Use the word career in a sentence

Synonym: calling, occupation, profession, trade, vocation. Similar words: deer, sheer, peer, steer, cheer, veneer, pioneer, cheer up. Meaning: [kə’rɪə]  n. 1. the particular occupation for which you are trained 2. the general progression of your working or professional life. v. move headlong at high speed. 

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1. Being a well-dressed man is a career, and he who goes in for it has no time for anything else. 

2. He is not really suited for a teaching career.

3. Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.

4. He had reached the pinnacle of his military career.

5. His election to the presidency climaxed his political career.

6. He had a distinguished career as a diplomat.

7. She was intent on pursuing a career in business.

8. She’s at the peak of her career.

9. She forged a new career in the music business.

10. She has been concentrating on her career.

11. We wish her luck in her new career.

12. He began his political career as a student .

13. Get to another summit in your career.

14. He’s embarking on a new career as a writer.

15. His career has been blighted by injuries.

16. The accident inclined him to reconsider his career.

17. Injury threatened to wreck his sporting career.

18. Helen made a successful career in cabaret.

19. The college prepares students for a career in business.

20. This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.

21. She sacrificed family life to her career.

22. She is an ambitious career woman.

23. He pursued a career in medicine.

24. He is hoping to relaunch his film career.

25. She considers teaching a worthwhile career.

26. She seemed destined for a successful career.

27. He started his career as a humble peanut farmer.

28. The accident brought his career to an abrupt end.

29. She wishes to pursue a medical career.

30. He chose banking as a career.

More similar words: deer, sheer, peer, steer, cheer, veneer, pioneer, cheer up, engineer, cheerful, volunteer, pioneering, engineering, domineering, free, tree, breed, creep, Greek, agree, green, greet, three, street, breech, free of, freely, breeze, freeze, screen. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«Michael Jordan had a long career in basketball.«
(long, brilliant, excellent, great, successful, amazing, fantastic)

«Football players usually have brief careers.«
(brief, short)

«She certainly has a promising career ahead of her.«
(promising, bright)

«Business can be a very lucrative career.«
(lucrative, rewarding, difficult)

«The writer had a very prolific career.«

«Teaching was my chosen career.«

«Her dream is to have a great literary career.«
(literary, medical, military, political, teaching)

«His acting career has been very successful.«
(acting, film, movie, musical, recording, singing, stage)

Used with verbs:

«She wanted to build her own career.«
(build, forge, pursue, make, have)

«I began my career right after college.«
(began, started, launched, chose)

«He was too devoted to his career.«
(devoted to, focused on, obsessed with)

«Did you spend your entire career in teaching?«

«Going back to school should really advance her career.«
(advance, boost, further)

«He abandoned his career and started a rock band.«
(abandoned, gave up, threw away)

«This scandal will jeopardize his political career.«
(jeopardize, risk, hurt, derail, end, finish, ruin, wreck, destroy)

«This movie revived the actor’s career.«
(revived, rejuvenated, revitalized)

«His career lasted for a long time.«
(lasted, spanned, survived)

Used with nouns:

«She took a career break to travel the world.«

«They’re only concerned about career advancement.«
(advancement, development, opportunities, prospects)

«Do you have a plan for your career path?«

«A career change is a major decision.«
(change, move, choice)

«The award was his career high.«
(high, highlight)

«Maybe we should meet with a career counselor.«
(counselor, advisor)

  • Use the word Career in a sentences

Sentence Examples

My career is finished, and I’m willing namely because you’re the meanest, dirtiest skunk God ever put breath into.

Lieutenant, if that police career of yours ever fizzles out, you could always make it as a cat burglar.

Joel Meyerowitz has spent 40 years answering these questions, ever since he threw over a career as an art director after seeing Robert Frank at work.

And that’s pretty much the final end of my baseball career. Daly:

I am responsible for my own failed career, my bad choice of business partner, my stress eating.

Frank’s lone shot at a rock ‘n’ roll career reboot.


Then you wouldn’t have ruined her career?

«Who holds the NBA career record for steals?»

