Use the word besides in a sentence

Beside and besides sound very similar, but they have different definitions. It’s important to learn how to use them properly.

Beside vs. Besides

When you use beside, without the s, you are telling the location of something. Besides, however, means “as well,” “in addition to,” or “moreover.” The meaning depends on the context.

Graphic illustrating the difference between "beside" and "besides". "Beside" is used as a preposition, and tells the location of something. "Besides" is used as a preposition or an adverb, and is a less formal alternative to "in addition" or "moreover".

How to Use “Beside” in a Sentence

Beside means next to or at the side of. It is a preposition. 

Example sentences: 

The two dogs walked beside each other.

She put her computer beside her coffee cup.

The house beside mine is for sale.

He sat beside me at the movies.

You could switch out the word beside with next to in each of those sentences, and they would have the same meaning.

The two dogs walked next to each other.

She put her computer next to her coffee cup.

The house next to mine is for sale.

He sat next to me at the movies.

How to use “Besides” in a Sentence

Besides can be used as a preposition or an adverb. As a preposition, it means “in addition.” It can also be used as an adverb meaning “moreover.” Besides is a less formal alternative than either “in addition” or “moreover.”

She doesn’t like swimming; besides, she doesn’t even have a swimsuit.

This sentence has a conversational tone, so the word moreover might sound too formal. If you were writing an essay, you might use moreover.

She doesn’t like swimming; moreover, she doesn’t even have a swimsuit.

Another option is to use what’s more.

She doesn’t like swimming, and what’s more, she doesn’t even have a swimsuit.

You can also place besides at the beginning of a sentence.

She doesn’t like swimming. Besides, she doesn’t even have a swimsuit.

Remember that besides can also be used as in addition. Once again, besides is the less formal option.

Do you have any books besides these novels?

Do you have any books in addition to these novels?

“That’s Beside the Point”

Have you ever heard the phrase beside the point? It is a common idiom and means “not relevant” or “unimportant.” However, it is not right to say besides the point

Correct: She passed the class, but that is beside the point. She was cheating!

Incorrect: She passed the class, but that is besides the point. She was cheating!

Hopefully, now you understand the differences between beside and besides and know how to use them correctly.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word besides, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use besides in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «besides».

Besides in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word besides in a sentence.

