Use the word birds in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word birds, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use birds in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «birds».

Birds in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word birds in a sentence.

  1. In 2015 no birds came back.

  2. It is also present in birds.

  3. Few birds have such features.

  4. In fact, when birds forage at B.

  5. New times, new birds, new songs.

  6. Young birds may disperse locally.

  7. Western jackdaws are voluble birds.

  8. Arctic terns are medium-sized birds.

  9. Young birds migrate with the adults.

  10. By 1902, Whitman owned sixteen birds.

  11. Live birds were never described with these colours.

  12. The classification of birds is a contentious issue.

  13. There are nearly 300 species of birds in the state.

  14. Many birds fly around the Sahara next to the coast.

  15. The birds do not have true syringeal vocalizations.

  16. Carpal spurs and knobs are also known from other extant as well as extinct birds.

  17. Variation in clutch size depends on the amount of food available for young birds.

  18. The birds continued to breed on a rocky outcrop just off the shore of the island.

  19. Helper birds assist in defending the territory and feeding and rearing the young.

  20. All birds have an enlarged nasal gland at the base of the bill, above their eyes.

  21. Keulemans mostly worked from skins rather than life, but attempted to depict the birds realistically.

  22. Both mainland and Tasmanian birds of the xanthanotus race average about 28 cm (11 in) in tail length.

  23. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with individuals typically returning for 7–10 breeding seasons.

  24. Once the birds have mated, the female returns to her home territory to lay eggs and raise the chicks.

  25. Several peregrine subspecies were included in the breeding stock, including birds of Eurasian origin.

  26. Sometimes they are encountered in larger troops—usually 6 to 8 birds but rarely up to 15 individuals.

  27. While feeding, skuas, gulls, and other tern species will often harass the birds and steal their food.

  28. Nestling birds are common prey, being taken more often from nests in trees rather than on the ground.

  29. With the advent of scientific interest in birds, many paintings of birds were commissioned for books.

  30. Some birds collect stems and fragments of dry grasses as nesting materials, but others do not bother.

  31. Willughby and Ray discovered several previously undescribed species of birds, fish and invertebrates.

  32. It usually roosts alone except in very cold weather, when up to 29 birds have been recorded together.

  33. Adults have white irises; younger birds have dark brown and then hazel irises with an inner blue rim.

  34. There is a time of year when these birds eat a seed that makes their flesh bitter and even dangerous.

  35. Tentatively estimated at 20,000 breeding birds in 2000, the population is thought to be still rising.

  36. Among the birds killed were 262 threatened marbled murrelets and between four and eight endangered western snowy plovers.

  37. Male birds weigh between 670 and 920 grams (1.5–2 lb), while females weigh slightly less at 615–870 grams (1.25–1.75 lb).

  38. It consists of eight sections, covering calligraphy, bamboo, flowers, rocks, birds and animals, plums, orchids and fruit.

  39. The sex of birds is determined by the Z and W sex chromosomes, rather than by the X and Y chromosomes present in mammals.

  40. Unlike the red rail and other extinct Mascarene birds, the Rodrigues rail was not illustrated by contemporaneous artists.

  41. Some species, including frigatebirds, gulls, and skuas, engage in kleptoparasitism, stealing food items from other birds.

  42. Allowing for birds breeding in Africa and Asia, the total population estimate is between 101 and 161 million individuals.

  43. The same study found that Neoschoengastia americana, the turkey chigger, affects birds during late summer and early fall.

  44. Juvenile birds have more brown-tinged and uniform plumage; the darker colour around the lores and eyes are less distinct.

  45. The male will attack intruders into its breeding area, including birds of prey and corvids, and sometimes cats or humans.

  46. Bats have typical mammalian lungs, which are thought to be more sensitive to sudden air pressure changes than the lungs of birds, making them more liable to fatal rupture.

  47. Many endemic Mascarene birds, including the dodo, are descended from South Asian ancestors, and Hume has proposed that this may also be the case for all the parrots there.

  48. Empty nest boxes, and sites used by house sparrows or other hole nesting birds, such as tits, pied flycatchers or common redstarts, are rarely used for the autumn display.

  49. Over 260 species of birds have been recorded, with raptors such as the bald eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey and several species of hawks residing year round.

  50. Reptiles, birds and mammals are amniotes, the eggs of which are either laid or carried by the female and are surrounded by several membranes, some of which are impervious.

