Use the word cafeteria in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cafeteria, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cafeteria in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cafeteria». In addition, we also show how different variations of cafeteria can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are cafeterias. If you click on the variation of cafeteria that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Cafeteria in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cafeteria in a sentence.

  1. Soldiers entered the cafeteria at Great West Life and stole lunches from workers.

  2. He next went down to the first-floor cafeteria, in which about a hundred people were gathered.

  3. They had met in a cafeteria in Cornell, where she had studied the history of Mexican art and textiles.

  4. A cafeteria (K-1002) provided meal facilities, including a segregated lunch room for African Americans.

  5. Under Bloomberg’s plan, a cafeteria in the building’s basement would serve both NYCDOE employees and students.

  6. Entering an unlocked storage area at the end of the cafeteria, Lépine shot and killed two more women hiding there.

  7. The sixth form has its own Common Room in the main school building, including a dedicated cafeteria and study area.

  8. The shooter then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, targeting women for just under 20 minutes.

  9. He also has a passion for hot dogs; a recurring gag is that they are always sold out by the time he reaches the cafeteria.

  10. The realism of the dock scenes was heightened by live action footage of a cafeteria, with windows overlooking the dock interior.

  11. It was purchased for A$1,200 by the Commonwealth Bank, which hung it in a bank training centre cafeteria on the Mornington Peninsula.

  12. The player guides them to the cafeteria to plant their timed propane bombs without being detected by security cameras or hall monitors.

  13. After Ellender died in 1972, the Senate directed that their cafeteria add Louisiana Creole Gumbo, made with seafood, to its menu in his honor.

  14. Reaction at school is no better; when Lisa requests a vegetarian alternative to the cafeteria food, Principal Skinner labels her an «agitator».

  15. Some early reporting indicated that students of different races seldom sat together, for instance in the cafeteria, although this has been disputed.

  16. He lodged in the Phi Delta Theta (ΦΔΘ) international fraternity house and subsisted mostly on wild berries, leftover bread from the cafeteria and free milk.

  17. The center also offers a large-format movie theater, a smaller theater, gift shop, cafeteria, and a 75-foot (23 m) tall observation tower that overlooks Lake Erie.

  18. The display was unsuccessful, and was later removed, with the North Hall used as a space for temporary exhibitions before eventually becoming the museum’s cafeteria.

  19. In addition to the East Town, a self-contained community known as the East Village, with 50 family units, its own church, dormitories and a cafeteria, was built near the Elza gate.

  20. Other than the football pitch, the complex contains an outdoor basketball court, futsal court, headquarters of the club, cafeteria, gym and a number of studios for the players coming from outside of Zgharta.

Cafeterias in a sentence

Cafeterias is a variation of cafeteria, below you can find example sentences for cafeterias.

  1. Georgetown Students for Fair Trade successfully advocated for all coffee in campus cafeterias to be Fair Trade Certified.

  2. During the 1950s, the building underwent a $2 million renovation to update its classrooms, shops, libraries, and cafeterias.

  3. Amenities included a school, eight cafeterias, a bakery, theater, three recreation halls, a warehouse and a cold storage plant.

  4. This accommodation centre is designed to be a self-contained home for all Olympic participants, and is furnished with cafeterias, health clinics, and locations for religious expression.

Synonyms for cafeteria

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cafeteria has the following synonyms: .

General information about «cafeteria» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cafeteria that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cafeteria» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cafeteria».

cafeteria — перевод на русский


Chris Swenson, a busboy in the Mt. Rushmore cafeteria stated that he heard voices raised in—

Крис Свенсон, посудомойщик в кафетерии на горе Рашмор, сказал, что услышал громкие голоса.

One man, a professor of Latin and elocution actually fell in the cafeteria line one lunch.

Один человек, профессор латыни нашел ее однажды в кафетерии за обедом.

Prefabricated rooms, rigged private contracts wine bottles everywhere, substandard cafeteria food and selling overpriced text books.

Быстровозводимые номера, сфальсифицированые частные контракты… бутылки вина во всем мире, некачественные кафетерии еда… И продажи переоцененных книг.

Mr. Barclay’s in the cafeteria.

Г-н Барклай в кафетерии.

