Use the word camp in a sentence

Synonym: bivouac, camp down, camp out, campy, cantonment, clique, coterie, encamp, encampment, ingroup, inner circle, pack, refugee camp, summer camp, tent. Similar words: campus, campaign, camera, cameras, lamp, sample, rampage, damping. Meaning: [kæmp]  n. 1. temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers 2. a group of people living together in a camp 3. temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers 4. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose 5. a prison for forced laborers 6. something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality 7. shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs 8. a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months. v. 1. live in or as if in a tent 2. establish or set up a camp 3. give an artificially banal or sexual quality to. adj. providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities. 

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1. Stealthily we approached the enemy’s camp.

2. They pitched camp by the river.

3. One group left the camp to forage for firewood.

4. They detached their trailer and set up camp.

5. They liberated all war prisoners from the concentration camp.

6. Let’s go back to camp — it’s getting dark.

7. No one can escape from the prison camp.

8. Conditions in the prison camp were unbelievable .

9. The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

10. The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.

11. The mountaineers set up their base camp at the foot of the mountain.

12. It was dark and their entry into the camp had gone unnoticed.

13. Extra men are needed to secure the camp against attack.

14. The travelers set up a camp on the river bank.

15. Our army pounded at the enemy’s camp and destroyed it.

16. The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.

17. Camp sites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches.

18. The garden chair unfolds to make a camp — bed.

19. They set up camp on the verge of the desert.

20. If there is nowhere to stay, we’ll have to camp out.

20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

21. Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.

22. Nobody knows precisely how many people are still living in the camp.

23. There are all sorts of activities for kids at the camp site.

24. Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.

25. He was shot down over Denmark and spent three years in a prison camp.

26. Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp.

27. Come and help me select a good place for our camp.

28. The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp.

29. A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.

30. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the camp fire.

More similar words: campus, campaign, camera, cameras, lamp, sample, rampage, damping, champion, for example, championship. 

Ava was walking toward the camp and looking around, «Jorma, you used to say that about me

He remembered that day «You are the architect of this camp, I fully agree

She didn’t say anything more, but looked around the camp, noticed the planks providing privacy around the digester and seemed to approve

«What do you think the cargo is that Herndon’s paper’s are about?» Jorma asked as they walked back toward the camp

She went to the boat and soon emerged with a camp quilt, started down the beach

before thee; therefore shall thy camp be holy: that he see

“We had a boot camp,” I say

He got to his feet to pace but when he turned he saw that Herndon was coming around the camp

A summer Afternoonday on the beach is what this camp is all about

Herndon was soon back with another camp quilt

Jorma went thru the camp looking for any of their things

If she wanted the camp she would have just had it built, not snuck the aluminum in my sandal

«Oh she let me know she was worth aluminum, I knew she could put up that camp with her left hand, she talked about putting up a whole plank villa

It was years too soon, he thought, but he hadn’t paid enough attention had he? Or was he just too drunk at the time? No one else seemed to think it was imminent, but there was no denying that it was something huge falling from the sky and it looked like it was aimed straight at the camp

Exod: 32:26: Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’s side? let him come unto

Currently, he is helping on the construction of a new wall that will encompass both the refugee tents and the RV camp

in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and

the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young

His parents sent him to summer camp last month and he had bug bites all over his arms and legs

While he was busy with that, Ava looked over the camp

She changed the subject to his camp and gushed about that a bit, the whole point being to find out where he got the money

«So you built that camp with it, anything else?»

«See you down at the camp,» Venna said and went on down the path

They wound up doing Morningday breakfast at the camp since Venna slept in and Jorma wouldn’t leave her there alone

Herndon went to play with his portable terminal on the boat and Ava took a camp quilt to the beach

She grabbed the camp quilt and her lowland wrapskirt

She didn’t have a water skin on her, they were both tied to the saddle, along with her camp roll that held her warm clothing for the dark

But there was a nice camp knife that would fend off small vermin the size of a mindune in her pack tied to that saddle

That last camp was well beyond the farthest doostEr had ever been, he wasn’t prepared for what was just about pure desert

«I don’t think it matters where we camp,» doostEr said

‘I’ll camp on the sofa in here tonight

‘Went on camp with them a few times

Joshua realized that Israel could not prosper when sin existed in the camp

I sat on the camp bed while Robbie fixed the handcuffs

He motioned me to sit back down on the camp bed

I usually left my teaspoon standing in the mug, but this morning I secreted it under the blanket on my camp bed

That night, I moved the camp bed away from the wall, spread the blanket on the bare floorboards and lay with my head next to the heating pipe

I moved the camp bed back against the wall and crawled underneath the blanket, still hugging the spoon

Once back in my room I let the guard chain me to the pipe, settling on my camp bed with a show of outward serenity

I had experimented during the day by nicking my finger on one of sharp corners of the camp bed frame, but I never did master writing in blood

