Use the word boring in sentences

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word boring, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use boring in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «boring».

Boring in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word boring in a sentence.

  1. That would be dreadfully boring.

  2. It really seems boring just to play rock music.».

  3. What I felt to be my image was boring me to death.

  4. So let us do real fighting, boring in and gouging, biting.

  5. They use three main methods of burrowing; bulldozing, wedging and boring.

  6. Jupiter insists on a minuet, which everybody else finds boring («La la la.

  7. Still, Johnson found pleasure in teaching even though he thought it boring.

  8. He likened the experience to being in a luxury car: comfortable yet boring.

  9. He arrives home from another boring day at school to find a mysterious package.

  10. Next, he moved to remote mid-north South Australia where he found work boring wells.

  11. Until engineer units with boring equipment arrived, there was no potable water in Dili.

  12. An important criterion for inclusion is that a painting or sculpture must not be boring.

  13. He was able to take the boring and stale urban subdivision, and make it inventive and exciting.

  14. Kennedy, however, told his aides that he never wanted «to see the boring son of a bitch again».

  15. Actress Jolene Blalock (T’Pol) criticized the early stories as boring and lacking intriguing content.

  16. Marshall privately turned down the nomination, assuming the job would be boring given its limited role.

  17. He persuades her to come with him to New York City, and admonishes Angela as ugly, boring and ordinary.

  18. The film was directed by Paul Verhoeven (who found the book too boring to finish), and released in 1997.

  19. Darlington, he was simply miscast both as Caesar and Antony, finding the former boring and the latter weak.

  20. He was described by his contemporaries as «a very fat, extremely boring, overwhelmingly ambitious arriviste.

  21. Although Johnson was treated as a servant, he found pleasure in teaching even though he considered it boring.

  22. Johnson found Greeneville boring, and his private life was embittered by the suicide of his son Robert in 1869.

  23. The tunnel boring machines were launched in June and July towards Capitol Hill station, arriving in spring 2012.

  24. The couple bought a home in Malibu, California, a community that appealed to Steiger but which Bloom found boring.

  25. The construction of I-70 through the swell required boring through many solid rock canyons, cliffs, and mountains.

  26. However, the reviewer considered the film boring, criticizing the lack of special effects and the predictable plot.

  27. Tunnel boring from U District station, located northwest of the university campus, was completed in September 2016.

  28. The tour proved taxing and stressful—Pete Quaife recalled, «It was a chore, very dull, boring and straightforward ..

  29. Quisling found the situation much improved and, with no fresh challenges, found it a more boring trip than his last.

  30. Some critics said that the play’s reputation for immorality was overstated, contending it was harmless or even boring.

  31. The straightness and flatness over a great distance are given as reasons for the reputation of this stretch as boring.

  32. If it were melodic songs or some kind of boring ‘clap your hands’ song, you’d be going crazy playing those every night.

  33. Shields commented that «The vocals sound like that because it became boring and too destructive trying to get the right vocal.

  34. They still believe this is the side that Nick Hornby said stood for boring and lucky and dirty and petulant and rich and mean.

  35. Bernard Fanning, in response to «My Happiness» being described by fans as «like Lauryn Hill, bland and boring Top 40 bullshit».

  36. It’s impossible for us to do that, and quite frankly I would think of it as boring to be in a band that plays just metal music.

  37. He missed Paris, considered Toronto boring, and wanted to return to the life of a writer, rather than live the life of a journalist.

  38. He thinks normal is very boring, and does things that others just wished they dare do.» On January 27, 1992, then-President George H.

  39. Whoever says Singapore is boring and antiseptic ignores our hard-to-surpass crime spine tinglers starring inimitable rogues such as ..

  40. Rebecca, the bride-to-be, finds a boring man named Ian in a wardrobe; he introduces himself as a colleague of Jeremy, Rebecca’s fiancé.

  41. Ray works to a formula, not a feeling, and it’s becoming rather boring.» Disc jockey Mike Ahern called the song «a load of old rubbish».

  42. James Wilson attempts to convince Gregory House to treat Adler, but House initially dismisses him, believing that the case would be boring.

  43. John Peel described a live performance of the title track as «like a religious experience», while NME described the song as «long and boring ..

  44. After his schooling, he was involved in well boring and opal mining in Central Australia; at the outbreak of World War I he was a horse driver.

  45. Some reviewers were unhappy that the majority of the game was not spent playing as Sonic; playing as Tails, GameSpot wrote, made a level boring.

