Use the word blew in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word blew, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use blew in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «blew».

Blew in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word blew in a sentence.

  1. We really blew it against Stanford.

  2. ESPN reported that Gorman blew the call.

  3. After an interval of thirty seconds, the ship blew up.

  4. The abandoned ship remained afloat until her magazines blew up.

  5. The referee blew his whistle ending the game shortly thereafter.

  6. Its cargo door blew off during the flight, damaging its elevator.

  7. But when she blew into the flute, it was like fucking Woodstock.».

  8. The retreating Polish forces left mines, which blew up four BT-7 tanks.

  9. The shock wave blew out the turret officer’s switchboard and the leads.

  10. It also blew a hole in the hangar deck, damaging areas three decks below.

  11. A near miss also blew a large hole in the ship’s starboard side underwater.

  12. A tyre blew out and the car rolled on the Leichhardt Highway near Condamine.

  13. Strong winds blew out some windows in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, region.

  14. A blue norther blew in on February 25, dropping the temperature to 39 °F (4 °C).

  15. Twenty minutes later, the 5th Rangers joined the advance, and blew more openings.

  16. The Chief Scout of the United Kingdom, Peter Duncan, blew the original kudu horn.

  17. Being equipped like a full rock band, we sometimes literally blew the walls out.».

  18. After a brief period of stoppage time, the referee blew the whistle to end the half.

  19. The Japanese destroyer was hit repeatedly and blew up and sank within a few minutes.

  20. A few minutes later fires reached her ammunition magazines and she blew up and sank.

  21. Major Rogers was hit by a mortar shell that blew him in half, killing him instantly.

  22. Following this, the referee blew his whistle to signal the end of 90 minutes of play.

  23. Following the near loss to NC State, the Hokies blew out their next several opponents.

  24. One hit blew Orion’s forward turret overboard and temporarily set fire to the ship.

  25. Moderate winds blew down about 1,600 trees in the district, 23 of which fell onto houses.

  26. Gusty winds blew down trees and power lines, and along the coast, rough surf was reported.

  27. In the Royal Naval Dockyard, a shipping container blew into the water and presumably sank.

  28. Compressed air pressure blew a hole in the starboard bow, which sank 18 degrees off course.

  29. Of the year’s praiseworthy yet unappreciated games, Deathrow alone «truly blew [IGN] away».

  30. But it’s been 30-odd years since I’ve heard it without all that and it just blew me away.».

  31. The referee blew his whistle for full time soon after, and Crystal Palace won the match 1–0.

  32. Sustained winds blew 74 mph (119 km/h) at Cape San Blas, with gusts up to 108 mph (174 km/h).

  33. Winds on Saint Barthélemy blew 86 mph (138 km/h) sustained, with gusts to 126 mph (203 km/h).

  34. A keen shooter, he personally blew up floating mines using a rifle and armour-piercing bullets.

  35. The tactic failed when the wind blew the flames back towards the Royalists, halting their attack.

  36. On Saba, there was an unofficial wind gust of 167 mph (269 km/h) before the instrument blew away.

  37. Winds blew ash from the pyroclastic flows, and rain eroded freshly deposited pyroclastic deposits.

  38. Strong winds from the northeast blew water out of the Tampa Bay to the lowest level ever recorded.

  39. Off the south-east corner of Sicily, a sudden summer storm blew up and devastated the Roman fleet.

  40. However, it was only three years later, on 23 August 2010, that gale-force winds blew down the tree.

  41. In southeastern New Hampshire, the strong winds toppled trees and blew out windows in Hampton Beach.

  42. The response from the Lancastrian archers was ineffective as the heavy wind blew snow in their faces.

  43. In Virginia Beach, the winds blew off the roof of a hotel and destroyed two homes under construction.

  44. In Kennebunkport, the storm blew out windows and flooded the vacation home of then-President George H.

  45. The blast on the flight deck blew the Avenger closest to it over the side and set another one on fire.

  46. High winds blew away roof shingles and produced large swells that battered several coastal facilities.

  47. One of the Dakotas blew a tyre touching down on the rough airstrip; another tried to land on one wheel.

  48. The British destroyed three of the floating batteries, which blew up as the ‘red-hot shot’ did its job.

  49. She was hit on the port side forward by a torpedo which blew a 220-square-foot (20 m) hole in her side.

  50. In the county, the winds blew off the roof of a home and downed 70 trees, leaving 27,092 without power.

General information about «blew» example sentences

The example sentences for the word blew that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «blew» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «blew».

