Use the word book in a sentence

book (n, v): a written text that can be published in printed or electronic form; to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future

Use “book” in a sentence

He’s writing a book about his experiences.
I want you to return the book I lent you the other day.
Here are some common mistakes when booking a flight.

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Synonym: Bible, Book, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Koran, Quran, Scripture, Word, Word of God, account book, al-Qur’an, book of account, hold, ledger, leger, playscript, record, record book, reserve, rule book, script, volume. Similar words: book for, notebook, textbook, boot, boom, boost, booth, look. Meaning: [bʊk]  n. 1. a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together) 2. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together 3. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded 4. a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge 5. a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone 6. a major division of a long written composition 7. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance 8. a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game 9. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made 10. the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina 11. the sacred writings of the Christian religions. v. 1. record a charge in a police register 2. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance 3. engage for a performance 4. register in a hotel booker. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Beware of a man of one book

2. A book that remains shut is but a block. 

3. A good book is a light to the soul. 

4. Use a book as a bee does flowers. 

5. Jadge not a book by its cover. 

6. You can’t judge a book by its cover. 

7. Never judge a book by its cover. 

8. A good book is your best friend. 

9. Judge not a book by its cover. 

10. Old wood is best to burn,( old book to read. 

11. A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent. 

12. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. 

13. A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 

14. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 

15. A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 

16. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 

17. Only Tommy and I have read the book.

18. That book is a load of rubbish.

19. His book was in parts written in verse.

20. She always has her head in a book .

21. The book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.

22. It took me an hour to skim the book.

23. He has the copyright of his book.

24. She had misread a date in the Tour Book.

25. Writing a history book entails a lot of work.

26. You’d better book up if you want to go.

27. Liberty and civilization are only fragments of rights wrung from the strong hands of wealth and book learning. 

28. There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read. 

29. He that gains well and spends well needs no account book

30. There is no friend so faithful as a good book

More similar words: book for, notebook, textbook, boot, boom, boost, booth, look, hook, look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, cookie, look at, look into, look over, look back, overlook, look down on, look after, look through, look forward to. 

Definition of Book

to reserve or purchase something ahead of time

Examples of Book in a sentence

The manager tried to book a meeting room at the office building, but none were empty.


We tried to book our flights online, but the system was down and we couldn’t make our purchase.


My parents plan to book a cheap hotel for our family trip.


If you want to rent a van, you will need to book it several days ahead of time.


The travelers want to book a room on the cruise ship leaving this April.


Other words in the Books and Reading Material category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

By reading this book you are taking action

In this book, I would like to explore with you some

This book is about challenging your faith, challenging

you’re busy, but isn’t it possible to read ten pages when you wake up in the morning, you jump into your book to wake up your mind

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post your comments for this book here

Unless otherwise stated in this book, this permission is not passed onto others


As such, redistributing this book without the copyright owner’s permission can constitute copyright infringement

“… I’l have a book of first class stamps and a smile please

chapter to the rest of this book

You can still be assured of one thing though; I will never allow this book to be subjected to the humiliation of product placement

The times that you’re playing games, watching television or any other time waster could be used to exercise, to read a book, to play with your kids or learn a new skill

This book began as a form of catharsis but was never intended to be

If you don’t believe that you would have the ability to effectively explain this to them, then I want you to share this book with them

Remember, I said in the beginning that if you just read this book, you will gain knowledge, but if you do the work, you can transform your life! This book is designed to help you in the most efficient way possible

Josh: 1:8: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that

Neh: 8:8: So they read in the book in the law of God

Josh: 1:8: This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that

2Chl: 17:9: And they taught in Judah, and had the book of the law of the LORD with them, and went about

During the next few years you should work on reducing the chemicals used by ••• then eventually not using any chemicals at all and be 100% Organic! Any problems your plants may have can be treated with the appropriate organic controls; some of which are mentioned in this book

Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath or hot tub and then reading a book or listening to soothing music

Add 10 drops Superseaweed or 1/4 cup seaweed powder per gallon and 1 drop natural soap and a dash of Tabasco sauce or any other of the hot sauces mentioned in this book

This book is the continuality of Walking with

book will take you back into the core of the

In this book, we are going to look at what is

This book is for

She had promised Kulai she would be back by the end of next week but if she was taken down to Gengee it would be several more weeks, especially if she had to book passage on a commercial ship to get home

