Use the word begin in a sentence

Learn about the meaning of “begin” and how to use it correctly in English. This article covers the different contexts and rules for using “begin,” as well as provides 30 example sentences to help you practice using it effectively.

Use Begin in a Sentence - How to use "Begin" in a sentence

Definition of Begin

Begin” is a verb that means to start or initiate an action or process. It can refer to the start of something new or the resumption of something that has been interrupted or delayed. “Begin” can be used in various contexts, such as beginning a new project, beginning a conversation, beginning a journey, or beginning a game. It is often used interchangeably with words like start, commence, initiate, launch, or kick off.

How is “Begin” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Begin”?

“Begin” is used in English as a verb to indicate the start or initiation of an action or process. Here are some common ways it is used:

  1. To indicate the start of an action or process: “Let’s begin the meeting” or “I will begin my project tomorrow.”
  2. To indicate the start of a conversation or discussion: “Let me begin by introducing myself” or “I’d like to begin by asking you a question.”
  3. To indicate the start of an event or occasion: “The concert will begin at 7 pm” or “The school year will begin in September.”
  4. To indicate the start of a relationship or friendship: “We began dating last year” or “We began as colleagues, but now we’re good friends.”

When using “begin,” it is important to remember to use the correct verb tense and subject-verb agreement. For example, “I will begin” uses the future tense, while “I began” uses the past tense. Additionally, the verb should be conjugated correctly to agree with the subject, such as “She begins” or “They begin.”

How to use the word Begin in a sentence?

Here are 30 sample sentences using the word “begin”:

  1. Let’s begin the project with a brainstorming session.
  2. I will begin my workout routine tomorrow.
  3. We will begin the meeting at 10 am sharp.
  4. The concert will begin in half an hour.
  5. Can we begin the game now?
  6. The teacher will begin the lesson with a review of the previous material.
  7. I’d like to begin by thanking everyone for coming today.
  8. We need to begin the research phase before we can start designing.
  9. Let’s begin with the basics and work our way up.
  10. The ceremony will begin with a presentation of the awards.
  11. I will begin by introducing our guest speaker.
  12. We can begin the trip as soon as everyone is ready.
  13. The band will begin playing at the stroke of midnight.
  14. Let’s begin by discussing our goals for the project.
  15. The conference will begin with a keynote address.
  16. We will begin serving dinner at 6 pm.
  17. I always begin my day with a cup of coffee.
  18. We need to begin the recruitment process soon.
  19. Let’s begin with a warm-up exercise before we start the workout.
  20. The movie will begin in five minutes.
  21. Can we begin the presentation now?
  22. The museum tour will begin in the lobby.
  23. We should begin by identifying the main issues we need to address.
  24. The semester will begin next week.
  25. I will begin my new job in two weeks.
  26. Let’s begin by reviewing the agenda for the meeting.
  27. The dance performance will begin with a solo act.
  28. We need to begin preparing for the exam early.
  29. Let’s begin with a quick icebreaker activity to get to know each other.
  30. The construction of the building will begin next month.

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Synonym: commence, start, take off. Antonym: conclude, end, finish. Similar words: begin with, to begin with, at the beginning, at the beginning of, beg, be good at, legit, regime. Meaning: [bɪ’gɪn]  n. Israeli statesman (born in Russia) who (as prime minister of Israel) negotiated a peace treaty with Anwar Sadat (then the president of Egypt) (1913-1992). v. 1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action 2. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense 3. set in motion, cause to start 4. begin to speak or say 5. be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series 6. have a beginning, of a temporal event 7. have a beginning characterized in some specified way 8. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object 9. achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative 10. begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language. 

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1. All great truths begin as blasphemise. 

2. Good to begin well, better to end well. 

3. Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 

4. A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. 

5. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 

6. If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 

7. Liars begin by imposing upon others but end by deceiving themselves. 

8. Major restoration work will begin in May.

9. Sir, is it time to begin?

10. Campaigning will begin in earnest tomorrow.

11. What time does it begin?

12. The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.

13. As everybody’s here, let’s begin.

14. Ladies and gentlemen,[Sentencedict] it is time to begin.

15. Today, forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again.

16. Begin at question 1 and answer all the questions.

17. Food shipments could begin in a matter of weeks.

18. The classes begin and end at fixed times.

19. When will you begin recruiting?

20. They begin breakfast at seven.

21. Our business hours begin at eleven.

22. First I need your hand[], then forever can begin.

23. If everyone is ready, I’ll begin.

24. Let’s begin at page 9.

25. Their trial will shortly begin.

26. Begin when I give the command.

27. We begin on a new job today.

28. Older cars will begin to rust.

29. Disease, enemy, and debt —these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow. 

30. He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin

More similar words: begin with, to begin with, at the beginning, at the beginning of, beg, be good at, legit, regime, region, dig in, register, regional, drag in, engine, margin, origin, strategic, coming in, bring in, legitimate, legislator, engineer, managing, emerging, legislature, legislative, legislation, originally, debugging, encouraging. 

  • Use the word Begin in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We begin attacking at 5 a.m. Sharp. And we’ll go by way…

As I said, Russians begin by their complex 331, south of Saratov.

Ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate McKinley’s tricentennial… the fireworks extravaganza will begin shortly.

If you know 1/1000th of a second… you can begin to believe that you see things in that split second.