And you’ve got your career.

«Fulfilling the Mutual contract, I suppose, was the happiest period of my career

The father of Prince Kossotski, colonel of the guard in retirement, had pronounced, as he lay dying, his wish that his son follow a career in the army.

The superior was a skillful man who had achieved his ecclesiastic career with the aid of his relations in high circles.


«If you’re not able to help me, my career in politics is over.»

I’ve too much gratitude and admiration for you to be an obstacle to your happiness and your career. I’m leaving.

Any jealous attempt on your part to interefere with the performance will prove disastrous to your career.

But I warn you, you must forget all worldly things and think only of your career — and your Master!»

And now by a final deed of violence, you have compelled it to end your career

Sure, you got a great career.

Now what? I find out you got a kid seventeen and you’ve been blowing your dough up. Dough we need for ourselves, for our future, for your career.

You got a great career, babes.

You think of jumping into something and giving up a whole career

A career of the writer » Nothing New in the West»

A career of the writer of » Nothing New in the West».

This could be a turning point for your career.

You call daubing a career?

Tilla is at the peak of her career.

Do you think I only came here to make a career?

After all, your career is more important.

«That G├╝nther Vanroh — a great career

And I don’t wanna hear any more talk about it. because Martin’s giving up a great career as a research scientist to be a country doctor so he can support a wife.

Just like Renfield, actor Dwight Frye is very much a stranger in a strange land, having only recently arrived in Hollywood after a varied career as a Broadway actor.

In a macabre endnote to his life and career,

Thereafter, Frye found himself in a very narrow career groove, but, luckily for film fans, he gave some of the most enjoyable performances in the entire Universal canon.

I’m virtually certain the flower girl was played by a young actress, Anita Dardour, who did not much longer pursue a Hollywood career, but later, under her married name, Anita Harder, was active in Santa Barbara community theatre, where she enjoyed recounting being Bela Lugosi’s first victim outside Transylvania.

Chandler seemed to have a promising career ahead, but she also had her own private vampire — alcohol —

By 1935, her film career was essentially over.

Dwight Frye may well have regretted ever having heard the name Dracula, given the effect it had on his career.

He was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1901, began a stage career in the 1920s, before switching to film.

he might have had a twilight revival of his career.

I realized i was simply throwing my career away.

My whole career has been at the War Ministry.

I have my career, I have everything ..

And Shubin can do so much to help my career.

You expect me to dynamite my son’s career?

In Renoir’s career, La Nuit du carrefour comes between La Chienne and Boudu sauv├® des eaux.

career, disfunction in your family, and a lot more other

This man had been thrilling when they shared a career

There is nothing wrong with retiring from a lifelong career, but to cease working in

As the younger lot today is more focused on his/her career, marriage and having babies gets deferred to late 20s or early 30s vis-à-vis early 20s in the past

Stay away from pointed questions about college or career plans; most sixteen-year-olds have not yet decided and resent pestering

Her degrees in law and economics from the Grande Ecoles and Harvard Business School meant that she could have chosen any career she wanted

in favour of high-class satisfaction during my career with the company, Eva was

across all sorts in his long career as a country estate agent

Melinda had followed Theo’s rise to stardom in the fight against international crime, but this was all he had? He expected her to take a giant professional risk that could blight her career while he nosed around the tattoo parlors of Darklow town?

The golden girl, so talented, good looking, the envy of all her friends in looks, talent and career

Nevertheless, somehow she had thought that this time, just maybe, because he was a policeman too, it would make a difference He would understand the crazy career, the obsessions, the dark humor, the dark lows and the soaring highs of success that couldn’t be shared with anyone else

But her father had been a criminal and she loved him no matter what, despite everything, despite her own career

Among Bahkmar’s specific career duties on the Al-Harron was to make sure, by constantly reviewing the software, the data, and the presentations, that the colonnade of the Haadij was the grandest

Joking apart, it would be the end of my career if there was so much as a hint of anything going on, and some of these girls are complete nightmares

What he had done the last four days was keep more to himself in his lab, making it look like he was studying toward his career as well as toward religious bliss

«We had a career together

If you see a bright star falling from the sky, your career will be stunning but it won’t last; it could also signify the death of a relative

If you build a wall, it means that your devotion to your career prevents you from enjoying life

There are still societies at YingolNeerie where everyone commutes to a career in an enclosed outdoor motorcar

She enjoyed a long and illustrious career in the Secret Guild, working undercover more often than not at great personal risk

To the end she followed with interest the career of High Guild member JayJay Lilwin whose daughter is named after her

Do you realize what this will do to his career?

