Use the word boss in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “boss” in a sentence. How to connect “boss” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

boss (n): the person who is in charge of an organization and who tells others what to do

Use “boss” in a sentence

He married his boss‘ daughter, didn’t he?
They are very disgusted with their boss.
He pretends to be enthusiastic when his boss is around.
Do you get along with your boss?
My boss rejected the budget for this project.
The boss would like to have a talk with you.
My immediate boss is tough to please.

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Synonym: direct, foreman, look after, manager, oversee, supervise. Antonym: apprentice, disciple, follower. Similar words: bossy, bosom, bosomy, verbose, bosom friend, toss, moss, loss. Meaning: [bɒs]  n. 1. a person who exercises control over workers 2. a person responsible for hiring workers 3. a person who exercises control and makes decisions 4. a leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointments 5. a circular rounded projection or protuberance. v. raise in a relief. adj. exceptionally good. 

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1. He likes to boss the show.

2. The boss has sent for me.

3. Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.

4. Her boss did not display any human traits.

5. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.

6. The boss wouldn’t approve of the plan.

7. I was summoned by my boss .

8. Is your boss nice to you?

9. The boss made a concession.

10. Our boss has been let go.

11. I asked my boss for a holiday.

12. Let’s get this straight, I’m the boss.

13. She was the boss of a large international company.

14. Our boss has been fired.

15. She launched into a blistering attack on her boss.

16. He bumped into his boss in the store.

17. What do you think of our new boss?

18. Ms. Kane, this is Mr. Sato, my boss.

19. He relayed the message to his boss.

20. The boss was rather curt with him.

21. I know my boss considers me incompetent.

22. Our boss has been dismissed.

23. The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.

24. The boss was fearful of his secretary’s anger.

25. She felt nothing but antagonism towards her boss.

26. She felt an intense loathing for her boss.

27. My boss scolded me today.

27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

28. His boss gave him a reprimand for being late.

29. Who’s the boss in this house?

30. She’s always trying to second-guess the boss.

More similar words: bossy, bosom, bosomy, verbose, bosom friend, toss, moss, loss, cross, gross, glossy, fossil, gossip, ossify, across, blossom, engross, possess, cross out, tossing, at a loss, colossal, possibly, possible, get across, put across, fossilize, engrossed, albatross, cut across. 


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“Have you found that sales report yet, Clinker?” his boss boomed

His boss scowled at him

Still, he had to say something to let his boss know that he was hard at work trying to fulfill his wishes

Henry had just delivered a sales report to his boss that was over a year old

Slowly, he looked back up at his boss and tried to smile

«Well, that would hardly be very official now would it? To use a mobile phone to call the boss up in HQ, like

I also reasoned that if I could get local politics on board that this would give the Gardai and my worm of a boss Peter Dooley pause for thought before they tried to shut me down

It was Peter, my boss

I told him what had happened and he said not to worry about it, they would speak to the boss and see if they could organize a loan for me

«He made a phone call to the boss

«What about your boss Da? Would he lend you that kind of money?»

certainly not the boss

I was asked to leave by the boss

The ringtone identifier let him know instantly that it was his boss and that it was urgent

Still, however, Joshua was the boss

«I’m the boss mate

The question was though, would the heavy come back with his boss, with a baseball bat, or with both? Either way it wouldn’t be easy

The ironic laughs of children on the road; this evening, as soon as they saw me, they shouted “here comes the vampire!” Everybody thinks they are my boss! I can’t stand them anymore!

It could be his boss or another officer in the technical corps

During the beating that I had taken that previous night, the words of Robbie’s boss stuck firmly in my head, words about Crusades and vengeance

The Boss, well, he’s got dreams of holy war

By Monday morning, Iain had worked out what he was going to say to his boss – that James had been offered a revolutionary treatment for his migraines somewhere abroad that meant Iain had to resign from his job, asking for compassionate leave to follow James to where he was to receive this ‘special’ treatment

My job is shite, the boss is a wanker,

is shite, the boss is a tosser who you want to stuff,

‘Hey boss — I can call you boss, can’t I? — let’s have a cold drink

Others may think you’re getting preferred treatment if you end up dating the boss

