Use the word birthday in a sentence

birthday (n): the day that is exactly a year or number of years after a person was born

Use “birthday” in a sentence

Yesterday was my birthday.
My aunt sent me a birthday present.
Her birthday party will be held tomorrow evening.
My birthday is in July.
Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.
My grandfather gave me birthday present.
Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.

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One Sunday before Violet’s seventh birthday, Violet’s mother drove her out to a ranch that bred ponies

«Now go do yer panhandlin’ exercises! Y’only got a week ’til your 13th birthday and then ye’ll be a real panhandler

display of disgustingly twee kiddie birthday cards with his shoulder and knocking

On the 16th, I produce a birthday cake for Fred and we surprise him with a little party in the hall to celebrate his birthday – complete with balloons and streamers

Since the beginning of the year she had been talking me into buying her a certain blouse, which costs 12,000 drachmas, as a present for her birthday -which was yesterday

The greatest mystery of all, Persephone’s 21st birthday party yesterday: First of all, she didn’t want me to come at the same time as her other friends

He placed them at the head of the mattress and then stood back, watching me, waiting like an expectant relative at a small child’s birthday party

I caressed each object, staring at it, turning it over and over in my shaking hands, discovering the simple joy of some bright plastic birthday nothing as if for the very first time

Helen Tandoulou has invited me to a birthday party tonight

JayJay and Angie have asked me to write to thank you for the unbelievably generous gifts you sent for little Karalintze’s fifth birthday

‘Yes, it should take place within three months’ of his birthday

I gave him full attention because he seemed the sort who, when enthused, would not tolerate interruption, ‘On 15th August, it is the birthday of our Goddess Athene

Soon after having my 19th birthday party in a psychiatric ward, all too soon it was finally time to go

He looks rather proud and I catch a glance between him and Jo; I look enquiringly at Jo, who explains that she got it as a birthday present for him

‘Oh, Alastair, was it your birthday yesterday?’ I cried, ‘Jo you should have mentioned it!’

‘This is the best birthday present I’ve ever had …you

‘He’s got a birthday present he wants to bring over

I can’t get over how unbelievably good Abi has been about the whole thing – she even commented that she felt she was coming home on the way back … bless! It’s her birthday soon and I’m trying to get my head round something special for her but with memorial service at the weekend and the wedding preparations, I’m rushed off my feet

‘When’s Alastair’s birthday then?’ I asked, and she tells me it was last Saturday

She’s studying on her birthday, dedication dude

over the top but it was ok on a birthday I guess

I don’t know if it was the candlelight or the birthday mood or the cushions or

) The member should inform the Church when his or her birthday is

prominent in the thinking individual on her or his birthday

On his thirty-ninth birthday the stars crossed and the finger of

The camera was waterproof and could take some damage so he knew it wasn’t ruined but it had been a birthday present from Peter

upon his Seventh Birthday,

The watch was a birthday present from White Feathers

No more happy birthday parties would be held here, for the Inn was gone

Before I forget my birthday is June 13

I want to wish you a happy birthday for last month

I didn’t realize that September 24 was your birthday I would have wished you a very happy one in my last letter

Well it’s my birthday and the true day (I was born on Friday the 13th, I wrote this on my birthday Friday, the 13th and what better way to enjoy it then to write you

On the 24th of this month will be my coming up 28th birthday and how I wish we could spend time together

Emma had one picture in particular, that she returned to repeatedly, it was very similar to a picture of herself, on her first birthday

“Heidi will love this! I’ll have it set and give it to her on her birthday next week

How’s everything going on with you? How did you celebrate your 36th birthday, where and with whom?? I hope you had a good time

Again I have a large wet white envelope with just the postage on it so I know this year I was finally nice and remembered to send Judy a birthday card on her birthday which is September 24

She is very unlikely to reach her next birthday

Except that Jarvis had the cheek to ask for a sweet, I was tempted to say I had kept what he wrote on my leg and to cross him and his brother off the birthday list!

Cheap plastic children’s toys, tins of no-name chilli con carne, overpriced cans of soda and budget birthday cards sold at upscale prices

It was the eve of my birthday, I distinctly recall

birthday, what with their presence gracing the event after a long

What a birthday

“By the way, happy birthday,” she said so sweetly

It couldn’t have been a better birthday

her birthday, the seventh of February

Although it was his birthday, he proposed me to

had a dance recital and then I went to another birthday

hands with birthday cake scented soap

birthday card, still wet, stood against a vase of dandelions

Have you ever blew out your birthday candles and

invited to your birthday, this would not be a good thing

today is his birthday

Iadros’s birthday feast soon, the one time every year he welcomed villagers inside his hall

Though he couldn’t read, himself, he surprised her with a scroll on the occasion of her birthday

On a silent cue, they began: ‘Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday dearest sister

What have my dear friends found to be the ideal gift to accompany such a wonderfully thoughtful cake and party for my,” and she winked: “’twenty-ninth’ birthday?”

