Use the word button in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “button” in a sentence. How to connect “button” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

button (n): a small, usually circular object used to fastensomething, for example a shirt or coat

Use “button” in a sentence

What will happen if i press this button?
All you have to do is push this red button.
In case of an emergency, push this button.
Can you sew a button on for me?
In case of fire, push this button.
Press the green button.

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Customizable “Return to Shopping” Button

He then pushed a button on his box and the computer’s screen and keyboard disappeared

Vinnie pointed the remote controlled device at her grenades and pressed a button

If he wanted, he could try and charge her before she got her hand back near the activation button

He reaches over and pushes the call button for the nurse, begins to make a notation on a file

There’s a tap at the door and she hits the mute button

John pushes the button that slides the window open

The militant grins, gives his friend a look and calmly reaches up and depresses a button on the weapon

Teekra hits the mute button, smiles

‘If you need anything during the night, Mrs Wynell, just push this button

It was now run by a slender and creamy-skinned Wood Elf with a little button of a nose and thick waves of black hair that reached the middle of her back

To press the red button that would

Catwhiskers pressed the red button on the Travel Device

with dust collecting in the button pocket shadows,

Cosmicblasto touched the blue button

Catwhiskers reached over and pressed the red button

Everytime we press the button we

Cosmicblasto pressed the button on the Travel Device

“Well we just press this button on the Travel Device” said

Press that button now”

“No, you keep it, just press the red button

Joe pressed the red button

is a blue button and the other button is red

for her own Travel Device and pressed the button

She has that button nose that cartoon animators

that I adore my own button nosed,

soft of limb and sharply button eyed

He saw her standing there in her black puffer jacket, with her long black hair and her belly button piercing, and his heart started to pound

She pressed a button on her intercom, which was rendered as a big brown box on her desk

The young man pressed another button on the remote control and all of the phantom images faded into the shadows cast by the candles that illuminated the great abbey

I realised that Vidya did not have an internal pause button

If only they could deal with the stiff by clicking a button and filing its life away in some Interweb repository

Finding nothing wrong he plugged it in again at the wall and hit the start button

Heymon appeared in his space, less than ninety seconds after he pressed his summon button on his phone

Lastly she pushed a big white button sticking way out of the panel

Press the yellow button and wait for the area to pressurize

He just got his finger on her call button when the girl grabbed his phone

the button that fired up the automatic pilot light

bright red power-shouldered suit came into the room and button

black hair and her belly button piercing, and his heart started to

open the clamshell display and pressed the connect button

Captain Andrid went directly to his quarters and pressed a button the far wall

After long thoughtful consideration she turned and pressed a button on her desk

He pressed a button

The young man pressed another button on the remote control

It stretched its head so it could see out over the top button

Now press the blue button twice

push of a button

hit the start button

But for now it was sunny most of the time and still pretty warm so she didn’t button it up

Howard picked up the receiver and pressed the button on line three

Joseph grabbed the phone and pressed the button

Maggie and Bex hit the catch up button

» He hits the red button

He keys in the four digit code and presses the green button

After twenty years of evolution in club land white stilettos and plastic handbags may have given way to belly button piercings and porthole dresses, but the ritual stand-off between groups of rhythmic girls and leery boys is alive and well

He kills the call and turns to the senior bouncer, the one who hit the panic button

He hits the manual override button and sets the initial shock to two hundred joules

As soon as he is sure that he is clear of Leona’s body he presses the button

Alex hits the button on the kettle again and waits for the gush of boiling water

Stevie hits the mute button and the presenter, the same woman from the morning broadcast, goes through the story one more time, the only difference being the release of names

Alex stabs at the volume button on the side of the phone so that he can hear clearly above the noise of car engines

As he walks round to the pavement he makes a quick check for the hand gun tucked into the back of his jeans and does up the middle button of his suit jacket

It feels as though someone has pressed the pause button on the remote

A click of the button and the

There was a big, shiny red button underneath it, and underneath that, the faint glow of the little red light that Jack had seen when he had been in the other room that was not this one but was in fact the other room that he had been in before he had been in this room

And now this room which was not the other room which Jack was in before which was the other room that Jack had been in before and from Jack’s point of view the room he was now in was the other room and not the other room as the other room was the room he had been in when this room was the other room and the other room was the room Jack had been in which was not this room, but the other room, this room stood before Jack in all its glory with the big, tempting red button just begging to be pushed

And so, Jack took a risk and threw caution to the wind, and pushed the big red button

He gave his usual three short beeps on the call button, and was dismayed that Elmore answered almost immediately

