Use the word carpet in a sentence

Synonym: mat, rug. Similar words: carpe diem, pet, sharp, compete, sharply, competitor, car, care. Meaning: [‘kɑːpɪt]  n. floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile). v. 1. form a carpet-like cover (over) 2. cover completely, as if with a carpet 3. cover with a carpet. 

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1) Be careful you don’t stain the carpet.

2) We’ll roll out the red carpet for the senator.

3) He puked all over the carpet.

4) What’s all that sticky stuff on the carpet?

5) The floor is covered with a red carpet.

6) The curtains blend in perfectly with the carpet.

7) They rolled back the carpet and had a dance.

8) The carpet is available in various widths.

9) A carpet overlays the wood floor.

10) That carpet is somewhat off colour.

11) We spread a carpet over the floor.

12) Please don’t flick ash on the carpet!

13) His muddy boots splotched the carpet.

14) Water poured through the hole,[] saturating the carpet.

15) I hope it doesn’t stain the carpet.

16) The red carpet jars with the furniture.

17) The salesman quickly unrolled the carpet.

18) He spotted the carpet with his muddy boots.

19) The daily housemaid hoovers the carpet every other day.

20) A carpet is a textile fabric.

21) It took us ages to choose a new carpet.

22) They rolled out the red carpet for the guests.

23) My bare feet were soundless over the carpet.

24) We dragged the carpet out of the room.

25) A Turkey carpet adorned the floor.

26) You’re treading muck into the carpet with your dirty shoes!

27) The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister.

28) A carpet six metres square has an area of 36 square metres.

29) Do you know where I can get hold of a secondhand carpet cleaner?

30) She thought the diamond was lost until she saw something glinting on the carpet.

More similar words: carpe diem, pet, sharp, compete, sharply, competitor, car, care, scare, cart, card, cargo, by car, carry, care of, care for, scary, scared, carve, carbon, cartoon, carry out, carrot, don’t care, care about, carry on, take care, carrier, carry off, take care of. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We could do a bound carpet.

Таким образом, мы можем соткать общий ковер.

I don’t want the wet contaminating my carpet.

Я не хочу, чтобы ваша мокрая одежда испортила мой ковёр.

This means that your carpet will not be damaged.

Это является гарантией того, что ковровое покрытие не будет повреждено.

Floor: under-developed interior design — tile or carpet.

Этажность: слаборазвитых дизайна интерьера — пол, плитка или ковровое покрытие.

This is why carpet cleaning services are so necessary.

Именно поэтому услуги химчистки ковров являются столь востребованными на сегодняшний день.

It can be used both on carpet and flooring.

Они могут быть использованы как на ковре, так и на плитке.

They just enjoy what I do on the carpet.

Они просто получают удовольствие от того, что я делаю на ковре.

Wine all over the place, carpet stained.

Вино по всему дому, не могу отстирать с ковра.

Pick spot on carpet and stare.

Выбери точку на ковре и смотри на нее.

Four hours shampooing the carpet after the last time you stayed.

Четыре часа оттирала ковёр после того, как ты оставался в последний раз.

In a pinch you can clean your carpet.

В крайнем случае вы можете и сами почистить ваш ковер.

You can also think outside of color to make your plain-colored carpet interesting.

Вы также можете подумать за пределами цвета, чтобы сделать ваш обычный цветной ковер более интересным.

The claimant’s personal statement described only one commissioned pictorial carpet in detail.

В изложении фактов, представленном заявителем, подробно описывается только один изготовленный на заказ ковер с рисунком.

Thus, carpet requires more upkeep than other types of flooring.

Таким образом, ковер требует большего ухода, чем другие виды напольных покрытий.

Please try footwear on carpet or clean surfaces.

Так что лучше тестируйте обувь на ковре или гладкой поверхности.

Furniture and carpet should be removed.

От мебели и ковров также нужно обязательно избавляться.

During spring, green grasses carpet the island.

В любое время года густой зеленый ковер покрывает холмы острова.

In 1860, Daniel Hess invented a carpet sweeper.

В 1860 году американец Дэниел Хесс придумал «Подметатель ковров».

But installing carpet can be very expensive and carpet isn’t always a practical or pleasing choice.

Но установка ковра может быть очень дорогой, и ковер — не всегда практичный или приятный выбор.

Otherwise, your carpet can become, without proper care, through time, a carpet of weeds.

Иначе ваш ковер может стать без должного ухода через время ковром из сорняков.

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carpet (n): (a shaped piece of) thick material used for covering floors

Use “carpet” in a sentence

The floor was covered with carpet.
I have to buy a new carpet for this room.
The floor is covered with a thick carpet.
How do you remove red wine stains from your carpet?

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carpet — перевод на русский


Bring the carpet.

Пододвиньте ковёр!

You got-a da carpet. Put it down!

Вам дали ковёр — так расстелите его!

Honey, you’re wearing out the carpet. Why don’t you gentle down— quit snorting and raring around? Expecting somebody?

милая ты протопчешь ковер успокойся не бегай кругами ждешь кого?

— What carpet?

Какой ковер?

That spilled drink’s gonna ruin your carpet.

— Разлитый коньяк испортит ковер.

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The red carpet…

По красной дорожке…

No, on a ruby red carpet at the Peach Pit After Dark.

Ќет, на красной дорожке в » ѕосле полуночи»

They’ve been down the red carpet with people yelling «Who are you wearing?

Выходит, эти шмотки были на красной дорожке, и люди кричали им: «На ком это ты надет? Смотришься сказочно!»

We’re on the red carpet tonight for the premiere of Adrenaline Force.

Сегодня мы находимся на красной дорожке, ведущей в зал,..

But first, we go live to the Quahog Performing Arts Center where Asian correspondent, Tricia Takanawa is down at the red carpet.

Но сначала — прямое включение от Центра сценических искусств Куахога, где на красной дорожке стоит наш азиатский корреспондент Триша Таканава.

