Use the word campaign in a sentence

Synonym: cause, crusade, drive, movement. Similar words: camp, campus, impair, rampage, straighten, camera, pair, cameras. Meaning: [kæm’peɪn]  n. 1. a race between candidates for elective office 2. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 3. several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and temporal constraints) 4. an overland journey by hunters (especially in Africa). v. 1. run, stand, or compete for an office or a position 2. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for 3. go on a campaign; go off to war. 

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1. She gave fresh momentum to the campaign.

2. Tanks were deployed effectively during the long campaign.

3. They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.

4. His campaign was not going well.

5. They’ve worked night and day to publicise their campaign.

6. The general slurred over his contribution to the campaign.

7. The sales campaign was a total disaster.

8. We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign.

9. She explained the thinking behind the campaign.

10. Several leading creatives are involved in the advertising campaign.

11. His presidential campaign won endorsement from several celebrities.

12. The campaign to stop drink-driving had only limited success.

13. This election campaign has been characterized by violence.

14. The organization has launched a campaign to raise $150( ),[]000.

15. Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents.

16. The tab for the campaign was nearly $500 million.

17. They conducted a campaign of economic sabotage.

18. She has been a central figure in the campaign.

19. Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest.

20. Labour took its pre-election campaign to the North-West.

21. These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.

22. She had actively solicited funds for her election campaign.

23. He played a prominent part in the campaign.

24. Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.

25. He fought in the N African campaign during the last war.

26. The campaign for reform should start to gather momentum in the new year.

27. The campaign was designed to increase public awareness of the problem.

28. Campaign leaders were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way.

29. They conducted a vigorous campaign for a shorter working week.

30. Every single ad in the campaign has been a gem.

More similar words: camp, campus, impair, rampage, straighten, camera, pair, cameras, repair, a pair of, painter, lamp, paintwork, sample, damping, company, compare, champion, for example, impact, sign on, accompany, sign in, resign, design, signal, assign, sympathy, companion, designs. 

She had put the money into the business account to enhance the publicity campaign and was quietly content about her unreasonable artwork profits for the year

Instagram can be used to host a photo contest of campaign

The use of hashtags is the most important factor when hosting a campaign; it is the way you are going to collect the images which are submitted by your followers, so you can properly categorize them once they are received

Given her local fame as the woman who had a go, as the woman who stood up to racist yob culture, she was delighted to be asked onto the committee of the “Asylum Centre Campaign Group”

Indeed, some of the less objective newspapers even started a campaign to rename football

‘Oh, that Naseer? Yes, he used to campaign in the university elections

‘Only a marketing strategy for a small campaign

‘Oh yes, he is in the campaign

That’s why the campaign managers had chosen her for the senate

from downstairs in the kitchen, (b) the campaign sounds from the autos of

a campaign auto continued in the background

newspapers even started a campaign to rename football

He was ready to begin his campaign of searching for the key

[3> The campaign began

campaign in Ireland, rather than consolidating his hold on England

Tom imagined that the concerted campaign of

Since Victoria’s campaign to look more appealing to Theology, she had become relatively devout, even though she still never observed a Sabbath

Commander Ammon rolled up the maps of the kingdom that lay scattered on his campaign table

He is still in his body, in a campaign tent in another time and place

Your physical body sits in stasis in my campaign tent but your inner self has traveled

It was declared invalid, obscene and indicative as to how the campaign had been conducted

door-to-door and working in the campaign headquarters while

Use three main keywords and build a separate campaign around each of them

In your campaign you would

Zarko was standing on the city wall overlooking the plain of Dura when the first platoon of the Babylonian army arrived back from their military campaign

That was said to be achieved using brute force, ruining rivals’ campaign tours and even threatening people into voting for whomever it was that was giving her the money

Had the king of Portugal submitted to those ignominious terms which his brother-in-law the king of Spain proposed to him, Britain would have been freed from a much greater inconveniency than the loss of the Portugal trade, the burden of supporting a very weak ally, so unprovided of every thing for his own defence, that the whole power of England, had it been directed to that single purpose, could scarce, perhaps, have defended him for another campaign

I served in Brazil and the Turkish Campaign of the old U

They finished their breakfast talking of the campaign of 2030 when Gaza was finally settled between Israel and Lebanon

If the campaign, too, should begin after seedtime, and end before harvest, both the husbandman and his principal labourers can be spared from the farm without much loss

He is not unwilling, therefore, to serve without pay during a short campaign ; and it frequently costs the sovereign or commonwealth as little to maintain him in the field as to prepare him for it

Should the war in America drag out through another campaign, the American militia may become, in every respect, a match for that standing army, of which the valour appeared, in the last war at least, not inferior to that of the hardiest veterans of France and Spain

Drawing all this material together, she could even make the case that there was a well organised campaign against them

Johnny had to cut them down when the knees and the bottom of the legs wore out and he had his old campaign hat on with a hanky hanging down from the back to protect his neck from the sun

The bottom line was though that we had become hardened and indifferent to death or even seeing people with the most appalling wounds and that was just another tragedy of this Gallipoli campaign

After this cruise, he was ordered to serve on the steamer Colonel Hasmy that had been dispatched for the Brazos River in Texas to support General Zachary Taylor’s campaign against the

meantime, the presidential election campaign was in full swing

election campaign was in full swing at that time, and the country was having serious problems with the issue of slavery

} The new debt which will probably be contracted before the end of the next campaign, may, perhaps, be nearly equal to all the old debt which has been paid off from the savings out of the ordinary revenue of the state

Came close to WW III, which we would have won, but at what cost? Contrary to JFK»s campaign proclamations, there was no missile gap prior to his election

Well, I»ve got a flash for the Kennedy admirers, or perhaps two flashes, namely: There was no missile gap, as John Kennedy claimed time and again during the 1960 presidential campaign

in campaign contributions, he of course maintained that he had had to excuse himself to visit the restroom due to having drank too much iced tea

