Use the word came in a sentence

Soon Ava continued on up to the house and Venna came quickly down the remaining path

God who came to introduce His Father and Holy Spirit to

Next up then – and with my expectations now slightly lowered – came

Herndon tried to tell him something but he had a toothbrush in his mouth and it came out unintelligible

Gen: 21:22: And it came to pass at that time, that

It never felt like Ava came from YingolNeerie in a way, it just felt like she came from a ghost

This man came here honestly from YingolNeerie, in the flesh, on a big flaming starship like Jorma had seen in sci-fi movies all his life, and pictures in the news twenty one decades ago

«I’ve been in a dozen initial infatuations since I came to the surface, this is different

«You didn’t want to hear that I was created from the Yingolian ghost, so I just never came right out and said it

A realization came for me when I got disgusted about not achieving the

Gen: 15:17: And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a

The shower had not been run recently, since before Ava and Herndon came down was his guess

Matt: 21:30: And he came to the second, and said likewise

She came here on a starship miles long made almost entirely of various metals, high in aluminum

Luke: 7:45: Thou gave me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet

But he was tired and it came out a weak, sad sound

because Jesus made it clear, that He came for the

It came more from their depression than reality, but it had hurt Kira a great deal

The thunder came from something glowing, flaming, and falling from the sky, something coming in far too fast and coming right at him

I’m glad I came

Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

came with the perfect way to worship and

«No, I mean the ones that came down

«If that’s the one that came down

«Well, to be honest, I lost one or them, the one that came with my expedition

She came down the marble steps to the main floor of their home, eleven floors above the water

1Sam: 30:3: So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their

Another test came when Saul tries to kill David, and after

The closet was on the end of the wall where the roof came up to a steeple, probably three or four times taller than it was wide

by your faith even though nothing came out of it, He

A screen came up on the elevator wall with Ackers’ face on it

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, mostly because Ackers was scrutinizing them from the view screen, the elevator finally came to a stop with a sudden lurch

The yelping came from the kitchen where mermaids were tying up our dog

On his way back home, the ant came across a large anteater

1Sa:3:10: And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel

There was a low whine that came from under the other desk

“What about the Super Chip? That’s the reason I came all the way down here

It dragged its small body out and then came up to stand before the three of them, looking tentatively up at Ackers

Jer: 1:11: Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what sees thou? And I said, I see a rod of

As Ackers spoke, a three dimensional representation of the building came up on the screen

«Thanks,» she said, and came back inside

“What do you think you’re doing?” a female voice came from the computer as Ackers was typing

Blade Runner and They Live, both of which he had seen once before, came on in the afternoon

She had various types of explosives strapped to her, and while Big Petey wasn’t watching, she came up behind him and slapped some ball-shaped goo onto his back

He had to admit it, the native women had shocked him enough that he came to her

“Good,” Silence responded as she came in closer with her spinning weapons

As the waters came up higher a man in a rowboat came up to the house and told him to get in

“Did you see how close that came to me?” he asked, but no one was listening

The waters rose to the edge of the roof and still the man sat on the roof until another rowboat came by and another man told him to get in

The waters covered the house and the man was forced to sit on his chimney as the rain poured down and a helicopter came by and another man urged him to get in or he’ll drown

“Of course it shouldn’t be a problem,” Ackers voice came loud and clear over the ear pieces both Johnny and Nancy were wearing

Both doors were ripped off their hinges as they came apart from the building

After all, giants did not have the delicate touch of humans when it came to mining and extracting ore

When he smelled the mix heating he finally came back out

“Looks like a party!” Big Petey hollered as he came out of the stairwell and charged the guards

‘And when she, as you put it, came on the scene, it broke up your relationship

‘Well, Joanna came back to Bridgwater

“It’s terrible when they ignore you, isn’t it?” Ackers’ voice came through the earpiece Vinnie was wearing

Dan came home from work early, his jaw taut with anger

“Have you finished the mission yet?” Ackers voice came through in thunderous vibrations through Vinnie’s ear piece

Ava was right about the fuel, it didn’t reach to the tunnel, and they weren’t there yet as the light of the next week came to an end

I remember my dad had that kind of booming laugh that came deep from the gut

Herndon cursed furiously because the price had tripled since he came thru before

After running down several blocks, they came to a stop and tried to catch their breath

I relived in detail the months before Joanna came on the scene

After one such revolution, it came to pass that the young god Punka would watch over the star

‘Of course, he didn’t go through everything when it came back, he just oversaw Dan unloading the van and shoved the boxes in the store room

Eggs hatched along the shoreline and the insects came back tenfold to feed upon him

One morning while Serpent was praying to God in the morning light with folded wings and head bowed, Adam came to him

Then he got back up and waited, watching as a stream of smoke came out of the door

That morning, when the light arose, God came upon Adam like a father to a crying child

