Use the word blue in a sentence

blue (adj, n): of the color of the sky without clouds on a bright day, or a darker or lighter type of this; the color of the sky without clouds on a bright day, or a darker or lighter type of this

Use “blue” in a sentence

She has blue eyes.
She handed him a light blue shirt.
What a gloomy day! It makes me feel blue.

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Spelling of Blue: Blue is spelled b-l-u-e. Blue and blew are homophones; they sound the same but are spelled differently and have different definitions.

Definition of Blue: Blue is a color that is between green and violet. The sky is blue and so is the ocean. It is also used to describe when someone is feeling down, sad, or depressed. Rarely, blue can be used as a verb meaning to make something blue in color.

Pronunciation of Blue: Blue is pronounced bloo. Blue rhymes with clue and flu.

How to Use Blue in a Sentence

What does blue mean? Blue can function as a noun, adjective, or even a verb.

As an adjective, it describes either something that is blue in color or someone who is feeling sad or melancholy.

how to spell blueFor example,

  • He purchased the blue car because it is his favorite color.
  • The clear, blue sky suddenly changed to an eery dark black and purple color.
  • What’s wrong? You seem blue

As a noun, the word blue simply refers to the color blue.

For example,

  • Her favorite color is blue.
  • Then the ship sailed away into the blue.

The verb blue means to make or become blue in color.

For example,

  • You should not blue your clothes until the second rinse.

Phrases That Use Blue

There are several common phrases and idioms that use the word blue.

Black and blue: beaten and bruised, literally or figuratively.

Blue around the gills: young and inexperienced.

Blue collar: a manual laborer, as distinguished from white collar.

Blue in the face: when someone is at the point of extreme frustration or exasperation. 

Into the blue: to go a far distance or into the unknown.

Out of the blue: at a random or unexpected time; from an unexpected source.

Feeling blue: when one’s mood is sad and melancholy.

Once in a blue moon: rarely; not often.

History & Etymology of Blue

According to Merriam-Webster’s, blue was first used in the 13th century.

This Middle English word blue came from the Old French word bleu, which is of Germanic origin and related to the Old English blaewen, meaning blue, and the Old Norse word blar meaning dark blue.

Synonyms for Blue

When describing the color of something, the following synonyms can be used, but it’s important to choose the correct hue of blue.

  • Sapphire
  • Indigo
  • Azure
  • Cobalt
  • Cerulean

When one’s mood is sad, depressed, down, or melancholy, the following words can be used to replace blue.

  • Sad
  • Depressed
  • Down
  • Melancholy
  • Brokenhearted
  • Gloomy
  • Unhappy

Outside Examples of Blue

  • When Mr. Bielefeld zoomed in on one town, 53 blue squares appeared within 2.5 miles of a hillside site where burials are suspected. – New York Times
  • Here’s why stars are wearing blue ribbons at the Emmy Awards. – USA Today


Blue functions as a noun, adjective, or verb; it refers to the color, the color of something or someone, one’s mood, and the act of turning or becoming blue.

There are many shades of blue.


  • 1 How to Use Blue in a Sentence
  • 2 Phrases That Use Blue
  • 3 History & Etymology of Blue
  • 4 Synonyms for Blue
  • 5 Outside Examples of Blue
  • 6 Summary

I would probably be advised by the local “boys in blue” that I was providing information liable to promote discrimination

This is such a royal blue, mine was such a, well, a Carribean blue

The guy’s wearing a blue baseball cap and the woman has mismatched gloves

With all of his panic and desperation behind it, the horn blue loud and true

Looking through the skeleton of the building, he could see dark clouds approaching in the distance; but where Travis was standing, there was still sun and blue skies

Larorlie couldn’t root in this sandy soil but the rails were hung with a summer’s growth of blue noonbloom that was just opening

She was loathe to admit that the thrill of leaping over blue water in the clutches of a Latin Lothario was part of the reason she wasn’t angrier about this

The fjord that leads to the tunnel is a wonderland in itself, great grey cliffs, leaping waterfalls and deep blue water

It had a line of blue, instead of red, liquid trapped inside a see-through tube

Ackers carefully inserted the device into the crack on the door, and then he squeezed what looked like the blue mercury down the tube, out of the device and into the door

