunes of popular songs, but those represent lucrative parodies for sale, not artistic inspiration of exaltation

Emancipation Park, across the Grand Galleria, celebrates the 1848 proclamation of the end of slavery in the Virgin Islands

who says the name of the program celebrates military intervention abroad

Each year the town celebrates Greyhound Races National Championship – hare-

Back in the camp the nation celebrates their victory throughout the night

“You are going to see something that happens every day here at Jacare, something that celebrates the day and the fact that night time is arriving

Former president Miller celebrates her 77th birthday at her home in Deep Cove, on Brentwood Bay, Vancouver Island, Cascadia today

It is a day that celebrates the arrival of the Magi to view the baby Jesus in

celebrates the strengths of the coachee so the whole process

Hate is even fueled by media that celebrates conflict and outlandish behavior because it

Her mom is eighty today the family celebrates She nervously approaches mom

and celebrates the totalitarian Zheng and his victory over

Raje likes her occasional glass of wine, is often spotted at Page Three events, has even walked the ramp and celebrates her birthdays with much joie de vivre

The Iliad celebrates the heroic, non-reflective nature of preliterate culture and poetry, whereas The Odyssey, via the character of the wily Odysseus, celebrates the new (self-reflective) consciousness that was taking form

However, all that changed under the aegis of the British Raj that lasted long enough to make a difference to the Hindu self-worth, and when India celebrates its hundredth year of freedom from the British yoke in 2047, its Hindus might heartily wish ‘God bless the Great Britain’

father) as he celebrates his 68th birthday today

The sphere that the song celebrates is a battlefield: the body with its dual, opposed impulses that compose the

It is a concept that celebrates the ability of women everywhere, to come together for the good of all

Halloween supposedly celebrates the child by sending them door to door to receive freely offered treats – teaching children the generosity of strangers with candy

Christmas celebrates children 290

But if from this violence emerges life, life celebrates its chance to live no matter how it got here

A society of winner-takes-all gamers celebrates brute force – conquering to extinction – in a brute system – single survivorship – in a brute culture of other elimination

Higher love celebrates the other in the all, it does not serve itself

Joy spontaneously celebrates the now with

celebrates achievements and being born is the luck of

— Ulysses celebrates the recovery of the “beauty of life” that he had lost because of the trauma he suffered during his intrauterine experience

The Iliad is an epic poem that celebrates the heroism of the Achaeans,

The first birth celebrates ephemeral beauty, that is here today and gone tomorrow

The second celebrates the birth of an immortal type of beauty that can travel from one universe to the next, into eternity, without having to fear death anymore

Everybody celebrates once reaching this important milestone

The Feast of Tabernacles celebrates

(Note: The Feast of Dedication celebrates the

short-term thinking, favours competition over collaboration, and celebrates celebrity for its

� Every dominator celebrates its outlaws because when they attack the system in small ways, the system shows its power by identifying them and crushing them at some point

� In a classroom that celebrates and works with the individuality and existing knowledge of students, the class creates knowledge

� It celebrates the becoming self

� The unconditional celebrates and accepts the personal power of the other person, the Thou we have come to choose to see in an unconditional manner

This precisely synchronizes with verse 13:11 that speaks of the USA, which celebrates its birthday on July 4th, 1776

starvation by the very same “savages,” which are the events the USA now celebrates as

speaks of the USA, which celebrates its birthday on July 4th, 1776

celebrates children and their mother, but we need fathers too

But it is only some heaven-taught performer, commanding the range of all its resources, and versed in the management of celestial themes, who can fill the trembling Edifice with its mightiest strains,—and by them adequately prove, that the sweetness which charms us in those milder harmonies that kindle the transports of immortal joy, rolls downward, without a single discord, through the vast compass of descending notes, into the solemn diapason of its thunders, conformably to that ETERNAL UNIVERSAL LOVE, whose glory, together with the songs of men and angels, it celebrates and proclaims

celebrates thе unсоndіtіоnаl love уоu have fоr one another

The next morning, Reagan celebrates the best way he knows how: with a four-day vacation at the ranch, Nancy in tow