I hope her boss is feeling better today

‘Hey boss, we don’t have the Cornish pasties in Sophia

‘Hey boss, you know of Barbarossa? He lived on Faria

then there was the thrill — I was making money, not earning it under some boss or

‘All set then Boss? We’re with you,’ those words told me they really were together, and had been since they were kids

Alexis had some blankets stashed under a bush and threw us one each, ‘You OK, boss? You look all in

‘Hey Boss? You know what I think? I think, “bravo boss

But, if that man thinks he can boss around his entire family …

My boss, brave man that he is, comes into my office late in the afternoon, closing the door behind him, he goes straight into the attack,

‘Don’t worry boss, she is with us,’ was all he said, pushing open the door

Listen now boss, when it’s sunset I’ll begin the solemn rites asking Athena help us get rid of the looters

‘Believe me boss, we will defeat these pirates

Alexis turned and pointed to the blackening sky in the west, breathless he screamed, ‘Did you hear that boss? Did you hear the snorting of her holy horses? She washes the flecks of sweat from their mouths as they champ the bit and cleans the clotted foam

Boss, the Goddess is ready to come and slay this many headed monster as she did Medusa

Alexis placed a hand on my shoulder, ‘Come Boss

Ken did just that, croaking down the phone to his boss to complain about a twenty-four hour bug

Continuing with the displeased boss example, you could change your belief about what his stern expression means

To my surprise, my boss is standing there

‘Not as such, though there is a man on the horizon – it’s Anna’s boss, Gary

‘As her boss, I was given the enjoyable task of presenting her with the cheque we’d collected for her – Sally, they raised nearly £200! Claire, the girl who works in the office with Anna, had elicited the information by some means or other that Anna wanted money to buy linen and crockery when they get to Italy so in the end we’d decided to just give her the cash

It had been a strange experience making the transition between Dave the boss and Dave the man

Who is the one and only in my life that would fire the Big Boss upstairs?

their father’s ex boss hurried back to his car and the comfort of

When the susurrus that caused died down, the boss asked her, “So are we to believe you didn’t come down here with the intent to turn yourself in

Anyway, I expect my boss would be lenient if I were a few minutes late into the office in the morning

“We will see what we can do,” their boss said

‘You are good at this business, aren’t you?’ my boss said looking at me consideringly, ‘I think we ought to look to using this talent of yours more productively

Ken did just that, croaking down the phone to his boss to

As for ambitions, Ken wants to buy a pub on foreign soil when his boss retires, while Davie dreams of being able to return to his beloved Ibrox in a British Racing Green Jaguar XJ6

«Aye, boss, with pleasure

‘That is no way to speak to your boss, Sarah

The boss is up at the top bar

Chrissie had been inclined to stay, taking the tack that the devil of a boss she knew was better than the devil of unemployment, but her opinion changed when Masa had a go at her after the last show of the day

The older man, the aforementioned boss, folds his arms across his chest and scowls

Ken looks at his boss and says, «Fuck ’em

Of course, the Visitor is the boss, and we have to taken

Threadbare fucking carpets, the stage is wank and the boss pays peanuts

I don’t know why the boss puts up with him

The boss keeps him on ‘cos she’s sorry for him

I think the boss has just about had enough

when Boss Chatterling was running the show

The Boss was the boss because she had the power

Boss Chatterling was quite sure that he had far exceeded her expectations as a

Ken follows his boss down the stairs, stopping for a moment by the door to the ground floor area of the old barn to listen for signs of life

‘I’ve been pretty busy actually; my boss seems to have spent the weekend dictating long legal documents

Ken keeps a measured pace with his boss, watching the doctor all the while, waiting for a movement or a look, anything that might suggest a rush of blood to the head

Roman looked up to the thick lenses and yellow eyes of Boss Chatterling

The Boss gave another sympathetic frown and patted Hartman with a stiff

I bet it was the Boss

I settle down to see what work I have and groan … my boss has been busy over the weekend by the look of it

“So what’s on the agenda today boss?” I asked

«What’s this, buttering up the boss

Boss Chatterling whistled, “Joy to the World” at the end of roll call,

He was her boss at the auditing company

She was the boss

She was careful to explain how people would dominate even the private lives of each other, something like a bad factory boss that you couldn’t leave

«No, I think you’ve got the wrong impression, I’m not the boss

No one listening to the little transmitters in their ears or running to tell the boss of

