Use the word break up in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word break up, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use break up in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «break up».

Break up in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word break up in a sentence.

  1. They break up early in season six.

  2. In response, she suggests they should break up.

  3. Request permission to break up at once 59 Div.».

  4. This causes them to spasm, contract and break up.

  5. It was during this era that Gondwana began to break up.

  6. W&P troops break up the performance and recapture Sam.

  7. The dunes break up around mountains, where the wind direction shifts.

  8. The linesmen will communicate with each other which fight to break up.

  9. Mercutio is fatally wounded when Romeo attempts to break up the fight.

  10. He dispatched federal troops to break up a meeting of the Topeka government.

  11. As with other rails, grit is swallowed to help break up food in the stomach.

  12. The highway crosses 17 named mountain passes that break up the Nevada desert.

  13. The quick collapse in a single area would cause the whole column to break up.

  14. Outcrops and appendages were added to break up the buildings’ straight lines.

  15. Shackleton decided to wait a few days in the hope that the ice would break up.

  16. In the warmer weather the ice began to break up, making travel more difficult.

  17. This helped break up the long lines of houses and also created an appealing mood.

  18. Iha responded to Corgan’s claims in 2005, saying, «No, I didn’t break up the band.

  19. Roads also do not absorb rainwater, causing erosion, and break up natural habitats.

  20. It swallows small stones, as do all rails, to help break up its food in the gizzard.

  21. Travel conditions worsened as increasingly warmer weather caused the ice to break up.

  22. By 1964 the Double-winning side was beginning to break up owing to age, injuries and transfers.

  23. On the Beatles’ return to England, rumours began to circulate that they had decided to break up.

  24. We have no .350 batters on the club, but any man on it is liable to step in and break up a game».

  25. Even though his relationship with a woman named Dani appears to be successful, they soon break up.

  26. As with all poultry, ducks require grit in their diet to break up the food and make it digestible.

  27. Cook warns her partner in the ballad «Before I Go That Far» about what will happen if they break up.

  28. He sent a telegram to Alan Brooke, which read: «Regret time has come when I must break up one Inf Div.

  29. The party waited until 8 April 1916, when they finally took to the boats as the ice started to break up.

  30. But the pack ice held firm as it carried the men well past Paulet Island, and did not break up until 9 April.

  31. Sometimes during live telecasts and taped programs, Skelton would break up or cause his guest stars to laugh.

  32. Spider-Man and Daredevil help break up this meeting, seemingly leaving Ulysses free with his territory intact.

  33. Worthington was concerned the heavy waves would soon break up the ship, so he ordered the crew to abandon ship.

  34. Recorded dietary items include sago shoots and insects, and it also swallows small stones to help break up its food.

  35. In about 50 million years, it could either crash into Mars’s surface or break up into a ring structure around the planet.

  36. In May 1968, he sent the Guard to Louisville to break up race-related protests that followed peaceful civil rights marches.

  37. Howard was ejected for pushing JaVale McGee, who was attempting to break up a dispute between Zydrunas Ilgauskas and John Wall.

  38. On 28 September it became evident that the ice would not break up, and the dogs were moved from the ship to kennels on the ice.

  39. He discussed what he saw as the twin evils of «big labor» and «big business», and called on Congress to break up the Big Three.

  40. Surviving plants are then cut down, and the soil is rotavated to break up the hard clay and deter invasive New Zealand pygmyweed.

  41. As the current was applied, the plasma column inside the vacuum tube would become unstable and break up, ruining the compression.

  42. Eventually the strain told and the units of Latin allies and Gauls on the flanks and the velites to the rear started to break up.

  43. After they break up in the pilot episode, they agree to live together as friends in their rent-controlled San Francisco apartment.

  44. When a young bird cannot grab the food, then the adults submerge their bill into the water and shake their bill to break up the food.

  45. The flame robin consumes small prey items whole, and bashes larger victims against a hard surface repeatedly to break up before eating.

  46. An attempted belly landing in a cotton field just west of Karoi was foiled by a ditch, which caused the plane to cartwheel and break up.

  47. A supporter of President Nixon’s law-and-order philosophies, Nunn called out the National Guard to break up violent protests in the state.

  48. At the time of separation, gaseous oxygen was vented from the nose to cause the ET to tumble, ensuring that it would break up upon reentry.

  49. This would help to break up the wicket and make the surface more likely to spin, therefore making life more difficult for Australia’s batsmen.

