Use the word boost in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word boost, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use boost in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «boost».

Boost in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word boost in a sentence.

  1. It was a cunning ruse to boost circulation.

  2. The intention was to boost Reno and bypass Oil City.

  3. Mao’s praise helped boost the painting and its painter.

  4. This, he hoped, would boost his election chances in 1972.

  5. This economic boost helped bring the nation out of the recession.

  6. The success at Vicksburg was a morale boost for the Union war effort.

  7. The series’ popularity led Wallez to organise publicity stunts to boost interest.

  8. Knowledge that the cipher was crackable was a morale boost to Allied cryptologists.

  9. However, the Battle of Cape Esperance provided a significant morale boost to the U.S.

  10. To boost morale the crew were given a ration of rum to celebrate Empire Day on 24 May.

  11. John, and the result was a significant boost to Fantastic Adventures’ circulation.

  12. The pass was reopened in 2006 and trade through the pass is expected to boost the economy of Gangtok.

  13. In the same year, 50 captive bred crocodiles were released into the wild to help boost the population.

  14. Prior to the final, former Preston player Mark Lawrenson noted: «If we go up it will be a great boost.

  15. The Muslim League’s claims that it alone could safeguard Muslim interests thus received a major boost.

  16. Elemental attacks can be made stronger by equipping Gems, which can also boost the player’s attributes.

  17. The upbeat image served as gentle propaganda to boost employee morale and keep production from lagging.

  18. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric as an inspirational image to boost female worker morale.

  19. To help boost a Gloucestershire membership drive, he joined his former side for a match the following year.

  20. Afterwards, the game’s physics modeling give vehicles setup with high acceleration a boost of acceleration.

  21. The birth control movement received an unexpected boost during World War I, as a result of a crisis the U.S.

  22. Holloway spent much of his time in the later part of the war organising shows to boost army morale in France.

  23. These figures were achieved at 2,850 rpm engine speed using +9 pounds per square inch (1.66 atm) (48″) boost.

  24. The event also gave Diệm an opportunity to boost his prestige by defeating Bảo Đại in a head-to-head contest.

  25. Intended to boost morale, the messages only highlighted the desperate situation in which the crew found itself.

  26. While flying, Nights can use a boost to travel faster, but the boost meter is slowly depleted while doing this.

  27. The match drew a crowd of over 10,000, with many more turned away, and provided a significant funding boost for the club.

  28. In the 1940s, live platypuses were given to allies in the Second World War, in order to strengthen ties and boost morale.

  29. Available studies support a performance boost from oxygen enriched mixtures only if it is breathed during aerobic exercise.

  30. This fuel allowed higher manifold pressures, which were achieved by increasing the boost from the centrifugal supercharger.

  31. Stagger increases damage massively by providing an instant boost to the chain bonus, and may launch the enemy into the air.

  32. Jacques’s arrival on Hancock «provided an additional boost to the series», according to television historian Richard Webber.

  33. The Abbasids used this as a propaganda tool during their revolution to boost their legitimacy and appeal to pro-Alid masses.

  34. The Independence Day celebrations held around the state just before the August 1 election provided a boost for his campaign.

  35. News of the tsar’s abdication provided a boost to those in Britain who wished to replace their own monarchy with a republic.

  36. In total, South Florida’s economy received an estimated $220 million boost from visitors who arrived to watch the two games.

  37. As part of this, it selectively supported Afro-Cuban and Santería traditions, partly out of a desire to boost tourism; this Santería-focused tourism was called santurismo.

  38. Through 2016, advocates attempted to boost support for the bill, which by November had 298 cosponsors, enough to get a floor vote during the lame-duck session of Congress.

  39. Her second volunteerism tour—she traveled 4,130 miles (6,647 km) within the United States—helped to boost the notion that not all students were protesting the Vietnam War.

  40. To boost the population, convicts from the kingdom of Granada were offered the possibility of serving their sentence in the Gibraltar garrison as an alternative to prison.

  41. Players boost weapon power by collecting powerups that match the current weapon’s power; collecting a different color gives the player the first level of that weapon type.

Synonyms for boost

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word boost has the following synonyms: encouragement, rise, hike, cost increase, advance, supercharge, hike up, promote, further and encourage.

General information about «boost» example sentences

The example sentences for the word boost that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «boost» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «boost».

Synonym: help, hoist, lift, push, shove, thrust. Similar words: loose, choose, book, boom, boot, booth, book for, notebook. Meaning: [buːst]  n. 1. the act of giving hope or support to someone 2. an increase in cost 3. the act of giving a push. v. 1. increase 2. give a boost to; be beneficial to 3. contribute to the progress or growth of 4. increase or raise 5. push or shove upward, as if from below or behind. 

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1. The new service helped boost pre-tax profits by 10%.

