Use the word bring in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “bring” in a sentence. How to connect “bring” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

bring (v): to take or carry someone or something to a place or a person, or in the directionof the person speaking

Use “bring” in a sentence

I’ll bring it to you tomorrow.
What brings you here?
You aren’t permitted to bring dogs into this building.

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приносить, приводить, доводить, нести, привозить, возбуждать, доставлять, вызывать


- приносить

bring your books with you — принесите с собой книги
bring me a cup, please! — принеси мне, пожалуйста, чашку!

- (тж. bring along, bring over, bring round) приводить (с собой)

bring your friend with you next time you come — когда вы придёте в следующий раз, приведите с собой своего приятеля
Why don’t you bring your brother along? — почему вы не приведёте с собой своего брата?
what brings you here today? — что привело вас сюда сегодня?
a shriek brought him to the door — услышав крик, он кинулся к двери

- (тж. bring round) привозить, доставлять

to bring to market — пустить в продажу, выбросить на рынок
they brought him safe to land — его благополучно доставили на землю /на сушу/
he brought his wife a handsome present from town — он привёз жене из города прекрасный подарок
the goods were brought (round) early this morning — товар был доставлен сегодня рано утром

- предать в руки закона

to bring a criminal to justice — юр. предать преступника суду, отдать преступника в руки правосудия

- вызывать, влечь за собой, быть причиной (тж. bring forth, bring on)

to bring (on) a fever — вызвать лихорадку
this sad news brought tears to her eyes — печальное известие вызвало у неё слёзы
it brought a blush to her cheeks — это заставило её покраснеть
spring brings warm weather — весна несёт с собой тепло
the inclement weather brought (forth) a host of diseases — холодная погода вызвала массовые заболевания

- (to) довести (до чего-л.)

to bring the score to … — спорт. довести счёт до …

- (into) вводить (в действие и т. п.)

to bring into vogue /fashion/ — вводить в моду
to bring into action — а) приводить в действие; б) вводить в бой

- приносить доход, прибыль

the goods brought low prices — товар продан по низкой цене
his literary work brings him but a small income — литературная работа приносит ему небольшой доход
how much did your fruit crop bring last year? — сколько вы выручили за продажу прошлогоднего урожая фруктов?
used cars brought a good price in the summer — летом подержанные машины удалось продать по хорошей цене

- возбуждать (дело)

to bring an action against smb. — возбудить дело против кого-л.

- предъявлять (доказательства)

to bring charges against a person — выдвинуть обвинения против кого-л.

- to bring smb. to do smth. заставлять, вынуждать; убеждать

I wish I could bring you to see my point — я бы хотел, чтобы вы поняли мою точку зрения
I cannot bring myself to believe — не могу заставить себя поверить
I wish I could bring you to see the wisdom of my plan — я хочу, чтобы вы поняли разумность моего плана
I can’t bring myself to take strong action — я не могу заставить себя принять строгие меры

- to bring smth., smb. into /to/ a state приводить что-л., кого-л. в какое-л. состояние; приводить к чему-л.; доводить до чего-л.

- to bring smth. to a stand /to a halt/ останавливать

to bring a motor-car to a halt — остановить машину
the train was brought to a standstill — поезд остановился

- to bring smth., smb. under control подчинять, покорять что-л., кого-л.

to bring a fire under control — ликвидировать пожар

Мои примеры


unutterable joy that a baby can bring to a household — неописуемая радость, которую может принести в семью ребёнок  
efforts to bring peace to the region — попытки принести мир в этот регион  
to bring out / publish / put out a book — опубликовать произведение  
to bring up on the bottle — искусственно вскармливать ребёнка  
bring to a state of — приводить в какое-л. состояние  
to bring smb. to do smth. — заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо  
to bring legal action against smb. — возбудить дело против кого-л.  
to bring charges against smb. — выдвигать обвинения против кого-л.  
to bring smb. to grips with smth. — усложнять жизнь кому-л чем-л.  
to bring smb. to himself, to bring smb. to his senses — приводить кого-л. в сознание  
to bring smth. to rest — останавливать что-л.  
to bring in (a verdict of) guilty — выносить обвинительный приговор  

Примеры с переводом

Could you bring the wine?

Вы не могли бы принести вино?

Who knows what the future will bring?

Кто знает, что принесёт будущее?

Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?

Я могу взять с собой моего двоюродного брата на обед?

Bring the washing in, it’s raining.

Занеси бельё домой, пошёл дождь.

What brings you here on a night like this?

Что привело вас сюда в такую ночь?

The waiter brought the next dish on.

Официант подал следующее блюдо.

She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings.

Она привносит в наши совещания особую атмосферу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Economic forces converged to bring the country out of a recession.

…the dropping of an act from the talent show should bring it in on time…

…there didn’t seem to be a thermostat setting that wouldn’t bring a holler from somebody…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

bring about — вызывать, осуществлять, быть причиной
bring along — способствовать, развитию, воспитывать, развивать
bring around — изменить мнение, приводить в чувство, сопровождать
bring away — находиться под впечатлением, составить мнение, вынести, выносить
bring back — возвращать, напоминать, приносить обратно, воскрешать в памяти
bring down — сбивать, снижать, подстрелить, свезти, ломать, дискредитировать, сваливать
bring forth — порождать, производить, вызывать, вынашивать
bring forward — выдвигать
bring in — приносить, вводить, вносить, ввозить, выносить, импортировать, пригонять в
bring off — спасать, успешно завершать, успешно выполнять
bring on — вызывать, навлекать
bring out — выявлять, вывезти, выводить, вывозить, выпускать, обнаруживать, высказывать, ставить
bring over — переубедить, приводить с собой, привлекать на свою сторону
bring round — приводить в сознание, переубеждать, доставлять, приводить в себя, убеждать
bring through — вылечить, проводить через, подготавливать к экзамену
bring to — остановиться, остановить, приводить в сознание, сводить
bring together — свести вместе, сближать, сводить, свезти
bring under — подчинять, осваивать, заносить, включать
bring up — воспитывать, поднимать, растить, подвезти, выкормить, взрастить, выкармливать

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: bring
he/she/it: brings
ing ф. (present participle): bringing
2-я ф. (past tense): brought
3-я ф. (past participle): brought

Фразовый глагол Bring

В английском языке активно используются фразовые глаголы, которые представляют собой сочетание глагола с наречием и / или предлогом. Бывает, что их значение можно объяснить логически, но чаще всего подобные фразы не поддаются дословному переводу, поэтому их необходимо просто запоминать как самостоятельную от первоначального значения единицу. К обеим вышеупомянутым группам можно отнести фразовый глагол bring [brɪŋ], который активно используется в речи носителя в совершенно несвязанных между собой ситуациях. Давайте подробнее изучим варианты использования этого фразового глагола на основе примеров.

