Use the word bit in a sentence

Synonym: harness, piece, restraint. Similar words: bit by bit, bite, bitch, habit, orbit, a bit of, rabbit, exhibit. Meaning: [bɪt]  n. 1. a small quantity 2. a small fragment of something broken off from the whole 3. an indefinitely short time 4. an instance of some kind 5. piece of metal held in horse’s mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding 6. a unit of measurement of information (from binary + digit); the amount of information in a system having two equiprobable states 7. a small amount of solid food; a mouthful 8. a small fragment 9. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program 10. the cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press. 

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1. Once bit [bitten] twice shy.

2. Take a hair of the dog that bit you. 

3. Once bit, twice shy.

4. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. 

5. I am not a bit anxious about my battles, If I am anxious I don’t fight them, I wait until I am ready. 

6. He ate every bit of the pudding.

7. Paul’s being a bit evasive about this job.

8. Her visits were starting to get a bit tedious.

9. I have a bit of a fever.

10. The weather is a bit warmer today.

11. Frankie’s a bit of a clown.

12. He’s going to be a bit pushed for money.

13. I’m sorry I’m a bit early.

14. We’re all a bit gauche when we’re young.

15. The detective scanned every bit of evidence.

15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

16. He just needs to calm down a wee bit.

17. He took the apple and bit down.

18. I’m a bit pushed for money this month.

19. I’m sure he’ll come with a bit of persuading.

20. A bit of grit had got into my eye.

21. Your hair looks a bit tangled.

22. If your next record’s a bit iffy, you’re forgotten.

23. He bit back a sigh of impatience.

24. He squeezed the last bit toothpaste out.

25. Monday’s a bit inconvenient for me. How about Wednesday?

26. These trousers are a bit tight around my waist.

27. We had a bit of hard luck this season.

28. The dog bit at the stranger.

29. Could you turn the TV up a bit?

30. He seemed a bit subdued to me.

More similar words: bit by bit, bite, bitch, habit, orbit, a bit of, rabbit, exhibit, a bit of a, probity, inhibit, habitat, prohibit, every bit, ambition, arbitrary, ambitious, arbitrate, inhibited, exhibition, exorbitant, prohibition, exorbitantly, get into the habit of. 

Sporadically you might earn a little bit more but consistently you will not earn the type of money that you want to earn

Can a fireman who wants to build a great cavern do that by blasting a solid rock with a fire hose for a week straight, staying up with every bit of energy that he has, holding the hose blasting it at full power

Jorma didn’t mean to appear that nervous, «It’s just a bit lavish,» he said

«I had a boat so much like this when I was young, a bit smaller though

«We had a bit of variety for old times sake,» she said

These are a few wonders of the world that I uncovered; the wonder bit is usual y meant as in “I wonder why?”

bit poor at times but I was sure that I had been here before

Kevin jerks the wheel and loses traction a bit before his car slides off the road

I love you, therefore you should sleep around a bit until you’re quite, quite sure whilst I get on with all this work for you, regardless of the outcome

There were rooms downstairs for his business, far below was quite a bit of warehouse space

Remember every little bit of toxin adds up to a lot

Henry was going to have to assert himself a bit more; he was going to have to open the door and go in boldly

During the more than twenty Earth years they lived together, other than a bit of post-American and Brazilian slang that they taught each other, they lived their life together in the Kassidorian language because it was the language they had in common

Instead she stood at the bit of rail on the port side of the companionway, leaning on the cabin roof

Nancy looked away, studied the floor a bit

He had been with Venna however and Jorma called them comparable, so that worried her a bit

She curled forward, clutching her stomach and bit her tongue

Vinnie pushed the glasses back firmly onto his nose and shifted his center of gravity back a bit

“This is supposed to be a front for the United Order, so the technology will be quite a bit more advanced,” Johnny said

«I was just thinking we may be too late, they couldn’t have made all these improvements without quite a bit of money

She changed the subject to his camp and gushed about that a bit, the whole point being to find out where he got the money

Silence blocked the punch and skipped up the wall a bit higher before jumping off it and hurling herself through the air at him

You can add a little bit of soap to the left over soda, etc

It is something he does well, even with a bit of pride

But if you are in this age group then you would be in a bit of a dilemma: trying to catch-up on retirement planning at the same time paying/saving for your children’s higher education