  50. As Yugoslavia began to break up, Serbia’s President Slobodan Milošević and Croatia’s President Franjo Tuđman began pursuing nationalist politics.

Synonyms for break up

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word break up has the following synonyms: adjourn, recess, break, calve, crack up, crack, crock up, collapse, crash, break apart, decompose, break down, disassemble, dismantle, take apart, disperse, dissipate, dispel, scatter, dissolve, resolve, fragment, fragmentize, fragmentise, interrupt, disrupt, cut off, pick, separate, part, split up, split and sever.

General information about «break up» example sentences

The example sentences for the word break up that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «break up» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «break up».

Synonym: adjourn, break, break apart, break down, calve, collapse, crack, crack up, crash, crock up, cut off, decompose, disassemble, dismantle, dispel, disperse, disrupt, dissipate, dissolve, fragment, fragmentise, fragmentize, interrupt, part, pick, recess, resolve, scatter, separate, sever, split, split up, take apart. Similar words: speak up, break, break in, break off, break out, break down, break away, break into. Meaning: v. 1. to cause to separate and go in different directions 2. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways 3. come apart 4. break violently or noisily; smash; 5. make a break in 6. cause to go into a solution 7. suffer a nervous breakdown 8. take apart into its constituent pieces 9. destroy the completeness of a set of related items 10. set or keep apart 11. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example 12. release ice 13. close at the end of a session 14. bring the association of to an end or cause to break up 15. come to an end 16. break or cause to break into pieces 17. cause to separate 18. separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts 19. laugh unrestrainedly. 

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1. I want to break up.

2. The ship went aground and started to break up.

3. I want to break up with you.

4. Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration.

5. Police had to break up the crowd.

6. Since the break up, do not together.

7. Break up these large lumps of dirt.

8. Don’t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.

9. Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration.

10. The company top meeting didn’t break up until midnight.

11. When do you break up for Easter?

12. When will you break up this winter?

12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

13. Drawings were used to break up the page.

14. Our school will break up tomorrow.

15. When do you break up for Christmas?

16. They decided to break up the partnership.

17. Police moved in to break up the meeting .

18. The party didn’t break up until after midnight.

19. We break up for Christmas next week.

20. They break up the meeting.

21. Use a fork to break up the soil.

22. The Soviet Union began to break up in 1991.

23. Police were called in to break up the meeting.

24. Break up the chocolate and melt it.

25. She had never intended to break up his family.

26. In spring the ice floes break up.

27. We break up next week.

28. He may break up under all this pressure.

29. Three policemen were needed to break up the fight.

30. Woody Allen makes me just break up.

More similar words: speak up, break, break in, break off, break out, break down, break away, break into, break through, breast, streak, breathing, out of breath, back up, pickup, work up, link up, look up, pick up, drink up, think up, check up, breeze, peak, steak, speak, sneak, weaken, speaker, speak for. 

If you are friends now – then great! But true friendship after a break-up is rare and can lead to more confusion if it is not appropriately handled

True, her mother and sister would visit now and again but they regretted the break-up of the little community in Slieve Bloom Park

By various reasons I mean; it could be that your break-up to that person, was because of a third party

She felt so peaceful about the man and the break-up

hadn’t sent the break-up e-mail

Yes, in which case, why did they fight? Why the break-up? Because he didn’t

After one of our many, what I would call mini break-ups, I was tore all to pieces, and needed some help

It helped with post break-up relations and often led to a higher rate of angry break-up sex, which I always found to be the best kind

I was greatly relieved at being spared the usual break-up routine and felt a spark of life in myself that I hadn’t felt in a long time

Its survey in January 2013, for example, had a sample size running into several lakhs and a detailed break-up of voting preferences, according to caste, community, age group

Lazing on the terrace at the ’Lobster Box’ on one of these glorious sunset afternoons, overlooking the calm azure sea, Linda had told Jacques about her long term relationship with Clive in Cape Town – the good times, the bad times and the stormy break-up

He knew the circumstances of our break-up, and should have been aware that I

were still independent continents (since the break-up of the

spectacularly devastating break-up that

him despite the break-up of their marriage

But Antoine knows better, and so do I, and it is merely hours now before the break-up will be plain even to Mrs

After the break-up of the Soviet Union,

Amy’s sister, Christine, was in the midst of an ugly break-up with her

Diane had come straight from a divorce – the pain of the break-up still palpable on the flecks and intonations that stuttered from her conversations