My will power in firm control, I had debated whether a long bath or a stimulating shower would be the best course of action so, my priority being to use up time, I opted for the former; taking a book with me, I had spent an hour in the bath up to my ears in hot water and soap bubbles

Some are revealed religions by some messenger of God and some are like Hindu religion where it is usually a personal matter and not dictated by any single holy book

His next book, called Quellamunga, is in progress

I lift him onto my lap and take the book he is flapping in my face … ah, Chicken Licken … I clearly remember reading this to Emma when she was this age …

I had to ‘lose’ the book in the end, it was driving me potty

John picks up a book lying nearby, throws it at the wall

The information which is available to you in this book, is passed along with the understanding that we are always responsible for our actions, we must not upset the balance of our delicate ecosystem, nor endanger ourselves

It was about that time that the idea presented itself to place what he calls his “Moral ABC’s” — a complete version of this is now available in book form — on a label

If you are reading this book, you have already opened

He casually tosses the book out the window beside him

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall

Maybe she hadn’t transferred her address book from the old handset yet

was written in the book of Job:

He didn’t have a book about it, but he had seen the pictures in news magazines twenty decades ago

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall

From the book “Pursuit of His Presence” by Kenneth and Glo-

For a nasty moment we just look at each other … in the friendly chatter of the book packing, we had both relaxed

Chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews is a chapter about exploits of faith

In the book of prophet Daniel there is a story about three young

The entire 11th chapter of the Book of Hebrews is about faith and heroic

The computer showed it was booked for a flight to Miami in twenty minutes time

‘Yes … I booked into the hotel

I was fully booked in tuitions and I already taught his

‘I’ve booked an appointment this afternoon, Alastair

Simon’s booked a table at the little restaurant we went to last time I was here

He’s booked a table and, after giving his name to the waiter at the door, we’re shown straight to a table by one of the windows which run the length of the restaurant

I’d booked a room at the local hostelry and organised a buffet

I’m already booked to attend the official opening of the new building over at Gordon’s Pipes

But at the end of the third day, extra duties were assigned and I booked with the money he’d given already

By the first week of the new year, they were booked for the Summer Season, and had additional bookings for the Tahoe Tournament in the Spring—an unanticipated additional $175 to defray construction

Heather booked the reservations a

Dad loves showing me off to the other residents and has booked a tea for us

Belle was relieved, as the suites at the Bungalows were booked

booked and didn’t have to repeat the misery of finding

booked into our hotel in what was becoming the usual

accommodation booked – we had places to be that day!

That night we had a hotel booked in Bonnieux – in the

booked apartment, we’d been transferred to another —

during the course of the afternoon, and our booked

But no, this stop had been booked at the last minute, so she was playing for strangers again

«No, I’ve had this gig booked since yesterday

“No,” he stroked his chin thoughtfully “I don’t believe I was paid, I booked under a false name, one I chose from a wealthy family

I booked a place called

booked it for me

Chennai, one day later than I had booked

Status: Pirate was booked on suspicious activity and a

Victor had booked the tickets

Friday night and booked in at the Old Quay House Hotel in the

as they had no room booked

She was booked, but never brought to trial on prostitution charges about 10 years ago

situation, explaining again that I was being booked as a material witness, and that I was considered a risk to flee

I got to the phone, told Mother I was booked and if she could find an attorney willing to work with me, I’d appreciate it

It was drafted by a much junior professional assistant who booked his time against it

Knowing he wasn’t up to the ten hour drive back up to Scotland in his present state, he checked on-line and booked a ticket on the sleeper train for himself and his bike

They booked us for a much later flight on Iberia

He was then taken to the Chicago Hilton Hotel and booked into one of their suites

He then walked towards a small hotel where he booked himself into the hotel

Once booked in his room he collapsed sleeping a deep sleep until the next morning

The reservations checked out: three men booked and seated together were joining the aircraft from the Logan International connection

Cassa waited for a little while longer and then booked out of the hotel at 10am

He walked over to the internet service in the hotel foyer and booked a flight to Bali

They stood out in the motel’s driveway waiting for the cab that had been booked at reception

By 8:30pm they had booked in and Ingrid backed the campervan up to a small stream flowing through the park