Father Malachi O’Flynn in a lace petticoat and reversed chasuble, his two left feet back to the front, celebrates camp mass

You want to get up and work and clean and smile, but you find yourself falling asleep at your daughter’s first play, and you have to leave to get back to bed while everyone else celebrates

Pictured above, Welsh captain Sam Warburton celebrates his team’s 16–9 victory over France at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, UK, on 17 March 2012

Mazarie, in his turn, celebrates ‘The Taking of Moscow’ in “fiery stanzas

They had just retrieved the Super Chip from the United Order, they should be celebrating!

«What are we celebrating?» she asked

Thought that rather an odd idea at first – but he wants to incorporate a memorial service for all the victims of tragedies like this as well as celebrating the rescue of Klahan and others like him — it makes sense

Mama’s death, of celebrating Mama’s death

They are celebrating their centenary this year, it appears

I feel like celebrating having company for lunch

“It’s about celebrating the rich rewards of this year’s harvest, about collecting together the combined foods of all of Slump County and coming together to Trouble Valley to partake of a glorious feast with all sorts of delicious food and compare it with all the other tasty foods of New Zealand! My Mansion’s keeping an intake of the Granary where we’re keeping all the food,” Julia said

prepare for a wedding by celebrating death and wearing my

Lesahr was all about celebrating the ’emergence’ of Zhlindu also

La Charite a few days later, and the town was celebrating

‘There was a lot of celebrating when we first heard

movies celebrating with fanfare the arrival of the heroine

The people, therefore, usually most interested in celebrating the Portugal trade, were then rather disposed to represent it as less advantageous than it had commonly been imagined

seems to be the norm rather than celebrating the joys and

Jessie was sure all her family and friends back home were having a great time celebrating with church services,

Rosemary arched her eyebrows, nonplussed, as if she had forgotten all about what day it was and what they were supposed to be celebrating

lunch, celebrating the delivery of those cars

You should be celebrating

As Dorro and Forgo’s vessel ventured forth from the harbor in the morning darkness, folks were already massing along wharfs and celebrating their good fortune

I’d passed through a succession of homes and hostels, which made me a bit of a loner, so while everyone else was busy celebrating the birth of Christianity, I usually shut myself away in my room, reading a book

• Blessing of the Animals: A Guide to Prayers & Ceremonies Celebrating Pets &

In June, I started celebrating anniversaries

This time Ahmed fired a rocket at the rear of the Exhibition Centre where the Chinese President was celebrating his daughter’s graduation

cabin celebrating the end of their long journey north, so there

Even though he had been very vocative in celebrating the demons’ defeat (in a rush of euphoria and wishful thinking he had exclaimed among other slightly misdirected comments, that ‘ze Stalinist pigz are finally vanquiwshed!’), he remained prudently alarmed of the fact that even if the gateway had been destroyed (technically speaking, rendered inoperable rather than physically destroyed — I wouldn’t want me dead), there were still demonic operatives lying around

Between the loud voices of the celebrating soldiers and the four-piece band, Colling had to shout to be heard over the noise as he supervised the men serving beer and tending the fountain

On the outskirts of the Forest, they could hear the cheers of Human voices, celebrating their turn in good fortune

They walked inside to a bar celebrating Addington Cup Day

Would you like a glass of wine? We are celebrating the spring, and Alaric and Ryato’s homecoming

I was able to gain access to a room in the tower of one of the churches I remember visiting when Margaret and I were celebrating our anniversary here

“Tee and I will be celebrating our fifth anniversary next week,” Angie said

The Christian Church was unable to get the people to stop celebrating this holiday, so they simply sprinkled a little holy water on it and gave it new names, as they did with other Paleopagan holidays and customs

The ratings at the station had gone up, and he said they were celebrating

We should be celebrating

celebrating their glory, which is reserved for them; For assuredly as in a little time in this transitory world in which you live, you have