We chatted every so often, him grinning at me, sometimes even sitting next to me on the camp bed and putting his arm around my shoulder

«Not surprising, as bulky as that is, but this is as good a place to camp for Noonsleep as any

She was totally different from the cold distant ice witch he remembered in camp

We headed back to the camp, and on the way I saw the caves in the upper part of the mountain

Less dangerous prey for sure than a hunting camp full of heavily armed humans

Thru the remainder of that Morningday, Noonsleep and the next Afternoonday they tended to the camp

Desa was also pretty quiet both days, keeping herself busy foraging and with little things around the camp

When they did talk it was about the wilds and the camp, nothing about the incident of Morningday

It took awhile to tie and glue the leaves she used for fletching, but there was nothing but time sitting around the camp

It was still too quiet around camp that Morningday

“Look, I can be a strong leader when it comes to running the camp; that’s no problem

She said yes, immediately; and then laughed and told him that there were no preachers in camp

“So young man, how are things at the camp?” She slid her arm in his and led him around the side of the house rattling off a series of questions

It was a long way to their camp, at least another hour

He scrambled up as far as he could, his fear of heights driven from his mind by his fear of what burst into the camp below them

He wandered into camp one day with several other people

He had discovered Jake one week after he arrived at the camp

He hears about everything going on in the camp

There had been speculation at one time about their relationship, but he would have none of the gossip around camp

With poor rations of raw peeled lon and a couple toasted pkatta’s apiece, they slept one more sleep at this camp

They were more or less following the stream by their camp, it wandered around a lot; after all, it was pretty hard even for water to tell which way was downhill around here

We are what we are, and no blame was held by anyone in camp

It would take a very strong person to run this camp as smooth as she had; you couldn’t afford to be sentimental about things when there are over 100 lives riding on your decisions

After leaving Becky at the Hall, Kate decided to check on the rest of the camp

They wandered around the grove where they would camp for a long time eating them as the light ended

She would still be laid up at the first camp, willing to eat the lalleets by now

Lady Jennie curved to the right and gently glided over the mountaintop and headed for camp

Kate passed thru the camp and headed for the South Ridge

I know, I should have made more before we broke camp,» she wailed, «but there’s nothing to make any with here

If this could be done for Beth, then there was hope for the rest of the women in camp

He wanted to be the one to explain to the camp what was at stake

He called a meeting of the camp and excluded the riders

«Let me take the empty skin, and what’s left of your camp cooking kit,» which was just a little plastic plate and some plastic tableware

They chatted among themselves, and were trying to decide if they should make some kind of sled for the camp to use during the winter months when suddenly Daniel, who was in mid bite of a sandwich, froze

«This was a herdsman’s camp not that long ago

At this camp they spent an uneventful Dusksleep, wore Alan out with sex-as-entertainment for Nightday, got soaked in a massive electrical storm for Dawnsleep that they dried out of thru Morningday of the week they finally walked out of that wilderness

During this time some of the people in camp had asked if they could relocate to the town

On a recent run, Kate and Daniel noticed a change in attitude between the camp and the town folk

The foundation of the entire camp was built on love and trust

Each night I filled the dreams of the camp with love and understanding

My friends, we must return; we have to fortify our camp

Steve had suggested a ring of explosives be placed around the camp in case the Insane Ones tried to use the mutant bears against the camp

The entire camp was secured; all was in readiness, now they waited

Dragons and riders, flying as one, went to the heights and hovered over the camp and surrounding area

The silence below was suddenly broken as several rounds of explosives went off and six of the ugly monsters burst into the camp snarling and growling

Back at the camp, they carefully began to land two at a time on the mesa

The camp was a mess; everything was strewn about and broken

Several of the young students woke early and went exploring about the camp, curious about their new home

They could be seen walking around the camp with their eggs by their sides

Everyone was very busy in the camp

The boys became roving reporters who went about camp each day and simply observed what was going on

Later that night while the entire camp was asleep, the White called to Jake and they met

To lose her mate, and then her rider’s mate was overpowering; her grief was having an effect on the entire camp

Ichor was left in charge to guard the camp

As he sat on Rah’s back John began thinking to himself, why do I have to go? Why can’t I stay, what’s waiting for me back in camp? If this didn’t pan out, then I could always return

There was a camp fire going around the bend in the brook and they could hear voices

Remember what Collin said about the Bull, ‘…he has a special hatred for you, Jake…’ remember, John? The main intent is to draw Jake away from his camp, and then destroy it

’ He said, taking my elbow and helping me over to the patch of ground he has settled on for our camp despite my protestations that I can manage

What we have to do this night is destroy the bulls’ camp here; nothing must be left alive

