Use the word beat in a sentence

A good writer should march to the beat of a different drum, except marching to that beat represents a cliche, something all writers should avoid. In the preceding sentence, «beat» wore the trappings of a noun, but, like many words, it’s versatile enough to perform additional duties as a verb or adjective. We will concern ourselves with examples of «beat» as a verb in all of its tenses, including in the active, passive, conditional, and modal forms.

All Forms of Beat

Base Form beat / Past Simple beat / Past Participle beaten / Gerund beating

Present Simple

I often beat my friends at chess.

Present Simple Passive

Jack is usually beaten by Mary in poker.

Present Continuous

Johnson is beating Anderson in the boxing match.

Present Continuous Passive

Anderson is being beaten by Johnson in the boxing match.

Present Perfect

Peter has beaten me at least fifty times at chess.

Present Perfect Passive

I’ve have been beaten at chess at least fifty times by Peter.

Present Perfect Continuous


Past Simple

Jennifer beat me last week.

Past Simple Passive

I was beaten by Jennifer last week.

Past Continuous

I was beating Peter in that game when you walked in the door.

Past Continuous Passive

Peter was being beaten when you walked in the door.

Past Perfect

Tom had beaten Jane at least ten times before Jane finally won a match.

Past Perfect Passive

Jane had been beaten by Tom at least time times before she finally won a match.

Past Perfect Continuous


Future (will)

I will beat you the next time we play.

Future (will) Passive

She will be beaten in the next match.

Future (going to)

Look! Jack is going to beat Mark.

Future (going to) Passive

Look! Mark is going to be beaten by Mark.

Future Continuous

This time next week, I’ll be beating you in our rematch.

Future Perfect

By the time you read this, he will have been beaten by his opponent.

Future Possibility

I think she might beat Ralph in the next game.

Real Conditional

If she continues like this, she will beat her opponent.

Unreal Conditional

If she played better, she would beat Jack.

Past Unreal Conditional

If Peter had concentrated more, he would have beaten his opponent.

Present Modal

He should beat Mark.

Past Modal

They must have beaten their opponents. They are so much better at chess!

Quiz: Conjugate With Beat

Use the verb «to beat» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

  1. Jennifer _____ me last week.
  2. Tom _____ Jane at least ten times before Jane finally won a match.
  3. Johnson ______ Anderson in the boxing match.
  4. If Peter had concentrated more, he _____ his opponent.
  5. Look! Mark _____ by Mark.
  6. Peter _____ me at least fifty times at chess.
  7. Jack _____ usually _____ by Mary in poker.
  8. I often _____ my friends at chess.
  9. By the time you read this, he ______ by his opponent.

Quiz Answers

  1. beat
  2. had beaten
  3. is beating
  4. would have beaten
  5. is going to be beaten 
  6. has beaten
  7. is beaten
  8. beat
  9. will have been beaten 

To be honest, you don’t see cops much walking the beat around Juneau

He remembers when they used to race and Fumai always beat him

“I can hear what you’d call the heart beat of the electricity

Venna was beat from a party the week before and missed breakfast altogether, then went up to shower

Great lanes were cleared thru it and ships beat their way along them

He’d always wanted to be a monster since he was little, but Peter had gotten his head beat with the reality stick one too many times (that’s what Ma called her favorite cane) and he knew a panhandler was all he’d ever grow up to be

A beat passes as they walk

He’d beat himself up for not singing enough sometimes, especially when he got strep throat

A beat as they look at one another

A beat passes while John soaks in this revelation

He looks at John a beat to let that sink in

“Do you believe that?” he asked, feeling his heart beat a thousand times

A beat, then he breaks out into laughter

A beat as they admire the sky

This isn’t my beat, it’s my estate

«We’ll find a way to beat this stupid criminal trash

We’ll beat them

No, as Angels they could give themselves the ability to breath underwater so they dropped down into a brightly lit grotto in the reef blow them that was sending up the rhythm of quite a party beat

I see a courageous woman who has been through some extremely trying times and not let them beat her down … I see a woman who, despite her having achieved the age of fifty-three, is still attractive and, more importantly, interesting to be with

He was a martial artist, a champion, no-one could beat him

void, combining it with the driving base line of fundamental creation that beat at His

‘You stay there, Stephen, you look dead beat

He and his wife became parents a few months ago and he frequently turns up to rehearsals looking dead beat after a lousy night with the baby

