Use the word brain in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word brain, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use brain in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «brain».

Brain in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word brain in a sentence.

  1. The head includes the mouth and brain.

  2. He had a very, very good football brain.

  3. She subsequently has a brain tumor removed.

  4. Uncommonly, it spreads to the bones or brain.

  5. L- and D-histidine facilitate brain zinc uptake.

  6. It may lead to brain tumors such as astrocytomas.

  7. He was strong and had a fantastic football brain.

  8. Sufficient to have that idea lodged into my brain.

  9. Putnam’s brain in a vat argument has also been criticized.

  10. The overall brain anatomy was reconstructed using the scan.

  11. Occasionally, spread may occur to the brain, skin, or gums.

  12. The memex was also intended as a tool to study the brain itself.

  13. His brain has been sent to Boston University for further testing.

  14. The cerebrum comprised about 30% of the brain volume, as in many other dinosaurs.

  15. Due to bilateral symmetry the brain has a hippocampus in each cerebral hemisphere.

  16. McCain returned to the Senate on July 25, less than two weeks after brain surgery.

  17. Cognitive testing and brain imaging can help distinguish depression from dementia.

  18. The puzzles include various brain teasers, such as Lights Out and sliding puzzles.

  19. Soon after, Miles learnt that he had an inoperable brain tumour, and disappeared from Manning’s life.

  20. When diving, they reduce their heart rate and maintain blood flow only to the heart, brain and lungs.

  21. Cerebellar granule cells, in contrast to Purkinje cells, are among the smallest neurons in the brain.

  22. On the other hand, the caviomorph model produced a better estimate of brain size in Plesiorycteropus.

  23. These ketone bodies enter the brain and partially substitute for blood glucose as a source of energy.

  24. Because of its small brain, the koala has a limited ability to perform complex, unfamiliar behaviours.

  25. King Francis II died on 5 December 1560 of a middle ear infection that led to an abscess in his brain.

  26. Compared to people with AD, FDG-PET brain scans in people with DLB often show a cingulate island sign.

  27. The brain was an elongate structure, and as with other non-mammals, there would have been no neocortex.

  28. While the brain of a crocodilian is fairly small, it is capable of greater learning than most reptiles.

  29. He can hack people’s brain implants with a device known as the Dream Eater, for interrogation purposes.

  30. We had a whole meeting about how to do your hands.» It was so weird I couldn’t wrap my brain around it.

  31. At some point in the late 1890s, she underwent brain surgery at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital.

  32. Actual brain anatomy in Stegosaurus is poorly known, but the brain itself was small even for a dinosaur.

  33. The cybernetic device was described as being capable of amplifying brain functions by a multiple of ten.

  34. In another scenario, a brain in a vat may be hooked up to a supercomputer that randomly generates perceptual experiences.

  35. Stegoceras and Prenocephale both had skull shapes similar to the bighorn sheep with cancellous bone protecting the brain.

  36. Helena is found dead inside the parlour; hacking her brain reveals she was working for Adam, smuggling data out of Chiron.

  37. He had a fantastic football brain, he could sort it out within 10 minutes of a game who should be where and (doing) what».

  38. Despite extensive neurosurgery to remove the bullet and bone fragments from his brain, he was pronounced dead at 1:44 a.m.

  39. For example, the braincase of the mosasaur Plioplatecarpus marshi provided for a brain around twice the size of that in M.

  40. In the brain, zinc is stored in specific synaptic vesicles by glutamatergic neurons and can modulate neuronal excitability.

  41. This fact suggests that such abilities depend on different types of memory (procedural memory) and different brain regions.

  42. This activates vagal afferent nerves, which in turn activates the cells of the brain stem that control the vomiting reflex.

  43. Epps’s name is superimposed upon a rib cage X-ray; Leonard’s name appears on a drawing of the two hemispheres of the brain.

  44. Tobacco smokers may also experience more powerful effects with psilocybin, because tobacco smoke exposure decreases the activity of MAO in the brain and peripheral organs.

  45. An aneurysm may be detected incidentally on brain imaging; this presents a conundrum, as all treatments for cerebral aneurysms are associated with potential complications.

  46. The extinct Hadropithecus was as large as a large male baboon and had a comparably sized brain, giving it the largest brain size relative to body size among all prosimians.

  47. Both electroreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the bill dominate the somatotopic map of the platypus brain, in the same way human hands dominate the Penfield homunculus map.

  48. The brain and central nervous system have been extensively studied for evolutionary comparison with placental mammals, particularly with its fellow monotreme, the platypus.

Synonyms for brain

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word brain has the following synonyms: brainpower, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, wi, encephalon, genius, mastermind, brainiac, Einstein, mind, head, psyche and nous.

General information about «brain» example sentences

The example sentences for the word brain that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «brain» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «brain».

Synonym: Einstein, brainiac, brainpower, encephalon, genius, head, learning ability, mastermind, mental capacity, mentality, mind, nous, psyche, wit. Similar words: drain, strain, trainer, raining, terrain, by train, grained, training. Meaning: [breɪn]  n. 1. that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord 2. mental ability 3. that which is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason 4. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality 5. the brain of certain animals used as meat. v. 1. hit on the head 2. kill by smashing someone’s skull. 