I told the Khakhan that it was merely a ceremony celebrating their safe voyage across the sea

them that were gone to the celebrating of the Sabbath, and running through the city with weapons killed great multitudes

I even kept countless diaries, adding to my foreboding collection as homage to them, sending gifts to their families, even for loved ones long gone, but nevertheless I continued to remember and remind their future generations, celebrating the birthdays anonymously every year

Some among the dragons were not into celebrating,

The entire city was celebrating: it was the day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

He thought of celebrating the event “consuming” kangaroo and crocodile meat… He could only have a “taste”

More than one hundred thousand explorers in search of gold trekked through Skagway, leaving behind a lawless village of beer bars without restrictions, after stormy nights of celebrating

There is, in the first floor of the building, a painting that shows Captain George Vancouver and Admiral Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra Mollinedo celebrating the agreement of the division of English and

Not knowing anything about the Cursillo, Roger was not too happy about going away and leaving his family behind, particularly since on that very week-end Josie was celebrating her birthday

12 And all the Egyptians saw and note Moses and Aaron and all the children of Israel were sitting before Pi-hahiroth, eating and drinking and celebrating the feast of the Lord

celebrating the future that lies ahead

carry through to you celebrating the fact that you were privileged

That is worth celebrating

“Everyone else is here! And I don’t mind telling you that I find it deeply ironic that the wedding of a human and an elf should have such a hugely unifying effect on elvenkind! Things are happening tonight, both here in the chapel and without, as advantage is taken of this unique opportunity to meet and get to know any other elf, to sign trade agreements and settle disputes, to re-acquaint with seldom seen friends and relatives, to experiment with other cultures’ ways of feasting and celebrating, to make new friends, to play with new lovers, to fall in love with someone exotic from far away! You simply must find time tonight to stroll around the valley! Every elven people have brought their own pavilions to showcase their lifestyle and celebrations! Every product in the world can be had here tonight, for sale or barter or for just a smile!

One of the elves who waited upon their arrival there was not celebrating

He has sacrificed his celebrating tonight to so that he can concentrate on recording the events for the historic records of the elven nations

celebrating the news that she was not only getting a new

12 And all the Egyptians saw and note Moses and Aaron and all the children of Israel were sitting before Pi-hahiroth eating and drinking and celebrating the feast of the Lord

Toasting was about celebrating the wonderful fruits of life:

“Yeah, I remembered you were celebrating Inspector Carrillo’s promotion,” I said

26 And so he killed all them that were gone to the celebrating of the Sabbath and running through the city with weapons killed great multitudes

“You are celebrating? Am I mistaken in remembering that you were with the faction that lost?”

All the way around the top of the gigantic grandstand Kleti-style Revealings thirty meters high showed other people celebrating at other huge gatherings all over Kellaran

back with my girlfriend and we are celebrating here!”

At night with Marcos Paz celebrating the success at this local bar, they could not

Nuke and I were celebrating our joint birthday when Tanner insisted that Candace interpret the petro-glyphs shown in the pictures I had taken at Bandelier

The noise of the celebrating crowd drowned out the sound of frantic screaming from under the tooth-grinned mask as the captive tried to wriggle away from Halfdan’s strong grip on his jacket

celebrating over their plunder

All the way around the top of the gigantic grandstand Kleti-style Revealings a hundred feet high showed other people celebrating at other huge gatherings all over Kellaran

Celebrate yourself by celebrating others

The fact is, frequent flyer programs, while celebrating their 20th Anniversary on May 1, 2001, aren’t anything they started out to be, except one thing – successful

The lighter-armoured Tanarian troops pursued the routed invaders for several leagues continuing their revenge where possible, but the bulk of the Tanarian force held their ground celebrating their victory with wild cheers

I might not be a specialist in this field but I do believe you could also be celebrating her pregnancy, although I could not begin to guess which one is the father, it could be any one of thirty