He kept squeezing until there was no more blue liquid in his device

shadows started to creep across the sun loungers, with the sky still a brilliant blue,

and, after the Moor had provided a match, the Marchese waited, wreathed in blue

It’s a woman about 25 years old with curly blond hair and blue eyes

As he sinks, John sees millions of tropical fish below him and a gorgeous reef of pink and blue coral

The blue lantern of An Garda Siochana bolted over the entrance was cracked and peeled

Ricci enters, sporting a fresh change of wardrobe (the guy’s really a clothes horse): This time it’s a palace casual, a brilliant blue thobe trimmed with gold thread

’ Liz said out of the blue

Beyond this, a low stone wall and beyond that, the bluff drops dramatically to the blue sea

The Countess rose and walked over to the rustic, blue painted wardrobe and

As she pulled out the blue

Glenelle noticed he was longer and thinner than the bartender, and more of a pale blue

I can see a beautiful blue sea

other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their

‘So Harvey asked what there was between you and I, did he?’ Stephen asked out of the blue

them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

The head’s dead blue eyes stared at him mockingly

The real profit from the excursion: As the coach was passing through the village of Kranidi, I recognized the narrow street and the old houses I had dreamt of on the 26th of July; a little later I saw a blue car with the number 2504

The Doctor was in his mid forties I guessed, wearing an open neck shirt, jeans, grey at the temples, clean shaven, blue eyes, cold hands

Their pale blue constellation flew across the terminus again and held station there, waiting for the breaching ship and the junks

Deciding that, as it is my day off, I shall wear something different, I trawl through the wardrobe, digging out a flattering, mid-calf length woollen skirt in a pretty shade of deep blue that Nick hasn’t seen yet … with a pretty light blue top and my best gold necklace (a present from the school when I left) it would look smart and it would make me feel partyish

Then, like a bold from the blue, she announces to me:

I wondered where the guard in the blue check shirt was

Back in the house, I calmly unpack the shopping and put it all away, the blue box sitting on the table drawing my eyes as I put tins away in the cupboard and packets on the shelf where they belong

Night Adventure: Hora is a beautiful, magical country; a picturesque river with blue gargling water and carved banks flows through it

The door swung open and the guard in the blue check shirt walked into the room

This morning we went on an boat ride around the island: Picturesque caverns with blue, crystal waters; white arched rocks looming over emerald waves; swimming in the open sea near the Cave of Keri

And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat

«If you only like syrup, where will the brown in your hair come from, or the blue in your eyes?» Herndon asked her

Robbie was sweating visibly, wiping his brow with the bottom of his usual checked blue shirt

The liquid’s color was a deep royal blue, closer to black than any color, darker than merlot

Very few vessels were under power like his, most were pulled from the shore with a steersman and a teamsman waving to each other with bright red and blue paddles

The Countess rose and walked over to the rustic, blue painted wardrobe and pulled from its hanger one of a number of simple cotton summer dresses, long and plain, cream in colour, with just a hint of flow and swirl towards the hem

She talked with slow, fluid gestures and had blue, blue dreamy eyes that sometimes focused on the phonecam, making Alfred afraid that she had spotted the lens

The endless, dark blue sea stretched calmly to the horizon

Beyond the hedge and the ubiquitous, unforgiving, waist-high nettles, chunks of ballast gravel, sharp and stained, emited a slight haze of heat, baking the old timber sleepers laid a hundred years ago, counting off the miles between Blue Anchor and Watchett

As she pulled out the blue wooden chair opposite him and sat down he couldn’t believe his luck

‘Oh yes … he and his father live in a little place called Blue Anchor – pretty village near the sea

Her eyes are huge and a deep reddish violet, shaded dark towards royal blue near the edges

Her skin was quite dark but her eyes were pale blue

The words ‘Darceenian Flame’ curved in purple lettering, distorted on a blazing ball like the banding of Kortrax centered in the deep blue mainsail of her foremast

It was a long walk down from the mountain to his one-time home on the coast, a place that he barely remembered other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their little church

Converted from a small house at some stage in its history, the ground floor front rooms had been knocked into one characterless space painted a boring shade of blue

Iain owns a little house here in Blue Anchor, on the Somerset coast, and is willing to offer it for whatever use Errd can find for it

The moon was divided as it shone down on the blue flames that rose

We had a house here in the town initially, but moved to Blue Anchor when James was eleven