  46. By the time you get a «perfect» take of the recording the players are bored, the conductor is bored, and the performance is lifeless and boring.

  47. Following his first championship ring in 1999, Sports Illustrated described him as a «quiet, boring MVP», a characterization which persists today.

  48. He also thought that playing Todd was fun and «never boring to watch» because Todd, although popular with the audience, is an unlikable character.

  49. Inspired, she draws a design to improve on Kassell’s boring attire, but Simone and Tannis steal the design and take credit for it, impressing Lee.

  50. Stimulants such as amphetamine can improve performance on difficult and boring tasks and are used by some students as a study and test-taking aid.

Synonyms for boring

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word boring has the following synonyms: deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome, uninteresting, drilling and oil production.

General information about «boring» example sentences

The example sentences for the word boring that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «boring» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «boring».

1. That was boring, wasn’t it?

2. No, I hear it’s boring.

3. Every boring hour in life is unique.

4. I hate this stinking boring job!

5. I found this novel boring.

6. The speaker was boring everybody.

7. In life, then boring time, also are limited edition.

8. «Am I boring you?» she asked anxiously.

9. Even the most boring times in life are limited.

10. Without the language of love, all characters are boring.

11. Many diets fail because they are boring.

12. His writing style is now boring and outdated.

13. I’m not boring you,( am I?

14. Try not to make the diet boring.

15. I felt she found me boring and dull.

16. He is a boring person.

17. It was boring to the nth degree.

18. He was a boring nuisance! I’m glad to be rid of him.

19. When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.

20. The film was so boring that I dozed off in the middle of it.

21. Her husband is about the most boring person I’ve ever met.

22. This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.

23. I find it quite boring to chat with those who are lacking in humour.

24. Has he been boring you with his stories about China?

25. She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party.

26. Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.

27. A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.

28. Marilyn Monroe: Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

29. Life is not the game of life, or it will be without a single success; can’t live without game, otherwise monotonous boring.

30. Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.

скучный, буровой, бурильный, надоедливый, бурение, расточка, сверление, отверстие


- сверлящий
- буровой, предназначенный для бурения

boring bar — а) тех. расточная штанга; б) горн. буровая штанга
boring rig — горн. буровой станок
boring tool — а) буровой инструмент; б) расточный резец

- надоедливый; скучный

thoroughly boring evening — удивительно скучный вечер
his attempts to moralize are tedious and boring — его попытки читать мораль скучны и надоедливы


- сверление, расточка
- бурение
- буровая скважина; шпур
- (просверлённое) отверстие
- горн. шурф
- диаметр в свету
- pl. буровые работы
- буровая мука (мелочь)
- стружки от сверления

Мои примеры


a boring evening with uninteresting people — скучный вечер с неинтересными людьми  
to sink boring — пробить шурф  
boring story — скучная история  
parouseion boring — ударное бурение  
percussion hand boring — ударное ручное бурение  
rotary boring — вращательное бурение  
tube sample boring — колонковое бурение  
auger boring — бурение шнековым буром  
bailer boring — бурение желонкой  
diamond boring — алмазное растачивание  
finish boring — чистовое растачивание  

Примеры с переводом

I find her books totally boring.

Я нахожу её книги абсолютно /донельзя/ скучными.

The job was dull and boring.

Работа была тупая и скучная.

I hate this stinking boring job!

Ненавижу эту дико нудную работу! / Меня задолбало это дикое занудство!

A boring job atrophied my mind.

Скучная работа истощила мою душу.

Boring has become a fine art.

Надоедливость теперь относят к изящным искусствам.

It was boring to sit there without anything to do.

Было скучно сидеть без дела.

The play was so boring, I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.

Пьеса была такой скучной, что я с трудом сдерживал себя, чтобы не заснуть.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Copying down the numbers is a boring and mechanical job.

This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.

…there’s an occasional interstice in the tedium, but most of the novel is boring…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

bored  — скучающий
borer  — бур, сверло, бурильщик, расточный станок, бурав, сверлильщик, сверловщик
borism  — отравление борной кислотой, интоксикация борной кислотой, бором или бурой

Without the accessories, the look would honestly be quite boring in my opinion.


What we learned: Even when you add string to a paper science activity, it’s still boring.


If he makes another boring movie like the last one he will be kicked out of Hollywood.


After two straight weeks of high-stakes and incredibly boring, soul-draining, testing, my daughter’s class is having a surprise ice-cream party.


