Use the word broken in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word broken, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use broken in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «broken».

Broken in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word broken in a sentence.

  1. I am almost broken hearted.

  2. I would have broken the law.

  3. Martin suffered a broken arm.

  4. Clive had also broken his leg.

  5. She was subsequently broken up.

  6. If broken as is probable, [Brig.

  7. The ship was broken up in 1919–20.

  8. But America has not broken its sword.

  9. She was ultimately broken up in 1948.

  10. It was thereafter broken up in Genoa.

  11. Close to the coast, the ground was broken by wadis.

  12. The track features broken beats and layered vocals.

  13. By this time, infighting had broken out in the band.

  14. Nixon has now broken through where we have failed ..

  15. The reports continue «the pavement is much broken ..

  16. Some of the gates were broken down, and many uncounted fans went into the ground.

  17. Later many diptychs were broken apart, thus creating two saleable works from one.

  18. Numerous people sustained injuries, largely from broken glass or cleanup efforts.

  19. Wettin was broken up for scrap the following year in Rönnebeck, a part of Bremen.

  20. Marshall won the toss, elected to serve first and was immediately broken by Gore.

  21. The southernmost landmass includes an archipelago of broken sections of land that have drifted apart.

  22. The 23-year-old Alexander had a broken voice and tears in his eyes as he made the solemn declaration.

  23. This forced the crew to don respirators, but some of the respirator masks initially worn were broken.

  24. Kaiser sank at 13:24; the ship was raised in 1929 and broken up for scrap in Rosyth starting in 1930.

  25. Whether by flying fragments, by broken glass, by wreckage of machines or structures no one could say.

  26. I’m broken.» while Beckenbauer said that he was not sure he could shoot «with this injured shoulder».

  27. Only one of the survivors had a serious injury, a broken clavicle; he was hospitalized for five days.

  28. Of Holst’s impact on Morley College, Vaughan Williams wrote: «[A] bad tradition had to be broken down.

  29. OneRepublic canceled their tour after Tedder had broken his Achilles tendon and had undergone surgery.

  30. Under this expansion, the 70th Division would be broken up and its units transferred to Special Force.

  31. The pale yellow flesh stains blue when broken, the discolouration spreading out from the damaged area.

  32. After becoming engaged, Lincoln had originally broken up with Rindt and sent the engagement ring back.

  33. By 1953, the ship had been broken down into two sections, and these were sold to be dismantled abroad.

  34. His first IPS start was the Freedom 100, where dropped out with a broken suspension and finished 17th.

  35. His nature resulted from his broken childhood, when he experienced abandonment, intrigue and betrayal.

  36. The superiority of the Mainz corps was so evident that it provoked jealousy and in November 1793 the force was broken up.

  37. Erin was sold to the ship-breaking firm of Cox and Danks on 19 December and broken up at Queenborough the following year.

  38. When waves meet others coming from different directions, interference between the two can produce broken, irregular seas.

  39. At the time, World War II had broken out and by mid-1940, France, Belgium and the Netherlands had fallen to Nazi Germany.

  40. When Conan recovers his father’s sword, it is after he has broken it in the hands of Doom’s lieutenant during their duel.

  41. USC extended its streak of Pac-10 titles to six in a row, having already broken the record the previous season with five.

  42. The Paris delegation, led by Bertrand Delanoë, argued that Tony Blair and the London delegation had broken the IOC rules.

  43. The maxilla fragment referred to Oxalaia (MN 6119-V) has two alveoli and a broken third one that includes a partial tooth.

  44. On October 18, 1976, Patton filed for divorce from Carol Cooley, saying only that their marriage was irretrievably broken.

  45. Although completely unrelated to the accident, Challenger had broken up immediately after throttling to 104 percent power.

  46. With only four games left in the season, Yao suffered another injury in a game against the Utah Jazz on April 10, 2006, which left him with a broken bone in his left foot.

  47. The ships arrived in the new naval depot in Geestemünde in mid-July, by which time the Austro-Prussian War had broken out and had been decided at the Battle of Königgrätz.

  48. Hopley attempted to explain away the blood on the candlestick by attributing it to a broken blister on his hand, but did not offer an explanation for Cancellor’s injuries.

  49. In the picture, it is early morning and some revellers are ending their evening: a fight has broken out in the coffee house and, in the melée, a wig flies out of the door.