“I was supposed to be with Harailt after the fires, celebrating

He frowned for a moment and left the circle of celebrating men

Festivals – there is a meaning or reason for celebrating a festival

Minutes later, they reached the Fiesta Americana car entrance and the driver stopped behind a convention of mattress salespeople who were celebrating their record sales during the annual retreat

My explanation that either every day is worth celebrating, or no day is, was met with incomprehension

Infinity plus one? A hollow ringing laughter rips through the moist jungle air, filling it with… Nothing? Everything? Lemurs, monkeys, and birds cry back, pleading for mercy or cursing the fates, giving their primitive thanks or celebrating life

Typically over half the people getting stoned were too young, under the new proposed-though-not-yet-passed law, to be lawfully celebrating their triumph: twenty-one and over only, of course

“The soldiers were celebrating

Back in Baja, everyone was celebrating victory over the seven wizards, and everyone watched as the elders were put into hibernation again, not to be disturbed for another ten years

Galluk hears the hunters celebrating their victory just over the horizon and thinks he had best join them

How grateful she was to see her celebrating that day

He did not feel like celebrating

He told them he had no interest in celebrating it and he meant it they learned

alone, and we did not feel that we were living on earth but were celebrating in heaven


All the very best to all my peers who are celebrating this an-

11 «About this time, while they were celebrating, the elder son came in from his day’s work in the field, and as he drew near the house, he heard the music and the dancing

2 Six days before the Passover, on the evening after the Sabbath, all Bethany and Bethpage joined in celebrating the arrival of Jesus by a public banquet at the home of Simon

We were drinking tea and celebrating the last slate put on the roof of the twelve stall barn

The cafes and bars along the main avenues of Paris were awash with celebrating German soldiers

It looked like she would be be celebrating here, with the crayfish and frogs and other assorted victimized beasts

“I will look forward to celebrating together,” said Chica to both of them

She had said so, several times, and yet when it came to celebrating their love, it was on condition that he renounced his love for her

up in our celebrating that we didn’t hear him at first

Definition of Celebrate

to recognize a special day or event by taking part in special activities

Examples of Celebrate in a sentence

This week we will celebrate my little brother’s birth with a huge party and a delicious cake.


On the 14th of this month, the happy couple will celebrate their wedding anniversary with a trip to the beach.


Family and friends are invited to dinner to rejoice and celebrate Beth’s recent college graduation.


Other words in the Celebrations category:

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celebrate — перевод на русский


We’re going to celebrate!

Будем праздновать!

And, if you care to celebrate tonight, they say that that new dancer at the Hotel Crillon is divine.

Сегодня можете праздновать. Говорят, новая танцовщица в отеле «Крийон» просто божественна.

— No, I wanna celebrate.

— Нет, я намерена праздновать.

— It’s never too early to celebrate!

— Ќикогда не слишком рано праздновать.

We’ll celebrate tonight, Scotty!

Сегодня будем праздновать, Скотти!

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We are here to celebrate love, and we’re gonna do that at a ten, am I right?

Мы здесь, чтобы отпраздновать любовь, и мы это сделаем на все 10, верно?

We must celebrate it, because we have suffered for so long!

Мы должны это отпраздновать, ведь мы достаточно настрадались!

We should celebrate this with a bottle of wine.

Думаю, это нужно отпраздновать.

Let me take you there tonight, uh, both of you, to celebrate your first night in Havana.

Позвольте пригласить вас сегодня… Вас обоих. Отпраздновать первую ночь в Гаване.

We want to celebrate with this small party the journey into the stratosphere of our two young balloonists and astronomers,

Этим маленьким мероприятием мы хотим отпраздновать полет в стратосферу двух молодых аэронавтов и астрономов

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All the neighbors from miles around come to celebrate our wedding.

Все соседи приехали отметить нашу свадьбу.

Come on, we gotta celebrate.

Значит надо отметить.

To celebrate our leaving for America tomorrow.

Чтобы отметить наш отъезд в Америку.

I thought we ought to celebrate too.