Фразовый глагол Bring


  • Глагол bring: первоначальное значение
  •  Фразовый глагол bring: варианты употребления
    • Bring back
    • Bring up
    • Bring down
    • Bring in
    • Bring together
    • Bring about
    • Bring on
    • Bring off
    • Bring out
    • Bring (a)round
    • Bring forward

Однако прежде необходимо вспомнить, что собой представляет глагол bring вне идиоматических выражений. Глагол bring является неправильным и имеет 3 формы, образуемые не по правилам английского языка:



Past Simple

(Простое прошедшее время)

Past Participle

(Причастие прошедшего времени)

to bring brought brought

Как правило, он используется в значении «приносить», «приводить» или «привозить»:

She brought me her favourite book. Она принесла мне свою любимую книгу.
Could you bring me my coat? Не могли бы вы принести мне пальто?
I would like to bring my children to you. Я хотел бы привести своих детей к вам.
Will you bring souvenirs from Bali? Привезешь сувениры из Бали?
He hasn’t brought anything! Он ничего не принес!

 Фразовый глагол bring: варианты употребления

Будучи частью фразового глагола, bring отличается наибольшим разнообразием значений. Для начала рассмотрим те, фразовые глаголы, о смысле которых можно догадаться и легко выучить. К ним относятся:

Bring back

Bring back (досл. «принести назад») – возвращать:

I will bring your notebook back tomorrow. Я верну твою тетрадь завтра.
Don’t worry, I’ll bring her back home. Не беспокойтесь, я приведу ее обратно домой.
That song brought some sweet memories back. Эта песня вернула (навеяла) приятные воспоминания.

Обратите внимание, что форма глагола bring во фразовом глаголе изменяется точно также как и в обычном его значении.

Bring up

Bring up (досл. «принести вверх») – поднимать:

Why don’t you want that I bring up that topic? Почему ты не хочешь, чтобы я поднял эту тему?

Часто этот фразовый глагол также используется в значении «воспитывать»:

I’m afraid that I won’t be able to bring up a child in a good way. Я боюсь, что не смогу хорошо воспитать ребенка.
The girl was brought up by her grandmother. Девочку воспитывала ее бабушка.

А также в значении «стошнить»:

The sick man brought up his breakfast. Больного стошнило после завтрака.

Bring down

Bring down (досл. «принести вниз») – снижать, спустить вниз:

This situation significantly brought down the politician’s reputation. Эта ситуация значительно понизила репутацию политика.

А также в значении «подвести», «разочаровать»:

Don’t bring me down, please. Не подведи меня, пожалуйста.

Bring in

Bring in (досл. «принести в») – вносить, выносить:

The five-person jury has already brought in the verdict. Судейская коллегия из 5 человек уже вынесла свой вердикт.

Bring together

Bring together (досл. «принести вместе») – собирать, объединить:

The earthquake brought all people together. Землетрясение объединило всех людей вместе.

Также в значении «примирить», «помириться»:

I think you should finally bring together, guys. Я думаю, что вам пора бы уже помириться, ребята.

Значения же других фразовых глаголов с bring без заучивания понять будет трудно:

Bring about

Bring about – вызвать что-либо, привести к чему-то:

The development of technologies has brought about the changes in our daily routine. Развитие технологий привело к изменениям в нашей повседневной жизни.

Bring on

Bring on – быть причиной, вызвать (обычно о болезни):

According to the statistics, 90% of all diseases are brought on by stress. Согласно статистике, 90% всех заболеваний вызвано стрессом.

Bring off

Bring off – добиться успеха, преуспеть в чем-то трудном:

She brought the presentation off. Она успешно справилась с презентацией.

Bring out

Bring out – выпускать, производить:

Samsung Electronics brought out a new telephone. «Samsung Electronics» выпустил новый телефон.

Bring (a)round

Bring (a)round – убеждать:

If you want to make that project, you should bring all the team around to choose it. Если хочешь сделать тот проект, убеди всю команду выбрать его.

А также в значении «приводить в сознание»:

Yesterday Michael fainted, but we brought him round. Вчера Майкл упал в обморок, но мы привели его в сознание.

В этом случае этот фразовый глагол может заменяться эквивалентным «bring to».

Bring forward

Bring forward – выдвигать (план, идею), переносить на более ранний срок:

They have brought forward the meeting to 5 p.m. Они перенесли встречу на 5 часов.
I decided to bring forward some hypotheses. Я решил выдвинуть некоторые гипотезы.

Стоит отметить, что этими и другими фразовыми глаголами не стоит злоупотреблять. Так, они совсем не украсят вашу речь во время официальных мероприятий, потому как не относятся к формальной речи.

При должной практике фразовый глагол bring не должен вызывать у вас никаких трудностей. Конечно же, в речи можно обойтись и без него, но благодаря фразовому глаголу ваша речь будет звучать натуральней. Поэтому заучивайте упомянутые глаголы и практикуйте их с носителями.