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1. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. 

2. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. 

3. We learnt about the structure of the brain today.

4. Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.

5. He had a blood clot removed from his brain.

6. He died of a massive brain haemorrhage .

7. His brain was filled with vapors and dreams.

8. She suffers from a rare disease of the brain.

9. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.

10. She died of a brain tumour.

11. The brain cells are inactive during sleep.

12. Once destroyed,[] brain cells do not regenerate.

13. You’ve got a good brain.

14. Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable.

15. The brain is the centre of the nervous system.

16. Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.

17. I’ll brain you if you don’t keep quiet.

18. His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.

19. The victim suffered severe brain damage.

20. He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident.

21. Matthew was wrongly diagnosed as having a brain tumour.

22. The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.

23. Norman’s brain was reeling, but he did his best to appear calm.

24. Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.

25. The brain is a part of the nervous system of the human body.

26. Don’t make any noise while you work, but use your brain

27. It is often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain.

28. He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain.

29. Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. Jules Renard 

30. The changing size of an infant’s head is considered an index of brain growth.

More similar words: drain, strain, trainer, raining, terrain, by train, grained, training, constraint, maintain, brand, libra, brass, brake, brand new, branch, bracket, embrace, celebration, rail, raise, trail, trait, raiment, trailer, railroad, portrait, straighten, be afraid of, be afraid to. 

Examples of how to use the word “brain” in a sentence. How to connect “brain” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

brain (n): the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity

Use “brain” in a sentence

The brain is the centre of the nervous system.
He had a brain tumour.
Don’t be lazy to think. Use your brain.

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  • Use the word Brain in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I believe it is possible to download information from a positronic brain, but I do not believe you can preserve the essence of those experiences.

Someone tried to alter Scott’s brain neurons by surgically implanting some kind of microfilament.

Until he tried to realize Asimov’s dream of a positronic brain.

But he destroyed his reputation by making wild promises about his positronic brain design.

It’s kicking in to make minute adjustments in the positronic brain.

Use your positronic brain to carry out your mission.

You’ve constructed a positronic brain?

there thou mayst brain him, having first seiz’d his books; or with a log batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake, or cut his wezand with thy knife.

You know we’d love to stick around but some brain— dead sycophant left my buddy out here to die.

Why, as I told thee, ’tis a custom with her, I’ th’late afternoon to sleep there thou mayst brain her having first seized her books or with a log batter her skull or paunch her with a stake or cut her wezand with thy knife

Part of Gabriel’s brain which controls inhibition has been destroyed, so he reacts incontinently to things around him.

It’s your brain flooding with phenylethylamine.

Scientists have discovered neuroplasticity — a term which conveys the idea that the physical wiring of the brain changes according to the thoughts moving through it.

Always searching for that high is addictive, all that serotonin, oxytosin, phenylethylamine running through the brain.

They say the body remembers what your brain doesn’t.

Imagine that your brain is made of tiny boxes

You kill the brain and you kill the ghoul.

The collective brain power of you and me.

Since he has a calculator for a brain, I’m sure he’ll make the right choice.

I have both sides of my brain for that, one to ponder business… and the other side for my own personal life.

Her brain was deprived of oxygen.

Tests confirm that she is in fact brain dead. I’m sorry.

A healthy brain has around 200 million nerve cells

The project was the brain child of the late Walter Pahnke, a Harvard theological scholar also qualified as a medical doctor.

They unroofed my brain with their profound grazing.

is to interpret it ? a meaning. And when you administer to yourself a drug which you know is affecting you by giving… producing a chemical transformation in the brain.

What is missing in one place is too much in another. Just when he talks too much, his brain gets small!

What you have just shown me, it is incredible that the brain of a single man should have thought up this realm of magic!

Who snatched it from my brain?

All of Los’ brain power and energy has been devoted to one task…

That I mustn’t get stressed. — I’ve got a sort of cyst on my brain.

Those pills wreck your brain.

Probably the brain of a child — but the body of an athlete.

Your magnificent city, Father — and you the brain of this city — and all of us within the light of this city… — …and where are the people, Father, whose hands built your city — ?

«The progress won’t stop by the fault of a few ignorant scientists, whose brain expresses only fossilized ideas !»

Ah! Get them cobwebs out of your brain!

At times a desire Like a raging fire May suddenly race through my brain

There are times when a man’s brain cannot accomplish as much as a woman’s charm.

We must find another brain

That’ll do, gentlemen- And in conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, here we have one of the most perfect specimens of the human brain ever to come to my attention at the university-

And here, the abnormal brain of the typical criminal-

Observe, ladies and gentlemen, the scarcity of convolutions on the frontal lobe as compared to that of the normal brain, and the distinct degeneration of the middle frontal lobe-

The brain you stole, Fritz- Yes-

Think of it — the brain of a dead man waiting to live again in a body I made with my own hands-

Here we have a fiend whose brain

The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Stimulation is extremely important for babies, not only for brain development but also for emotional development.


then the resulting injuries are very often to the brain and could cause permanent damage.