He opened the front door and hit the button for the vehicle’s hatch, and

Dogey picked up the phone behind the counter, hit a single button, and

At first she had no idea what it could be about, but then realized it was Alan’s call button and that it was now her duty

He knew damn well what really happened was that Desa found the phone in his pants and undoubtedly poked the call button and blasted Glayet’s ear half out the other side of her chips

Johnson held down the button on the intercom

«Do you have a middle button? Why is it you’re either biting my head off or driving me crazy?» He sounded nearly as shaky as she felt, but the twinkle in his eyes made her laugh

Press the large button on the front of the tablet

He hit the search button

the green button and the numbers dialed but did not connect

Now she really just wanted to hit the cancel button and swung for it

Was this ‘Name, Rank, and Serial Number’ time? Was the fact that his hand covered the cancel button the user interface’s way of telling her the base had already been taken over? What should she tell him? What would it matter? He was in her living space, a subset of her data space

” Stenworth pressed the button on the handle of his gun and a small

To the east of the cross-roads lay a track barely visible that wound over hummock and stony outcrop, twisting and turning though stunted bush and nodding button grass for many kilomiles until finally reaching the mighty outcrop called ‘Rocky Mount’

Thom could see what button she was reaching for and hit it

Click the Run button at the top menu

Click the Rebrand button and save the PDF file on your computer

later), you can see if anyone clicks on the ‘buy now’ button

pressed the button to receive his call, praying silently that all was

Having the benefit written on the button will

live chat button (if you have one)

button, three litres of wine will leak

(The action phrase are the words on the button people press, once

Instead of using the standard ‘no thanks’ button, use some psychology here

click on this button

I hit the ignore button and fell back to sleep

you could have a ‘Download Now’ button

and are birthed from the belly button

Patrice, now dressed in a man’s button up shirt and a pair of panties, comes out of the bedroom

He pressed the “on” button inside of his head so he

Just press the green button to scroll through the choices till it says ‘magnetic’ and put your hand to the control;” Song instructed

“And just pushing the button on the top of the control will

By the window there is a buttoned leather Chesterfield,

It was buttoned from her breast to her waist

She was grateful for her warm jacket, firmly buttoned up

Alex is wearing his suit jacket buttoned up, but not to guard against Easter’s vaguely inclement weather

He was glad of his jacket as he cruised thru the dewy air and he put up and buttoned the collar

weren’t buttoned enough to cover the tops of the breasts

I sighed with relief when I had finished I buttoned my trousers and then went back to the front of the building where I sat down looking across the landscape and resting my arm on the small wall that bordered the edges of the roof

I turned the cigarette case that Helen had given me over in my hand it was the only part of my possessions I had left I put it back into my pocket and buttoned it then I lit up as Mabel poured my tea

The wind whipped at his open jacket and he buttoned it

He finally buttoned his shirt with aching arms, and he was ready

It had a high-necked collar with no neckline, suited to the most modest noblewoman, buttoned up with white pearls

The buttons buttoned again as fast as they were unbuttoned;

The buttons buttoned as fast as they

Mama Adele had buttoned her blouse when she gave me a remarkably constrained look:

He went through a rigmarole: wearing it buttoned, then unbuttoned, smoothing the coat over his trunk, feeling the hem, smoothing the coat over his hips

Amy was always wearing slacks with collared shirts that were buttoned up all the way to the top, practically choking her neck

She has never looked more out of place, with her gray slacks and gray jacket buttoned at the throat, her hair in its simple twist and her face placid

By the time I had finished, Torhan had buttoned his blazer

Every expression and movement was as deliberate and controlled as the heavily starched shirt buttoned at the collar

She buttoned up her jacket which was torn in several places where the branches had snagged it

house was buttoned up for the night

Peter buttoned up his coat

He was handsome, I guess, for an older guy, but it looked like he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days, and his shirt was buttoned wrong, so one side of his collar stuck up higher than the other side

shirt off the seat, he put it on quickly and buttoned it


His thick overcoat was buttoned up to his neck

When it comes to its bottom button, you need to keep in mind that it is not intended to be buttoned

» Travis buttoned his shirt

blouse buttoned to the neck, a cameo broach pinned

Sandip pulled up his trousers whilst trying to find something appropriate to say, Dad quickly buttoned up his shirt and ran out of the barn avoiding all eye contact

The short, plump south Indian man combed back the very few strands of hair on his head, and put on his small white Minister’s hat, buttoned up his granddad collar and looked at his reflection in the mirror