And if you believe it, you’ll begin to see it.

People become back creators, they cultivate the plant from the begin to the end, they consume it, they keep the seed to reproduce it.

Tomorrow, your missions begin.

Ladies and gentlemen… we’re about to begin phase two of our evil project… or is it phase— I don’t know phases.

Frau… begin the countdown.

begin the countdown at thirty.

begin «laser…» ignition sequence.

Let’s begin with Scott Evil.

«The dances will soon begin

«Alas! instead I must begin to live again!» Charles Gu├®rin

«Because of you, my son, I wanted to begin life anew, now I see you as a corpse»

They can die to the world, die to the dark sea and begin to live again in the light.

When it touches the ground, the contest will begin.

The congratulations shall begin only when the King arrives at the castle.

Tomorrow we will begin serving our new master.»

I begin to realize, terribly clearly…

«Let her suffering begin so that we might put an end to the harshness of her heart.»

And now: let the game begin!

Let the festival of spring in Troy begin.

When a big party ends, small parties begin.

and then you will be able to begin a new page

Let the triple battle begin, King Gunther!

The poet, Ana, is engaged to begin immediately as my secretary.

«Voila, the play can begin

«Once she has this little golden chain in the house she will begin to feel the devil’s power!»

«When will you finally begin to write your unfinished works?»

Those present begin this day, Novinska Sophie’s birthday, singing the anthem of independence, which was prohibited by the Russian governor under penalty of imprisonment

Put a little red ink in front of the old Sarge… and he’ll begin to chat like Laura Jean Libbey.

We, William, Emperor and King, announce that Germany is forced to begin an offensive.

I can’t begin to thank you.

To that hour you begin to work?

You’re not much to begin with, but I’ll do my best.

Whenever I get more than three or four families within a hundred mile of me, I begin to feel kind of crowded.

# Give me your card, I’ll make a house call # I am the man who can do anything, don’t begin anything without me

# Give me your card, I’ll make a house call. # I am the man who can do anything, don’t begin anything without me

# Give me your card, I’ll make a house call, # I am the man who can go anything, don’t begin without me

Well, to begin with, we’ll get up every morning with the sun.

Edna Druce comes to supper, they both have a drop too much and begin quarreling about some man.

Yes. I wish I knew where to begin.

Sir John didn’t know where to begin, Ted.

Well, shall we begin, sir John?

«But I’m for the beach, not the water,» she said and began backing out

Afternoonday began delightfully warm, as warm as any week in mid summer

Abraham began his

He began to think it was a long time that Venna had been gone

This book began as a form of catharsis but was never intended to be

Luke: 7:38: And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with

Luke: 7:49: And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, who is this that forgive sins also?

Before she could open her mouth with a good excuse, the old man began rambling again

2Chl: 31:21: And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the

She had used that knowledge to approach him very gradually when their affair began

But then James’s body began changing again

The pain in her leg began to surface as sharp needles escaping from her leg

Ackers started typing on the keyboard and maps began appearing on the screen

She sat at the table, he sat at the counter and began frying some eggs

His glasses began fogging up and he had to wipe them several times so he could see

Herndon frowned and began to look around more of the house

He began to wonder about these fragile girls in the window

began with an A

he even began to talk about plans for the future

“No…” the slow one began, eyes wide with revelation

He began to think that maybe he wasn’t as charming and fun as he once believed and that maybe it was just the alcohol that made him happy

The insects spread tiny wings and began to bite Haques on the arms

She remembered Alan telling Glenelle how close to nature he felt when he lit a fire, that was when he began to hope that he could survive on this planet

The entire mob began to weep violently, adding saltwater tears to the beach

That is, until the rifle began to drip

He spun around and began to interrogate her angel sister

In his head, Topher began counting in multiples of sixes, as he always did to calm himself down

The mother land has known the secrets of the ocean since time itself began

the truth, and with that admission the last of his strength began to drip away

After a mile or so, David began to lose all feeling in his feet and hands

through the soft snow, and David began to doubt whether he had the strength to make

with eyes locked in their own soul-deep and soundless embrace, the couple began to

importantly, they began to wonder about love

That, and the much more productive Elven agriculture allowed them to over-run the Trolls by weight of numbers even before modern times began

union, until, just as they began the last violent thrusts of fire rimmed ardour, just as

Churchill if memory serves, but for me that was the year that my life began

Travis began to extricate himself from his mother

many ways, and that is how the nightmares began

He could watch her face as she began to really understand

Travis began to came out of his daze on floor

The big man began to shuffle around the counter and squeeze through the small entrance into the reception area

She began to laugh, quietly at first but with every tremor, with every rib

We were spending time in these prayers, and unbelievable things began

A different life began in their family

ning, was baptized by the Holy Spirit, began speaking in tongues

But instead Tahlmute began with, «You know what I’ve always wondered?»