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Carpet, let’s move.

Коврик, скорее!

Carpet’s a little loose.

Коврик немного обтрепался.

That carpet’s great because I want our clients to become dizzy and vomit.

Коврик чудный, мы же хотим чтобы клиентов тошнило и рвало.

I’d put a carpet there.

Я положу коврик там.

.. it’s easier to fit the carpet.

.. там легче постелить коврик.

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No, because I was painting my sitting room the other day, and the paint was exactly the same colour on the wall as it was on the wooden skirting board and on my hand, and on the sole of my shoe, and subsequently on the stair carpet, all exactly the same colour.

Да. Нет.Потому что однажды я красил свою гостиную и краска на стене была в точности такого же цвета,как на деревянном плинтусе, и как на моей руке, и на подошве моего ботинка, и позднее на лестничной ковровой дорожке, все в точности одного цвета.

Dad! Please, Hannah Montana needs to be walking down the red carpet in New York in less than three hours.

Пожалуйста, Ханне Монтане нужно будет пройти по красной ковровой дорожке в Нью-Йорке меньше, чем через три часа.

Here it is on the red carpet with the Space Shuttle.

¬от он на красной ковровой дорожке вместе с шаттлом.

[ music continues ] She was a big hit on the red carpet!

Она произвела настоящий фурор на красной ковровой дорожке!

you gotta walk across that red carpet like you own it.

И когда ты на вручении Оскара, ты должен пройти по красной ковровой дорожке, так, как будто он уже твой.

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But his plane is still here, so I suppose they used a magic carpet.

Но его самолет еще здесь. Наверное, они использовали ковер-самолет.

A flying carpet, huh?


Do you really have a magic carpet?

А у вас, правда, есть ковер-самолет?

— Perhaps a magic carpet?

— Быть может, ковер-самолет?

One magic carpet, coming up.

А вот и наш ковер-самолет.

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Would I spend an entire month’s salary on brand-new carpeting for you?

Стала бы я тратить месячную зарплату, чтобы поменять ковровое покрытие для вас?

— It’s a wall-to-wall carpet.

— Немогу. Это ковровое покрытие.

It needs a quick paint job, the carpets changed.

Осталось только покрасить стены и сменить ковровое покрытие.

get some lamps, a water heater, a stove, a washing machine, carpeting, clean everything up…

принести лампы, водонагреватель, плиту, стиральную машину, ковровое покрытие, прибраться везде…

There’s brand new carpeting.

Совсем новое ковровое покрытие.

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They sail on a magic carpet through the sky.

Или рассекают небеса на ковре-самолёте.

We’ll all get on our magic carpet and get back to the station.

Мы все на нашем ковре-самолете вернемся в участок.

We shall fly to Paris on a magic carpet, side by side, with the stars as our guide.

Отбросьте прочь эту мысль! Мы полетим в Париж на ковре-самолете, вы и я. Звезды укажут нам путь.

And you said we’re gonna ride on your magic carpet. Well, now…

И вы сказали, что мы полетим на вашем ковре-самолете.

I’ll bet they’re on that magic carpet right now.

Ручаюсь, они сейчас летят на ковре-самолете.

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Who could presume that carpets will start to tear apart after only one month?

Кто мог предположить, что ковролин начнёт рваться через полтора месяца после техприёма?

George’s place has carpeting.

У Джорджа ковролин.

If anybody needs me, I’ll be in the den pulling up carpeting.

Если я кому-то понадоблюсь, я буду в кладовке выдергивать ковролин.

Carpet will be better for crawling.

Ковролин будет лучше, когда начнёт ползать.

The room’s carpeted.

В комнате ковролин.

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Oh, that’s old carpeting.

Это покрытие старое.

They repaint, put down new carpeting and wallpaper and they move right back into the same fucking house, on the floodplain, next to the river and then they wonder why grandma’s floating downstream with a parakeet on her head!

ќни перекрас€т, положат новое покрытие на пол, поклеют обои и вернутс€ назад в тот же Єбаный дом на то же место, р€дом с рекой.. …и затем они удивл€ютс€ почему бабушка плывЄт вниз по течению с попугаем на голове!

Left a wet towel on the carpet.

ѕриложи мокрое полотенце на покрытие.

Who doesn’t want longer-lasting carpet?

Кто не хочет долговечное покрытие?

Why do you change a carpet?

Почему вы поменяли покрытие?

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I don’t ask for much, but the Carpet Warehouse keeps Eddie working like a black, so we can only manage six or seven times a year.

Я не прошу многого, но магазин ковров отнимает так много времени у Эдди, он работает как негр, так что мы можем позволить себе съездить в отпуск всего шесть или семь раз в год.

It’s not like Rafe just hooked you up at the carpet warehouse or something?

Или это просто Рейф взял тебя в магазин ковров, так что ли?

Do you know, next week I’ve got an interview at Carpet Brothers.

Я уже хотел идти работать в магазин ковров

Carpet Brothers!

Магазин ковров!

I start tomorrow, at the carpet warehouse.

Я начинаю завтра в магазине ковров.