  50. The in-game messages were also made to be as short and easy-to-read as possible; with the dialogue from Crazy Dave being broken up into small chunks of text to match this.

Synonyms for broken

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word broken has the following synonyms: broken in, tame, tamed, broken-field, dashed, dotted, fitful, interrupted, off-and-on, halting, discontinuous, noncontinuous, busted, damaged, confused, disordered, upset, disorganized, disorganised, crushed, humbled, humiliated, low, humble, imperfect, injured, unsound, distributed, impaired, incomplete, uncomplete, rugged, rough, unsmooth, unkept, wiped out, impoverished and destroyed.

General information about «broken» example sentences

The example sentences for the word broken that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «broken» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «broken».

He was malnourished and his immune system was completely broken down by the disease

and they continue to not live up to those expectations, how long are you going to put up with those inconsistencies in your life? How long are you going to put up with broken expectations from someone else in your life?

I try to navigate through the city with a broken and bloodstained windshield while he lounges back and chats about days gone by

I have also used everything from wood to rocks to broken glass as barriers

when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered

had broken He promise to you

Then they found Paul at the front of a hotel, smashed into pavement and surrounded by broken glass

She had broken that barrier and accepted the fact that she was here, about sixty Earth years ago

Johnny brought up his hand to the earpiece, it must have broken during the fight because he couldn’t hear Ackers whining and yelling at him

‘We had a broken night what with one thing and another

The crate is not to be opened, there’s a ceramic security layer inside that must be broken to open it

It is not to be broken when delivered

Enoch has broken two stones now and is starting on a third

Sure, over the years my heart has been broken

How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody’s beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion

A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect

Eva leaving didn’t help the machine imagining either, given that a broken heart

«There’s one of Cynd’s that’s broken loose

a doctor can join broken bones, but they will knit under the influ-

Tahlmute got his foot under the tongue in the process and could have broken a bone if he had any less luck

is broken, and we have escaped

The drive lay broken and twisted, with roots breaking through the once

«I thought the ship was broken down,» Tahlmute said

He smiles sheepishly through broken teeth as Hamo cautiously appears from behind the limo

up broken glass on the road

Countess had broken with those dusty traditions

broken and the decayed was sufficient to invest and to bank

broken or missing in my body

A shattered airplane wheel lies nearby, aircraft parts are everywhere, as are broken bottles of moonshine and flaming boxes

He’s alive, but his ankle is badly broken, a sharp edge of bone protrudes from the joint

profusely, his broken ankle crudely bound and obviously causing him pain

‘We’ve broken Sadler’s alibi

The interrogator puts his foot on Khalid’s broken ankle, his attention fixed on John

during the prayer be broken in spirit and do not hold back your

And a threefold cord is not quickly broken

a doctor can fix a broken bone, but it will heal under the in-

I wouldn’t honestly have worried about a broken finger or two for me, or even a leg if it would protect my children, but not being able to do anything if they chose to punish Will

Explaining it all to Marianne, how I had screwed things up, made the wrong decisions and left our little boy with broken legs

I was still sitting in the broken arm chair I had collapsed into

Will was trying to tidy up the broken pieces of our family portraits, shards of glass and broken dishes

‘She’s been lucky … got away with a broken arm, though her head has taken a bashing

Oh, and you’ve also got a broken arm

The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have

‘She’s got a broken arm and is seriously concussed, but apart from that she’s okay

This creature, as broken

By the far wall of the cell I found a dry plastic bucket with a broken handle

The silence was broken by the sound of Smiler’s boot cap thwacking into the plastic water bottle

The troposphere is broken by numerous landmasses reaching above life-sustaining air

I sat and waited numbly for the next broken rib

The magical moments of childhood infatuation lay shattered around my knees like broken shards of glass waiting for the blind man to stumble his bloody way to perdition

Bahkmar knew the meeting was being broken up and that the Haadij was involved

The usual routine of door, tray, shower and food was broken

He felt like shutting down the houri on him, or better yet, transform it into a whirling malestrom of rusty, broken knives that chased him for days, something reminiscent of what he had to endure

Unlike her mother, a poor and feeble creature tied to the old days, a woman who shimmered like a pallid ghost among the ruins of their estates in the mountains, a woman who wore the same, disgustingly stained gown throughout her long and decrepit life, this Countess had broken with those dusty traditions