“So? Thank you for my birthday party,” the Elf concluded sincerely

Maybe the paired voices of his wailing mother and fuming father had been correct in their condemnation of his decision on the evening of the 30th of Frostfall — his twenty-second birthday

a giant birthday card that is signed by all the girls on Erin’s softball team

He met her at a bar on a rare night out; his birthday celebration with a small crowd conspicuously absent of women

Jesus was nearing his twenty-second birthday and still not married

«That’s an unusual day for a birthday, quite memorable

‘Do you have a birthday coming up

A few days later, it was Addie’s first birthday, and the Hawes family, along with Captain Luce, took a carriage ride to the country and visited a fine garden that had some of the nicest fruit that Jessie had ever seen

Moreover, Jessie had celebrated her birthday on board ship on July 4

Jack tried to calm her down and told her about his last birthday

his birthday weekend but all was quiet within and so he wandered

What an interesting woman Rosemary’s aunt was! To think of that! A surprise birthday! He couldn’t believe his luck

Why had he agreed to this wild scheme of just turning up for her birthday party? It was madness

She had had to tell Rosemary that she had decided on a surprise party for her birthday, because she wasn’t sure if Rosemary would remember her birthday or not

It had been an awkward moment then, both pretending that it was only a birthday party

And this was supposed to be her birthday party

Rosemary sat, fiddling absentmindedly with Jack’s birthday gift, turning it over and over with her fingers, without looking at what she was doing

We went to visit Mama to help her celebrate her 70th birthday

She died the day before her birthday on April 21, l987

My daughter, Alice, traveled home to be with her dad on his sixty-third birthday, carrying his birthday present close to her chest

We went through the motions of a happy birthday dinner

She had also sent me one of those soppy cards that were being hawked about that showed a soldier thinking of his sweetheart back home and she had written happy birthday on the back of it

“We are gong to take you into Auchonvillers tonight for a little light R & R and to help celebrate your birthday

“It’s Billy Boys birthday so let’s settle for Vin Rouge that should hit the spot nicely

Well this had really put the kybosh on my birthday and no mistake just as we were beginning to get into the swing of things

It seems that Hungary unveiled a statue of President Reagan on June 29 in celebration of his 100th birthday, and that nation»s gratitude for his leadership in causing the end of the Cold War, and thus the fall of European communism and the freeing of Hungary

It was Booth’s twenty-seventh birthday, April 26

No kittens for Sarah on her birthday

the same age, Waddell was forty years old, his next birthday on

July 13, and Hawes was thirty-nine, his last birthday having been on May 8

“It must be nice to only have a birthday once every four years

Please, humour me by joining in the whistling, it’s my birthday and I love this song, it’s better than happy birthday don’t you think?”

Also they shared the same birthday

It was not so shocking when Monique had seen her mother, because she’d hardly seen her since her parent’s divorce shortly after her nineteenth birthday

I stopped at the fire pit, where we had burned so many memories into our hearts with family cookouts, gatherings, birthday celebrations, and sleep-overs

If the emperor does not pass the laws we have requested, he will be eliminated during his birthday celebration

I would have to say that our biggest family tradition at Grandma and Grandpa’s house is having potluck holidays, birthday celebrations, and cookout/sleepovers for the whole family

Only two and a half weeks remained until the emperor’s birthday celebration

The emperor’s birthday celebration was usually hosted out here

He clutched birthday invitations for diplomats of eight nations

Imperative we meet before the emperor’s birthday

How lucky another birthday, when I was real young, they couldn‘t come fast

Random good picture Not show

1. I feel really guilty at forgetting her birthday again.

2. What did you get for your birthday?

3. My birthday is on a Sunday this year.

4. When’s your birthday? —It’s May 24th.

5. I feel awful about forgetting her birthday.

6. I blew out the candles on my birthday cake.

7. He started his new job auspiciously on his birthday.

8. I’m baking a birthday cake for Alex.

9. May your birthday be filled with smiles,sunshine,love,and laughter.

10. A birthday is no occasion for tears.

11. I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.

12. Happy birthday,Darling.You are the dearest thing in the world.

13. Sara’s birthday is some time in/during October.

14. Happy birthday to a wonderful person!

15. Happy Birthday,my love.A hundred kisses from me to you.

16. Do you want some birthday cake?

17. Your birthday is an annual event.

18. Here’s a little something for your birthday.

19. He was given a fishing rod for his birthday.

20. What do you want for your birthday?

21. He’s giving a party in miniature on his birthday.

22. He will be forty on his next birthday.

23. There are seventeen days to go till my birthday.

24. He will celebrate his birthday on Friday.

25. It’s Kate’s birthday on Friday.

26. He will celebrate his birthday on.

27. Happy birthday to a great friend.

28. I reveived a belated birthday card this morning.

28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

29. We sent a card with birthday greetings.

30. The kids were popping all the birthday balloons.

More similar words: birth, give birth, day after day, withdraw, withdrawal, dirt, day, flirt, skirt, T-shirt, one day, all day, today, by day, virtual, virtually, nowadays, the other day, yesterday, by virtue of, day and night, night and day, norther, north, northern, earth, worth, fourth, on earth, worthy. 