Then there was his response when a reporter accused him of violating the law in making campaign solicitation calls from his West Wing office

And then, while the money race was still on during the 1996 presidential campaign, he swore that he was not in the room when a Chinese General delivered a briefcase containing $600,000 in cash

And when, during the campaign, a reporter asked what he would do first if elected, he came up with this classic riposte: „Demand a recount

Obama built his presidential campaign around the “change” theme: “This is our moment, our time to turn the page on the policies of the past, to offer a new direction

During 1964″s presidential campaign, Johnson told us that he was going to “take from the „haves» and give to the have-nots”

This company – New Vistas – had clearly mounted a campaign to usurp every other advertiser in the promotion of its product, running at the top and a message at tail end of each break

Johnson did all of the same things, only more so, starting with the bugging of Goldwater»s campaign headquarters at San Francisco»s Cow Palace during the 1964 Republican convention

Recall that during the 1964 presidential campaign, Lyndon Johnson said that we»re (the government) going to take from the haves and give to the have-nots

Exactly what we were subjected to in Al Gore»s public pronouncements during the 2000 presidential campaign

Randal’s remit extended beyond that of monitoring their success and coordinating the campaign

Their strategy of blending the themes of fear, adventure, and hope had been given much more airtime than the narrowly pitched UK campaign

It was the beginning of Ruby Tower’s campaign to sell the Millicent-Raven rivalry

Campaign strategy pursued by certain liberals who know they have a present advantage in the race, and want to be perceived as one of the under dogs that America is so fond of

Recall the 1964 presidential campaign, when Goldwater advocated privatizing the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

That was only one of a string of alleged corrupt practices, including handing out jobs and contracts in return for campaign contributions

He’s a Civil War buff who arrives early, taking along a book on some leader, unit, battle, campaign, or political aspect of the Civil War

The palatial residence destroyed in the last campaign has been replaced by a heterogeneous collection of well-built wattle huts of enormous proportions and barn-like appearance

A lengthy account of the information that I was able to glean, would hardly be in keeping with this work, which is dealing with the campaign, and not an exploring expedition, scientific or otherwise; but this short description of the flora and fauna seen near Kumassi may be of interest

It seemed impossible to realise that the gallant Prince, who had been amongst us in the best of health and spirits, cheerfully enduring the hardships of the campaign only a few short days before, should have fallen a victim to the dreaded malaria

With this solitary exception at the close of the campaign, all the officers, from Sir Francis Scott downwards, had been most careful in their treatment of the natives serving with the expedition

The appearance of those regiments of white soldiers, the campaign in the interior, and capture of the King, had filled them with gratitude and wonder, and everyone was treated with a marked and deferential attention

General Shafter remained on the Seguranca, with his plan of campaign

I have seen Colonel Roosevelt gently soothing his wounded, fearlessly leading a charge, addressing meeting after meeting during his political campaign, and quietly resting with his family

He told me all about how I could have all the books if I would sign a contract letting his company use my name in their advertisement campaign

The artillery officers had awaited the formulation of a plan of campaign, and several told me that they received no definite orders until late on July 2nd, when the guns were moved laboriously through the woods, to a ridge on the left of El Pozo, too late to be of effective service

The blunders of the Santiago campaign proved the weakness of the system, and undoubtedly the object lesson will prove valuable, and should leave the army in the hands of trained soldiers rather than politicians

Sunday July 17th, the day assigned for the closing scene of the campaign, dawned auspiciously

Unmanly? Perhaps! But those who had endured the campaign are the better judges

A glorious campaign, that attained stupendous results? Yes

I‘m keeping my fingers crossed that Republicans and Conservatives, alike, will keep their campaign promises as outlined in their ―Contract with America‖, limiting the size and scope of government

With the power given to him by Boddaert’s remains, Evaert set out on a campaign of butchery and destruction, bent on conquering all of Boddaert’s lands, and it was only the intervention of Bawsen, the fabled fighter from Badachro, which finally put an end to his tyranny

Regional (Presidential) Primaries may offer a partial solution in staving off the (disproportionate) influence of parochial designs on political candidates stumping the campaign trail by allowing them to carefully outline their positions on issues of national importance without undue pandering to special interest groups

I am certain that had it not been for well-organized grassroots efforts by Conservatives in support of Life, the ―Warren‖ Party would have jumped at the first opportunity to advance Abortion Rights long before the Democrats turned it into a campaign issue

I also think these days we lost the so called «hearts and mind» campaign

The 1987 military campaign represented a stunning humiliation for the Soviet Union, its arms and its strategy

The French campaign against Haitian rebels was incredibly brutal

That many ran as Conservative Republicans on the campaign trail only to govern as Liberal Republicans or Democrats, which I suppose is one and the same, once they were elected, may partly explain the reason for the party‘s declining popularity

Hearst’s media campaign agitating for war against made it increasingly harder to avoid war

The campaign received an unexpected dramatic boost with the explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor

So Polk negotiated with the British, breaking his campaign promise of 54-40 and accepting the 49th parallel, the same boundary other US presidents had proposed

But while McCarthy was an extremist who ruined hundreds of lives, the Cold War predated his campaign by half a decade

Truman himself, for example, required loyalty oaths within the federal government in 1947, three years before McCarthy began his campaign of hysteria and witch hunts

But even in his first campaign, he showed that belief to be subordinate to how it could help his career

” The memory of Vietnam prevented Reagan from a direct US invasion of Latin America, but not from intervening in El Salvador’s civil war, a campaign of state terrorism in Nicaragua, and collaborating with outright genocide in Guatemala

Even a likely short bombing campaign that would have lasted perhaps only days was opposed by virtually all Americans across the political spectrum, by even the most conservative and the most fundamentalist

When he ran for president in 2004, his campaign asked peace groups to quit demonstrating, vaguely claiming Kerry would halt these wars

