Use the word bridges in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word bridges, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use bridges in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «bridges».

Bridges in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word bridges in a sentence.

  1. Seven bridges span the St.

  2. I am getting clear of the bridges now.

  3. By 1973, all five bridges were finally complete.

  4. The creek is crossed by roughly 30 major bridges.

  5. The bridges have been altered little since opening.

  6. Lack of bridges did not slow the Coalition pursuit.

  7. The bridges over Big Bend Wash were completed in 1962.

  8. All three Sullivan County covered bridges were built c.

  9. Rail lines were cut, and small bridges were washed away.

  10. The few bridges that spanned the lagoon and the amphitheater were not demolished.

  11. Both bridges use post-tensioned concrete, reinforced with rustproof steel cables.

  12. This includes physical damage to creek banks, bridges, roads and water pipelines.

  13. The longest of these bridges is the Fish Creek bridge at 1,180 feet (360 m) long.

  14. By 1974, bridges received special protection from increasing truck weight limits.

  15. Ney sent in Jean-Pierre Firmin Malher’s 3rd Division to capture the Günzburg bridges over the Danube.

  16. In an attempt to slow the Chinese advance, MacArthur ordered the bridges across the Yalu to be bombed.

  17. Due to high river levels and low bridges, navigation was difficult, and Sava was scuttled on 11 April.

  18. Route 220 and the Lycoming Valley Railroad cross the creek on separate bridges just north of its mouth.

  19. Among the many bridges that cross the Rogue River is the Isaac Lee Patterson Bridge, which carries U.S.

  20. The eastern descent from the Pavant range features bridges high above Clear Creek and its side canyons.

  21. Heavy rainfall flooded many streams, which closed or damaged several highways, bridges, and rail lines.

  22. Its unusual rock formations, stone bridges, and waterfalls remained etched in Pei’s memory for decades.

  23. According to the project design, the third terminal will have 12 boarding bridges and 12 conveyor belts.

  24. This led to the greater use of such bridges, particularly the Inglis Bridge, for tanks later in the war.

  25. Further west in Jiangxi, floods from the storm destroyed 3,800 houses, ruined 180 bridges, and killed 25.

  26. Covered bridges were a transition between stone and metal bridges, the latter made of cast iron or steel.

  27. Covered bridges were a transition between stone and metal bridges, the latter made of cast-iron or steel.

  28. The Hillsgrove Covered Bridge was added to the NRHP in 1973 and the two other bridges were added in 1980.

  29. According to Zacher, the first covered bridges of the Burr arch truss design were also built in the state.

  30. To make the situation worse, the highway connected to Armero and several bridges to it had been demolished by the lahars.

  31. All three main buildings were adjacent to one another in a line and linked by wooden covered bridges above street height.

  32. Pennsylvania had the first covered bridge in the United States, and has had the most such bridges since the 19th century.

  33. He built 111 bridges and started construction on the first bridge over the Mississippi entirely in Louisiana, the Huey P.

  34. It was during this time that he began his lifelong study of vibration and its effects on materials, particularly bridges.

  35. The two are connected by many bridges across the river, the oldest of which is Purana Pul—(«old bridge») built in 1578 AD.

  36. In the 21st century, major highways follow the river, and roads cross the main stem on approximately 30 different bridges.

  37. The Forksville and Hillsgrove bridges both cross Loyalsock Creek, with the latter about 5 miles (8 km) further downstream.

  38. Due to high river levels and low bridges, navigating monitors was difficult, and she was scuttled by her crew on 11 April.

  39. The two river bridges, McClintic-Marshall’s portion, were completed first, and the $21 million road was opened at 8:00 a.m.

  40. New Jersey smashed radar control positions and bridges at Kojo 13 July, and was once more on the east coast bombline 22–24 July to support South Korean troops near Kosong.

  41. Just south of the Columbia Slough, the line bridges over southbound I-205 towards Cascade Station and proceeds northwest along the south side of Northeast Cascade Parkway.

  42. In 1913, the State Trunk Line Act required the highway department to build and maintain bridges at the state’s expense if they were included in the nascent highway system.

  43. On the first day of their invasion of Yugoslavia the Germans seized bridges over the Drava river in both armies’ sectors and several mountain passes in the 7th Army sector.

  44. The Hillsgrove bridge is the longest of three covered bridges remaining in Sullivan County, and served as a landing site for lumber rafts on the creek between 1870 and 1890.

Synonyms for bridges

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word bridges has the following synonyms: Bridges and Harry Bridges.

General information about «bridges» example sentences

The example sentences for the word bridges that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «bridges» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «bridges».