Allyou-can-eat fiish fry on Thursday at 7:00 in the school cafeteria.

Вы все можете, есть жареную рыбу по вторникам В семь в школьной кафетерии.

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Let’s pin it up in the cafeteria.

Следует вывесить сообщение в столовой.

I can connect you to the cafeteria

Могу соединить Вас со столовой.

Say what they will about our cafeteria I still think they’re the best Tater Tots money can buy.

Что бы они не говорили о нашей столовой я все еще считаю, что это лучшие картофельные шарики в мире.

She used to manage the elementary school cafeteria over in Motley… until it burned down last year.

Она заведовала столовой в начальной школе в Мотли. Пока она не сгорела в прошлом году.

She’s been eating in high school cafeterias.

Она ест в школьной столовой.

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We could have lunch in the cafeteria sometime.

Мы можем как-нибудь пообедать в кафе.

Let’s have a drink, now, in the cafeteria.

Я поменяю билеты, и выпьем что-нибудь в кафе.

Herman, Masha says she’s gonna meet you in the cafeteria at 12:00.

Херман, Маша просила передать, что она будет тебя ждать в кафе в 12 часов.

A woman in the cafeteria got blood poisoning and that was the end of her.

Одна женщина в кафе получила заражение крови и умерла.

Make sure you return those chairs to the cafeteria.

Не забудьте вернуть эти стулья в кафе.

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Those guys that sat alone in the cafeteria… getting shit from the jocks… wishing to God they could be cool for just, like, one minute.

Из тех парней, что сидят одни в буфете… получают пизды от качков… и молятся богу, что б от них отвязались хоть на минуту. Так однажды Боб не вытерпел.

They’re all good religious programs, and I’ve already thrown out the ones that let boys and girls sit in the cafeteria together, the party schools.

Во всех хорошие религиозные программы, и я уже исключила те, в которых юношам и девушкам разрешают вместе сидеть в буфете, совместное обучение.

The school is buzzing with the talk of your clashes in student council meetings, your face-offs in the cafeteria, a screaming match at the school newspaper’s office.

Вся школа гудит о вашем конфликте на заседании совета, вашей стычке в буфете и перепалке в офисе школьной газеты.

And your dad, he’s down at the cafeteria.

А папа внизу, в буфете.

Well, I think they do in the cafeteria downstairs.

Что ж, я думаю, что оно есть у них внизу в буфете.

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Like in the cafeteria.

В столовке, например.

In a real cafeteria, with trays and friends.

в настоящей столовке, с подносами и друзьями.

Promising a chocolate fountain in the cafeteria?

Шоколадный фонтан в столовке?

And if you want this pen, you’re going to help me find this poor, missing otter… or the only place you’ll be selling popsicles is the prison cafeteria.

Хочешь получить эту ручку — поможешь мне найти выдру, если не хочешь продавать эскимо в тюремной столовке.

And when they do, she’s so grateful, she lets ’em spit roast her right in the cafeteria.

И в благодарность за это даёт отжарить себя прямо в столовке.

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A sterile and tacky cafeteria room

I had missed the signs given me by Deb while teaching at the university, and even when she brushed my hand with hers in the cafeteria, I had not responded

There is a big party of friends waiting for us in the cafeteria; I can’t say they are cool to me — at least they are not cooler than usual

I try to make her change her mind, assuring her that I have been in this cafeteria before, that the environment is alright, that there is no danger -in vain: Helen remains as solid as a rock

I have no other alternative but run all the way to Vouliagmenis Avenue together with her, wait for the bus to Glyfada and finally end up in a colourless cafeteria of the common run

She applied for a position in the robing room, which was actually a large workroom with foreman’s mezzanine and it’s own cafeteria

In the cafeteria he pays for his coffee and selects a table by a window that looks out onto a small garden area

With that, the cafeteria turned back into a beehive

front of the entire cafeteria

The cafeteria went silent

The cafeteria began to swarm again

I used the pay phone in the cafeteria to call him

cafeteria like a wave at a baseball game

time he’d surveyed the cafeteria, it was evident that every smile was for him

The cafeteria took a collective inhale

remarks flying across the cafeteria

floor, and walked to the other side of the cafeteria

at a time behind Johnny, finally sitting at the smallest table in the cafeteria with his

They sat there, not saying a word, scanning the cafeteria every so often,

The electricity that had filled our table and the whole cafeteria with

Your cafeteria buddy that thinks

In the cafeteria, the guards lined the usual walls, but even their eyes seemed

I did get good grades and I can remember one time when our class was in the cafeteria and there were no teachers around, this student by the name of Joe Paglia got pissed at me because I kept getting such high test scores and of course the teacher would always tell Joe and the other students not doing well: «Why can’t you get high scores on the test like Jeff does?»