Perched on a silver spike, trailing leads and luridly coloured pipe work, Citizen Marat’s head stared back at the committee chairman with eyes as clear and blue as a bright summer afternoon

You have generously offered your property in Blue Anchor to be used by Errd and discussions on this subject will take place once you have travelled across

Revealed by candle light the gaoler and the guard stood as if watching street theatre, both of them wearing red, white and blue cockades on the front of their soft red caps

There was a blue flash

happened, it had seen the blue flash and for a moment was

faces had turned blue as they choked upon the acrid

‘They know you’re not on your own now and the cottage at Blue Anchor is pretty easy to watch … strangers stick out around there

in the heat of the night, in the light of blue

Kara stared at the sky in front of her, the blue of daytime now streaked pink and scarlet and orange … it was second nature to her to conceal that part of her life … but … but if she couldn’t do that, she’d have to face up to what she had lost …

’ She said, as the sky slowly lost its sunset colours and turned the deeper blue of twilight

washed across the fanned out blue of a sunny afternoon

was a blue flash and the Jodechians disappeared

re-appeared in a blue flash

His need to soar into the clear, blue

He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue

flowers, especially the blue

that draws the skin of land toward blue hazed skies

breathing in the space of blue hazed skies

across the rising blue waste of cloudless sky

’ The woman said, envy tinging her voice, as she drew near to the table, reaching out a finger to touch the blue stones

at the misplaced fort’s arched blue gates,

mobbing a crow, who spots the blue sky black,

Cosmicblasto touched the blue button

there was a blue flash and the Jodechians vanished

front of his very own eyes, there was a blue flash and two of the

The end of each branch had a large tuft of leaves and a circlet of bright blue flowers

She wore her golden hair down, thick and flowing on her back, tied with a blue ribbon

She had on a blue shirt that draped over her ample breasts, and white Capri pants that framed a firm good-looking ass

There was a blue flash and the

And the small ones were different colors; deep purple, dark blue, several dark shades of brown

leaned forward, pointed at the chlorine blue waters

It was very strange standing (I think) where Blue Anchor is across and seeing nothing but fields and dunes

There was, as usual now in these cases, a blue flash, and as

There was a blue flash and once again Ethereead lost control

connecting with the heat haze blue way-out

How long this had been going on he didn’t know, but it was long enough that her lips had turned blue

screaming through blue backed streams of current

rather than absolute shocking blue revelation

waiting for them in the blue and the serge

There was a blue flash that as usual

Drens throws a friendly ‘good morning’ at me as I stand at the rail looking out over the heaving dark blue of the sea

is a blue button and the other button is red

Physiogonomy , Facial features, especially when blackened and blued by the ministrations of an out-of-control federal government

She done out a tub of clothes on Monday, but she starched ’em afore they was wrenched, and blued a pink calico dress till I thought I should a died a laughin

His blued feet out of turnedup trousers slapped the clammy sand, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck

As for undies they were Gerty’s chief care and who that knows the fluttering hopes and fears of sweet seventeen (though Gerty would never see seventeen again) can find it in his heart to blame her? She had four dinky sets with awfully pretty stitchery, three garments and nighties extra, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, mauve and peagreen, and she aired them herself and blued them when they came home from the wash and ironed them and she had a brickbat to keep the iron on because she wouldn’t trust those washerwomen as far as she’d see them scorching the things

The dizziness was so complete, and the colors of the bus and her hands and skirt were now so blued over and sooted with lack of blood that in a moment she would be collapsed upon the floor, she would hear the surprise and shock of the riders bending over her

I bury my head in my hands … where did this fit of the blues come from?

are the easiest days, safe in blues

and the needle finger, blues in twos and white coats,

He cannot see himself riding a dragon as of yet, but he is in the midst of these dark blues

All of the political parties identified with her recent struggle, praising her for her actions, and she was held up as a paragon of good old fashioned and traditional values by the true blues of the political firmament

Sadly, their condition by then was not very good due to damage from candle soot and expectedly, some areas had succumbed to damp, but I was amazed at the depth of the ochre, the rusts and the blues, all given life by the sunbeams streaming in through the apsidal windows

Duncan nodded; he was in his dress blues

values by the true blues of the political firmament

Even Jim’s soft Blues ones- they were the most reassuring

in hues of the richest blues and reds, and it was

She met with others on her way, reds, blues, greens and grays, and unlike the children, they at least were able to mask their disgust, covering it with pleasant smiles — though she could still see them cringing inside, their minds retching