Humpbacked bridges arched down almost to the water and then back up again

‘The brakes failed on Liz’s car this afternoon … she crashed into one of the motorway bridges

On this branch of history the modern day Atlantis looked more like China, with hundred story buildings along the shore and great hanger bridges and even venerable motorway bridges spanning between islands

They had a tall fruit tree in each corner of the tiny lot, and bridges of hard-bean slung well up into them to aid in the harvest of both

They strolled a few more steps, there were people, steps and bridges to deal with

From here it was a wild tangle of towers and gables, overhanging floors, arched covered bridges with round and oval windows

Along the journey, Kaitlyn and Chloe pointed out the Hausmann renovations, historical parks and bridges

Soon he reached the smaller of the bridges connecting the

There was music coming from many establishments, and hired drivers yelling from the coaches which crossed this khume, often on bridges inside it on an upper floor

They traveled over bridges and thru tunnels, up ornate stairways and thru plaza’s choked with people

isolated medieval, hump-backed bridges

I told a friend who informed me that sometimes Satanists would put cursed cassette tapes on the bridges over a freeway

Now that the valley was in shadow it was dim enough down there that many lanterns were lit and the atriums twinkled thru the branches and bridges below

Except that the surface of the volcano was a jagged wonderland of pinnacled jungle canopy connected with webs of bridges

«Oh I love that mountain hamlet,» she told him, «Unlike some, I burned no bridges when I left there, I’m overdue to return

The views of the canyons of the upper south slope were fine, the bridges sometimes dizzying

Here along the avenue it still averaged twelve to twenty stories and there were pedestrian bridges across on the third or fourth floor every now and then

There was a bit of congestion at the intersection because of a big hall of some kind with bridges to its second floor balcony around three sides of the square

In all the different countries of Europe then, in the same manner as in several of the Tartar governments of Asia at present, taxes used to be levied upon the persons and goods of travellers, when they passed through certain manors, when they went over certain bridges, when they carried about their goods from place to place in a fair, when they erected in it a booth or stall to sell them in

Every conversation, belch and sneeze on their bridges was being recorded by another collection of Deni’s ‘secret’ little gadgets

It took days of analyzing the recordings, they were still making, of the several pirates’ bridges before enough data allowed for the Captain’s initial plans to coalesce sufficiently

He did well to build bridges and take great care to never let them catch fire

That said, the bridges you build at this stage with your list members will hugely stand the test of time and will benefit you both immeasurably going forward

He had seen lives interrupted by burned bridges and pillaged coffers

When the time is ripe, the returning soul goes back into tunnel of light which bridges the spiritual plane and the physical Earth

He saw the two bridges he would need to cross

When high-roads, bridges, canals, etc

The labour of the country people, for three days before, and for three days after, harvest, was thought a fund sufficient for making and maintaining all the bridges, highways, and other public works, which the commerce of the country was supposed to require

It required 170 bridges and culverts of fifteen feet or more, 134 of less than fifteen feet, and was successfully

As we walked though them every so often we would pass under plank bridges that spanned the trench we would also have to turn right angle corners were the blast walls where

Alex knew that he had many bridges to rebuild with his daughter but before that, he needed to get some sleep — and find some work

The rails and bridges have been bombed and have not yet been repaired

What now? Home he supposed, to try to mend some bridges

‘Limon Province, continually neglected by the corrupt power structure of the federal government: bridges down and a plague of crack cocaine infecting the province, and what does the federal government do? Nothing

Few bridges remained intact, and twice their heavy truck had to be ferried across rivers by barge

On most other occasions, they used Bailey or pontoon bridges erected by Army engineers parallel to the wreckage of destroyed German structures

“The Russians are thick on the roads to the west, and all the bridges have guards

Filling unevenly, the overflow from one would have torn through the narrow bridges of land that separated these huge cisterns, in the process, forming what is now known as the Great Lakes

less and seem content living in the woods or under the bridges

will mend all of the bridges you have burned between you and your

Arriving at rivers without bridges (none of them had bridges because they were normally dry and used as roadbeds), I found they were now running in full spate

It’s heard, as the trees whisper on bridges,

Bridges crossed the Oos on every half a kilometer

Powerful, smelling of pine needles of the antiquity trunks of trees, like a sentinel on his duty, were guarding the bridges on both sides

Walking along the shore, hearing the murmur of the river, listening to the whisper of leaves, it seems that you are on the eternal circle of nature and peace, and only numerous bridges, each unique in its own way, remind that this path is linear, and even if this is a circle, it will be finished still after a very long time

enhancements or data bridges from external systems (also called «interfaces») your focus will be on testing

bridges and interfaces holding everything together

Armed volunteers from all the cities and towns around the lake swarmed into Tenochtitlan while the Ordu commandeered every boat available and soon had several pontoon bridges across the small canal

It was too deep to ford and the enemy had cut the crude rope bridges across it

We would make ourselves useful by building permanent bridges across the streams around the city