«Surely a career sailor on a ship like this has plenty of choices

My aunt might not even have been interested, after all she had her career, but they stood by me

Having spent her first week of married life struggling with piles of creased cotton and Lycra, Cyberia felt much happier about her revised career prospects

He didn’t quite believe this, but nonetheless he fancied a change of career and scenery

been such an incredible thing, as it has advanced so many people in their career, relationships

career and you want to put that on your profile, then by logging on to your profile, you can click edit and change all your information so you can be represented as accurately as possible

factors in the financial goals of each person, as well as their career goals

Consider the usual state of men at that age: career focused, womanizers, drug users, different sexual orientation, and

The great Chazza! He had been a teenage prodigy, a master of the beautiful game, who, in the prime of his career, had spiralled out of control in a whirlwind of drink, binge eating and late night brawls in discotheques

Bling grew out of her modelling career and into the far more satisfying role of wife and mother

Old Ted had never considered a career in the media, having considerable first hand experience of the pressures and the trials of it all through his employers

He knew he couldn’t let any of his misgivings show, he was a military officer after all, though most of his career had been in logistics

He joined that army as soon as he was old enough and his military career eventually lead here, so that now he was over the stars, and they were coming up at him

‘I wasted my studies, fought with my parents, threw away my career

‘I had just started my career when my nasty back almost finished it,’ Fred said

But if you want a career, think long term

Her senate career wouldn’t have counted

Kelvin was well aware of that, her career had been an acting job

Towards the twilight of his career he spent one

support in her stellar career, she has to pretend to be happily

about her revised career prospects

quite believe this, but nonetheless he fancied a change of career and

a busy, exciting career, filled with travel all over

‘It would be a good career move

It had suited Becky to make the move, her company had an office in Bristol and she was able to step up the career ladder by moving there

of his career, had spiralled out of control in a whirlwind of drink,

out of her modelling career and into the far more satisfying role of

Old Ted had never considered a career

’ He said starkly, ‘My ex wouldn’t consider it, said it wouldn’t fit with her career

Not thought of it like that before, not only am I moving into a settled relationship but I’m also moving on with my career … this book is a massive undertaking for me

The possibility of failure is not one that Leona wishes to contemplate, bringing with it the prospect of a dizzying career at window two of the drive-thru obesity factory; that or Snuggle’s ad infinitum

“These subjects are the subjects I know, the ones I did the best in are the ones I pursued at the Kassikan and then had a career researching

That was pretty time consuming to make from odd jobs, you pretty much needed a career or a hustle to do that in one day a week

Since then Kulai had followed Ava’s career only as their paths crossed in business

Enjteen, on the other hand, had followed Ava’s career obsessively, almost as a stalker

He got himself under control, sort of, and with the one word explanation, “Enjteen!” he roughly set about seeing just how many samples Enjteen had taken in his career in this lab

Kulai’s mother was quite independent now and had a career as a janitorial inspector in a large retail operation on Second Canal and Gazzizon Locks

“You didn’t hear it from me,” Kulai said, just as a formality, while turning around and motioning her to the better guest cushion, “but he left a contaminated room open, and in a separate case, contaminated all four of the biological samples he ever took in his career

She spent a lot of time waiting to get admitted, only to find that Fenais had left her career over twenty decades ago, and had been there only occasionally since, coincidentally, year 100,00,23

By showing her Kassikan medallion she was able to get a copy of her career certificate and that included a thumbprint

Would he set her up for a fall to protect himself and his four thousand Earth year career as one of the heads of this institution?