Jake will have to feign leaving his camp and then circle back and attack

They camped in a clump of big arching trees

Kortrax was again free of the horizon, smiling broadly on the endless expanse of ribbonleaves and fronds spreading away to the northwest like a floor of hip-deep yellow flowers widely scattered with graceful archwoods like the clump they were camped in

It was swampy and marshy around it, and unlike the first one they had camped at, deep, green and muddy rather than clear and sandy

The stream was fine, more like the first one they camped near while his foot healed, but bigger

They camped on this side

They followed the watercourse north-northeast a short Afternoonday of just a few miles at the most, but camped where it was just a trickle for the dark

Now here she was looking for the herd of Hausa that camped on the side of the Hold each night

They camped that

After all, the most she had ever done in this line was cooking for herself and one of the other dancers in the troupe who had camped on her floor for a few days when between digs

He was camped beside a huge rock or outcropping with a huge tree at each end

“You noticed that what they thought unusual was that I was camped here when I could have been in town, ‘upstairs’ was the word I heard

Delos had never camped when he was a mortal, he’d spent most of his mortal life in office towers and high-rise hotels when he hadn’t been vacationing at a resort somewhere

He had ridden up from Little Messapit the day before, and had camped with his dog Snags on Meatpie hill

So there I camped

“Is camped a German armour division

We’ve camped north of the rising stars

Stumbling occasionally, as the stones slipped away from under their weight on the undulating ground they eventually made their way to the edge of the wasteland where they camped once again in what little shade they could find

“He was camped there and saw me run in

The smarmy blond reporter was camped on

Pressing forward to the outposts on June 26th, we camped just above El Pozo, in a snugly thatched hut considerately erected by the Cubans

Kay watched as Eric pulled to a hard stop, looking around in confusion at the collection of men camped out there

He and Mush had canoed the river, and camped in the hills beside a waterfall a few times

» Hundreds of soldiers were camped around the building, their armoured carriers lined up in neat rows

“Normally, I would have camped up above the falls

A few minutes later, he glanced out of his tent and saw a big black Range Rover coming up the track towards where he was camped

Cassa mumbled, “We’re camped on the other side of town at a rest stop

They had been traveling for more than a week when they spent a night camped in a grove of trees about a hundred meters off the road

where thirty or more bandits camped

They camped as far from the towns as they could, but they could not avoid being seen

They only paused to check on Araltall’s wound and fill their water sacks, and by the next evening, they reached the rest of the army who had camped by a small forest

“Why is everyone camped out in Marcus’s house?” I ask him

Then my husband would set out in his vehicle, I’d follow in mine for the final stage of my journey to where he was camped

(He had not actually visited the city during his campaign, but had merely camped outside it

We camped where we were and waited to hear from them

They surrendered and, as usual, feted Henry and his staff, while we camped around the city for a few days

It was while we were passing through the lands of the Wanka and were, in fact, camped outside their capital, Haton Xauxa, that my brother caught up with us

It was deserted, so we camped there for the night

While we were camped above the city, it had begun to rebuild

We were camped on our old bone-strewn battlefield south of the provincial capital

I camped for the night in small thicket near the southern edge of the woods

I told Hiacoomes and Carlotta about it and we camped there for the day and explored a little

When we camped, we talked about hunting, campaigning, the weather—everything except why they were taking me to the Khakhan

The road was not easy to follow, if indeed there was one, but Atot’ain seemed to know exactly where he was going and showed me how he aimed the sled each night by the stars, when we camped, and went in that

We camped for the night and the next morning were treated to a blizzard just as we were about to get under way

We camped for the night in a small level area where the creek veered to the west and disappeared into the hills

We followed the trail all day until it became too dark, then camped in a vague clearing we found just off the trail

I camped for the night on the beach and felt very close to Carlotta

I thanked them for their help and camped on the site for the night

At dusk I again camped on the beach

I looked toward the large island and noticed my guide was still camped on the shore

Once he was cleaned up and dressed in my far-too-large clothes, we were rowed to the larger island where the big man was camped

After dinner we camped with him on the shore

I could see that more than a few people had camped there that year

Still, I found the spot where we had camped and spent a few days lost in wonderful memories

I camped there that night, but had no special dreams

I camped there for a few days again and told John all about his mother

We often camped out rather than use the yam system and I noticed that he would often be lost in thought

We camped out on the beach, not wishing to impose on such grudging hospitality

We were on it when it got dark and we camped under the stars

We arrived a little before dusk, I retrieved the horses, and we rode back until darkness overtook us, and we camped for the night

I went to the house and gathered up the children and Cuauhtzin and we camped on my spot that night

The Jews were camped on the wrong side of the River Jordan, on the far side was

Theodore asked me about that battle and I promised to bring him out to the ruin once we were camped and tell him all about the battle

The Re Che were organized into tumen like we were and were camped about two days’ ride south in three large camps in a line from east to west

