Use the word bought in a sentence

I might have spent it a little more slowly without her, but you know those sandals you bought me in Zharvai?»

The new ones had saved him a couple irons, the ones she bought him weren’t cheap

Some of my friends bought a fabrication shop down in the Gengee, this is the best imitation of an antique ocean racer from our country that we can build

«It is likely the only reason she bought this house is to go after those papers,» Herndon said, his lips tight

A gentle reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be bought nor are they made with human hands

She felt it entirely fitting that Raw Sex Object should be bought as a gift

«It’s not a lunch or two, or the tickets, it’s all the sheaths I bought, all the parties I went to, all the concerts I went to, all the guys I did, all the yaag I did

This system also unsubscribes the customer from an autoresponder series once the customer has bought the suggested item so you don’t irritate your buyers

He and Micah’s mom got it when they had bought their first house

She’d bought them at a garage sale, said they’d be sitting in them when they were old farts and had a porch

«That was bought with eleven of his sixteen aluminums, that was his eighth inch of titanium tubing

Him and the missus bought a big house back when the overtime was piling in

AA very reasonably large company have recently bought 50,000 shares wholly through a leading stockbroker

I realised fairly quickly that she is jumpy about seeing Stephen with their disagreement unresolved and this house does looks a little imposing … I know I was surprised when Stephen bought it originally, thought it above our touch

He was very glad it was seldom right around his yard, but he wouldn’t have bought the place if it wasn’t level getting in and out

‘I bought this place when I was offered a partnership in the firm

At present there is only one set; the previous occupant having omitted to return the second set when Stephen bought the house

«We are like the humans on the planet below,» the one who bought the shots said

«Did you understand all that?» she asked the dolphin who bought the round

govern those born of Abraham’s seed or bought with Abraham’s money

Many of the guys who used to ride wild herd here, now worked for him on the land he bought from them

The ones who moved on when he bought were those who hunted the predators

Arscog bought him Duskmeal on the way back and regailed him with tall tales of ancient keda conclaves

He bought reasonably good boots, scrimping even then to make sure that he had a bottle or two for the journey

He thought about it for a moment, using the time to tear the cellophane from the oaty bar she’d bought for him and ripping off a chunk with his teeth

Joris had bought her five years ago … she’d fallen in love on sight with the beautiful gg, with her white blond mane and tail setting off the pale tan colour of her coat

They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

“Yes ma’am! I can be bought! You can have your way with me, a beer would do it!” He was smiling and looking directly at her

a Scots lass serving in the shop where you bought some bread

Do you say that you once bought a jar of honey, and you tried to eat it and what happened

Perhaps you once bought a pound of sour apples

Maybe the jar you once bought was a blended honey, better used in cooking

I took this as a bribe and I told my father, spirits can’t be bought, and he should know that

Overnight he turned into a fine looking gentleman and bought drinks for city whiz kids, rich bankers and portly brokers in the hotel bar

He moved straight back into the Ritz, bought new clothes, bought a brand new sports car and almost immediately found that his fair weather friends, now that the rain had ceased to fall in the soldier’s life, all suddenly had sunny windows in their diaries

The Telephone Man! She turned around very slowly and looked at the young man who had served her when she bought her current mobile phone just a few days ago

To make things run as smoothly as he could, the businessman bought the cottage from the couple, which, given that they never had a mortgage in the first place, meant that they pocketed a tidy little sum

He bought Terry and his mother a beautiful mock Georgian mansion in one of the better parts of Cheshire, while he devoted himself to furthering Terry’s interests from a penthouse flat in the city centre

I bought a chicken this morning and we can have that with salad out here just as easily as in the house

He is honest and forthright, can’t be bought

They bought a little cottage in the village eked out a meagre living on a residue of royalties gleaned from discount store book sales and the odd spot of lawn mowing that came their way from lineage adverts in the parish newspaper

Within a year he bought the old country mansion for himself and spent every spare hour he had tending the gardens, the vegetables and the fruits

our store as his mother bought puja flowers

We rented a flat in Clifton initially but after a couple of years we decided to move out of the city and bought the place I now have