It looked a bit like someone had cut off Al Pacino’s face and tanned it to make an Al Pacino mask

He has a mobile but doesn’t tend to give the number out to all and sundry, preferring to keep a bit of freedom from the perpetual messages that so many of his colleagues have to field as a result of being more profligate with their own mobile telephone numbers

But what of her sister’s question? «I think it’s a bit of diversion while we were working together

Leaning heavily on the arm of the chair, I stand … whoooo, the room’s spinning a bit

‘Gave the doctor a bit of a surprise, I can tell you

It was cramped but if he cinched up the laces, it was a little bit warmer at night

John seems still a bit troubled from his

Follow the Law of the little bit when spraying

The kid was really a good boy, a bit of mischief now and then and horny since his gonads started up a few years ago

of expected someone a bit more

‘She rang because she picked up a bit of information this afternoon from her daughter

Estwig hadn’t pestered too badly to come with them, he must still have a bit of yaag or a girl nearby

he’s a bit «tetched

Isn’t it a bit improper to have a

It was Morningday two weeks later, sunny and dry, but a bit frosty

‘We could have a bit of a drive around the Glastonbury area perhaps

A bit worrying that

are interested in knowing a bit

‘Is that Liz?’ I asked, taking the bit between my teeth

‘A bit shaken but we had a reasonably friendly chat and she sounded a lot less anxious by the time we’d finished

Where a bit of extra cash was concerned the old man always

Manager and I had a bit of a set to

dated, had the odd fumble, but a bit like Destiny, that Bond girl who reads the Tarot

‘Well, I know it probably seems a bit suspect, but I am trying to contact your mother and don’t have her address

He was only a bit over two and a half decades even now

I daresay Mum is regretting the row every bit as much as Stephen is by now

He trusted her quite a bit didn’t he? To tell her this much

A bit shocked, Al Snafu peers with concern at John, trying to remember where they might have met

«Well, that last bit is debatable Travis, but it’s not the point

pitch was interesting but hardly your average bit of foreign cheese on a cocktail stick

chancer with a bit of patter?”

Russ is not perturbed by the commotion, but John seems a bit taken aback

The heat of Noonsleep and Afternoonday was only a tiny bit blunted as they descended into the Gengee, but they had lost only a few hundred feet of altitude, just enough for him to notice

Ricci begins to sing, a bit over-the-top, eying Ahmed as he phrases each word

‘The idea is that I’ll go over this weekend to help with the decorating and, with a bit of luck, move in the weekend after

There was a little bit of water in an excavated pool, enough to grow enough vine to cover the lodge and fill the kegs within

The Indian clerk bobs his head from side to side, tuts a bit

Stephen took one look at it and declared it a disaster zone going on to suggest he could get a decent bit of carpet to replace it

If it wasn’t for them, how could I have done that stupid mindless job day in and day out, year in and year out, squeezing whatever bit of pride out of it that could be found?

It did look like Tahlmute had been drinking a bit more than doostEr but he hadn’t noticed him filling his cup more often

A little bit later the

Jesus, how I wish I could’ve been a bit more useful to him

It was in a bit of a mess though and I got it at a very reasonable price

«It was a bit more than that

It seems like Peadar and Michael may have been in for the same treatment but for someone heard a bit of the commotion and called the Gardai

«Yeah, I’m more Troll and a bit of Enurate

‘I don’t have a problem with sheep, though I have to say that cows make me a bit nervous sometimes

I’ll confess that when you refused that bit of work I offered you that I did take things into my own hands, just as I said I would

‘Someone’s made a bit of a mess of the passenger door of Liz’s car

His use of sir was a bit sarcastic

«I notice it’s quite a bit later,» Glenelle said, letting her eyes tell her how shocked she was at how much later

He owns a largish property a bit further down the motorway – it’s not far from here

He staggers a bit, takes a pillow from a chair, goes over, sits on the floor

Just a bit sarcastic there

confused, a bit shy

John, on the other hand, is looking a bit pale

‘It’s not as bad as it looks, Liz, you could easily lose that bit if you wanted to, though probably not in time for Saturday night

I used to do a bit of sewing in my younger days

Mike Biggs may have been a bit obnoxious to me the last time we spoke but at least he was professional and adhered to police procedure

I hadn’t thought about it, but I suppose it did sound a bit silly, cartoonish even

“You’ve had a bit of a restless night, dear

I flinched a bit, I admit, but damn it he was still a Garda

«Yeah, that’s not my greatest concern but Biology Base feels a bit cramped?»