Sure, your traditional boring compliance training might get the job done, but are your learners engaged and connected to the material?


Cheesy Pesto Chicken with Burst Tomatoes is a delicious and healthy alternative to bland and boring.


The short, boring, answer that won’t sell a million gimmicky diet books is to maintain an energy deficit for a long enough period.


So for 30 days stick to something, give it meaning, make it realistic and be disciplined (sorry to use that boring word but it really does work).


I do find the normal plain tights boring, so I look out for pattern designs, to add a bit of fun to my look, when I do have to have them on, and with the horrible weather conditions we have going on in the UK at the moment, I am going to be needing pairs of tights for a bit longer, but for this outfit post, I get to show off my legs.


This article defines an attention span as how long we can keep our attention on tough or «boring» tasks — another article talks about sustained attention as «the ability to maintain focus on a task or assignment a [person] considers uninteresting or difficult».


They’re boring, tedious and akin to being pursued down the road by a pushy salesman.


Others will purposely make their stories boring and incomprehensible so that they can say that they covered the issue while killing public interest.


The past remains in the past and it’s all about the now and the tomorrow’s, so there’s no point in boring people with the «when I was a lad, back in the day» crap!?


Scarlett Johansson’s live-action Ghost In The Shell remake is all style, no soul, and incredibly boring and offensive besides.


Not a big fan of the art direction, hated character animations, and was not satisfied with the shooting mechanics at all… boring!


Sometimes, the usual sides can get boring.


The sixth season of Showtime’s «Weeds» has taken viewers on a long and boring ride to nowhere, says Melody Godfred.


I’ve been on a kick as well… porridge used to be so boring, I love that we’re seeing it a new light.


While the modes initially prove to be fun and the gimmick of wounding opponents to draw the zombies attention is cool, Multiplayer quickly grows repetitive and gets boring quickly.


it’s gotten to me to the point where I’ve lost a fun side of myself when I meet new people because I’m always worried that there’s something to dislike about me so then I end up being boring.


These same players may even argue that auto leveling is boring, while ignoring the trivial nature of leveling in the vast majority of MMORPGs.


Most Darlington driving schools tend to be lengthy and often boring for experienced drivers.


It’s also a nice, succinct piece on why people should look to boring index investing.


I think the article provides very good tips on recognizing if you’re being boring.


Instead of finding new and different ways to promote their books, they hope that Oprah will like it, that a J.K. Rowlings will come along, or that they can piggyback on the film rights… all at the expense of the author… the publishers are a bunch of conservative, dry, boring old duffers without a single notion of creativity… especially when it comes to promotion, marketing, and/or sales of literacy, reading, books, and/or literature.


Now that they’re living together, Fiona struggles to accept the new «boring» Jimmy.


Spoiler Alert: Long story short, stupid boring Arie asked Becca to marry him, then six-weeks later changed his mind, and is now with runner-up Lauren, who is basically just another Emily.


Group 2 did long, slow and boring cardio.


Of course, natural bodybuilding gets old and boring very fast.


It’s flying around in circles — in some pretty boring levels.


I suspect that this photo was the result of multiple attempts to put this baby back in the seated position for the shot and having him try to crawl away to do something altogether less boring instead.


Such a calm and boring article for something so sad?


I loved it in high school (what a refreshing change from a boring history lecture) and I love it as an adult.


These constructs we have built up around ourselves seem drab and boring philosophically to me.


The graphics, even with the polish up, are still rough-looking with characters lacking detail up close and the environment has some rather bland and boring textures.


All birds like to get out and roam around, but you don’t have to settle for boring or unappealing stands.


At some point (possibly immediately preceding a history test covering a long list of boring names and dates from the past) someone probably told you that «those who don’t know the past are doomed to repeat it».


A significant number of respondents (47 %) believe expansion is essential, saying that the A-League is suffering because «it’s a bit boring playing the same teams year-in, year-out three times over.»


You don’t want to end up broke so try to make your trading as «boring» as possible.


very fun and spontaneous and im sick of the boring young girls im usually with!


Not much character development outside of the main party, underutilized villain, technical hiccups, repetitive side quests, and a boring first act


But, the ride might be slow and boring.


i will be in hanoi very soon for work, i want to know more lady friend to free myself from the boring weekend when i station in hanoi we can go for lunch or travel to oyher part of vientnam.


I couldn’t help recalling an Episcopal friend of mine saying, «Confirmation is a second-rate junior high commencement ceremony after we have marched the kids through a series of boring classes and then laying-on-of-hands to graduate them out of the church.»