Noriega claimed the campaign to overthrow him was because he would not help the US and Contra terrorists overthrow Nicaragua’s democratic government

FARC is in decline today, in part because President Alvaro Uribe launched a brutal military campaign and in part because Castro of Cuba and Chavez of Venezuela negotiated for FARC to end their uprising and become a political party, as they were before the Colombian government attacked them in the 1960s

In El Salvador, the US military bombed the country for much of the 1980s, sent in advisers and a campaign of repression to break a protesters and a rebel movement

A popular slogan during the 1992 campaign was, “Saddam still has a job

Ida Wells led an anti lynching campaign, but it was international pressure during the Cold War, combined with the Civil Rights movement that led to the sharpest decline in lynchings

The best examples are O’Reilly and Malkin leading their campaign to stop investigation of right wing terrorism

did pander to racists with his notorious Willie Horton campaign ads, promoting stereotypes of Blacks as dangerous criminals

Finally there was a campaign of repression, the Phoenix Program, approved by two presidents and maintained for over half a decade

Wilson’s campaign of hysteria and bigotry had deadly consequences

Without Wilson’s campaign of bigoted propaganda, German-American culture would not have been crippled

Reagan in particular led a jingoistic campaign falsely claiming the canal was “ours

Bush procured that sensational win over an Europeanized Kerry in spite of an undeniable and, in my view, shameful machination of the United Nations, which is in disrepute because of scandals such as the oil for food program, and the media that has become, from beginning to end, the “misinformation column” for the Democrat candidate’s campaign

Fox commentator Bill O’Reilly campaigned for years against abortion provider Dr

Every president from Ford to Obama has publicly pledged to allow Puerto Rico to determine its own future, as a commonwealth, independent, or a state Both major parties included Guam, Puerto Rico, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands in their presidential primaries starting in 1976, and most major candidates have campaigned for their votes

After losing the presidency, he became a congressman and campaigned against slavery for almost three decades

He campaigned strongly against its return under the slogan, “We built it, we paid for it, it’s ours

President Bush campaigned in 2005 about

For example, Obama campaigned on ―Change‖

Clearly going outside the law, the LSC campaigned against a tax-reduction initiative in California (Prop Nine) and against Ronald Reagan

She was headquartered at the Carolina Inn, and, of course, she also campaigned in Raleigh and Durham, NC

In the miniature world of Xuchotl each handful of feudists was an army, and the empty halls between the castles was the country over which they campaigned

BC) campaigned abroad repeatedly, invading Libya to the west and going as far northeast as the Euphrates river, placing Palestine and Syria under Egyptian control

And Johnson’s successor, Richard Nixon, campaigned by saying he would achieve peace with honor

So Gorbachev campaigned for change as he introduced reform programs in 1986 and beyond

She filed her candidature for the election and campaigned

The one state where Modi had campaigned most aggressively had yielded the most spectacular result

These were our Midsummer Night’s Dream columns, and Andrew had campaigned that they needed to be altered for their new, prestigious use

So, when he campaigned in 1958 for re-election to the Senate, she

Both Wilson and FDR campaigned passionately on anti-war platforms, and what’s more they believed in what they said when they were saying it

Reagan has campaigned for Nixon during three elections

Later this afternoon he will write a letter to a supporter in Idaho, stating that he has campaigned for Ford in twenty-five states and sent a million letters to back the president’s campaign

After eight months pursuing a Rose Garden strategy, in which Nancy made sure that Reagan barely campaigned, talking to the media will be a nice little warm-up for the months of hard battle that lie ahead in his quest for reelection

had campaigned for appointment to the Supreme Court fascinated Butterfield

Wallace was seriously wounded as he campaigned in a Washington suburb the late afternoon of May 15, 1972

When I finished writing my first book, Seabiscuit: An American Legend, I felt certain that I would never again find a subject that fascinated me as did the Depression-era racehorse and the team of men who campaigned him

rugs, small articles which they had saved from Sherman and treasured but which they Old men who had campaigned in Mexico with her father came to see her, bringing visitors to meet “old Colonel Hamilton’s sweet daughter

Their motto was ‘yes we can,’ long before Barack Obama campaigned with that slogan

Socialists and some progressive liberals from around the world also maintained an international peace movement which campaigned for a general ceasefire, although the leaders of the countries in the war didn’t take much notice

Gandhi and Congress had simply campaigned for independence, but the more likely it looked that the British would go, the more worried India’s Muslims became

Nkrumah formed the Convention People’s Party which campaigned for the British to clear out, and in 1957 they finally decided to go

He was born in Jamaica but spent most of his life in the United States, where he campaigned for equal civil rights for black people

King was a devout Christian and he campaigned according to Christian principles of non-violence

The IRA campaigned against the British presence in Northern Ireland

I knew Frank loved that guy, had campaigned for him, organized his inaugural entertainment, so it seemed strange

Knume had probably spent half the sleep down at Myimpaden complaining about Valla or campaigning for the lumber party

The people have been campaigning for a complete return to Earth and these miners think they can go against

This, however, did not stop my children from campaigning for a puppy

It was only now that he realised the truth about what he had been campaigning against

Thoughtful Americans felt a thrill of pity when they saw the unkempt and emaciated insurgents, who had steadfastly endured three years’ campaigning

On many issues Wallace was amazingly brave and before his time, such as campaigning in the deep south with Black candidates and refusing to speak to segregated audiences

He laughed and agreed that it was worth all the misery of thirty years of campaigning in the Khanate of the Green Mist

Both of them had been on campaign in the Khanate of the Green Mist for four years where they earned their promotions, had returned home, and wandered about for couple of years, ran into each other and decided to try campaigning in the Khanate of the Clouds, since they had heard rumors that the next campaign would be against a great empire, instead of the endless small tribes in the Green Mist

“Yes, it is, almost full strength after two years of campaigning

When we camped, we talked about hunting, campaigning, the weather—everything except why they were taking me to the Khakhan