  1. Food is besides the point».

  2. At least eight other songs exist besides the main call.

  3. The park has many other kinds of fossils besides trees.

  4. Clarke had his mind on other things besides awards and El Alamein.

  5. He took gifts with him, besides the soil to be placed on his grave.

  6. Little else occurs on these two days besides visits to the snowy Mt.

  7. I am his «Padrone» and his «amico», and the Lord knows what besides.

  8. And besides, how much talking there was about current musical matters!

  9. On 8 January 1986, El-Sayed appeared in front of TV cameras besides Pehr G.

  10. Beaver families can have as many as ten members besides the monogamous pair.

  11. I need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to!

  12. Most of the other actors besides Krauss and Veidt have a more naturalistic style.

  13. However, paddle wheel craft found other uses besides effective assaults in warfare.

  14. Her husband, meanwhile, served in the Home Guard, besides continuing as a barrister.

  15. Devil May Cry contains puzzles and other challenges besides regular combat gameplay.

  16. It is 12 feet (3.7 metres) long and devoid of any decoration besides the inscription.

  17. Davis wrote «his problem besides continuing sadness over his son’s death was money.».

  18. Aang’s Air Acolytes also were unaware that Aang had two other children besides Tenzin.

  19. Good word of mouth publicity played a part in its popularity besides the positive reviews.

  20. Each character has four unique moves, which often cause effects besides damage to an opponent.

  21. They rarely come ashore besides the females’ brief visits to construct nests and deposit eggs.

  22. Around Nathu La and the Tibetan side, the region has little vegetation besides scattered shrubs.

  23. Within the League’s Assembly, Nansen spoke out on many issues besides those related to refugees.

  24. Other human weaknesses besides improvidence have become identified with the grasshopper’s behaviour.

  25. Moor stated that there are few writers besides Brumm, mostly animators already working on the series.

  26. Other inversive solutions to the planar problem are possible besides the common ones described below.

  27. There is no clearly defined end to the ironclad, besides the transition from wood hulls to all-metal.

  28. It was the last song Wilco ever released that was lyrically solely written by a member besides Tweedy.

  29. The Garden Park locality in Colorado contained, besides Ceratosaurus, fossils attributed to Allosaurus.

  30. Difficulties with the diffusers and pumps paled into insignificance besides those with the porous barrier.

  31. There are a number of other bodies and posts responsible for the running of parliament besides these speakers.

  32. Most wordless novelists were not prolific; few besides Masereel and Lynd Ward produced more than a single book.

  33. Fossil evidence has shown that besides aquatic prey, spinosaurids also consumed other dinosaurs and pterosaurs.

  34. Both Raymond Hood and John Todd believed that the center needed visual enhancement besides the rooftop gardens.

  35. Interest in wordless novels was short-lived, and few besides Masereel and Ward produced more than a single work.

  36. Fifty-three of the enemy were killed and prisoners taken, besides a machine gun, many rifles, and much equipment.

  37. Sibelius was delighted with the new piece, writing to Aino, «It’s as though I have found myself, and more besides.

  38. Hence, prior to the invention of the telescope, nothing was known about the planet besides its position on the sky.

  39. Bizet would later write to Marmontel: «In your class one learns something besides the piano; one becomes a musician».

  40. Westmore reasoned that since the Borg had traveled the galaxy, they would have assimilated other races besides humans.

  41. The only player besides Musial to hit five home runs in a doubleheader is Nate Colbert, who achieved the feat in 1972.

  42. The stated reason for the change of title was that Final Fantasy XIII and Type-0 shared little besides the core mythos.

  43. His fortune and influence grew: he became the first lawman and judge in the settlement, besides being a land appraiser.

  44. Popes called for crusades to take place elsewhere besides the Holy Land: in Spain, southern France, and along the Baltic.

  45. For the next three years, besides teaching piano to the Thun children, Smetana studied theory and composition under Proksch.

  46. Ira Allen, besides being a military leader, was a member of the convention that declared Vermont independent in January 1777.

  47. Shen Kuo wrote several other books besides the Dream Pool Essays, yet much of the writing in his other books has not survived.

  48. According to Samuel, Berg became moody and snappish after the war, and did not seem to care for much in life besides his books.

  49. Ealdred, besides his episcopal duties, served Edward the Confessor, the King of England, as a diplomat and as a military leader.

  50. The game allows the player to unlock other modes of transport besides the taxi, including a stroller, a pedal bike and a carriage.

Synonyms for besides

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word besides has the following synonyms: in any case, too, also, likewise and as well.

General information about «besides» example sentences

The example sentences for the word besides that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «besides» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «besides».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We find besides the problem of minorities.

Мы сталкиваемся, кроме того, с проблемой меньшинства.

You know, besides sneaking out at night.

Ну знаешь, кроме того, как тайком уходить ночью.

You should also consider options besides paint.

Кроме того, вы должны также рассмотреть возможность использования материалов, помимо краски.

It was my calculation that I might use several others besides them.

Таков был мой расчет, что я мог бы использовать и несколько других, помимо них .

Great writers always do something besides writing.

У хорошего писателя всегда ощущается что-то ещё помимо того, о чём он пишет.

I do have a life besides frolicking with you.

У меня есть жизнь помимо того, чтобы развлекаться с тобой.

Its been years since i did anything besides training.

Прошли годы с тех пор, как я занимался чем-то, помимо тренировок.

Atmospheric oxidation reactions are important also in particle formation, besides ozone.

Помимо озона, важную роль в образовании частиц также играют реакции окисления в атмосфере.

But there are others besides them.

Но помимо них есть ещё и другие составляющие.

We’ll need other voices besides yours.

Нам, помимо ваших, понадобятся и слова других.

It is besides concerned with things other than beauty or aesthetics.

Он, кроме того, занят вещами и иными, чем красота или эстетика.

There was one other master besides Johnny.

Оказалось, что у него, помимо Клинтона, был еще один хозяин.

But they did something else besides save my life, General.

Но они совершили кое-что еще, кроме того, что спасли мою жизнь, генерал.

Hubble demonstrated the existence of the other galaxies besides ours.

1923 г. Эдвин Хаббл доказывает существование других галактик, помимо нашей галактики.

Jamal is carrying something besides groceries.

А у Джамаля есть кое-что помимо продуктов питания.

Now it is affecting other peoples besides the Cubans.

В настоящее время она затрагивает и другие народы, помимо Кубы.

There were currently many countries besides Yugoslavia suffering severe human rights problems.

В настоящее время существует много стран, помимо Югославии, сталкивающихся с серьезными проблемами прав человека.