Просмотры: 7 176

Did you bring it on the starship?»

struggles we are dealing with, they bring questions on

Do you see how those four words: can’t, always, never, and try, start out as thoughts in your head and then they become real because you say them, you declare them and you bring them into existence

There is scientific evidence behind all of this and there are things that happen within your brain when you bring your goals into existence

and bring it into school the next week

Description of sin would never bring sinners into repentance,

Can we do anything to protect ourselves and bring our sense of balance up to par? Happily, the answer is yes

through His peace will bring you out of it,

Jer: 33:6: Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of

bring everyone into the knowledge of truth, which is

This will not only bring peace and solace to one’s mind but also open up one more avenue for social interaction

bring others to Jesus Christ

I can bring one for you, Fumai

There can be different ways to worship or pray, but all are the result of faith in Him to remove all conditions of despair and bring happiness in its place

bring a smile in your face

For best results do not boil but bring water to a boil then remove from heat

Place several chopped cucumbers in a pan of water, bring water to boil and allow to simmer for 1 hour at low heat

They bring back a wonderful feeling of joy to your life

The R or “responding” is your chance to bring the rain to your students

and bring with them

Every time you notice that your mind has wandered off the breath, notice what it was that took you away and then gently bring your attention back to your belly and the feeling of the breath coming in and out

It relaxes, rejuvenates, and energizes the body and aims to bring the body and the mind into a harmonious union

Emma had been away at college at the time … he’d even gone up to Birmingham to collect her and bring her back for me

Method 2: Slowly bring water to a boil (use low flame), then turn off heat, add 1 cup of the herb, steep for 5 minutes, turn on heat to low and simmer for 5 min

knocked a double garage door in the rear wall so we could bring the odd car under

«We will bring the crate to a convenient pick-up point for your transport

That meant they would bring in temporary people to clear the stuff out of the way

It’s a ten penny ticket and yellow’s two cents inside but I bring a skin of green in a nightcoat, I don’t wear the coat, I just have that skin in the sleeve, I say the coat’s for later

He picked the right staging axes to bring, to use on a strap of smaller timbers that he hung from a little adapter pulley off the backbone

He had to bring them back around to go forward again

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that

He knew it pained her to bring these things up at all and loved her even more because of it

OK, OK, we put it here! You bring

this, by speaking it out loud, we in turn, bring this word into our physi-

the hospital and bring the man who has an inflammation of his bones

I wish we’d thought to bring a crossbow

‘Fine – tell her to bring the family over for lunch

«I have complete backups,» Ava said, «We can eventually bring back the entire crew

‘I’ll bring the boxes in, Molly

«What about this €2000 ring? Do you still have it? If we can bring it back to the shop then at least we’d have the original loan back

If you want to be useful, you can put the kettle on while I bring this lot in

It was time to bring this madness to an end

do not bring life, but occupy the place within us which should instead be

Very basic it was, but I didn’t miss any of the stuff in storage … I recall I made a decision to get rid of all the clutter once we got it all back, but you know how it is … you never get round to it, or else it has sentimental value and you can’t bring yourself to throw it out

I sent a man down to his garage earlier to bring him in for questioning but he’s not there

He wishes to bring us to

astral guardian would bring the boy to her arms and to her digs soon enough

light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her

She wasn’t going to bring it up to Ava, Ava didn’t bring it up to her, but she seemed like she knew about it

Then why does she want to bring

Lucy swallowed, desperate to bring succour to her parched throat

She could bring the probe in very quietly among the pointed glass turrets of the castle this courtyard was on and swoop down to perch on a windowsill

accepting the request would bring freedom of a kind that, at her tender and exciting

so I have one ordered for then to bring us home

has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his

«You keep requesting that we bring Morg back

Glenelle saw Ava bring up a few more screens in the air in front of her that she couldn’t see from this side

be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who

Of course this was the guy she had a cherub of, but Glenelle didn’t bring that up

It will bring faith to you

Bring before Him everything that concerns you

In true Tonya style, they bring a basket of food and, within ten minutes of their arrival, Tonya is cajoling me into eating something

diagnosis, and bring you to victory over weakness, illness and death

If he wanted to adjust the magic level of his universe he could bring that interface with him, but as it was he allowed it only at the kitchen table and the den of his house and at the desk of the main cabin in his yacht

We bring into play just here his «blameless reputation» (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7) and note the «example» found in such Ch

should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?“ God in the next verse simply says I will be with you

God’s: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it

meetings) but again bring men’s attention constantly to the Christ like spirit we need in

«We are to exhaust all avenues to bring them to the faith and away from the power of the Kassikan, that is in our charter

Rampone grabbed hold of a 10m Staas container with the mighty claw-foot in the rear and gave a burst of gas to grasp another of the belt-iron steel containers and bring it in contact with the first

It suddenly occurs to me I could bring it with me in the material world

Finally, seeing I hadn’t phoned her till yesterday afternoon, she called me at about 4:00 pm and asked me whether I intended to come or not; then she commented jokingly: “Those who don’t bring an expensive present, won’t come in!”

You’ll have to bring something towards the feast though

So, while Betty and I drag the boxes of decorations out of the cupboard where they live during the rest of the year, the men bring in the barrel used for the tree which is kept in Fred’s shed for some reason I cannot fathom, and the tree itself which has been lying in my drive for the last two days resulting in me having to park in the car park but that was a minor inconvenience, though I didn’t think so when I left my mobile in the car and only discovered it an hour later by which time the rain was pouring down

She was born in Patras, she has an older sister and a younger brother, her parents were too poor to bring up three children, so the girls were raised by their grandmother

He had never understood how the weapons of the Kassikan would overpower anything they could bring against them

Maybe we should make the best deal we can, concede that they will hold the ground, attempt to retain only those souls we can bring into heaven

I try to bring her round, she resists, I emphasize I will come all the way from Glyfada, while she will only have to walk some metres; she grumbles a little more and finally she says in a plaintive voice: “Alright, Yvonne, I will come

’ He said deliberately seriously understating the case, ‘In the summer, I tend to get my breakfast and bring it up to eat in bed, and, on the odd occasion when I’ve been ill, it has been a great comfort to be able to see that lot from the bed

My friend said that he would go if he could bring someone with him

I’m afraid the only answers I have will only bring more mistrust

I hoped that each day would bring that longed-for moment

«So what I want to know, after all this has been said, are you willing to bring these properties under your control?»