By the way, that Bedford Van that blew over in 1971; can somebody please turn it back over?

He ran and grabbed for the horn hanging off the wall of the guard station and blew

He didn’t answer, blew right by it urgently, «Did you say she is now living in the house with those papers?»

As soon as he was up there, Marley Williams Hatch wet his lips and blew out a tune loud enough that all the kangaroos in Australia perked up their ears, and all the whales under the sea sang at once

And it blew every bad thing clean out of the body

When Frank started Baggy today, the bagging machine let out an awful sneeze and blew all of the bags into the reject bin

A tyre blew on their coach and it went off the road

After a hundred forty five years, what would she be like today? A cold draft blew thru the hollow in her vitals

an almighty bulge, he blew his nose

the banks of great Huang He, and it was I who blew the winds of the Bhola Cyclone

and yet was open to the breeze that continually blew in from the sea, the old man lay

The little man, who looked to all intents and purposes like a fifty-year old accounts clerk, the sort of man who is equally hen-pecked and ignored because his entire being is made up of nothing but disappointment, pulled a red handkerchief from his jacket pocket, wiped first his brow and then his glasses, and then finally, and with an almighty bulge, he blew his nose

Under the broad limbs of an oak, in a deep hollow that provided both shade and yet was open to the breeze that continually blew in from the sea, the old man lay down at midday, mopped his brow with a red, paisley handkerchief, and reached into his bag for the hard, round goats cheese and the hunk of heavy bread that he had picked up this morning when leaving his hut at first light

When the wind blew her hair

As the wind blew, the ashes and dust were blown into the sky

Life itself upon, within and underneath the good, damp soil blew a fanfare to the heavens far beyond the measure of any single organism

Legs, clad in office shoes and pants, a torso attired likewise but topped by a face that had been battered by winds the Ttharmine never blew

There was a strong wind blowing outside and it blew the windbreaker open, the shirt hugged her body

Outside a stiff wind blew the spume about the waves where windsurfers danced and bobbed on the water while grit and dust blew everywhere on the land

Lady Olivia flew Jerry over to Steve on the other side of the mountain, and together they blew out a rather large cave for the new riders

She smiled a gap toothed smile at him as she lit an unfiltered cigarette and blew smoke all over his iced bun

A coolness blew through the pass and all around the houses

With a foot on a chair and his Tsambouna in his arms he blew a note, long and loud and a little off key

‘ Right away the music blew away any doom and sent fireworks round the room

except that he puffed and he blew and he managed, with the help of the Speaker, to finish his speech

He blew a whiff of air on the child and then inhaled

Ash blew on the little baby and keened a welcome call and told Andrew that his son would be a leader one day

He blew in her face and took in a long breath

I grinned at her huge eyes and blew her one more kiss

Then, to my sheer delight she lifted her stubby little palm to her lips and blew me a kiss

So, I wiped my face and blew my nose and when I left that room, I knew I’d be fine

Just then the wind blew the doors to the balcony open

The wind blew her caftan about her, outlining her body; her hair swirled wildly in the tempest

«To intercept us here, that order had to be given when the Talstanian martyr’s blew up the labs in Teresina

“Quite a storm blew through here; my babies were restless all night

at her he blew a series of perfect smoke rings into the air

The man opened the door in front of them and blew a monumental fanfare and they filed thru

except that he puffed and he blew and he managed, with

25And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

27And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

” I rubbed my hands briskly and blew across them

It blew me away

turned to black dust that blew on the breeze

Kassim drew on the pipe, inhaled, and blew it out in

The wind blew it around, making it stick to her lips as she walked briskly along, her mouth open with the effort of the exercise