Nobody living there, whether they’re obsessed with justice or loving toward their family or just living a banally boring life, is inherently good.


Leave it to you Amy to take a boring bed sheet and turn it into something fabulous!


Peter Amato: Sorry, Uncharted diehards: Nathan Drake was boring.


Love this dress Pam, it’s classy without being boring, it’s just perfect, good old Asos doesn’t disappoint!!!


It’s certainly efficient, but never boring.


I’m just assuming here that the Academy is going to be boring and throw another statue at John Williams for another generally uninteresting score, though it is entirely possible that Desplat could win for Argo, with which I would be fine.


It was fun to visit but boring to live in

“Real boring, I know,” Jesse adds, waving his hand in the air

From what you’ve told me, Ava was more boring than that

She didn’t say anything, but her eyes smiled that she would not be boring for Dawnsleep

This trail was so long and boring that her mind was really wandering

He thought he understood what Tahlmute was trying to do, convince Estwig this had something to do with boring academia, and tried to help with that impression

He’d found her picture in the eye, she was not the type to excite Estwig so there was no use boring him with it

«It was pretty boring here,» Ava said, «There wouldn’t have been much for you to do and I am so short of fabrication capacity it took awhile to build up enough room for another soul

quiet and, frankly, pretty boring, providing a thin string of tavernas and bars set back

’ She said in exasperation, ‘It is just too ridiculous … I mean, this is me … boring old Elizabeth Wynell!’

So many people – men and women – become boring as they become older, you know

Stephen became quite boring when he was going out with her

‘Don’t you find it rather boring round here?’

Lessons at Janus started again last month, but they are still meaningless and boring

I occasionally meet Mandy (aunt Hermione’s extremely boring niece: the only thing she does is answer »yes» or »no» to my questions), Lena (an incredibly dull, married hen: I visit her once a week, and as soon as I get there she starts helping her sons with their homework; she won’t stop until I leave) or Persephone (rather depressed, yet she is the only one with whom I have something to discuss)

He says it was very boring but I have a feeling he just doesn’t want to talk about it – there is a distant look in his eyes when he mentions it

As for the rest, the week in Amarynthos has proved to be really boring, since we’ve spent most of our time playing cards or chatting with the old crocks

Soon Helen proves to be boring and insecure, as she barely has anything to say; in fact, every word has to be screwed out of her

Factory: If you see that you work in a factory, you will lead a boring life

Converted from a small house at some stage in its history, the ground floor front rooms had been knocked into one characterless space painted a boring shade of blue

This in turn leads to a lecture from Wiesse on how important this waterway is as an artery to the West Country, stressing how vital it is for local commerce and going into incredible and extremely boring detail about how it is maintained and how much it costs

not that one, it’s boring, look at it,

Normal doesn’t have to be boring and nice does not have to equate with un-fun! That’s the

use and that by now are becoming very boring

The boring banter continued and the evening staggered on with Mercouri bragging about how much beer and raki he could drink

” She let out a sigh, “that brings us up to here and now; kind of boring, huh?”

Just the shop is so boring, Ish,’ Omi said

He thought she might even like it, the tug of one gee could get boring at times

‘Why are studies so boring? Why do you have to do something so uninteresting

” They laughed, the hundred years between stars was terminally boring

a real splash in the world, and his parents were so boring and

the other girls are sweet but so utterly boring

I told her that it was enjoying being with someone even if the job you were doing was unpleasant or boring

“After you are settled in, and the routine gets boring, come and spend some time at the Inn

It was lethally boring

‘That boring is it?’ Dave countered

Was the flight boring?”

He makes every topic sound so boring, which is of itself a talent, but not one appreciated by tonight’s punters

Jorma was excited to be the pilot of a needleboat at last, after a long and boring business ceremony that Ava participated in a lot more than he did

boring holes through his soul

The panel of judges sitting out in the audience wave the boring little shit away and insist that the show goes on

“I’m sorry, not about your business, your business is boring to be honest

“Like I said, boring

“You’re right, that will be boring

Mum and Dad had met just after the war – Dad had been in the Navy and, from what I could see, spent a fairly boring time up at Scapa Flow trying to keep warm, at least, that is what he told me when I used to sit on his lap as a kid

“No way, that’s boring too

“So everything in the world is boring then, is it, Matt?” Andrew asked

Before that, their lives hadn’t been exactly horrible, just… lousy, and boring to boot

Ralph Stanley, a man more interested in the architecture of his career than in any boring buildings

“It’s going to be boring around here without you to lend a bit of urban flair to our simple lives

“Is it that boring?”