One piece of advice he was given early in his career was still valid

He could believe that Ava would have chosen the Yingolian crystals career instead of art because she was in the Kassikan, but she would have been just as determined at it

He had also looked up Ava thru her career at the Kassikan

d was go to the Kassikan and study Yingolian crystals for a career? After finding that she could master the technology of gas piping, she might have been drawn deeper into science

By the time they had walked out of the alley his shop was on and then a block along this industrial level street to a stairway, he was asked if he would ever consider a career repairing such machinery

I imagine Johnny started his drinking career about the same time most kids

Carl was a career service man, retired for more than twenty years

Back when I taught at university it was more like a career

The new Headmaster made good his open-door offer to Harry, and prior to the first day of classes they sat and outlined a course of studies which would yield the results from his academic career that would set him well prepared for his future path

“That didn’t help our relationship at all, I figured out that having a mate in a different career was important to him

Early in that career I had a student named Kostiya

It is not so surprising, I suppose, for Harry to both complete his University studies and hold down a new career at the same time

Ralph Stanley, a man more interested in the architecture of his career than in any boring buildings

Harry spent the Christmas holiday in Redditch, and the first evening by bringing the Allcocks into currency with his architectural career

Livingson had ruined his career and he vowed to avenge himself upon him—a form of myopic insanity

But some also are not, because some of us are also career minded, they have something on their mind to do and fulfill just before they’ll get married

his blood-soaked career, this was the first time he could not finish her off

Now I’ll have the time to concentrate on school and my upcoming career

the most important game of our lives and of his career, he was nothing but

And again like I told you elsewhere in this book, my law school career got interrupted by the Army inviting me to join them à la the draft

This was the first time in his career that he felt out of place—wearing dress

He began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and managed a playing company which came to be known as the King’s Men

Along Betakka, one of the hundreds of smaller, quieter business services khumes twenty stories below outdoors in the western part of the South Fastness neighborhood of downtown Zhlindu, Klowa was in his reading compartment in the loft over the reception room of the Nidon-Mlarkile Finders Union where he had a career as a full case agent

`This is the end of everything’ (he said), `at least it is the end of the career of Toad, which is the same thing; the popular and handsome Toad, the rich and hospitable Toad, the Toad so free and careless and cool! How can I hope to be ever set at large again’ (he said), `who have been put into prison so justly for stealing so handsome a motor-car in such an outrageous manner, and for such imaginative cheek, put upon such a number of fat, red-faced policemen!’ (Here his sobs choked him

She ran a magazine shop in the used book arcade, a career that gave her exposure to information scraps of all kinds

What he was about to do would probably cost him his career with Nidon-Mlarkile, but so be it

which effectively ended his career as a football star

possible to forget the car accident that ended his career, instead reliving

It’s cost Terry his family and any decent career,

They, too, lose opportunities for relationships and career successes

this trial brought her husband’s political career

of speaking than I did at the top of my career at Sprint

“My only concern, brother, is that it shouldn’t harm your career in

the same as nowadays: what career to follow,

or two about making mathematics your career

relationship, career and financial goals as well as goals for hobbies and

bound charges careered back down the road

The dog careered back out of the hotel doorway, pushing the

Books flew across the room, Inks spilt over the floor, magic waters were smashed in their receptacles and tools and weapons of all sorts careered wilfully around the passageways

As he shot across the road, Simon cut off several blameless drivers and careered along a grassy bank bumping the side of the vehicle along the edge of a speed barrier

careered towards Sephiroth, propelling itself forward with a great

The white plastic walls rushed by as Cloud careered along the

The car careered towards the gate, forcing the guard at the last minute to flip up his metal barrier for fear of smashing his beloved outpost and then they were gone in a trail of dust; the Aston could definitely shift

While other passengers read or dozed I clung white knuckled to my seat as the train careered along none too even tracks at over a hundred miles an hour

She careered forward, tumbling onto a young couple immediately in front

They careered into

power whilst at speed careered into the rock face and burst

He spun around screaming in agony, Carla careered into him and they crashed to the floor