And so the young man and his wife returned to their new home, which they had recently bought in a prime location just to the northeast of London’s orbital motorway

She inherited the lot when her parents died and bought the house with some of the money

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

She bought him two

and so they were bought with a sly nod and wink towards the old

Jake has a regular route with his own truck and bought the old Kaven place for nothing since they all died in Florida so their souls settled there

It’s not long before she excitedly drags me upstairs to show me the dress she’s bought for the wedding

‘I had bought hot kachoris for my son and other sevaks

Deborah Klint’s last day and what the staff bought her as a leaving present; Henry Baxter’s marriage to a local girl called Vittoria — they clubbed together for a set of wine glasses for them

He moved straight back into the Ritz, bought new

Now what film shall I watch? I have several video tapes which I have bought or recorded over the years and also some DVDs – Kevin talked me into buying a DVD player last year

bought the cottage from the couple, which, given that they never

the tomatoes had been bought and so, the very next morning, old

Machines quickly spit forth most of what is being bought

“Look, I bought this” causes a

found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it

which they had recently bought in a prime location just to the

Lucy had never bought into the concept that

gold – Granddad once told me that he had bought the farm in

One of the local bosses bought me and took me away to Vlore on the Adriatic

As he fills the remaining sachets he talks loudly so that she can hear over the sound of the boiler as it wheezes into life, telling her how he bought a ride on a smuggler’s boat to Italy and how he worked his passage on various ships, until, after some weeks at sea, he made landfall in the little white town of Bideford

7 I bought male servants and female servants, and had servants born in my house

“Bekthi, she moved into the other downstairs room when I bought the house and moved up here, somewhat more than a decade ago

Himla, the guy I bought it from, was a resident of the house when he bought it

He bought this place off him

Jock thinks that Maggie bought it

’ Chrissie said, remembering how she had to practice to whatever pop records Mum had bought

It was actually Himla that left it down here when he bought the place from Hyondahi

The money bought him a nice home and business building

By then Bethai was quite wrapped around him, almost sitting on his lap and had just bought the third round

“I’ve never bought enhancements, so it will be hours,” he told her honestly

I bought it for investment, I never intended to actually live here

“The guy who bought the house from another of her former boyfriends said she got it down at the Kassikan

He bought her a very nice darkmeal and she wound up having a surprisingly good time

This was probably the source of the wealth that bought your

had bought into the cooperative and established an American headquarters of sorts for their commercial forays into the continent

during the dance, but I’m not sure I bought that

Then she stopped and bought herself a pocket-eye

She bought some bags of staples and another cask

‘Dad came out of the forces when he was in his 50s and they bought a house on the outskirts of London

Gina Hawthorne sat on the new ten thousand dollar couch that she bought

Then he wondered if maybe she had bought her ticket on the eye

Gale bought me a coke

Fortunately, I bought a local paper last weekend … mainly because there was write up of the concert in it … but I’m pretty sure I saw something about services at local churches in it

He bought it about ten years ago off this burnt-out dude that used to live there

“Hi, my name is Jorma and your neighbor tells me you may know if you bought this place from someone named Hyondahi?” He had stepped inside by now

Before he even got to the main canal he bought and packed his supplies, along with five bags of fuel for just over two irons, a very good deal

He knew he needed something stronger than yet another slap to keep going and heard a guy peddling speed on the dock beside the cook where he bought this roll

Sandini’s medicine with poison after he bought it from the

Jorma is off somewhere far, because he bought five bags of fuel and trail food

«Well, I bought a set of dishes and in the bottom of the box was an envelope” She continued on to tell them the strange story, at least all that she’d told everyone else

sidled over to a nearby stall and bought a handful of

She’d bought it as much for the photography, as a book it was practice

I had a position of my own with the university by then, so I bought a big party house on a canal between the university and the music district

He had bought the house cheap, because of all the inadequacies with it

The fastest growing flowers, she found to be her own children, Jason may have bought the first computer, but by the fourth of July, the kids had turned one of the cottages into a small wonderland of electronic devices

Bought sentence examples. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bought in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bought.