He began speeding along the hard shoulder to the left of the tailed back traffic, oblivious to the angry stares of other motorists

In a moment the glow began to abate

When I recovered, I began looking for those to whom I could be a

And suddenly she began to snore

His eyes began to mist over again

He began to choke up

He began to count out the bills

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with

began to inch upwards until, with the tailgate at seventy-five degrees, the little man

And they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit

he began, as he always did in such circumstances, to count the tufts in the grey and

What chance there was any air left in the cylinders was beyond her, but one of them began to actually restore atmosphere

ages ago, back when the apes crawled out of the trees and first began to name the

before he began teaching

September’s clarion call to looming winter began to gnaw at the flesh on her

our diseases and began proclaiming that truth, freedom came into our

but it was the devil who tried to steal our health, we began to use our

He put his face into his hands and began to shake

and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it

Travis didn’t look convinced, but he took out a note pad and began to jot down a map with a Biro

Theo’s heart began to race as he watched the lines fill out into a definite location

Soon I began to realize that it was getting darker

Melinda drove for nearly two hours, going far up into the Dublin mountains until her fuel gauge began to get low and then returned to her flat in the Dublin suburbs

‘Hey Belinda,’ it began

The jacket shoulder linings cut into my armpits and began to split

Why not use the NatSurv? Ever since the war began, the national surveillance program had become quite extensive

steps towards origin, and in thinking, even on a universal scale, Smith began to

Will’s chin began to tremble

until it began to dawn on Smith that there was simply no way to settle on a universal

A tall young security guard ran his hand-held detector over him and then reached asked Joshua to raise his arms when the device began to whine

Leonora had been wandering aimlessly around town, and not happily, but it wasn’t until she found herself directed back towards the Burger Joint that she really began to wonder about it

This is how the heavens broke forth into starlight, how the suns began to burn

Suddenly her face began to shine! It was

My breathing began to close in and the room started to turn

As a result I began to

From behind the columns of the flanking courtyards, the men of the crew began to emerge, dressed in white, coifed with heavy turbans, long black beards down their chests, long sideburns on their shoulders

’ I began, watching her face

The Al-Harron’s construction began in 2354 when reports of Brazil’s discovery in this system began to come in

Al-Harron was launched in 2374 as soon as Brasil began production of Satan’s virus

Happiness began to flourish among the nations of the

» His eyes began to wander to the stars out the top of the dome

Sunsets at Suza had been recorded photographically since the year began with a ‘1’

The Haadij began with a summary military report

This is how the routine began

People got used to seeing us together, and began to treat us as a couple, so we sort of drifted into a relationship

What the fuck does this mean, I thought? And so began another day in darkness

Congregation after congregation have waited too long before treatment is began

I ate regularly and began to feel stronger I began to reassert some order and clarity in my thinking

Bahkmar threw that out as impossible and began a new line of investigation

citizen of the community, or he began the church at this location

Of course Jaseem’s mortal years had ended before Bahkmar’s began

Thus began the depression, the madness that allowed time without end to pass unnoticed here in the darkness

After welcoming me, he began to complain about “a woman who left Janus three years ago, without even explaining the reasons for leaving; she left because she couldn’t find a boyfriend, but neither away from Janus did she find a boyfriend; maybe it’s her karma, maybe its her idiosyncrasy

husbands, began appearing in the assemblies of the church unveiled

begin to describe His moral attributes which are

introduction to begin our journey with Him

You will begin to do the things that you need to do because your thoughts, based on these two words, will solidify a belief system of confidence within you

Use the MindTrax tool so that you begin

Re-word the statement in a positive way and you’ll begin to create a new habit of being optimistic

Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, although it may begin earlier in women who have had a hysterectomy

You are going to begin to

You have to begin to recognize who, what, and where you are associating to know what is

You can have the people in your life that you want to have in your life and begin to associate with other people who are moving more in the direction that you want to go in

When you focus on you, everything around you will begin to

tune you become to your intuition, based on what you want, the faster you will begin to see positive life changes happen

When they begin to ask and wonder

foundation where we build our relationship and begin

begin to build your relationship through spending time

However, when stress levels increase and become prolonged, feelings of exhaustion, debilitation and inadequacy begin to set in along with various physical side effects

You begin to glow or have

Lord… The elders and angels bow, they begin to worship

By providing them a food source, we can begin to retrain them to come for food here and to stop looking for food in the kitchen, or on the roses, etc

She finds his lips, they begin to kiss

Having found the time and the place, we shall sit down in a comfortable chair and begin to meditate

Therefore, we will do no more than see that our breathing is quiet and regular, and will then withdraw our thoughts from the body altogether and begin the work of concentration

When the planet’s forests deplete the soils of nutrients, they begin to die off, releasing their stored carbon into the atmosphere

To begin with this living being is totally free of all constraints

To begin with, the meaning of a word varies according to what part of speech it is

can’t even begin to imagine is that

Bush snaps his fingers and the waves begin again, a gentle breeze blows

Travis closed his eyes and waited for the pain to begin

low and hazy to begin with but building slowly and surely to the point where Cat

They begin to look around

The teachers begin to stir, look about

They begin checking the undercarriages of the trucks with mirrors on long poles

One jumps inside, begin shouting almost immediately in Arabic

We begin to believe

Faith does not begin with what we can see or feel

She felt the magic in the air begin to waver

Not all tales of creation begin with the action or thought of some vaguely

You begin to hear the voice of God from within you

A minute or so later she received the data and forwarded it to Kandhi’s You, with commands to begin the sweep and report on contact

The effects of bell shaped flower begin to cease, the mind of

Since all souls personifications had to be evaluated to supply the eyestream of the first, Bahkmar was forced to drop the eye-stream by another clock, and when it gets two clocks behind, souls begin to notice that the universe they see and the universe they feel are out of phase