Roidon woke to see the stars; as clear as pinpoints, in blues, yellows and oranges amidst the swathe of the milky way

Alf didn’t want to go to work, Christian turned up early, his wife was murderous as she had the baby blues and he thought it would be better to prolong his life by keeping out of her way

He lifted the lid and I held my breath hoping he would like the box set tapes of the Moody Blues

“I meant to say that growing up, listening to the Beatles was unavoidable but I preferred The Doors, Moody Blues and The Who

The cabins were picked out in reds, yellows, blues and greens — swirling splashes of colour made vibrant under the sun that slanted down across the tops of the houses on the far bank

�Steve, this means formal blues and show them that our department has the best people in this area,� stated the Captain as he rose from his chair and patted Steve on the shoulder

Steve was neatly dressed in his policeman’s blues and Linda was beautiful as usual

Reds, yellows, blues

So tell me, Truman,” he said seeming to mentally switch gears, “what did this Walston guy have to say about his case? Is he crying the blues about being wrongly accused?”

They were all colors, greens, browns, even some deep purples and blues

Rhythm and Blues

“I can see blinking reds and blues, but there’s something else

“Salties” sought the shore with their boats in tow amidst dreams of running blues and stripers

Please have a look at the story of blues legend Robert Johnson

We progressed from blues to rock to power rock to metal in about 45 minutes

Blues Band’ came rolling into town a couple of years ago, a

” He grins and lays those baby blues on me

They are not drawn to the intricate and hauntingly beautiful blues creations that salved the pain of southern American blacks at one time

I wickedly cackled, enjoying my brothers’ defeat, the look on their faces would be remembered as a source of comfort, or as a reservoir for when I got the blues for centuries to come

In a special election to fill the seat of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, himself the bluest of the blues, Scott Brown, a Republican, had won! His main campaign theme was his promise to be the 41st Republican vote to break the filibuster-proof Democratic Senate and kill Obamacare

a-lifetime chance to fly with the Blues

several of the maneuvers the Blues do in their shows and then hit full

As the vivid pinks, greens and brilliant blues and purples

chase their blues away

surrounded by dark shades of grays and blues

I attended the Mimbres County Blues Festival in Silver City at 5,000 feet elevation and got the idea that maybe I could live across the AZ line in Pinetop or Alpine and use my law license as well as enjoy the cool mountain climate

will cheat on their partners when women have the blues

But when a woman hits the blues, never, ever

Just when we thought it was all over, the blues hit

I had seen the blues a few

It’s not true, which is why the blues can be so tragic

How do guys deal with blues? Can they?

Having to carry on parenting through the blues is most

time it happened, I just thought the blues was like a long

I tried to ignore it, thinking, “Oh well, it’s the blues, it will blow over

“Really I thought you would be a more blues type of girl” I said and we both laughed

He was the steady driver for Frank Sinatra and the frequent chauffeur for Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Dolly Parton, Chicago, the Beach Boys, Burt Reynolds, the Moody Blues, Rod Serling, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Led Zeppelin, Sharon Stone, John Denver and Eric Clapton, not to mention Mr

Oh no, all there was as it should be, the blues and greens of safety vibrating my thoughts into a softer more attentive shade

The sky over the trees is neither black nor the darkest of blues, but a deep and fiery red

Would you look at those baby blues?! he observed to himself as their eyes met

Ella Fitzgerald sang her Basin Street Blues for the hundredth time and a bit of a westerly wind came up, gently rocking us to sleep

It was the anniversary of my suicide attempt and I had the blues

Country & Western, Rock ‘n Roll, Jazz & Blues, etc

his T-shirt, which had a flaming heart logo and the words HOUSE OF BLUES

One of the best ways to help the baby blues is to actually leave your house after the baby is born

The radio on a low drone of something hip‐hop with a blues guitar rift over the top

Tree-covered hills receded in size and tone from warm greens through pale green-grey to distant blues under a cloudless sky in which raptors wheeled

The statues were alive with color; the red, white, blues and greens of the feathers on the Indian statues’ headdresses were bright and vibrant, as if they were just put there days ago

