Use the word believe in a sentence

The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Words. » Quotation *» There are two ways to slide easily through life: to,


    ,everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking. » Asteroids
  2. Played a part in the massive number of deaths amongst enslaved natives. Others,


    ,that the reportedly abundant, but starchy, low-protein diet may have
  3. The other end would be negatively charged. These properties led Einstein to,


    ,that pairs of particles and antiparticles could be described in this way.
  4. Incidence of all leading causes of mortality. The literature provides reason to,


    ,arsenic exposure is causative in the pathogenesis of diabetes. Wood
  5. Still questions regarding the safety and risks associated with GMO foods, some,


    , the public should have the freedom to choose and know what they are eating and
  6. Starlink. Another is cotton, which accounts for 63 % of US cotton acreage. Some,


    ,that similar or better pest-resistance traits can be acquired through
  7. And his ranking sank to World No. 141 on November 10, 1997,prompting many to,


    ,that his run as one of the sport’s premier competitors was over, and that he
  8. Offered to man … The knowledge of God has always existed. ” These scholars,


    ,that each day in a person’s life is an unavoidable step towards death, and thus
  9. Statements that assert a factual claim about the universe that begin» I,


    ,that ….» are simply shorthand for,» Based on my knowledge, understanding
  10. So convincing and she» purred, so affectionately that it been impossible not to,


    ,in her good intentions «. She has no interest in the politics of the farm, and
  11. Understanding, and interpretation of the prevailing evidence, I tentatively,


    ,that ….» For instance, when one says,» I


    that Lee Harvey Oswald
  12. Malinda von Maseru,» I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I,


    ,that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising
  13. Originate from how people view the world rather than how they act in it. » We,


    ,that the ability to perceive other people’s actions as meaningful is critical
  14. Evidence, I tentatively


    that ….» For instance, when one says,» I,


    ,that Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy,» one is not asserting an absolute
  15. Intelligence chief Mullah Sale and opposition leader Dr. Abdullah),


    , that Karma plans to appease the insurgents’ senior leadership at the cost of
  16. Be explained, it forces people into a crucial test of faith: either we must,


    ,everything or we must deny everything, and who, Paneloux asks, could bear to do
  17. Is an unprovable assertion within the scope of that theory. It is reasonable to,


    ,in the consistency of Piano arithmetic because it is satisfied by the system of
  18. Actually happened more gradually than ancient Egyptian writers would have us,


    , and there is no contemporary record of Menes. Some scholars now

  19. Book is «. In his letter to Orwell, he predicted: Within the next generation I,


    ,that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and
  20. Of dollars in royalties and taxes every year for the next 100 years. Analysts,


    ,that if the Afghan state was to generate even $10 billion per year from its
  21. Accepted Standard as their new king and praised him. Some literature critiques,


    ,that this change in the reputation was due to the use of a specific source by
  22. And bears Atatürk’s advice to his people:» Turk! Be proud, work hard, and,


    , in yourself. » The monument was depicted on the reverse of the Turkish 5 lira
  23. Of a Christian’s faith, since it requires him either to deny everything or,


    ,everything. He urges the congregation not to give up the struggle but to do
  24. Or angrily to those who disagreed with her. However, some former FBI students,


    ,the extent of these behaviors has been exaggerated, with the problem being
  25. From areal interaction between the language groups concerned. Some linguists,


    ,the case for either interpretation is about equally strong; they have been
  26. Flu, as Borman thought, or a reaction to the sleeping pill. Researchers now,


    ,that he was suffering from space adaptation syndrome, which affects about a
  27. Deaths. Smallpox was probably the greatest killer. In fact, some historians,


    ,that the psychological stress of slavery may also have played a part in the
  28. Does not do it for any grand, religious purpose, like Panel (Room does not,


    ,in God),or as part of a high-minded moral code, like Narrow. He is a
  29. Are occupied by the widespread Inuit people. Colonization Some researchers,


    ,that the first Russian settlement in Alaska was established in 17th century.
  30. Later graduated (B. A.) with first class honors. His brother Julian wrote, I,


    , his blindness was a blessing in disguise. For one thing, it put paid to his
  31. Of the stern Jesuit priest, Father Panel. While the other main characters,


    ,there is no rational explanation for the outbreak of plague, Paneloux


  32. A curse that she could only see the future tragedies and that no one would ever,


    ,her. Coronas, daughter of Pleas, King of the Faiths, was another of Apollo
  33. By Constantine the African of Arabic medical treatises. Several authorities,