This formula has been pediatrician approved due to its ability to promote healthy communication, motor, cognitive, and social skills through its ability to promote healthy brain development.


But MRIs of three of the chimp brains reveal comparable creases, the researchers found.


Great post… This passage has become very important to me over the past few years, and helped turn my thinking upside down — once I read it with my eyes open and my brain somewhat engaged.


I danced with an interesting mathematician yesterday, who told me that tango’s biggest gift to him was that it gives him a space in his life that he’s more than just a big walking, talking brain — he actually has a body.


This technique has been used, as Arnold reports, to trace the progress of cancers, advance our understanding of obesity and diabetes, and prove that brain cells continue to form through a human being’s lifetime.


The Zombie Frappuccino «has a ghastly green body made with Frappuccino Crème infused with flavors of tart apple and caramel and topped with pink whipped cream «brains» and red mocha drizzle,» reads a Starbucks press release, and is available at select United States and Canada stores from Thursday until October 31.


Although IQ and SAT scores have traditionally measured aptitude or predicted achievement, Tough considers new theories on childhood education and childhood brain research to explain who rises and falls.


You tend to have higher levels of stress and more activity in your brain‘s amygdala and become fearful and angry more easily.


Blindness & brain abnormalities have been well documented in strict vegetarians, because of the deficiency.


Choline which helps in maintaining normal brain development is important for babies muscle and nerve function and healthy metabolism.


The stronger the emotion, the more powerful the brain‘s actions.


What happens in the brain when a child securely attaches to their caregiver?


The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has an awesome free online science program called Summer Brain Games that will keep kids learning this summer and help prevent summer brain drain.


In the past decade, the scientific community has made significant strides in understanding the functioning of the brain.


In our brains, it seems we group words thematically according to their deeper meaning.


All of which is excellent for baby’s brain development.


If the blackout occurs in the visual cortex, the region of the brain that helps us see, then the person can suddenly go blind.


A sneak peek at what will be on the shelves in the coming months, and a chance to talk to the brains behind all the brands.


Good lord so we really have arsenal fans that believe soft no football brain Walcott is the Messiah cf we need to play upfront…..


It’s also a natural source of plant-based protein and boosts brain function as well as thyroid health!


Most recently he recommended that 1m new homes be built in the «brain belt» spanning Oxford, Cambridge and Milton Keynes.


Though often referred to as the «trust hormone,» oxytocin is increasingly being seen as a brain chemical that does a lot more than just bring couples closer together.


They found that the infant brain attends to human voices and emotions even more than familiar environmental sounds.


«They’re also vulnerable because it is a neurotoxic compound, and their brain is developing.»


Once the spot of Burlap, another concept from the brains and brawn behind Searsucker that includes Top Chef Season 3 finalist and celebrity Chef Brian Malarkey, the restaurant has been transformed from a trendy bar scene to a stylish hot spot of New American cuisine.


That said, most cases of shaken baby syndrome are in babies under the age of one, because it does take more force to hurt older babies since they have larger brains, more developed neck muscles, etc..


If you or your child is triggered, it’s best to take a few deep breaths and try to reclaim your brains to get back into problem solving mode.


BASF’s omega-3 products contain the long-chain fatty acids, EPA and DHA, known for their heart and brain health benefits.


I’ve just had my first baby and the brain fog and memory loss is scary!


I’m inching closer to the borders of insanity and my brain could use a much-needed break.


In January 2013, The Hartford announced that McGee had surgery for the removal of a brain tumor found during a routine checkup, and that he was cancer-free.


First, your baby’s brain is maturing while he’s asleep.


Stress and traumatic events may hamper brain development, causing eating disorders, depression and post traumatic stress conditions.


this mostly happens in the moral center of the brain (the right temporo-parietal junction).


Get your brain firing on those cylinders.


Gerber Organic Oatmeal Baby Cereal contains iron which helps in brain and overall development of the baby.


These changes, in this crucial area of the brain, might help explain why addicts lose interest in natural rewards, some researchers suggest.


A political debate kicks off on the radio, and words from the Sermon on the Mount drift into your brain, helping you think about the issue from Jesus» perspective.


Optimum levels of dopamine in the brain are associated with pleasure, motivation, movement and attention.


When a woman is in labor, a little fight goes on in the woman’s brain.


«The greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy is a positive and engaged brain» — Shawn Achor, NY Times Best Selling Author of The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness


Anybody with a brain and a conscience must be discriminatingly critical of every Establishment.


The child’s brains are then vacuumed out, the skull collapses, and the rest of the newly made corpse is removed.


Baby’s brain is more active than ever.


It is thought that Bowen simply «re-connects» parts of the body with the brain, using the many receptors distributed throughout the body.


It may stunt the physical and mental growth of your baby and can cause considerable damage to the developing lungs, brain, liver, nervous system, kidneys and red blood cells in your baby.


Although much of the cellular and sub-cellular functions of the human brain remain unknown, the insights we currently have paint a more nuanced understanding of human nature, which in turn helps shape our understanding of politics, IR theory, and global order.


Your ears hurt from the noise and your brain can’t process all of the stimuli that are flying at you.


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