«Antenna 521 and the NEI were always powered up and we’ve been able to bring up the PEI instruments remotely

«It had to bring the last of the crew down

The second statement doesn’t bring that kind of detail

It is for this reason that Jesus rebuked those on the road to Emmaus, “Foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory?” Is it not the pattern of God to bring darkness and suffering before there is a glory?

They perform religious functions to cause one to feel at peace with God, but they never once bring the power of salvation to the hearts of the pew sitters

How many times have I heard that this is a message to the Jewish religion? How many times have I heard that Jesus cursing the religion of men? Jesus was cursing all religion! Anything that would purport to bring you close to God by hiding the fruit instead of letting it be open before all is a false religion

what the day is about to bring

“That would not bring Lyla back to me

The low greyness of the sky blotted out the stars, but as Lucy headed up the road towards Waitrose and the uphill walk towards Chesterton, past the old hospital and the mouldering bones of the old Roman amphitheatre, she felt sure that some astral guardian would bring the boy to her arms and to her digs soon enough

The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

Go give two another couple turns and bring the nose around a little bit more

That was just enough to stave off the worst of the depression that cutting off yaag could bring, leaving her functioning but with a sad and quiet air

Step 2: You must use the power of choice, to CHOOSE to bring

It can only bring to

Lucy saw with absolute clarity under this calm but deep moonlight, that accepting the request would bring freedom of a kind that, at her tender and exciting age, she had never yet considered

You might want to bring a weedhook and snips in lightly settled neighborhoods

bringing them to the one who is able of deal with their

“Really? I highly doubt that,” Silence said as she stepped forward, bringing the spinning blades closer to Nancy

Herndon was busy bringing the boat to dock

She was bringing some of their gear up to the house when Venna appeared on the path and reminded Jorma about the fire

They all walked inside, Nancy bringing up the rear of the group and still looking for any traces of Silence

The United Order soldiers sprang into action, bringing up their laser rifles and aiming them at Silence

There are a number of NGOs doing good work in the field of healthcare, bringing up parentless and destitute children, care of physically handicapped, education of poor children, nourishment for patients and disaster management and rehabilitation

«I’ll be bringing someone of mine, or you can keep your aluminum

doostEr thought about surveying the situation before bringing the rockosaur out and if he knew he was going this far south along the city front he probably would have

«I’m here to claim a crate that I believe is stored in that area,» he said to the guy sitting there, bringing out a piece of paper

This first step is one of the most difficult stages in the meditation process and involves constant unremitting ability to keep bringing the mind back to that «object» upon which the aspirant has chosen to concentrate

«You seem to think you are bringing it to the rightful owner in the chaparral

He had to go beyond the street, then remove the tongue again to back up into the street the bridge was on, after bringing the kedas around to the other side

They were now at least fifty miles beyond the last of them, other than this Waldeis they were probably bringing the cargo to

She soothed him gently for a few minutes, bringing him back to the

Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck

I’ll be bringing her home shortly

«Rafa!» The big man lumbered into the room bringing his peculiar body odor with him

traditions, bringing the vile

keep sacrificing our time and bringing offerings…so that we could stay

«Oh?» he asked, quickly bringing up a screen

‘Yes, I think she may be bringing Barney

In the meantime, she still works as a chamber maid in the Hotel “Blue Rose” in Vouliagmeni, while my parents have undertaken the bringing up and support of her two sons – which means at least half of my father’s pension is spent on the needs of Alice and her children

Unseeing, I walk down the path, my brain suddenly bringing to my attention all the little pointers which should have warned me …

He might be trying to impose martial law over the council, bringing on a final showdown

He would sprout their seeds in a highland of this world, bringing horses, yaks and goats with them, as well as all the vegetables they had seeds for aboard

She takes one look at me, glances round the room and goes quickly over to where the kitchen roll stands and tears off a chunk, bringing it back to the table and handing it to me

“Don’t mind about bringing a present

He never got any feedback from the notes he sent to the Kassikan other than a formal ‘thank you for bringing this to our attention, we are grateful for any knowledge

Either I was bringing something that is utter insanity, or it is ultimate sanity

«Desa’s bringing me back to reality, her and this river trip

bringing it into your field, they are creating your reality and

They are so afraid of bringing

bringing more and more into your field

The same people that saw the glory of God bringing Israel out of Egypt and into the Land is the same generation that will see heaven on earth

That nation will be a blessing – even though they are currently bringing strife and chafing

He has claimed to be all these things, and has promised all of these things… but where is the evidence? Who is really bringing peace? Who is really Lord? This was the Gospel

We will think that we are actually protecting God’s name, but in actuality we are bringing an offense because we are out of sync with His character

You are charged with the responsibility of bringing

With Lardyme bringing out a tray with the other

but you could have warned us you were bringing someone else”

With only a moment’s hesitation, Berndt selects our route and we set off; Berndt leading, me in the middle and Joris bringing up the rear

Yet again I appear to be bringing destruction to my friends … I wonder how Agna is now … did her home escape damage? Wiesse, badgered by my repeated requests, was still waiting to hear before we left

It has the added benefit of toning and strengthening the muscles and organs of the abdomen as well as bringing relief from our two antagonists of this chapter

«This will be our last sleep together,» she said as she felt his arms go around her, bringing her out of her reminisce and into the present of this golden moment

«You’re bringing me such luck, cute and cuddly lady

The bishop broke into the eulogy, echoing through the Tannoy, ringing round the valleys, bringing in the strays and frightening the wild

During the week Cyberia cleaned the house, cooked meals and performed a range of other wifely duties while her husband, under the guise of bringing euphonic enlightenment to the masses, rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially complete jigsaw sets from the doorways of London’s charitable retail outlets

We both wave her apologies away, bringing a look of relief to her face

He was prepared to give evidence in any trial bringing the traffickers to justice, as long as it guaranteed financial independence for Sophia

fantasies – try bringing them to life with a little creative thinking, do things for each other that are new and stimulating…in short, just go out there and have fun!