The money realised from this fire sale of the broken and the decayed was sufficient to invest and to bank

If they are rusty or broken, there will be a serious disease or death in the family

«There were three left that could move, but minTar died first, impaled on a broken spar

They tried to help each other and the other survivor since none were free of broken bones and I was the only one not seriously bleeding

he knew he had broken his vow to never kill again

This creature, as broken down and shattered as it appeared to be, was a living man, a thing of flesh and blood, just as he was

14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 and came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh

the hinges of which have broken under the weight

has bowed his huge frame, but never broken it apart

days in the prison cell had left her weak and broken

The fever that had raged for so long had broken, and now he was in a deep restful healing sleep

The pause gave him a chance to examine the stick she was carrying, which was pretty long and heavy, ugly with the broken off jagged piece of trunk

and flaying the backs of broken sinners,

That sacrifice is the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit

Compared with what you have been through, a broken night is nothing

The tough and skinny one, the one with the huge claw, had a claw that looked suspiciously like a broken stick

» Luray had broken off a long frond and stripped it, getting a curved stick over three feet long out of it

Inside his pack the frying pan was also broken, but Desa’s cup was still intact

SAMANTHA: Hearts are meant to be broken

When he entered he saw the broken pieces of shell lying about

the oral sores and the slow, broken skin

This plate showed the one asteroid that had remained behind, and a small triangular fragment that had broken off of that

His dirt embedded nails were long and several were broken, as tho they were ripped off

a separate thing, broken away from the image

The silence below was suddenly broken as several rounds of explosives went off and six of the ugly monsters burst into the camp snarling and growling

He whined as he saw Michael and wagged his broken tail

and, the spell broken, the creature joins in

The camp was a mess; everything was strewn about and broken

to the broken shell that lies gathering dust

at the feet of a broken child,

while his broken lungs choked on mucous

«We shouldn’t worry about that, how many times have our hearts been broken

All my options were cut off by a broken down fence that stretched between me and the almost hidden shack

By the time I rein Sefir to a halt in the stable yard, Wiesse has broken the news to her

That artificial sugars must be broken down by the digestive tract into simple sugars before they can be utilized by the body, and thus they put an undue strain upon the system

Emily looked about and saw the broken shell, and then she smiled and turned around

As they entered the cave, both very excited, they could see the broken shells lying about

She was broken

I looked down at my hands and across to his and saw all his fingernails were broken, all except for those on the little fingers

Lady Maya’s wing had indeed been broken; there seemed to be no end to the suffering she was enduring

The young man with the broken wrist was of some ethnic stock, while the three other youths were Caucasians and Miss Jones was no fool

As much was made of the tragedy in his homeland as was made of his broken wrist and the fact that no one could find the perpetrators of the attack

‘Then, when we have broken our fast with the remains of the bread and cheese, we can take it in turns to dry off in the tent, get dressed and pack everything up

You gave your heart to Sally when Jake returned with her broken body

For a moment I am scared that I’ve somehow broken some taboo or other … but surely Berndt would have told me… a glance at my companion shows me that he is as taken aback as I am

Unfortunately, the mood was broken when, over a large cognac, his wife revealed that she had phoned their mutual friend, had told him about her husband’s terminal illness and had persuaded him to make her poor spouse’s final year or two truly comfortable

  • Use the word Broken in a sentences

Sentence Examples

But now with the season over and the heat of the summer coming… the air in these broken-down theatres is even staler than usual.

Yes, there are freshly broken twigs. Go on, then.

My Liebchen, are you hurt? My back is broken.

Kristallnacht, they called it. The Night of broken Glass.

He had a backpack full of something, I saw where he was coming from and someone had broken in.

Singing «bless the broken road.» Jeff: dnow I’m just a-rolling home d

Like, you know, be broken up with that girl, Like, really, really get into the character of it.

Kahn has broken the rules

NKahn’s spell will be broken your mother’s soulNwill be at peace and his portals closed

I have broken the sacred rulesNto keep the portals open

I have comeNto the eternal palace because your sacred rulesNhave been broken

I have all these marks on my body, and my shirt is broken, and I don’t remember.

What would you have done if you had broken it?

That thing really should be broken to pieces.