They would have to send their young men to be trained, but campaigning was never required

they were campaigning in that town

Necowee—Ani’ Yun’-wiya (Cherokee) brother of Ghigooe, who tells Karl about campaigning in The Clouds

the concept that campaigning is more important than government

In the process of trolling for votes, campaigning on “soak the rich” plays well

AN INTERVIEW WITH ROSE KENNEDY It was my father’s idea to interview Rose Kennedy when she swung through Chapel Hill, campaigning for her son

“You want an exposure without being accused of electioneering or premature campaigning

the extortion of loot, favours, values or special treatment from one section of the population to be given to the campaigning minority

Instantly, as if I had said that he would be buried alive in the depths of an Aztec pyramid, without bread or water for three hundred years, he erupted in pleading with the same vehemence of a campaigning politician and prostrating at my feet as an animal crawling, he begged me:

Civil Society organizations have been actively campaigning to combat climate change

There was great excitement in the household and the local Irish community in the run up to the election, with Bridget campaigning vigorously on the doorsteps and through a megaphone in Sean’s car

She made it her priority to bring these facts that she learned on the doorsteps of Slough while campaigning before council meetings and resolve the issue as best she could

election year and he was out campaigning

Senator Smith was campaigning in Baltimore and stayed overnight at a hotel in the city on the evening of the murder

Candidates for federal positions in congress or justice or the white house need to complete a detailed position statement, maybe 5-15 pages on the average, to identify and lock in their position on all key issues before campaigning

The fact that Germany was a republic at the time allowed Hitler to continue campaigning

What luck that she had been campaigning in Cincinnati that day

‘’Very well! Right now, I am busy campaigning against the traitor, Pepin of Aquitaine, and his partisans in Aquitaine, thus will have to deal with that situation later

This will give the candidates time to do their campaigning

Modi had been relentlessly campaigning that day across Bihar and Bengal, and had addressed half a dozen rallies

Campaigning had ended in 121 seats in twelve states, but Modi knew the interview would be carried across all the channels which subscribed to the agency just ahead of the polling

I remember meeting a few Delhi-based social activists who were campaigning against Modi

This was quintessential ‘shock and awe’ campaigning, Modi-style

But in the rush of the last phase of campaigning, it seemed he had no time for even a short conversation

Her abhorrence of apartheid and her campaigning for its removal earned her the respect of black African leaders and the contempt of the white minority government as she threw herself into the movement against apartheid and, especially, the promotion of the

While all the signs were building up into an inescapable picture of the cataclysm to come, he’d been campaigning

The man is almost sixty and still campaigning

Over twenty years campaigning had taken a toll on his health

But now the buildings were built and the settlers were settled, and Jacob feared the start of a new campaigning season would soon be upon them

In the last three years it had intensified not only its campaigning, but its violence had become more brutal and frequent

early in 1994, he started campaigning for the general election

political fundraisers, and campaigning against the Labor candidate

campaigning that they barely spoke

On November 22, 1963, while campaigning in Dallas, Texas,

“All winter, he’s staying for the campaigning season with Uthyr

And as was proper, he had Ambrosius’ old campaigning tent with him, his praetorium, and the men to erect it

“Ambrosius’ old campaigning table!” and he went over to it, ran a hand over the top and gave a sigh

with any major party and running as an Independent, not campaigning, and taking a

If he had, and if he had discovered the truth: that the unseen things communicating with him are the very source of evil which he is campaigning against: not the greatest boon of mankind: they would never have let him on the air

human rights listed above (in which case they should be campaigning

from one section of the population to be given to the campaigning

You of the rude campaigning, (which we shared,)

My meaning may be learned from Homer; he, you know, feeds his heroes at their feasts, when they are campaigning, on soldiers’ fare; they have no fish, although they are on the shores of the Hellespont, and they are not allowed boiled meats but only roast, which is the food most convenient for soldiers, requiring only that they should light a fire, and not involving the trouble of carrying about pots and pans

When not campaigning, her husband is usually ensconced in his study

Out of respect for the fifty-two captives, Carter has done little campaigning for reelection

Ronald Reagan endorsed the candidacy of his former vice president but did very little campaigning on his behalf

Ford also sowed seeds of discontent among Reagan backers by inviting influential delegates to the White House, campaigning for delegates seeking political office, and allowing key delegates to be seen with him at important celebrations, such as the 1976 U

) I have spent many years campaigning against the abuse of human rights, and I do so admire what you are trying to achieve, but you are a child yourself, Miss Mackenzie, and I cannot in good conscience stand by and see you take this project to fruition

This applies, most dramatically, to 1972 when he was campaigning for reelection

“In campaigning for the United States Senate in California in 1950, in campaigning for the House of Representatives in 1946, I never once mentioned the word, ‘Republican

What should the President’s posture be from the Republican Convention to the election? When should he start campaigning? How much travel should he do, where should he go, what type of activities should he engage in?

Following the Republican Convention in August and taking full cognizance of events between the Democratic and Republican Conventions, I think the President should pursue a strategy totally consistent with that of a self-confident, competent statesman who is above frantic political campaigning

In six weeks of campaigning many of those had fallen, and others had deserted, to find their way home with their saddlebags full of gold

I had run up a substantial debt campaigning, which I knew he could help me pay off by sponsoring a couple of big fund-raising events

Because I did not have a strong opponent coming into the 1996 election, I decided to spend time on the road to help the Democratic Party win back the House, campaigning and raising money for thirty-five different candidates across the country

(When asked about the difference between campaigning for me and for my dad, she reportedly shot back, “Patrick says thank you

We were all trying to do whatever it took to get Al Gore elected and hold the White House; I had been dragging President Clinton to so many events over the summer that he said, only half-jokingly, that he was campaigning harder that year than he ever had for his own presidency (of course, he was also campaigning for Hillary for Senate)

“Of course you aren’t, but Vicar Allayn tells me that between a quarter and a third of Bishop Militant Bahrnabai’s older rifles should have been converted by the time the weather makes campaigning possible again

greybeards rode by the side of lean dark youths, marked by all the hardships of campaigning, with strips of raw beef twined round the crowns of their hats, and huge iron spurs fastened to their naked heels

For that matter, they’d just experienced the difficulty of moving a force barely six percent that size along the Holy Langhorne when it was frozen, so what happened when winter closed the brief northern campaigning season once more in October?