He knew they would have to completely sterilize the planet to beat them

When he did he was beat, this wasn’t the way he kept his personification

She had the patience to stop and explain a word now and then, but Klowee would often beat her to the answer, and in a way a three year old was likely to understand

He was really beat as dark approached

They were interestingly high on the beat aspect of their music

she waited out the beat of that well remembered, drum tight fist,

in time to the beat of Barry Ryan’s

Jesus will not return and somehow beat into submission all that do not follow Him

Small black eyes lift, twitching, nervy, as a beat box

and they shall beat their swords into plowshares,

not as long as a heart beat within me

The first couples in the tent found it too damp for sleep, so Alan was beat when it was his first turn to stand watch

Sitting in the hip-hop shadows of the bass beat,

Meanwhile Alan beat the rest of it to paste with the root end of the club

‘Anyway, I could always beat you

‘Berndt, take your wife and beat some sense into her

«Alan’s still nervous about his old religious thing, but yeah, I could go for it if Yarin’s willing and he’s not too beat when he’s done with those tenks

My heart misses a beat — has something happened to Alastair? Reality prosaically reminds me that even if there had been an accident, Karen would not be calling me

The sun beat down on my stinging forehead and from somewhere nearby I thought I saw Alexis wave but then he swam from view

” They answered with loud shouts as they beat their spears against their shields

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

Ken and Lucy rocked back and forth in time to the gentle, spiritual beat, mouthing silent words as the boy’s perfect voice soared in over the bass lines, the guitars and the unearthly breath of synthesised melody

With every drum beat, with every up lift of note and every harmonised chord it felt as if her skin was being flayed from her bones

My heart beat fast as I pinned

‘We are a tough team to beat

A popular beat hit thumped

My heart beat in the same irregular way as it did on the

If you can’t beat or change ‘em then you should probably stay

The beat was fast and raucous

happy to say that he beat his old trainer’s best by

25And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

27And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that

Don’t beat yourself up when you recognise that you are aligned to non-‐

She never missed a beat as she cast a quick kill-glare at me

35And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned

forth in time to the gentle, spiritual beat, mouthing silent words as

With every drum beat, with every up lift of note

Joseph picked up on the remark and felt his heart skip a beat

You’re tough, but she’s got you beat by a long shot, honey

Bex feels her heart skip a beat

“Do men beat their wives here?”

She started dancing, her body reacting to the beat of the rhythm almost automatically

The beat of the music still playing followed her along the hallway

A merciless sun beat down through a cloudless sky, scorching the earth and threatening to turn it into powder

beat the proverbial heart of gold

‘Hey – what about a game of some sort? You used to beat me hollow at card games

The sound of voices without the back beat is weird

Her eyes on her face in the mirror above the wash basin, Chrissie felt her heart miss a beat

‘They would laugh into my face, beat me for the

When the beat of

In her mind, she heard again the sound of the Arlosh warbler, seeing the flash of colour as it beat its wings and posed photogenically against the black of the leafless bushes

The rain beat against the building relentlessly

In Billy’s field of vision, in the image of the world that he carries with him as he sinks onto his knees by the mortuary door, Leona waves to him from the trolley and starts to tap her left foot in time to the beat of the music that is thumping through his throbbing temples

Her heart missed a beat, the hair on the back of her neck prickled … the water flowed over the edge of the kettle and splattered into the sink

The Helgurds beat frantically against the

‘But why? What’s wrong with her? Did that bastard beat her up or something?’ Kev asked, obviously upset

As they beat back and forth across the canal in the chill glimmers of dawn, a needleboat cruised by them, and she couldn’t help herself thinking it was Jorma

He realises as he listens to the dull rubber soled thud of his feet on the road, as he moves in time with the beat of the bass line, that the monsters have never been that far away

What is love anyway? Yes, I’m very comfortable with him … more relaxed than with anyone I have ever known before … but love? Yes, he makes my pulse beat fast just by looking at me … but is that love? More to the point, how does he feel about me? I’m ten years older than he is … he was surprised when he found out – so was I, he looks older than he is … probably his time in the tropics … he seems to enjoy my company … oh come on, Anna, you can’t question that! It’s pretty clear that he does! But as to where we go from here … if anywhere … I don’t know

He had the driver race up the harbor to beat her there

and my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest

firmly subscribed to the view that it was better to beat a

that janitor is the one that beat him up

people here to see a guy get his brains beat out when they could rent it and watch it