Bringing others into a fight is not a fair way to fight

A fair fight will remain focused and bringing up the past distracts from the current issues and also sends the message that the past

‘The years you spent bringing him up were not wasted

Bringing them together would be a challenge, not as difficult as she and Daniel, but still a challenge

«Have you started bringing it home?» he asked

Over in the direction of the winding construction that would bring even more tourists up the mountain, incongruous dumper trucks and excavators rumbled about in clouds of silent swirling dust, chomping a way through the mountain bringing the future to the past and showing little respect, if any, for the feast

The table was laden with all sorts of food, and Mistress Sera and another man, obviously a cook, were bringing the main dish into the room and placed it in the center of the table

The boy was called Alan, being as close to Eileen as Ken could get in the memorial naming of his son, and Ken perspired a great deal over the next few years bringing him up single-handedly

I’m only bringing this up because the herb is, I guess, always mixed with tobacco before rolling

«They would have to re-work their reactor, or they would have to be bringing something big home with them

I said and was teased for bringing maths everywhere

‘Jane’s bringing her over tonight

which emotion is trapped and bringing it to conscious

with what you may effectively improve upon rather than bringing about a

There were more important looking men up there, with robes and servant girls bringing wine and sweets

That was singularly tactless of him bringing some other woman here

When we started bringing her

Rayne berated herself for not bringing K’nada along

4 Bringing about true salvation that has endured

favour by coming into your life and bringing you clarity as to what you

‘What did she say when you told her you were bringing me along?’ I asked, suddenly wondering how this sister of his is going to like me

That particle was supposedly entangled with a photon they had received in the message bringing this data

dissolve and wash away the non-‐truth, thereby bringing me into more

nation bringing forth the fruits thereof

This increases the likelihood of bringing more consciousness

Bringing more of this into your life wil greatly enhance it

For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by which we

’ Dave said, bringing over the sherry

I made a comment about bringing a veterinarian to tend his wounds and he growled and shook his head, as if he understood and did not want it

The possibility of failure is not one that Leona wishes to contemplate, bringing with it the prospect of a dizzying career at window two of the drive-thru obesity factory; that or Snuggle’s ad infinitum

She reached down until her pendulous breasts touched Chrissie’s nipples, in a parody of caress, the larger woman moved back and forth, the touch of her breasts bringing Chrissie’s nipples erect

‘Yes?’ she said, reluctantly bringing her thoughts back from the bronze age

Cursing his lack of forethought in not bringing any food or drink with him, he shouldered his back pack and, with a despondent glance at the options in front of him, made a decision and set off in what seemed like the likeliest direction

was just deposited that month, bringing that account, with a modest interest rate also compounded, to roughly $13,000

Who would have something to gain by bringing her a body? That amounted to who would get recognition from it? Certainly the physician she was brought to

“Was there a reward for bringing in a shonggot victim fitting my description?”

“How sure could one be of getting noticed on that boat crew?” Ava asked him, bringing them back from where their thoughts had wandered

He had been bringing his brew up here much longer than the mere decades she’d been coming here, the date he claimed was in Earth’s fourteenth century

Pritzlaff had just commended the Republican national convention for bringing a fair amount of delegates to the city the month before, and hoped the Democrats would be as forthcoming when they met in a few weeks

For instance, did he ever have any involvement with shonggot? Did he think bringing the person in for Ava’s download would get him recognition? That wouldn’t make much sense because even a promotion at the Kassikan would not source enough money to excuse what Kulai spent

He was opinionated and straight-laced but had no known relationship to shonggot, no financial inconsistencies and certainly nothing to gain from bringing in a body for Ava

‘That’s part of the problem, Mike,’ I say ruefully, ‘I was just thinking about the problems of bringing up a teenage boy without a man around

men in the front, the women bringing up the rear

‘Oh, thanks for bringing that round, I had clean forgotten about it

While she nibbles on the sandwiches, I rabbit on telling her what a brilliant job she has done bringing up the kids and how well they are coping

He obviously did not think it worth bringing anyone else in to hear more evidence that the society was peaceful and civilized

«My God Girl, does this house scare you that much?» His voice showed his concern bringing the girls back to their knees

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Jack asked, bringing along some fresh lemonades from the Wolf Down Inn that the rest had

I say the word ‘palm tree’ today but my mind brings up the picture of a nullbreak hangleaf

A significant drop in the production of the hormone estrogen brings on menopause

Tit: 2:11: For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men,

The peace of God brings serenity in your mind

“Then what brings you all the way out to the middle of nowhere?”

That is what brings you into the state of

Love brings happiness and not hatred

«What brings you here?» she could barely hear his shouts

An activity that brings the young, the middle-aged and the seniors together is much better than a group dedicated only to the interests of the senior citizens, from the point of view of building relationships

’ I said, as a woman brings a tray of coffee into the room

· Dharma brings as its consequence happiness, both in this world and in the next

It is also this nectar that brings diseases and understand that ants other pests

covered hands in his, and to her he whispered that simple phrase that brings life to the

The Trooper brings the joint up for another toke, just as John shoots him twice in the chest

He brings his emaciated hand up to shield his eyes

They all sit and Rosita brings the beer, sits with them

He brings up his bottle to toast

God that brings salvation has appeared to all men” (titus 2:11)

We both laugh as Molly brings the coffee over

He searches about him, finds his camera, brings it up and photographs the sign — click, whir, click, whir

The Word of God brings life

At the last second, Russ slams on the brakes, brings the old Rover to a stop just inches from Ricci’s kneecaps

«I hope they do, of course, but that brings us to something else I feel I need to tell you,» Ava said

filled with the Word of God that brings faith

Bolt brings his camera up, quickly fires off a few shots: click, whir, click, whir