It finally clicked and the Germans booked their cruise

It was 8:30pm by the time Ingrid booked in, as low clouds pushed across the mountain backdrop

«Your flight’s booked for two in the arvo but there’s a slight problem

Considering the flight was only booked for fifteen minutes, Blair had looked after them very well, and charged the original price quoted without the additional one hundred and twenty dollars for the permit

It reads: «TEE BOOKED

Steve turned, and booked

Michael agreed, and we booked a one-on-one course that lasted six months

She learned of my plans and insisted on visiting me there, cancelling a week of booked appointments with patients

The major attack on 9/11/2001 on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and some other intended target in the capitol using fully fueled, heavily booked commercial aircraft as missiles

We had immediately gone to the ticket office and having discovered that we had just missed the 615pm crossing, booked tickets on the 8 o’clock crossing, using our rapidly dwindling supply of cash

After some discussion of where to spend our anniversary, we have decided to go to Paris for our celebration, and I have booked the best hotel that I can afford

“You’ve already booked the caterers and sent out the invitations…what else is there to do?”

I booked passage to Tonggye and then wandered over to watch the construction

I then nervously booked a taxi, feeling scared that I would be in the most danger to the general public on the train

” In reality he hadn’t even booked, he was hoping for the best, he had been lucky so far

Becky wrote back and told him that the conference hotel had been booked as well as the flights and that she had reserved rooms almost next to each other so she could keep an eye on him

“Have you forgotten who you booked slut?” Chuck spat irritated, I stifled a flinch just as I saw Jesse’s fists clench

“But I already booked you a suite at the Mark hotel, the same one I’m staying at

“Hey Ramkumar!” He said, “Guess what? Narayanasamy’s visiting card and personal mobile number! He has booked a concert for your mother

When I learned at Motorola that I passed the bar, I booked out for UCLS and got drunk at Wine Mess, far too badly to go back to the NW suburbs

trains would be running eastward fully booked

Each train for the next two weeks was already booked to

Promptly at 5pm that Friday, the two or three local unpackers simply put all my boxes into the garage that I shared with a young Oriental couple and booked out without saying a word

I booked out for a meeting on the campus which was listed in our schedule, but that I had not attended yet

We had booked a lovely villa on the

Sophie booked in to see the Dublin doctor, who was very

Not daring to wait any longer, I booked a screening room and paced the hall until the third call came at 3:15

Needless to say, we booked him on a turnaround flight to New York to get it back on the red-eye that same night

As the month advanced, sales booked were expressed as a percentage of the budget for the current and two advanced months, and same period a year earlier

They booked into a modest hotel on the beachfront and spent a glorious time shopping although Sally, after just one trip to one of the large apartment stores, could not handle the frantic pace and opted to stay in the hotel and rest

have a record of who booked into room 101 the night of Herod

screen several times “Hmm, seems no one booked in that

First stop: London, England, where we booked into a five star hotel close to the

«There are three booked to come out, but the weather might put some off

Chantal, David, Poes-Woes and I were booked to fly to Holland on the 29th of

you’ve already been booked for a gig in a different club on the same date and time,

And finally, I was booked into the jail before I ever arrived here

“Let me put it like this: it’s the worst plan since Henry the hyperactive high-jumping hedgehog booked up a hot air ballooning holiday

I called her, and while we were on the phone together, I went online and booked a

he said that he had booked reservations and it was too late to add another to the tab

You should have booked a bigger room

I booked another sachet for the big guy

I called a retired DS colleague who was now the security director for AMEX and asked him to put a flag against Bob and Alistair’s names and to let me know if they booked any trips through its travel service; the same company the State Department used for all employee business travel

While waiting to pounce, I received a phone call from my old bud at AMEX alerting me that Bob had booked a ticket for his wife to Japan, but not one for himself

she was booked into the Tamworth Base Hospital for an exploratory operation

He booked the room for two nights as Ruth also had Mondays off work

They were constantly on the radio on the television on the newspapers and appearing all over the country at venues that were booked out long before they arrived

So let’s assume that you have composed an ad and you have booked it to

of you are booked into the best hotel in town as husband and wife, as per your

pretty good description of the man and woman who had booked those rooms

And if we take her overflow, she can keep the five and we still end up with twenty-five dollars per week, or four dollars daily booking