2. The potential financial boost is a double-edged sword .

3. The movie helped boost her screen career.

4. The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.

5. It wants the government to take action to boost the economy.

6. Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego .

7. If you boost him up,he can just reach the top of the shelf.

8. If you boost me up, I can just reach the window.

9. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.

10. We need a big win to boost our confidence.

11. A ten-minute power nap can boost your productivity.

12. This has given share prices a big boost.

13. We need a holiday to boost our spirits.

14. We need to boost our spirits.

15. The poll provided a morale boost for the Conservatives.

16. He gave her a boost over the fence.

17. A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.

18. Playing a sport can boost a girl’s self-esteem.

19. Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession.

20. He always boost his company.

21. This will be a great boost to the economy.

22. These changes will help to boost share prices.

23. Give me a boost over the fence.

24. This new funding will come as a welcome boost for the industry.

25. He thought a few kind words might boost her self-confidence.

26. Reduction in the tax on unearned income could be a boost for small businesses.

27. The lowering of interest rates will give a much-needed boost to the economy.

28. The publicity generated by the court case has given a welcome boost to our sales.

29. The magazine misreported its sales figures in order to boost advertising revenue.

30. 700 jobs will be lost in order to cut costs and boost profits.

More similar words: loose, choose, book, boom, boot, booth, book for, notebook, textbook, most, host, cost, ghost, at most, almost, foster, mostly, costly, poster, hostage, hostile, post-war, costume, at any cost, at all costs, at the cost of, first and foremost, the cost of living. 

Definition of Boost

to help, stimulate, or encourage something to improve

Examples of Boost in a sentence

My kind words encouraged my sister to continue doing her best, and that boost really helped her improve.


We often take medication and receive vaccinations to boost our immune system, making it stronger than it is by itself.


I needed a boost to keep me awake in the morning, so I drank two cups of coffee to give me some much needed caffeine.


If there’s one thing that gives me the boost I need to make it through the day, it’s the encouragement of my friends and family.


To boost my chances of success on the math test, I studied a whole three weeks in advance to make sure I would ace it.


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I can boost the confinement beam.

Я могу усилить сжимающий луч.

Let’s try to boost the signal.

Попробуй усилить сигнал.

— Can we boost signal?

— Мы можем усилить её сигнал?

Have you been able to boost the combadge signal?

Ты можешь усилить сигнал ком значка?

— NASA is trying to boost the signal.

— NASA пытается усилить сигнал.

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Well, you feel you’re going to boost their morale?

Думаете, что сможете поднять их боевой дух?

Jean-Loup wants to boost our morale.

Это идея Жан-Лу, тобы поднять нам моральный дух.

Right. This was all just a ploy to boost sales at the bar.

Это был только способ поднять продажи в баре.

Dad, we’re taking Niles out to boost his spirits, not his cholesterol.

Пап, мы берём с собой Найлса, чтобы поднять ему настроение, а не уровень холестерина.

I was merely trying to boost the morale of the community.

Я лишь скромно пытался поднять моральный дух общества.

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We can steal their thunder and boost circulation at the same time if we beat her to it.

Мы можем одновременно украсть их сенсацию и увеличить оборот если мы переплюнем её.

Could you boost the output?

Вы можете увеличить выход?

I have to re-route the entire electrical system before I can boost the power.

Я должна перенаправить всю электрическую систему, прежде чем смогу увеличить мощность.

Repeat transmission, boost power.

Повторить передачу — увеличить мощность.

Boost and Ident, sir.

Увеличить и идентифицировать, сэр.

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Larry, boost me up.

Ларри, подсади меня.

Now give me a boost, okay?

Теперь подсади меня, ладно?

Boost me up.

Подсади меня.

Bunty, give me a boost.

Банти, подсади.

Now give me a boost.

А теперь подсади меня.

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We need to raise capital quickly so we can boost stock support.

Нам нужно быстро увеличить капитал и повысить цену на акции.

Boost it to the moon!

Повысить! Очень повысить!

Moral could use a boost around here.

Производительность неплохо было бы повысить. Через девятку.

No, a sarcophagus is designed to boost health or heal someone terminally injured.

Нет, саркофаг предназначен, чтобы повысить здоровье или заживляет того кто был на грани смерти.

Because then a guy asked me if NBS leaked the story to boost our West Coast overnights.

Почему ты не вернулся назад? Потому что потом меня спросили, не считаю ли я, что в NBS воспользовались этой историей, чтобы повысить рейтинг.

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Yes, a ring in your nose stimulates a nerve that boosts a woman’s fertility.

Да, кольцо в носу стимулирует нерв, который повышает фертильность женщин.

Breast milk boosts the immune system.

Грудное молоко повышает иммунитет.

vogue magazine says it boosts energy levels And brightens the complexion.

