Use the word books in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word books, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use books in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «books».

Books in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word books in a sentence.

  1. Her other books include Mrs.

  2. Agnew has written four books:.

  3. His books include the following:.

  4. Walpole’s books cover a wide range.

  5. He published three books of poetry.

  6. Lie published his first books in 1884.

  7. All of Carson’s books remain in print.

  8. He gets publishers to take their books.

  9. Wicca) «Through the Harry Potter books!

  10. Both the English books are in two parts.

  11. The books were moved to their new location in 1679.

  12. He paid the entry fee by pawning some of his books.

  13. It was a pattern he retained for future Bond books.

  14. The work is traditionally divided into three books.

  15. Boult wrote books about music throughout his career.

  16. Fermenta’s new CEO Ove Sundberg granted Volvo full access to the company’s books.

  17. Some of the earliest books on poultry include these as a valuable American breed.

  18. Al-Aswani noted that books were written in Greek and then translated into Nubian.

  19. A 2008 survey of secondary books read by students between grades 9–12 in the U.S.

  20. In all, he wrote a further 16 books after his retirement from the Hall Institute.

  21. For research, he visited a comic-book store to read Hellraiser comic books in which Pinhead appeared.

  22. They certainly aren’t a sign that the books work to «indoctrinate» people into Wicca as a religion.».

  23. After meeting Barbauld, the famous 18th-century novelist Frances Burney described her and her books:.

  24. Cadets receive a monthly stipend of $1,017.00 for books, uniforms, and other necessities, as of 2015.

  25. During his bishopric, St-Calais stocked the cathedral library with books, especially canon law texts.

  26. He had told me that he found indescribable delight in reading dictionaries for lack of other books.».

  27. It is featured in most coffee table books on the Lepidoptera, and is much sought after by collectors.

  28. Poet James Bertolino asserts that Caged Bird «is one of the essential books produced by our culture».

  29. With the advent of scientific interest in birds, many paintings of birds were commissioned for books.

  30. His books have sold over 200 million copies worldwide, and over a dozen have been adapted into films.

  31. In 1980, the cathedral’s parish set up a fund in Mynors’s name to acquire a collection of rare books.

  32. In addition to 42 books, most of which were about personal health issues, he wrote magazine articles.

  33. The books were very successful, selling a total of 225,000 copies by 1870, a large sale for the time.

  34. The main story consisted of 11 parts running through the Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps books.

  35. In 1998, Time named The Autobiography of Malcolm X as one of ten «required reading» nonfiction books.

  36. Two game books were released based on the games as part of the Nintendo You Decide on the Adventure series by Scholastic.

  37. Aside from his journalism, Thomas wrote and contributed to many books, all published in London and some also in New York.

  38. He suspected the term’s use was an attempt to validate the comics form, rather than to describe the content of the books.

  39. Many historical books and fictional adaptations have been published about this period of intense fossil-hunting activity.

  40. It is one of seven surviving black books of hours, all originating from Bruges and dated to the mid-to-late 15th century.

  41. The minutes from the society’s bimonthly meetings listed the books purchased and the methods by which they were acquired.

  42. The list includes all original works together with collections, anthologies and books edited or jointly edited by Cardus.

  43. Mysteries and westerns alternated regularly for the first thirty titles, with a few books not in either genre, such as P.

  44. The contents, books and paperwork were brought out and burned in the street, and the buildings systematically demolished.

  45. It went on to praise the book as «austere but vivid», and said the series was more thoughtful than the Narnia books by C.

  46. Michaelangelo Matos, a staff writer for the website, was greatly influenced by Christgau and said the first two volumes were books he had read most frequently as an adult.

  47. Stefani portrays several characters from the books, including Alice, the White Queen, and the Red Queen, in dresses by British-Gibraltarian fashion designer John Galliano.

  48. Being the first accessible ocean-going IJN submarine lost after Pearl Harbor, USN divers attempted to enter I-124 in order to obtain its code books, but were unsuccessful.

  49. In addition to publication in the United States, Tom Swift books have been published extensively in England, and translated into Norwegian, French, Icelandic, and Finnish.

  50. He wrote bitterly to Nelsons in 1893 about the copyrights they held on his books while he had earned nothing: «for thirty-eight years [you have] reaped the whole profits».