One day there was about 100 of us in the school cafeteria and for whatever reason I did something wrong and Big Ed wanted to get my attention but as he was looking at me he couldn’t remember my name

To dream that you are in a cafeteria denotes that there may be a lot of issues “eating” you up inside

He walked down to the Plaza Cafeteria next to the courthouse

He remembered one student saying that the guy who designed that courthouse was considered an American genius, but Martin laughed as he paused and looked at its heavy, ugly walls, before entering the Plaza Cafeteria

‘Maybe there is something in what they said,’ he thought as he looked back to the cafeteria window

—Food will be served in the school cafeteria, with the meals sort-of shifting from brunch-type food to

“standing tables” for the occasion, and these were placed along the cafeteria walls

There is a gradual migration from the cafeteria to the campus green outside where an outdoor stage has been set up at one end of the property and where, a little later

In time there is another gradual migration from the cafeteria, but this one is out to the parking lot and beyond, where some last minute conversations are spoken and final partings take place

Every student in the cafeteria seems to be talking at the same time, and yes, he is certain that it started when he entered the dining room

She eats in the cafeteria with the students

After the interview, the four of them head over to the cafeteria for some lunch

walls of the cafeteria leading off into what I suspected to be various other chambers

into the cafeteria walls in a medley of moans, groans, hisses, whispers and growls as five of the most

to what had happened at the cafeteria, blue flames sprung up from braziers held this time not by

the cafeteria reverberated around and across the room, bouncing off the walls and slowly drilling its

” The goblin nodded and buggered off out of the cafeteria

and, gesturing for me to follow, strode out of the cafeteria

had just arrived, knew nothing and asked me to wait in the cafeteria for him

She could get on it and ride around the building down to get her mail and the cafeteria for her meals

They were in the cafeteria eating lunch

He was probably the only guy in the cafeteria who had never stood in line to buy anything

After nearly three hours of leafing through books, Paul decided to take a break and head toward the cafeteria

She drove to Police Headquarters, half expecting to be arrested too, but found Mike, not in custody, but in the cafeteria chatting amiably over a cup of coffee with Caroline and a senior police official

Settling into a booth in the hotel’s cafeteria, Teri eyed up the menu

We walked into a large cafeteria, where we collected a tasteless gruel and sat in long rows and ate as much as we could stomach, which wasn’t much

After we all hobbled and limped to a great shower that adjoined the cafeteria

He would even walk around the cafeteria and pick his teeth with his keys while he talked to you

”(The smokers referred to the spot that was behind the dumpster, that’s adjacent to the cafeteria, as the smoking section

The doors to the cafeteria open, and a hush falls over the room

I have not looked at Tobias since we were in the cafeteria, but I can’t help but look at him now

Johanna takes us to the cafeteria, where we find some of the Abnegation who were in the safe house with Caleb and my father

Before he can go on, the cafeteria doors open, and a group of Abnegation come in

In the morning, I run out of needles to remove and go to the cafeteria, rubbing my eyes

I bite into the sandwich Caleb got me from the cafeteria line

I can feel it as I walk the cafeteria line with my tray, and see it in the huddled heads of a group of factionless as they lean over their oatmeal

“He’s foraging for food in the cafeteria,” Matthew says

When it seeped out in the cafeteria that some kid posing as “Uncle Sham” was giving a speech outside, the word spread

I eat dinner with Amar, George, Christina, and Peter in the cafeteria, between the beverage counter and a row of trash cans

And eating stale donuts in the cafeteria

The cafeteria seemed to span the length of the Shinra

With an obedient nod, Cloud departed the cafeteria, hurriedly

desolation in the city centre, the hotels, cafeteria and shops are empty, the bars