Also the boss of the warehouse, Jim, a really nice person to work for, is going to sell me his video recorder

My boss at the warehouse sold me his video cassette recorder

I was discussing it with my boss the other day about it and I told her that I don’t feel like to spend to Philippines because I’ll pay more than thousands pesos again to the government that I don’t have enough money

Because my boss together with her husband and eldest son were scheduled to fly for holiday to Singapore, London and Europe and I had to come back for the leave because of the baby laugh to me

Boss Chatterling held out her hand and shook with the former janitor

Then I was kidding my boss and Carol at work that this had to be caused by work so I want to put in for Workmen’s Compensation

Bruce is the foreman for the job und will be the boss for the workers

Originally we were going to talk to our big boss Dale and see if he really cared if we took longer than the exact number of minutes but that situation didn’t even arise

Yes the situation has arisen again because once again my boss got mad about us taking lunch I’ll add to that in a minute

My boss on his own brought up the issue and he said you know I’ve been thinking about it and you guys can take an hour for lunch but please try and keep it right at the hour

And now my boss said we could take an hour for lunch and she just said she felt so great she said I love you and I love my boss

I couldn’t believe my ears when I started talking on the cell phone – it was my boss!!, Calling us from St

Louis Missouri, the day before the wake of his daughter, and yelling at me why weren’t we in the office? I started to try and tell my boss that we left late for lunch that I had worked in the office but mainly he just wanted to yell at us for not being in the office he didn’t want to hear our side of the story

So my boss spent the last week in Houston, Texas for the funeral of his brother-in-law

So of course I never heard from my boss all week long because he couldn’t catch us doing anything

We will have our conversation with Dale who is my boss’s boss and our big boss

Refusing to be bossed, I stick my tongue out at him; if nothing else that raises a smile from him

She’d seen from the dominant adults around that her mother counted for nothing, and her older cousins had bossed her around in the usual way of children

of Children and Families who bossed the young lady social worker who had Mike’s and my case

His wife and innumerable children were there with him, and his Dad had not bossed him around for a long time

Jai stared at the Dangler, not wanting to be bossed around in front of Ceder, then lost his nerve and looked down

Drug use appeals to a lot of people simply because society makes such a big deal of it, and the government tells them they can’t do it, so they think they’re missing out on something special, and they try to show the man that they can’t be bossed around

Because in middle youth he had often sat observing through a rondel of bossed glass of a multicoloured pane the spectacle offered with continual changes of the thoroughfare without, pedestrians, quadrupeds, velocipedes, vehicles, passing slowly, quickly, evenly, round and round and round the rim of a round and round precipitous globe

I don’t like to be bossed

“I didn’t really want to run away with her, Ivory, but she bossed me into it

She almost ran to her bosses office

“They are losers, who stupidly make do with 140,000 drachmas a month; they are cyphers, all of them!” she cries pompously and goes on with an air of profundity: “A businessman wants to earn as much as possible, this is natural! He will pay you as little as he can, unless you prove to him you deserve to be given something more!” … “A clever businessman will hire a secretary who will work for him for a month or so »on trial», then he will tell her she is incompetent and he will fire her without paying her a dime; then he will hire another stupid chick who will work for him for another month without payment, then another one will take her place, and so on, until he finds the one who will satisfy him fully” harangues Diana, showing her admiration for bosses

This was why the techs were kept apart from each other off duty, so they would not know who was who and could be pitted against each other by their bosses

One of the local bosses bought me and took me away to Vlore on the Adriatic

Later, of course, it wasn’t surprising that when I began to work, my bosses were Latinos and Spanish was the language of the work place

“I thought I was helping you and the other lads but all we are doing is lining the pockets of the bosses who cut corners and use condemned machines to make even more profit at the expense of our lives

his bosses, an hour or two in the hotel catching up on his emails

I pointed out the economics to my bosses but they were unimpressed

“Hey, you need some happy juice boss,” being as irritatingly happy as he himself could muster, bosses were fair sport in his opinion

My Costamex bosses

“We’re getting close to the encampment, and our bosses will be waiting for an inventory

He asked me, ―What the hell did you say to Chuck when he was back here?‖ Don said that Chuck had called a meeting for all the section heads, yard managers, and any other bosses for the weekly business meeting