Bukowski came riding onto the L

He listened as the beeps came closer; he was about to be caught

Finally, Manuel came with his big rolling tray of tools to check on Baggy’s condition

«The shuttlecraft!» he came bounding to her and snatched the phone from her head

devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

There eventually came a time when the pirates refused to take Tiny Robot Archimedes into colder waters, mostly due to it being winter and their having an unwillingness to die

She hurried to get her last message off his lens as Herndon came into the room

» And the anvil came crashing down

For a while after that, she still came to visit once a week

He tried to breathe but the breaths came short

When we entered into this world, we came knowing about the GOD FORCE

The ‘starship’ that came down in the Yakhan, you could roll this thing onto the freight elevator that comes down out of its cargo bay, and that isn’t really the starship

Seaweed was dried and used as a fertilizer, along with anything and everything that came from the ocean

The image that came to doostEr’s mind was a trio of guys walking out on stage with their arms on fire

befuddled state he still remembered the tattered edges of reason that came with

The world was silent for a moment but then there came a footstep in the snow,

The conclave came forward to dine and to have their chins scratched

‘We’ve not been to that one and you mentioned it when the National Trust magazine came last time, Mum

there came a darkness, one single patch that moved in synchronicity with the black

From within the taverna the owner and his two senior waiters came

BigThree came for a chin-scratch

He always hated being told but, invariably, by the time we had argued it through a couple of times, he came round to my suggestion, pouncing on it as though it was a new idea he had just had

Talshi came up with him and rocked him to sleep

My wife’s voice came down the stairs

about war came to me when my father took a strong dislike to my mother’s collection

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1. All good things came to an end. 

2. A penny soul never came to twopence. 

3. The family you came from isn’t as important as the family you are going to have. 

4. My money came short of the necessary sum.

5. He got away just before the enemy came.

6. He scrambled to his feet as we came in.

7. The designer came in for a lot of criticism.

8. The train came to a complete standstill.

9. A light breeze came off the sea.

10. He came in panting after running up the steps.

11. She came into the room and shut the door.

12. He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.

13. They came in flocks to see the procession.

14. He came in,and spoke small to his hatchet men.

14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

15. This voice came home to them.

16. When Mr. Smith mentioned money, they came alive.

17. He came first in the poetry competition.

18. As night came,the house faded into darkness.

19. He came at an inconvenient time.

20. Environmental issues came to the fore in the 1980s.

21. «If you must, » came the gruff reply.

22. Luke came in with his hands in his pockets.

23. She came back carrying a loaded tray.

24. One of my fillings came out this morning.

25. She came running to meet us.

26. The committee came forward with one viable solution.

27. Beautiful music came floating out of the window.

28. There’s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 

29. We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 

30. There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 

More similar words: camel, camera, cameras, bicameral, predicament, camp, campus, campaign, same, game, name, frame, amend, blame, flame, byname, by name, defame, ashamed, American, amenable, good name, the same as, all the same, nickname, inflamed, chameleon, framework, tournament, ameliorate. 

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I suddenly came to my senses.

They came forward quickly to aid in my salvation.

We came to town earlier than usual today.

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Q: How do you use the word ‘Came’ in a sentence?

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Come example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use come in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for come.