Belle reorganized the office in the hardware store to do double duty for the ‘Lodge Office,’ and with Harry, she set up the necessary account ledgers and booking sheets

Karen was taking Jake away on a long weekend to visit her relations in France but Alastair couldn’t go due to a long-standing and well-paid booking for the band

‘We have a booking for a Monsieur Trevor, ’ he said,

‘You have a booking? For tonight?’ she repeated,

the hotel (whose booking also took much head-bashing)

trip dates and the route to take… booking the tickets… that

Better yet, folks jostled for the chance to order her kittens, booking litters for the next year and bumping up her asking price

There was no point merely booking a vacation package

“Nothing, but their booking photos were released

He’d have to check the address and see if that booking was genuine

When he arrived at the booking desk with his captive, a police captain was waiting: “Thank you, Officer Vargas,” he said

The welcoming committee at the booking desk had grown

He dashed to the booking room for the other, but it had also ceased to exist

You can book a train ticket between any two stations from any of the hundreds of computerized booking centers across the country

It was probably during her junior year that Bonnie called Dixie and told her that her boyfriend had received his draft notice, and they were booking out for Canada

The next day was spent in a flurry of activity, booking an air ticket for the middle of March as well as a bus ticket from Springbok to Johannesburg International Airport

Booking a full size sedan for a week gave the best rate and she charged it under the company’s account

The responsibility for booking your talent and covering al the costs is something

Checking the booking office they found that many tickets to Melbourne had been purchased but they didn’t collect names or ask for ID

The booking clerk realizing that they were looking for someone in particular then pointed out that the train left at 6:58 in the morning so anyone catching it would be on board at that moment

How dare he cancel our booking at such short notice, replacing us with an inferior company? Had he no respect for …

Edgar flapped around in ever decreasing circles making tea, packing and unpacking, twittering about shopping, supplies, possible adverse reactions to an all-male troupe, forward booking confirmations, mail, and a thousand other things that would have floated over his sensible head a week before

The booking had been made by her son who had been prepared to pay for total nudity, erotic play, and orgasm

origin that have been spotted here and there, and people getting nervous and booking passage

As you have nothing to do for the moment, I took the liberty of booking you in for an appointment with the medical practice on the fourth floor

As he was booking in, his attention was drawn to the date, October 27th, four more days to Halloween

Exhausted from the interrogation and booking process, Richard checked in on the second floor

As he handed over his personal belongings, a man white button down shirt and black slacks placed Richard’s things into Ziploc bags labeled with his booking number

it’s at the Top of the Ritz and they will only keep a booking for twenty-five minutes as they have a very heavy waiting-list…

Booking at the last minute may happen if you are travelling for business purposes

Booking a trip ahead of time does not only mean saving more money, but it also means that you are able to plan it well

Booking for your hotel accommodations can now be done through the internet

Booking flights with layover

Book a whole package instead of booking them separately

Thus, you should properly read its terms and conditions prior to booking the room, so that you can still make some changes at the last minute

In booking a rental car, which is separate from your flights and hotel reservations, you may not have to enter your credit card details for it

Just check if the website you are booking your flights and hotel reservations from offers it, so that you would be able to take advantage of the discounted prices

However, in booking such type of room, keep in mind that it does not necessarily mean that you would be as close to the ocean as you want

activities that you are booking through your agent

information packet that you’ll receive after booking

After saying that he would make the booking at the restaurant, he said goodbye to her and made his way back up the high street

bulk around behind the counter and looked at a booking sheet

ets or booking hotels via the internet, and is also what takes us to a

“First I hacked into the hotel registers and made a note of everyone who had booked in since last Monday, assuming that they would have called at my unit on their first day in Melbourne, there were ninety two new booking, I thinned these down to seven driving vehicles with Queensland plates, the motels were more productive with sixteen driving on Queensland plates, making a total of twenty three suspects, I thinned this list out by scrubbing, firstly, anyone travelling with their family, anyone travelling with women or children, and anyone requiring special care, wheelchairs, ramps, etcetera, females and concession card holders went next, and we finished with a total of six liable suspects, two in motels, four in hotels, I’m certain Mr Hawk will be one of those six