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Uh! If I wasn’t infected with that Instinct I’d spill his guts on his mother’s carpet with a carving fork

He and Leila had spent countless precious moments shagging on the carpet, screwing on the table, and fooling around in the den

inside they will fall on the carpet, etc

The carpet was rich with red, and there were large, expensive paintings hidden in the darkness of the walls

He made his way across the rich carpet and toward the stairs that would lead to the throne

She heard the sound of booted feet running over carpet

It isn’t as bad as I thought … more neglected than anything and by the time I have sorted out the furniture which had been thrown in here – literally, by the look of some of it — and vacuumed the carpet, the place doesn’t look too bad

While they are out, I get out my old dustsheets and start draping them over the carpet

This wallpaper will make a mess when we strip it and there is nothing like trying to get soggy bits of wallpaper out of a carpet! Jack was frightful when it came to preparation … brilliant at decorating, but I was always the one who had to think ahead and make contingency plans

The carpet seems to have avoided the depredations of the last occupant of the rooms … unlike the bedroom carpet which is stained beyond belief

Stephen took one look at it and declared it a disaster zone going on to suggest he could get a decent bit of carpet to replace it

Judging by the way they both suddenly stopped dead once they realised they were on the verge of arguing about the carpet, they seem to have learned their lesson, for the time being at any rate

By the time I hear Stephen’s car on the gravel outside the house, I have covered the whole of the carpet and heaped up the bits of furniture in a pile in one corner

‘But the carpet …’ he argued

«Using the AmpliMagineer user interface paradigm, you just create this location translation pane here,» she drew the boundaries of the magic carpet on an image of her home’s foyer, «bundle it with this location,» she outlined the magic carpet as it sat there over the beach, «and snap it into this site’s continuous instance list here

She stepped up on the carpet to test it and sure enough she was in the inside of her entry foyer, from here she could step into any room she wanted

She stepped back off the carpet and found herself stepping down onto the sand again, the home disappeared and the wild pristine beach front was all around them with a beautiful Persian carpet hovering eight to fourteen inches off the sand

She was lying nude on her beach, though it was actually in Ava’s universe, only a few steps from the magic carpet of her entry hall

They were positioned as they would be if the house was where the magic carpet was but she still let only the carpet show to anyone on the beach

But even if the views from the windows changed, the magic carpet would still land on what she already called Morg’s beach

He seemed to know instinctively that eye of the storm would come from the east, from the direction that lay behind him, in his long distant past, and slumped forward as he was, he began, as he always did in such circumstances, to count the tufts in the grey and threadbare boot carpet

to cover a world and lay a carpet from here to the moon

There is a thud on the carpet

pads across the hoovered carpet

I know every faded patch of carpet on the stairs,

to waking, safe in knowing that a pad across carpet

He had to have his face pressed to the animal’s back to stay on it and its fur and hide were like dirty industrial carpet

It lurched to a halt in front of him, panting and dribbling on the carpet

As soon as he walked through the door of her parent’s modest semi-detached, Tom knew that it had all gone terribly wrong, there being something about paisley carpet that he just couldn’t stand

There was no carpet on the floor, the

panting and dribbling on the carpet

being something about paisley carpet that he just couldn’t stand

‘Not what you were anticipating?’ he laughed, as I take in the stylish glass dining table, the white carpet and very tasteful modern paintings on the plain pale walls

As Leona walks across the twenty-year-old paisley patterned carpet to the kitchen she says, «I’m leaving home today

It was my job was to make sure the carpet in the front room was clean and I also had to wash the kitchen floor at least once a week … whenever it needed doing really

Mum – looking different with her hair long and unpermed – an older woman, an older version of Mum … it must have been one of the few times Gran came round before she moved in with them …hearing a conversation going on over her head as she busied herself with bricks on the carpet

The carpet in the downstairs bar area is dark and pock marked with cigarette burns and as Bex and Leona walk through the club they find their shoes sticking to the carpet

The staircase, clad in robust cord carpet, stretches up the opposite side of the hall to that in her house

‘But what about the carpet? Blue wouldn’t go with that, would it?’

‘You could always replace the carpet

‘You could put this carpet up in your bedroom if you like

Taking up the carpet isn’t as difficult as she anticipated

‘It was pretty dusty under that carpet

Wooden joints complain and the carpet slips where the runners are broken, but the sound of canned laughter covers his footfalls

I noticed there were muddy shoe prints on the carpet that led from the front

Once-white carpet was a damp pink sea of blood

There in a heap of red carpet and flesh was what was left of my mother

The inside was clean but you could tell the green carpet and

’ I said automatically, ‘Oh, and when you’ve finished, could you give your carpet a going over? I’ve left the cleaner up on the landing

Much later, Matt opened the door again with much fanfare, as a Red carpet rolled out for him to walk out on

porch, her once-blonde hair spread out on the living room carpet

The door opened ushering in two pairs of soft footsteps on the carpet

flailed against the auditorium carpet

The basement was covered with more white carpet on the floor and on the

They climbed the stairway into the front cabin, where Mr Huang pulled up a section of carpet attached with Velcro to a trap door

Blood ran from the corners of his mouth, he reached down to the floor and ensnared his fist in the plush emerald colored carpet

A red carpet led them into the palace itself and into, what X’ander proudly referred to as, ‘the Great Hall’

The sliding sound of the heavy table on the thick carpet got louder and faster

Just as the half second delay expired and Alfred’s beam started to swing this way, it was suddenly silent for a fraction of a second, then there was a muffled splintering crunch as the table and its carpet impacted on something stone far below

Clothier readily agreed, so Clipear and cousin Tristan were handed their putters and with the spectators clamouring and cheering, they walked to the first little carpet covered green

Tristan walked carefully to where his ball had rolled some way from the green, with a carefully placed chip he managed to send the ball onto the carpet close to the hole

Grimes was beating her hall carpet out in the street when three men approached her

carpet of sawdust and shavings; the blacksmith’s, with its

To see a carpet in your dream represents your way of protecting yourself from life’s harsh realities

Alternatively, a carpet symbolizes luxury, comfort or richness

Consider the condition and designs of the carpet and how it parallels the foundation that you have laid for yourself in life

Perhaps the dream is telling you that you are refusing to confront some issue and instead are sweeping it under the carpet?