  • And he had bought. (8)
  • He has bought Elba. (10)
  • The secret was bought. (10)
  • Soames bought the paper. (8)
  • He has bought the Crouch. (10)
  • Then he bought his ticket. (9)
  • He had bought her a new horse. (8)
  • Had he bought them to put there? (8)
  • He bought and sold and got gain. (9)
  • She bought herself some flowers. (8)
  • And you bought my horse last summer. (8)
  • She had bought a copy of it at the station. (8)
  • Hart bought a newspaper at the first stand. (13)
  • Yet she had not bought the indulgence in vain. (5)
  • He bought pictures, but Art must be encouraged. (8)
  • His father had bought him that thin curved case. (8)
  • I was tempted, and I bought the slippers of him. (9)
  • But the victory was dearly bought by the English. (18)
  • Money, and all it bought, did not bring happiness. (8)
  • The hotel had bought three dozen of that little lot! (8)
  • Hart hurried into the station and bought his ticket. (13)
  • Before he bought his own ticket he appealed once more to Dan. (9)
  • There were mouse-holes in her room, and she had bought a trap. (8)
  • He naturally thought highly of the position, having bought it. (10)
  • I bought one, hastily running my eyes down the columns in the shop. (10)
  • I bought a mastiff for her, a brown retriever, and a little terrier. (10)
  • There is all the new calico, that was bought last week, not touched yet. (4)
  • My friends bought me with public printing, and sold me for their own ends. (16)
  • Their agent bought him from King Theebaw, the erratic sovereign of Burmah. (21)
  • The pecuniary gain is not obvious, but I had bought freedom into the bargain. (2)
  • He therefore bought a unique picture at great cost, and gave it to the nation. (8)
  • But daily he bought a newspaper, and feverishly, furtively scanned its columns. (8)
  • You have bought her too dearly, and your brother does not offer half her value. (4)
  • And they had not stolen, they had bought the powder, only intending to startle. (10)
  • When he came out for lunch he bought the most sensational of the evening papers. (8)
  • When we married I thought our position demanded a country-seat, and I bought it. (18)
  • The Dyspepsy had bought his philosophy at a heavy price; he had a right to use it. (10)
  • Temple was in distress of spirits because of his having been ignominiously bought off. (10)
  • We agreed that it would be a good thing if we entered the village and bought something. (10)
  • They had bought no programme, all music being the same to Winton, and Gyp not needing any. (8)
  • Innumerable men of breeding and the soundest principles must have bought their wives in here. (8)
  • He accompanied his wife downstairs and bought her some violets from the florist in the vestibule. (13)
  • He remembered accompanying her to one of the great shops, where she bought a pair of cheap gloves. (12)
  • Our fathers bought land of the red-men, and have grown a great people, even as the stars in the sky. (19)
  • Everything in the room had been bought for cheapness; no luxuries were there, and necessaries not enough. (8)
  • She looked her prettiest; and she bought a gardenia at a shop in Baker Street and fastened it in her dress. (8)
  • I bought one for her the other day, and it was pronounced to be a prodigious bargain by every lady who saw it. (4)
  • In my second year, near its close, I saw that I was really a property, a chattel, a something bought and sold. (16)
  • We could have bought (as we did buy) our piece of land and our cottage, out of which we could not have been turned. (8)
  • Certainly a man like Jacob Blathenoy was a mouthful for any woman: and he had bought his wife, he deserved no pity. (10)
  • Consequently, the Greydons were lordly proprietors, for the thrifty grandfather had bought his lands from the Indians. (18)
  • For instance, the former Associated Press never bought a controlling share of the old-time United Press, as he alleges. (16)
  • She had bought his promise that he would leave the country, and she had rescued the honour of the family by paying him. (10)
  • The gentleman bought a ticket for New York, and remained at the window of the office talking quite easily with the seller. (9)
  • We bought ten old chairs, highbacked and covered with a flowered plush, which oddly enough exactly matched our wall-paper. (14)
  • I bought something the nature of which did not dawn upon me until late; I felt environment adapt me to it little by little. (16)
  • For an hour they examined the articles she had bought, and the architect was sufficiently approving to satisfy Mrs. Phillips. (13)
  • Already in the afternoon he passed posters announcing the identity of the dead man, and bought the papers to see what they said. (8)
  • Clemens pointed out the scenery he had bought to give himself elbow-room, and showed me the lot he was going to have me build on. (9)
  • But the next morning Christian took the underground railway to the Anhalter Station, and bought a third-class ticket to Frankfort. (12)
  • In nine cases in ten the person who bought did so in the hope and expectation of getting much for little and something for nothing. (7)
  • He went out into the hot Strand, bought himself a necessary book, and after drinking more coffee, came back and again began to work. (8)
  • Billboards, barns, fences, hedges, trees, windows, and all other available space is bought up with apparently reckless expenditures. (21)
  • He read the names of the novels on the book-stall, and bought one at last, to avoid being regarded with suspicion by the book-stall clerk. (8)
  • Ah, Mr. Beamish, pictures are ours, when we have bought them and hung them up; but who insures us possession of a beautiful work of Nature? (10)
  • He had bought the ugly great thing with two early Matisses before the War, because there was such a fuss about those Post-Impressionist chaps. (8)
  • Next morning he got his cheque cashed, but avoided the shop of the dove-grey dress like the plague; and, instead, bought himself some necessaries. (8)
  • Mentally he had hung this space with those gold-framed masterpieces of still and stiller life which he had bought in days when quantity was precious. (8)
  • She bought old cases and chests which she promptly sent to the attic; Chinese vases, Renaissance embroideries, ivory boxes, cut-glass goblets, candelabra of chased metal work. (12)