They were all camped out in the thick grass near a lake in a valley

That night we camped below another snow-covered peak

We camped for the night along the stream just in the cover of the trees

We camped on its wooded slopes while I proceeded to the somewhat cleared summit

We crossed the Choapa late that afternoon and camped near the enemy camp we had

That night we reached another small river that was fordable, so we camped along its north bank

There was a tumen camped around the port to protect it

He captured Ronda in the west and Cambil in the north in 1485, Loja in 1486, Malaga in 1487, Huescar, Velez-Rubio and Mojacar in 1488, the fortresses of Baza and Almeria and the cities of Zujar and Guadix in the east and Almunecar in the west in 1489 and had camped outside Granada in 1490

They pursued after them a great number, and having overtaken them, they camped against them, and made war against them on the

48 Then gathered king Alexander great forces, and camped over against

86 And from then Jonathan removed his host, and camped against Ascalon, where the men

him, and with him pursued them to Cades, even to their own tents, and there they camped

43 In those days Simon camped against Gaza and besieged it round about; he made also

13 Then camped Antiochus against Dora, having with him an hundred and twenty thousand

death, for the laws, the temple, the city, the country, and the commonwealth, he camped by Modin: 15 And having given the

Camped outside and resembling the feel of a Glastonbury field

camped in the valley near to Bethulia, by the fountain, and they spread themselves in breadth over Dothaim even to Belmaim, and in

the children of Ammon, and camped in the hill country over against Dothaim, and they sent some of them toward the south, and

camped in the plain, and covered the face of the whole land; and their tents and carriages were pitched to a very great multitude

3 They also that had camped in the mountains round about Bethulia fled away; Then the children of

“No, but Jack has been camped out at the penthouse

“Drew said he’s been camped out at our penthouse

They camped in Split before they arrived at one of the most beautiful and memorable cities in all of Yugoslavia: the coastal city of Dubrovnik

2 For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped before the mount

Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped before the

I suppose he was camped

land in the middle of the lake we’d camped on and hung out at over

We camped out in a resort completely removed from communications, and every morning my father would go down to the nearest village to check in with his office via the public phone

31 Now when it was told the king’s servants and the host that was at Jerusalem in the city of David that certain men who had broken the king’s commandment were gone down into the secret places in the wilderness 32 They pursued after them a great number and having overtaken them they camped against them and made war against them on the Sabbath Day

48 Then gathered king Alexander great forces and camped over against Demetrius

69 Then Demetrius made Apollonius the governor of Celosyria his general who gathered together a great host and camped in Jamnia and sent to Jonathan the high priest saying 70 You alone lifts up yourself against us and I am laughed to scorn for your sake and reproached and why do you vaunt your power against us in the mountains? 71 Now therefore if you trust in your own strength come down to us into the plain field and there let us try the matter together for with me is the power of the cities

86 And from then Jonathan removed his host and camped against Ascalon where the men of the city came out and met him with great pomp

73 Now when his own men that were fled saw this they turned again to him and with him pursued them to Cades even to their own tents and there they camped

43 In those days Simon camped against Gaza and besieged it round about; he made also an engine of war and set it by the city and battered a certain tower and took it

13 Then camped Antiochus against Dora having with him an hundred and twenty thousand men of war and eight thousand horsemen

25 So Antiochus the king camped against Dora the second day assaulting it continually and making engines by which means he shut up Tryphon that he could neither go out nor in

This was actually more than she wanted to get into camping in the wilds

What was she doing meanwhile? She wasn’t even cowboy camping any more

Wilderness camping is not one of the parts of the native experience that she liked the best

After this camping trip, she was

«I’m fine, now that I’m out of that camping trip

There were some toiletries in the bathroom, her other jersey and all the camping gear out in the courtyard

«You save the camping gear we picked up,» she said, «I hardly ever use it at the inns where I travel

They would be camping a good part of the journey

«This isn’t a camping trip to entertain a lady,» doostEr said

«I’m fine, now that I’m out of that camping trip,» the sister on the ground answered

It is becoming more apparent in bulletins that more churches are more interested in softball, basketball, camping, and

A point that they tend to over look is that they are not going to be going on a camping

«We’re camping in the prairie while your foot heals

Alan learned another semester of practical lab camping from her and Desa while they were parked for the darkness

Most clumps of trees were to the south, but they had a long time to go before they would think of camping again

The dull, colorless, empty feeling brought on by the absence of yaag hadn’t bothered her during the later part of the camping trip as much as it had before Desa made Alan share his body with her, but the quest for a buzz was still there and the presence of a keg was irresistible

They didn’t get into a lot of detail, just camping their way across

It was nice being able to travel in style with the wealthy; that made up for the camping

She’d buy me gifts and sometimes he’d take me camping or exploring new places

He sets up a camping table and mumbles something about the Sands of the Nile

The boy begins by pouring water into the bowl and he has to stand slightly awkwardly to use the microphone while performing his trick at the camping table, but he soon starts to gain confidence