Meanwhile Mr Kennedy woke up feeling light headed, he finished the lukewarm bottle of Coke, feeling a little better he then looked at his watch and was astonished that he’d slept four and a half hours, he then felt the piece of paper in his shirt pocket, taking it out he read the message that Murray had left for him, he was instantly alert swivelling his head around looking for danger, finding non he read the letter again, shit, casino security, he knew enough to know no-one mess’s with casino security, he started the car and headed back to the hotel, going to the booking desk he heard a couple in front of him arguing about a refund, eventually the desk clerk satisfied them and they left, Kennedy then said

Thanks you for booking with us, please

Thanks for booking with us, have a


Thanks for booking with us,

Thanks for booking with us, have a lovely trip

looking at their booking information

into the booking room

“Just pull up the booking papers, then fill in the release

I turned and headed toward the exit door of the booking room

I paused a moment, then stepped back toward the booking lady

“Give me all the details and I will sort out a booking

There was also a personal message from Le Manoir Richelieu in Quebec to present special vacation packages for the fall booking season; the rates were still fairly high even with the special packages, making Wickland wonder a how civil servant of modest means could afford such luxuries

This event, after flying in the speaker, arranging a block of his time at the university and processing university booking paperwork and additional offline advertising resulted in

sailors, waiting with their kitbags in the booking hall to board for the return journey, automatically

“You’re sending her to Central Booking?”

Several hours later, Candis walks out the Central Booking Building

“Yes, again! The police are gonna take her to the station, then to Central Booking!”

Twenty minutes later, Diane D and the Dianettes are walking on the sidewalk away from Central Booking surrounded by their families, reporters and a crowd of people

�� The latter has the added benefit of giving your host credit for a booking, which usually results in their being eligible for free, or discounted items

�� Once you have picked a date for your booking the representative will either give you invitations that you can send out or some will just take your guest list and they will send the invitations out for you

Not long after his arresting deputy’s patrol car came to a halt in the downtown Greensboro’s booking center, Butch was shoved into a fluorescent lit, twenty by forty foot sparsely furnished room

” Butch narrowed his eyes and sneered as he complied – handing the officer one item at a time in a manner indicating he really didn’t care if the booking process continued into the wee hours of the morning

He dashed to the ticket office, barged in at the head of the queue, and flashed his pass to the bewildered booking clerk

expensive, but others who visited London regularly on business were positive about booking

confirmation of the booking, would pass it on to whoever in his party was so sorely missed

without a booking had been a dreadful mistake

Buoyed by that new found feeling, Roopa left the booking counter and rejoined the Raja Raos and Sathyam

the booking to him

―I took the liberty of booking us a suite at The

Religions are simply buying stock in the gated and protected community of your kind and booking reservations on the rescue liner of your choice should the metaphysical barbarians breech the moral barricades

A week later while making a booking the magical trick for audience appreciation was revealed by a landlady when she said, “Don’t forget to bring your mates

Danny explained he had some news concerning that issue, but first wanted to talk about a potential booking on a children’s television show the following Sunday

He said he’d take care of the booking but Danny had visions of being woken by camera lenses poking out of the muesli at breakfast, so he took the cash and found an almost invisible B&B on an Altrincham backstreet – little more than a large middle-class Edwardian home that had a few spare rooms

minister after work about booking the church

allowed to exit the vehicle and with two police officers as escorts, was led to the booking room and uncuffed

If I got out of this, I was booking a vacation to the nearest desert world

Knowing how difficult it was to get a reservation at the revolving restaurant, she’d been relieved and excited when the maître d’ informed her of a cancellation and accepted her last-minute booking

The detective led Cassidy down the hall into the booking room where she stood up against the wall for her booking picture

” She looked around the room and compared this booking room to the booking room she was in when she was picked up for driving on a suspended license

He led her out of the room and down the hall to the booking room

Once inside, Gary told the woman at the booking station to enter Jaycee as a vampire

The booking officer took Jaycee’s personal information and was led by another officer to the rear of the building where she was walked out back and put in a pen

He organized the booking

The only thing I could not do was the actual booking, because they didn’t accept

booking a phone call to Sydney

Whilst Lucy was upstairs readying herself for the shopping trip, Michael was confirming his booking for a personal shopper that he had arranged with the Trust