He walks home with me after most rehearsals after this, and, as we work on Act 1 of the play, I begin to look forward to seeing him

to please encourage our young men (even teens) to begin early to prepare for their role in the leadership of the church

Some kind of lecture is about to begin in there

Have your say in the business meeting but do it in love When emotions begin to take precedent over reason and (God’s truth) then the business meeting can turn into a

«The seedship part of the mission does not begin until the anti-aging virus is avenged, that is in the Haad License and I will call the council to witness it

As I begin to write this chapter, I owe to Tom Thomas for the patience he had in me to

» It is too late! They had waited too long to begin the cure

If as it happens so many times, he/they own the property, begin a new congregation

At that point I begin to quit on Themis

“Why do you begin with negativity?” he exclaimed at once happily

” (at that point I begin to suspect he means me) “She has asked to return to Janus lately, I accepted, but I know she will leave again soon; nevertheless, I am not going to take her back for a second time, I won’t allow such a disciple to come back

Obliterate that and then claim some land for themselves, plant their seed and begin their advance across the planet, as they had done across Asia in the preceding centuries

This afternoon I tried to begin a conversation regarding the necessity of human communication, but she interrupted me abruptly:

As we walk around the Acropolis, I begin a conversation that is hopefully a start of a new, candid relationship with my son, «Apollo, I realize you are aware why Seth and the other members of the Corsair will be here tomorrow

The ceremony is finally set to begin and I have taken my place at the seat in the center of the square, with Nathan standing by my side

He just lies there, crumpled in his bed and tears begin to fall on the sheets as he cries

I opened my eyes and saw Robbie begin to arc his boot towards my chest

When we can begin to comprehend the magnanimity of these implications, we suddenly are transformed into a whole new type of believer

She felt the magic in the air begin to waver around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled tarmacadamed floor amongst the grasses and the starry sky

Then, begin fantasizing and visualizing what it is your heart

begin intuitively drawing out another approach? Calling in a

Begin replacing negative emotional charges and negative

We begin with “I am”

you begin practicing the art of allowing and co-‐creating with

I cannot begin to be exhaustive on such a subject as this

I couldn’t begin to

When Israel, the currently unbelieving, will come into that covenant, then they will begin to fulfill their ultimate purpose

It is that ultimate purpose that we will begin to describe as we continue

Decisions were made that we are not privy to, and now we begin again

‘You had a pleasant ride, Lintze?’ Wiesse asked as we begin our meal, his attempt at pretending an interest nearly oversetting me it is so forced

Soon we will begin what Jake says we have all been prepared to do

My Lady, there are no dragons in the vicinity, announced Jake, we can land safely and begin our task

Alan kicked mightily and got his left leg close enough for Desa to begin sawing at the tentacle

Before the process will begin, the surgeon explains to the patient what he can expect from

Trenst is built in a swamp, and is such a loose collection of habitation that it’s not easy to tell where the city ends and swamp-crop natives begin

Practice this stage frequently but do not prolong your efforts to the point when you begin to tire

Begin in the Lotus Pose once more but this time instead of levering yourself backwards on your elbows bend forward very slowly until your face is touching the floor

Stories begin with the small ‘b’

as a lover, but I too begin to fade,

Practice the Shoulderstand over a period of time and you will soon begin to notice a lessening of the intensity of your discomfort each month, until after a time it will cease altogether to be a problem

You both have been chosen to be the Leaders of the New Family of the Dragons of Light that will begin overseas

My spirits rising, I sit up straighter and begin to enjoy myself

From somewhere on the other side of the wall came the slow chewing and crunching of the sea and I wondered how to begin to tell him of what was to come

London boasts at least seven Interweb billionaires amongst its fabled glitterati, but not one of them can begin to measure their fortune or their white-hot technological status against that of old Jimmy Cameron, the founder, chief executive and principle shareholder of NanoGoo International

” He walked them to the entrance and watched them all begin the descent down the mountain

You can begin the conquest of your sweetheart

Among the best ways to begin signing up for the better online dating sites that have shown

«Ava has taught you a lot about her work,» Kelvin said to begin the new conversation

Try to arrive a few minutes early so that you look as though you’re eager for the date to begin

If you still think the traditional way is better, then go for it! When the pains of trail and error begin to pile up, reconsider using the online dating software, and help you avoid those painful

Statistically speaking, most women spend their twenties focusing on their lives and living for the moment, and it is not until they reach their thirties that they begin to consider marriage and

Women begin to look for the man that will be able to encourage them, to help them reach their

relationships begin, or the relationships that only last a total of months, if not weeks

life, will begin to grow exponentially and, over time, you would have turned into one of those

He could feel the love in his heart for this tiny little boy begin to build

Whenever I looked into the crowd and caught someone’s eye they’d begin muttering and nodding and pointing in my direction and it became more and more clear not just that I was in the wrong place but also that I’d sat in a chair reserved for a guest of honour yet to appear

But I had to make the sacrifice and thought that if I waited for what I expected to be toasts or dedications to begin, perhaps it would be seen, at least, as some sort of respectful gesture on my part

The crowd gave a polite cheer as two chairs were hoisted onto the table and Aristethes and his son were seen to scramble up and begin to play and sing