    ,that ammonium is a scribal corruption of some Arabic form; Meyerson derives
  34. It a publicity stunt while others speculated she was trying to make the police,


    ,her husband had killed her. Author Jared Made interviewed numerous witnesses
  35. Him, he tells Room, is how to become a saint, even though he does not,


    ,in God. Later in the novel, Tarrou tells Room, with whom he has become friends
  36. During a 1961 mission statement before the United States Congress:» I,


    ,that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade
  37. At the time of formation of our planetary system. Most meteorite scientists,


    ,that the energy released by the decay of 26Al was responsible for the melting
  38. Comprises its own branch of the Indo-European language family. Some scholars,


    ,that Albanian derives from Syrian while others, claim that it derives from
  39. Schedule, it may be difficult to infer which meaning was intended. Many people,


    ,that such lexically ambiguous, miscommunication-prone words should be avoided
  40. Mark’s gospel from the Bible:» A house divided against itself cannot stand. I,


    ,this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not
  41. Prestigious English filmmaker David Lean, as the producers had led Kurosawa to,


    , but the much less celebrated special effects expert, Richard Fleischer. The
  42. Replaced himself in the blankets she had wrapped him in, so Main refused to,


    ,Apollo’s claim. Zeus intervened and, claiming to have seen the events, sided
  43. Martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan and Kung Fu (although some Tai Chi schools,


    ,that their art derives from the philosophical or hygienic branches of Taoism
  44. Is doubtful. According to Francis Edwards Peters,» The Qur’an insists, Muslims,


    , and historians affirm that Muhammad and his followers worship the same God as
  45. Alkali metal (such as coprecipitating with cesium salts),which led Peary to,


    ,that it was element 87,caused by the alpha decay of actinium-227. Peary then
  46. Us


    , and there is no contemporary record of Menes. Some scholars now,


    , however, that the mythical Menes may have actually been the pharaoh Farmer
  47. View of those who do not claim to know of the existence of any deity, but still,


    ,in such an existence.;, and other philosophers see both atheism and agnosticism
  48. Of autism have developed: some in the community seek a cure, while others,


    ,that autism is simply another way of being. Albedo (), or reflection
  49. However, since the fish-canners were unknown outside Sweden, Anderson came to,


    ,the name would work in international markets. A competition to find a suitable
  50. A path of non-violence to progress the soul to this ultimate goal. Jains,


    ,that to attain enlightenment and ultimately liberation, one must practice the

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy


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believe (v): to think that something is true, correct, or real

Use “believe” in a sentence

I firmly believe that your time will come.
I’m innocent, please believe me!
Do you believe in magic?
Don’t believe the media.
We believe in the power of prayer.
Previously people believed the earth was flat .
Give me one reason why I should believe you.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.
I truly believe you can do it.
Do you believe 13 is an unlucky number?
Do you believe in the existence of God?
Faith is to believe what you do not see.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

1, Miracels are to those who believe in them. 

2, Believe no tales from the enemy. 

3, Believe somebody on his bare word. 

4, Who are ready to believe are easy to deceive. 

5, We soon believe what we desire. 

6, You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success. 

7, I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 

8, How shall I do to love? BelieveHow shall I do to believe? Love. 

9, Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. 

10, You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of sucess. 

11, Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money. 

12, Since a politician never believes what he says, he is surprised when others believe him. Charles de Gaulle 

13, Don’t believe that winning is really everything. It’s more important to stand for something. If you don’t stand for something, what do you win? 

14, Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 

15, I believe the first test of truly great man is his humility. 

16, They believe that God created the world.

17, I can’t believe it of him.

18, I don’t believe in ghosts, do you?

19, Atheists do not believe in God.

20, They believe that voters can be easily manipulated.

21, I believe that every person is born with talent.

22, You’re not seriously expecting me to believe that?

23, You shouldn’t believe everything you read.

24, Believe is one kind of love.

25, You have to believe in yourself .

26, They believe it is essential to defy convention.

27, I believe he has started reading up anthropology.

28, The story was too grotesque to believe.

29, The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed,[] but that he cannot believe anyone else. 

30, Do not all you can, spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all youknow. 