She’ll have the holiday blues,

They drove to Chris’ apartment building, parked the ‘vette and caught a cab to a blues bar they both liked with the intention of sinking a few cold ones

He had been more absorbed by the Rock and Roll and Rhythm and Blues of the era that he grew up in

Conquer Your Emotions and Stress Effectively — without Overeating Stress, the blues, fears, and guilt are a normal part of life

To tell a fallow from a cinnamon (both can occur in all body colors and result in washed-out blues and greens), look at the eyes

ESL Blues – A thorough resource with interactive Q&As on tons of grammar-based topics

The sky was full of billowy cumulus clouds that moved ever so slowly across the expansive backdrop of gradient blues

The greens, blues,

Some walls were pure, soft blues and whites

Fiona and Sylvia ordering them to report to her office wearing dress blues at 0800 hours

A summons to the Dean’s office was enough to make them nervous, but they knew from other students who had been summoned that the instruction to wear dress blues meant that the summons was not about something they had done, but something, generally unpleasant, the Dean wanted them to do

It illuminated the mural across the ceiling depicting the blues of the heavens and the wispy clouds of a calm sky

The Monarchs took on the white American Association Kansas City Blues in 1912 in a postseason series

The Blues won the series in seven games but in a rematch, the Monarchs won in five out of six contests

In his act he was mentioning that there are very few blues Christmas songs, so he decided to write one

It was similar to the four lines above except that he used woman instead of idea, Santa’s reindeer instead of technology and her instead of the last my, thus composing a Christmas blues number

Some referred to actress, jazz and blues singer Bessie Smith as the Empress of the Blues, probably because her first record sold three quarter of a million copies

In her time, they were more women blues singers than men

She was inducted into four Halls of Fame: the Nesuhi Ertegun Jazz in 2008; Rock and Roll in 1989; Big Band and Jazz in 1981; Blues in 1980

His singing encompassed rock and roll, pop, blues, R&B, country, rockabilly, gospel, Christmas and movie music

Handy Award from the Blues Foundation, an American Music Award and the first Golden Hat Award

He listened to Elvis Presley, especially Hound Dog; in 1958 Jimi bought an acoustic guitar for $5 and grooved on the blues masters: Robert Johnson, B

Janis managed blues-rock, folk, jazz blues, acid rock, country, soul, psychedelic rock and hard rock – I think that covers it all

She was lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company and later as soloist in the Kosmic Blues Band and Full Tilt Boogie Band

Hot 100 hits on the chart, including Piece of My Heart at number twelve; she had four other solo efforts on that chart: Kosmic Blues, Cry Baby, Get It While You Can and Down on Me

Joplin was a member of the local church choir and listened to blues singers Big Mama Thornton, Odetta and Eleanora Fagan, aka Billie Holiday and Lady Day; she noted that she was greatly influenced by Lead Belly, Bessie Smith and Ma Rainey

” Cass’s music was a product of evolution and fusion, as she covered Broadway show tunes, folk, folk rock, blues and pop

She went on to singing blues and jazz in the late twenties in private and gospel in public

Throughout her life, Sister Rosetta toured the country, performing at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1964, the Newport Folk Festival three years later and the American Folk Blues Festival in 1970

Besides performing gospel and rock and roll, she managed popular ballads, country, blues, R&B, hillbilly, political activism, jazz and soul, playing the piano as well as the guitar

A decade after that, she was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame

The latter might include jazz, blues, rock and oldies and oldies could be any song that was a hit of fifteen years ago, going back another fifty

Just consider folk, blues, race music and rock and roll and their connection

On hearing the songs, you may have felt you were listening to the blues – and you were

I would sit there with the tight elastic thread of the birthday hat parting the pudge of my underchin, with the grainy frosting of the cake bluing my teeth, and I would try to figure out why it was fun

Synonym: Amytal, amobarbital sodium, aristocratic, aristocratical, blasphemous, blue air, blue angel, blue devil, blue sky, blue, blue-blooded, blueing, blueish, blueness, bluing, bluish, dark, depressed, depressing, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, dispiriting, down in the mouth, down(p), downcast, downhearted, drab, drear, dreary, gamey, gamy, gentle, gloomy, grim, juicy, low, low-spirited, naughty, patrician, profane, puritan, puritanic, puritanical, racy, risque, sorry, spicy, wild blue yonder. Similar words: a blue moon, clue, value, influence, influential. Meaning: [bluː]  n. 1. blue color or pigment; resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime 2. blue clothing 3. any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue 4. the sky as viewed during daylight 5. used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge 6. the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic 7. any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae. v. turn blue. adj. 1. of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky 2. used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue uniforms) 3. low in spirits 4. characterized by profanity or cursing 5. suggestive of sexual impropriety 6. belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy 7. morally rigorous and strict 8. causing dejection. 