General information about «birds» example sentences

The example sentences for the word birds that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «birds» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «birds».

but the birds divided he not

Even the birds were silent

Attract birds and other creatures that naturally prey on snails and slugs

Or try building a nesting home for owls and other birds

For the Birds: Birds eat many different types of insects year round

The birds are all dead

Birds, toads, and other predators can keep fly populations down

Before God created Man, before any animals had a name, Serpent flew above Eden amongst the birds and cherubim

Pausing with my hands in the washing up water, I watch a bird fly down to the bird table … I’ve never been much good at identifying birds, is that a tit of some sort? Goodness knows

Jack used to know all the birds … I should have listened to him more!

She would kill two birds with one stone

What sense it made to spread their arms like birds and cup their hands was beyond her

The sheep suddenly scattered as another sound, closer, less expected, broke through the background of train, birds, sea and herbage; they regrouped a short distance beyond and stood staring

Larger chileeth and ensals pursued them from below, colorful birds from above

wolves, slept in the dens of lions, flew with birds, and swam beside sharks

Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it

I heard the sound of birds

Between the birds and the trees

She’d tried thinking about it as she lay in bed listening to the Errdian night birds outside in the woods surrounding The Centre; the exercise had not got her anywhere

and the birds grew strong

great love for the birds

The larger and stronger of the two birds flew

The folk had seen birds before plenty of times, but these were all

landed based birds, they had never seen a bird that had settled

It was whilst sitting on the possibly Roman stone that the first of the messenger birds found her

On the morning of the third day at the house Daniel awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside his open window

Travelling across the Somerset levels is a weird experience; in places, the wasteg is higher than the land and we find ourselves looking down on pretty withy pools full of birds

The locals appear to have vanished indoors for the siesta; only a couple of birds perched on a roof and a cat sitting on a doorstep watch us as we make our way towards the waterside

Therefore, many Yoga asanas are named after mammals, birds, sea creatures, insects, and reptiles

Birds don’t sing in the withered time,

The birds have flown

Birds sing in the spaces

I’m keen on birds

‘I wouldn’t want to annoy one of these birds, I have to say

The rest of the day goes in a whirl of activity – I am taken to a bird house where half a dozen birds are acclimatised to my tawstones and I am instructed in the mysteries of directing a bird

As Gilla told me, the messenger birds are considerably larger than pigeons and have claws which would deter any predator

Wiesse shows an unexpectedly tender side while introducing me to the birds

It seems that the affection he rarely shows to his family is kept for the birds he uses for messages

I am called upon to admire this one’s plumage, and that one’s clarity of eye … all the while aware that these birds are watching me with more intelligence than I am used to seeing in an avian

Vague remembrances of dinosaur films I have seen spring to mind … birds are closely related to dinosaurs, I read somewhere

We ride along parallel with the riverside for some miles and although I do see some water birds and a few splashes which suggest the presence of fish, there is no sign of the rampant life I expect from a waterway like this

In the distance I can see great woods stalking up the hills bordering the valley and flocks of black birds much like crows fill the air above the trees

The birds sang sweetly in the hedgerows and the last of the house martins were diving and darting across the sky as they fed themselves up for their long autumn flight south

You may be surprised but you can quite often kill two birds with one stone when you look for

Oleanders fringed the woods and sent back a dense sweet twittering of countless birds

As soon as I began to rub it in, her friends twittered and giggled with gentle laughter and began chattering like the birds and patted their old companion on her arms; well done, another one bites the dust; tales for those long winter nights I supposed

The air is full of birdsong; I try to spot individual birds but the trees are now coming into leaf and it is difficult to see

I understood the place of death in life and no longer cringed at dead animals or birds

Listen to the birds singing, watch small critters foraging for food,

The birds sang

Smile at the happy birds and know, truly know, you have «a place to call

returned the great birds glare with distain

herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches

7For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is

just the singing of the birds in the hedges for company

Birds whistled and for a while, he forgot about his present situation as the sun worked its magic and warmed him up inside his battered and bruised body

I could tame the wildest of horses and feed wild birds, squirrels, and raccoons from my hands

The eaves of the old barns are spattered with droplets of mud where the birds are building nests

I confess, I did not resist, for I loved every second and I still remember my shivers, my wild heartbeat, his touch, his kiss, the red fiery sun peeping over the mountain peak, the birds chirping and flying around us, everything

flutter of bird life in the hedgerows, birds that Alistair cheerfully

Chrissie drifted back to sleep and dreamed of birds flying through sunny skies

Apart from the birds, she hadn’t seen any other animals

The memory of the singing birds still fresh in her mind, Chrissie, wasn’t tempted to try the vegetables when they were served, sufficing herself with a little chicken and some bread