If you believe you can earn a certain amount of money, then that is what you’ll have the ability to earn

I believe in practicing all that I mentioned above, but

I believe that, when

If you want to be what you want to be in your life, believe it, become it, then do what you need to do

So put it into action, believe it’s possible, and be consistent

action, believe in yourself, and be consistent

I believe the reason they are not expecting it, is because

of failing to believe God and stand on what they believe

those who believe that times of supernatural acts of God

They believe it was necessary for God to do

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» He could hardly believe he was actually discussing this with a Yingolian

The fact is that, what they believe and

manifestation in your life, what you believe and teach is

Positive statements train your brain to have the thoughts that you need in order to believe what you want to believe

There is a famous proverb that I believe to be of Chinese origin – “You are what you eat

perception many Christians have; who believe that God

” Or you could use your journal to repetitively write down what it is that you want to believe

wil never believe she cannot do it – she falls over again and again

the world may believe that thou hast sent me

«I don’t, but I believe the ‘vacated’ part of it

this as the truth, believe and practice it in my life until it

Nothing is unachievable in life, whatever you believe, you can achieve

People believe they don’t have the time

We believe every child is placed on this earth to accomplish

Age typically does not significantly diminish the need and desire for sex, that regular sexual activity is standard when a partner is available, and that most elderly believe that sex contributes to both physical and psychological health

Though he could see Herndon didn’t want to believe him

made with us [in faith that we will believe in His Son, we

Believe me Dear Reader; I was already struggling to hold on the modern world without this kind of thing happening!

· To believe that almost anything can be achieved provided one has enough will power

I’m going to focus on watching those shows and I’m going to believe that everything’s

much stress in the Consultant’s delivery when viewing the results, as if he could barely believe them himself or, more likely, that it was a

If you don’t believe that you would have the ability to effectively explain this to them, then I want you to share this book with them

He couldn’t believe she had ditched him like that

He couldn’t believe Herndon was right about her, that she had been raised only to follow Ava on the trail of that cargo

«Who else? I believe it wasn’t Ava

Some people might not believe

Some people believe water is a powerful messenger that can hold electromagnetic traces as a type of ‘memory’

I believe that

I believe this is a serious problem and

For example, some professionals believe the deterioration of motor function can be held back by regular exercise

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Travis says, smiling at his beautiful wife

I believe in having

I believe there are

you want be appreciated with how you look I believe

believe that we can be more sensitive of His presence in

I believe strongly that the days of miracles are not over

I believe in obeying our parents and that is God’s

However, one thing that I believe about God is that, He

Do not believe it when manufacturers say the toxin levels are below EPA standards

I believe that God calls everyone

“What does it do?” she asked him point blank, the look on her face clearly suggesting that she didn’t believe he knew

Heb: 11:6: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for him that cometh to God must believe that he is, and

While it is easy to understand that pests develop immunities to pesticides, I find it hard to believe that people think that they are immune to pesticides at all

The reason I do not believe in this, is because I never read

I believe this is one of the most important foundations of

I believe that, this is one of the reasons Jesus spend most

I believe in the phrase: practice makes perfect

«I believe you did,» she told him, «In some mail just a few local years ago

«I have been lead to believe that you have not been outside the region that the natives call ‘The Highlands’ if you have not been at least a thousand miles beyond the lake

And I believe in my heart that God

We usually do not provide the growing children with wisdom instead try to teach them what we know and believe in

I didn’t believe him

“I can’t believe how sharp you keep this thing,” Nancy commented as she kept her eyes locked on Scar

I don’t know if I believe that dreams are God sending us messages like my mom does, but I do think sometimes that I know things that I don’t know when I’m conscious and aware

it had been unbelievably wonderful after so many years of not daring to believe we could possibly have a future together

I’d been jumpy at first, not daring to believe it could actually happen

Serpent could not believe that this slow-witted creature could be the ruler of all, second to the angelic choir

Was she going to try and take the Chip from his house while he was at school? Johnny couldn’t believe that

He knew he had only been working with her a short time, but he trusted her enough to believe she would never try anything like that

He couldn’t believe it; there was definitely someone standing behind him on the porch

I believe she even goes to services occasionally

«Yeah, I’ve heard that one before,» he said, didn’t believe it then or now, but wasn’t going to bother getting into an argument about that with a potential customer

‘Yes, little boy … about three I believe

«I’m here to claim a crate that I believe is stored in that area,» he said to the guy sitting there, bringing out a piece of paper

He was very eager to believe it had legitimate reasons to be secret and not simply that it was stolen

He did not believe in ghosts, poltergeists, zombies or any of that and wasn’t about to

I’d been a mess when I heard about the accident, refusing to believe it was true … Dan had been great, liaising with the authorities for me and arranging for their bodies to be brought home from Spain and everything