General information about «books» example sentences

The example sentences for the word books that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «books» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «books».

shows and commercials, ads and books

He couldn’t possibly have that many comic books

Vedanta is not a topic of books but just our vision to make a cognitive change to the way we respond to situations

The grandparents can build a small library for them from books already in there

There are much good bug ID books out there

· Remove things you can trip over (such as papers, books, clothes, and shoes) from stairs and places where you walk

He could smell all the books from all over the world, the crisp and musty mix of old and new pages

Every bare wall, except in the computer room (he was afraid of shelves falling on his computer) had a bookshelf stuffed with books

It made the rooms appear smaller, but with his books he never felt alone

Topher sold rare and used books online

The cross-legged attitude has been, and still is, much used in the Orient, and many books have been written on the subject

the stationery, books, CDs and housewares just to escape the murderous melee taking

Tables are covered with books, used paper cups and plates, half-eaten chunks of food covered with slowly crawling, lazy flies

We spend the rest of the evening packing up the books in the house

There are several books that I always keep by my side

help him with his books, John

‘I shall have to re-read the books, I can see that

There is one more story that is mentioned in three different books of

You can find out more about him and his books at:

He has published two books, Notes

No females were used by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible books

Mostly they sell in Athens, but they also travel all over Greece and sell books door to door

That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman’s commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other »services», instead of books

It is interesting to note that while two books of the Old Testament bear the names of women (Ruth and Esther), and deal with their lives as God worked

Contributed chapters to several books

All five books in a single volume — the war with the Squidies from the first engagement to the final detonations

The sweet, musty smell of old books mingled with birch tells me we’re in the library

Instead of white cinderblock walls, he’s surrounded by books, thousands of them

Elond never thought about kids books, and taught them from the novels or texts she was reading at the time

“As I said, games, radio, books, mags, anything really to brighten up the days

Too many books are written every year about how to become a better you and different “Christian” tips on how to be successful

We, the readers of books and tales, find it difficult enough to answer questions even when our reading is wide and our thinking deep

My oldest books have disintegrated, some I’ve copied over

Other Books by ISIS

You showed me pictures, gave me books to read and I read them

Fears Death (DAW Books, 2010)

Following his last day at the office, he had made two further trips into town; one to ditch the last of the stuff he had decided he no longer needed and the second to sell his car and visit the book shop to buy the books Kara had selected from the website … as a sort of peace offering in recognition of how much it galled her to be constrained

Her love of books was the only aspect which sometimes

almost all the books the library had except a few

Such was her love of books

In the history books, you can find a “strange star” that appeared in the heavens before Jesus’ birth

to know the way to the crematorium without opening books of maps

The only difference was that at Abery, the shelves held books and here they held containers of varying sizes and colours

Together they carried the books and selected boxes into the vestibule, Kara clutching them while the door into the Personal Items room was secured

All those books would have turned to dust long ago if I hadn’t

and on radio or television, in books, in conversation,

I seemed to recognise her calm face but then realised I knew her only from my books

There was a bookcase and all the books were arranged according to size

and have burned through books ever since,

He was proud to show his lifetime souvenirs; they fell from books, wallets, tin boxes and jacket pockets

During the week Cyberia cleaned the house, cooked meals and performed a range of other wifely duties while her husband, under the guise of bringing euphonic enlightenment to the masses, rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially complete jigsaw sets from the doorways of London’s charitable retail outlets

I started to see books that had been written by me and I told the cops to pick them up

Before I left Cornwall, I thought I’d miss my books but there were books all over the village; in the cafés or kafeneia as they call them in Greece, and even some down at the washing well

But for here and now, books were out of the question till they found people with the knowledge of printing

Making a space on one of the top shelves, I fit the pot into it, allowing the leaves to cascade down over the books … I step back to consider the effect … yes, that looks nice

The walls were covered in bookcases filled with books, huge tombs, on three of the walls in the room; they ran ceiling high

Sprawled in a corner was a group of sleeping, travel-weary Romanies, their timeless faces seeming familiar, like those in my books, but they weren’t familiar at all, I just wanted them to be

“Understand that over generations, the females had secretly studied all the books of the Scathers, learned all about their ships and how to operate them

She was the proud owner of some books, a few records, a wardrobe full of clothes and a bank account with approximately two hundred pounds in it, all of which was now enriched by one ancient diamond ring and a crudely painted blue and white vase

I went upstairs to the vault to look at Ali’s books

Getting used to living with someone is not the easy matter that romantic films and books would have you believe

‘Get your books from upstairs

He brought his books down and opened the first chapter of his maths book

to go to Law Garden with Vidya to buy books

organic chemistry books have too much to memorise

We paid for the books and came out of the shop

‘These books look really advanced,’ she said, pointing to the plastic bag

are made to read MSc books in this country?’