There’s no damage to the house though I gather that the front door is a bit of a mess

Stephen had been a bit cagey when I told him who the interview was with … although he didn’t actually say so, I got the definite impression that this company is not a good employment bet

was a bit of a departure from the norm

You can do the bit of maths yourself

meant a little bit of exercise before scoff

‘Yes, just a bit dizzy … all this is a bit of a shock

Theo bit his tongue

front end as the tyres fought for grip, and then, amid a sea of spray, she bit hard into

The bit I have seen so far looks lovely and clean – thank you

He leans in closer to Baker, who moves back, a bit

‘Sometimes – pretty awful most of them, though you do get the odd one who has a bit of sense about her

He left a bit later than usual to get the last bus home to his mates flat and that’s the last he was heard of

Not a fancy one with all the dangly bits

Now what about really short bits of time

It was in a whole bundle of bits and pieces they had for that party

A few bits of news for you that we didn’t get to earlier

This wallpaper will make a mess when we strip it and there is nothing like trying to get soggy bits of wallpaper out of a carpet! Jack was frightful when it came to preparation … brilliant at decorating, but I was always the one who had to think ahead and make contingency plans

By the time I hear Stephen’s car on the gravel outside the house, I have covered the whole of the carpet and heaped up the bits of furniture in a pile in one corner

’ She told me, concentrating on drying up the fiddly bits of the caffetiere

He had his back to me as I walked in and the tattoo on the back of his neck was right there to be seen, just as it was the night before when he was smashing our home to bits

So in total I had exactly €16500 Euro plus the €475 I held back yesterday and we made up the odd €25 with bits and pieces of change around the house

His kisses drive me wild and soon his hands are wandering all over the bits of me he can get at

That he is pleased with his CD is very clear, and he immediately starts looking through the book, following me into the kitchen and reading out bits to me as I carry on with my turkey checking … Christmas is proving successful so far

He had a long workbench along one wall and odd bits of wood stashed all over the place, under the bench, in racks on the ceiling

All of the land that any of them had purchased with their bits of metal was well into the rural land, the only small holds were right along the brooks out here, the land they discussed was high on the plateaus between

It had taken them some time to pick all the bits of gravel out of her skin … thankfully, there was no damage to her skull, though that was probably more luck than anything else

and other bits and pieces

in used brown paper and bits of string,

‘Whereabouts on the island is the touching place, Lintze?’ Berndt asked, producing a map of the island and laying it out on the table, pushing odd bits of tableware out of the way as he does so

making strange objects from the spare bits of metal in the

We had decided yesterday that we don’t need to take very much with us – just a small amount of food and drink and a first aid kit – or what passes as one here on Errd – along with a few other bits and pieces

The men opened fire cutting them to bits one by one, but still they came

We’d cook up his island foods and he’d teach me bits of Greek

I look round the cabin and slowly accumulate a pile of odd bits and pieces, heaping them up on the bunk so that Berndt can pack them

At the water’s edge I found tiny bits of waving, organic fluff clinging to the pebbles just where the bubbles melt away; curious purple pieces of seaweed no bigger than a crumb lying on the beach and spiky bits of crab shell attached to the occasional limb

They were better than the calimari the restaurants in most universes served and richer than standard garden pest bits

He checked that his tie was straight and that there were no bits of cabbage stuck to his perfectly white teeth

The washing is dry … drowsy with sun, I fold it and put it into the basket, pile my poems and all the other bits on top ready to be carried and, having put away the sunbed, lug it all slowly into the house

It was arid and gritty, mixed in with bits of flint and twigs; there was even a pistachio shell

‘Crunchy black shiny bits? What crunchy black shiny bits?’ He cleaned his empty plate in some sand, ‘Crunchy black shiny bits

Alexis was right, it was hard not to crunch bits of pottery or sea shells underfoot, and I was forced to step over a gang of red ants, dragging off a caterpillar and waving nasty-looking pincers at anything that threatened their mission