You may have observed the previous winter that campaigning is far easier closer to the equator, and the heretics have secure communications which would allow them to pull as many of those half-million men as they want back from Westmarch and ship them by water to Thesmar

Davis is out there campaigning on the front steps and you’re—”

Environmental groups started campaigning in the 1960s and 1970s to save endangered animal species, but by the 1980s they were turning their attention to the appalling damage being created by industrial pollution

Women were active in all the nationalist and revolutionary groups, and in Western countries they were actively campaigning for the right to vote

That disaster helped spearhead a major youth movement campaigning against nuclear power in the 1980s

The day after Rostov had been to see Boris, a review was held of the Austrian and Russian troops, both those freshly arrived from Russia and those who had been campaigning under Kutuzov

When campaigning, Rostov allowed himself the indulgence of riding not a regimental but a Cossack horse

Only a man who has experienced it- that is, has passed some months continuously in an atmosphere of campaigning and war-can understand the delight Nicholas felt when he escaped from the region covered by the army’s foraging operations, provision trains, and hospitals

“Was he perhaps misled by his experience of campaigning in Poland, where the winter is no more severe than in France? Was he deceived by those sunny October days, which surprised even the Russians themselves? What midsummer madness was it that scattered the wits of Napoleon and his army? What mist was it that obscured their vision? What was the resource on which they counted? Even if all heads were turned by the notion of concluding a treaty of peace within the walls of Moscow, they had still in any case to march back again

The day after Rostóv had been to see Borís, a review was held of the Austrian and Russian troops, both those freshly arrived from Russia and those who had been campaigning under Kutúzov

When campaigning, Rostóv allowed himself the indulgence of riding not a regimental but a Cossack horse

Only a man who has experienced it—that is, has passed some months continuously in an atmosphere of campaigning and war—can understand the delight Nicholas felt when he escaped from the region covered by the army’s foraging operations, provision trains, and hospitals

All that Terry could do, once the dust had settled and his divorce had been dragged through the mire of the gutter press, was to lend his name and his former glories to endorsements and dubious advertising campaigns

and dubious advertising campaigns

While they were at the eye she looked up old advertising campaigns which were often in the form of seminars

You can monitor your campaigns,

nothing stopping you running campaigns on multiple providers and getting the

Neither of these approaches is effective for most campaigns

When the art of war, too, has gradually grown up to be a very intricate and complicated science; when the event of war ceases to be determined, as in the first ages of society, by a single irregular skirmish or battle ; but when the contest is generally spun out through several different campaigns, each of which lasts during the greater part of the year; it becomes universally necessary that the public should maintain those who serve the public in war, at least while they are employed in that service

A militia of any kind, it must be observed, however, which has served for several successive campaigns in the field, becomes in every respect a standing army

They necessarily become in every respect a standing army, after they have passed a few campaigns in it

(Witness his continuing bashing of the tobacco companies since the death of his sister from lung cancer, all the while continuing to accept tobacco money for his various campaigns

) In twenty campaigns, on a hundred battlefields, around a thousand campfires, I have witnessed that enduring fortitude, that patriotic self-abnegation and that invincible determination which have carved his statue in the hearts of his people

It is confined to enforcing the law for its operations, while the Army is limited only to the laws of war when conducting their campaigns

Those arrests were for dubious political issues and probably were more of a desperate attempt by the Nationalists to curry favour with the ANC, for the generals constituted no threat to anyone…except the Nationalists because of their knowledge of the dirty action campaigns that they, the Nationalists had ordered

During the Ashanti and Benin campaigns half-civilised Houssa soldiers in the British service found ice in the hospitals of the West African jungle; but in Cuba, an island adjacent to their own shores, the American army moved without an ice machine or arrangements for manufacture of ice on any of the forty transports

Unlike his previous campaigns of terror and murder against isolated white Portuguese farmers the new Angolan government was not intimidated by him and actually fought back hard for he threatened their oil production

We think of the free Mandela campaigns and many others including the recent ones on Gautama Bay

Otis had earlier commanded US troops during campaigns against the Lakota in the aftermath of the Battle of Little Bighorn, and more than a few historians see similarities in the tactics used against and the treatment of the enemy and civilian populations in both wars

Everybody was dressed in early 20th century attire; the ladies wore long dresses, couples walked arm-and-arm, and the men sported white straw hats like the kind they used in the political campaigns of the seventies

In terms of just how destructive these invasions were, no other president comes close to Reagan, with two campaigns of state terrorism and one complicity with genocide, plus one direct invasion

Not one single president has succeeded in halting their terror campaigns

When Kennedy quit working with the exiles publicly, only two years later the bombing campaigns began

All these campaigns of repression either originated in Washington, or Washington worked side by side with campaigns of repression overseas from virtually the beginning

In the 1970s and 80s there were bombing campaigns by still more Puerto Rican terrorists

To counter this opposition, Wilson set up one of the earliest and ugliest propaganda campaigns in US history

Lost Cause partisans also led long campaigns to denigrate Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman, creating myths such as the supposed horrors of the march through Georgia

He has even built rehabilitation clinics and runs public awareness campaigns aimed at teenagers

A veteran of campaigns and peace-keeping in three countries, he was a tough guy who had long forgotten such debilitating fear

Gordon was in unusually good humor, election campaigns had that effect, and without argument or hesitation, he agreed to a complete dry dock overhaul

Serbian troops and militia routinely targeted civilians in campaigns called “ethnic cleansing