  • Come, eggs! (10)
  • At last you come! (8)
  • Come, and tell me. (4)
  • Come now! (8)
  • For, now the hour had come! (8)
  • Come and look! (8)
  • Come aht, Fido! (8)
  • Pray, come here. (10)
  • Had it really come? (8)
  • Come here to-night. (10)
  • She hates me to come. (8)
  • But Thyme did not come back. (8)
  • I will never come back to you. (8)
  • Would he come early to-morrow? (8)
  • Ask your mistress to come here. (8)
  • How did you come by all that money? (8)
  • So good of you to come, Sir Thomas. (8)
  • What on earth did you come here for? (8)
  • The turn of the tide had come to him. (10)
  • How then to come at them to, get it done? (10)
  • But, in truth, he had come to a pretty pass. (8)
  • Surely he was to come once more into peace! (13)
  • Frau Schimmel realised that the end had come. (5)
  • Come, Harry, thought I, it is better to learn your fate at once. (6)
  • A telegram had come from him, he was on the way. (8)
  • It died hard, but did come to an end, piecemeal. (10)
  • Down had come her house of cards with a vengeance! (8)
  • But Gregory would not come in just yet out of the sun. (8)
  • But tell me, what did you come down to Netherfield for? (4)
  • Would you care to come some day and look over my hospital? (8)
  • It would be as well for your son to come down to the Court. (8)
  • Come, for perhaps we need you as one of the hearts that once glowed for him. (12)
  • They come here and break our Sabbath, and teach their atheism. (9)
  • Our drain has come in, de oder platform; only one minute we haf. (8)
  • For you to come here is impossible, and too dreadful for us both. (8)
  • It seems an age to wait till they come to stay with us next week. (8)
  • He really supposed her to have come to him with a burdened spirit. (10)
  • I go through my illusions and come always back on that good truth. (10)
  • Nothing could surely come of it, for neither of them had any money. (8)
  • Come then, and homeward; passing down the close path of the meadows. (10)
  • While my Play goes on, I must permit him to come forward occasionally. (10)
  • The lad was a nephew that had come from Sweden to live with his uncles. (18)
  • Those flat and shapeless tones could come through the noses of no other. (9)
  • I shall die, shall die like them, Frail and lone; Come to me, my lover, come! (10)
  • She sat a long time, musing, and went back forgetting all she had come out to do. (8)
  • People were beginning to come to Philadelphia for the autumn session of Congress. (18)
  • While they were there, with their enticement and their memories, prayer would never come. (8)
  • The Harvilles had promised to come with her and stay at Uppercross, whenever she returned. (4)
  • It was exactly what James, as we know, had come for, and he was made correspondingly uneasy. (8)
  • He suddenly remembered the moment in which the impulse to murder the machine had come upon him. (12)
  • It was Winton, who had come up from behind the shelter, and stood, with eyebrows slightly raised. (8)
  • Then come various episodes, full of attractive enthusiasm, but always ending with the same vague unrest. (3)
  • When we are come, there will be nobody at Villa Rubein; Aunt Constance has gone a fortnight ago to Florence. (8)
  • A strip of carpeting has come up from along our corridor, but we hardly miss it from the matting which remains. (9)
  • He might come to know it, but he would not try to know it; if it offered itself he might even try not to know it. (9)
  • He was watching, with a teasing sense of familiarity, a tall, shabbily dressed, elderly man, who had just come in. (9)
  • They come from the wild and sterile islands between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, where they run at large. (21)
  • Do you expect to come up here with a bombshell in your pocket, and explode it among us without causing any commotion? (9)
  • Why had not Diana come to her, she asked herself, and asked her husband; who, as usual, was absolutely unable to say. (10)
  • Now death has come to join its vague conjectures to the broken expectations of life, and that blithe spirit is elsewhere. (9)
  • She could telegraph Mavering to come; and she rose, humbly and gratefully, as if from an answered prayer, to go and do so. (9)
  • In an evil hour he decided to come to Italy, but he found the prices so ruinously low that he was forced to disband his company. (9)
  • John Ford came out to shake hands with him, then, remembering why he had come, breathed loudly, said nothing, and went in again. (8)
  • Copper, since the war, has come back into use again as a sheet metal for the small house, for its cost has dropped within reason. (17)
  • Probably the absence of natural motion inspires the prophecy that we must ultimately come down: our unused legs wax morbidly restless. (10)
  • She had only to go and stay there twenty-one days, then Jon could come, and in front of two people they could declare themselves married. (8)
  • Stephen, who was still walking with his springy step, though he had come on foot the whole way from the Temple, hailed them with his hat. (8)
  • But when he did come he had formulated Saratoga very completely, and had a better conception of doing it than I had, after my repeated sojourns. (9)

Also see sentences for: arrive, ensue, flow, issue, proceed.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for come. Now that you’ve seen how to use come in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Это отнюдь не все фразовые глаголы с COME.
И это не все значения come across/ down with / off / over / round.

Но с чего-то начинать надо? Надо!
Поэтому начнем!
Теория на картинке, а практика внизу.

Complete the sentences, be sure that they make sense.
1. Jane won’t be able to come. She is coming ____ with a fever.
2. Alice, Rachel won’t come ___ this evening. She’s got a telegramme and has to leave for London.
3. What’s come ___ him? He’s quite polite today.
4. A button came ___ as I was climbing the wall.
5. She came ___ some important faxes in course of her search.
6.I think I’m coming ___ with a cold.
7. The hook came ___ the well when I was hanging up my coat.
8. A feeling of strange sadness came ___ me all of a sudden.
9. Will you come ____ tonight?

Exercise with a phrasal verb COME – Express the same in English.

  1. Я никогда не встречал такого выражения в английском языке.
  2. Ты только посмотри ка эти старые фотографии. Я наткнулась на них, когда наводила порядок в (clear out) вашем старом буфете.
  3. Почему бы тебе не зайти поужинать к нам в субботу?
  4. Малыш упал с лошадки-качалки (rocking horse).
  5. Что это нашло на моего старшего брата? Он позволил мне поработать на своем компьютере.
  6. Джейн так плохо чувствует себя сегодня. Думаю, она подхватила простуду.
  7. Загадочная перемена произошла с их новым учителем.
  8. Не понимаю, что это вдруг нашло на старую даму.
  9. Посмотри, у тебя на блузке отрывается пуговица.

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