Slowly, he brings his camera up, fires off a few shots

the believer, affirms his testimony and brings joy to the lord and

life and brings us up in the spirit of faith

Hamo’s driver David brings the car to a slow stop near the Departure Terminal

can exorcise the devil and the diseases he brings, is a prayer in tongues

world, an air that brings with it the promise of silence on snowfall, of the wandering

His concern nearly brings on the tears

The applause at the end of the piece brings me back to reality fast, but it was an agreeable little daydream

It is very soothing having Janet in charge; she mothers me while I drink the herbal tea she brings

The waitress interrupts my apology by appearing with our food over and we wait while she brings condiments and cutlery

Life itself brings these moments

Christ brings the opposite of these things

He brings victory over these things

This brings me to my first point

It prefers the religious thing that brings no life, but fulfills all obligations

It is a symbol of the immanent kingdom of the north that brings judgment upon Israel, but ultimately will be destroyed by the coming of the Messiah on the Day of the Lord

This brings an interesting question: how did Judaism survive?

It is this that brings healing to the nations

It is this that brings life from the dead

This new covenant brings us unto Zion

After you add Temple tax and Herod’s tax and Caesar’s tax and the tax collector’s share, you were left with somewhere between 10 and 20 percent of your money… This brings about an interesting struggle

Who is Lord? Caesar or Christ? Who brings peace? Caesar or Christ? When the soldiers come and you need to worship Caesar, who do you really think is Lord? Caesar or Christ?

It is also said to be a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships

Saul towered heads and shoulders over everyone else; why did David intimidate him? When we study out the contradictions in Saul and David’s characters, we come to conclusions that the very thing that brings the Sauls to a boil is the foolishness that the authentic is unselfconsciously in God

brings the peace of slow days,

and the howl of wind brings the jagged step

This last verse brings about a good point

After winter-grey waters, spring brings a sun that grows bolder

Snow on the streets brings with it footprints

“Yes, when a couple have a babyfolk, Alderfolk Pottypears brings

I tuck it back under the covers and lie, staring at the ceiling … my mind freewheeling as the stars whirl through my head … a soft sound brings me back to reality …

Ultimate humility brings us to a place of ultimate authority

Blessing is only blessing when it brings us into relationship with Christ and an ultimate fulfillment of His intentions and purposes for us

blood suffused with a narcotic that brings no more relief

Mists in March brings frosts in May, but winds set fair the year,

It brings out your creativity

Joris brings me back to the present effectively, repeating his request to know how I found this Element

in the body, further complicating the adverse affects tobacco brings

brings sleep without the drone of air conditioning

Berndt brings up the rear – I spend a fair bit of my time checking he is still there; a fact which does not escape his notice

The benefits are many but principally the Half Somersault brings into play the muscles of the back, toning and stretching the whole of the spinal column

and this coming winter brings

People with lumbago should also practice it as it brings relief from this and allied complaints, and those with constipation and digestive troubles would also gain much relief from practicing and perfecting the Spinal Twist

A shivering fit brings him to his senses soon enough though and, with a filthy look in my direction, he goes off into a corner of the room to divest himself of his soaking clothes while I do the same by the fire

Grumpy brings his clothes over to the fire; he looks as ridiculous as I do, with his blanket wrapped, sarong style round his middle

” She let out a sigh, “that brings us up to here and now; kind of boring, huh?”

If you practice regularly, you already know how it calms the mind and brings you a sense of peace and tranquility

The two youngsters are on a high when Alastair brings them back … they enthuse all over us about the film while we eat – sounds as though they had a fun time

When there’s a challenge, it brings out the

It brings up

That quickly, in turn, brings about true perversion: those who

‘So, how’s it going, the relationship, that is?’ Kerry asked, as the waitress brings over our order

He leaves and I stand in the hallway smiling to myself until another yawn brings me back to the present

Pouring tides of the timeless sea brings forth what should have

As a result, love and the joy it brings cannot be taken from you

And just like in this world, each year brings more and more youth who want nothing to do with their past or ancestry

28Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he brings them out of their

15Then when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings

“What brings you here at this hour of the morning?” He looked at his watch for the first time

Finally he signals to Ted, who brings out a pitcher of water

Another foray through the jungle of wandering hands at the bar brings two more beers

The shock of receiving the police at five am on a Sunday morning brings back every one of the hurts and slights that she suffered at Billy’s hands when they were married

“Ava my dear, what brings you here?” he said when she looked in his door

‘Which brings us to your appearance here in the town

Billy endures these minor social events because it brings him closer to Maggie, and he also has to admit that he loves the house, although he finds the contents a little twee

Thinking about the white and grey porcelain figures waltzing under a G-Plan spotlight brings Billy back to the conversation he had in the hospital car park

“Ava my dear, what brings you here?” Kulai asked when she looked in his door

“Ged,” Tom welcomed the hunter, “What brings you over this

What good fortune brings you here?” The fairy was so beautiful that for a moment Chen could only stare

“What brings you here?”

“That brings Tahlmute to the list, there may be a few more, but Tahlmute’s not already suspicious of me

Who could … oh … Alastair often picks Jo up for these band things … and, of course, he brings her home afterwards … he never parks his car by the house

What ailment brings you here? You haven’t come down

«The best, but what brings you in tonight?» She knew her tone wasn’t friendly, but lately she hadn’t felt very friendly, towards him

brings the wind out of his treasuries

It was the current from the north that brought winter, more than the path of Kortrax

Matt: 9:2: And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said

He decided to open up the copy of Stranger in a Strange Land he had brought for the flight

brought him flocks, seven thousand and seven hundred

Earth’s exile community here on this planet is small, herself, derived of an Angel downloaded into a native body, Alan, raised from a frozen zygote by the same expedition that brought her, and the thirty one Brazilians that survived cryofreeze, with or without the intervention of the Kassikan

It has also brought along with it, an increase in the average life expectancy

However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

Electronic signals and frozen zygotes brought few pathogens but frozen human beings brought many