Underfoot, bits of rock crumbled and splashed into the water, sinking past fishes in the swaying seaweed to the greenness down beyond

‘ And yes, she was charming and lush but all the lounge bits, like the three sofas on the afterdeck, looked as though they’d been added after the armaments

There is one more thing I found that gives off large-radius fourth order bits of created quantum information

The stuff in the shed, mainly garden implements, along with some car-related bits and pieces in the garage, can stay put – the tenants might find them useful

Simon starts feeding Treacle with tiny bits of left-over beef

She was fed gruel for breakfast, but at least it had some bits of dates and fig in it

myriad bits of interconnected data and the connections

there’s always at least one kid who ‘forgets’ and you have a last minute frantic phoning session trying to get in touch with Mum or Dad so that little Johnny — who is in tears by this time because he doesn’t want to be left out of the trip — can actually go while the rest of the class try to tear the coach to bits

no bits of cabbage stuck to his perfectly white teeth

3Behold, we put bits in the horses’ mouths that they may obey us; and we turn about

She was thrilled to bits

In the bedroom, Dave has created a dressing table area for me where I can sit to do the little bit of titivating which amounts to making up as far as I am concerned though I have to say that seeing my bits of toiletries looking so at home, feels extremely strange

I carefully sort the Danvers House letters from the few other bits and survey the result

«Oh, you know tins, a few bits in the freezer, the usual stuff

of straw bits, ‘I will use to have a good time in

People must have been living on this site for centuries … she visualised fur clad people with straggly hair wandering around the boggy bits with spears … no, that felt wrong … why would they need spears to collect plants? Baskets, perhaps … did they have baskets then? When exactly would it have been? Her daytime TV watching had given her a hazy smattering of terms – bronze age came before iron age, she knew that … but how much before? And when did they stop being savages and become civilised?

She’d wrung its neck hastily, not wanting to hear any more, and had dropped the corpse on the mud, brushing the bits of feather off her hands almost frantically

The hole spread over a large area, possibly three or four metres across in places; muddy throughout its entire extent: deep, claggy, black mud, sloppy with water and dotted with bits of green from the decimated plants which had been wrenched from the ground by its making

Not wanting to go through Chas’s belongings, she had nagged Ozzie until he did something with the bits and pieces lying around in that room, then scrubbed it as though trying to obliterate every last memory of the man

Bits of bush clung to his trousers, dirt grimed his hands and, no doubt, his face

Andy’s memory went into fast rewind as he skimmed over the events of the last few weeks; he debated speedily which bits he could safely put in and which it would be best to leave out

His best endeavours to keep various little bits of information from the probing policemen had failed miserably, they seemed to know when he was covering something over and the sheer effort required to keep a guard on his words was beginning to tell on him

my class I only caught bits and pieces of several different stories but one thing was

When they had both recovered themselves, the old man patted him on the back, “Having all the bits measured, cut, stacked and hidden, ready to go was a brilliant stroke my boy, simply brilliant,” concluded White Feathers

He fetched more pieces of pipe with other odd bits and then pulled away some boards laying on the ground, heretofore unnoticed by anyone, which revealed a trench leading over to the side of the outhouse

‘I’ve come about the invitation to join you tomorrow, I was thrilled to bits when I got it … I’d love to come with you; it is kind of you to invite me, Sally’

The dining room is a mess with bits of paper and glitter left over from the creation of Jo’s invitation littering the floor

the area with its deceptive tricks:fluffy white bits of heaven purifying the earth,

She was dressed in a gauzy flowing robe, semi-transparent and tastefully adorned with tiny bits of embroidery

He went on to recite bits and pieces of the story he’d told her the first night

Alan could hear bits and pieces of that, it sounded pretty nice

Perhaps it was taken and chopped into pieces and the valuable bits sold? He started to search the web for the value of parts of a 777

get to the good bits, but the attractions are usually

The people who lived here were still urban but they lived in detached or semi-detached houses with little bits of ground behind them or on top of them where they might grow a few salad fixings and some spices and/or sit outdoors in the shade of a tree

Many of the smaller chunks resisted gravity’s pull, oozing to the floor much slower than the larger bits of flesh