Mark and Sarah had vaguely talked in terms of next summer after Sarah’s eighteenth birthday, and that seemed to be the spur for Mrs Sullivan to fuss on about the booking the church and arranging the reception

they are almost assured of those residents’ booking each year

The first immigration officer I saw asked to see my hotel booking, which, of course, was in my hand-baggage

Imagine you are interested in booking a show in Hong Kong

shows and commercials, ads and books

He couldn’t possibly have that many comic books

Vedanta is not a topic of books but just our vision to make a cognitive change to the way we respond to situations

The grandparents can build a small library for them from books already in there

There are much good bug ID books out there

· Remove things you can trip over (such as papers, books, clothes, and shoes) from stairs and places where you walk

He could smell all the books from all over the world, the crisp and musty mix of old and new pages

Every bare wall, except in the computer room (he was afraid of shelves falling on his computer) had a bookshelf stuffed with books

It made the rooms appear smaller, but with his books he never felt alone

Topher sold rare and used books online

The cross-legged attitude has been, and still is, much used in the Orient, and many books have been written on the subject

the stationery, books, CDs and housewares just to escape the murderous melee taking

Tables are covered with books, used paper cups and plates, half-eaten chunks of food covered with slowly crawling, lazy flies

We spend the rest of the evening packing up the books in the house

There are several books that I always keep by my side

help him with his books, John

‘I shall have to re-read the books, I can see that

There is one more story that is mentioned in three different books of

You can find out more about him and his books at:

He has published two books, Notes

No females were used by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible books

Mostly they sell in Athens, but they also travel all over Greece and sell books door to door

That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman’s commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other »services», instead of books

It is interesting to note that while two books of the Old Testament bear the names of women (Ruth and Esther), and deal with their lives as God worked

Contributed chapters to several books

All five books in a single volume — the war with the Squidies from the first engagement to the final detonations

The sweet, musty smell of old books mingled with birch tells me we’re in the library

Instead of white cinderblock walls, he’s surrounded by books, thousands of them

Elond never thought about kids books, and taught them from the novels or texts she was reading at the time

“As I said, games, radio, books, mags, anything really to brighten up the days

Too many books are written every year about how to become a better you and different “Christian” tips on how to be successful

We, the readers of books and tales, find it difficult enough to answer questions even when our reading is wide and our thinking deep

My oldest books have disintegrated, some I’ve copied over

Other Books by ISIS

You showed me pictures, gave me books to read and I read them

Fears Death (DAW Books, 2010)

Following his last day at the office, he had made two further trips into town; one to ditch the last of the stuff he had decided he no longer needed and the second to sell his car and visit the book shop to buy the books Kara had selected from the website … as a sort of peace offering in recognition of how much it galled her to be constrained

Her love of books was the only aspect which sometimes

almost all the books the library had except a few

Such was her love of books

In the history books, you can find a “strange star” that appeared in the heavens before Jesus’ birth

to know the way to the crematorium without opening books of maps

The only difference was that at Abery, the shelves held books and here they held containers of varying sizes and colours

Together they carried the books and selected boxes into the vestibule, Kara clutching them while the door into the Personal Items room was secured

All those books would have turned to dust long ago if I hadn’t

and on radio or television, in books, in conversation,

I seemed to recognise her calm face but then realised I knew her only from my books

There was a bookcase and all the books were arranged according to size

and have burned through books ever since,

He was proud to show his lifetime souvenirs; they fell from books, wallets, tin boxes and jacket pockets

During the week Cyberia cleaned the house, cooked meals and performed a range of other wifely duties while her husband, under the guise of bringing euphonic enlightenment to the masses, rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially complete jigsaw sets from the doorways of London’s charitable retail outlets

I started to see books that had been written by me and I told the cops to pick them up

Before I left Cornwall, I thought I’d miss my books but there were books all over the village; in the cafés or kafeneia as they call them in Greece, and even some down at the washing well

But for here and now, books were out of the question till they found people with the knowledge of printing

Making a space on one of the top shelves, I fit the pot into it, allowing the leaves to cascade down over the books … I step back to consider the effect … yes, that looks nice

The walls were covered in bookcases filled with books, huge tombs, on three of the walls in the room; they ran ceiling high

Sprawled in a corner was a group of sleeping, travel-weary Romanies, their timeless faces seeming familiar, like those in my books, but they weren’t familiar at all, I just wanted them to be