And he saw to it that before they left Dragons Hill to begin telling their story, they all met with Jake, and dined with Kate and Daniel

those things in the beginning, to introduce Himself to

the Lord now was beginning to manifest in His life

Have you noticed that those two part dramas beginning on Sunday

beginning He gave a man the power to rule over the

· Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off

Women face unique health issues beginning at age 50 and throughout the rest of their lives

Remember, I said in the beginning that if you just read this book, you will gain knowledge, but if you do the work, you can transform your life! This book is designed to help you in the most efficient way possible

Yorthops’ relatives, who’s house she was watching, had already returned and she was beginning to feel like a freeloader there

He hadn’t checked what kind of plane it was, but it didn’t look like anything beginning and ending with a seven

The way I see it, every stranger we meet could potentially be the beginning of a relationship

through fasting and praying one time in the beginning of

John: 2:11: This is the beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his

· It is the beginning of a new phase in life rather than a stage preparatory to death

So right from the beginning we are providing them with the wrong inputs

After a moment, the same nurse we saw at the beginning enters the room

At the beginning fifteen minutes is ample time

If this becomes a habit, we shall soon find our reactions to the affairs of life changing and that we are beginning to think the thoughts that the soul thinks

from the very beginning of the

‘Oh?’ I exclaimed beginning to see where this is going

The farmer of today is beginning to understand the delicate balance of nature for which he is directly responsible

Travis’ breath shortened; the beginning of hyperventilation

Remember, this was the mid-fifties and we were just beginning to see the

From the very beginning it has

An electric bell rings signaling the beginning of class

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and

If the Word was in the beginning, let us look at that beginning? Let us

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

He was beginning to put this together now, ‘lab equipment’ had been too touchy for Tahlmute

’ She said with that clear gaze I am beginning to think is characteristic of her

For his part, Johnny was beginning to

live…Everything was so good in the beginning

I was only beginning to realize just how badly I had let him down

She was beginning to feel that it had been a century and a half and a lot had changed in the Biology Base

If we believe in the Bible, then we know that in the beginning was the

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and

He was in the beginning with God

Somehow, after my experiences of the previous day, this sort of behavior was almost beginning to feel normal

Is he beginning to recover?»

If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also

the absolute void and the essential necessity of beginning, and forgetting for a

that we as conscious beings experience everything through a beginning and an end

The Word is the beginning

beginning, but this beginning is the right one

My eyes were beginning to sting

war would be the beginning of «The flash of a thousand

One of the common mistakes many preachers make in beginning with a

The preacher, who is Jesus Christ, begins his speech by announcing his Second Coming at the beginning of the New Age

I was beginning to wonder, when they called me to their room

For some reason he ignored the blanching expression of their faces and the mouths now beginning to gape open

The “Top Spot” is reserved for Jesus! “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18)

Since the beginning of the year she had been talking me into buying her a certain blouse, which costs 12,000 drachmas, as a present for her birthday -which was yesterday

Use this study as the beginning of correcting this work of Satan

He didn’t know why, he knew this was their mission from the beginning

I found out at the beginning of January, I was sick on New Year’s day but put it down to eating something, then when it happened again the day after, I started wondering …’

Afternoonday was just beginning, the sun was more than halfway across the sky and his native staff were bustling about in the kitchen

On attaining the age of two, near puberty, the child is considered an adolescent and three marks the beginning of adulthood

«So,» Carlton said, beginning to unfold a large map

«I’m beginning to have some doubts about some of the history I see here,» Herndon said

In a couple miles you reach lake henarDee and the dam itself where there are three miles of seventy-story waterfront till the beginning of the Grand Canal that goes on to Chardovia

If you dream of your funeral, it could mean the end of a phase in your life and the beginning of a new one

They were together for most of the 51st century, near the beginning of the 52nd, Luray became pregnant

«Let me explain from the beginning, this is something very important about our expedition and my relationship with it that I really hope I can make you understand

Tales of creation vary according to time and place in any given universe, and yet, when you hear those dusty tales it is the similarities between them that strike you the most, and from these similarities we assume that there must at least be a grain of truth shared amongst our stories of beginning

It stands to basic human reasoning given that we as conscious beings experience everything through a beginning and an end

He, She or It has by simply existing removed the possibility of nothing, but equally none of the fundamental questions about beginning are answered by this God’s existence

We can see the Godhead in the beginning of the creation

The beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7), and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)

Still, in the beginning of any organic process it is the

The jaw descended til it rested on the fore deck, crushing the rail to splinters, and there it paused before beginning the mayhem of their destruction

It is from that priesthood that we are brought into a place where we are kings of righteousness, and kings of shalom (peace), without father and mother, without decent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God (Hebrews 7:2-3)

the beginning of the year as usual for which Nihar had

At the beginning it was called the Garden of Eden, but since the Flood He has chosen Zion and Jerusalem

A new beginning … it was certainly a thought

Ava was beginning to understand what cities looked like here and knew this was a big one

The eternal covenant stretches back to the beginning in that Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world

Luray was silent awhile, then said, «I think I’ve had two children of this body in my life, the one with Knume at the beginning of the 52nd, and another one back in the 41st, fourteen centuries ago

The rows were laid out with loose-leafed notebooks at the beginning and end of each

My first piece of knowledge about boys and sex came when I was 18 – I was raped! Nice beginning, eh?” I guess it warped me somehow

Note! If you have a health problem that may restrict your ability to exercise, check with your doctor before beginning or changing your exercise habits

“Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love

Trees and brush were few and far between and they were beginning to worry about what they would find to eat

From the very beginning when you first found me and we bonded, did not a great love developed between us? Kate shook her head in ascent

Could this be the beginning of a stumbling optimism? Was I light-hearted? I was buzzing with expectations and questions

The crispness of the black silhouettes of hangleaf and claw leaf, just beginning to slump for the darkness

As I said at the beginning of chapter eight, the Yogis name constipation as ‘the Mother of all diseases’, and here we might aptly name devitalized food as ‘the mother of all constipation and digestive disorders’

A gravelled turning area at the beginning of the village served as a vehicle terminus where the tourist shuttles off-loaded their exhilarated cargoes to wander for a few hours

Most of them were beginning to wonder why Jake had not yet ordered an attack

From the very beginning that bastard had everything his way, well not anymore

So this man has a softer side, does he? I was beginning to wonder

Palming the Eyes is a simple exercise but perhaps it is the most valuable of all in the relief of eyestrain for, as I said at the beginning of this chapter, one of the primary causes of eyestrain is tension

‘I’m beginning to realise that

They fought like mad but the battle was beginning to take a toll even on them

Sarah was beginning to get worried, there were so many of them

“He thinks they’re that important,” Elmore said, “and I’m beginning to think he might be right

Kate was the one who broke the mystery, “Lucy, you and Sam have lived with us and the Dragons from the very beginning

Up to then, I suppose it had been nothing more than banter but I sensed it was beginning to border on something a little more diabolical and that was when the mood changed with some Athens jazz

I’d better choose quickly because some of the men with furrowed brows were beginning to wonder just who the hell it was swaying next to their Archbishop

Master Jeffery was asked to write down all that had happened, from the very beginning with Kate entering the hatching grounds and finding Jake, to the final battle with the black devils

When you’ve been doing your best to communicate and neither of you speaks much of the other’s language you resort to the universal language of mime, grunts and nodding just like we did in the beginning, and suddenly you make a breakthrough, well the gratitude you feel is huge

Just when her faith was beginning to crack under the intense pressure of wanting, of needing, she was suddenly and wonderfully rewarded

When you do that, those two things happen; your brain begins to say, “Okay, got it, calculating and

An undercurrent of blood begins to fill the house

Simon begins to slander her within himself

Moreover, Jesus begins to illustrate the parable he told

to pray in the morning and begins His ministry in that

As soon as her husband throws off his shirt and tie upon returning home, she snatches the strips of clothing and begins to iron

Afternoonday can be quite warm, even as winter begins in the north, so for one day of the week lowland clothing can be worn

Clarisse begins to cry

She begins kissing him over and over on the chest, working her way up his neck

He stops by the pond, casts his line, begins to fish again, pays no more attention to John

He opens a lancet, begins to prick the end of John’s fingers

He reaches over and pushes the call button for the nurse, begins to make a notation on a file

He breaks one stone free and begins on another

Bush strips off his jacket, tosses it in the corner, walks over to a refrigerator against the wall, opens it up, takes out a can of beer, pops the top and begins to chug-a-lug

It begins however with the form or «object

Weakly, John shakes his head from side to side, begins to cry

She begins to cry

It begins to crush her as John watches

He claws uselessly at the arms of the beast as bright red blood oozes from her lips and the monster begins to retreat over the side of the balustrade with its prey

He picks it up slowly and begins to examine it, carefully turning it around and around in his hands while he looks at it

After a minute, a second full moon begins to appear above the horizon

He thrashes feebly in the water, begins to sink

He swallows water, chokes, tries to reach the surface, but he finally gives up, begins to sink rapidly

Slowly, he begins to doze off

including Russ, John and Bolt, pile off the bus as one of the doors of the building begins to creak open

Russ reaches over and takes a newspaper John has tucked under his arm, begins to leaf through it

Ricci begins to sing, a bit over-the-top, eying Ahmed as he phrases each word

Ricci begins to stroke his head

Ahmed begins to cry again, but this time it’s tears of joy

His face begins to twitch slightly

A silly grin spreads across his bloodied face and he begins to mumble

Bolt begins to search frantically about for his Koran

He reaches inside, begins feeling his way down her leg to her foot

begins to work, the certainty that the healing belongs to me at this very

And then my body begins to obey that certainty

Ricci ignores the remark, tuns on his CD player and then begins to sing softly along with the Carpenters (V

Ahmed is so moved at the thought that his lower lip begins to quiver and a teardrop trickles down his cheek

The customs official looks at Russ askance, shakes his head, begins to stamp the passports

CLERIC 3, leaving the mosque, spies him, begins waving his hands frantically and shouting angrily in Arabic to Bolt

Russ looks back over his shoulder at the truck, which quickly begins to blaze

And then it begins to speak to us

Faith begins with what we cannot see

Russ shrugs, takes out his Redman, pulls out a chaw, sticks it in his jaw and calmly begins to chew

Russ smiles, yanks Khalid around so that his back is to him, puts one of the parachutes on him, yanks him around to face him, begins to strap it into place

Russ stands, grabs John by the collar, yanks him to his feet, begins to help him put on the remaining parachute

He sets Khalid down on a sandy patch of ground, begins to bind his leg as Khalid drifts in and out of consciousness, moans