Andy blew on the steaming liquid, holding the polystyrene cup in his hands, enjoying the warmth

The wind blew cold ripples

He blew into Johnny’s mouth, paused and then again

After he blew his nose and regained his composure, he began a story of his first camp and fishing memories of his youth

was a tornado last year that blew Brunno into the neighbors’ yard knocking him

It lifted the brocade, blew it out the window, and carried it through the air

A stiff, cold north wind blew wisps of his long, greying

The wind from the train blew in his face

Wind blew through countless holes in the barn

Johnny blew with all the force he could build in his lungs

The grenade blew in mid air, knocking

Monica said to herself, then she blew out her bedside candle and lay down her head on the pillow and began to drift off to sleep

one and then the other, followed by a huge burp that blew right in my face

Heather blew the straggles of hair out of her face so she could see me

Justice said, and then he blew up the entire house, killing both Tane and Moana instantly

They were much luckier than the millions of humans Justice had destroyed through laser blasts and tsunamis, and were much luckier than the millions of aliens killed when Justice blew up several planets

end blew fire from his mouth

the cloudless sky as the branches of the tree above blew

He’d come to San Diego only because that’s where the wind blew him

back and blew into her mouth

The winds of March blew themselves out eventually, turning the indecisive

wind blew down the chimney

The explosive bolts blew out the doors and initiated the inflation of the emergency chutes

Otto looked out over the endless horizon, blew a smoke ring and poured himself another glass of Schnapps

sign that he knew he blew the call

And one time while I was driving on a city street in Tucson, Arizona the canvas type sunroof that you could slide open and see the world actually ripped off the screws and blew away along with the drivers sliding side window

His hair blew to the left as if someone had a hair dryer next to his head

Unfortunately, from there on the walk blew out

The wind blew straight off the arctic

The living before the dead was the maxim, so he headed across his land towards the boys now obviously frightened out of their minds until another wind gust blew more embers behind the lads, now cutting off any chance of escape, the only sound was the deafening roar of grass and trees catching alight and two boys trapped in an ever degreasing circle of fire

terrain, and an icy wind blew incessantly from the north

in a chill wind which blew straight off the surrounding

A whistle blew, they could all here hear it as it pierced through the still air

A whistle blew and a very distant voice called ‘Break time

away the next town! As the wind swirled and blew in

Terry blew his knee,

Especially the battle in a narrow, tide-torn strait after a strong gale blew them far to the west

” Willow turned the page and blew dust from the text

A north wind blew us strongly through the gloomy day

As I executed this he helped out and suddenly twin rainbow serpents blew my awareness up out of my astral spine and I exploded into the Clear White Void

It had grown hot as the morning progressed and the horses were covered with a film of dust, their sweaty odour reaching the passengers as the breeze blew in their direction

Have you ever blew out your birthday candles and

crayon, he blew off of the waxy shavings his cheap

blew out the last candle successfully

The wind blew quite cold and she shivered excessively in her damp clothes

Wind blew faster and more harshly against their backs, hair whipped every which way

It could get very unpleasant on the plain when the wind blew; the sand would sting like needles on exposed skin

At that moment the trumpeters on the wall blew their trumpets and there was a commotion at the city gate

He blew his nose into his hand, and though she’d also seen Tragus do this many times, he’d at least step outside, fling off the snot, then wipe his hand on his chiton

The wind blew bitter on his face as he rode west, but it was nothing the Nord had not been used to in all of his years in the wintry province

She looked back and blew a kiss in Zarko’s direction

A hot, light wind stirred their hair as it blew in from the west

A cold wind blew hard on Edward’s face as he stood at the cemetery, dressed in black, looking from afar at others dressed the same, for Derlick’s funeral

In calm air, it could easily overtake them, but as long as the wind blew hard, Homer’s boat would stay well ahead

Its surface shone with newly applied oils, the fragrance a slight nuance on the breeze that blew in their direction

You just blew your cover.

Somebody blew our car up.

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Blew Beaumont’s brains out.