Neither one of them could believe what the old pervert had just asked

“Do you believe that?” he asked, feeling his heart beat a thousand times

‘I’d like to believe that you are not, Mrs Wynell, but, all the same, I would be happier if …’ he lets the sentence hang, then changes direction suddenly

«I think I believe enough of what you’re saying

The mind wants to reject it and turn back time, believe in anything else except the reality it has been presented with

Believe me, when you are recovering

every breath to be under His protection, we need to believe in it

i believe that you love me and care for me as a lov-

i know and believe that my Healer is near

This principle is applied in homeopathy, where it’s believed that the more a substance is diluted the more potent it becomes

Gen: 15:6: And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness

The bible says Abraham believed God and God counted

revelation of who God is and believed in Him only

He began to think that maybe he wasn’t as charming and fun as he once believed and that maybe it was just the alcohol that made him happy

a direct result of the vague hope I had felt on hearing that the Inspector believed me …

‘What do you mean? The Inspector said he believed me

But that was what heroes did; they died defending what they believed in

‘For a while I almost believed that it was going that way

He would keep quiet about Narrulla’s Tear and believed starships might be possible, but not that they attacked

And we have known and believed the love that God

people believed that “everything is in God’s will”

It was believed that this system was originally built around 3200bc

Abraham was old, but believed God’s promise about his descendants

He believed at a time when the physical nature of things was in direct

But he believed God above all hope

“…who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the

We believed that

Sometimes even he believed the things some of the European press said about him

«He believed he was protected by his skin-art?»

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My

«Alan said that,» Glenelle said, «No one really believed him at the time

I believed that God has not changed

I was reading the Word of God (the Bible) and believed that it was

Something in me still believed the law would sort these guys out in the long run

who believed in nothing now had promised

For a brief moment we believed you, but we can’t have freedom, none of us

practiced and believed differently than what God commanded!

» Jordo wondered if Ernie really believed that or if was just bluster

Where once I had thought of the present as a logical reality, as a means of survival, I now believed that there had never really been any history

“It is not right for a woman to be stood up and accosted by every bum! No, this will not happen again!” he said pompously and I believed him

Anyway, I don’t know if the would-be groom believed me; however, we agreed to meet again two days later and go for a swim at “a nice, isolated beach in Kavouri”, as George suggested

in Acts 14:23; «And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord on whom they believed

with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed” (Acts 14:23)

“And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which they possessed was his own; but they had all things common” (Acts 4:32)

I believed then that he was trying to drop bricks into the ponds of my mind

How could we ever have believed the heroes in all those films? Who can ever die like a man? I cringed

My experience of life might seem deplorably meagre to many, but still had those moments to cherish, and I believed, sitting in the back of that van with Robbie, that I would have a life full of such joys

Arscog still believed Saggothans invented humans and they had spread to YingolNeerie in the energy age

In her soul, she really believed that she had reproduced because she had copied most of her own neural simulation across

He believed in God, and it was attributed to him as righteousness

But we read later that Abram’s father believed in Jehovah

She believed he had left it in the woods to be devoured and could not forgive him for that, even though it could never have survived

four years, reclaim a part of my brain that was believed

«Whether they believed him or not, the technology he knows is real,» Alfred said

One question would be, if there weren’t any farmers in Jerusalem, then where did they get their food? It is believed that in the time of Jesus, 80 or 90 percent of the people of Israel were (or were at some point) some sort of farmer/fisherman/agricultural worker

They believed it was a sign of things to come

She went back to deeper shade where there was less brush and followed that abandoned road toward what she believed was the southeast according to Kortrax’s height and direction

They all knew, believed with total conviction, that they were destined for something great

Alan didn’t want them relating the starship part, no one believed it anyway, but they were spellbound by the wilderness part

He defended the integrity of the village and believed its unique traditions were its strengths

He believed the exploitation of its heritage would bring the extinction of this integrity but some have other ideas

I believed that the powerful mind readers of the world, top-Scientologists, psychics, spies for the FBI and all organizations had their eyes on me now and could all hear this

She then pulled away and I gave her a knowing nod because I believed it was an act, a decoy

Other times I believed my mother was the red-head girl I had liked

This is a believed theory in Scientology that when the soul is on its own, out of the body, all it has to do is think and it can be anywhere due to thought travel

«I’m not sure she even believed you,» Desa said

‘I don’t know – I don’t even know who he really is … I believed he was my sister’s son, but I don’t have a sister … it was all part of the brainwashing I had when I went across

That meant there were a lot more condensates than previously believed

More of the helium in the universe had to be in this state than was previously believed, and even all the helium in the universe couldn’t account for all of it