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(1) True blue will never stain.

(2) Blue are the hills that are far away. 

(3) He is in his better blue clothes. 

(4) The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. 

(5) The night deep dark blue eyes.

(6) If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.

(7) The sky was blue and clean.

(8) A blue vein throbbed in his forehead.

(9) She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.

(10) She piped the skirt with blue silk.

(11) Her hands were blue with cold.

(12) There was mockery now in those piercing blue eyes.

(13) I feel blue on rainy days.

(14) I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.

(15) A hawk hovered in the blue sky.

(16) She embroidered silver stars on her blue dress.

(17) Among the trees I caught a glint of blue.

(18) The sky was pale blue.

(19) The yellow curtains contrast with the blue bedcover.

(20) The sky is bright blue.

(21) The walls were besmeared with sticky blue paint.

(22) ‘Red or blue?’ ‘I’ll take one of each(, please.’

(23) He was wearing faded blue jeans.

(24) They were dressed alike in blue jersey and knickers.

(25) Your hands are blue with cold.

(26) The shorts had blue embroidery over the pockets.

(27) The plates have a blue stripe round the edge.

(28) I’d like to try on that blue wool coat.

(29) The blue rug has faded over years.

(30) I am cought between the devil and the deep blue sea. 

  • Use the word Blue in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We can have blue soup to start, orange pudding to end, and… well, for main course, we have… uh, congealed green gunge.

Probably gettin’ blue blazes from the O.C. for the devilry they’ve been up to.

I saw it with perfect distinctness, all a dull blue… with a hideous veil over it… that chilled the very marrow of my bones. But I could see nothing else… of the old man’s face or person… for I had directed the ray, as if by instinct… precisely on the damned spot.

The subjects are administered carefully controlled doses of Kapta blue, a virtually odorless gas.

Patient displayed listlessness, apathy, gloomy indifference und was blue und mopey.

Tinged with reflections of blue skies And mirages

I have the code word that gets me into his program: blue ice.

Code blue in number seven!

The blond-haired, blue-eyed voice of God?

Praised be to the blue eyed devil, Fitz!

Trauma, code blue, stat blood, supplies to the ER, OR, ICU…

Well, you see, sir, she was wearing a pale blue nightgown which she got from her closet.

So, of course, we know that Mrs. Caldwell would not have put on the blue nightgown.

And sure now you would see something different you haven’t seen before — a new green, a new blue, a new sun light, a new shape, it was all there and were possible

The blue devils are now only gray, mud-clotted forms.

Or some blue, like the color of the sky.

When you enter the grotto, a blue light dazzles your eyes.

Fine, slim hands with delicate blue-veined structures, rough and strong fists of men,

Do you see the blue light up there?

Heiji appears out of the blue.

This at a time when night scenes were usually shot in daylight, and then tinted blue or green during the editing.

add the blood from the heart of a virgin. Then you can observe the blood must be from a girl with white skin, blond hair and blue or gray eyes.

The first cloud in Gabrielle’s blue sky.

All my life I’ve wanted a little white house… out in the country, with blue shingles.

I don’t like blue shingles.

Oh, Mary, I’d rather have them blue.

Put that coat in mothballs… and send on the blue dress that’s hanging in the closet.

Nowhere is the sea so blue like the sky.

Gee, but your eyes are blue.

I mean, your eyes… your eyes, they shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.

The skies Will all be blue

# S’possible we’ll be black-and-blue #

# There’s a bridal suite # # In gold and blue # # But nobody’s using it now #

Oh, blue tie. Definitely better than the red.

Mr. Chandler should have the blue suite.

Other boys bore me, they just leave me blue.

Other girls bore me, they just leave me blue.

And—and about a thousand beautiful blue-eyed blondes was dancing all around me.

╬òvery night they’re at the blue Angel. There are women.

You oughta remember what that red, white and blue whiskey did for you.

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