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Дул мозги Бомонт вне.

It used to be just three months out of the year the winds blew.

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Раньше ветер дул три месяца в году.

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There was a girl once who blew me who subsequently hung herself… to death.

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Была одна девушка, которая у меня отсосала, которая в итоге повесилась… И умерла.

One day the wind suddenly blew on fire and the flame burned down the hut.


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Однажды ветер неожиданно подул на костер и пламя подожгло шалаш.


Our guy blew a reactor at Chai Wan.

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Наш парень взорвал реактор в Чай- Ване.

The simum blew that day as it had never blown before.

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Самум дул в тот день как никогда.

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When the wind blew, waste paper hung on trees and fences.

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Когда дул ветер, бумага поднималась из мусора и повисала на деревьях и заборах.

I blew the best thing that ever happened to me.

Cold air blew on his face.

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Холодный ветер дул ему в лицо.

Yeah, I’m gonna tell her you blew Mickey Rooney and gargled with it.

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Ага, скажу, что ты отсосала у Микки Руни и прополоскала рот его спермой.

He blew once again, yet the clear notes still clung to their prison.

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Он подул еще раз, но звонкого звука все не получалось.

You blew your last shot to get into the academy, kiddo.

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Ты испортил свой последний шанс попасть в академию, детка.

He blew the I-9 shaft behind him so we couldn’t follow.

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Он взорвал за собой штольню И- 9, чтобы мы не могли его преследовать.

The pilot blew the charge before Cosse could knock it down.

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Пилот взорвал заряд до того как Кроссе мог его сбить.

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Ты только что сорвал мою сделку!

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A chill wind blew from the East.

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Холодный ветер дул с востока.

You just blew him again, didn’t you?

You blew a bowel resection?

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Oh, you’re mad because I blew you?

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Так ты бесишься из-за того, что я тебе отсосала?

So every time the coach blew the whistle on the bus.

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И так каждый раз когда тренер дул в свисток.

Before he blew lili’s brains out?

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Прежде, чем он взорвал мозг Лили за домом?

In other words, she blew a guy.

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Results: 596,
Time: 0.0562



to disrupt

to derail

to thwart

to undermine

to frustrate

blow up

to sabotage


screw up

mess up

to foil





Short & Simple Example Sentence For Blew | Blew Sentence

  • He blew out the light and snatched up his weapons.
  • At the same time it blew over the chimney on its top.
  • He blew shrilly on his whistle, and demanded a cab.
  • He blew a great blast, and the thread was gone.
  • He put the thin reed to his lips, and blew upon it.
  • The Prime Minister blew a cloud from his pipe.
  • The Wind blew hard, and out went the Moon.
  • The Wind blew hard, and the Moon grew dim.
  • The stone doors blew off their hinges and crumbled into dust.
  • This was the fellow he had seen leap overboard when the boat blew up.
  • Then he blew his conch, and wished for a well to water them, and lo!
  • A little form of airy lightness, a very snow-wreath, blew into them.
  • It tossed to and fro, and a sharp wind blew over it, and the man trembled.
  • A cool wind came with the clouds and blew on Gray, and he slept.
  • The Sirocco blew fresh against us, and gradually the sea became very rough.
  • Then Hardy Atkins blew out the lamp, and the riot went on in the dark.
  • I think he piped me as I blew in, but I ain’t sure.
  • Mary was looking more than merely alarmed. «After we blew the lights out.

How To Use Blew In A Sentence?