To dream that you are riding a magic carpet indicates that you are overcoming your obstacles and physical limitations

They both stepped out from the elevator and onto the sumptuous black carpet

On the floor, woven into the carpet, were long, transparent light-conducting tubes

Apart from the tubes and the carpet the whole room appeared empty

Monty noticed that there was a subtle, golden geometric grid woven into the black carpet

In the circular room below the ‘Hang-out’, below Hangar 42, the body of Monty lay cold and slumped upon the black carpet

In the house, Ben was alone but calm, sitting cross-legged upon his bed in his room, dust littered the carpet

They also have two carpet whales that some people would call cats

He nodded, moved away from her, allowing her to drop gently to the carpet, her legs still spread wide to receive his kisses

It was spreading like a carpet being pulled up on three sides

Inside the waiting room the impression had starkly altered; calmness created by colours and textures – something Deanna could lecture on, and it made him realise just how deliberate it was: the vast deep blue of the carpet, covering the entire area up to the reception desk, plants arranged neatly and

She sat up and, being careful to avoid moving her injured leg, she hauled herself backwards across the carpet towards him

The seats were burnt to their twisted and deformed metal frames and most of the carpet had been scorched away, revealing the metal panelling beneath, now bubbled

The floor had a felted carpet

You can see by the treads on the carpet

He glanced at his feet on damp carpet as he faced her again

Sections of carpet

She collected papers from the carpet

Gingerly, Eric rolled the pliable screen around the phallus and held it in place with carpet tape

With the silver carpet tape in place and

Pamela blushed as she walked the red carpet and the crowd cheered

The thick linoleum around the edge of the red and gold rose-patterned carpet gleamed

did, they would have to march forward on a carpet of corpses

crossed as he lay sprawled on the new Axminster carpet

left him prone on the best carpet from Brintons Limited

“Then I will wait out here I cant leave her in her hour of need”, and I looked down at the carpet close to tears

monks?” the fact that his life’s blood stained the carpet under us even redder that it was already,

She stepped onto the plush red carpet and looked around her large living room

The issue of disposal seemingly swept under the carpet; a subject not mooted for the sake of diplomacy

When they reached the landing at the top of the stairs, Raven was momentarily surprised by the unfamiliar feel of carpet beneath his shoes

to the factory to choose carpet colors, styles, cabinets, and so on

Kiri sat alone in Mr Abbott’s office, her heart pounding as she stared at the pattern on the carpet

Crossing the rich red carpet, he came to a stop in front of the wooden desk

The floor was carpeted with something you’d find in an

It had seen many years of very light wagon traffic but more foot traffic, though there was not a lot of that either, because it was carpeted with ribbonleaves

The area was rocky and carpeted with ribbonleaves with small golden berries on short stems growing from the woody centers of their leaves

The walls were carpeted and probably sound-proof

The bridge had two spans, each seven hundred fifty feet long and hundreds of feet above the upper branches of the city that now carpeted the valley floor below

Some large furs carpeted the main room floor, the stone floor that showed had a few fossil leaves and footprints in it

carpeted the fallow fields, and the sun shone warmly on

Two more vacuum suits about three metres apart on the blue carpeted floor

Watching each model glide elegantly across the plush apricot carpeted ramp caught her breath

Chuckles was familiar with the house and headed up the stairs, gliding up the carpeted treads like a silent spectre

Gliding across the carpeted floor Gonzalez came up behind him, gripping the receptionist’s shoulder so tightly that his fingers disappeared into the man’s muscles

Sharon had fallen on a carpeted floor rather than cement it would

Meanwhile, Kid Mojo was foot workin’ and swipin’ on the carpeted outskirts of the rink in the very spot where I had first met Miguel and Gio a few months before

Some of the dancers spilled out onto the carpeted living room

And then the memory faded, and they were in Orphenn’s carpeted room

The entire landscape is carpeted in spectacular floral beauty

Angie led Manda through her small house, showing her the carpeted rooms, including the one where Sierra had slept

She could hear Angie’s footsteps padding from one carpeted room into the next

They had stopped a short way from a broad carpeted staircase

Harry followed Becky up the fresh carpeted stairs to her apartment

Charlotte moved behind Monica’s chair and pushed her through the entrance into the carpeted office of the director

His life could be compared to an exile embellished, carpeted with tapestry in the United States

The office credenza and wall cabinets only surrounded half of the room; the rest was a carpeted open space

her hurriedly as they ran down a plushly carpeted hallway

carpeted hallway, allowing her time to look at the collection of ever-

then some, overflowed into the finished, carpeted basement leaving 3”

” Selma stepped off the last of the plushly carpeted stairs and

Our bathroom was carpeted with pregnan-

Most of the floor was bare stone, some was carpeted, and there were scattered areas of seating close to the center for humanoids from gnome to giant size

” Ryan stared hard at her till she could no longer hold his gaze, having to drop hers to the carpeted floor

They hesitated only long enough for Shobal to leap into the middle alongside his still fully carpeted master

This was not like the carpeted French Officers Clubs she had known that had high ceilings and quiet manners

He stormed back and forth over the carpeted floor of his command tent, kicking at them as he passed

He stormed back and forth over the carpeted floor of his command tent, kicking at them as he

the entire interior had been carpeted orange

Billionaire mogul Jack Trom also arrived in style, by having his private helicopter land on a red carpeted heliport

The hall before Ankharet’s Audience Chamber was carpeted and lined with ornate facades depicting strange creatures and beings alien to Gaea

crumpled flat on his face and stomach on the carpeted floor next to

The fighters and Council of Wizards reached the end of the carpeted hallway leading to Guardon’s escheated Throne Room

A beautiful big carpeted office in which you could place two desks as it was so spacious and just exceptional

On the riverbank a rainbow of toadstools and ferns carpeted the ground

Staggering heaps of solid debris lined both sides of the river, but these were quickly carpeted with lilies

It was a sombre, high-ceilinged room, carpeted in dull green with eight huge, leather-padded chairs arranged in a semi-circle

Steve had already commented on the carpeted foyer of the sixth floor with its plush carpet leading to the front doors of both apartments on that level

It was carpeted

`On the contrary, it has everything to do with her,’ she pulled away the covers and stepped on the carpeted floor

Jasra laid her burden on the table, tossing everything to the carpeted floor

Foot by foot the Afghulis were shoved back, leaving the defile-floor carpeted with dead, on which the riders trampled