The boat still had plenty of cargo area just as its smaller cousin had, into which they stowed their camping gear and headed off with the kids

Just before the girls were born, he had been on his first over-night camping and fishing trip with his father and White Feathers

Harry recalled one weekend not long before his big camping adventure, when his mother had gone to visit one of his Aunts

Just four days after the first famous camping trip, on a Thursday, with his Aunts still bustling in and out between his parents’ room and the ‘bath room,’ he heard the voices of his sisters for the first time

“Sure, you carve,” Ava handed her the camping knife she had stored in here

Even when they were camping high in the Uinta’s, there was still the sound of trucks and cars on the hwy

It was mandatory that he report in before camping

The entire valley floor is populated to an extent that would prevent undetected camping, just like you thought

They just make it seem so natural that a traveler would want to stop for supper in a house instead of camping out in the woods and eating rations

Between tours there was still more than enough time for teaching, the tours were party camping vacations from it

Danip was one of the guys who had seen him sitting on the rock talking to the ship when he was camping

Knowing he had been camping in the same woods with this guy might well be a serious mental moment for him right now


He then walked over to Lemoss and plucked Granny’s teaspoon from his top pocket, giving it a gentle rub with his thumb, and their camping gear appeared

Janice assumed that he must have some sort of gas camping stove

“I’d suggest camping here until she comes round but we can’t really afford the time

They were all bored of the rations and the water tasted horrible, but somehow camping in the cave improved their mood, as if some primeval feeling of security had kicked in

Vangie and I purchased a twenty five foot camping trailer and we moved that onto the property to live in until the house was completed

Dawn walked over and stood opposite her, watching as Sheena laid things out; a couple of bottles of spring water, eight bags of frozen peas, four energy bars, a camping lantern and a small white plastic bag branded with the name of the local chemist

Without hesitating Sheena swept the camping lamp off the table and threw it at the cat

If your children are interested in sports, hobbies, dance, music, camping, choose a couple, run with them and turn them into traditions

The three of us used to look forward to our camping trips every August at Bear Mountain

It brought to mind the the happy times I’d spent camping out with my parents as a boy

done any camping in my life, my head was trying to convince me

When camping, there’s one stove that’s far superior to all the others: The Pepsi-can stove

It’s my favorite camping tool, and you can make it yourself by gluing some parts of aluminum cans together and drilling some holes

The third story comes from a night we were camping in a deserted forest

«No,» he said, «I couldn’t find my campsite!» He got up stretched, and walked off, saying, «Boy, that’s a bad night when you go camping, and can’t find your campsite

It was a little sad because this would be the last night of camping on the trip

Tyrpledge resumed his thoughts even as Gomermont took in more of the vast area where work intermingled with a large camping area

There was a footy club with pokies across the road from the surf beach and camping area

The sun was setting behind the mountains in the distance as the guys walked up the beach to the camping area

It had been several days since they had found a camping place close to a running stream or river, and those occasions had provided the only opportunity to wash

Bear and Red carried the camping gear to the van, then headed north-west to the old gold mining site, Big River

He couldn’t believe it! He was about to drive an oversized Kombi packed with all the extras for camping

They poured a drink and settled in to relax at the timber table and chairs provided at their private camping area

If you ignored all the other vehicles, fishery inspectors, national park rangers checking camping permits, and police patrolling the beach as if it was a highway, Double Island was as pristine now as back in the early seventies

It had a canopy cover for camping and was all decked out to survive three or four weeks on the beach or the outback

light showed that they were camping at the mouth to a

created man, some of those men were camping under

Another new challenge was camping

acquired the trailer and were not experienced at camping, we elect-

camping and did not have an instruction manual for the trailer

know how children love mud and water, with a mixture of camping

for camping, then for travel, new unknown experiences would be hap-

a great part of the trip, from camping with our children during the off-

In this state of dismay, she suggested to Nick they take some family time together and go on a weekend camping trip

«I learned how to make them when _I_ was a boy, camping out one summer

The infamous “Walking Purchase” was one of the first, and Jason had brought it up at the camping trip

We rode along at a good easy pace on excellent wide roads made of crushed rock pressed into the soil, and camping at night at special sites near yams

Actually, I was quite satisfied that the enemy had no fight in them and thought there was very little risk involved in camping in the town

He thought about his own children, about the camping trip they had planned for

Late in the day I came upon a man with his back toward me camping in a small clearing on the side of the road

I didn’t really want to visit the towns along the way since I was really enjoying camping under the stars with John and Cuauhtzin

I suggested my taking the two children on camping trips during the winter as long as I had no pressing duties and he thanked me profusely for the offer

True to my word, I took the two children on camping trips whenever the weather was decent enough, and if it wasn’t, we went on yam visiting trips

So we went camping again

She really preferred camping and I suspect most of the yam guests would also prefer that we camp