He had nearly pursued a careered in astronomy, but the possibility of him being

Mounting the footpath, it hit a pile of several sacks and careered over the parapet,

Our car careered around the corner, out of control and wrapped itself around a tree

Scott jumped and skipped over shards of glass that careered across the

The cavaliers in livery careered before him again as though it were for him alone, and not to enliven the festival of the day, that they wore it, and Sancho was in high delight, for it seemed to him that, how he knew not, he had fallen upon another Camacho’s wedding, another house like Don Diego de Miranda’s, another castle like the duke’s

The bottle spun, careered into an ashtray, tipping butts and ash onto the carpet

From what I could see, a late-model red Jeep had lost control in the outside northbound lane and then careered across five lanes before hitting the walkway barrier and slamming into the railing, which was bulging to accommodate the Jeep’s front end

During two or three days they slowly careered round and round in an immense ellipse, at least five or six miles in diameter, and at night alighted on the taller trees, which were completely coated with them

An eye-witness later told the local reporter how the hovercraft had headed up the loading ramp at full throttle, careering its way through a low fence onto Clarence Pier, where it smashed into The Golden Horseshoe Amusement Arcade, taking out a length of its side wall

Sliding towards the rear of the vehicle, I desperately scrabbled about for a handhold to stop myself careering right off the back

From some faraway, hysterical, distance, my brain noted: My hands are in charge of this helm, attached to a careering boat aimed for San Francisco

once more on a pothole, the thick tyres of the vehicle careering

He slammed on his brakes at the last minute before careering

‘I just agreed with her that you were an absolute arsehole who wouldn’t last long at his job and who deserved the life of loneliness, poverty and misery you were careering towards

Tell him he showed enormous presence of mind in swinging the car round, dodging the cyclist and not careering down the hill to both your dooms

careering along the track

The living were her territory, the conceptions, the births, the loves, even the hysterical careering of life heading without brakes and chasing with dog-eared determination the personal fulfilment of a smile and a full heart

of me, whereas careering of a cliff face on my faithful old Honda 350 seemed an

O storm, embodied, rising, careering with swift steps along the beach!

Out in the shadows there milk-white combs careering,

«Now look at that silly cow!» she said, «careering round as if it thought it was a circus

The two mice, careering wildly, scampered cheekily over his slippers

They’d all laughed at the boys careering about the stage, wearing the big green crocodile suit

many a true word spoken in jest there is a flower that bloometh a few things I told him true about myself just for him to be imagining the Spanish girls he didnt like I suppose one of them wouldnt have him I got him excited he crushed all the flowers on my bosom he brought me he couldnt count the pesetas and the perragordas till I taught him Cappoquin he came from he said on the black water but it was too short then the day before he left May yes it was May when the infant king of Spain was born Im always like that in the spring Id like a new fellow every year up on the tiptop under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told him it was struck by lightning and all about the old Barbary apes they sent to Clapham without a tail careering all over the show on each others back Mrs Rubio said she was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of Inces farm and throw stones at you if you went anear he was looking at me I had that white blouse on open in the front to encourage him as much as I could without too openly they were just beginning to be plump I said I was tired we lay over the

Thus the night fled away, as if it were a winged steed, and he careering on it; morning came, and peeped, blushing, through the curtains; and at last sunrise threw a golden beam into the study and laid it right across the minister’s bedazzled eyes

There was a luminous serenity in them and the innocence in the soft brown depths struck him like a blow in the face, clearing some of the alcohol out of his brain, halting his mad, careering words in mid-flight

Today the young are caught up with their careers, the middle-aged with position and prestige and everyone with competition and resultant insecurity

All my residents have suffered loss as a result of war – either tangible loss in the shape of careers thrown off course or emotional trauma caused by bereavement — and I can empathise with them … if for a different, and drastically less acceptable reason

benefits of these careers

Abi said she didn’t really know but that law sounded interesting and that she’d have a look in the careers department for more information about it