This was put there by the angry crime bosses who suffered the drug losses because of the dogs

Dena had still not told her colleagues or her bosses as she claimed that should something go wrong, well, then at least no damage was done

They had told us all that our bosses had been given some creditable story about why we had to quickly leave our jobs

If not, we’re back to where we started: to keep you from being extradited, I need a case to present to my bosses

He would be redeemed with the bosses, particularly when the fingerprint ID came in confirming his identity as a wanted murderer but undoubtedly, Edgar would be shuffled back to obscurity, listening to scum inform on scum, while being locked out of even those inglorious arrests

Gordon could imagine the frantic activity on the other end of the line, as he sent secretaries scurrying for their bosses and the bosses to the task of closing files and redirecting officers in the field

Bosses called the kid‘s number

He was of the opinion that his current bosses were undoubtedly the worst

26 He runs onto him, even onto his neck, on the thick bosses of his bucklers;

One of the biggest mob bosses in the city

Dan Seligman, a contributing editor of Forbes magazine, wonders whether the media bosses behind such mind-bending use of words in their reporting of pedophilia in the Catholic Church really believe in what they are saying

Are they “Coloring the News,” as William McGowan demonstrates they do in other respects as well in his book of that title? Perhaps, Seligman speculates, the bosses fear lawsuits

Heading a teacher union monopoly, union bosses have more interest in work rules, wages, and benefits for their teacher members than in educating children

care, that her bosses harassed her for raising the concerns and that she was a given

bosses, almost from the time of submitting her first report, including: repeated and

his bosses and government bureaucrats, he says he «arrived at the opinion

My bosses with the DPW unit of AG were Mike Flam who died long ago of blood cancer and Jim Feely

identifying the areas where our bosses could improve in terms of their

where our bosses could improve in terms of their management style and capabilities

He’s got half the mob bosses trying to find out how

He had warned me via phone before my interviews that many of the lab’s Hispanic females were very prone to filing EEO claims versus Anglo male bosses

The Wall Street Journal article pointed out that in 1969 an organization known as Sons of Bosses International was founded with chapters in twelve states

The spokesmen for Sons of Bosses, Stephen Klein, said, “Many sons of bosses have trouble proving themselves to their dads and taking their place in the business

The bosses complained that she was leaving the field too

She stared at her bosses

The recommendation of a peer is a strong one: “If they are impressed with you, they communicate that to their bosses,” he says

The bosses always insulated themselves from the public

He is controlled by BOSSES

This is one of the main weapons used by politicians, bosses, and religious ‘priests’ (understood in the wider sense)

Those greedy bosses call it downsizing — but I don’t notice any downsizing in their fat wallets

There may not be any bosses looming over your head most of the time, but you

 Six out of ten managers felt their bosses failed to demonstrate trust, show respect for their teams or even manage to produce results

The game places you in control of one of the two gung-ho super action-star heroes as they face hordes of bad guys, dodge screen-fulls of enemy bullets and take on the most gigantic sprite based bosses a side scrolling game has ever seen

The hours are too long and your bosses are too cruel

We have Christianity to thank for making the sale of sex a dirty, criminal activity, thus handing it to crime bosses to profit from

He probably had several plausible denials ready for his bosses if things went bad

time for speculation, but everyone had questions on their minds, and the bosses sure weren‘t

“Remind Barry to keep his and his bosses lips sealed or they’ll be slapped with a gag order because of the national security aspects of the case,” he unnecessarily added to probably annoy me

Two minutes later, respectfully apprehensive, they stood humbly in front of their thirteen bosses

Andrew was waiting for him when he arrived back and they had a lively discussion regarding bosses and workplaces which carried on over a late lunch and beers at the bar down the road



They had had many meetings with CN bosses over the years


One of the bosses hearing him and seeing the look on his face in passing asked him if he was all right

Money comes from your good professional reputation and from parent figures, elders, bosses and authority figures

This shows earnings from the career (pay rises, your good professional reputation) and from the favour of parents, parent figures, bosses and elders

There can be short-term upheavals in your career and with those involved in your career – especially parents, parent figures, bosses and authority figures

There are dramatic events in the lives of parents, parent figures and bosses too

Yet because managers and bosses are neither acquainted, or comfortable asking what it is their staff love