He’d survived and emerged stronger but, with most successful campaigns, it had taken its toll

Since there will be much less candy to give out under the mechanism, there will be much less money available to run campaigns

“During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and part of northern Africa in 645–692…by AD 664 the Islamic empire had reached its greatest expansion

“During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian Empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and much of northern Africa in 645–692

The military campaigns of Mohammed seem largely to have secured Medina, then Mecca and its lands to the south

The campaigns of the first caliph, abu Bakr, dealt with defeating, then uniting all the tribal groups of the eastern Arabian peninsula who had been only nominally under the suzerainty of a previously weakened Sassanian (Persian) Empire

The campaigns of the second caliph, Umar (before he became caliph), seemed to have been an expedition to Syria (AD 630) at the behest of Mohammed, then as caliph, conquering it in AD 634–642, as a follow-on consequence of this campaign he caused the collapse of the Sassanian Empire whose capital was Ctesiphon on the Tigris River (AD 642), then north to Mesopotamia and Armenia (AD 644)

of the biggest contributors to election campaigns

I have managed to piece together a good idea of the campaigns in the southern Khanates by asking questions

“The campaigns interest you? Do you want to write a history of them like your grandfather wrote of his campaigns?”

I have been on campaigns and I understand those who do not wish to speak of it

He was a fierce warrior covering himself with glory in many campaigns

He had fought with the Mexica contingent in Grandfather’s campaigns and had also served under Juchi and George

Not long before his accession, he returned from the southern campaigns where he had served in both the east and west

The latter and his half brother, Tlacaelel, had both distinguished themselves during the earlier southern campaigns

Both returned to the south several times and served in campaigns in both Khanates

The images were very lifelike rather than the usual more symbolic representation, and beneath the image was inscribed, in Mongol, all the campaigns in which the Ordu had taken part

In this room were memorabilia from the various campaigns in the south

One wall had a large map of the southern landmass showing the progress of the campaigns to date

It looked as though I was fairly up to date on the campaigns, although there seemed to be more inland penetration in the eastern theater than I had thought

I discovered he was also interested in southern campaigns and we agreed to meet on my next free day to study that wonderful map together

After dinner, Theodore took me to the room with the map and we spent the rest of the evening sharing what we had heard of the campaigns

The Khanate of the Green Mist was now engaged in small campaigns into the interior, but planned another push to the south very soon

I tried to ask about the campaigns, but he was always quick to change the subject

There were about a hundred others who were on their way to the southern campaigns

The rainy season was five months away as we were getting into position for our campaigns

It would be good to compare campaigns with him one day

He was perhaps fifty and a veteran of several campaigns in the Khanate of the Green Mist

All he would say about his campaigns was that he had fought various peoples along the coast

Did you make use of it during your campaigns?”

I looked over the additions my campaign had made and Tlauquechol pointed out where his campaigns had been

Remember all the talks we had about the campaigns in the south? You knew so much more than I did

campaigns, and speculating about the blank areas

I took part in one of the campaigns in the southern landmass, and it was not an easy thing at all

I often noticed how many veterans of the campaigns had no idea or interest in just where they had been

They were duly trained and after taking part in a few campaigns mysteriously disappeared while on a routine patrol

“He is not smart enough to kill off his brother, so he remains, for the moment in charge of the jungle campaigns

Our losses on these campaigns are quite heavy

Cimnashote took part in two five-year campaigns both inland and down the coast from the new capital

He explained that he had retired after several campaigns in the Clouds and now traded the fabled quetzalitzli stones from the Muisca at great profit

Important campaigns are always led by relatives of the Khan

At dinner Chowa proved to be an indifferent conversationalist until the subject turned to campaigns

It seems he had risen through the ranks from warrior to Ordu commander over three campaigns in the Green Mist

He told me it would take many campaigns to take all of the jungle and in the end it was probably not worth the bother

It was fortunate we were able to talk about campaigns since the trip took five days, over the course of which we must have almost exhausted our mutual store of war stories

Oganaya—Ani’ Yun’-wiya old soldier who regales the young Karl with tales of his campaigns and has an

Democratic smear campaigns against candidates for high office are, in their perverted way, efforts by the accusers to establish themselves as taking the moral high ground

) about qualified prospects, and then reaching out to those prospects through cold calling and email marketing campaigns

Yesterday, his testimony to the same effect was presented by convicted conspirator Bernard Barker, who said “Spy Squad” members were actually seeking evidence of financial contributions by Castro’s government in the campaigns of Senator George McGovern and Senator Edward M

Regardless whether you are focused on affiliate marketing campaigns or in

carried out campaigns of abduction, subversion, and terrorism in

the CPUSA’s nation-wide electoraal campaigns, and the CPUSA

They exert pressure on the fringes of campaigns,

Campaigns that both the Democrats and the Republicans Parties

Jewish help could be of great value in his campaigns, and the Jews of

campaigns for dogs with and without owner

The pressure group Viva, which campaigns against meat eating, is writing to UK

Its campaigns manager, Justin Kerswell, said: ‗It is a horrifying possibility that dog

After I applied, I was mailed three case histories of products for which the agency wanted me to create marketing and advertising campaigns, and in one case it was a mythical new product that had not been named

Our group also was to handle all of RCA’s trade, premium and military service campaigns as well as its international advertising

I was never a high-pressure salesman, although I could put together blow-out sales pitches when I had something to sell, and I had been selling advertising campaigns for years

campaigns – for a fraction of the costs, — to combat the root of the problem

In addition, some youth eat dog meat in defiance of animal welfare campaigns,

At NC State, before he made any financial gifts of support, he met with officials regularly and devised campaigns to raise money from other alumni

He supported the University with his time, his talent, and his treasure, whether serving on the Board of Trustees, heading up fund-raising campaigns, or just making suggestions about what the University needed to be doing

See all the animal figures on both sides of the avenue all the way to the palace and all the stone pillars in between the statuary? They’re called steles and are inscribed with the story of all the great and victorious battles and campaigns he has waged

with the story of all the great and victorious battles and campaigns he has waged

Yes, the purpose of my visit was to see about our air campaigns

He crossed and recrossed the country many times in grass root campaigns for new

account, campaigns and ad groups

You would usually create separate campaigns for separate projects / sites, and within

Just some of the signs of the shift: Infrastructure spending features in the U.S. presidential campaign.