He didn’t know why he tried to straighten the blouse, but he nonetheless buttoned the last button and folded the collar closer to her neck, like closing drapes

What possibly could this man have to complain about? He was well dressed, had nice shoes, and was impeccably groomed, of course, except for his tubby stomach that seemed to protrude from his buttoned vest

simpleton even though he was quite brilliant with respect to his detection abilities in areas such a forensics, and his dress code—a plain cotton dress shirt buttoned to the top that was one size too large, khaki slacks that were rumpled and patched at the knees, and a dirty handkerchief sticking from his back pocket—further reiterated his stereotype

� With the Irvin trousers now up, she buttoned her skirt just under her breasts, so that it would hang down with as few wrinkles as possible, then put on the thick sheepskin leather Irvin jacket

He stood straight, with his shoulders square, and buttoned

Once in the toilet, he took out the tap from his shoe, slipped it into his jacket pocket and buttoned

Hurrying to the door and making sure first that his top was well buttoned, he then unlocked and opened the door

Tom arose and buttoned two of the buttons on his jacket in one swift movement

His hands clad in wrist buttoned white gloves were crossed on his waistband cummerbund with a clear show of silk cuffs at the wrist

Instead he shifted the top hat from Clegg’s crossed hands, placed it on the dead man’s chest, then attempted to remove the tightly buttoned glove from one hand

I buttoned up a few buttons of my shirt while hoping they could witness such ignorant remarks from the by passing motorists

ceramic red jacket, buttoned high, and a spiffy black bow tie

Dana comes out of the back seat and steps out the car dressed in dark green pants, an opened short sleeved white buttoned shirt and a mint green corset underneath

fitting bell bottom jeans that weren’t fully buttoned and a pink

The only difference between an Eve, Sybil, or Truddi and the rest of us is that their slips are showing: they’re acting out the multiple personality role openly, whereas the rest of us are marching around with our dress uniforms – our fear of going crazy – buttoned down tight

She was feeling cold from the dialysis machine but the conversation with her notoriously uptight and buttoned down older sister had transfixed her

The Lilliputian man kicked at the door with his brass buttoned boots and

She buttoned it up against the chill and then showed it off with a slow pirouette

Warm pyjamas buttoned up to the neck spoke of a cold flat not a passionate night

He sat in a leather buttoned Chesterfield armchair and read the relevant documents

were buttoned under its chin

Amy was wearing a red blouse that buttoned down the

Morgan—one of only two people in the world who regularly used Connie’s birth name—adjusted her red gloves and buttoned her white faux fur coat

Carl stood a couple inches taller than Edward, was about ten years younger, and dressed in his mechanics clothes—blue Dickies, white buttoned shirt with his name sewn in red script above the breast pocket, and work boots—he was the epitome of the American blue-collar worker

Edward unrolled his sleeves and buttoned his cuffs, wondering if there was more to the scene they’d just reenacted than the lines they’d recited

The brown beaten jacket matched the cowboy boots but not the short skirt or incorrectly buttoned and oversized linen shirt

Both were of the “princess” style, and buttoned down the

When she once again felt a bit more in control, she buttoned her suit jacket, stood up straighter, firmed her resolve and then almost stomped to the elevator

quite dirty, dressed in an originally white, buttoned shirt and apron that was almost completely

Dressed as he usually was in a tightly buttoned collar

It wasn’t buttoned up all the way to his

Think of it, Papa Lindeberg, hitherto a long narrow person buttoned up silently in black, mysterious simply because he held his tongue, a reader of rabid Conservative papers through black-rimmed glasses, and as numb in the fingers as Wordsworth when he shakes my respectful hand, has begun to unbend, to unfold, to expand like those Japanese dried flowers you fling into water; and having started with good mornings and weather comments and politics, and from them proceeded to the satisfactorily confused state of the British army, has gone on imperceptibly but surely to confidential criticisms of the mistakes made here at headquarters in invariably shelving the best officers at the very moment when they have arrived at what he describes as their prime, and has now reached the stage when he comes up through the orchard every morning at the hour I am due for my lesson to help me over the fence

Seeing this he jumped back up, straightened his shirt, thrust his fists into his pockets and sloped to the bar, his mouth buttoned to control any dignity left in his open, emptied heart

The shirt, buttoned to the collar, pinched at his neck

He detested the large soft creases of his clothes and the way they buttoned and bulged between the buttonings

» And when the buttons came off she didn’t mind, but excused them, too, on the ground that they were not used to being buttoned, and let her gloves happily dangle

The Dobsons departed in a gay mood, with the branches of yellow broom rhythmically nodding between them over the edge of the waterproof apron that buttoned them in