Also see sentences for: bough, boughs.

Definition of bought:

  • bought, bawt, pa.t. and pa.p. of buy. | bought’en in an archaic form.(0) | bought, bowt, n. a bight or bend: (_spens._) a twist or coil: the bend of a sling in which the stone is placed. (0)

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Sentence Examples

So to get out of t’weather in winter when it were absolutely siling it down, they bought a Reliant.

Your mother bought it for you.

They discovered that the phonecard with this number was bought here in the area between March and June.

There is no way of knowing how long it will take Freyr to find out who bought the phonecard.

I just found out Anna bought the phonecard.

The unregistered number was bought by someone at Teigur.

You really should have changed the bank accounts when you bought the business.

You bought the dealership?

Go back to the shop where you bought it from, right, and ask someone there to help you, they’ll help you.

I’ve bought myself that much time at least.

All right, Eileen, I’m sure that you remember when we were kids, Mom and Dad bought us rocking horses.

Mostly receipts for jewelry that she bought here.

With money from his first novel «One flew over the cuckoos nest» Kesey and his friends bought a second-hand school-bus painted it bright colors and loaded with LSD set off across America.

Goldstein agrees with Mrs. Netzler that he bought almost all the shares he could for her.

«We’ve already bought a ticket for her.»

Show us, Sumurun, the beautiful things that you have bought!

Mityushin carefully treasures all the cigarettes that he’s bought.

Simone bought me this. — Simone bought it for you?

The plane tickets I had bought for you.

Listen to this, Anton, Auguste bought the confectionery shop.

I just bought a confectionery shop, you can play there.

I didn’t want to offend them, so I bought the Beely Circus in lieu of a gift.

Jackson had bought a letter of credit for all its assets at a local bank.

With her last savings, Gabrielle had bought a ticket to one of the cheapest spots in the balcony.

It’s yours. You bought it.

«An’ I never thanked you for them swell clothes you bought me.»

The most precious things in the world cannot be bought with gold.

That is, if we bought bananas.

I bought some pretty expensive cloth and took it to him and you should’ve seen the mess he made of it

Zanfield’s bought it for his new revue.

Zanfield’s bought my new song, «The Broadway Melody.»

What is it? Isn’t it possible that the gentleman who bought this lot might know something about it?

All right, the necklace you’re wearing was actually one I had originally bought for her.

Look, I can get over the fact that you bought a present for another girl.

My husband bought it for me, for 600,000 francs.

It’s bought very often, especially by people who are married for more than six weeks.