For a while he believed them when they said they would do lunch very soon, but the phone never rang

If they believed she really cared for him, they could control her thru him

Ava tried to pretend she was sure it was him, but Alan wasn’t so sure she really believed that

I’ve always believed the idea came from Earth

«You’d never have believed that Chazza was just like you once upon a time

Living with Nigel had been so very non-normal in the last years, naturally, I believed all he told me – you trust the man you marry … that he could deliberately try to twist my mind is something I still do not understand, and probably never shall, but I have survived it and that is to be celebrated

Whether stood at the bar or on the balcony overlooking the dance floor, he believed that he could classify girls into a number of different types

You see, a good part of my life has been shared with a crazy Greek musician who told me time and again that stars shone in my eyes and I believed him every time

I swear I believed everything that Kaliantikos had said

Despite his apparently uncaring treatment of her the previous day, Annie still firmly believed that her brother loved her and that he would, in time, learn to engage with the world in a more constructive way now that he was the effective head of the household

I wasn’t sure if Omi really believed in what he said, or if he was revising lessons

Because no one believed in the instrumentation, none of them wanted to report what he had found

Unfortunately he believed what he saw on television and I’m rather afraid that he watched a little too much of the Antiques Roadshow

Scathers seemed to be frightened — if that could be believed

Somehow our grandfathers believed in cement more than the new mall

He sincerely believed he was lucky to get away with his life

kids on the streets, Harry still believed in doing the right thing and

He still believed Al-Harron was on its way to 61 Cygni

It was believed that the organs themselves

If no one from any other universe disturbed her, she could be totally convinced she was in the heaven she believed in while she was really in a processing node back in the League

She had been exercising, though that did nothing for a personification, Glayet believed if did something for the soul

believed she was fine with his absence

She claimed she knew for a fact that Ogatu were not as the Elders said and so believed that perhaps they had lied about the humans also

He stressed that he believed her to be sincere

Only one of her daughters believed as she did, and in time Myra told her what she had done

It was then Myra learned of a small group of females who believed nothing of what the Elders said, and were fast rebelling against them

whatever I believed I could do, as long as I was grateful

“He thinks his mother was taken into the league and set up in the universe she believed in

Back then it was believed that the tonsils were

they know being believed

For a while he believed them when they said they

If she said Baby wouldn’t harm anyone, then she believed her

«You’d never have believed that Chazza was just

The cynical say they bowed only to the power of gold, but in this day and age most of the people here believed the Goddess of nature was real and many attended celebrations

bar or on the balcony overlooking the dance floor, he believed that

day, Annie still firmly believed that her brother loved her and that

Unfortunately he believed what he saw on television

had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had

they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken

unlimited amounts of money,” than that’s what your brain believes

I have this friend who believes that we always meet the same people in every lifetime

For the record, the Invisible Gardener believes that the secretary should ban each of these practices:

The Order of the Wolfians, as its members call themselves, believes that Blitzer is actually the original and purest vampire

Aldman believes there is a clue in their mantra: “We are with you in the Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer

“What is beautiful about my father is that he believes everything on that label,” says Ralph, who says that way back when, he suggested his father’s soap — of which the uses range from shampoo to toothpaste, laundry cleaner to bug repellent, and plant cleaner to body message (though customers swear there are hundreds more uses) -something catchy like ‘Mint Glow’

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all

gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not

believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever

9:23), who believes the One Who is Almighty

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I

whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life

but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have

«Ava believes that the base universe contains a huge and ancient human civilization that was given an immense technological boost by whatever third party brought humans here sometime during Earth’s last ice age

She has a signal from the ground, that is how she believes that signal is generated

I fear the council believes they can make Moamar an Ayatollah, he would then outrank the Haadij

Raincoat: If you are wearing a raincoat while it is raining, there is no need to worry; nobody believes certain gossip about you

He believes that Jesus is actually able to raise a girl from the dead

«I’ll be drinking to the day my captain told off a starship captain til the last keg runs dry,» was what someone said later that night, «And I’ll never give a shit if anyone ever believes it

rough roads that she believes will lead her

upon the hour hand, believes that doing this

Jake believes that this was around the time of the great flood

I think that every parent believes in a reflection of themselves through their child, but this wasn’t the best mirror image, although no one could be blamed directly

You’re just the poor sap who believes him

“I had her investigate the girl thoroughly my Queen; she believes with certainty that the young girl is totally unaware that she is being used for nefarious purposes