The piano was clothed from head to foot in a heavy red baize cover, even its legs being buttoned round in what looked like Alpine Sport gaiters, and the baize flap that protected the keys had buttons all along it from one end to the other

Then, when she found that he went in to see if she had remembered, she did for a time cover it up in the intervals of playing, but never buttoned all its buttons; invariably he found that some had been forgotten

He hastily buttoned his shirt up and came to stand beside her

One of them hadn’t buttoned up his shirt, and his chest and tummy looked all knotty and hairy

By the time she’d buttoned her shirt, Anne and Rohan were at the table, clearly plotting

The woman glided on her scrolled buttoned boots to the door of Luna’s cell

I jumped off of him and buttoned my uniform while Duncan tried to compose himself

He carefully buttoned her up and

Everyone was busy that Thursday, attempting to get as many projects as possible buttoned down in time for a clean, uncomplicated Christmas break

At the entrance a long line of about ten unshaven, grim-faced men in ill-fitting suits, white shirts with buttoned up collars minus ties, were receiving

Coats and jackets were buttoned up as the search progressed, and Dr

Murphy and the Colonel helped Doug inside, his coat buttoned to conceal his torn and bloody shirt

“I shouldn’t,” Kathy said as she buttoned her coat

He pulled her pants up and buttoned the bottom of her shirt

He made sure that it was buttoned before stepping back

She then saw him brush something off his white long-sleeved cotton shirt, with the front half-way buttoned revealing a light trace of chest hair, and then pushed his hands in the pockets of his black loop less trousers

” I watched as he rose from where he had been sitting in the shade of a potted maple, the long camel overcoat he was wearing buttoned up so high that the collar framed his stunning face

Wortley, always urbane, always in time for the overture, buttoned his gloves, and admired Miss Clara

«I’m glad of it,» he answered, with a look of relief, then buttoned her gloves for her, and asked if his tie was straight, just as he used to do when they went to parties together at home

On that day he wore a collar even higher than usual; and, tightly buttoned in his tunic, his figure was so stiff and motionless that the whole vital portion of his person seemed to have descended into his legs, which rose in a cadence of set steps with a single movement

Maitre Hareng, buttoned up in his thin black coat, wearing a white choker and very tight foot-straps, repeated from time to time—»Allow me, madame

So that in all the towns about they were found wearing his long wadded merino overcoat and black frock-coat, whose buttoned cuffs slightly covered his brawny hands—very beautiful hands, and that never knew gloves, as though to be more ready to plunge into suffering

He lighted his bicycle-lamp, bounced the machine on the barn floor to see that the tyres were sound, and buttoned his coat

She hesitated, buttoned her coat

His black overcoat was buttoned up to the chin because of the rain

The shirt was not buttoned, but instead it was tied at her

He was dressed in a blue frock-coat, buttoned up to the chin, and wore at his button-hole the rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor

«In a blue frock-coat, buttoned up close, decorated with the Legion of Honor

«Dark complexion; hair, eyebrows, and whiskers, black; blue frock-coat, buttoned up to the chin; rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor in his button-hole; a hat with wide brim, and a cane

The Turks used to be so picturesque with their long and flowing robes, but are they not now hideous with their blue frocks buttoned up to the chin, and their red caps, which make them look like a bottle of wine with a red seal? Franz complimented Albert, who looked at himself in the glass with an unequivocal smile of satisfaction

«Absolute nonsense» said Betty brushing her sleeves down and buttoning her cuffs, «But full marks for a very pretty tale, and thank for having us all the same, it was decent of you to rescue us

Thomas had entered the dining room; his hands were busy buttoning the remainder of his many buttons on the front and sleeves of his shirt

Buttoning his trousers, and slipping a nylon mask into his pocket, he checked for the soft kid gloves and turning his mobile phone off, he carefully zipped it into the special pocket he had for it on his ankle

I walked out of the bathroom to see Jesse buttoning up his shirt

I closed my shirt in shock, buttoning it up nervously while I got up

I was still buttoning up my shirt and fastening my belt when the elevator doors sprung open in the downstairs lobby

“Did you call me, sir?” Qolam asked as he came out of the barn, buttoning his fly

The Russian spymaster smiled briefly at Zinoviev and gave the East German a polite and formal nod, then buttoning his coat, made for the door

Thinking that Paul could help me out, buttoning my shirt and with my jeans rolled up just past my ankles, I went to the kitchen to find him