I saw you before in Ghinza, while you bought a pretty ring.

You mean to tell me you bought your own ticket?

Well, then he must have bought it for another lady, right?

I was up in the box office when a lady came and bought all the tickets.

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I BOUGHT a can of coke.

You can only use it if you have already bought something. But you cannot say I am going to bought this can of coke.

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These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

He considers the commodity bought by the capitalist to be the labor-power (and not the «labor»!).

I went to the sale, and bought it all.

I had bought a great many of his bills at a discount.

Large estates permanently confiscated from great delinquents and fractions of estates taken from lesser offenders could be bought by parliament’s supporters.

However, these studies did not clearly distinguish between food prepared at home and food bought out.

In this paper we present an attempt to evaluate the force of infection in animals born or bought into such groups.

My parents’ house is worth seven times what it was when they bought it because they haven’t moved in 25 years.

All the cases reported eating coca de crema bought in the same bakery.

The household was the foremost destination for the consumer goods which were being bought at an increasing rate.

Thereafter, drugs are usually bought by regular customers at the premises of dealers that may be different from their domestic addresses.

Sixteen of the participants were homeowners (including several who had bought their houses from the council under the ‘right to buy’ scheme).

Currently, this lack is often compensated by using bought-in feedstuffs, which are high in essential amino acids.

Major results of these efforts are that speech recognisers and synthesisers can now be bought as off-the-shelf software.

He bought a large new house, where he would receive and enter tain increasing numbers of disciples, students, and fellow men of letters.

As a result, those who have since bought or inherited what was originally ‘ stolen ‘ land have no moral entitlement to it, legal titles notwithstanding.

Intermediate-goods producers produce, and their product is bought by wholesalers with gold.

The number of shares bought or sold is chosen to move the position to the rebalancing position.

The prince bought all the shoes for a sum of 10,000 pieces, distributed them among the people.

Any local merchandise he subsequently wished to purchase with the money just received would, however, have to be bought with mahmudis.

Others have bought second hand, or as sitting tenants from private or public landlords.

Such was the case for several participants from affluent backgrounds who used personal trainers, patronised well-known hair-salons, and bought designer clothes.

There were not yet that many gramophone owners who could have bought them, and it is possible that they were mainly used for demonstration purposes.

In the day preceding the slametan, the food must be bought and prepared, the dishes and glasses wiped, and the house cleaned.

Two men who had become homeless after being widowed bought recipe books and learned to cook for the first time in their lives.

Thus, tillers-turned-entrepreneurs could invest in agricultural land irrespective of income, and their rurally located families bought land unhampered by the residential restriction.

When did she say how she bought the car?

Especially in the production of postcards this imaginary world is continued, eagerly bought by tourists who thus carry on and cherish illusionary images of reality.

Players bought slips with numbers on them on street corners or from licensed operators.

We know that the majority of food bought by urban households from individuals was produced on private plots worked by collective farmers.

The colono could acquire ownership of improvements by reason of having made, bought or inherited them.

In 1949/50 fourfifths of all radio sets were bought on the instalment plan.

Moreover, they also regularly bought foodstuffs, livestock and flax from their employer.

They had to plan the amount they bought in order to be able to transport it.

Whenever people sold, bought, or rented (as tenant farmers) pieces of land, contractual documents were drawn up.

Our client, who had recently bought the house, asked if it could be removed.

Furthermore, capitalism to be capitalism must have a labor market where labor is bought and sold as a commodity.

Saleable goods are: (1) produced, (2) packaged, (3) marketed, (4) delivered, and (5) bought.

Often particular attention was given to the decoration and placing of the pulpit, while elaborate pulpit cloths were bought or donated.

A stamp would have had to be bought, an envelope, pen, ink, paper found, and a postal order obtained.

Horses could be bred on the farm, or bought relatively cheaply, and almost all farmers could use at least one economically by 1900.

Neither in quality nor in quantity is the «labor» that is bought identical with the «labor» that is sold.

First, it is not the same commodity that is bought and sold.

If justice can be bought then in countries with low levels of personal wealth, there will be little justice.

Another was the rise of exhibitions for which viewers bought tickets.