Bolt opens them, begins to thumb through

When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, He begins to lead us through

guidance when He begins to uproot this wrong mentality

Bolt smiles, faces begins to twitch

That’s where it all begins

Somewhere a Carpenters song begins to play:

«The end begins there

between the two begins to grow

A link between the two begins to grow, the young couple

The preacher, who is Jesus Christ, begins his speech by announcing his Second Coming at the beginning of the New Age

He begins by commanding that

Leadership begins with the head of any organization! This is certainly true of the Lord’s

A wink accompanies her last comment and Apollo begins to understand the situation, but he still doesn’t trust her completely

That’s where your vortex of unstoppable momentum begins

the goal begins to slip aside as more urgent life-‐matters start to

more delighted with yourself, this experience begins

relationship with anyone and that trust begins within YOU

it’s creativity, it begins to create for you far more than you ever

begins by learning that you have a Power to Choose

that begins with the lady

and so begins the court case, the screams of abuse,

(begins to sob) He used me

She begins to tear them

then the naming begins:

A rumble of thunder begins to roll

I watch him as he begins eating

Swallowing hard, Berndt, takes Joris’ bag and begins packing the clothes in the cupboards

For me it begins with a cough — him clearing his voice

Before the battle begins, a White would always emerge and join forces with the side of Light

Together we stand on the rock, he confident – me slightly wary; taking my hand, he closes his eyes and begins a quiet but compelling chant

Berndt settles Adamant into the stall beside her and begins unloading our bags

The fisherman remarked to his wife as he carried her over the threshold of their first real house, “Well, love, this is where true happiness begins

This begins to take the emotional edge off of it

know where the influence of one begins and the other

begins sending negative thoughts to the volunteer

Meridian, which begins in the center of the upper lip,

as described, at that point a healing process begins

emotional energy, and the infant begins to resonate

But then begins a journey in my head,

Davie begins to heave as soon as the lid moves away from the tank

The thought of Bex in the arms of some heathen called Tod begins to form in his head and he changes the subject

I remember when you showed me the bank statements that her social security number begins with a two

The boy begins by pouring water into the bowl and he has to stand slightly awkwardly to use the microphone while performing his trick at the camping table, but he soon starts to gain confidence

She is supposed to use free time like this for library study, but on a Fridays she usually goes home and tries to grab an hour or two in bed before the night shift begins

The medic finds a vein and despite the distraction of rapid motion caused by hanging drip lines he is deft and assured as he inserts a catheter into her forearm, hooks up a bag of saline and begins to administer four hundred micrograms of naloxone through the intravenous connection that is keeping Bex in touch with the physical world around her

«Mister Whitlow», one of them begins but Billy cuts him off

It is as it always has been, up to you to do something about it, and as with all things real: it begins with UN-doing more than any doing per se

Ken gradually loses patience as Ted begins to lose the thread of stories but continues to take his drink on the strength of the stranger’s money

He begins to see daylight

The town begins rather abruptly and unfortunately I blundered into it without realizing it was here

this is the only way to save Godfrey – whose trial begins

This letter begins Dearest Jeff, but it’s not from Judy but from her wonderful mother Mrs

Jeffee begins the New Jersey Inquisition

“Carl said that around the time of every full moon he begins to feel sick,”

If we mentally stagnate, aging has begun

If you know that your faith is still growing, and you have just begun

In accordance with the theory of life that I too had begun to adopt while in solitary confinement, I tried to develop a similar Zen-like acceptance of the here-and-now

The show it seemed had begun

The assembly begun with a

She had begun to look forward to his visits

Jake, we have begun this day what may prove to be the salvation of the world

Kate went to Daniels side and he took her hand grinning, “My love, I fear that we have begun the battle of our lives!”

It looked like the evening was over before it had begun but Aristethes took charge

Slowly, and in a maddening whirl of confusion, recrimination and tears, Lucy begun to piece together the utter horror and enormity of what her mother was saying

Even at Lucy’s tender age the seeds of cynicism had begun to take root, especially now that hope seemed so far away, and she mentally went “whatever” as the DJ waxed lyrically about the new voice on the block

There in the distance, she spotted the Hausa; they had begun gathering for the evening

discover that every rose bush and plant had begun to re-grow its thorns

Sao Luis had begun its second voyage in 2361, well before the war started and before the Brazilians put the Kassikan’s virus into production

of the room as this procedure was begun

While onboard the Sword, Tyu had begun to teach Alexis the Scather language

the two of us since I had begun testing

they do they will have begun to presume to know

He has already been informed of your request and has begun processing it

24And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten

maddening whirl of confusion, recrimination and tears, Lucy begun

the seeds of cynicism had begun to take root, especially now that

This was actually a point for him, she had begun changing before she took the shonggot and she saw that now

When Harry had begun to be highly proficient with the staff, White Feathers brought young Jameson to him for training in the techniques and purposes behind such an education

Hipolyta and Titania had begun keeping the curtains over the workshop alcove closed all the time, but as they also made sure no one was usually around to notice when they went in and out, it didn’t raise any suspicions

“Therefore in a real sense you have been making serious contributions to our family’s wealth for years, just as your sisters have begun to do

The city had begun as a campsite at the end of that expedition, a place so far away at the time that they could never be bothered

When Harry had brought the last of the stack from the storeroom, George bid him hold upright the fitted ribs he had begun to place