They were beautiful birds

Except for the birds, the only sound was the thud of the spades slicing the earth and the dull splat of the soil as it was heaped on the side

Birds did not start to chirp

A scrimmage of sorts was being played out on the sports field and the permanent citizens of the Park—the squirrels, birds, and bugs—added their own ambiance to Harry’s afternoon walk

He feels like ‘The Monster’, like the freak, brought to life in the middle of a storm, except the weather is fine and the birds are singing and the lump in his throat is made of flesh and blood

The birds sing in vain

Weaving threads of silver, gold, and colored silk into her cloth, she made pictures of flowers, birds, and animals, so real they seemed almost alive

Infant Bex smiles at him and birds sing

“I hear a creek in the background and birds chirping

overhead, and the birds singing

As little ducklings waddled along the water, and the birds chirped in the trees, tending to their nests and flying around, the kids looked around in awe at this sight

the forest animals and the migratory patterns of the birds

20The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every

The air was sweet with late flowers and noisy with the flutter of birds and leaves in the warm breeze off the basin

The black shadows of birds floated on the wind miles away

Birds squawked as they fought each other for their

day for March isn’t it, the sun and the birds

forth in the breeze and birds circled overhead as if

Above, fluffy clouds of yandrille notes put on the main show while huge white birds glided among them

The bass notes softened, became calm water reflecting the sky of birds, and the yandrille became a ship floating lightly on it

The birds swirled around the ship

Birds couldn’t hear each other over the

And the birds will fly the sky

important in the south for wintering water birds, including White-Headed Duck

Locals have instal ed green roofs for butterflies and birds, and a col ection of underpasses for resident amphibians and hedgehogs

Birds include woodpecker, hawk, pine martin, falcon, owl and golden eagle

A pretty, smal country with an ancient history, there are stunning beaches, bear-rich mountains, lynx and rare birds

Migrating birds flourish along with the national white wagtail

The River Prut area is home to many species of birds

migratory birds come to Europe to breed here in the wetlands

Birds include Cetti’s Warbler and the Red-Rumped Swallow

It holds the record for the most species of birds seen in one day, and is also home to the Smithsonian Institute for Tropical Research

Of the 100 plus birds here, 28 are not found anywhere else on earth

With more than 450 birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians (and more than 620 types of butterflies), this is South America in one Caribbean Island

Hardly anyone lives here – just research staff monitoring the local birds and turtles

Birds include Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove

Celebrate US Independence Day with July 4th messages to employees. As a company, extend your warm greetings to your staff members with America’s Independence Day Messages and happy July 4 holiday wishes.

Celebrate this special day with them with the wishes of July 4th and the messages of July 4th. These are some of the latest July 4th messages to employees and July 4th emails to employees that are the perfect way to wish them US Independence Day.

Happy July 4th Messages to Employees | American Independence Day Wishes

US Independence Day Message to Employees

Please have the last wishes of July 4th for employees shared with your staff. Wish them out with patriotic quotes and 4th of July card messages. The best 4th of July messages for employees are the most inspiring 4th of July congratulatory messages to share.

  • “Warm wishes on July 4th to all of our employees. Let’s always stick together in the memories of the heroes we lost. “
  • “Freedom is the quintessence of a happy life and we are blessed to have it. Wishing our staff a very happy 4th of July. “
  • “On the occasion of United States Independence Day, we wish our employees a wonderful day with their loved ones and an inspiring day in the memories of those who fought for independence.”

Happy 4th of July messages to employees

  • “May she celebrate July 4 with her family and friends and promise to contribute her contribution to the nation in a constructive way.”
  • “On the occasion of July 4, we wish all of our employees a very happy July 4 … May they always draw inspiration from the United States to grow in life.”
  • “Wishing a warm and happy July 4th to all the employees of our company…. We hope you enjoy the most memorable celebrations with your loved ones. “
  • July 4th gives you another reason to get together with your loved ones and enjoy beautiful moments with them … Happy July 4th.
  • “I wish you a day filled with happiness and celebrations … I wish you a very happy United States Independence Day … I wish you a very happy July 4th.”
  • “July 4th is an important day for all US citizens. And we wish a day full of parades, celebrations, and fireworks for all of our employees.”
  • “Happy July 4th to all of our staff members who work so hard to contribute to America’s success in one way or another.”
  • “We pride ourselves on calling ourselves Americans and thanking everyone who made AMERICA possible … Best wishes on July 4 to our employees.”
  • “To all employees of our company, we extend warm wishes on July 4 … Wishing you an unforgettable vacation with your loved ones.”
  • “Don’t limit your July 4th celebrations to just holidays, but also draw inspiration from our nation to get stronger … Happy July 4th.”