  • Use the word Birthday in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Says the woman who rigged ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ at my birthday party so she could fuck the winner’s old man.

Jenny celebrates her thirtieth birthday.

It is the birthday of our Princess… and royal suitors come from all the East to seek her hand in marriage.

Here I am, this is me. 3 years ago on October 27th, my 37th birthday.

Lady Windermere’s birthday dawned radiantly.

Today is Master Eizan’s birthday celebration and the school is filled with joy.

In the city of the Caliph they were celebrating the ruler’s birthday

It’s for you — a birthday present …

Shave him already! Today is my birthday!

Those present begin this day, Novinska Sophie’s birthday, singing the anthem of independence, which was prohibited by the Russian governor under penalty of imprisonment

«Do not forget that we are celebrating Sophie’s sixteenth birthday … we are counting on you»

In the Vorowski palace, the servants and peasants prepare to celebrate the birthday of the young mistress

This afternoon we will celebrate Julie’s birthday … and announce our engagement.»

Just a little birthday card.

I’m arranging a little party tonight for your birthday.

A happy birthday to Queenie, the queen of New York’s beautiful girls.

Is this your birthday or mine?

A birthday gift from my husband.

Carl Laemmle Sr’s ambitious young prot├®g├® and heir apparent, until Laemmle Sr turned over the studio to his far less experienced son as a 21st birthday present.

Come, come, it’s your mother’s birthday. Oh.

If anybody was planning a speech about my 16th birthday

If this should be my last birthday cake, he’d be sorry he was late, wouldn’t he?

We’ll celebrate at my house, it’s also my sisters birthday.

Thanks, but I would have preferred a different birthday!

It’s four more minutes until my birthday.

I’ve never had a birthday party before, and I’ll never forget this one, that’s a promise.



It only seems like yesterday since I put 17 candles on his birthday cake.

And the other will be 12 on his next birthday.

It’s my husband’s birthday and I want to surprise him.

I’ve bought a piano to surprise you, on your birthday.

Did you say I could have anything for my birthday that I wanted?

My daddy gave it to me for my birthday.

It’s my birthday and I wanna celebrate.

They gave it to me for an un-birthday present.

I mean, what is an un-birthday present?

A present given when it isn’t your birthday, of course.

I like birthday presents best.

Well then, there are 364 days when you might get un-birthday presents.

lengusa description. Birthday in a sentence

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Sentence examples for Birthday from high-quality
English sources.

  • It was my birthday in May.

  • So when is Cheryl’s birthday?

  • And she just said the words “happy birthday.”

  • “Actually, that’s my birthday,” she said abruptly.

  • KFC Birthday Party Costs $18,000 in Covid-19 Fines in Australia.

  • tune, the actors improvised and the ‘Ricky Baker, it’s your birthday!’

  • This set of cake accessories makes sending a joyful birthday message easy.

Use Birthday in a sentence.

  • To say when your birthday is in English, you say ‘my birthday is’.

  • «Also, it’s my birthday — what a fun birthday in quarantined Wuhan.

  • It’s my birthday today, so please allow me a little more than my usual self-indulgence.

  • Victoria Day, Canadian holiday on which the British sovereign’s birthday is celebrated.

  • The outing in Sandringham marked the end of the royal’s birthday celebrations that took place over the weekend.

  • It was my birthday after the first On Your Step session and everyone put posters in their windows saying happy birthday.

  • If you time your visit to coincide with the month of your child’s birthday, you can request a special birthday sticker from one of the cast members in the park for free.

  • Yes, it was Nurse Becky’s birthday the day you gave birth, and, yes, she did notice that you didn’t stop pushing and come out into the hallway to help sing “Happy Birthday” to her.

  • Last year, Zaghari-Ratcliffe celebrated her daughter’s birthday with her during visiting hours at the prison, penning an emotional letter that read: “I asked you where you wanted your birthday this year.

  • Birthday boy’s friends are the type who get the whole restaurant to join in singing “Happy Birthday” and convince themselves that this is actually what he wants, even though he wants to crawl under table and die.

  • As neighbors looked on and cheered, in the same vein as the nightly balcony celebrations for healthcare workers, my son Bob and his classmates offered birthday congratulations and honks as they drove by the beaming birthday celebrator.

  • Holidays that are celebrated in the kingdom include the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, the two ʿīds (festivals; ʿĪd al-Fiṭr and ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā), and other major Islamic festivals, along with secular events such as Independence Day and the birthday of the late King Ḥussein.

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