He seriously believes he wasn’t giving anything away by doing that

“This is all a hack, or these dark bodies do contain the heaven your mother believes in

She is very frightened, given her conditioning, but she firmly believes that there is a chance to end this war with your world

He firmly believes that he, and he alone, is the rightful ruler of Aura

You know what he is like; what he believes about ‘outsiders’; he will never accept her, or the test

There was a guy who was interested in her but she states quite clearly that she believes he would turn from her in horror if he knew what she was

She believes it was Matai, because she saw the buckle on his belt; and we all know Matai has a silver winged one on his belt buckle

“It was touch and go for awhile,” he answered, “but the physician believes he is strong and will make it

I don’t think Koruki really believes in starships and quantum physics

She believes in the Goddess of Life, she believes the year 2384 exists, but she calls it 5713 and calls this 1680

I, the founder of Christian Satanism, who has authored it, believes in a sacred rule

Rital could not find out who the traitor was, but, since the plans were very detailed, he believes it has to be someone high in our government

Believes thou this?

She is a woman and, fragile as she may seem, she has power over men, and she believes she can make that count

He believes you cannot be trusted knowing the whereabouts of this door

The proximity of death has, Ted believes, made things that much more simple, especially where Billy is concerned

Billy believes in the song and the melody

The McCoists? For a fleeting second she believes it, but then the simple truth comes bursting through

‘And he believes it to be in Troyes?’

‘And the spy in Troyes believes that Guichard knew

‘And Henri believes that you are the most insightful

‘No-one believes for a moment that either

God has a plan and you are it, and He believes you will be

who knows their God and believes their God will see the greater

Or, we can focus our resources on the problem at hand, which, the Order believes, is the presence of the undeath in our world at this very moment,» Nicola said, wiping her eye with the sleeve of her white robe

Though he believes the only way to stop this infection is to eliminate the source

I think he finally believes me,» she pointed to Klowa, «since they tried to kill him

For some reason, everyone believes that you’re at the center of it

‘He truly believes he’s being directed by Saint

«Because it believes it is me,» she said, adding as little detail as possible

The Brigadier believes that too much focus on intellectual pursuits will be damaging to their development as soldiers

He believes in the power of simplicity and that the system should only do what the user asks for

She believes that our efforts to influence the decisions made by her expedition were successful

She believes in handling her slaves exactly as a drover treats his

That man you see as a monster, others see him as a hero ready to die for a cause he believes in

everyone believes that he has secured a wealth

believes in Him shall not perish (Gk: apollumi; be destroyed), but have

In fact, he believes it to be an omen of sorts

He believes the gods are trying to communicate with him

“He’s had some stupid dream that he’s forgotten and he believes that it was an important communication from the gods

He believes he can resolve the king’s dilemma

that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life

Whoever believes in Him shall not perish,

whoever believes in Him shall not

My patron Aetes believes that females are bad luck at sea

Realizing that you can’t separate some of your thoughts and imagination of yourself that believes in fear and loneliness

In particular, he believes Marmite may prove especially useful in outer space, where no one will be able to smell it

It believes that the only way to be happy is for something to happen that causes happiness

The realist believes

If she believes this search is as important as you think, she can make it happen

levels of success because she believes that it is morally

‘So my protector and saviour still believes he has complete control of my destiny?’ Torbin said, forcing a calmness into his voice

No one believes anymore

However, gods have no power when no one believes in them anymore

Now it was more like the Torbin part of him/them was a child’s memory: the child will always be a part of the adult, can inform the adult’s beliefs and actions, but the adult never believes that child side is the executive

Can one really take a relativistic stance with confidence, when it comes to anything for which proof exists, contrary to that in which one believes? If the Bible tells us that we are eternal beings and our choices today affect our relationship with our Creator and that our eternity depends on the choices we make while we are alive on Earth, should we not pay attention to what is said in a document that comes from Someone who holds the world’s past, present and future in his hands? If this Person is intimately involved with you, having given you your body and having created your soul and spirit within you which will never die, who is with you every second of every day of your life and says that He knows you better than you know yourself, who even knows how many hairs you have on your head at any time of your life; should we not listen to him if he states that he loves us and wants to be in a relationship with us? If the information within the pages of this hyper-dimensional document paints a defined picture of the wonderful gift that God has given us

The creative power of God resides in the mouth of every believer that believes in the authority of His word

I think he believes you’re his mother

“I am so sorry Cpl Lamb that it has come to this there is no one in the Battalion who believes it is true

This is a guy who believes that the green bubble is successfully created once you ask for her phone number the right way

