Use the word car in a sentence

Synonym: automobile, vehicle. Similar words: care, card, cart, scare, care for, scary, carve, by car. Meaning: [kɑː]  n. 1. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine 2. a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad 3. a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway 4. the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant 5. where passengers ride up and down. 

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1. The car was completely crushed under the truck.

2. The car had spun through 180 degrees on impact.

3. The car was a bargain at that price.

4. The car stalled at the roundabout.

5. The car rammed against/into the lorry.

6. The car overtook with a toot.

7. My car has had two punctures this week.

8. The car hit a tree or something.

9. I wish we had a car.

10. They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.

11. The car is in very good condition.

12. She was crippled in a car accident.

13. The car sputtered once or twice and then stopped.

14. I suggested going in my car.

15. I was furious when he crashed my car.

16. The man estimated for the repair of the car.

17. I’ve left my bag in the car.

18. My car won’t do/go more than 70 mph.

19. She’s outside, working on the car.

20. I just want a good reliable car, nothing flashy.

21. He won a car in the raffle.

22. Don’t park your car on double yellow lines.

23. My car needs a new exhaust.

24. The car is presently at the prototype stage.

25. The new car embodies many improvements.

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26. The car was hauled out of the river.

27. The car comes to a halt.

28. Go and give the car a wash.

29. One car narrowly missed hitting the other one.

30. Your car will bog down in the mud.

More similar words: care, card, cart, scare, care for, scary, carve, by car, care of, scared, carry, cargo, carry out, carrot, cartoon, carpet, carbon, carry off, carry on, don’t care, take care, care about, carrier, take care of, carpe diem, carcinomas, carry through, carbohydrate. 

Car used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use car in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for car.