I sit at the table in the cafeteria and pick at a banana nut muffin and sip a carton of milk

After grabbing a sandwich in the company cafeteria, Monica left the building and began her pace to Point State Park

” I said, and then frowned, Tess didn’t mention that her cousin would be visiting until that day in the cafeteria

Normally the old guys in a church never let me near a preacher, but this guy rushes me into the cafeteria, straight to the preacher, and announced me

told me it was because I had never been here before, and the cafeteria food had

Haynes is in the cafeteria

In the cafeteria, there was a lingering smell of burnt coffee

His junior year at MHS, Mike was expelled for throwing a paper cup of hot cheese into the face of a girl who was annoying him in the cafeteria

cafeteria, and had now been re-created into a multi-family country

instead of the school cafeteria

Your business may have a cafeteria, on-the-

She informs Raymond that she will be back as they walk to the cafeteria and talk for hours about Raymond

Inside the building there was a large club style cafeteria and the smell of fresh coffee

Smoking is prohibited and alcohol is only available in the cafeteria in small quantities

Two days later, Johnny hands Romero a broken piece of chocolate he scrounged from the cafeteria

They saw me from across the cafeteria and clattered their teeth

The idea of dealing with lockers, schedules, textbooks, and cafeteria food

Back to the village we stopped at a cafeteria to review the list

A cart anchored in front of the cafeteria before my eyes acquired overtones of monster, whose wheels as sharp claws seemed to be waiting for me to destroy my bones and flesh

CoolWater, who was in the hospital’s cafeteria at the time, heard the news on his radio

Fortunately, I was spared that discovery and arrived just on nightfall in Inverness, made straight for the railway station and collapsed in front of a cup of tea and sandwiches in the cafeteria, unable to do anything except shake uncontrollably

Apparently, a fight broke out against two inmates in the cafeteria that set off a chain of smaller brawls

So when the cafeteria fight broke out, El Fuego, just coming back from the infirmary with eighty six switches holding the skin on his face together, decided it would be the perfect time for payback

The cafeteria fight was that day and while everybody was distracted, he ran up on Loco

By then the guards had already broken upn the fight and was clearing up the cafeteria

At the cafeteria of The McWipple Institute for All Things McWippley, the great leader himself is getting a light snack

Adnan made his way back to the cafeteria, stamping his feet periodically as instructed to

After winning five hard games in a row, during which Sanjay was sure he had cracked an elbow, fractured his shoulder-blade and dislocated an ankle, Paul gracelessly accepted the victor’s spoils of a drink in the cafeteria

lunch tray in hand when he took a seat at one of the tables in the hospital cafeteria

Hastily Noah turned around and headed out of the cafeteria, taking the lab results with him

Skinny spotted Richard the instant he’d stepped out of the hallway and into the area that slightly resembled a high school cafeteria

  • Use the word CAFETERIA in a sentences

Sentence Examples

While I was there, I cleaned the cafeteria during the hours I wasn’t studying and still graduated top of my class, only to take a job delivering mail to unappreciative overpaid little cocksuckers, then to finally get the big promotion that would allow me to answer your phones and be both racially and sexually harassed for the next nine months.

It is all so perfect one as in a cafeteria of the railroad

It’s going to look swell in the cafeteria.

A cafeteria was all you could offer me.

Look, kid, the Follies are life, and life is a cafeteria.

I wish we were digging into a cafeteria.

When this is over, you can buy yourself a cafeteria.

A compact that cost three bucks tops, a torn hem on your skirt… a matchfolder that says you eat at a cheap cafeteria… and you weren’t waiting for anybody but me.

We’re meeting a few friends at the Busy Bee cafeteria. We don’t want to miss the floor show.

[ Robert Narrating ] After that, she used to drop by the cafeteria every so often.

Do you mind if we vaccinate him in the cafeteria?

The cafeteria has to be ready.

How about going in the cafeteria and continue our little chat there?

Listen, you can take the bag and give it back to me tomorrow at the cafeteria. See you.

Like this S.I.U. cafeteria, open to the public, but mainly for the convenience of seafarers.

houses, cafeteria, cemetery, all prefabricated.

Good thing you kept your job at the cafeteria.

$10 a day and lunch in the cafeteria.