‘Yes I read the rest but Tom here took the bits and pieces away

Always aware of the conditions he looked around constantly, the fire was raging and spreading and it was going upwards towards the Petols building, then he spotted two young faces coming out of the trees heading toward the Clearys, when the wind veered and bits of leaves and ash started to fly in the air and whirl about then dove down ahead of the boys

I use bits and pieces of Treasure Island in my reading classes

Domingo, when they were first discovered by the Spaniards, used to wear little bits of gold as ornaments in their hair and other parts of their dress

Bits of armor falling all around him, Solo Ki replied, «Had I not come, he would have haunted me through the end of time

She had left some other useless bits of scrap like that little fabricator and a lot of the crystal too heavily contaminated in the reunification battle to even recycle

She noticed there were bits of dirty straw caught in his hair

with bits of bramble and fragments of dead leaves

that bits of ceiling texture were falling down, landing in

He was her hero and she just loved him to bits

And, given his time in the Legion, he was apt to have to heard bits of conversations here and there, as Rikke had

Sunlight, even the tiniest bits, were some comfort

covered with bits of straw, but obviously healthy

It showed a lot of flesh without showing the actual female bits; enough to get any man’s attention immediately

The bits of meat and precious gulps of water had been hastily consumed

Koyo was trained well and merely sauntered over to a shady patch to feed on some grassy bits in anticipation of her master’s return

There must be pieces of at least a dozen scout ships or fighters or whatever—there are weapons signatures in the majority of the smaller bits out there

” she began curling the ends of the bits of pasta closest to the napkin in a pattern that made them look like they were swirling into each other like water going down a narrow opening

We have millions of bits of information about our work or the subjects we study in school, our friends, our enemies, and everything else we need to know

Crouched in little huddled clumps of threes and fours, the tattered forms of ‘conscripts’ scraped, cracked, chewed and sifted out even the smallest bits of ore from the mounds of rock and debris surrounding them

The rubbish bins she tidied up every week were askew amidst floating bits of rubbish and broken glass

The little bits of gold with which the inhabitants ornamented their dress, and which, he was informed, they frequently found in the rivulets and torrents which fell from the mountains, were sufficient to satisfy him that those mountains abounded with the richest gold mines

He could see night sky and clouds, then he realised why — the ceiling was missing and bits of plaster boarding hung in trails

spotted bits of broken glass strewn on the

Sure, he knew there was temporal fracturing: pockets of time existing in a kind of uncertainty state, bits of the future and past breaking through, much like general quantum uncertainty but on a macro scale

I was terrified and wished that I was back at home in a nice warm bed and that this was only a bad dream but I knew it wasn’t and I just threw up into the bottom of the boat where it mixed in with the bits of flesh blood and other bodily fluids in the seawater

Then bits of body and gore would fall back down onto the sand lying there like meat in some kind of hellish butchers shop display on the beach

He showed me drills and bits that made the precise holes needed in wood

I wiped tears from my face with the back of my hand, leaving a residue of tiny bits of straw

I felt like my body was tearing to bits

Then I watch as they exit from his back and bits of flesh blood and bone are pushed out in a jet of gore

He was propped up against the wall with his legs stretched out in front of him or at least they would have been had they still been there for they ended at the kneecap in tendrils of flesh and smashed bone with bits of uniform mixed in I gasped out loud

Bits of leaves, sheepskin, papyrus

” I mean any idiot could see by our uniforms which were a mish mash of different bits we had scrounged that had been cut down and were now threadbare

First of all Ted put in the explosive charge then he passed the tin to me and I filled it with bits of iron old nails cartridge cases and even stones then I passed it on to Elijah who inserted a fuse into the detonator

there were streetlights along most of its length, and a hotch-potch of nondescript semis with long front gardens, bits of public green, modern

a) Study the theory box. Find examples of used to in the text.

We use used to + infinitive to talk about past states and habits.

My grandad
used to tell me stories when I was young. (He doesn’t anymore.) He didn’t use to wake up late in the mornings. Did you use to ride a bike when you were 5 years old?

Sometimes we can replace
used to with the Past Simple without any real difference in meaning.