Думаю, это стоит отметить.

«l know, baby, but we can celebrate your birthday tomorrow night.»

Я знаю, малышка, но мы можем отметить твои именины завтра.

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Let’s take David and sneak out. We’ll go somewhere and celebrate the New Year.

Давайте возьмем с собой Дэвида и ускользнем куда-нибудь отмечать Новый год.


Вы будете отмечать Ватерлоо, мэм?

Thus, the inhabitants preserve… their tradition of celebrating weddings with a trip… to a heavenly island situated one mile off the coast.

Поэтому жители сохранили традицию отмечать бракосочетания поездкой на священный остров, расположенный в миле от берега

We’ll celebrate the victory of Petrus.

Мы будем отмечать победу Петруса.

Sometimes, we all eat grapes, to celebrate the future, and to remember those days when we met and were happy.

Порой, мы все едим виноградины, чтобы отмечать судьбу, и чтобы вспоминать те дни, когда мы встретились и были счастливы.

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We have to celebrate.

Сегодня большой праздник.

Celebrate what?

Какой праздник?


У меня праздник.

What are you celebrating?

Праздник какой?

We have reason to celebrate. Yes, sir.

— У нас праздник.

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Then, Monsieur Trent, it has not any motive to celebrate.

Значит, месье Трент, у Вас нет оснований для празднования? Абсолютно никаких.

We are so looking forward… to celebrating the engagement to your own Spanish rose.

Мы ждём не дождёмся празднования помолвки с вашей испанской розой.

If that’s a reason to celebrate, there’s worse to come.

Если это повод для празднования, то будет ещё хуже.

Right, because that’s the only thing we could potentially celebrate.

Правильно, потому что это — единственный потенциальный повод для празднования.

This cigar was meant to celebrate the opening of Paradise, huh?

Думаю, эта сигара была отложена для празднования открытия Рая.

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Shouldn’t mourn the good doctor’s death. You should celebrate it with me.

Hечего оплакивать доктора, лучше радоваться этому вместе со мной.

Even if that is true, and I’m not saying it is, the only one that has reason to celebrate is Ghee P’Trell.

Даже если так и есть, что я ни в коем случае не утверждаю, единственный, кому стоит радоваться — это Джи П’Трелл.

So I’m supposed to celebrate?

Значит, наверно я должна радоваться?

You don’t have to celebrate it, Frank.

Не надо радоваться, Фрэнк.

You want a victory that no one will celebrate?

Горькая та победа, после которой не будет кому радоваться.

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Well, what could be more natural than a ball to celebrate his return?

Ну, а что в таких обстоятельствах будет естественнее бала… — …в честь его возвращения?

A pity, I thought we might celebrate our son’s birth.

Я хотел устроить празднество в честь нашего сына.

— To celebrate my arrival.

— В честь моего прибытия.

— To celebrate… me?

-В мою честь?

— It’s a convalescence present, to celebrate your return to the zoo hotel.

Это подарок тебе. В честь выздоровления и возвращения в наш отель Зоопарк.

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Fifty pounds from the celebrated Dr. Jekyll.

Пятьдесят фунтов от знаменитого Доктора Джекилла.

«The only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday.»

«Лишь камень поддерживает существование Николаса Фламеля знаменитого алхимика, в прошлом году отметившего свой 665 день рождения.»

— Husband of the celebrated Iris Denver?

— Муж знаменитой Айрис Денвер?

They had the most celebrated marriage in Hollywood.

Их свадьба стала самой знаменитой в Голливуде.

Introducing one of the world’s most celebrated singers:

Представляем одну из самых знаменитых в мире певиц:

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We must celebrate the chance that brought us together.

Мы должны выпить за случай, который свёл нас вместе.

Celebrate what?

Выпить за что?

I thought we would celebrate our meeting.

Я думал, выпить за встречу.

And we got no drinks to celebrate.

Жаль, что не можем выпить за здоровье.

You should be celebrating.

Стоит выпить!

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