The dispensing indicators related to the drugs bought by the customers interviewed.

I found that idea of two different things that are then gradually bought together very appealing.

They can only be bought in registered public pharmacies (of which there are 996) or in rural areas from physicians with stocks of drugs (976).

An alderman bought the house, cheaply in view of the unusual charge, and promptly called in experts to inspect the contraption.

A quite small proportion of the products of the medical goods industries are bought over the counter in retail markets.

Many of those who bought such private pensions have since been found to have been wrongly advised.

Suppose that you are aware that your wife bought a winning lottery ticket.

One was that penitence and holiness were not to be bought at the price of asceticism, a position going against the prevailing wisdom.

The utility is based on the price of the goods bought and sold, combined with the costs incurred during the auction.

Three of the seven producers (42.9%) occasionally bought live birds from other farms and these birds were obtained from more than one source.

The young couple proudly invited the authors to visit the new flat that they had just bought.

Shoppers visited several different stores, compared the quality and price of the various brands, and bought the cigarettes of their choice.

The churches bought and accumulated numerous plots of land, some of which were intended as investments in profitable assets.

Most of them seldom bought or sold anything, but rather walked the market to familiarise themselves with the existence of newly available goods and images.

Finalproduct fabricators fabricate the commodity, and it is bought by intermediate-goods producers with gold.

We, we, it’s a house we bought, uh, about two and a half years ago now.

We even made a little book and people bought it.

Such property as had been bought or inherited before marriage was regarded as separate.

In the latter case it was mostly bought by the producers.

A small observation, but one that might disappoint purchasers who bought the book sight unseen on the assumption that it did.

In 1921, paper employers collectively bought off company welfare benefits with standardized wages.

Even if the computer technology is developing rapidly, these technical requirements are too difficult for up-to-date computers that can be bought at a realistic price.

He later bought it back for $1000 and resold it for $1200.

From an individual perspective, insurance contracts are bought as a means of reducing the risk faced.

The prosecution witnesses testified that these goods were bought to help indebted soldiers pay off their debts.

Patrons bought tickets, initially for ten sen each, for a dance.

The same point applies to the rational behaviour of the other party who has to consider whether it is worthwhile being bought out.

Three pillows were sold — though we are not told who bought them.

In the richest communities in particular, life revolved around private cells, bought or built by families and patrons.

The number of shares to be bought or sold will be found as part of the solution.

He has bought everything according to the new model.

As a result, enclosure could lead to the elimination of small owner-occupiers, who were bought out by larger proprietors.

Before liberalization, public institutions provided seed, water, fertilizer and herbicides, and bought and processed rice.

I bought a house and gave birth to a baby daughter.

Commodities bought from or sold to more distant contacts were paid for through these main agents.

The granary bought up about 5 per cent of all the spelt available privately for sale in the entire district.

The other group of commodities is baby goods, which we would not expect to be bought by grandparents.

Such a being cannot be bought by others as commercial goods can be and used for their own purposes.

Each dollar saved bought more investment goods, and a greater share of saving was invested in highly productive information technology.

Although they were poor, their back bedrooms were filled with books, mostly bought from second-hand shops.

Their agreement was bought with concessions to certain aspects of sovereignty about which they had strong feelings.

Where are the products actually bought and sold?

He or she can go to seed having bought a mansion and put a million pounds in the bank.

Books can be sold on their jackets to impulse buyers who may well not read more than a few pages once they have bought them.

He was particularly proud of his collection of malt whiskies, some bought direct from contrabando.

Firstly, all equipment should be bought and owned by specific members of the band, and all purchase invoices should be kept.

Money for use today can be bought in exchange for money to be repaid some time in the future.

By 1800 most of it was white bread, bought from a baker, possible because coal drove the cost of fuel down.

He would» recommend a stronger transmitter be bought for the benefit of the rural areas».

He says he only bought them 10 days ago, but he doesn’t have a receipt to prove it.

Reluctantly the shoes are bought, for who would wish their son to attract comment for not wearing what others wear.

In this factory, management had bought within the space of two years two new, more automated, sets of machinery.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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