When he was a child, he
used to spend/he spent his holidays in Sochi.

b) Use the words to write sentences about what you used/didn’t use to do when you were six. You can use your own ideas.

• read comics

• play with toys

• go to the park

• write stories

• watch cartoons

• drive a car

• play hide−and−seek

When I was six, I used to read comics.

Английский язык 7 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 2b. A classic read. Номер №5


Перевод задания
а) Изучите таблицу теории. Найдите в тексте примеры used to.

Мы используем инфинитив used to +, чтобы говорить о прошлых состояниях и привычках.
Мой дедушка рассказывал мне истории, когда я был молод. (Он больше этого не делает.) Он не вставал поздно утром. Вы ездили на велосипеде в 5 лет?
Иногда мы можем заменить «привычное» на «Прошлое простое» без какой−либо реальной разницы в значении.
В детстве проводил / проводил каникулы в Сочи.

b) Используйте слова, чтобы написать предложения о том, что вы использовали / не делали, когда вам было шесть лет. Вы можете использовать свои собственные идеи.
• читать комиксы
• играть с игрушками
• идти в парк
• писать рассказы
• смотреть мультфильмы
• вести машину
• играть в прятки
Когда мне было шесть, я читал комиксы.



Professor: But, they used to live thousands of years ago.


When I was six, I used to read comics.

When I was six, I used to play with toys.

When I was six, I used to go to the park.

When I was six, I didn’t use (used) to write stories.

When I was six, I used to watch cartoons.

When I was six, I didn’t use (used) to drive a car.

When I was six, I used to play hide−and−seek.

Перевод ответа


Профессор: Но они жили тысячи лет назад.


Когда мне было шесть лет, я читал комиксы.
Когда мне было шесть лет, я играл в игрушки.
Когда мне было шесть, я ходил в парк.
Когда мне было шесть лет, я не писал рассказы.
Когда мне было шесть, я смотрела мультфильмы.
Когда мне было шесть лет, я не водил машину.
Когда мне было шесть лет, я играл в прятки.

bit meaning:

n.) A small part of anything, a little, not much

v.) Past Tense of Bite.

I’m a bit tired.

bit my lip.

He bit off the meat.

You had better relax a bit.

He looked a bit embarrassed.

Could you turn the TV up a bit?

He ate every bit of the pudding.

She started to get a bit violent.

The weather is a bit warmer today.

That dress looks a bit long to me.

He bit off more than he could chew.

I don’t care a bit about the future.

Try and cheer up a bit; life isn’t that bad!

I felt a bit tired from swimming all morning.

You’re a bit late today aren’t you?

I’ve got a bit of an ache in my back.

His way of thinking is a bit extreme.

I became very sleepy after a bit of reading.

Before painting, you should stir up the paint a bit.

You notice that your breathing has speeded up a bit.

She bit off more than she could chew and was laughed at.

Can we slow down and walk for a bit? I’m getting a stitch.

I am becoming accustomed to the severe climate here bit by bit.

All that was needed was a little bit of forethought for the success.

The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.

Older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.

Bit by bit, the group accepted the idea.

I suppose I was a bit on the short side early on in secondary school.

In point of fact, my mind started to wake up a bit during this period.

I put my arm over my mouth and bit down on it to keep from crying out.

The neighbouring house was destroyed, but mine survived just a bit of cost for repair.

Bit example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use bit in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for bit.