That’s why he’s had several broken engagements.

Once my engagement is broken off, you have to take responsibility for that, too.

You’ve already had four broken engagements, right?

My relationship is about to be broken up as well.

broken pelvis, ribs, possible internal injuries

I think my legs are broken.

The promise he made to the Count is broken by his other himself.

Alas! The carriage lies broken at the edge of the abyss.

He was bringing across a pint of LSD in a suitcase, and it got broken in the airport, and suit soaked it up, so they chopped the suit, and put it in a deep freeze, and for some years whenever they wanted to get high they would cut off a little piece of the suit to eat.

When daylight had broken, then all was well;

The girl will finally have to give up …because the engagement will be broken off tonight.

Master, hear the confession of a broken man.

Well, the vases have already all been broken.

«The thigh-bone is broken and she suffered a concussion.

I wanted to help you ascend to the throne, but your wings were broken on the steps.

I’ve broken your every commandment.

And if, by falling off his horse, an arm or leg were broken

Too bitterly branded for life you became by fate broken-winged, inhibited, self-conscious.

But now, the love for her that supported him was broken, shattered into pieces.

The door has been broken down, run!

You probably don’t know how much it hurts, my broken heart.

They have broken through.

Grandfather, my life is broken!

Can’t you see my heart is broken.

The still of the night was broken by the bell.

Bring me to her, or the pact is broken

Meanwhile, Boleslas was at the home of Baron Kempelen he had been saved, with his legs broken, the evening of the battle

just a lot of old, broken-down warhorses.

I would walk over broken glass in my bare feet… for just one of her kisses.»

Synonym: burst. Similar words: broke, broker, stroke, sunken, weaken, chicken, weekend, take note of. Meaning: [‘brəʊkən]  adj. 1. physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split 2. not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly 3. subdued or brought low in condition or status 4. (especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded 5. tamed or trained to obey 6. topographically very uneven 7. imperfectly spoken or written 8. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion 9. weakened and infirm 10. destroyed financially 11. out of working order (`busted’ is an informal substitute for `broken’) 12. discontinuous 13. lacking a part or parts. 

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(1) One lining broken, the whole chain is broken. 

(2) Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken

(3) Credit, like a looking-glass, broken once, is gone, alas! 

(4) When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger. 

(5) Can you mend this broken chair?

(6) Oh dear, I’ve broken the lamp.

(7) Water gushed from the broken pipe.

(8) The boat had broken away from its moorings.

(9) He’s broken a lot of girls’ hearts.

(10) Don’t walk on that broken glass with bare feet.

(11) John has broken off his engagement to Mary.

(12) His face has now broken out in pimples.

(13) Can you glue the broken vase together?

(14) Water spurted from the broken pipe.

(15) I cut myself on a piece of broken glass.

(16) Neither watch works(,they’re both broken.

(17) The burglar had broken in through a window.

(18) She was the child of a broken marriage.

(19) The estate was broken up and farmed.

(20) He survived the accident with no broken bones.

(21) Campbell’s broken leg will probably require surgery.

(22) Recall the broken then do not put toge.

(23) Our washing machine has broken; I’ll ring the electrician.

(24) The broken bones of a child unite easily.

(25) The silence was broken by a loud cry.

(26) She cut herself on some broken glass.

(27) The police gained access through a broken window.

(28) Solid rock is broken down by weathering.

(29) If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.(If it is not broken, do not fix it.). 

(30) A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 

More similar words: broke, broker, stroke, sunken, weaken, chicken, weekend, take note of, joke, poke, smoke, take notice of, revoke, invoke, provoke, bespoke, brown, brook, brother, broad, spokesman, browse, bronze, brooch, abroad, broadly, eyebrow, abrogate, browbeat, broadcast. 

broken — перевод на русский


Aah, I think it broke my shin.

Аа, думаю я сломал голень.

He’s broken me jaw and me knee, too.

Он сломал мне челюсь и колено тоже.

He’s broken me rib.

Он сломал мне ребро.

You gonna break my accordion, eh?

Ты сломал мне аккордеон?

[LAUGHING) You didn’t break it, Son.

Ты ее не сломал, сынок.

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But if we can put him in jail for only a few months we can break up his ring.

Но если нам удастся упрятать его за решётку всего лишь на несколько месяцев мы сможем разбить его цепочку.