He had been camping alone on the far side of the river in a spot where he could fish and still keep an eye on the bridge

The army attacked the gorgons camping on the Mountain of the Sacred Cherry and only then, Ch’o could see the others take, indeed a different path, than the path of the Valley of the Bleeding Flower

We moved at a leisurely pace camping along the way in the Khan’s luxurious tent

I’d never been into camping, mostly because of my allergies and the fact that my mom didn’t care for it

The attendant was about to go home, but not only did he fill their car with gas, but accompanied them to the camping ground and helped them pitch the tent under a rather heavy rain

They crossed the Alps into Italy and rested for the night at a camping ground nestled high in the mountains

The camping ground they chose was on the hill that overlooks the city, near Piazzale Michelangelo where everyone goes to have the best and most magnificent view of that famous and beautiful Renaissance city, known in Italian as “Firenze la bella”

To celebrate, he, Josie and the children made a two-week camping trip throughout Spain

Roger and Josie chose a camping ground at the shore from which they had a perfect view of the Rock and all maritime activity through the Strait of Gibralatar

Unlike other European countries which permit overnight rest at gas stations or resting areas along the road, Yugoslavia required the use of camping grounds or hotels for overnight stay

They finally arrived at a camping ground where they settled for the night

The sight of friendlier faces at the camping grounds office must have had some soothing effect that allowed them to sleep without worry…

It’s that desperado camping aspect of the game that

camping, catering, location scouting, and even an airstrip,

hydro engine so that it could easily pull the camping facility

Just the same, curried chicken and rice is hardly conventional camping fare,

The room was bare, except for a camping mattress

He had been camping in the woods for two days now and was giving up hope that the girl would ever show up

There is hiking, golfing, swimming, camping, the Erie Zoo, skiing, we also have many museums and historical sites to visit

He headed for his camping gear in the basement and he

camping supplies hadn’t been used in years

Searchers usually turn to spiritual pursuits of attending religious discourses, meditation camps and reading of scriptures and the like

This is the wilder shore, there was hardly a path along the bank and a few thonga herder’s camps in some of the larger trees

Alfred scared several camps of cowboys before he gave that up

The youngest and strongest were taken from their parents and placed in special camps

“We who lived in concentration camps can

I think he could’ve easily worked in one of Hitler’s concentration camps and enjoyed himself; he was that mean and evil

Some were little more than camps, but there were a few towers eight stories tall with long balcony fronds and awning shaded courts on top

Raid camps and put tents and other structures to the torch

training camps there and were sending weapons

Had to help resupply one of the eastern camps and we all stopped in there

He didn’t want them to spend one day in those camps on the plain if it wasn’t necessary

Cigarettes were precious in the camps

Twenty three camps all up — and the

Eli went quickly down the pan we had just come out of the line and were now back in one of the rear rest camps after what they were calling the third battle of Krithia had ended when he started with the disease

Men invented the concentration camps

He put another 18 million in slave labor camps! Most of the time, these people weren’t even involved in any political movement or connected with the government, they were just exterminated

Since the few payphones were always occupied, not many of us had not bothered and the sergeant was really upset about our lack of “respect and love for our mothers who had survived the f terrible English Queen in the f concentration camps, and obviously out of f misplaced love had allowed us to become f longhaired liberals and f commies with no sense of f responsibility

As noted earlier, one man one vote would, in effect, have been an abdication of political power because of the numerical differences between the races (a result of the British concentration camps according to my own theory), and it was simply not allowed until 1994 when traditional voting took place and every group voted for itself

Sanitation and the water supply of the camps seemed a secondary consideration; and the issue of rations and suitable outfits to the army would have discredited a staff of school-boys

Ragged and ignorant as were Garcia’s soldiers, they did not steal and loot as charged, for theft is religiously punished with death in the rebel camps

Garcia’s men grew wary of carrying despatches after dark, and gave our lines a wide berth, though starving Negro pacificos hung round the camps in hundreds, and pestered the soldiers, who berated Cubans in general in consequence

Their military successes were few and far between and despite what is claimed today, they never successfully established military camps inside South Africa from which they operated as in a classic insurgency war

At that stage SAP COIN had camps everywhere along the international borders

Some camps were next to Lesotho, in the snow, where you were entitled to two glasses of whiskey a day instead of beer (to combat the cold)

Most camps had no more than 25 members and some as few as six members

All camps were surrounded by wire fences and sand bags with machine gun posts strategically placed

Must tell you that up to that the stage I could not understand how the other side must have felt, and did not care either for we were born into our camps

Many of the old SAP COIN camps were used to operate from as SAP COIN were closing down, and the borders opened for anyone and everyone to come here but we spoke about that before

we expected «camps of re-education» as happened in South Vietnam and other places where the communists took over

the country, and minor camps along the roads

During the Rhodesian War and many others it was custom to watch and see how the arms dumps and training camps develop