“Understand that over generations, the females had secretly studied all the books of the Scathers, learned all about their ships and how to operate them

She was the proud owner of some books, a few records, a wardrobe full of clothes and a bank account with approximately two hundred pounds in it, all of which was now enriched by one ancient diamond ring and a crudely painted blue and white vase

I went upstairs to the vault to look at Ali’s books

Getting used to living with someone is not the easy matter that romantic films and books would have you believe

‘Get your books from upstairs

He brought his books down and opened the first chapter of his maths book

to go to Law Garden with Vidya to buy books

organic chemistry books have too much to memorise

We paid for the books and came out of the shop

‘These books look really advanced,’ she said, pointing to the plastic bag

are made to read MSc books in this country?’

I mentally repeated the four reasons and poked the pile of books

He fetched one of his gardening books from an alcove shelf in the living room and leafed through the sections that showed keen gardeners how to build walls and fill holes with hardcore, and as he read the hints, tips and instructions, Ken realised that his weary bones ached for a change

History books are full of names and dates

Mindful of his place in the history books, our prince used his

with statues and books exalting the prince and his friends, the

Five minutes later he comes into the kitchen, ‘I’m glad I remembered that, it would have been annoying to have found out on Tuesday afternoon that Abi’s books are in North Wales

‘And all the education is in these books they read under the plastered roofs?

The study was small and cozy, one wall had shelves from ceiling to floor and each was filled with books of all sizes

‘ I restacked the books

They would come into the engine room and simply watch what everyone was doing, writing copious notes in their books

open the history books to see how important such noses were

Every one of his history and picture books was

Simon and I stand together by the choir stalls while Peter fusses around collecting the books he is going to use

‘Being a writer helps, I think, his books are his children to some extent

rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially

So many of them remind me of that woman in the opening of whichever of Thomas Hardy’s books it is that opens with a heavily pregnant woman climbing Gold Hill

And then distribute the books to others

‘I always loved the Narnia books as a child and I’ve read some good crits of this film

theoretical books were derived from it

A book of more books

sense? The difference between this and other books is that this book was

was the proud owner of some books, a few records, a wardrobe full

clothes, books and music into black bin liners

On a sidewall was a bookcase, its books all over the floor

He noted books of all kinds by the

of his gardening books from an alcove shelf in the living room and

All of these books are available in Hard Copy, Electronic and E-‐Book versions

These books are given by Trevor Gol agher as a means of being of service to

‘You could try your hand at writing some books

‘Yes … we had a lot in common, I suppose, books … an appreciation of this sort of place … a natural curiosity

appeared to be rigorously checking the ration coupons from the books

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The author’s latest book should be very popular.«
(latest, new, newest, recent, upcoming)

«The library has many books.«
(many, various)

«This store only carries best-selling books.«
(best-selling, paperback, hardcover, rare, second-hand, used)

«I’m looking for a children’s book.«
(children’s, coloring, comic, picture, story, cook, travel, reference, history, science)

«This book is excellent.«
(excellent, fascinating, wonderful, great, interesting, terrific)

«His first book is very famous.«
(famous, influential, important, controversial)

«Open your text books.«
(text, school, reading, work, math)

«She lost her address book.«
(address, phone, telephone)

«This is my favorite book.«

Used with verbs:

«I read a book while waiting for my turn.«
(read, flipped through, paged through, skimmed through, looked at)

«I’m not looking forward to studying this book.«
(studying, reading)

«Please open your books.«
(open, close, shut, take out, put away)

«Who authored this book?«
(authored, wrote, illustrated, published)

«This book has been reprinted many times.«
(reprinted, edited, proofread, revised, translated, reviewed)

«She illustrates children’s books.«

«The book was banned in this country.«
(be + banned, be + censored)

«Libraries let us check out books.«
(check out, borrow, take out, renew)

«She keeps the company’s account books.«
(keeps, checks, audits)

Used with nouns:

«What’s the book title?«
(title, name)

«He’s a book reviewer.«
(reviewer, editor)

«We belong to a book club.«

«Don’t forget your book bag.«

Used with prepositions:

«The answer is found in his latest book.«

«He is writing a book about his life experiences.«
(about, on)

«I love books by Ernest Hemingway.«

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