“It’s never boring and a shift makes you very tired

I could feel their censorious gazes boring into the

‘I am very boring

Otherwise her face was kind of flat and boring and her chest looked very flat and flabby when viewed with eyes used to Shinvei, though she was not really much smaller than average

«You’re not boring,» Shinvei said, «you’re one of the better ones

Brice could sense the crowd growing restless, full of energy after, what was for them, a welcome interruption to a boring lecture

Am I boring you? Well I’m boring me, no more questions then?»

There are a variety of foods that you can add to your diet to keep it from becoming stagnant and boring

And nowadays, you have these stupid, mindless and boring saas-

studies are so boring! It’ll be a nice change

eyes, a spark, a relief that the world, after all, wasn’t a boring

Life becomes boring in small ways that add up fast

realize how boring she is and leave her alone

Her green eyes were boring into his

She, on the other hand, had had a very religious and conservative upbringing; a somewhat boring youth, with little excitement when it came to boys

It was okay, but for me a little too boring

The stories are boring, all this crazy talk about God, Jesus and salvation

You can be in an enjoyable state of flow while doing work that others would call the most boring jobs imaginable, such as working on an assembly line

Be creative, your cooking shouldn’t be boring, introduce variations in your cooking methods

Yet – though she could smell him, feel his mad ravenous eyes boring into her – there

The training kept up in its intensity but to tell the truth it became just a bit boring as did the fatigues and working parties though I wouldn’t complain after being stuck at home like I was before coming here

One minute you were scrambling around for dear life without time to know whether you were on your arse or your elbow the next minute it was boring beyond belief

By this time, Jessie was sure that whaling at sea was not a boring and lonely way of life

The rest of the day was spent on the boring and turgid chores

If every hole was straight and four hundred and twenty yards, the course would be boring to play

So I spent the rest of the watch at the plate watching but I didn’t see anymore snipers or even anyone to shoot so it was rather boring but that was what it was like most of the time

nothing to do but pass time, and this can be very boring at sea

Our time in the trenches on this occasion was a lengthy one and a lot of the time you spent in the trenches was boring if you were not on a working party or on stag

‘I hate your boring lessons and I also hate you, too

And things can go from Boring to Steamy-Fun!!! Yeah, I know ‘DUH’

Again, at the time, the interaction was boring & dry

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but there’s something I need to discuss with you,” Raven said defiantly, his eyes boring into the warden’s

boring? I was having a great time listening to dial tones and recorded messages

At that wonderfully incompetent organisation called the United Nations, did these countries support you? Or did they uniformly condemned you and paid lip service to your request in the form of information to save your citizens lives? I think we know the answer to that one for we regularly change channels when we see the bizarre attacks on you with boring consistency

He could feel Hollowcrest’s eyes boring into his back, so he pretended to peruse the papers

with cold eyes boring into me

I have included it because a lot of readers have asked me why history is so important «because we all know that only boring people read history

» Well, I am one of those boring people

How can the same mistakes be avoided if we don’t know what they are because we have recorded them wrongly? That’s why my books get boring sometimes and expand on things that in truth belong to the historian, and not so much to me

Some readers, all women, judging by their names, told me they found this uninteresting if not plain boring and a horrible distraction

The rest of us, me included, would avoid that place as much as possible, and later years write boring books for our children to read one day if they could be bothered to do so

I don’t remember their speeches, so they must have been boring and pathetic since I possess an excellent ability to recall things I hear or read (but apparently not spelling so much — it is unfortunate)

I think, and this is my opinion only, that it is a lot more difficult to drive fast through traffic and criminals shooting at you than around circles on a race track which is plain boring if not silly in concept

�Going for a walk is not only boring it is also exhausting

Failing to find one, he tutted in frustration, listening instead to the sounds of the forest– the rustling leaves, the shrill ‘ke-wick’ of a tawny owl, the steady tap of a wood boring beetle searching for food

Even mention it in my boring book more than 20 years on! Dreamed of beer and water and much else as I described before! I have never been that thirsty in my life and some passed out of heat exhaustion

» Many journalists were banned, and if caught in a banned area, arrested and no doubt sorted out too or so they claimed with boring regularity (sometimes rightly so)

The walls were decorated with a few ugly landscape paintings which were uncolourful and boring, perfectly matching the boring brown chairs and carpet

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