Like always the problem was to find the insurgents camps and with the technology of the day mark it accurately for bombing and then to bomb accurately

Historically the closed thing to gulags the British ever imposed was against the Boers where 26 000 white women and children, all non-combatants, were slayed in concentration camps during the Anglo Boer War of 1899 — 1902

Once inside the country the terrorists or rather those who survived, created bush camps or bases from which they trained locals to be terrorists

The killings were carried out by Indonesia’s military or caused by concentration camps and deliberate starvation tactics making Timorese vulnerable to disease

The “Liberation” of death camps in Poland

I had heard stories about what took place in the death camps, but I had never heard them firsthand from a survivor

The biggest losses were due to deaths from disease, mostly dysentery, directly caused by American troops herding Filipinos into concentration camps ironically named “zones of protection

Deep inside me, I was very skeptical that I would find anyone still alive, this after witnessing the devastation and hearing the horror stories from survivors of the death camps

In addition, there are Muslims, Arabs and the British who occupy the country and send Jews to camps in Cyprus

They survived the concentration camps, but their whole family was annihilated

Segregated camps were a US import, causing thousands of deaths

The Body Count: “Some” Japanese-American deaths from poor healthcare in the camps

There were 57 Aleut deaths from disease in the camps

Virtually the only way to get out of the camps was to volunteer for the military

Several thousand young men from the camps made up large parts of the 100th and 442nd Regiments, the most highly decorated American units of the entire war

) The camps were run by the Department of Justice, the War Relocation Authority, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the US Army

Most who dispute Lincoln’s success fall into two camps, white racists or Black racists

In Asia, Japanese militarists were notoriously brutal in their treatment of other Asians, mass executions of civilians, forced labor camps, rape camps filled with local “comfort women,” even germ warfare experiments

” Especially if slavery had ended, Blacks may be seen as surplus, a burden and a threat to be solved with deportation, sterilization, and finally death camps

In Italy, as the war continued and German influence became stronger, Jews were rounded up and sent to death camps much like in the rest of occupied Europe

Paraffin Chain Lube: On that forum and elsewhere you’ll see two opposing camps, oil lubers and paraffin lubers

We were cooped up when the weather was bad, one good reason of many to break up into smaller camps

We setup camps, where the infected can be treated and isolated

The Poles and Russians making up the bulk of the population had resisted any repatriation, but now they were being forced to depart, either being placed on eastbound trains, or assigned to other camps established by the UN closer to the larger cities in the British and American Zones

The new camps were said to provide better quarters, with the added attraction that the DP’s were permitted to leave during the day to do paid work, primarily on reconstruction projects

And if they interrogated him, would he tell them about Elizabeth and Karol and his friends? What about Zaminoski and his family? Would they be arrested too? The Reds were as prone as the Nazis had been to putting people into concentration camps

” Noting Colling’s quizzical look, Quarles continued, “She’s supposed to send a postcard every day to one of a bunch of addresses here in Germany in DP camps

The dance of two camps?

After that, if they do not die in the process, they are taken east to the slave camps, where they are worked or starved to death

Several of the others stood and began staggering towards the camps

residents in detention camps and seized their property

They split up at the beginning of the tent camps

refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza and another 32 camps outside the area

Those camps have

Fyaile brought them breakfast and they shared the meal before she with a sigh left the Healers’ House to walk to the tent camps and find Laino

A little later, when she had given up hope that he would return, she walked through the forest for the camps again

Both Elior and Laino walked out to find each their unit in the camps that had been set up on the meadows around the whole city

Stalin surely would have sent them to the work camps, for having been contaminated by Nazi fascists

A second example of the need for historical perspective was the story of the Japanese internment camps during WWII

These camps had been widely criticized from today’s

more work and death camps in the Soviet islands than the SS operated in Eastern Europe

At this point, his survey of imperialism acquainted Jason with some of the most vicious examples, ones that employed slavery beyond serfdom, death camps, genocide and

The infamous Seventh Cavalry (Custer’s former command) herded the Sioux into camps

He pulled thousands of rural workers out of the country and placed them in camps, in towns, and in cities

He told her that during World War II, his grandfather used to follow broadcasts about the war on that radio, and that was how he had found out the Japanese were being rounded up and forced into camps

your young men have I killed with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up

Buzun had spread the men out along the river in camps of three tumen each about half a day’s ride apart

The Re Che were organized into tumen like we were and were camped about two days’ ride south in three large camps in a line from east to west

The best-armed tumen were in the forward camps and the rest were in reserve

Their cannon were few and were not in evidence among the forward camps

Then as soon as it got dark, all the men should return across the bridge leaving the camps looking occupied

although an army is in camps around me, and the fighting is heavy around me,I

He reported that the enemy was again in three camps with about five tumen per camp, each overlooking the open areas south of the river, but hidden among the trees above them