(CNN)- A top evangelical leader who is close to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign says the candidate’s Mormon faith will be even more of an issue in the general election than it has been in the primary, predicting that the focus on Romney’s faith will present a challenge to Romney.


Released to coincide with National Vegetarian Week this week, the YouGov survey of 1,715 people was commissioned by Eating Better, an alliance of organisations and campaigns — including MFM — dedicated to promoting greener eating.


«After competing in a select number of events in the 2017 season, the test will be the start of our full time 2018 campaign.


Every project gets a dedicated Account Manager to lead you from the campaign initiation until the project closure.


In previous years if you bet on Arsenal to win the elite competition you may as well have stuck your money into slot machines, but this time Old «Arry seriously believes we have a real chance in this campaign.


He confirmed, though, that the FBI is investigating whether and how Russia tried to shape the election, a probe he says includes any potential coordination between Trump campaign associates and Russia’s government.


Hillary Clinton has written a letter to the Federal Election Commission asking commissioners to allow Liuba Grechen Shirley, a first-time female candidate running in New York, to use campaign funds for child care.


And so did the team in this year’s campaign.


It be an almost unbeatable campaign issue.


Syndicated public service/community campaigns, since they are reaching for a much wider market, adapt causes more radically and thus must deal very carefully with problems of adaptation.


One one side is special counsel Robert Mueller, who has subpoenaed Trump Organization documents as part of his wide-ranging investigation into the 2016 campaign.


— Following reports that Cambridge Analytica, the political data firm hired by the Trump campaign team, gained access to information on some 50 million Facebook users, Feinstein said the matter poses deeply concerning questions about privacy and must be addressed by social media CEOs.


The following day, Hankir posted a Youtube video to explain that it was a «drastic campaign‘to prove how easy it is…


Geo-tagging, re-tagging, behavioural targeting, demographic targeting, voter file targeting, individual targeting by email address and cookie targeting: all are strategies Harris promoted in a 2014 reflection on digital campaigns.


What followed, he writes, was a campaign of promises from the company — many of them broken — designed to ensure her silence.


Not all retargeting campaigns are created equal.


kitchen to talk about one of our favourite sharable recipes for their #RecipesThatGive campaign in support of Food Banks Canada.


Prior to the campaign launch yesterday, Martello answered some questions posed by Alizila via e-mail.


Is there any tutorial for google ad words searching campaign.


*** Benefits Increase brand awareness; access engaged digital marketing folks, brands, entrepreneurs who are at the manager level and above; leverage popular program for your influencer marketing campaigns; gain access to enrollee emails through opt-in registration.


However, you need to think about anything that must be completed before your crowdfunding campaign can begin, and work this into the expected timescale.


The Dogecoin community is known for its philanthropic campaigns; some of the world’s largest charities have started accepting Bitcoin donations as well.


Armed with the right information, we can target your prospects better and constantly improve the performance of your campaign.


I’m accustomed to whispering campaigns in church among people who know each other, not out in the worldwide webs attempting to manipulate someone else» publishing.


ICO and preICO campaigns can be of an All-or-Nothing or Safe type.


He started the following campaign with the first team after being promoted and netted on his debut against Bordeaux which set him up for another successful year in attack.


We’re driving the campaign to end the intensive confinement of farm animals in crates and cages so small they can’t even turn around.


But I also buy these brands when I’m not working on campaigns because I trust their products and I know they have the highest quality standards for them.


Plus, the post is part of a campaign for No Kid Hungry, which is doubly awesome.


The MyBO community also fed solutions back to the campaign professionals.


In February, the dairy-milk processors rolled out a $ 50 million ad campaign that promotes milk’s high protein content.


And Thomas noted that the gifts from one of the donors continued after Edwards dropped out of the race, indicating they were not for campaign purposes.


Elizabeth Willett, senior program manager for the Schultz Family Foundation and an Iraq War veteran, said an important step in bringing military veterans and the civilian populations closer is creating a campaign that moves beyond popular narratives that lean heavily on the heroism and trauma experienced by post-9 / 11 veterans.


So what should you consider to make sure that your fulfillment won’t become a problem at the end of the campaign?


Several experts in campaign finance law, who already had raised questions about the payment, said the case that the payment violated federal law had only grown stronger.


Washington and London issued a joint alert, saying the widespread, global campaign began in 2015 and could be escalated to launch offensive attacks.


A great lead nurturing campaign takes someone who isn’t ready to buy, and nurtures that lead with content and offers tailored to that lead’s interests and stage in the sales process, pushing them closer to sales-readiness.


The 7-Up company was already contemplating a splashy ad campaign with Big Bird and Little Byrd.


In the first three scenarios, you’ll want to implement a nurturing campaign to continue to reinforce your message, educate them on the problem they face and its importance, and ensure you’re there when an opportunity does arise.


He cited the 1.8 billion in free impressions generated by the Old Spice campaign in recent years, adding «there are many other examples I can cite from all over the world.»


People wanting to show support for Aid to the church in Need (ACN) and Christian Solidarity Worldwide’s #RedWednesday campaign also joined in by wearing red.


Sounding more like a Chinese political campaign, it is actually designed to make content production easier, allowing creators to make more diverse content for more channels which will then be made available on a revenue sharing basis with Tencent taking a cut of profits.


So, do as I do: Approach future marketing campaigns from an attorney’s point of view.


President Trump took to Twitter again Wednesday to call claims that his campaign colluded with the Russians during the 2016 election a «hoax» and laid out a checklist of issues his administration is working on.