Happy July 4th Messages to Employees | American Independence Day Wishes

July 4 emails to employees

  • “Wishing our company employees a very happy 4th of July … We greatly appreciate your efforts to work hard to help the United States prosper.”
  • “Best wishes on July 4 to all employees … We wish you have the best celebration with your family and friends.”
  • “July 4th is not just about reuniting with your loved ones, but also thanking all deceased souls for their sacrifices… Happy Fourth of July.
  • “I wish you a 4th of July full of red, blue and white colors … May you enjoy the celebrations and fireworks with your family and friends.”
  • “May you be blessed with the most unforgettable 4th of July with your loved ones…. Warm wishes on the 4th of July to our employees! ”

July 4th messages to staff

  • “Happy 4th of July to all of our staff members. All thanks to the national heroes who have fought for the country and sacrificed their lives. “
  • “Warm wishes on the 4th of July to the staff. This day will remind us of the day the United States decided to be free and independent. “
  • “The United States is the nation that is progressive and strong and we are happy to be born into a nation like this. Happy 4th of July to you.
  • “May the United States continue to prosper. May America emerge to become the strongest country. Looking forward to a very happy 4th of July. “
  • “We are fortunate to have been born in a country like the United States that is open-minded and accepting. Happy 4th of July to all the staff members. “

Happy July 4th Messages to Employees | American Independence Day Wishes

July 4th Safety Message to Employees

  • “May you enjoy the beautiful fireworks with your loved ones and also stay safe. Wishing our employees a very happy 4th of July. “
  • “Warm wishes on the fourth of July to our employees. We wish you happy and safe moments with your family. “
  • “On the occasion of July 4th, we extend our warm greetings to our employees and their families. May you have safe and memorable celebrations. “

July 4 CEO Message to Employees

  • “Always value your freedom but never be irresponsible towards it. Wishing all employees a very happy 4th of July. “
  • “May the occasion of July 4 infuse each and every heart with the sense of responsibility we have towards our country. Happy 4th of July “.
  • “A very happy United States Independence Day for our employees. Our martyrs are proof that nothing is impossible in this world. “

July 4th Holiday Message to Employees

  • “We wish our employees a very happy Fourth of July. Have a wonderful and fun-filled vacation with your loved ones. “
  • “Let there be celebrations, let there be happiness because it is the fourth of July. Have a fantastic 4th of July with your family and friends. “
  • “Wishing all of our employees a happy 4th of July. May you make the most of these holidays with lots of smiles, joy and kindness ”.

July 4th wishes employees

  • “We wish all of our employees a beautiful and happy July 4th. As you celebrate with your family, don’t forget why we celebrate this day. “
  • “Let’s unite as proud Americans who are going to work hard to make our country proud. Happy 4th of July to our employees. “

Post Views: 2,923

  • Use the word birds in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Animals.. birds.. Pests Everything.

Pandist Fallaspy, biography sub judice, pending investigation for embezzlement from the World Society for the Protection of birds.

There’s so much birds other, that I never see a caterpillar, and only a few slugs, we have less and less work, and more and more food.

«You do like the birds really daddy don’t you!»

«Are you two love birds going to stay there all night?

With her little free time, Gabrielle went in the park among the flowers, with the birds singing and her magazines.


I’d rather skip the birds tonight.

I’m pretty suspicious of you birds.

You birds are all in on this thing, and you’re all trying to keep me from finding my shirt.

birds singing, brooks laughing, and the wind sort of crooning through the forest. Like some great organ.

Normally those three birds always sit with us at the bar.

Angel rabbits fly like birds

«All the birds have come along, all the birds, all of them… Blackbird, thrush, finch and starling, and the entire flock of birds.

All the birds have come along, all the birds, all of them…»

«All the birds have come along…» «…all the birds, all of them.»

If there was five birds in a tree, and St. Louis and I shot one of the birds… how many of the birds would be left in the tree?

Well, he told us to tell you all about the- the birds and the- the lilacs- you know, flowers- and the-the blue skies… and, uh, the love what comes but once-

You know, the birds are singin’… and the- and the flowers… and the river’s kind of-

It’s gonna be a tough break for a lot of birds.