“Taking us to Chastity because she believes it’s the best way to go,” N’robo said

‘Please consider this notion,’ he said, ‘Gerrid believes he has a destiny to fulfill, which is to finish what he has begun

“Because the enforcer bitch believes that story doesn’t make it so,” Sicarius said coolly

�It believes my finger is a teat,� said the farmer�s wife

“I see a woman who stands up for what she believes in

A mind‘s pre-conceived designs oftentimes determine what an individual sees, thinks or feels or believes he or she sees, thinks or feels or what he or she may wish to see, think or feel

Often times the person will raise issues on why she believes your point of view is wrong

Yet the servant who truly believes

You must be consistent in your approach and in your values, believes and practices

Who has knowledge of The Most High, and believes

There is a group of experts who believes that the «green activists» should be classified as the sixth group since many of their activities is terrorism or borderline-terrorism

It is a meaningless hodgepodge of (disconnected) images that courts subconscious impressions and private interpretations of what an observer believes he or she sees or tries to see or believes is seen that is oftentimes something other than what is actually seen; that is to say, it indulges an uncertain mood at an uncertain moment of consciousness that produces an uncertain effect on the mind

like believing that times of signs and wonders are over

I will not stop believing in the manifestation of God’s

Keep believing in the

just believing with his/her heart that God raise Jesus from

only way to be saved is through believing in the

require believing in supernatural acts of God, that means

Keep believing and expecting the supernatural acts of

Similarly they should praise within limits and definitely not in such a way that the child stops believing you

Jewish leaders called the speech “a step backward” and were disappointed by the Vatican’s anti-Semitism, believing that this speech will cause some Jews to close dialogue with the Catholic Church

Before going back to Errd, she gave you up for adoption, believing it the best course for you

A lot of parents grew up believing that love is tough

What is the outcome of such beliefs? What are the practical implications of believing in a trinity instead of a monotheistic god? It is my belief and conclusion that God is only represented fully – even if we want to say that the cross is His core character – only when we can embrace this view of the trinity

believing that was the end of my life

Is it possible that Onesimus heard the stories of Paul, heard messages of God’s grace, mercy, and love, and heard his master speaking so highly of this Jesus, but didn’t see the reality in his life? Is it possible that Philemon was a phenomenal example of what Christianity is supposed to be, but when it came to his slaves he somehow treated them with contempt? Was Onesimus believing the words spoken, but having difficultly finding the reality of them?

‘Then let’s fool the Antis into believing that we have all four Elements and, once they have been convinced, we can find a reason for Lintze to visit the area and retrieve the Element safely

We have to know the truth, are these state changes conducting information or just random noise like energy produces? Or was Thom doing just what he had done, generating a false universe and pretending it is real data? Or was he generating a false universe and believing it was real data? Without understanding how those signals actually originated, there was no way to tell

The Filipino maid, however, believing in ghosts and witches, made a mental note to keep watch the very next night

He has made it very clear that he doesn’t care for convenient little compromises and political deals, believing absolutely that a spade should be called a shovel

We must have hit another of those fallen trees … the first time had me in a flat panic believing the vessel was sinking! Boy, had I felt a fool!

Of course, now we have a generation who have no concept of church at all and trying to frame services which are accessible to them whilst at the same time meeting the needs of the believing congregation is very difficult

’ She said, withdrawing into the hall clearly believing that Jake’s ‘in a moment’ means soon

She giggles at that, clearly not believing me – she’ll learn!

Ken smiled and nodded his approval, believing in some uncharted way that Lucy was entirely correct in her assumption

But you have started believing in God?’ Mama

Negativity appears in life solely because of believing, attaching, resisting

She had seen him go from a televangelist, believing in electronics as the way to spread the word, to a true believer in this Afterlife as the true word of God as promised in Revelation

his approval, believing in some uncharted way that Lucy was

‘I stopped believing in all that stuff a long

She listened to the story as attentively as she could, believing his version of it much more than Enjteen’s

Whatever her mother might say, he would have trouble believing that Chrissie was a whore … and not just because of how vulnerable she looked

He had done it repeatedly, even believing the soul in the body was really not Tdeshi

“Monica, you’re a little bit old to still be believing in monsters under the bed!” Her father said sternly

It had been a tough life for her, but she was more fearful of believing the warning

What if there‘s something out there that‘s a lot weirder and cooler than all these things you‘ve tricked yourself into believing in? You could find those things, Sunil

The human subject attributes to this eye incredible power, believing that its presence is proof of an evil conspiracy,”