Rachel straightened herself and began buttoning up her blouse as Peter started the car and put it into reverse

handful of his scarf as he crossed to the door, buttoning up

Patrick, buttoning up his coat first, went as well to the barn to meet them, finding Ingrid already taking the saddle off her horse

bed buttoning his crisp white shirt, which he’d carefully placed over the

As she was buttoning up the doors on the trailer, she told me one thing that I would always remember

With a combination of generating friction by rubbing his arms and buttoning his suit jacket, he got control of his body

He collapsed to the floor with a series of wheezing curses as she stepped away and began calmly buttoning her shirt

finishing buttoning her shirt

To stay? The elder, engaged in buttoning her tight kid gloves, said it was most kind of me, but they couldn’t possibly stay any longer

‘With the aid of the chambermaid I have removed two of them into the passage,’ said Gertrud, buttoning me into my coat

‘It would send me much madder to have a person of superior intellect buttoning my boots and scorning me while she does it,’ I replied

«Life is really the heavenliest thing,» she said to herself, buttoning her gloves, her face sober with excess of joy

He pulled back abruptly and I heard the sound of running feet and I lifted my head off of his shoulder and let him finish buttoning me up

He was now buttoning up his shirt

“I need to go check on the colt,” she said, buttoning her pants and looking around for a clean shirt

«Yes,» said Captain Barfoot, knocking out his pipe on Betty Flanders’s hob, and buttoning his coat

Why, it seems only yesterday that I was buttoning Amy’s pinafore, and pulling your hair when you teased

Reeling, he groped for his coats and got them on, buttoning his overcoat up to his ears

his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led her, leaning languish-

But Miss Ivors, who had put on her hat and was buttoning her cloak, would not stay

He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the aisle and out through the main door into the light

Buttoning it down, his chin lifted, he saw the image of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, beside the two puckers

“May it please the court,” Akers says, buttoning his suit coat and positioning himself before the jury box

Handleman,” says the prosecutor, buttoning his coat at the podium, “is your appearance here today pursuant to a subpoena?”

There were rules about every detail of life, from the folding of blankets to the buttoning of clothes, each reinforcing isolation and total obedience

Fred buttoning the khaki shirt he wore for his flying lessons

An officer, buttoning his glove, stood aside in the doorway, and stroking his mustache, admired rosy Kitty

‘That’s so,’ responded the clerk, handing him the reins and buttoning the leather apron

Yashvin, tipping another glass of brandy into the bubbling water, drank it and got up, buttoning his coat

by Jack, a black little boy of ten, hastily buttoning a white linen jacket with one hand and Pork entered the room, bearing a plate, silver and a napkin

And immediately Tushin, with a short pipe in the corner of his mouth and his kind, intelligent face rather pale, rushed out of the shed followed by the owner of the manly voice, a dashing infantry officer who hurried off to his company, buttoning up his coat as he ran

A short stout man of about thirty, in white breeches and high boots and a batiste shirt that he had evidently only just put on, standing in that room, and his valet was buttoning on to the back of his breeches a new pair of attracted Rostov’s attention

On hearing that Prince Andrew had come, he went out with his spectacles on his nose, buttoning his coat, and, hastily stepping up, without a word began weeping and kissing Prince Andrew’s knee

He came back to the trucks presently, ostentatiously buttoning his shorts

Fixing his coat, buttoning it up

He had seen everything from the upper floor and, swollen and livid, he came down the stairs buttoning his shirt, his side-whiskers still in an uproar after a restless siesta

She was left dangling, barely at the entrance of her tunnel of solitude, while he was already buttoning up again, as exhausted as if he had made absolute love on the dividing line between life and death, when in reality he had accomplished no more than the physical act that is only a part of the feat of love

«But we haven’t time!» said Susan, buttoning the collar of her coat

He was buttoning his fly as he came, and his old hands were having trouble finding the buttons, for he had buttoned the top button into the second buttonhole, and that threw the whole sequence off

Grampa, fumbling with his chest, had succeeded in buttoning the buttons of his blue shirt into the buttonholes of his underwear

His fingers went down to try to figure out the intricacies of the buttoning of his fly

A man walked down the trail toward the camp, boosting his suspenders and buttoning his jeans as he went

Breckinridge,” he continued, buttoning up his coat as we came out into the frosty air

Yes; and many is the time, when, after the severest uninterrupted labors, which know no night; continuing straight through for ninety-six hours; when from the boat, where they have swelled their wrists with all day rowing on the Line,—they only step to the deck to carry vast chains, and heave the heavy windlass, and cut and slash, yea, and in their very sweatings to be smoked and burned anew by the combined fires of the equatorial sun and the equatorial try-works; when, on the heel of all this, they have finally bestirred themselves to cleanse the ship, and make a spotless dairy room of it; many is the time the poor fellows, just buttoning the necks of their clean frocks, are startled by the cry of «There she blows!» and away they fly to fight another whale, and go through the whole weary thing again