  • The air that blew against their faces as they rode along was dry and scorching.
  • The wind blew a piece of paper past me and it lodged against a wall of a house.
  • The colonel blew out a cloud of cigar smoke and looked thoughtfully at the ceiling.
  • Their abundant loin-clothes flapped about in the slight breeze that blew off the ocean nearby.
  • Uiliami blew the whistle suspended on his broad bare chest by a cord of cocoanut sennit.
  • The first cut his throat, the second hanged himself, and the third blew out his brains.
  • When a gust of air blew the thick black smoke into their eyes, they patiently turned their heads.
  • Meanwhile I resolved to fly to Poland, and stay there till the storm blew over.
  • From thy dead lips a clearer note is born Than ever Triton blew from wreathed horn!
  • It took fronds of her hair too and made them into lashes that beat her face and blew above her head.
  • It blew out of the canyon-mouth like a gust from a chimney, rolling over and over in billowy masses.
  • Papa blew his soap bubles and filled them with tobacco smoke and as the light shone on then they took very beautiful opaline colors.
  • Hermann went below and returned with a riding light, but the moment it was lifted above the level of the cabin wall the wind blew it out.
  • The slug passed through the crown of the hat, and a shower of splinters flying back from the rock blew the felt into a sieve.
  • Bit by bit, snatches of conversation drifted into her mind and then blew out again, leaving scarcely the shadow of an impression.
  • The gale blew for twenty-four hours, the sea had become exceedingly rough, and now and then we had a pelting rain.
  • The sky was heavily overcast, and the wind blew such a gale from the south and west that one could hardly hear what the other said.
  • Getting water hot enough was sometimes difficult when you wanted as much as is necessary for a bath, if the wind blew high and firewood was scanty.
  • Grief took one hasty, comprehensive examination of the engine and the fittings of the tiny room, then blew out the oil-lamp.
  • Dan Anderson blew a faint wreath of blue smoke up toward the blue sky and remained silent for a time.
  • Her head was thrown back; the short black hair blew about her like mist; and her cheeks and lips were glowing with geranium red.
  • Loose ends of rope stood out stiffly horizontal, and, when a whipping gave, the loose end frazzled and blew away.

Definition of Blew

Obsolete form of blue. | simple past tense of blow | Obsolete form of blue.

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On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Blew in a sentence

Blew sentence

sentence with Blew

Blew used in a sentence

Blew make sentence

make sentence with Blew

make sentence of Blew

Blew sentence in english

  • Use the word BLEW in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Small-town boy jeff jenkins blew the coaches away and turned all four chairs

Thank you. And you blew me away there, And the same holds true to this moment.

«A fearful storm blew up»

«The horse blew first —«

Somebody left the door open, and the wind blew in!

I blew that cattle boat in such a hurry I left my wrap.

I blew in this town by accident.

Here, pay me off. I blew another game to come up here tonight.

It had a big whistle, every time the whistle blew the sawmill stopped running.


Just a few minutes before you blew in.

We just blew 5ooo cases of merchandise and you sit there cool as a cucumber.

They blew up a post last month.

Was the power turned off? — No, a fuse blew.

«My brother, Song, blew his stack last night…

He blew the top of his head off with a duck gun.

Anyway, he said that before his old man blew out on the show… you were going to put the Barlow girl into Miss Warner’s place.

Well, anyway, he said that the reason his old man blew out on the show… was that Tod Newton paid him a lot of money to close it.


You blew town with my 5000 bucks.

By the way, another pet theory of yours just blew up.

That story blew up in the air.

It blew out. I don’t want a new tire.

And then a shadow blew over.

Maybe not as thick as the ones that Joshua blew down with his trumpet.

But when Bugs heard about it he blew his brains out.


Well, I blew up like that because…

So was that French gunner who touched off the ball that blew that old leg of mine overboard.

Hey, look, I’m awful sorry I blew up, honest I am.

The wind blew something in my eyes.

I’m sorry I blew up on you like that.

His relatives just blew in.

We were in El Paso, and the big top blew down, and we couldn’t go on that night… so Joe and I went across the border to Juarez, and we were married.

It blew the cell door off, and it killed Rainbow.

I’m sorry I blew up, old man.

I blew a charge, I was only 15 when I blew it but I blew a charge that sent the finest cavalry in the world.

Me, who blew the last charge at Sudan.

This wind through the door nearly blew the paper into the fire.

Well, he blew me for a lot of plaster saints.

Yes, you know, I was blowing away on it and my hands were soapy and I… I blew so hard that it slipped right out of my grasp and went down the drain of the bathtub.


Your wind blew and set adrift.

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