Most of the rivers in this area are rather shallow and can be easily forded, the few exceptions had permanent bridges under construction, so progress would soon be unimpeded

Bridges were lifted meters into the air, severing roads

I noticed that most of the smaller rivers now had suspension bridges over them

There were also now some arch bridges in use over some of the small rivers

The wide rivers like the Missi Sipi and the Thanuge, however, would likely never see anything but pontoon bridges

” Holding my thumb and forefinger an inch apart I added, “I came this close to a month of Fried Green Tomatoes and The Bridges of Madison County

Construction to fix major roads and bridges was going at full speed, and

We set off right afterward, taking the road leading a little north of west toward the Missi Sipi River where one of the bridges crosses it

All the rivers were crossed with suspension bridges about a li or so from their mouths

thoroughly burned his bridges behind him, by slaughtering, cooking, and giving their

considerably and all rivers and streams along the way were crossed with stone bridges

They should take a lot of time, perhaps four or five days, getting organized into their new positions, and then each group should start building their pontoon bridges, very slowly across the branches of the river

When all were built, they should make a show of crossing the bridges late in the afternoon and setting up camp right on the bank without sending out any sentries

When they got in range tear them up with the cannon, then we would attack across the bridges when they fell back in confusion

They were brave and even started to storm across the bridges, but their horns called them back

The coastal Ordu kept getting ahead, but then had to set up and remove their pontoon bridges to cross the rivers along the way

Our eastern Ordu would be able to ford it, but the western Ordu would have to build pontoon bridges, and my Ordu, might be able to ford depending on just where we reached the river

I suggested that we have the western Ordu build their pontoon bridges across the river slowly as before

Then while the western Ordu make their faint across the bridges, the eastern three Ordu would storm across the fords and attack the easternmost camp of the enemy

Once the third camp started to move either toward our attack or to the rear, the two western Ordu would attack across their bridges and chase them down

On the other hand, what if the western camp destroyed the bridges with their cannon? Then they would be trapped across the river and be no help at all

I added that there was no way a good leader would leave our Ordu to build pontoon bridges across the river unobserved

We sorted ourselves out for a day and then the western Ordu began working on the pontoon bridges while the eastern Ordu checked out fords

They had pontoon bridges in place across all their rivers and paused only long enough to break them up before continuing on their way

I decided that it would be an excellent opportunity for us to fan out in force and look for any pockets of resistance behind us and rebuild pontoon bridges to our rear to ensure our supply lines

I suggested to Buzun that he was the only one competent enough to see to the pontoon bridges

Toward the end of spring, we would build pontoon bridges for them to destroy until they either ran out of ammunition or our counter battery fire destroyed their cannon

I started three pontoon bridges about half a li apart across the Bio Bio

It was not until the bridges were almost complete that we finally heard from their cannon

One of them blew itself up with its first shot, a second managed a second shot before blowing up, the third was silenced by our counter battery fire, but not before destroying one of our bridges

We continued to fire across the river while the last two bridges were completed

I could see how vulnerable the bridges were so I had enough supplies for many days brought across and then asked Buzun to build a suspension bridge over the river

The lights of other bridges illuminated the river in both directions, and waves crashed up against a dark island downstream

While another generation of performers built bridges over troubled waters and honoured the Green Berets, he wrote of real life and death situations, but still no one would listen

truct them they build their bridges

streets are haywire because of the river, and there are huge bridges all over

19 For through the change of air and water she became ill, and also because in her country she drank only the water which came from Purmah, which her ancestors had brought up with bridges

And they were too good of friends of The Bridges to see a strange guy hoping over the window of their new guest and not mentioning anything

He finally was at the old historical city of Constantinople and crossed three bridges into Asia, albeit by chance and forced by the natural reaction to disorderly traffic

because he had burned all his bridges in NYS, it had to be

Austria, like Prussia, was modernizing with new roads, bridges, canals, and railroads

They include the slaughter of fifty-two citizens of Finitra, the release of a cloud of poisonous gas in the city of Meto in Kuth which killed eighteen and sickened thousands, the assassinations of some thirty-eight prominent citizens all over the continent, the assassination of King Wittan of Finitra, the murders of the daughter of Prince Yazadril of The High People and the son of Princess Alilia of The People of Life, the attempted assassinations of Emperor Kevim of Sming and King Tethenir of Yazzak, and the destruction of hundreds of roads, bridges, homes, docks, manufactories, storage depots and warehouses throughout the three empires of Debivin

19 For through the change of air and water she became ill and also because in her country she drank only the water which came from Purmah which her ancestors had brought up with bridges

Cody looked to Ryan from where he was leaning against the bridges side wall

The two gazing into the pool of Salem, waves lapped at the two bridges on either side of the pool, with each wave the waters rose higher

He not only bridges the communications gap between the ground troops and the strike pilot, but he also knows the tactical area of responsi�bility like the back of his hand and flys low and slow enough to spot any changes

  • Use the word BRIDGES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The government ordered to raise bridges

The city bridges are raised again.