But by creating break-ups, divorces, feuds, divisions, strife, conflict: humans merely create the need to heal these wounds

not sore at our break-up

Touny is very happy and I think his motive in throwing us together is to bring the final break-up

«Someone said that they’re break-up was because she never quit the cheer team

It had stung that she had talked about him and their break-up

Claire sighed, remembering those times in which there were break-ups and make-ups and awkward tension between the six of them

First crushes, first dates, first kisses, first break-ups, first exes

Anytime there is any intense positive attraction between two people; the negative energies of these hidden filth comes flooding into the positive energy-zone to break-up the possibility of a connection being made

“They’ve told me I have to break-up with you

Do you realise that if a woman followed your path, it could lead to a break-up with her

The book of the road, has bought and brought me over, from my break-up with the Holy Ghost; for the world And the synchronized idiot in seismic force, in recognition by the elements; a soulless head of whispers and a vision full of infatuation, he conjures up a giant storm ten years long, in the thunder & the perfect mind

It’s been rumoured that they had a nasty break-up three years ago and now…I guess they are reconciling their differences

Now you can recover effectively from a relationship break-up without falling into common traps

You can cope with a relationship break-up in many different ways

This can really help you overcome the relationship break-up and recover fully to start a new life

Use all of these tips to analyze your mistakes and learn from them in order to cope with your relationship break-up

However, you can cope with a relationship break-up by taking good care of yourself

Devote a few hours to relaxation every day to cope with the stress after a relationship break-up

The best way to cope with a relationship break-up is to make a plan to move forward

You cannot move forward unless you stop focusing on your relationship break-up and on your past with your ex partner

Now you know how to avoid the main mistakes that will prevent you from coping with a relationship break-up

Consider dating as an option, at a later state of the recovery process after the relationship break-up

Even if a relationship break-up was amicable and you decided to «stay friends», this does not mean that things will be the same as before only without the intimacy

The best thing you can do is to appreciate the help, support and advice your friends give you, but to rely on your personal judgment and self-knowledge to cope with the relationship break-up and get your life back to normal

You have to face reality after a relationship break-up no matter whether you like it or not

It is natural for you to feel alone and desperate after a relationship break-up

You would not want to be around happy couples after a relationship break-up

Denial is the first emotional relationship break-up stage

Confusion is what will occur next after the relationship break-up

You realize that the relationship break-up is real and that even if you stay in touch with your ex things will never be the same again

There are different ways in which you can cope with a relationship break-up

You can do this in case of a relationship break-up to recover and get to feel better

Simply put, you can find a relationship break-up buddy; a person who is in the same situation as you are

In this way, you will cope with your relationship break-up more quickly and more effectively

You will feel a lot more confident and this will help you cope with your relationship break-up better

Spending more time with your loves ones means you will get the support and help you need to recover after the relationship break-up

Do all of these things to cope with a relationship break-up easily and quickly

Girls are always sympathetic when it comes to a relationship break-up

More importantly, you will get to polish your social skills so that you are ready for the next stage of the relationship break-up recovery process

You want to know how to cope with a relationship break-up

It comes primarily from issues that the break-up has caused

You can cope with a relationship break-up more easily if you look at your situation from a more objective point of view

Were you really happy? Were things going smoothly? Why couldn’t you resolve the issues that led to the relationship break-up? More importantly, you really have to ask yourself whether you love your ex and whether they really love you

Now you can decide whether to reconcile with your ex after the relationship break-up or not

After a relationship break-up, everyone feels sorry for the person who was «dumped»

In this way, you will be able to focus on your own problems related to the relationship break-up

In general, you should be honest about the relationship break-up and admit that you find it hard to cope with the situation too

In case the harassment after the relationship break-up becomes worse, you should not hesitate to seek support from family and friends and perhaps from a counselor

Most people find it difficult to cope with a relationship break-up because they feel that they still love their ex and want to get back together

In fact, loving or hating your ex after a relationship break-up is pretty much the same things in terms of the repercussions that it has on you

Now you know how to cope with a relationship break-up without hating your ex

which can lead to «break-ups» of heartbeat and cause pain in the dia-

After the break-up at home the boys had got her that position in the Dublin by Lamplight laundry, and she liked it

Accounts are prepared on a ‘going-concern’ basis, which means, among other things, that assets are valued not by how much they would fetch in a break-up but at their worth to the business