Aram’s feet were clad in soft slippers and the hallway was carpeted with thick Turanian rugs; but there was an unpleasant suggestion of stealthiness about the Zamboulan

They were alone; not even a slave or a page slept on the carpeted floor; but Conan’s eyes blazed as they were wont to blaze in the teeth of great peril, and the sword quivered in his hand

They were in a more spacious corridor, carpeted and tapestried, over which hanging lamps shed a golden glow

Mainwaring’s idea of enjoyment was sitting alone in his heavily carpeted study, reading about war

The ground sheltered by the tree‘s near hundred foot drip circle was carpeted by leaves and as well groomed as a state park

It was an old hotel and, despite being carpeted, the floorboards creaked with every step up the corridor

her eyes went to the carpeted floor of the hotel lobby

dignitaries were already on the expansive carpeted

He looked from one side of the carpeted aisle to the

The floors where carpeted in navy blue but the walls

The burgundy carpeted room with twelve full length mirrors, three changing rooms and three bathrooms could comfortably accommodate over 80 people

Upon reaching the rooms, they realized that the long walk along the red carpeted wide hallway then up a series of stairs was worth it

antelope herds carpeted large areas, lions were omnipresent in

Even under those circumstances Aureliano and Fernanda did not share their solitude, but both continued living on their own, cleaning their respective rooms while the cobwebs fell like snow on the rose bushes, carpeted the beams, cushioned the walls

Move a CAUTION – WET FLOOR sign to a carpeted area

Instantly, Feltus knew they were climbing the carpeted stairs and slowly fading away, even though he momentarily dreaded the thought of more physical exertion, but he quickly overcame his own mental reservations about the task by assuring himself there must be some valuable knowledge pertaining to the investigation to be gained from this experience and by taking satisfaction in knowing that he would have had his full physical workout for the year

The path was carpeted in

The city was filled with piazzas, or large plazas, carpeted with gray stone, ancient buildings, and lots of pigeons

Vinny stubbed his cigarette out then stood in the carpeted

a lot of clothes lying on the carpeted floor

rest out onto the carpeted floor, smiling while he said,

” Phillip briefly stared at the carpeted floor below him

lay down on the green carpeted floor and searched under the bed

the carpeted floor as a pile of candy jaw-breakers followed him through the mirror

Parker overstepped his powers and as a result, I was carpeted by the Assistant Commissioner in front of Chief Inspector Dixon of the Dubbo Regional Police

He said that the head of the MCU had been carpeted and wouldn’t be in such a hurry to bother her anytime soon

Sparkles of dancing light fell to the carpeted floor

Unconsciously he remained silent and took his leave from Emily’s parents to ascend the blue carpeted stairs in the hallway, and walk the short distance from the top of those stairs to Emily’s bedroom door

ahead and led him down a long, carpeted corridor

men slid past the bathroom door and walked down the carpeted

set of carpeted stairs to the basement

The floor was carpeted

missed his third, “Shit!” he said pounding the butt of the stick on the dirty carpeted floor

to fill the car as the sparks smoldered on the carpeted floor and Sean

Casey stared at the beautiful scenery as they leisurely glided over wildflowers in amazing shades of gold, red, and purple that carpeted the rolling hills

Once they reached the main floor, they dragged her across the carpeted hall to the garage door and stopped to catch their breath

The doctor appeared in the carpeted waiting room area

Greg writhed on the carpeted floor, basking once again in those strange, wonderful feelings he’d felt all those years before

While waiting for the call to connect, Mitch stared down at the carpeted, two-foot square, metal-edged panel under his feet

If you have a room that is carpeted, and you wish to drill a hole into the

• If you have carpeted baseboards, you can peel it back from the wall

If it isn’t carpeted then throw an area rug down in front of the TV

On the twenty-third floor they turned left into the carpeted corridor and located room 2307

Brigit focussed on the carpeted floor for a while and then turned her gaze on him

Without a word he brushed past Gail Jones’s desk and into the carpeted corridor where his footsteps were muffled

There was damp soil made up of generations of dead leaves with soft sumaids carpeting the slate street now

His attention went back to the room in front of him, and he noticed how even the the plush and intricate designs in the carpeting complimented the décor

interior finishes, carpeting, and colors

Plush carpeting swallowed her footfalls as she headed for the nearest hallway

A few minutes later, Charlotte returned, pushing the door to the office open and kicked a doorstop inside on the carpeting

She pushed herself along the brown and yellow speckled carpeting until she reached the clear view double glass doors with golden 2907

When Monica disappeared into the bathroom, Rose slid down onto the plush blue carpeting and started doing her sit-ups

plush red carpeting covering the floor

carpeting, or plumbing maintenance would take a distant second in priority to making the house payment

up a retail space with carpeting, computers and staff, and it was a poorly attended show

and buy carpeting may have just purchased a new house

items and the low carpeting, but my attention was occupied in recounting all the events as

carpeting, the entertainment center and such

I was over six feet but this monster bed was so high even I couldn’t reach the carpeting

Gold, scarlet, peach and rose hand carved wood, tiles, thick carpeting, everything a luxury loving Queen would want was in there

Well, our Penthouse Drunk suddenly collapsed and passed out on his plush white wall-to-wall carpeting

When you fall down, your head gets to hit plush carpeting

wall carpeting, and painted walls were absolutely stunning

wall carpeting except on the peripheral of the pit, has better

“As you can see I have wall-to-wall carpeting, a

There was blue carpeting on the floor, walls, and ceiling

Therein was wall-to-wall carpeting

carpeting and numerous chairs and sofas strewn throughout it

He and Skorzeni, followed by Nancy, stepped inside a wide, comfortable lounge luxuriously furnished with big, padded seats along its walls and with low tables facing them, plus thick wall to wall carpeting

Nimitz and his officers then found themselves in a luxurious lounge with wall-to-wall carpeting and brass and silver fixtures and decorations

Bare feet padded across plush baby blue carpeting and then slapped against marble tile as the Turk walked into the eat in kitchen and settled at the table