  • Not a bit of it! (8)
  • Not a bit of it! (13)
  • He bit viciously. (10)
  • Hilary bit his lips. (8)
  • Barbara bit her lips. (8)
  • Violetta bit her lip. (10)
  • For a bit, just to see? (8)
  • She bit the words back. (8)
  • Not a bit more terrible! (10)
  • No, John; not a bit of it! (8)
  • Lady Blandish bit her lip. (10)
  • She is not one bit to blame. (10)
  • We said that a bit too often. (8)
  • Fiorsen bit his lip, and bowed. (8)
  • Do give a bit of comfort to it. (10)
  • But he was just a bit in the way. (10)
  • We had a bit of war now and again. (7)
  • And it may have been a bit my fault. (10)
  • A bit of a shake always braces me up. (10)
  • He had got a bit rusty with his stars. (8)
  • Bianca bit her lips till the blood came. (8)
  • We had a bit of a scrimmage, coming home. (22)
  • Young Val will want a bit of looking after. (8)
  • There is not a bit of fish to be got to-day. (4)
  • I was trying a wee bit in your absence, sir. (18)
  • Maybe you should hold it out of window a bit. (8)
  • Have to think of my household a bit, you know. (8)
  • John, tell Nedda that, and stay with her a bit. (8)
  • And the Vicar seems to be for a little bit of both. (8)
  • It lay there like a bit of snow on the cold ground. (10)
  • Bit by bit he handed her the morsels. (10)
  • Just come here and carry your mind back a bit, Cokeson. (8)
  • But there really was a bit more to tell: not much, was it? (10)
  • Every poor innocent little bit of an art had been exhausted. (10)
  • I saw the last bit of life go up from her mouth blessing you. (10)
  • He repeated it next day, without being a bit wiser of the cause. (10)
  • The question bit him: How far had she been indiscreet or wilful? (10)
  • Ashurst bit at his sleeve, to stifle a groan of remorseful longing. (8)
  • Lady Malloring bit her lips; she looked straight and hard at Sheila. (8)
  • Then goes back to the table, and writes an address on a bit of paper. (8)
  • For though he mixed with Dartie a good deal, he thought him a bit of a cad. (8)
  • She had taken the bit between her teeth, but could she make him take it too? (8)
  • These she was fond of relieving by a bit of light blue, her favourite colour. (5)
  • He is ignorant about the princess as yet; he would like to have a bit of the wreck. (10)
  • She does not care for Algy a bit, which is not a matter that greatly influences him. (10)
  • He tried the temper of the stick, bent it a bit, and admired the prompt straightening. (10)
  • He thought this bit of uncandor charming, and accepted it as if it were the whole truth. (9)
  • Jolyon bit his lips; he who had always hated rows almost welcomed the thought of one now. (8)
  • This bit of philosophy, which I confess I thought fine, did not seem to impress Kendricks. (9)
  • Edward bit his lip, and shot a level reflective side-look, peculiar to him when meditating. (10)
  • Edward bit his lip, and shot a level reflective side-look, peculiar to him when meditating. (22)
  • She pulled the valves open and found it a bit of paper attached to a thread dangling from above. (9)
  • You see, Miss Middleton, there was the landscape, and the exercise, and the occasional bit of danger. (10)
  • Owing to it, in a manner almost as mysterious, he was kept crossing a bridge having a slippery bit on it. (10)
  • The old feeling that she had never understood him, never done him justice, bit him while he stared at her. (8)
  • What cause of wrath he had was past a guess: a wolf at his vitals bit him, hardening his handsome features. (10)
  • She bit at the needle-end, not quite visible, but almost within reach of teeth, and suddenly went very white. (8)
  • Sometimes it would cross the track in a bit of waterfall, with a pool, in which Modestine refreshed her feet. (2)
  • He has a dark, short beard, and red-brown cheeks; is a little bald on the temples, and a bit grey, but hard as iron. (8)
  • The idea that they have got together, bit by bit, a power, travels slowly up to their heavy brains. (10)
  • And I can even imagine that little thing finding Tom just the least bit slow, at times, if it were not for his goodness. (9)
  • Some phase of his work, some vision of his wife or daughters started forth from each bit of furniture, picture, doorway. (8)
  • You would not have cared one bit for a caricature, if you had not nursed the absurd idea of being one of our conquerors. (10)
  • The Countess was quite aware of the efficacy of a little bit of burlesque lying to cover her retreat from any petty exposure. (10)
  • But no sooner had she got outside, after that strange outburst, than she bit her lips to keep back an angry, miserable feeling. (8)
  • I pictured to myself some grizzled, apple-cheeked, country schoolmaster fluting in his bit of a garden in the clear autumn sunshine. (2)
  • Surely the King bit his breath, marvelling, and his fury became an awful fear, and he fell back from her, molesting her no further. (10)
  • Somehow this school, this bit of great-hearted idealism on the part of the old man she loved, had thus far stirred up a deal of mud. (13)
  • Still, to buy four ships with the freight market so depressed was a bit startling, and there would be opposition at the general meeting. (8)

Also see sentences for: atom, extract, fragment, grain, jot, morsel, particle.

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