) Nor has the market price been maintained by company repurchases at a reasonable discount from break-up value, so that the investor has been unable to look to the management to save him from the hard necessity of sacrificing his shares at as much as 50% below their intrinsic worth

When applied to a stock selling below break-up value, the Wall Street view may be amplified into the following: “Although this stock would liquidate for more than its market price, it is not worth buying because (1) the company cannot earn a satisfactory profit, and (2) it is not going to liquidate

It will be recalled that, in estimating break-up value, inventories are ordinarily taken at about 50 to 75% of the balance sheet figure, even though the latter is based on the lower of

This high quotation is then taken as the basis of figuring the book value (sometimes called the “break-up value”) of the share of the holding company

This break-up value was industriously exploited to justify higher and higher quotations for the latter issue

It was then computed that the “break-up value” amounted to about 150, “allowing no value for the company’s supervisory and construction business

Contracts for negotiated transactions almost always contain no shop, break-up fee, and topping fee clauses

As recognition of the expense and risk associated with entering into this agreement, the stalking horse bidder is entitled to a break-up fee and expense reimbursement if it is not the successful bidder

bankruptcy courts approved Bidding Procedures, including a break-up fee of $19

These bids were required to exceed the stalking horse bid by the sum of the break-up fee, expense reimbursement, and minimum overbid

Ericsson’s bid represented a 70 percent improvement compared to the stalking horse bid, even adjusted for the payment of the break-up fee and expenses

Intangible assets such as patents, software, brands, or goodwill are difficult to quantify, and may not survive the break-up of a company

He could not have devised anything more likely to raise his consequence than this week’s absence, occurring as it did at the very time of her brother’s going away, of William Price’s going too, and completing the sort of general break-up of a party which had been so animated

The chief of the party were now collected irregularly round the fire, and waiting the final break-up

He could not have devised anything more likely to raise his consequence than this week’s absence, occurring as it did at the very time of her brother’s going away, of William Price’s going too, and completing the sort of general break-up of a party which had been so animated

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for break up.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is scatter
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is disperse
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is dissipate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is dispel
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is separate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is break
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is part
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is split
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is split up
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is break apart
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is crash
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is cut off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is interrupt
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is disrupt
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is dissolve
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is resolve
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is crack
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is collapse
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is crack up
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is crock up
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is take apart
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is dismantle
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is disassemble
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is sever
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is pick
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is calve
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is recess
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is adjourn
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is fragmentise
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is fragmentize
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is fragment
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is break down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for break up is decompose
  • разбивать, разбиваться, разойтись, расходиться, разломать, расформировывать


    - расформировывать; распускать, разгонять (собрание, толпу, банду и т. п.)

    let’s break up our party — давайте разойдёмся

    - расходиться (о собрании, компании и т. п.)

    the company soon broke up — компания вскоре разошлась

    - разрушать (семью, дом)
    - распадаться, разваливаться (о семье, империи, дружбе и т. п.)

    they broke up after years of bickering — они годами цапались и наконец разошлись

    - закрываться на каникулы; распускать на каникулы

    school will break up next week — занятия в школе прекратятся на следующей неделе
    the boys will break up next month — мальчики будут распущены на каникулы в следующем месяце

    - вскрываться (о реке)

    the ice broke up — лёд тронулся

    - меняться (о погоде)

    the weather breaks up — погода меняется

    - разг. слабеть

    he is breaking up — он теряет силы

    - разг. расстраивать, огорчать

    he was (all) broken up by the news — эта новость очень огорчила его

    - хим. диспергировать
    - физ. расщепить
    - разг. лопаться от смеха

    Мои примеры


    Примеры с переводом

    I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking up.

    Я слышал, что Джоан и Стив разводятся.

    You are breaking up.

    Ты пропадаешь. (т.е. тебя не слышно, так как связь прерывается; во время разговора по мобильному телефону)

    Don’t be such a wimp, Simon. Tell her you want to break up.

    Не будь тряпкой, Саймон. Скажи ей, что ты хочешь расстаться с ней.

    When does your school break up?

    Когда ваша школа закрывается на каникулы?

    The police broke up the fight.

    Полиция прекратила драку.

    The party broke up when the police arrived.

    Вечеринка прервалась, когда явилась полиция.

    When do you break up for Easter?

    Когда вы закрываетесь на пасхальные каникулы?

    ещё 21 пример свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    …the meeting broke up when all the business for the day had been completed…

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