Expectedly, there was wall-to-wall carpeting and the

Though she had never seen the hotel before losing her sight in a vicious accident almost a decade ago, her friends had recounted tales of their journeys here and vivid descriptions of the entire building right down to the colour carpeting and oil paintings in the halls, enabling her to visualize the property in her productive mind that had developed 96

» The densely filled living room was covered by elegant white carpeting, a black leather sectional, gray Italian tile, and a fine crafted marble hearth fireplace

The familiar smell of office carpeting then brought back memories of sessions that revealed the most intimate of secrets possible, between a doctor and patient

Paint was cheap, but carpeting can get expensive and I was on a seriously restricted budget: my remaining life savings

Her feet sank into the plush carpeting as she pushed the

The sitting area was well furnished with sturdy furniture upholstered in a dark burgundy fabric that matched the forest green striped wallpaper and the light brown carpeting quite well

The red carpeting was thick and plush, creating the sensation of walking on air, an effect that was further highlighted by the plethora of partially nude young women casually meandering and mingling with guests who found the atmosphere reminiscent of some kind of paradise on earth

Inside, they were greeted with more modest furnishings—not the typical heavy, dark wood furniture and plush carpeting

When he stepped through the double doors of heavy mahogany leading to the men’s members’ locker room, he immediately sensed something was awry, aside from the musty smell and lingering stench of cigar smoke (despite the nonsmoking status of the clubhouse) that was entrenched in the thick wool carpeting and overstuffed armchairs and benches

The emporium was a summer home for doggies, with lace curtains and air conditioning and indoor-outdoor carpeting and six small upholstered couches, one per poodle, upon which the dogs could put up their feet at the end of a trying day

Like The Network’s studio, it had a long leather couch, what appeared to be the interviewer’s chair, and thick carpeting on the floor of a pale crème color

A few moments later when he decided to take a closer look at their room, he couldn’t help but focus on its predominate Mexican décor – dark green, low cut carpeting and tan colored walls with various styles of strange swirls on them

The studio walls were painted a light grey with dark carpeting

there is much new carpeting, more may be needed to provide the same level of air quality

Pine trees spilled across the valley floor, carpeting the far slope to an elevation where even they could not survive

carpeting was deep piled and the paintings on the walls originals by local South

carpeting company that had furbished the floors of all

The starkness of the room was offset only by thick, subtle floral carpeting and the extremely large bouquet of pink and white flowers in the center of the room that matched the pattern in the carpeting

On the floor the carpeting was the same as in

She spit sand into the air and it whipped and twirled away in a whirling dervish toward a crumpled roll of carpeting lying in the middle of the sand, its rich red, gold and Mediterranean blue colors soaking up the hot afternoon sun

on the carpeting and stuff

Therese dropped with weakness to her grandmother’s old green carpeting, which still smelled like wet dog

Therese shut her eyes and focused on her bedroom, but then an image of her grandmother’s green carpeting in her old house in San Antonio entered her mind, and before Therese knew what was happening, she found herself standing in her grandmother’s old living room in San Antonio

Discarded clothing, used tissues, and empty food containers lay scattered all over plush carpeting

There’s no carpeting in this old shack—only ancient wood flooring that may have been used from the same lumber that made George Washington’s teeth

Small chunks, the size of half-dollars fall onto the back carpeting of the SUV

As best they could determine, the wiring had ignited the carpeting in the trunk and boiled the gas tank until it exploded, taking the body shop down with it

If you do not happen to have carpeting, then it would be irrelevant to try the experiment

As I stepped onto her plush cream carpeting, I stared in awe at all of the modern décor in a room that was twice the size of mine

A second loud popping noise and we were pushed out of the traveling tunnel with such force that we both landed on plush, white carpeting, with me, lying right on top of him

“Great, he’s gotten blood on my white carpeting

“Oh God please! Please not again!” She said, as she sobbed openly into the carpeting of the floor

White stepped on the plush red carpeting of the car’s interior—

Worn red carpeting lay in a lost memory of something better over the foyer

boots disregarded the papers carpeting the floor as he

Go, pick up my things, like a cherub, as you are,» said Jo, dropping down under a maple tree, which was carpeting the bank with crimson leaves

It’s summer in the Highlands, white and purple heather has taken over the countryside, carpeting the meadows and bens

Joe wandered quietly on plush carpeting through a maze of corridors, leading to a full cocktail bar, then a cigar shop, then a writing room, and then a library with oak paneling and heavy beams

which ran from wall to wall, red velvet portieres and the newest of highly varnished Within, the house was furnished as Scarlett had desired, with thick red carpeting black-walnut furniture, carved wherever there was an inch for carving and upholstered in such slick horsehair that ladies had to deposit themselves thereon with great care for fear of sliding off

Charlie, a foot taller, could see down onto the lush carpeting of his head

When Devon steps out of the lift, he sees that there’s industrial carpeting here rather than marble floors; the cubicles look scuffed and the receptionist’s desk has a large dent in one side

Certainly one company facing stiff headwinds in 2008 was Mohawk Industries, a carpeting and flooring firm we first purchased in 2006 at prices in the low $60s

In 2008, in the midst of a seriously depressed new housing market (most carpeting and flooring go into new construction), Mohawk Industries was still generating $6 to $7 a share of free cash flow

While the carpeting and flooring industry will continue to fluctuate with the economy, Mohawk’s management has been able to keep its free cash flow generation fairly steady

The walls, carpeting, and the furnishings throughout followed a vanilla color scheme

“The last I saw of the big boss, he had a mouthful of carpeting

Soot and water had destroyed the furnishings, the carpeting, and the photos on the walls

Jess pulled his hood back and stood silently as Wolfe and Santi greeted the Welsh commander, who waited on a square of carpeting in the centre of the room next to a large camp table

A new bulb that hovered about two feet above the burnt-orange carpeting, halfway between me and the bathroom