2Chr: 32:30: This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gihon, and brought it straight down to the

And the reason I brought her along with me,” Johnny pointed at Nancy, who was currently enthralled with wondering what manner of creature or machine was hiding under the desk

“We brought her all the way here, showed her our base

He brought out his eye piece and looked through it

‘It was something he brought home after the war

‘I saw that friend of yours Amy today … she brought her car in to have the tracking checked and I asked her if she was still going along to them

Hopefully she could get enough money from Herndon that she wouldn’t have to tend sail on a freighter to get home, she hadn’t brought much with her and with all his fortunes he often balked at paying for her yaag

Small ripples on the lake brought warm sensations as they skittered across them

Red brought up her grenade, ready to activate it

Johnny brought up his hand to the earpiece, it must have broken during the fight because he couldn’t hear Ackers whining and yelling at him

It was possible that one of those loose ends might be brought on by her home star

They had brought harm to the village for allowing Haques to carry on as he did

He brought his attention back to the class

Having found it, he brought out what looked like a large thermometer with handles

Which brought him to his next order of business; he had to find out who he was dealing with and how best to deal with them

‘So what brought this on?’ he asked, standing by the now buzzing kettle, his arms folded

They were either brought here by

The levels to which they brought agriculture and the special relationships they developed with the ocean and the lands bear a closer look

He brought three bales out and split one

I’d been a mess when I heard about the accident, refusing to believe it was true … Dan had been great, liaising with the authorities for me and arranging for their bodies to be brought home from Spain and everything

Most of what he found was a magazine, and all of every issue could be brought to this eye

Talshi and her friend Wootondi brought a grate and a campfire into his yard for noonmeal

«They should have never brought it down here,» she gasped

morning when she’d brought the bins in and it was still sitting, dripping puddles onto

Tahlmute climbed to the plank, checked the straps on his luggage and looked at what doostEr brought

’ Liz said starting to unwrap the new paintbrushes they have brought in with them

«He brought nothing but shame to his nation’s flag

Sure it could have been something less grim that brought us together, but Jesus, you have to take the positives where you can find them, don’t you?

‘I’ve brought you a cup of tea

The nurse brought him to the intensive care unit and smiled again as he went in

Few natives have the money for a voice link, even now that our visit has brought the cost down by a factor of a thousand, most just send mail and few send it more than a couple times a year

She brought her feet down gently to the sand on a beach of moderate surf, one of the exposed sides of this island

handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and

I got Liz out of the house while the police went in after him but when they brought him out, he made one hell of a racket, calling out to Liz to help him one minute and screaming obscenities at her for being so evil the next

‘Yes, she was sobbing herself silly before they brought him out but when he started on her she just froze

She figured she should inform Ava when she brought up the last backup of his home

My son was brought from school in a state of shock – his leg was

’ Stephen told her reaching for the glass of cool water Molly has just brought over for him

was healing my sick soul and brought up my faith in His Word

‘How are you coping with this madhouse? The first time Mike brought me here I completely lost track of who everyone was

The numbers came into view when processing of the images against the database brought enough confidence to render them in the image

Renderings of the most probable species of brush were brought up

They had pretty much decided that as soon as his place was ready, he would be brought back

They found his address dead, brought up a view from the geosynchronous and found he had almost nine hours remaining of darkness down there on the ground

As they watched these events unfolding on the planet’s terminator, a remote probe in low orbit got thru on a laser-beam and brought them closer, close enough that its scope could detect the dots that were people on the ground, even without enhancements

Soon after that they saw the wagon brought to the other end of the craft

She had brought him across the beach to the water by now

ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost;

«Ava believes that the base universe contains a huge and ancient human civilization that was given an immense technological boost by whatever third party brought humans here sometime during Earth’s last ice age

”They brought him here after the funeral

‘No, if we had known, we would have brought him back, but it was all so sudden

I swore in whispers as I moved, damning to hell the bastards who had brought me to this state and place

I tried to pick at the frame of the grill so that I could steal a stray beam of light from the bulb in the corridor, but all that I did was aggravate the pin prick wound in my finger from the bullet hole in the trunk of the car that had brought me here

«Wish we’d brought the gunnery junk instead,» Parker blurted out without thinking

«I mean I just wish we brought more guns, that’s all

I realize there are minor things that need to be discussed and have brought up such in

A second later, Burn fired thrust in her direction of travel and brought Audacity to a dead stop between the approaching metal storm and the redsuits

I am also aware that in some congregations there have been matters brought before

The Haad Licence was brought up

Every crew member had at least one embryo in stasis to be brought to term on the new world

Yet, there is something: A young woman has brought her seven-month-old baby, a nice and smiling boy, and everybody takes him in their lap

‘Really?’ he said, ‘What brought that to mind?’

Catching the wizards unawares and trapped within their compound where they can physically be brought to justice

They thereby brought

I wondered how these two men had been brought up

They had not actually brought their women with them

The Staas Privateers and the UN fleet have brought the fight to the Squidies’ home system

» Surprisingly, the whole exchange has brought out a degree of exuberance from Apollo and I must admit, I’m thankful for that

I assumed that the journey west continued and I tried to think of places that they might have brought me to; Oxford, perhaps, or Reading

At last! One of the uncountable (and usually dead-end) ideas I come up with in order to improve my life has just brought a result! Having found out recently that the monthly magazine “Greek Fantasy” publishes short fantasy stories of new writers, I thought of sending them one

“She has them in her hands and says she gave them to you but you brought them back untyped and left them on her desk without telling her anything!”

They’ve brought teachers and doctors where the government can’t be arsed

What he did know was that he hadn’t been brought up formally before the Haadij and/or the Council of Faith and Doctrine on charges of trespassing in the woman’s universe

All the children are gabbling about Christmas, Henry and Maureen are mobbed by toddlers waving new toys which Father Christmas brought for them

He brought up a diagnostic screen, Diam couldn’t see them from his direction, and Bahkmar tried to be as attentive as Diam said, without preamble, «It has been brought to my attention that you are not in favor of the council’s decision?»