Come to think of it, I have to take care of my friends’ careers too

Have you mentioned this to the careers adviser at school? That would be the obvious place to start

“I hope it is the same enough for me, and it has careers in what I know how to do, service student needs

With different careers we had stayed together almost as long as I did with Lengkiin, but once we worked together we found ourselves at odds

This art had been the careers of many, art that can only truly be appreciated from the air

And then what? Are we going to have a family and careers

I’m living in a nice home with a fine man in a great neighborhood and have two interesting and rewarding careers going

I think it’s the fact that it’s been two careers all year that tires me

Many careers and lives were destroyed this way

entertainers used their talents to succeed in their careers but are failures in life

[135] See Tammy Worth, “10 Careers With High Rates of Depression,” health

Frank both had great UFC careers and are still fighting as of 2010

many of the young men wanted to find careers in the whaling

different types of maritime careers, both received practical

careers, while army men chose for the most part to join with

The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

This lesson, unfortunately, oftentimes expresses itself too late in life to the chagrin of ―ambitious‖ women who willfully placed their professional careers ahead of raising a family

It had been perfect when we’d found each other and all the dots had dotted together to bring us as one before God, but our careers seemed to have taken precedence over our marriage

It worried me so much that we were allowing our careers to become more important than God in our lives

Most of us were below thirty years of age and our careers were over

It is not my intention to marginalize the importance of classroom instruction and the vital role it plays in promoting academic achievement but to point out, rather, that the many decisions these students will eventually make in their professional careers will oftentimes override the limits of classroom instruction

Some far right leaders did endorse these presidents, or even began their careers working for them

So how and why did he end his military and then political careers so disastrously? How could he have likely started a nuclear war had he been elected president?

He only a few months left to live, but his parents were too busy with their careers to tend to him

Psychologists and Psychiatrists spend their careers in trying to find cures and explanations for these wiring problems

We met in each other’s rooms at RVC for coffee and good conversation — not about boys (as in high school) or teaching prospects (as at college) but travel, unusual careers, different cultures and the meaning of life

They hadn’t come all the way to England to watch their children go after frivolous careers

AISD helped launch the sports careers of

The written and spoken word by those who have practiced in this once proud profession, called journalism, may now be having second thoughts about their choice of careers

careers with the leaders of tomorrow

John’s careers have included both a military component and a business leader/owner component as outlined in this book

, in setting up the careers of his sons

What sort of people followed these pioneers? Study the careers of the children of the Kennedys, the Rockefellers, and the Harrimans

Other schools could prepare young men for more pedestrian careers in business, law, or

The initial entrée was through the legal profession and can be traced by following the careers of Louis Brandeis, Benjamin Cardozo, and Felix Frankfurter

If Bill and Hillary had not been able to tap into the resources of the Jewish Left, they would have ended their careers as they began; corrupt co-dictators of a small southern state

I know why he originally moved to Ithaca, and how he went through his earlier careers there

At age eighty, after sixty years in four business careers culminating in a media empire, Pops never forgot his farm roots

It is a short tape, maybe fifteen minutes long, but it gave a good overview of how he developed his many careers during his life

Though she has perused several different careers in her life, writing has always brought her the most joy

made careers at Brazil’s national bank, the Bank of Brazil

“The reality is that in some careers, at some juncture, you need an MBA from a top institution to take the next step,” he says

“Also it may help individuals change careers or industries

“EMBA Programs attract ambitious mid-career professionals who have been focused on building their careers from a functional perspective, such as accountants, engineers, physicians, lawyers,” says Keegan

“Executive MBA Programs attracted professionals who were ready to take the next step, but wanted both the knowledge and credential that would help them move forward in their careers,”

Prospective students also might want to take into account another important factor – where they see their careers moving in the next five to 10 years

“It’s a degree that is going to enhance their job skills and obviously apply to what they do in their careers,” says McCleary

“And while they have thrived in their professional careers, they have not likely been attuned to the use of quantitative methods as will be demanded in the first years of the EMBA Program,”