’ Fully believing it was a

believing you will receive

Palace (they weren’t interested – believing they’d seen

She was about to attempt the latter, believing the tower to be vacant, when she saw a pair of conical helms slowly poke up from the tower’s knee-wall

clearly believing that someone who could both read and

He certainly wanted to believe it and his body probably would have had him believing it if he wasn’t in the business

speaks in tongues as she walks down the aisles, believing God

intent that Israel come back to the truth by believing in the

It seems accordingly to have done so ; and there is some reason for believing that, at least in the London market, the price of butcher’s meat, in proportion to the price of bread, is a good deal lower in the present times than it was in the beginning of the last century

followed reluctantly, not really believing that devils were

There are, besides, other reasons for believing that, in the beginning of the fourteenth century, and for some time before, the common price of wheat was not less than four ounces of silver the quarter, and that of other grain in proportion

not quite believing what he was seeing

believing in the Sun god

According to his religious beliefs, he could feel a saint and a martyr, believing that his actions will earn him and his family a blissful life in heaven while his loved ones will have their material needs met during all their lives

“Sir?” I said, hardly believing that he had not heard a thing

Believing with absolute certainty is a giant

This would have to be known before hand; as the Unsuspecting “messiah” believing themselves

Believing the wound mortal, Clemon raced with fury at the archer

Think: A story about thinking and believing

They must tolerate his presence, believing that the Goddess inhabited this lunatic

A part of him liked to think that it was his parents’ spirits trying to encourage him and show support, yet he couldn’t fool himself into believing that truly

«Y-You what?» Kelia had trouble believing what she had heard

Hour after hour, I sit believing this will be my last night on the earth… And yet, I feel wondrously fortunate to spend it with you

Victory comes in believing

Knowing and believing that happiness is natural to you and that you do not have to do anything to be happy is a rare thing

Deacon Jones: Yes, but that doesn’t stop me from believing in God

Getting back in touch with the Self is not a matter of simply learning about and believing in the Self

The Dragon Claw is very well known, with the Chinese believing that this style

stylist is very relaxed, believing that the energy of the opponent can be used

into believing they were free moral agents

patterns of thinking, believing and feeling

my intention in believing that thing or idea?

believing, thinking, feeling on purpose with specific

for me to ask, “What is your intention in believing that?”

any intent in believing in that? Why do you feel the way

In today’s world, believing that things happen for no

Then I told her of Joseph, and he not believing

The Jews, on the other hand, reject this notion and they feel that Christians are mistaken in believing that Jesus is Israel’s Messiah and that passages in the Old Testament actually refer to Israel itself, whereas Christians would see those as references to Jesus Christ

I thanked him not believing it was true

He had finally stopped believing in any of that religious stuff himself shortly after leaving the orphanage

He knew it was stupid believing in

My mouth was now wide open and I looked like a demented codfish I watched not believing my eyes as she came across and climbed into the bed beside me

needed, believing we have a daily part to play as the bigger picture

came out to picnic and watch the fight, believing that it might be the highlight of what was expected to be a very short war

truly believing in your faith and asking for another year of life

He had heard tales of the mad Alit’aren believing that innocent civilians were Darkservants, or that Souljhin and other demons were waiting amongst the shadows when the sane men were certain there was nothing there

We put up a fight, believing freedom of speech was too important to be allowed to die

That was where Armion played his part, sending the codes that fooled the system into believing authority override had been given

I suppose I should apologize for not believing in the concept/doctrine, but truth is, I mean: neither am I a cannibal nor a vampire

She had allowed his lack of emotion to lull her into believing he lacked interest as well

There was a way to recover from his predicament and save his marriage, he just had to fool Sir Craig into believing that the research had produced negative results

We started believing our own propaganda which is always fatal

‖ 3) Developing positive attitudes by believing in themselves; that is to say, having sufficient faith in one‘s self and becoming what he or she expects ―to be

No witch doctor ever publically acknowledged that their muti is worthless cr-p and accused the dead and wounded ones of not believing strongly enough

‘He did what?’ I asked incredulously, not believing what I had just been told

Emily’s question: I have a family member who is overly concerned about my well-being, and thinks I am in a religious cult for believing that The Letters From God and His Christ are the direct Word of God

As he looked around him, he realized that he had gone to sleep believing his surroundings would not have changed when he awoke, for he knew the experiences of that day were very real

Many religious ministers and school principals were part of this evil and made sure that the white folk kept believing in their cr-p for you will never find me defending Apartheid

I stood there with the Polish officer, looking but not believing

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