Get some dinner first at the cafeteria, and then come on up.

We couldn’t meet at Dubrow’s cafeteria.

I mean in the cafeteria, when you fell. When I shot you with the blanks.

Chris Swenson, a busboy in the Mt. Rushmore cafeteria stated that he heard voices raised in—

That’s where I hit the chair doing that phony fall in the cafeteria.

I need money for the cafeteria.

Papa, for the cafeteria

We could have lunch in the cafeteria sometime.

What I make at the cafeteria, I could manage five dollars a week.

Why, you two-timing dame. Are you leaving me for that cafeteria clown?

She’s marrying JP cafeteria.

And he concentrated real hard on the chartreuse and orange one… and as sure as i’m sitting here in the cafeteria of the park central insurance company that woman picked up the chartreuse and orange scarf.

To do that, we can go through the cafeteria and exit in the street.

I’ll meet you at the cafeteria.

They were talking about Godzilla in the cafeteria

Come to the hospital cafeteria.

She used to work in a cafeteria in Ueno.

The other day I wasn’t very kind to you,… and I saw you in the cafeteria, the truth is I didn’t know what to say.

It isn’t really the 60-cent cafeteria meal that has drawn him here every day.

Well, the cafeteria‘s closed.

I’ll grab a cup of coffee at the school cafeteria. Oh.

The cafeteria, for example.

The cafeteria‘ll be closed…

One man, a professor of Latin actually fell in the cafeteria line one lunch.

I’m afraid a discussion of cafeteria conditions will have to be jettisoned until next week.

Oh, yeah, you could get us dancing in the cafeteria.

Why don’t we go down to the cafeteria for a bite?

A cafeteria is a type of food service location in which there is little or no waiting staff table service, whether a restaurant or within an institution such as a large office building or school; a school dining location is also referred to as a dining hall or canteen (in British English). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Yesterday’s New York Times contained an interesting article on a new trend towards healthier choices in some school cafeterias across the country (others, like the ones I featured in a recent blog post on school «junketerias», have their work cut out for them!).


Strong Memorial Hospital’s cafeteria showcased a display filled with artwork created by persons with intellectual disabilities.


Here in Houston ISD, for example, our cafeterias have been offering for years a flavored milk called TruMoo which has 18 grams of sugar per serving.


And when she does have money —- either from her mother or from her occasional job at her aunt’s office —- she said she’s hard-pressed to find something she wants to eat in the cafeteria.


We’re featuring a Chicken Alfredo Pasta from a Minnesota lunchroom and Mexican Rice Bowl from a Florida cafeteria here on the blog and on Tray Talk Facebook.


My friends and I had a Christmas party together in the school cafeteria, and for whatever dorky reason, we decided to wear Santa hats.


In one study a bowl containing salad was placed on a prominent place in a school cafeteria.


After complaining for several months about the ravioli served on Thursday in the school cafeteria, they decided to do something about it.


They also believe that when employees have access to on-site cafeterias, child care centers, gyms and concierge services, they become more productive because they don’t have to leave the office to grab lunch or spend time driving to the gym or dropping off children at a daycare across town.


Four days into the start of school this July, a teacher gave a hand signal to 80 fifth-graders waiting for lunch in the white cinder block cafeteria at KIPP KEY Academy in Southeast Washington.


After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender.


My reaction was initially a feeling that the museum had stuck the circus away in a corner by the cafeteria; but on second thought I realized it was placed where people had to pass it casually rather than to pay a reverential visit — and this seemed in keeping with Calder’s modesty and sense of the ordinary.


Without acknowledging me, he pulled out a chair (we practice in a cafeteria), put his head down on a table, and began his hour-long yoga siesta.


In one of her earliest performances (Museum Highlights), the artist posed as a tour guide at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and lead museum-goers on a verbose and theatrical tour of the museum, describing a common a water fountain as «a work of astonishing economy and monumentality» or the museum cafeteria as «regarded as one of the very finest of all American rooms.»


In an action reminiscent of high school days, the legislative black caucus has sought to exclude me from their traditional lunch table in the cafeteria.


Secretaries, custodians, cafeteria workers, crossing guards, and bus drivers are key personnel in a school successful operation and in creating a school’s reputation.