В журнале Vogue писали что он повышает энергию и придаёт блеск лицу.

Ballet improves your coordination, it boosts your IQ, and it gets half of the NFL on Dancing With the Stars! Boo-yah!

Балет улучшает координацию, он повышает ваш IQ, и он привел половину игроков Футбольной Лиги в Танцы Со Звездами!

Sugar boost.

Повышает сахар.

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You don’t go squawking to the cops after you boosted a car, you idiot.

Только идиот пойдет в полицию после того, как угнал машину.

A couple of days later he boosted a car.

Несколько дней спустя он угнал машину.

You boosted a Gremlin?

Ты Гремлина угнал? (*AMC Gremlin — кошмарного вида машинко)

Right after Max boosted your Lamborghini.

Сразу после того как Макс угнал твой ламборджини.

Max knew exactly who boosted your car, so he made you an offer.

Макс точно знал, кто угнал твою машину, так что он сделал тебе предложение.

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The business of team building and moral boosting.

Бизнес сколачивания команды и повышения духа.

Push another amp of bicarb for a boost.

Дайте ему ампулу раствора соды, для повышения.

Just to boost his election numbers.

Ради повышения его рейтинга.

These are my gift to you to boost morale…

Мои подарки для повышения вашего боевого духа…

Found that a bunch of performance tweaks were done to it-— octane booster in the tank, catalytic converter was bypassed, the ECU was re-chipped to boost up the horsepower.

Нашли, что его неплохо прокачали… октаноповышающая присадка в баке, каталитический конвертер убран, электронный управляющий блок перепрограммировали для повышения мощности.

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Give me a boost up.

Подтолкни меня…

Just give me a boost.

Подтолкни меня.

Come on, give me a boost.

Подтолкни меня.

Give me a boost up.

Подтолкни меня.

Just needs a boost.

Нужно просто подтолкнуть.

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— A morale boost helps them work.

— Моральная поддержка им только помогает работать.

May I please get five brain booster smoothies with acai extract and an energy boost?

Можно мне, пожалуйста, пять коктейлей «Мозговая поддержка» и один «Энергетический взрыв»?

She just needs a bit of financial boost.

Ей просто необходима небольшая финансовая поддержка.

She needed a little psychic boost.

Ей нужна была психологическая поддержка.

If you need a little boost, just zone in on us.

Если тебя понадобится поддержка, просто посмотри на нас.

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  • Use the word BOOST in a sentences

Sentence Examples

In the days of struggle to fulfill the Plan of the proletariat’s inconceivable heroism of the boost in socialist rivalry, mines and factories proclaim:

I think the greatest way to boost sales will be a series of pep meetings in all our branches throughout the country.

I’ve always wanted to give you a boost in print, you deserve it.

What good will a boost in this rag be doing me? Lt’ll be a knot.

McLEAN: A friend of yours asked to put in a boost for you.

No, no, I don’t want you to boost them.

Oh, you mean you want me to boost your hotel?

boost it in the right place and soon.

Well, every knock’s a boost, you know.

Give me a boost, will you, Mr. Ireland?

I said «maybe. » Give us a boost over.

They got him in one of those Peashooters. Just got a boost too.


What a boost for circulation. Yes, indeed.

Babies boost circulation.

We can steal their thunder and boost circulation at the same time if we beat her to it.

And having babies to boost your circulation takes time.

That damn port engine’s still not giving me anything like the right boost.

Go down and give Abby a boost.

Now this, uh, Fleming story, properly followed up, should boost circulation 10 percent.

We got to write Congress to boost our PX ration.

Well, boost your price and I’ll toss back the little ones.

We need some excitement to boost circulation.

Is that how you boost tourism?

Fear and panic gave me a boost up over that ledge… and I began to run, not walk, to the nearest exit.

Is that a boost or a knock?

You have to take this medicine because soon you have to start working so hard that if you don’t get a boost

I’ll give you a boost. — Lorelei?

He can’t boost me any higher than you.

Thirty-five inches of boost!

But seeing you there gave me a boost, and I won, you understand?

Give me another inch of boost!

Hey, that’d boost your legal career real good, wouldn’t it?

Which makes it a gilt-edged priority that one of us… gets into that Krell lab and takes that brain boost.

So you took the brain boost, huh?

If he knew we were here, it might boost his morale.

Your job is to give the team a boost!

It’s only the new, solid fuel that will give the required boost in payload.

Now turn on your ignition boost and crack your throttle.

It doesn’t matter how much we boost the transmitter power if it doesn’t reach the plane.

The entire apparatus to give it the required boost… is in my laboratory.

I designed an instrument to create… a sudden and powerful electrical boost… to help me free my thought.

Give me a boost, Charlie.

Well, you feel you’re going to boost their morale?

We’re also doing our best to boost production.

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