“It’s about an investment in themselves and their careers

Women keepers contributed to the annals of Lighthouse Service and Coast Guard history with dedicated service and life-saving exploits that paralleled the careers of their male counterparts

Your services are needed all over the world by those that recognize that English is a important step in their careers and at landing better-paying jobs

In the same article, Horowitz reports that on university campuses, the politicization of the undergraduate classroom since the 1960s and the systematic political harassment of conservative students by their radical professors has had the chief negative effect of discouraging conservative students from pursuing academic careers

or in his case a Dear Warren, The gist of the message was: They had both been too busy with their careers to have time for each other

our graduates the best in their careers and welcome them into

The Brotherhood had a habit of holding a large reserve of potential members, ever-ready to augment their ranks and with the potential rewards of renewed youth, acolytes were often willing to risk their lives to advance their careers

Both began their careers as young prodigies, shooting up the ranks with medals and awards heaped upon them

One of two careers would allow Jim a future in the Americas

His and Karen’s careers kept them busy, cloaking their detached social interests

Conversation came to an end as they both reflected on their ruined careers

In previous rooms the children obviously entertained no thoughts of careers, nor any interest in learning about clerical work

professional careers ruined as a result of such incompetence

Neither the power nor the wealth prevented him from studying two careers simultaneously: architecture and art history, and later literature

Writing careers are built on a whole succession of books


He continued, `I am here to see to it that both our careers get a boost from what is going on these days

Subsequently the tradition of a great temptation became attached to this period of isolation through confusion with the fragmentary narratives of the Mount Hermon struggles, and further because it was the custom to have all great prophets and human leaders begin their public careers by undergoing these supposed seasons of fasting and prayer

This can be seen in action throughout the careers of top athletes, movie stars, and high flying executives

Interestingly though, they seem very successful in their careers

Sagittarians always look for challenging positions and careers that develop their intellect, even if they have to work very hard in order to succeed

These two weeks at Chorazin constituted a veritable baptism of adversity for the twelve evangelists in that it was the most difficult and unproductive period in their careers up to this time

translates into careers and for girls into romance and appeal (Burlingham 1973)

possible choices, such as access to careers and mastery-related tasks

veterans like Jean; the new young graduates came cheaper and were much more likely to be hired, but even they often switched careers, moreso than ever since accountability paperwork and constant testing had replaced creative initiative in the classroom

Change can threaten our careers, threaten our relationships, threaten our position, threaten our sense of control, threaten our feelings of security, or threaten our freedom

«What things? A career? Millions of men have wives with successful careers

They may be forced by fear of spoiling their careers in school or business

Our careers started taking precedent

ing in on their own careers

How did this drug come into their lives? They had been the perfect couple with great careers, great friends, and all the other material things that made up the perfect marriage

Some national publicity wouldn’t hurt either one of their careers either

He followed your careers and was very proud of you

He ignores the shouting in his headset and casts it aside as he goes head to head against a second helicopter, but this time he is unlucky and his damaged helicopter careers into the sands below

in their jobs in order to have respect both in their careers

It was hardly the way the Space Force traditionally worked, but Rachel’s crew willingly joined her on an unauthorized mission at the risk of their lives and their careers

Since Greg and Avi had started their careers with the P I, they compared every new ship they saw to the P I

By properly fulfilling its mission, Stellar Interstellar will provide safe, fulfilling and lucrative careers for its employees and stakeholders

o Major careers sections in newspapers only come out once a week

“Yes, but I continue to be amazed at how right you were about the damage it would do to our careers

Now that it was moving, they knew that their hopes, their careers and even some of their lives rested on what the six kids inside it did when they got where ever they were going

When careers end the horses must be removed from the

who have very successful careers being paid plenty of money to come up

“That is my pension fund gone,” Musafir observed the ship interior and decided that it was time to change careers

Definition of Career

a job or occupation that a person does for an extended period

Examples of Career in a sentence

I want to take on a career in teaching, but my parents insist that I become a doctor.


The soldier had to give up his twenty-year military career after becoming too sick to work.


Even he enjoys his career as a police officer, he is thinking about becoming a fireman instead.




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