For example, if you visited the headquarters of retailer 99 Cent Only Stores, you would see stained carpeting, broken file cabinets, folding tables used as credenzas, and front pages of newspapers displayed as art

I shut my eyes to recall every hairy inch of carpeting, every fringe, every rococo ceiling oddment, all brasswork decor, firedog, switchplates, log bucket, and doorknob

Bits of the wall radio’s tubes and wires lay on the gray carpeting

I shut my eyes to recall every hairy inch of carpeting, every fringe, every rococo ceiling oddment, all, all brasswork decor, firedog, switchplates, log-bucket, and doorknob

It was a most agreeable river which floated us along on a green spread of carpeting that rolled forever through halls and into wonderfully secret dim caverns where voices echoed back our own breathing or sang like oracles to our questions

There were orchards, heavy leafed in their prime, and vineyards with the long green crawlers carpeting the ground between the rows

· Remove throw rugs and tack down the edges of carpets to prevent falls

Them bloody carpets must be six months old and filthy with all the people I have coming and going

The Persian carpets are somewhat worn and frayed

infinite number of tufts woven into the boot carpets of this modern, global,

Out on the hard shoulder, cocooned within the thin metallic hull of his dilapidated Austin Metro, the small wee man in tweeds and corduroy had now counted for nearly an hour, but instead of marshalling his thoughts towards the infinite number of tufts woven into the boot carpets of this modern, global, automotive world, he found now that his concentration wavered

The rented oblivion, dirty carpets and sofas propped on bricks,

The cat has been sick on carpets all over the house,

The lawns were of the lushest, velvet green and were matched for their smoothness only by the expensive Wilton carpets that lay in the sitting room

Amongst fragments of amphorae, plastic covered carpets and rugs, there were countless wooden crates

carpets that lay in the sitting room

It was palatial, with polished marble floors, fine carpets and hangings, ornate wall sconces, soft music, live blooms ringing the ceilings and a large fish tank dividing the front room from the dining area

The carpets were a disgrace

Threadbare fucking carpets, the stage is wank and the boss pays peanuts

Shampooing the carpets, washing down the walls, spraying for pests

The entrance hall was huge, Persian carpets were scattered across the mahogany floor, large oils of landscapes and horses lined the walls

not have carpets or rugs

The concern for carpets was predictable in the

their carpets are better and nicer than in other

places and have a proper name: Persian carpets

neither wood nor carpets

Thick carpets of wool were therefore the ideal

One o’er the couches painted carpets threw,

The furnishings inside Jean’s tent were suited to a queen’s palace, everything was gilded, the chairs, the bedposts, the mirrored lamps, the carpets, everywhere she looked was golden

The warm colours of the carpets and curtains drifted to grey, and cold stone walls lined the corridors

I walked up to the second floor, but aside for a number of pieces of furniture and carpets that I was able to identify with certainty had belonged to my parents, everything was different

We walked inside an incredibly opulent study, decorated with all shades of gold, wood, and granite, with rich evocative carpets strewn around as well as tapestries hanging from the tall walls, amidst various detailed paintings

The furnishings, carpets and decorations are all of the highest quality and it is not difficult to see why many of the members spend much of their time here

lined by the most luxurious of maroon carpets, whose intricate

The streets were thronged with cheering crowds, flowers or colored carpets hung from every window

A bird cannot live in a black and white material lined cage with white furry carpets, even if it was 500 acres in the hills

With placid meadows and flowery carpets of orchards fully blooming

Of the flyers, some flew while standing as the rest of their party did, some sat on chairs or cushions, some lounged on blankets or carpets, and the fastest of them lay forward with their arms out, like soaring birds

The view moved in closer, centering on a large peaked roof woven of palm fronds and supported by tall bamboo poles, with carpets and furniture placed on the sand beneath it

Talia and the rest of their party laid hand and horn on the stone and swore the oath, then she led them to their place, the last open space of floor at the outer edge of the room, with two carpets for the unicorns and two chairs for Mark and Talia

sucked up all of the miniscule debris on the carpets

The rear anteroom was now tastefully decorated with padded benches, end tables, coat and boot racks, carpets, a tapestry of the view from the top of the pass looking into First Valley from the south, and two paintings; one of a herd of galloping horses, and one of a tropical beach

their wall carpets, and I painted the walls

over the floors, carpets and walls

cabinets and dusted the carpets and wall hangings

The houses, the carpets, the kitchens, the ceiling, the

Wash the carpets with a fragrant soap

The carpets were woven of a soft plush material with no visible seam as they joined the walls and covered them, as well as the vaulted ceiling

staircases, the purple and golden fabric carpets and the sheer

The pub prided itself on the table service and diners would come from miles around to enjoy the traditional meals and pleasant ambiance that resulted from an elegant décor and soft carpets underfoot

Crystal goblets in the richly ornamented mahogany cabinet, thick Persian carpets, burgundy red leather dining room chairs with brass tacks, silver candlesticks with hallmarks stamped underneath, oil paintings under diminutive wall lamps, paper-thin Meissen porcelain cups with real coffee and cream

Here are some of the excuses I heard: “I play golf every Friday and I cannot disappoint my golf buddies;” “my wife has her bridge club that meets every Thursday, and she cannot get out of that;” “we would not know what to do with our dogs and cats;” “we have a house full of art collections (or carpets) and cannot really leave these;” etc

In a broad sense one can classify as “stuff” such things as pets, plants, hobbies, carpets, art work, bridge club, golf buddies etc

The most expensive carpets and golden statues are seen everywhere, as befitting the son of Ra

-Yes, of course! Since the times of the Baghdad Sultan, carpets are the preferred magical implement in all Persia and much more ancient and comfortable than the flying brooms

Nothing seemed especially different from other carpets she had trampled and this was producing a big suspicion to her