Be more patient with elders, parents and parent figures and bosses on the 11th, 28th and 29th

But this also indicates the financial favour of the authority figures in your life – parents, parent figures, elders and bosses

Authority figures – bosses, parents and parent figures – are financially supportive on the 30th and 31st

Dramatic events happen in the lives of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures

) You have the financial favour of bosses, parents or parent figures

This shows career changes happening and dramas with parents, parent figures or bosses

This transit again reinforces the importance of sales and marketing, but it also shows pay rises (either overt or covert) and the financial favour of bosses, parents or parent figures

It shows that earnings come from your good professional reputation and from the financial favour of bosses, parents or parent figures

Lunar Eclipses affect the career, your industry, parents, parent figures and bosses

There can be dramas in the lives of parents, parent figures and bosses too

It shows the financial favour of parents, parent figures, bosses and authority figures

There are dramas and life-changing kinds of events in the lives of parents, parent figures or bosses

There are romantic opportunities with bosses and people of high status – the money people in your life

At their jobs Sagittarians are hard workers who like to please their bosses and co-workers

Problems with bosses, parents or parent figures – attacks on your professional reputation – could affect health from the 5th onwards

There are shake-ups in your company or industry and dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures

“He will make a mistake soon enough bosses; his kind always does

) There are dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures

Many of you have had demanding bosses these past few years

The bosses will change now

If the same bosses remain they will be less strict with you

Or, you will have new bosses who go easier on you

Finally, Jupiter transits an eclipse point from the 24th to the 31st, bringing dramas in the career and in the lives of bosses, parents, parent figures and elders

You have the financial favour of bosses, parents and parent figures

It could be that your bosses, parents or parent figures are instigating this

«You sound lucky! I wish I didn’t have any parents, they’re always bossing me around!» Matt said

“Oh same as usual, bossing everyone about, getting on mum’s nerves and still wrecking the house in the name of DIY

His voice was rising in anger and firming in self-assured conviction – top cop bossing an underling

She’s always bossing me around when she’s here

Dominion means not that you’re bossing everyone around

“Good to see you alive and bossing folk about, Lady Renegade,” he said

bossing things rather in naval circles, with flag-lieutenants trotting round and young

bossing at Aunt Fanny’s, so it put her rather at ease to have me there as the black sheep

There’s Michelle in the living room, still fiddling with her oversized glasses, bossing around a bundle of kids who roll their eyes at her but do what they’re told

But what does he care? He is bossing everybody

Use Boss in a sentence. How to use the word Boss in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Boss.

Use Boss in a Sentence - How to use "Boss" in a sentence

Definition of Boss

  1. A person who employs or is in charge of workers.
  2. A person who controls a political organization.
  3. The breast as the seat of thought breast.

Examples of Boss in a sentence

  1. I am the boss here. I am not used to being told what to do.
  2. The boss was pretty rough with him.
  3. Donald said that his boss became increasingly depressed and went back to smoking a lot.
  4. I know that my boss considers me incompetent.
  5. The greedy boss did not stop at nothing to make a profit.
  6. Ms. Trump, I would like to introduce you to my boss, Mr. Sato.
  7. The boss was afraid of his secretary’s anger.
  8. The boss has put all his money in that speculative venture.
  9. She felt nothing but antagonism towards her boss.
  10. He felt an intense hatred for his boss.
  11. I agree with you, but I can not speak for my boss.
  12. I wonder if he dares to confront his boss.
  13. The way Donald tried to compensate the boss was unpleasant for the workers.
  14. His boss gave him a reprimand for being late.
  15. The boss asked the secretary to let the client get up.
  16. Who is the boss in this house?
  17. ​​She always tries to guess the boss.
  18. His boss often cursed him, sometimes for no reason.
  19. The smuggler was finally forced to report against his boss.
  20. Did you mention this to the boss?
  21. My boss does not allow me to use the phone.
  22. Our new boss is the father of three.
  23. I thought it would be better to address the matter with my boss.
  24. He is servile to his boss.
  25. He soon won the favor of his boss.
  26. For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!
  27. I do not have the guts to say that to my boss.
  28. Her boss could not prevent the other workers from verbally abusing her.
  29. The boss sent me.

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