For about 15 minutes, the office might be said to resemble a college cafeteria — but to CEO Ed Scanlan it’s a perfect example of what he calls controlled chaos.


As a result, some schools are starting to move breakfast from the cafeteria to the classroom or providing a «grab-and-go» meal for all students, regardless of income.


After a year of eating cafeteria lunches, Mrs. Q’s health hasn’t changed substantially, a fact she attributes to her healthy diet outside of school.


So get your hand sanitizer ready, grab a cup of coffee in the hospital cafeteria and have a seat in one of the many waiting areas to see who is worth smiling at!


At the time Johnson also revealed that Fidelity had been accepting bitcoin payments in its cafeteria, but said the experiment had highlighted the technology’s flaws as a means of payments.


Develop cultural sensitivity training for all instructional staff, cafeteria staff, bus drivers, school office staff and school-level administrators.


Eskelsen García, who started her education career as a cafeteria worker before becoming the 1989 Utah Teacher of the Year, is serving her third year as president of the nation’s largest labor union.


So a research assistant position or job in the school cafeteria would not qualify.


Report employer and employee HSA contributions made through a cafeteria plan on the applicable W-2.


The Impossible Foods Inc. burger that’s become the darling of world-renowned chefs and gourmet chains is now heading for the cafeteria.


The project will add 50,000 square feet of additional space, including at least 40 offices, 18 laboratories, a new auditorium, a new cafeteria, and 100 parking spaces.


Like you, I call myself a fallen Catholic rather than act as a cafeteria Catholic.


If there is a long line for the cafeteria lunches, that could leave very little time for your child to eat.


The children ARE hungry when they sit down in the cafeteria.


We homeschool moms are the principal, the teacher, the parent volunteers, the cafeteria staff AND the bus driver when it… Read More


I loathed Cincinnati chili day in the school cafeteria when I was a kid.


At a minimum, promote nutrition in the classroom, cafeteria and at home.


If you like one of these recipes, recommend it to your school cafeteria!


In July, I found myself back in the East Harlem cafeteria shared by Global Technology Preparatory and P.S. 7.


General, supposedly non-sensitive information about the company, e.g. how many employees it has, or how big its offices are, or what the cafeteria serves for lunch.


Connect to resources that help you create a school nutrition program that encourages healthy eating and wellness behaviors within the cafeteria and school community.


I have obtained on-the-job training at my present place of work to perform duties of a cafeteria assistant in the most efficient way.


«It was humiliating to stand in the cafeteria in front of the kids and the other teachers every day «collecting data,»» Heaps says.


So let your baby have a hearty supply from your cafeteria!!


11:45 a.m. — Today the cafeteria has taco meat and crunchy shells (boo, everyone knows soft tacos are the way to go).


And Hannity reacted as many others have when stopped in the cafeteria line.


«It’s all about time management,» says Cherise Lavier, who runs the cafeteria at Hayhurst School.


There is a staff cafeteria, too, which is acclaimed for its excellent desserts, and the firm’s meeting rooms are stocked with some of the most delicious cookies in legal London.


Because of course, there’s no surer way of persuading Middle Americans to your cause than to stand on a chair in the cafeteria at lunchtime and publicly liken yourself to a homosexual.


What united the artists was the coincidence of individual artistic ambition, turned into the method-actor romanticism of cold-water lofts, bad coffee in Sixth Avenue cafeterias, fights at the Cedar Tavern, and frontlines being drawn between the downtown drinkers and brawlers and the uptown, suit-wearing aesthetes who hung about with the influx of European surrealists escaping the war.


There is no cafeteria, no gym and no playground.


In a race against the school bell, ceramist Phyllis Robbins arrived early at Tamarac Elementary School’s cafeteria and began unpacking her art supply cart.


I remember sitting in the cafeteria in school and talking and joking with my friends, eating whatever yummy meal my Mom came up with (You know if you heat up pizza hot enough in the a.m. and wrap it in foil, it’s still warm by the time lunch time rolls around??!) I never worried about not having enough time to eat, and I definitely never worried about having enough time to play.


During the stay at the Cesaraugusta hotel you will take advantage of comfortable amenities, such as parking, cafeteria, gym, wireless Internet access, fully equipped meeting rooms and money exchange service.


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