It thus would achieve the dream that Russia had imagined it could get from following U.S. and IMF advice, before being tricked by the public relations campaign waged by foreign monetarist advisors.


The Small Agency Awards were launched seven years ago to ensure that the groundbreaking campaigns and innovative brand ideas generated by smaller companies receive the recognition they deserve.


In Q2 prioritize hands-on marketing campaigns and mobile channels for communications.


The Council of Alberta University Students (CAUS) launched a campaign to increase voter turnout among university students in this election.


That was the beginning of Columbia’s «Tough Mother» campaign.


  • Use the word CAMPAIGN in a sentences

Sentence Examples

My dear Finance Minister, would it be possible to initiate this campaign… without asking the Prussian parliament to approve new funding?

Instead of disputing the King’s fate, this precious time should have been used to prepare the next campaign.

«Vinick’s comments called into question the Santos campaign‘s unflinching support of the Bartlet White House, as Congressman Santos parried tabloid charges, and strained to articulate an economic message.»

Lynette… I’m telling you, the only thing staler than that ad campaign Is this dinner roll.

A campaign that has zero focus, no platform, and not a single female supporter?

I busted my ass for this campaign and look what it got me.

It would be the death of this campaign.

You tell people I’m dead for your stupid campaign and the only thing mom ever cared about was stupid cigarettes.

You’re the bravest man I know to push on with the election campaign despite this tragedy.

I only did it to distract your dumb ass from fucking up my campaign.

My campaign to marriage has brought me countless problems. Would you like to be my assistant?

The electoral campaign began.

Now I feel the weight of years and I am not strong enough to start a new campaign.

I’ll run Mr. Lincoln out of this campaign.

Mr. Lincoln, your campaign against Douglas has made you a national figure.

«Miss Europe will receive a worldwide publicity campaign

The initial advertising campaign traded instead on the bogus moving back of the premiere from Friday 13.

to those of you who campaign for an end to homelessness, and to you, the first president of the Children’s department, the best friend of children,

Strump and Egelbaur are figuring on the greatest publicity campaign in the history of cement.

Give the paper a chance to start a house-cleaning campaign.

On the whole I think this will be our best plan of campaign.

This has got to be a one-day campaign… and there isn’t much you can do… seeing as you’re new in the game.

And there’s the campaign in Syria.

Our long campaign together lies with the plans on the floor.

I propose to conduct my campaign on a dignified basis.

I’m going to have to sue that campaign manager of his for alienation of affections.

I’m worried about Jim’s campaign, about the election.

Jim insists that this won’t hurt him, but his campaign manager tells me that the election would have been close anyway and that this will…

And then where will he be when he comes to his campaign for governor?

Your Honor, District Attorney Wade intended to make the closing address himself, but as you know, he is in the midst of his campaign for governor.

You know how to run a big campaign, don’t you?

All these new tenements were started through a campaign in my paper.

I have to change my plan of campaign.

Cooperating with the Opium Committee of the League of Nations… and certain officials in the Chinese government… we were planning a campaign to round up a group of smugglers… who’ve been using Shanghai as a clearinghouse for their goods.

Captives from Agricola’s campaign.

What’s the matter? Getting one of your campaign cigars by mistake and lose your taste for smoking?

Yes, Dad, the Tonkin campaign I’ve heard all about that

He knows his campaign better than I do.

Is that gonna be your campaign, Mr. Harrigan?

«Hollywood and Washington unite in launching new campaign.» Great grief!

I’d point out in particular the campaign that Mr. Szeps continues to wage in his notorious liberal rag.

And the dough goes to the campaign fund… for those little mugs down here on the Coast.

I just came over to talk to you about the campaign, kid.

Where are you going to get the money to carry on your campaign?

Whoever wins that $10,000 tonight could carry us clear through the campaign.

The zulu campaign, i believe.


Dash right back to Paris with her and start your own little campaign.

Sentences with campaign. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use campaign in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for campaign.

  • During one political campaign I tried reason. (16)
  • He goes into the campaign with a positive asset. (16)
  • I boldly launched out on a campaign against the dragon. (16)
  • His friends would want a drilling to be of aid to him in his campaign to come. (10)
  • Both require strategy and tactics, according to my recollection of the campaign. (10)
  • But the glory and honour of the campaign was offset by a disgraceful British reverse. (19)
  • Seeing the situation hopeless, the French commandant complied, and the campaign was over. (19)
  • With this campaign is associated in Canadian annals the story of a brave woman, Laura Secord. (19)
  • He is the last person on earth to view the moral endeavor of a political or social campaign as a game. (16)
  • He went forth on this campaign, with the finger of Egypt not ineffectively levelled against him a second time. (10)
  • If this preliminary work is neglected or ineptly performed, the result is apt to be a collapse of the campaign. (16)
  • While the German South West campaign was on I was nursing out there, but came back about a year ago to lend a hand here. (8)
  • A hint of that veiled episode, the Beckley campaign, made Rose pliant, as if she had woven for herself a rod of scorpions. (10)
  • The daring Austrian flank-march on Vicenza, behind the fortresses of the Quadrilateral, was the capital stroke of the campaign. (10)
  • Of course this campaign of education was intended to stimulate interest in their product, and it had no unselfish motive back of it. (17)
  • Determining at once that her friend should not die, she forgot, in the institution of a campaign against Death, much of her own trouble. (8)
  • Their expenses of travel, board and bed are all borne by the management, and other requirements of a circus campaign are few and small. (21)
  • I now resumed my place on the right of the Father, abandoning for the present all intention of disclaiming my rank, and the campaign was opened. (6)
  • On his own particular drilled regiments, his Chief may rely; and on his knowledge of the country of the campaign, roads, morasses, masking hills, dividing rivers. (10)
  • Juliana, which fully determined her to continue the campaign at Beckley Court, commence decisive movements, and not to retreat, though fifty George Uplofts menaced her. (10)

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