«I brought you a gift,» he said

He called up a panel and brought a couple out to perform, the ones with the better raunchy settings seeing as Jaseem was here

We talked for hours, breaking off only to slip our hoods on and sit quietly on our mattress rolls when the guards brought in the evening meal

The home was snug when needed, for the dark often brought frost and, in the winter, sometimes snow

The other two or three hostages in the building had also, it seems, been brought straight to our last home

There was quite a big herd of karga brought in that day and he had to arrange extra haulage, a Nightday trip for more brining jars and a celebration to be had in the native tradition at the end of the next week when the last of the jars was finally transported off

He brought them thru to his side patio with a view of the pastures, then sent a servant for refreshments

Blaise had only a short frown, brought a flask of native serum out of a pocket in his loose bottomed pantaloons

Our kisses and our caresses in the dark night hours somehow brought comfort and assuaged the loneliness that otherwise threatened to engulf us

If this was ready when the Kassikan flew Ernesto’s body to the north, they could have caught up with the airship before the tunnel and brought him back

Alan turned toward her and the phone was brought into a position where her face filled the field of view

Her destiny, however, was not that of the cold mountains and the lonely snow bejewelled passes that brought fitful life to their lands

God sent severe circumstances and exile before He brought redemption in the times of Nehemiah

It was the bump on his head but mostly my kiss of love that brought him back, he said

The kind of suffering that is brought about by anxiety and wringing of the hands is unnecessary

Either the view that I had brought to them was entirely unreal, or it was definitive reality

It was just aimless wandering that brought me to Zhlindu, I was actually working as a sex entertainer when I met Nlara

Example Sentences of the Verb ‘Bring’

Updated on January 30, 2019

This page provides example sentences of the verb «bring» in all tenses in English. Study examples of positive and negative sentences, as well as questions. Make sure 

Infinitive: To Bring

Use the infinitive form «to bring» when combining with verbs that take infinitives as an object:

  • She hopes to bring that up at the meeting.

Base Form: bring

Use the base form «bring» together with helping verbs in the present simple, past simple, and future simple:

  • Do you usually bring your homework to class?
  • They didn’t bring any news of the situation.
  • They won’t bring anything to eat.

Past Simple: brought

Use the past simple «brought» in positive sentences with the past simple:

  • Peter brought his racket last weekend. 

Past Participle: brought

Use the past participle «brought» in past, present, and future perfect forms:

  • He’s brought a number of friends to the party.
  • They hadn’t brought anything to eat, so they went out.
  • She will have brought enough food for everyone.

Present Participle: bringing

Use the present participle, or «ing» form, for present, past, and future continuous tenses, as well as for all perfect continuous tenses:

  • She’s bringing the drinks tonight.
  • Tom was bringing up the idea when she interrupted him.
  • They have been bringing a lot of new information to the discussion.

Each of these forms is used with different tenses. «Bring» is an irregular verb and should be memorized. 

Present Simple

  • She often brings friends to work.
  • How often do they bring their children to work?
  • Peter doesn’t usually bring anything for lunch.

Present Continuous

  • Mary is bringing Jack to the party.
  • Why are they bringing up that topic?
  • We aren’t bringing our friends to the show. 

Present Perfect

  • I haven’t brought much food today.
  • How much money have they brought to the table?
  • She hasn’t brought any homework with her.

Present Perfect Continuous

  • She has been bringing her friends along for years.
  • How long have you been bringing up that topic?
  • They haven’t been bringing much to our potluck lately.

Past Simple

  • Alice brought a new friend to the party.
  • When did you bring that subject up with him?
  • She didn’t bring any luggage with her last weekend.

Past Continuous

  • I was bringing out the present when she burst into the room.
  • What were you bringing up when he interrupted you?
  • He wasn’t bringing about any change when they let him go.

Past Perfect

  • The others had brought the food before they arrived.
  • How many books had you brought to the study session?
  • She hadn’t brought up that topic until you mentioned it. 

Past Perfect Continuous

  • She had been bringing different friends to work for years before her boss told her to stop.
  • How long had they been bringing their lunch to work before they started eating in the cafeteria?
  • She hadn’t been bringing many friends around when he asked her to stop bringing anyone. 

Future (Will)

  • Janice will bring the dessert.
  • What will you bring to the party?
  • She won’t bring that up at the meeting. 

Future (Going to)

  • I am going to bring the drinks to the party.
  • When are you going to bring your friends around for a visit?
  • They aren’t going to bring her instrument to the concert. 

Future Continuous

  • This time next week we will be bringing about a number of changes.
  • What will you be bringing up at the next meeting?
  • She won’t be bringing anything to eat, so we’re going out. 

Future Perfect

  • They will have brought enough food by six o’clock.
  • How many times will you have brought a dessert by the end of the year?
  • We won’t have brought enough steaks, so I’ll go shopping.

To continue learning, make sure you study other irregular verbs and practice using a variety of tenses. Continue your focus on irregular verbs and practice using a variety of tenses. Continue your focus on «bring» with the following quiz.

Bring Quiz

Use the verb «bring» in the correct tense in the sentences below:

  1. I __________ the cake to the party before he arrived.
  2. We __________ the product out twenty years ago.
  3. Who __________ the wine to the party?
  4. I think Tom __________ his girlfriend to the party, but I’m not sure.
  5. Alex always __________ work home with him.
  6. She ______________ up the topic when he rudely interrupted.
  7. They __________ many friends to dinner since they moved here two years ago.
  8. Susan ____________ a few friends over before I arrived.
  9. She __________ the list right now. Don’t worry.
  10. My neighbor _______ up a few topics at the meeting last week. 


  1. had brought
  2. brought
  3. will bring/is going to bring
  4. will bring
  5. brings
  6. was bringing
  7. have brought 
  8. had brought 
  9. is bringing
  10. brought

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