«That’s so,» responded the clerk, handing him the reins and buttoning the leather apron

He dressed in Russian style, with a shirt buttoning down on one side, and a full-skirted coat

The sergeant rose near the group about the reader, buttoning up his coat as he did so, and stepping over and on the feet of those who had no room to withdraw them, and came forward to his officer

For one second he remained motionless, but, on glancing about him, he perceived that the soldiers were buttoning up their coats with tolerable equanimity, and crawling out, one after the other

What is it you want?” he said, buttoning up the middle button of his uniform

What can I do for you?» he said, buttoning up the middle button of his uniform

And immediately Túshin, with a short pipe in the corner of his mouth and his kind, intelligent face rather pale, rushed out of the shed followed by the owner of the manly voice, a dashing infantry officer who hurried off to his company, buttoning up his coat as he ran

A short stout man of about thirty, in white breeches and high boots and a batiste shirt that he had evidently only just put on, standing in that room, and his valet was buttoning on to the back of his breeches a new pair of handsome silk-embroidered braces that, for some reason, attracted Rostóv’s attention

Davout brightened up at the news the adjutant brought, and began buttoning up his uniform

She zeros in on the dining room, clicks some buttons and instantly only the dining room is showing on all the monitors

There had to be life support in the cabin and people pushing buttons to make things happen aboard

«The Presidente Lula, yes, it requires fingers on buttons to move that ship

«The control panels in the Lula require that life support signal green and the buttons be pushed

It took only a few levels of buttons to select out that part of the crew, but he was working with data from H

«The Presidente Lula, yes, it requires fingers on buttons to move that ship»

’ She looked at the handset wondering which of the buttons had to be selected to terminate the call then held the gadget out to Iain with a helpless expression

Fred took the cardigan from Poopsie, un-done the buttons and

Poopsie fastened the buttons

by breathing in and sending buttons flying

“Well we found in the barn a small unit with 2 buttons on it

After a few seconds the soldier started to feel really freaked out, so he popped the dog into the shopping trolley, pressed the buttons and built the biggest pile of fifty-pound notes he had ever seen by the door

More out of frustration than hope, the soldier started to press the buttons randomly, and as he did so the door to his meagre little motel room crashed open and in sprang the dog with eyes the size of sparkling Catherine Wheels

The coat was complete with gold buttons, gold braid on the sleeves and of course gold epaulets at the shoulder

Lt Plummer kept pushing buttons trying to get a better view of the area ahead; but he was having no luck

On it were big brass knobs and levers, a few tall, cylindrical and deeply indented push buttons, and a few large meters with very thin needles that were waving slowly, but remaining in the green

trolley, pressed the buttons and built the biggest pile of fifty-pound

buttons randomly, and as he did so the door to his meagre little

The only thing left was the half-blouse, and he looked at his kilt as he reached for the buttons at her belly

Brent did and the chair moved by itself and slid forward centering him amid the vast array of dials and buttons

looking ‘remote’ with several buttons on it

Tam pressed some other buttons and the side door slid open, they

He took his seat and pressed several buttons on the

Still staring at a spot on the floor, she pulled the bottom of her blouse from her jeans and started fumbling with the buttons

boots and sewing buttons back onto their uniforms

She wore a green silk blouse with ruffled lace sleeves and waist and gold buttons

A suit brush hung to one side and a repair kit with extra buttons, needles, and matching threads

closed the last two buttons on his overcoat and

“I don’t know about programmed obsolescence or anything, but I definitely have buttons that can be pushed, and I just go

He turns to Ted and unzips his fleece to reveal straining shirt buttons barely containing the enthusiastic expanse of his belly

scan and a series of buttons next to it

Many of them had buttons and small lights all over them, the likes of which Jack had never seen ever before

Johnson walked to it, pushing a number of buttons on its display, and then laying