Several carpets and metallic ornaments were adorning the walls

Concealed lights, mirrors, luxurious and understated furnishings, chrome standard lamps, statues in niches, Persian carpets glowing richly on polished parquetry, and a grand piano looking perfectly at home in the centre of the wall opposite long windows that would have gazed over parkland during the day

nothing else to occupy her time, she got busy vacuuming the carpets

Like its twin, it was floored with polished hardwood parquetry, but there were no carpets

Feeling somewhat awed by stone balustrades, broad steps and portico, he pressed the bell and was ushered into a lounge-room literally stuffed with deeply cushioned couches, arm chairs, small tables, oriental carpets, knickknacks, souvenirs and colourful daubs of minarets and camels silhouetted against desert sunsets

Inside, every removable thing had been stripped, carpets, sun-visors, glove-box lid, rear seats, headlining

Lifting a weeks worth of ingrained dirt and whatever else that got stuck to the carpets and upholstery

fields of green carpets

The blue stone floor was partly covered by the softest carpets I’d ever felt

rich carpets spread throughout,

Upstairs was just as bad, three bedrooms all with clashing flowery carpets and more hideous wallpaper

He stared up at the great golden lamp which shed a soft glow over the velvet hangings and carpets of the great tent

It was a chamber fit for a princess – from the rich Aubusson carpets to the authentic Sheraton and Hepplewhite antiques, Elizabethan four-poster bed with canopy and the Jacobean wardrobe and chest

The chamber was a large one, with marble walls partly covered with black velvet hangings and thick rich carpets on the mosaic floor, laved in the soft golden glow of bronze lamps

A lot of the carpets had to be washed and luckily, with the money Lewis had lent her, Suzy had hired a carpet shampooer

Washing the carpets was still hard work and without Sharon’s help she would have been hard pushed to finish in time for Lewis’s return

carpets were softening the steps

People were crying and heart broken because their homes were in complete ruins and now it was raining at times and soaking all their oil paintings and carpets and furniture

things including carpets and oak flooring;

Although it had no cover and the title did not appear anywhere, the boy enjoyed the story of a woman who sat at a table and ate nothing but kernels of rice, which she picked up with a pin, and the story of the fisherman who borrowed a weight for his net from a neighbor and when he gave him a fish in payment later it had a diamond in its stomach, and the one about the lamp that fulfilled wishes and about flying carpets

He was in the captive-balloon business, which had taken him halfway around the world with excellent profits, but he had not succeeded in taking anyone up in Macondo because they considered that invention backward after having seen and tried the gypsies’ flying carpets

Answer: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs

intacksicated – though not painful but normal, many carpets still complain

it came from much farther off, unearthed by the rain’s pitchfork from the days when in Melquíades’ room he would read the prodigious fables about flying carpets and whales that fed on entire ships and their crews

Remove also the keys from the ignition of the trucks we won’t use and hide them under the rubber carpets of each vehicle, so that the Taliban won’t be able to quickly flee into them

Most of the people sat on the dirt floor of their houses or, in the case of the more affluent villagers, on carpets or sheep skins

Stopping in the middle of his guests, who were sitting or slouching on cushions and carpets laid on the stone pavement of the courtyard, Yeshua raised his voice to be heard by all

It is suggested for you to avoid detergents and clean carpets for a

put washable area rugs about the place using hard floors rather that carpets in every

” She tossed the man to the floor, letting the blood stain the red and gold carpets and not caring one whit about the ruin she left behind

It’s found in ammonia, anesthetics, antihistamines, artificial limbs, artificial turf, antiseptics, aspirin, auto parts, awnings, balloons, ballpoint pens, bandages, beach umbrellas, boats, cameras, candles, car battery cases, carpets, caulking, combs, cortisones, cosmetics, crayons, credit cards, curtains, deodorants, detergents, dice, disposable diapers, dolls, dyes, eye glasses, electrical wiring insulation, faucet washers, fishing rods, fishing line, fishing lures, food preservatives, food packaging, garden hose, glue, hair coloring, hair curlers, hand lotion, hearing aids, heart valves, ink, insect repellant, insecticides, linoleum, lipstick, milk jugs, nail polish, oil filters, panty hose, perfume, petroleum jelly, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, shampoo, shaving cream, shoes, toothpaste, trash bags, upholstery, vitamin capsules, water pipes and yarn

‘’This badge, along with three other similar badges, was found hidden under the rubber carpets of the car

Office carpets tend to be a bit more ‘adventurous’

We put a new mattress in there, did the poster bed up with a rose motif, laid new carpets and I even replaced some of the windows because they had become grey and dull

More dead North Koreans lay on those slopes and on the floor of the ravine to its north, sometimes forming thick carpets of bodies

The usual household smells assaulted their nostrils, cooking, body odor, carpets and upholstery, but above this background was something unexpected

Suave rooms with expensive fittings and deep carpets, and it was immediately obvious no more legal business would be conducted there on behalf of any of the partners

The Arab merchant called in his family to the small but comfortable lounge of the house, lined up with Persian carpets and thick, large pillows, so that he could present it to his guests

Those hides and furs, mostly from moose and bears, were in turn to be used as warm floor carpets for the rooms of the inn

Her laptop was still there and so were the PC, carpets, original paintings and he supposed much else that was saleable

While the unending rows of coconut trees resembled sentries on duty for the visiting dignitaries, the lush green carpets of paddy seedlings went into ripples, as though stirred by their welcoming instinct

Genghis had his old friend “ Kushlek” suffocated under a pile of carpets

A terrible feeling of dread overwhelmed the sheikh and he became afraid for the safety of his pupils around him for he was certain that they would be killed by the hands of those villains… surely those felons would attack his group and steal all the fine carpets of the mosque and the expensive pieces of furniture

Her husband pushed past her without saying a word and went straight into the sitting room, stepping on the precious carpets without first taking off his dusty shoes

he became afraid for the safety of his pupils around him for he was certain that they would be killed at the hands of those villains… surely those felons would attack his group and steal all the fine carpets of the mosque and the expensive pieces of furniture

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