And the world is full of other rivers and bridges with girls to sit on them till the tide goes out.

From the wet wool they make weave ropes and connect villagers with bridges.

There’s the bridges over there. And there’s all New York to pick from.

Build bridges, roads for people to use… when they want to get away from things.

bridges burned, switches left open, journals sanded, freight lost in shipment, cattle stolen from right out of the cars. No.

Starboard bridges, aweigh with the anchors.

Well, I’ve always heard of you barnstorming, flying under bridges, doing stunts for the movies.

The Germans are trying to launch three bridges on the river.

You’re in charge of the three bridges.

Tommy, what is it you do to bridges?

Something about crossing your bridges before you come to them.

I’ve burned my bridges behind me.

The road blocked, the bridges washed out and Ferdinand killed by a falling tree.

You don’t have to go around jumping off bridges.

No, building bridges and things.

And they needed your guns more than your bridges.

Looks like we’ve burned our bridges behind us.

Seven million people, divided by a river and joined by bridges.

He built miles of useless buildings, bridges, beaches, eyesores, my friends!

Look, there ain’t gonna be no dam, no bridges, and no buildings that the people don’t need from now on.

Should they transport their grain free of charge on the roads and over the bridges?

At two bridges, that makes six talers tax.

But promise me one thing, that we won’t cross bridges or ask any questions till we know what’s on the other side.

they burn all their bridges.

Two months of hitching freights, stealing cars sleeping under bridges, ducking cops.

Don’t blow up your bridges till you come to them.

They could blockade Bismarck, blow up the railroad bridges.

I’d have burnt the railroad bridges.

Oh, burned bridges, warden.

The old words, the historic documents… we built them into bridges and dynamos and concrete cities.

Yes, spent most of our time blowing up bridges the French had forgotten to attend to.

German wives found themselves being photographed on bridges across the Vistula and in the neighbourhood of the fortifications of Brussels.

Let’s blow all the bridges and go!

Fight, raid, blow trains, bridges, but way off.

There is some talk of the Republicans wanting to blow the bridges, but…

In your position, you can’t afford to burn your bridges behind you.

He can build bridges, he can fly around the world, he can be president and run the whole United States, but taking care of a child is too much for him!

Probably still capturing bridges, covered with mud.

I walked along the Seine, and I tried to count up to a thousand between bridges.

* Use the words bridges, quiet, serves,
famous, trails to complete the sentences.
The new Indian restaurant
delicious dishes.
2 Central Park in New York has some beautiful
walking …………… for those who enjoy walking.
3 The Smiths moved to a nice,
neighbourhood far from the city centre.
4 There are more than 200 ……
. that
go across the Thames.
5 Barcelona is …..
…… for its exciting
nightlife and dozens of attractions.​

Random good picture Not show

1. Don’t burn your bridges behind you. 

2. Bridges over railroad tracks root danger out in crossing.

3. Floods washed away several bridges.

4. Bridges are used to avoid the intersection of a railway and a highway.sentence dictionary

5. Books on bridges should be listed under «bridges» and not under a broader heading such as «engineering».

6. Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries.

7. Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations.

8. The builders have contracted for three bridges this year.

9. Many bridges were swept away by the floods.

10. Commandoes stalled the enemy attack by destroying three bridges.

11. The river Thames is spanned by many bridges.

12. They requested sappers to mend bridges or remove mines.

13. Peter needs to try and build bridges with Lizzie.

14. The islands are linked by causeways and bridges.

15. The traffic clogged the Thames bridges.

16. A hill bridges the town from east to west.

17. I came across children sleeping under bridges.

18. Dentists use cement to hold crowns and bridges in place.

19. The government has burned most of its bridges to the outside.

20. Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan.

21. A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper.

22. This collection of stories bridges the gap between history and fiction.

23. The new bridges across the Lagan slowly take shape.

24. The bridges were empty and the streets silent.

25. I told you, build some bridges now.

26. Superb view of the Forth bridges. Private parking.

27. Your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river.

28. About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges.

29. By making the bold promise, he had burnt his bridges , for now he had no option but to go forward with the project.

30. Think carefully before you resign-you don’t want to burn your bridges.

More similar words: bridge, bridget, abridge, abridged, cambridge, bridgehead, unabridged, bridge over, rope bridge, drawbridge, abridgement, weighbridge, unbridgeable, suspension bridge, water under the bridge, ridge, fridge, porridge, ridgepole, partridge, cartridge, abridgment, fidget, widget, midget, fidgety, smidge, smidgen, judges, bride. 

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