Despite its ambition, the Charter hardly mentions any other actors besides States.

Несмотря на его весьма широкий охват, в Уставе практически не упоминаются какие-либо другие субъекты помимо государств.

The Pepsi incident had far-reaching repercussions besides torching Michael’s hair.

Инцидент с «Pepsi» имел далеко идущие последствия, помимо поджога волос Майкла.

There should be no centre besides coordination organs.

По его словам, «никакого центра вообще быть не должно, кроме координационных органов».

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Published on
September 12, 2022

Eoghan Ryan.

Revised on
March 13, 2023.

Besides can be used as a preposition meaning “except” or “in addition to.” It can also be used as an adverb meaning “as well” or “moreover.”

Examples: Besides in a sentence
I’ve never loved anyone besides you!

Besides being a writer, Sophie is a painter.

Tyra wasn’t free on the night of the party. Besides, she wasn’t even invited.

Table of contents

  1. How to use besides in a sentence
  2. Beside or besides
  3. Besides the point or beside the point
  4. Besides that
  5. Other interesting language articles
  6. Frequently asked questions

How to use besides in a sentence

Besides can be used as a preposition meaning “except” or “in addition to.”

Examples: Besides as a preposition
Jen likes all fruit besides apples.

Besides the posters, Zayne has designed two flyers for his campaign.

It can also be used as an adverb meaning “as well” or “furthermore.” When it introduces a sentence or independent clause, it’s followed by a comma.

Examples: Besides as an adverb
At the theater, there’ll be singers and rappers and more besides.

You have to stay home and study. Besides, there’s no room in the car.

Beside or besides

Beside and besides are related words, but they don’t have the same meaning and shouldn’t be used interchangeably.

  • Beside (no “s”) is a preposition meaning “next to.” It can also be used to mean “compared with,” though this meaning is less common (e.g., “My handwriting looks awful beside yours”).
  • Besides (with an “s”) has various meanings including “except,” “as well as,” and “furthermore.” Unlike “beside,” it doesn’t refer to literal physical proximity.
Examples: Beside vs besides
  • The post office is besides the Capitol.
  • The post office is beside the Capitol.
  • Gina has done nothing today beside traveling.
  • Gina has done nothing today besides traveling.

Besides the point or beside the point

Beside the point is an expression used to describe something as “irrelevant” or “unimportant.” While “besides the point” is sometimes used by mistake, it’s incorrect and should be avoided.

Examples: Besides the point vs beside the point
  • It’s besides the point that the call was important. You shouldn’t have been driving while using your phone.
  • It’s beside the point that the call was important. You shouldn’t have been driving while using your phone.

Besides that

Besides that means “other than that” or “in addition to that.” “That” is used in this expression to refer back to a thing you have previously mentioned. If it introduces a sentence or independent clause, it’s followed by a comma.

Examples: Besides that in a sentence
Danny enjoys writing fanfiction. I don’t know much about him besides that.

Lorenza designs and builds furniture. Besides that, she sings in the local choir.

Other interesting language articles

If you want to know more about commonly confused words, definitions, and differences between US and UK spellings, make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

Frequently asked questions

Is it “beside” or “besides”?

Beside and besides are related words, but they don’t have the same meaning.

  • Beside is a preposition meaning “next to.” It can also be used to mean “compared with.”
  • Besides can be used as a preposition and adverb. It has various meanings including “apart from,” “in addition to,” and “moreover,” but isn’t used for literal physical closeness.

Is “besides” a preposition?

Yes, besides is a preposition meaning “apart from” (e.g., “Laura doesn’t like hot drinks besides cocoa”). It can also be used to mean “as well as” (e.g., “Besides traveling, Angie enjoys cooking”).

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Ryan, E.
(2023, March 13). Besides | Meaning, Definition & Example Sentences. Scribbr.
Retrieved April 12, 2023,

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Besides can be used either as a preposition meaning “in addition” or an adverb meaning “moreover,” and it is a little less stiff and formal to use than those two terms. I dislike fishing; besides , I don’t even own a boat.

How use besides in a sentence?

  • [S] [T] There was no one in the room besides Tom and Mary. ( …
  • [S] [T] It’s unlikely that anyone besides Tom would consider taking that job. ( …
  • [S] [T] He has no friends besides me. ( …
  • [S] [T] There was no one there besides me. ( …
  • [S] [T] What Tom said was besides the point. (

How do you use except And besides?