Heather stood in front of the keypad looking at the different buttons

when there was no sign of life she pressed the other two buttons

see the man’s hands as they typed and pushed different buttons, but his face was

Tanem’s Orphanage in Heathcote, twelve buttons, some assorted sweets and fifty seven ducits were collected, and all trooped out into the night air tired but elated

every opportunity, would “push Darren’s buttons

Sleek with buttons I was afraid to touch, since I didn’t know what they would do

And instead of having blatant ‘buy now’ buttons, have a link asking

For the ‘yes’ buttons instead of saying ‘buy now’ write ‘Free Instant Access’ or

For the ‘no thank’ you buttons, use red or grey

For the ‘buy now or ‘sign up’ buttons use green or yellow

on your ‘No’ buttons that they will miss out on a key emotional driver

Tearing at Ash’s shirt, the buttons scattered across the floor

The video, bullets, download buttons (anything

through their belly buttons

There is no better time to start my seduction than the present, she thought as she discreetly undid the two top buttons on the front of her garment and opened it a bit

She turned and as she walked towards Zarko she undid the last few buttons on her garment and let it fall to the floor, revealing a luscious, naked body

Denalin touched a few of the buttons and the main viewer sprang from the morphing star field to a real-time view of their own hangar bay below

Dena touched one after other of the buttons on one of the new panels affixed to the arm of the Captain’s chair

He thought they might not be able to reach the lift buttons

It looked ordinary enough but he couldn’t help noticing it had only three buttons

Alistair’s mobile phone had only three buttons

“Press the big red buttons either side of the hatch

” As a duck with its eyelids, so he with his nose Trims his belt and his buttons, and turns out his toes

Black buttons flew across the floor as her white shirt was exposed, minus one button

He immediately reduced the power of the main thrusters and began to hurriedly press buttons to stop the warnings

She touched buttons on the screen several times

A young woman wearing a headset pressed some buttons on her computer screen for a few moments and then reported “Without resupply, this station has about three day’s water in the tanks

When she leaned back, she realized Sebastian had unbuttoned the first three buttons of her blouse

Without even looking back at Zardino Torbin stepped into the pod, positioned himself on the seat, staring in awe at the array of raised buttons

He dabbed at the menu buttons on his own cell-

out, thumb poised over the buttons

buttons on his grey Mulberry shirt his cock became instantly erect

the box so that the smooth side, opposite the side with all the buttons and knobs, faced upwards

I’ve pushed buttons and sent out tens of thousands of e-

She wore a pale blue silk skirt and a sky blue woollen coat with gold buttons, white silk stockings, and blue leather boots

He started working with her coat buttons when she pulled back and stared at him pleadingly, both of them heaving for breath in the short break of coming up for air

It’s not time for flashy banners and buy now buttons

Without any other options he stepped inside, expected to find a selection of buttons and was surprised at their absence

Chicago, so I found my tan slacks, as well as a blue shirt with all of its buttons, and walked down the treacherous steps again, to find the feline contingent at the base of the stairs

“You come in here with buttons missing, old shoes, you live at

clean jeans, new socks, my new shoes and a nice button shirt, with all of its buttons

I had noticed that most of my shirts now had all of their buttons, and I suspected that Mother or the fossil had gotten tired of my threadbare looks and had decided to ‘improve’ me

The buttons buttoned again as fast as they were unbuttoned;

The buttons buttoned as fast as they

She tried to pull her clothes into a semblance of order, but her hands wouldn’t stop shaking, and the buttons thwarted her

buttons stayed unbuttoned, and the strings stayed untied

The light glinted off brass buttons and insignia, revealing the face of the bearer

There were four buttons — Sec, The Lab, Dr Mani, Dr Mckenzie

I mean Vangie had a way to push anyone‘s buttons

Too afraid of what she might find if she checked on her dad, Dawn stayed in the car and turned on the radio, pushing the buttons, trying to find some music to listen to

How I remember the big red buttons light up when four-wheel drive and diff-lock was engaged! It is worthwhile to buy a Mercedes Gelande Wagen for that reason alone

The Njala had an impressive amount of dials and buttons for the driver to play with

Thomas had entered the dining room; his hands were busy buttoning the remainder of his many buttons on the front and sleeves of his shirt

She might try to push your buttons by trying to anger you – and use the children to do it

“He was always trying to push my buttons

» As a duck with its eyelids, so he with his nose Trims his belt and his buttons, and turns out his toes

Although recent events should raise questions about our collective wisdom, those pushing the buttons must ultimately be held accountable for their (own) decided actions

Marcia’s words had cut deep, had pushed buttons that only she knew were there

Like those over there,” pointing at two men with the stretched skin of bulbous stomachs threatening to tear buttons from their Hawaiian shirts

That home-made vest with shirt-type pockets up high, with their fake pearl buttons, was Big Frank’s distinctive trademark

I pulled the white garment off the hook, expecting the usual ties and buttons of a hospital gown

His torso, with sharply drooping shoulders and domed belly, was encased in a tight-fitting Western-cut shirt adorned with mother of pearl buttons

Chandio had pushed buttons he’d thought buried years ago — buttons that he had little control over

He pulled his tie off in two tugs and began to work the buttons of his shirt from the collar down

My breath catching in my throat at my audacity, I started at the bottom, my hands trembling as I tugged the buttons loose

Brubaker pushed his buttons, and made him mad

  • Use the word button in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The kind that requires each button to be punched only once.