He was certain that all three camps would be waiting for our attack by the time we got across the river

We would have sufficient men to defeat two of their camps, but the losses would be heavier for us should that be necessary

However, I reminded him, they do not have our mobility and it was very unlikely they could bring two of their camps to bear on us, unless the easternmost one fled to the central one and then together they turned to face us

One of its ventures into philosophy and ethics is to compare animals in slaughterhouses to Jews in concentration camps

” Leather seats and handbags are “the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins of people killed in the death camps

their strong men removed their camps in that day, and the army of the men of war was an hundred and seventy thousand footmen, and

breaks the battles, for among the camps in the midst of the people he has delivered me out of the hands of them that persecuted me

The perpetual revolutionary truly believes that, with just a little tinkering, he can fumigate the horrors of his past indulgence in the sparkling visions that went dark in the Nazi concentration camps, the Soviet Gulag, and the “Great Leap Forward” of the Chinese Communists

selves in clearly defined camps of thought

camps are five-star resorts for teens

2 And these four kings went up with all their camps, about eight hundred thousand men, and they went as they were, and struck every man they found in their road

rors the world is full of, the wars, the concentration camps, the

12 Now therefore I have this day come with my camps to meet him, and I will do to him according to the desire of my heart

24 And Jacob ceased praying to the Lord, and he divided the people that were with him with the flocks and cattle into two camps, and he gave the half to the care of Damesek, the son of Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, for a camp, with his children, and the other half he gave to the care of his brother Elianus the son of Eliezer, to be for a camp with his children

25 And he commanded them, saying, Keep yourselves at a distance with your camps, and do not come too near each other, and if Esau come to one camp and kill it, the other camp at a distance from it will escape him

  • Use the word Camp in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This is just about the sorriest looking camp I’ve ever seen.

There were two epidemics when I went to camp.

He just walked right into camp!

He was in a juvenile detention center, not a brainwashing camp.

People weren’t taking too kindly me being at camp ’cause apparently I stole food from the shed and then burned it down.

Try to convince me to come back, to the camp?

I think it’s safer here than being back at camp where a bunch of people don’t like me thanks to you, making those wild accusations.

Remember the way she came into camp?

It seems like everybody at camp was convinced that I was the person that hurt her.

One of our nurses was at camp Bastion last year.

While the fires of the Turkish camp burned red in the distance, the emperor ordered the last procession of the Virgin Protector.

At the first light of dawn, the Gauls are ready to storm the Roman camp.

The next morning, the delegates send Senate officials to the camp.

The camp of Pompey is completely surrounded.

I tried to be apologetic perhaps I’ve been even silly but she hated me her eyes pass through me, she thought I was a slob, she thought, possibly, that I was the real worst type of punk as that could ever come down from London and camp in her feild.

And I went back to where our camp was and we tried to cook some bacon on our completely used-up calogas

Mutiny in the Greek camp!

While both heroes depart towards the battle, Achilles remains, angry, at the camp.

Hector is entering the camp!

Morning at the camp of the Young Pioneers.

From the camp to the Cooperative.

The nursery children visit the camp.

Kino Eye tells how this camp was founded and built.

The storming of the camp.

The Israelites are slaves of Path Going to his camp, exhausted and covered with dirt

In the camp of the pharaoh Amenmeses, near the shore of the Red Sea

The black cloud over your camp will be your shroud

Early the next day Amenmeses broke camp in pursuit of the Hebrews

But Seti’s camp was far from the place where she was lead.

I was in camp with jungle fever when my father went up to explore that terrible plateau.

They’re not cubs — but full grown «spectacle bears» — great camp followers.

we’ve got to find a safe camp!

We must establish camp here — our only refuge from these monsters — …if we’ll live long enough to search for your father.

» Parson … this ain’t exactly a Sunday School camp … but they’s some of us that’ll be d…n glad you come along.»

it’s time we were making camp

Just outside the town … a camp for the night.

Custer, an armed camp … with «Bull» Stanley leading the revolt against Hunter.

At Lily’s insistence, Solange had agreed to come to the camp to intercede for her fianc├®, since ieutenant Daumel was on duty that night.

camp at the Frio and work west.

Get back to camp now, pronto, understand?

Are there nice soldiers in the camp?

Ride in the wagon to his camp.

We’re bound to move camp when we get to Vacherauville.

I’m gonna camp right on your doorstep the rest of the time I’m on leave.

«The camp is ready, M.Helius !»

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for camp.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is campy
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is encampment
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is cantonment
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is bivouac
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is camp out
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is tent
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is encamp
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is camp down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is pack
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is clique
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is ingroup
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is inner circle
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is coterie
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is refugee camp
  • • Relevant word or phrase for camp is summer camp
  • Listing Results Camp Recipes

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    21 LowCarb Camping Meals to Get Your Through This …

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