— Mary. — Do you want to break a window?

— Пытаетесь разбить окно?

Break a girl’s heart that way.

Разбить девушке сердце.

And to think I’ve got to break his heart.

Подумать только, что я должна разбить ему сердце.

Break his poor little heart.

Разбить его бедное маленькое сердечко.

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It doesn’t matter that my sign is broken?

Неважно, что моя вывеска сломана?

But you, your life is broken.

А твоя жизнь сломана.

His neck’s broken, and something hit him across the temple.

Сломана шея, и его чем-то ударили по виску.

— It’s broken. — So it is.

Она сломана.

Bone was broken.

Кость была сломана.

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What city ordinance does that break?

Какой именно закон я этим нарушил?

— I broke the rule when I fought.

Я нарушил правила, когда дрался.

What’s a guy gonna do when he’s broken every rule in the books… and his kid still thinks he’s the 1 3th apostle?

Что делать парню, который нарушил всё что только можно… а его сын считает его святым?

And you’ve broken the law.

А ты нарушил закон.

Be a lot of people around here who’d think I broke the law, right?

Многие люди в наших местах, решат, что я нарушил закон, верно?

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The cord broke.

Тренажер сломался.

Look, the cord broke!

Тренажер у него сломался.

Oh, that thing’s broken again. [Thermometer Clinking]

Это ошибка, он наверняка опять сломался!

I went after them, but the globe broke.

Я побежал за ними, но глобус сломался.

He got as far as La Junta and broke down in front of my door. He was a nice fellow, my wife’s a hospitable woman. We took him in.

Но доехав до Ла Джунты, он сломался у моей двери он был милым парнем, а моя жена такая гостеприимная, мы пустили его так интересно поговорить с кем то с востока, сам я из Нью Джерси.

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— The glass is broken.

— Стекло разбито.

You think my poor little heart is broken.

Ты думаешь, что моё бедное сердце разбито.

— Something’s broken over there.

— Что-то разбито там.

My heart is breaking, Father.

Отец, мое сердце разбито!

It was broken when I found it.

Оно уже было разбито, когда я нашел.

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Только незачем ломать мой зонт.

Sorry we were late, but we had to break down the door.

Простите, что опоздали, но нам пришлось ломать дверь.


Больше некому ломать ваши стулья.

The gardener had to break down the door.

Садовнику пришлось ломать дверь.

I’m saying that the door must be broken in.

Говорю вам, дверь надо ломать

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— That’s a signal for you to make a break for the walls.

— Это сигнал для вас что бы сделать перерыв на стенах.

A break for me.

— У меня перерыв.

I was just gonna say, I have a friend that’s out of town… and you might be able to stay at his place for a couple of weeks… and maybe by then things will break a little better for you.

Я просто хотел сказать, что у меня есть друг, который сейчас за городом,.. ..и ты можешь пожить у него пару недель. Может быть, к тому же, взяв перерыв, для тебя всё слегка утрясётся.

Once you’ve made the break, it might be difficult to get back.

Как только ты сделаешь перерыв, возможно будет трудно вернуться.

— Give yourself a break.

— Сделай перерыв.

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No, it’s bad to break their sleep.

Нет, это плохо — нарушать режим сна.

It’s worked so often and so perfectly in the past, let’s not break the rule.

Это правило всегда отлично работало, давай не будем нарушать его.

Don’t want to break the law.

Не нужно нарушать закон.

Not the sort of thing I should confess to a stranger, but you have to break the rules sometimes.

Не такое дело, в котором стоит признаваться незнакомцу, но иногда нужно нарушать правила.

Captains can’t break the law.

Капитан не может нарушать закон.

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If he knows I got 1,000 francs, he’ll put the bite on me to pay all his debts, and I’ll be broke again.

Если он узнает, что у меня есть 1000 франков, то заставит заплатить все его долги, и я снова на мели.

I had to, since Dede was broke.

Мне пришлось, потому что Деде был на мели.

Oh, you know those art dealers, they promise a lot, but… Anyhow, right now I’m broke.

О, ну ты знаешь, эти торговцы искусством много обещают, но в любом случае, сейчас я на мели.

— Yeah, and you were broke, huh?

— И ты была на мели, да?

You’re broke.

Ты «на мели»?

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