There’s got to be a button for that.

Reba: They are cute as a button.

I’m thinking about pushing the button.

Hopefully he’s done us all a favor and gone and pushed the button to get out of here.

Right in the mommy-daddy button!

«If I push this button

I’m sure someone was outside pressing the button.

ÔÇô For his long service our Akakiy Akakievich got a gratuity of 60 rubles, a buckle in a button-hole, and a hemorrhoid in his bottom.

«Don’t touch that button

And now, friends, now that we’ve found Hennessy’s shirt, would you all mind looking for a collar button that I lost here?

If the conversation comes to a halt, you simply press the button.

Hey, some guy hit a great big lug out there right on the button.

Come on, I tell you. On the button.

That one’s got a button off.

You’re trying to tell me I need someone to help me put on my pants and button them up.

I appreciate your effort but I don’t need anybody to help me button my pants.

I can button them with one hand.

This bird in a cage is gonna button his own pants from now on!

You looking for a sock on the button?

Put the signal button on the control table and attach the wires to the thermal tubes.

You’re wearing the wrong kind of a button, Mr. Talbert.

He’s got the cutest little button nose. And the tiniest little mouth.

I’ll have to sew a button on there.

Let me sew that button for you before you lose it.

Why, you rat. I got a notion to slug you right in the button.

Yes, then you press the button.

-Actually it’s very easy. You just need to press this button on top.

Why, I’ve seen him toss six slugs into a gent’s belly button and never even seen him draw his guns

All you have to do is press the button in the back And it walks out by itself.

It’s a simple matter of pushing a button.

Oh, uh, just, uh, take your button shoes with you… and just step that off and see just how far it is.

I expect he’s downtown though now, uh, you know… struttin’ around, showing’ off his button shoes.

You can have him all night, and see if you can see his head off the second button.

There’s a button loose there on your coat.

Batchelor’s button, 7 to four on.

Can I help you button that?

All our indignation to the contrary, we prefer the complicated and difficult: we enjoy our buttons; we are withheld only by our queer sex-pride from wearing garments that button up in the back — indeed, on what we frankly call our ‘best clothes,’ we _have the buttons_ though we _dare not button_ with them. ❋ Ralph Bergengren (1909)

Facebook fan page * with Become a fan button*!!!! how to make a Facebook Fan page with a «become a fan» button Ex Page.www. Drag to Playlist ❋ Unknown (2010)

Facebook fan page * with Become a fan button*!!!! how to make a Facebook Fan page with a «become a fan» button Ex Page.www. ❋ Unknown (2010)

When the button is activated, Sanyo A5520SA will also send an alert to the matched phone. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Except the idea of inducing shivers down the back or extreme sorrow without having to do anything but push a button is a little like being able to generate porn randomly by computer. ❋ Unknown (2003)

· Global preset management — using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs. ❋ Softpedia Windows (2010)

· Using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs. ❋ Softpedia Mac OS (2010)

· Global preset management — using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in other songs. ❋ Softpedia Windows (2010)

[That guy over there] is [a cute] button. ❋ 9832970 (2007)

Man: I [pressed] her button, [fingered] it, and gave it a little lick, and she went on [all over the place]! ❋ Lil’ Kimmi (2006)

putting ur button on is so annoying, the front [sleeve] button on dress shirts is [hard to get] by [urself] ❋ Alex14 (2006)

«Where’s [the button], [whose] [got] the button ❋ Colin S. (2005)

Mai ek button [kha] ke [bhand] [hua] tha ❋ Lil Sharabi (2022)

i got 5 [buttons] for [40 bucks], what a [deal]. ❋ Crunk407 (2008)

My bro [Taylor] was obsessed with [this chick’s] button, he couldn’t stop inserting himself [into it]. ❋ Papa Georgeau (2007)

[Yo bro], [got] any [buttons]? ❋ Freddy Popper (2007)

My bro [Taylor] was obsessed with [this chick’s] button, he couldn’t stop inserting himself [into it]. ❋ Papa Georgio! (2007)

I [gave] [a girl] a button [last night] ❋ Jdjlfdsfd (2007)

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