He had begun to wonder if

Her voice rang through the little hall in a triumphant appeal, then fell into echoing supplication, and gathered itself in the air into a crescendo of glorious beauty, and then, as quickly as it had begun, it trailed into silence

He settled into a chair, selected a book, and had just begun to read when there came a fervent knocking upon the stateroom door

Mackie that he was completely at their disposal, “Would you prefer that I wait here, or return shortly?” He asked, hoping to walk off the nervous butterflies which had begun flittering about in his stomach

preference for French Cardinals — has begun to even things

Outside it had begun raining,

had begun smoking because of the green wood, burning his

This event unmistakably signaled the birth pangs had truly begun for the humble beginning of a new era

It had just begun to rain as Jean arrived home later that

encouragement and had already begun threading his way

They were now three together again, and the high spirits with which Harry and Kaitlyn had begun the day were now trebled as well

He thought back to remember how he used to just have pleasant times with his friends, before all this horrible stuff had begun happening

Lawrence Spelman had begun the arduous process of the disposition of properties no longer deemed useful to themselves, or which might be better employed in the use of others

The host was most anxious to clarify the translation of all the talk of centers and brains into the more concrete schema of the octave’s structure they had just recently begun to map

stairs to Henri’s office and had already begun his tirade

fight had already begun, cheers roared from the stands but you could still hear the

“Would you care to help me stuff ‘Guy’?” He offered promptly, and they were off to the back of the house where the project had already begun

choir had begun what he presumed was a motet

He apologized that he had not yet begun furnishing all the rooms, as he led them along a tour of the house and grounds

reconsidering his strategy, and had begun picking at his

begun the ride back along the secondary routes they had

By now Benoit had begun to tire of the

She had begun to grieve

Marguerite had begun to

But now that he’d begun there was no going

The long, agonizing wait for news had begun

That bridge And then our life has just begun

He had already begun it, the rainy way

Wuffs began, not really letting anyone know he’d begun

Warning bells should have begun ringing when they

As were the rest of the forest creatures, for as suddenly as the noise had begun, it stopped, and in the new found silence, all that Emily could hear was her blood throbbing in her veins

hit it off and begun a friendship that would have

Genet was disturbed to find that the evil voices had begun

fringes of the wood behind and had begun their descent

I have already begun

But, before he found the courage to rejoin the others, the group of survivors had already begun their hasty retreat, leaving the cowardly Tetloan behind

«Well, is the party over or only just begun?» Shinvei asked, noticing they were both still naked on the bed

Then – just as abruptly as it had begun – it stopped

A new procession of roughly a hundred soldiers had begun

«Besides which, I have only begun to understand the nature of his power

It has already begun

She had begun to believe he would never succeed, but now

The Death Guards, along with Rafe’s elven companion X’ander, had organized construction crews throughout the city and had begun building huge wooden planks which, once the battle began, were to be used as pathways to connect the city’s rooftops

He wondered if they had begun to forget

The ancient statutes of assize seem to have begun always with determining what ought to be the price of bread and ale when the price of wheat and barley were at the lowest ; and to have proceeded gradually to determine what it ought to be, according as the prices of those two sorts of grain should gradually rise above this lowest price

Fizzicist shook his head which had begun to paint a picture of Mother Mcready at the end of his kite string, high up amongst the clouds

The new dark ages had begun and reality was now the nightmare

It seems to have risen somewhat in the course of the present century, and it had probably begun to do so, even some time before the end of the last

This evil had begun in the reign of Charles II

The value of silver, therefore, seems to have risen somewhat in proportion to that of corn during the course of the present century, and it had probably begun to do so even some time before the end of the last

That, notwithstanding this reduction, the value of silver has, during the course of the present century, begun to rise somewhat in the European market, the facts and arguments which have been alleged above, dispose me to believe, or more properly to suspect and conjecture; for the best opinion which I can form upon this subject, scarce, perhaps, deserves the name of belief

The very same virus that had begun it all — the false immortality, unfiltered

hour, and she’d hardly begun to prepare

Thankfully, for the pair of lovers, their battle was over, the time for rebuilding had begun

Had the drought not struck, Geneia would have begun her

may sleep with any female slave, so long as she’s begun her bleeding

Books for children he has begun to

Because Asclepius had begun to bring the dead to

The fun had begun

The season of winter holidays had begun

had begun to rattle ad sway again, and after about a hundredth

A small headache had begun to chip away at my patience

It had begun some years before when her parents went away and Zarko’s mother invited her to stay with them during that time

Years later when he’d begun his court duties she had also been at the royal court and hadn’t wasted any time in looking him up

“Then the transformation has begun!”

Minutes had begun to slip into hours

Fatigue had begun to accumulate

They had begun their descent with some confidence, albeit forced

And he doted on Eury, as he’d begun to call their son

It had begun during the government of the long parliament, which first framed this act, and it broke out soon after in the Dutch wars, during that of the Protector and of Charles II

After shaking hands he hesitated a bit to leave the table, as he had begun to enjoy the often somewhat strange though friendly discussion

Eventually she had begun faking orgasms just to please him

Definition of Begin

to get going or start

Examples of Begin in a sentence

You could tell that the new soccer season was about to begin since the practice fields were now being used.


As a rookie on the police force, the man would begin his career working on the biggest crime that ever happened in the city.


At first there was silence all morning long until the man would begin to scream and get everyone’s attention.




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