Except is used to exclude something from the sentence. Besides is a preposition, which is used to include something in the sentences. Except and Besides may sound similar by meaning but one is used to exclude and another is used include something in the sentence as well as in the context.

Is besides used with also?

Besides is a preposition or a linking adverb. It means ‘in addition to’ or ‘also’: … As a linking adverb, we usually put a comma before and after besides in writing: I don’t think going for a walk is a good idea.

Where do we use also?

Also is usually used in front of a verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, you put also immediately in front of the verb, unless the verb is be. I also began to be interested in cricket. They also helped out.

18 related questions found

Is Besides formal or informal?

Additionally, moreover, furthermore, and admittedly are very formal and are seldom found in colloquial contexts. Besides is very informal and seldom used in formal contexts.

How do you use besides?

I have exams coming up soon, and besides that I have to study for my driver’s test. It is on this issue and more besides that they still strike insurmountable problems with no valid explanation.

Can Besides mean except?

Besides is defined as in addition to, or except for. a. An example of besides used as a preposition is, «She had two dogs besides three cats» which means she has two dogs and three cats.

What is the difference between beside and besides?

«Beside» is a preposition that means «close to» or «next to.» «Besides» is also a preposition that means «in addition to» or «apart from.» It’s can also serve as an adverb that means «furthermore» or «another thing.»

What does it mean when someone says besides?

1 : other than, except no one besides us Nothing besides a miracle could help them. 2 : together with a decision that, besides being practical, is morally right. besides. adverb.

What does beside me mean?

prep. 1 next to; at, by, or to the side of. 2 as compared with. 3 away from; wide of. beside the point.

Is it beside the fact or besides the fact?

Even though these words are very close to each other in spelling, it’s best to observe the distinctions that separate beside vs. besides. Beside is a preposition that means nearby; at the side of. Besides is an adverb and a preposition and means in addition to; as well and apart from.

What is the mean of except?

: to take or leave out from a number or a whole : exclude. intransitive verb. : to take exception : object. except. conjunction.

What is the synonym of beside?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for beside, like: abreast, by the side of, next-to, close at hand, parallel to, on the edge of, overlooking, close upon, connected with, compared with and in comparison with.

What is the difference between apart and except?

Instead of «Apart from» you can also use «aside from». «Except for» has the same meaning as «but for». Note: You can not use except without “for” in the beginning.

How do you use besides as a conjunction in a sentence?


  1. We can use «besides» between two sentences. I have paid a lot of money for the car. Besides, I have paid for the insurance. …
  2. we use «besides» at the end of a sentence as the word «anyway». Tom is really very kind to me. He is a good colleague, besides. …
  3. We use «besides» followed by a noun / pronoun or Ving.

How do you know if the word is formal or informal?

Formal language is less personal than informal language. It is used when writing for professional or academic purposes like university assignments. Formal language does not use colloquialisms, contractions or first person pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘We’. Informal language is more casual and spontaneous.

Is besides an academic word?

First of all, ‘besides’ is an informal word, so you should not use it in your academic writing. … Students want to use it synonymously with those linking words, but it has a slightly different connotation.

What is an informal word?

If something’s informal, it’s casual and relaxed and doesn’t follow any particular rules or conventions, whether that’s a style of writing, or the dress code for your dinner party. … Informal writing or speech is the linguistic equivalent of wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a relaxed tone and simple words.

What is the sentence except?

We go to school every day except on Sundays. He doesn’t watch TV except on Saturdays. He goes to work on foot every day except on rainy days. … We go to school every day except Sunday.

What are the examples of except?

An example of except is when you would go swimming but you have not brought a bathing suit. An example of except is to say that a person never drives their car during the week but they drive their car on the weekends. (archaic) Unless; used to introduce a hypothetical case in which an exception may exist.

What is the meaning of accept and except?

Accept is a verb meaning «to receive something willingly.» One can accept a gift for example, or a club can accept a new member. … The verb ‘except’ has the meaning of «to leave out or exclude (someone or something).»

What does besides the fact mean?

In addition to (something) not only. apart from being. apart from the fact that.

How do you use the word thereupon in a sentence?

Thereupon sentence example

  1. He thereupon produced the church’s poor people. …
  2. Thereupon the power of church and state enforced by positive enactments the passive resistance of old institutions to the novel theories. …
  3. Thereupon , according to British law, they became free.

What does it mean when someone says Im beside myself?

In a state of extreme agitation or excitement, as in She was beside herself when she found she’d lost her ring, or Peter was beside himself with joy—he’d won the poetry award.

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