  • Car No. (21)
  • Take her to the car. (8)
  • He saw her into the car. (8)
  • A car is waiting for me. (12)
  • There was the car at last! (8)
  • Shelton rose; the car flashed by. (8)
  • The count was waiting in the car. (12)
  • The sound of a motor car is heard. (8)
  • All three started forthwith in the car. (8)
  • At a quarter to eight he heard the car. (8)
  • He stopped the car at once, and got out. (8)
  • You must take the first car for Cambridge. (9)
  • Ring for Topping and order the car at twelve. (8)
  • After the car had started, the riders mounted. (13)
  • Father and mother want the car then to go there. (8)
  • The car had now arrived at its terminus and stopped. (1)
  • He nodded to the draughtsman and hailed a descending car. (13)
  • March got a cross-town car, and came back to the West Side. (9)
  • She stopped to take the car in, from chauffeur to Courtier. (8)
  • Dumping him into the car, Joe mounted hastily and drove off. (8)
  • Mr. Purcey laid his hand on the flank of his palpitating car. (8)
  • He runs after her, and her voice is heard at the rear of the car. (9)
  • He walked a long way without thinking, and then waited for a car. (9)
  • Well, when I got there in the car I found Dallison in the garden. (8)
  • Or, better, though I dislike them, we can telephone to your mother for a car. (8)
  • Winifred was present, Euphemia, and Francie, and Eustace had come in his car. (8)
  • It took refuge behind a car and a policeman fired several shots into his body. (21)
  • Alighting from the car, he surveys the landscape and heads straight for the lot. (21)
  • Attached to a passenger train and about four weeks ahead of the show, comes car No. (21)
  • He turned the car into the high road, driving dreamily for he was in plenty of time. (8)
  • I had been six months in the city, when I overheard a conversation in a street car. (16)
  • The car raised no dust, but bored swiftly on, searching out the road with its lamps. (8)
  • Exulting or regretting, she had to do it, as one in the car with a racing charioteer. (10)
  • She kisses her hand to the car, upon which they both look back as they slowly leave it. (9)
  • You had only to step from the car and leave me to take your place before the firing-squad. (1)
  • So musing he mounted the car, followed by his dog, and sat down in considerable discomfort. (8)
  • The voice of little Ann reached him, clear and high above the smothered whirring of the car. (8)
  • He sat on a cracker box inside the car, near the door, his rifle loaded and the bayonet fixed. (1)
  • After Hart had helped her to mount the steps of the car, she leaned over and gave him her hand. (13)
  • She was holding him with difficulty, for the whirr of the approaching car grew every moment louder. (8)
  • He said that he had seen a party pass out of Cles from the inn early, in a light car, on for Meran. (10)
  • The car glided on into the long road, swarming with traffic, towards the fashionable heart of London. (8)
  • Mr. Bosengate went out and across the market place to the garage of the hotel where he had left his car. (8)
  • Jon, at the north window, sniffing air mysteriously scented with warm strawberries, heard a car drive up. (8)
  • Lavender descended from the car, and, accompanied by Blink, entered the hotel and sought the coffee-room. (8)
  • At Nürnberg he left in the lurch a certain handsome Miss Herkinson in whose car he had travelled from Spa. (12)
  • Their car was full of returning pleasurers, some of whom were happy beyond the sober wont of the fatherland. (9)
  • Then a motor car, which she had ordered, had appeared, and with formal words of thanks she had said good-bye. (12)
  • He raced home through the leafy avenues in the big touring car, which fortunately stood ready before the door. (13)
  • When they embarked in the car to return, she ached because Jon was not sitting next her instead of Michael Mont. (8)
  • She utters a wild cry, and as the train strikes the car with a violent concussion, she flings herself into his arms. (9)
  • When the car stopped he got out and walked north along the lake shore, vaguely intending to reach Eversley in that way. (13)
  • He debated, therefore, whether he should hasten away toward his car, or stand by in case his assistance should be needed. (8)
  • The train came in; a car went whizzing by, a cyclist, then the first foot-passenger, at a great pace, breaking into a run. (8)
  • They both kiss their hands to the car again, and, their faces being very close together, they impulsively kiss each other. (9)
  • The car was crowded, and no one of the tired men who were reading their newspapers was gallant enough to offer her a seat. (13)
  • Urged on by their shouts and the noise of the pursuing car, the poor dog redoubled her efforts to rejoin her master, and Mr. (8)
  • A junior partner in a banking-house of some importance, he lived at Wimbledon, whence he passed up and down daily in his car. (8)
  • When he stepped out of the car he felt that increase of courage which comes to every man after safely passing through danger. (9)
  • Then they hurried down to the ticket-offices, and he got her a lower berth in the Boston sleeper, and went with her to the car. (9)
  • The car had swerved into a long drive between trees not yet full-grown, but decorously trying to look more than their twenty years. (8)
  • Mr. Henry Bosengate, of the London Stock Exchange, seated himself in his car that morning during the great war with a sense of injury. (8)
  • The car into which they got had come the past night from Albany, and had an air of almost conscious shabbiness, griminess, and over-use. (9)
  • Morris had coolly run his car back to the top, then opened the lever to full speed, and crashed his way triumphantly through the obstacle. (13)
  • Chairs are soon placed on platforms and at windows, and the workingmen gather in groups on car tops or under the ample spread of the wagons. (21)
  • A great brushing of clothes and final completion of toilet, performed generally on the car platforms, precede their departure from the railroad yards. (21)

Also see sentences for: cage, cart, chariot, coach, tender, tram, vehicle.

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5. Your son has
just passed his driving test and you are going to buy him his first car. What
questions would you ask a salesman before buying the car? Listen to the
dialogue between John and Alison, and a salesman. Did they ask the same
questions as you?



Listen again and
complete the table of standard features with no extra cost.

Driver airbag


Passenger airbag


Lateral airbag




No, of cylinders


Top speed



Satellite navigation


Sports steering wheel


Leather seats


British English

American English



(also) motor


6. Now match the
words from the two boxes to make expressions from the dialogue.

































Complete the
sentences with the expressions in exercise 6.


Taking good care of your car can increase its ______ residue value _______.


A high-quality CD
player comes as __________ with this model.


I drive a car with a __________ because
of the better fuel consumption.


Manufacturers use
__________ to improve the safety of their cars.


Volkswagen improved Skoda’s __________
after it took over the company.


This model has a
__________ of 3-3 litres per 100 km.


__________ are standard equipment
throughout Europe.


This model has
optional __________ with black headrests.




30. Use the words/phrases from the list to complete the sentences, as in the example. Use the structure «be going to»
sell her car, be late for school, fix, make a cake, lose weight
1. Jane’s putting an ad in the newspaper.
She is going to sell her car.
2. The washing machine isn’t working.
My father ………………………… . 3.
I bought some flour and some eggs.
I …………………………………. . 4.
Robert is on a diet.
He ………………………………. .
5. Peter is still in bed.
He ………………………………. .

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