I mentally repeated the four reasons and poked the pile of books

He fetched one of his gardening books from an alcove shelf in the living room and leafed through the sections that showed keen gardeners how to build walls and fill holes with hardcore, and as he read the hints, tips and instructions, Ken realised that his weary bones ached for a change

History books are full of names and dates

Mindful of his place in the history books, our prince used his

with statues and books exalting the prince and his friends, the

Five minutes later he comes into the kitchen, ‘I’m glad I remembered that, it would have been annoying to have found out on Tuesday afternoon that Abi’s books are in North Wales

‘And all the education is in these books they read under the plastered roofs?

The study was small and cozy, one wall had shelves from ceiling to floor and each was filled with books of all sizes

‘ I restacked the books

They would come into the engine room and simply watch what everyone was doing, writing copious notes in their books

open the history books to see how important such noses were

Every one of his history and picture books was

Simon and I stand together by the choir stalls while Peter fusses around collecting the books he is going to use

‘Being a writer helps, I think, his books are his children to some extent

rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially

So many of them remind me of that woman in the opening of whichever of Thomas Hardy’s books it is that opens with a heavily pregnant woman climbing Gold Hill

And then distribute the books to others

‘I always loved the Narnia books as a child and I’ve read some good crits of this film

theoretical books were derived from it

A book of more books

sense? The difference between this and other books is that this book was

was the proud owner of some books, a few records, a wardrobe full

clothes, books and music into black bin liners

On a sidewall was a bookcase, its books all over the floor

He noted books of all kinds by the

of his gardening books from an alcove shelf in the living room and

All of these books are available in Hard Copy, Electronic and E-‐Book versions

These books are given by Trevor Gol agher as a means of being of service to

‘You could try your hand at writing some books

‘Yes … we had a lot in common, I suppose, books … an appreciation of this sort of place … a natural curiosity

appeared to be rigorously checking the ration coupons from the books

books — перевод на русский

«He’s read every book in the case — he likes to read!»

«Он прочёл все эти книги. Видишь ли, любит читать!»

He wrote some books.

Он пишет книги.

No, I have read your books.

Нет, я прочёл ваши книги.

Here, put your books down.

Отложи сюда пока свои книги.

I come to bring the money back and fix up the books.

Я пришёл вернуть деньги и подправить книги.

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Would you like to take his pay book?

Ты возьмешь его солдатскую книжку?

Take the little book.

Возьмите книжку, мистер Тракерн.

Read a book if you’re bored.

Будешь скучать, почитай книжку.

Miss Owen, my date book.

Мисс Оуэн, мою записную книжку.

You look in your brother’s check book without his knowledge?

— Вы заглядываете в его чековую книжку без спроса?

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The phone book and Bradstreet.

Телефонный справочник и Брэд-стрит.

Andersson. No, this is the phone book!

Нет, это телефонный справочник.

— Well, there’s always a phone book.

— Всегда есть телефонный справочник.

Bring me the phone book.

Дай телефонный справочник.

The guests are coming. The same names, the entire phone book seems to be here.

Прибывают гости — смотри телефонный справочник.

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Caussat and Colin, bring me your algebra books

Косса и Колен, дайте ваши учебники по алгебре!

Take out your book.

Можете достать учебники.

I’d still need books and clothes and a decent piano.

Но мне все равно нужны будут учебники, одежда и нормальное пианино.

Are these all school books?

Это что, всё учебники?

«This old gent whose backside I jab… «already has his name in the history books.

«Этот старик, которому я делаю уколы в задницу, уже вошел в учебники истории.

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I’m going to read books the rest of the trip.

Я собираюсь читать до самого нашего прибытия.

We could sit in there after supper, and you could read out of them books to me.

Мы могли бы сидеть здесь после ужина, и ты могла бы читать мне что-нибудь.

You really do love books.

Это правда, Вы любите читать.

I never did none of that there book learning, you know.

Я никогда в жизни не учился читать, знаете ли.

Until they can read a book and do arithmetic, just like Master Tomás.

Чтобы они могли читать и считать, как господин Томас.

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So when I left the office I put my rate book on the desk as if I had forgotten it.

…поэтому, уходя, я положил на стол блокнот, будто забыл.

I told him I’d forgotten my rate book and needed some dope… on the public liability bond I was figuring.

Я попросил его напомнить тарифные ставки выплат, так как забыл блокнот.

The office bottle hadn’t sparked me up… so I’d taken out my little black book and decided to go grouse hunting.

Бутылка в офисе меня не взбодрила я достал блокнот и решил найти девочку.

Then I’d better get another book.

Тогда я лучше возьму новый блокнот.

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Just read the comic books I buy for you.

Лучше читай комиксы, которые я тебе покупаю.

What about the rest of my comic books?

— А еще комиксы?

I got some comic books and a little toy for Farron.

Там у меня комиксы и игрушка для Фэррона.

He spent his afternoons in the store… reading newspapers, comic books, anything… until we closed.