What’s the matter with you birds?

You birds want me to make a speech?

And I wish you birds wouldn’t get drunk and raise Cain because that’s the way a lot of birds get bumped off.

«Tomorrow the birds will sing.»

These birds are a gabby lot.

life can give this to you only once, because every spring has only one May dear sun, world full of pleasure, you’re as beautiful today as you had never been before all the sweet birds are practicing blissfully the sweet melody

I promised to help you, sure, but you didn’t say anything about any black birds.

And when I do, I’ll show those city birds something.

The birds were singing and there was a softness in the air just like spring.

And you were the song of the birds and the warm brightness of the morning.

All right, boss, I’ll do my best, but I can’t help it if these birds get my goat.

In the winter forest the birds do freeze their nests like graves amid snowy trees April flies in on the wing A thousand voices bless the spring

I thought you birds was writing and dressing.

Plants from the woods and birds from the dales are certain cures for fainting spells.

Shawls, dolls, Indian baskets, panama hats, monkeys, love birds, coffee.

Seeds blown here by the wind and brought here by birds.

Flowers bloom and wither to then grow again, when the sweet song of the birds is heard in the fields and woods.

Two birds with one stone.

Soon the birds will be singing… and flowers will be blooming… and first thing you know, spring sickness will be here.

The birds were singing and the sky was blue.

Plenty of sun, a nice lawn… Chirping birds… Flowers, too.

Them birds have to work for a living.

You may be able to talk to these birds.

Yeah, just listen to those birds.

birds in their little nests agree.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Birds | Birds Sentence

  • With the birds amid the ling.
  • The birds are building their nests.
  • Studies of birds killed in nocturnal migration.
  • The birds of the mountain can tell of the place.
  • You can hear the birds chirping as if they were happy.
  • The thirsty birds had stopped singing.
  • In a minute the little birds will fly out and join them.
  • Sometimes frigate birds and other sea birds were snared.
  • To merry birds that sing amid the trees.
  • When the old birds came home they were very angry.
  • There are also many fish, birds and insects.
  • The sea is covered thick with ice, and the birds fly away.
  • It is very easy to see the birds teaching their little ones to fly.
  • You will find the young birds sitting quietly on fences or trees.
  • But she was still a child of nature, the birds her best companions.
  • Thousands of noisy sea birds come to the rocky cliffs to lay their eggs.
  • The sailors followed, carrying strange birds and animals from across the sea.

How To Use Birds In A Sentence?

  • The birds were her friends, and they seemed to sing of things she did not know.
  • Some are shaped like birds and they make a singing noise when the wind blows through them.
  • No one of our poets is simpler or purer, or writes so lovingly of birds and flowers.
  • He slept and woke again, and still the trees waved above him and the birds fluttered to and fro.
  • Bright-hued birds were flitting to and fro, now in the shadow, now in the sunshine.
  • I was far from being superstitious, but I would rather have seen any other birds just then.
  • Born and living here as free as the birds of the air, I learned to love freedom.
  • The Koran says that only birds can fly, and none can get into this castle without wings.
  • Of other birds of any kind I heard or saw little on my excursions through Crete.
  • The ill-omened birds settled down once more, until they covered the roof and disfigured all the landscape.
  • To make birds and other animals relate their stories has been done sometimes, and generally with success.
  • The food of this fox is various, but seems to consist principally of lemmings and of birds and their eggs.
  • So he put his great paw on the nest and pressed it down until the poor little birds could hardly breathe.
  • If you watch little birds just out of the nest, you may see them being taught how to find their food.
  • Here, in the heart of a pastoral country, the birds sang and the flowers bloomed all through the year.
  • Finally, the tempter filled the tree-top with his own birds of pride, the starry pageant of the peacocks.
  • His acquaintance with jay birds was limited, but he recognized them when he met them, and considered them very good fellows.
  • The birds would come at his call, and the squirrels would scamper down the trees to take food from his hand.
  • All his ready money was gone, and mortgages began to settle down like birds of ill-omen upon his house and lands.
  • While I was sketching, my attention was called off for a moment by the cries of birds and the bleatings of sheep.
  • The Clovernook children learned to know the flowers and the trees by name, and to tell the birds by their songs.
  • Far away, through the heavy boughs of the ailantus tree, day was breaking in a glimmer of purple-few birds were twittering among the leaves.
  • We were utterly unable to thank him, and, stumbling over each other in the passage, flew up to our own room like caged birds set free.

Definition of Birds

plural of bird

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