Он приходил в магазин каждый день… читал газеты, комиксы, всё подряд… до самого закрытия.

-lt’s a comic book.

-Это комиксы.

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— You threaten to book me?

— Ты угрожаешь заказать меня?

Don’t we have to book at this place?

Может, нам стоит заказать место в ресторане?

I’d like to book passage on the Queen.

Я хочу заказать билеты на Quееn. Так зачем ты ко мне пришла?

‘You can arrive without prior reservation, ‘because you can book retrospectively ‘in advance, as it were, ‘when you return to your own time.

Вы можете посетить ресторан, не заказывая столик предварительно, потому что его можно заказать задним числом после посещения, когда вернетесь в свое время.

She picked out the apartment, she booked the moving trucks.

Она выбрала дом, она заказала грузовики для переезда.

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Have you got an autograph book?

А у тебя есть книжечка для автографов?

If anything happens to me, your little black book will go right to the Police.

Случись что-то со мной,.. …и твоя чёрная книжечка попадёт в полицию.

I’ve got a little black book with my poems in

У меня есть черная книжечка с моими стихами,

Well, the book is relly interesting.

— Ну да, книжечка занимательная.

I cannot worry about that when the amount in my black book is already over 400 pesos.

Это не страшно, потому что сумма в моей книжечке уже перевалила за 400 песо.

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The cemetery… to book you in if you screw it up

На кладбище, хотел забронировать могилу на случай, если ты не будешь вести себя как надо.

Once, I got as far as booking the passage but…

Однажды меня хватило на то, чтобы забронировать билет, но…

Could you book some seats?

Вы могли бы забронировать нам места?

— Can I book a room?

— Я бы хотела забронировать номер.

Well I tell you what, when you get the hotel fixed up, I’ll come and stay there so you can book me a room now.

Ладно, я скажу вот что, когда вы почините отель я приеду и остановлюсь там, так что можете забронировать мне комнату.

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  • Use the word Books in a sentences

Sentence Examples

there thou mayst brain him, having first seiz’d his books; or with a log batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake, or cut his wezand with thy knife.

Why, as I told thee, ’tis a custom with her, I’ th’late afternoon to sleep there thou mayst brain her having first seized her books or with a log batter her skull or paunch her with a stake or cut her wezand with thy knife

But you’ve read a lot of weird books, so wouldn’t you know?

In the ’60s, it opened up for photographers around the world to do their city books with that energy. The one thing Klein had more than anything else is energy. He got New York too.

But left to its own devices, the camera can be nothing more than a slack-jawed dumb recorder of whatever is put in front of it, which is precisely what Ed Ruscha allowed it to be in a series of seminal books he produced in the 1960s,

It’ll all make sense if you read Part 3, so follow those books from the hill with the tree!

Just as soon as I get back in his good books and convince him he needs me.

What we are trying to ask is, would you mind taking a look at our books?

We could’ve lived together with me reading all the books that you’d recommend and with me teaching you all the sports that I’m really good at.

After some argument, the president throws his papers and books at his head.

Based on play «Karadjordje» by Milos Cvetic, epic song «Start of the uprising» and history books.

In holly books they founded confirmation of their near ending, because of their actions.

Scores of books and hundreds of scientific articles appeared.

He buried himself in his writings … sacred books … «



Nowadays the struggle for existence means the soul needs to be …effectively educated in order for one to earn a living but the body becomes neglected because of books and machines and machines!

«Your life was only the dust and mold of books!

«You’ve read so many books you think you’re Don Juan!

I think the picture… the, uh, travel books are in the bottom one.

Well, it is, but we were unpacking some books.

Αll these books lying about.

Going to bed at night with suitable books?

# Never mind the great books Fill your date books #

We had the books checked last night after closing time…… 2,500 francs are missing…

In his earliest outlines, Stoker structured his story like a Shakespearean play, in five acts, or «books» as he called them.

Aren’t you going to autograph one of your books for me?

Say, that guy’s got books where I wouldn’t put… hairpins.

Maybe we can find someplace where there aren’t so many books.

Those books you read must be very tiring.

When I was here, I had one of your books in my hand.

books don’t hide everything.

You know, i don’t think love makes people brave like it says in books.

Where would you sell books?

I think we should look over your books.

I’ve kept your books for you, and I know all about you.

Read any good books lately?

Couldn’t I get back into the books? Sorry, but we’re full up.

I’ve tried, but I can’t go in. He throws books at me.

No, I have read your books.

I read all books on hunting.

book (n, v): a written text that can be published in printed or electronic form; to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future

Use “book” in a sentence

He’s writing a book about his experiences.
I want you to return the book I lent you the other day.
Here are some common mistakes when booking a flight.

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