“I said beat his ass Johnny

Roman thought for sure his heart would beat out of his chest in another couple of

As with every time before, her foot no sooner touched the front porch, with Jim on her mind, and his old beat up black truck approached from the direction of the barns

They followed suite not missing a beat, in the conversation, soon all three sat Indian style, comparing the advantages of heating this way

hardly missing a beat in his conversation

The scream that split the silence, echoed from the mountain tops, as she beat against the chest of – of – Ghost’s don’t have chests

She sat cooling her feet in the brisk water of the lake, as the hot southern sun beat down upon her face

Like she couldn’t let the food beat her

one time after a basketball game, but I think she had that beat

The trees bowed in the increasingly strong wind, the smell of wild flowers filled her nostrils, and the sun beat down upon her face, warming her cheeks

picked up a stout stick in order to beat a rough path

The only way to beat

Without missing a beat, like she’d known the question was coming, in that

» He flew into the air and could feel Kerubiel’s light beating hot on his scales

Ackers clutched his heart in fear, as if he could try and stop it from beating out of his chest

Brentford beating Arsenal in the FA Cup, maybe? No

world constricted to a space just big enough to hold the sound of his rapidly beating

«Occasionally there are orders now for living organs, live beating hearts to be removed and filmed for the pleasure of the client

He bends to pick up a long stick and starts beating idly at the nettles standing harmlessly along the fence line

Burn said, «The fuck was he beating you for?»

I awoke to the sound of the door being unlocked and, although it was agony to move now that my limbs had stiffened after the beating, I managed to kneel and cover my nakedness with the bottom of my blood-spattered tee-shirt

He whistled once and one of the other guards, one of the men who took part in my methodical beating the previous evening, came and stood in the doorway, pointing his gun at me

I was still dazed from the beating

During the beating that I had taken that previous night, the words of Robbie’s boss stuck firmly in my head, words about Crusades and vengeance

Over the first few days, as my body healed after the beating and I grew more confident, I noticed some subtle changes in the sound of the place

In spite of my slow recovery from the beating, with the aches and bruises still smarting but fading, I was now eager to be up and off every morning and every evening

To watch your soul-brother take a beating for some off-hand remark or imagined slight, is to have your heart cut, slice by slice, into ribbons

We first joined with them again a couple of days into the New Year, and saw upon them the tell-tale marks of a similar beating

Another beating might be our last

At that moment Sons’ heart stopped beating and Son felt the pain of

beating yourself up about the problems or what’s

A little pulse started beating in her head as the adrenalin prepared her body for flight or fight

How this man could have withstood the beating his skin had taken was beyond imagination

had woken up with a beating heart to the harsh

«How can you even think such a thing and just sit there dry eyed, telling me you’ve killed our son like you would tell me a remote probe went dead!» She went into a hysterical fit of tears, beating her fists against his shoulders

‘And you can just stop beating yourself up

Outside the window, I can hear the sound of rain beating against the glass … it sounds horrible but accentuates the cosiness in here

Sally could feel her heart beating rapidly, she moved forward to the inner cave

That winter was full of beating winds and horizontal rain

After another engaging but ultimately unsuccessful foray into the beating heart of Saturday night, Tom spent a quiet Sunday afternoon lazing in the summer sun in a local park

they even found out ways of beating the casinos!

black boots suddenly went into overdrive, slashing and beating at

they compared the time of his beating to the time of

The beating of her heart would comfort and calm the tiny animal, and her body heat would eventually warm it up

beating of our hearts

It was lead by men beating drums, and large bronze tubes that sounded like gongs

I don’t mean to keep beating this into your head, Well, but I want you to

“Join the Guardians?” Alistair asked, just beating Tom to the

about the fire beating tambourines and small

setting fire to wagons and beating any who resisted

A reduction in the noise of rain beating against the window caught his attention

Heart beating fast, he set off again

‘What? Beating her up?’

out before school and hand over their money to avoid the beating

The doctor can feel Helen’s heart beating against his upper arm as she presses herself into him

made beating the shit out of Johnny the Killer—a guy mind you that has never

room I could hear the beating begin

… rain beating against the window – yuk! What a way to wake up! … this is supposed to be summer? Come on, Anna … out of bed … brrr, it’s chilly out here

Safely inside she closed the door and tried to lock his dancing eyes away, but the feeling she’d received when he said he was just next door, still had her heart beating out of control

His heart beating

think he’s beating his secretary?”

Her soft command shut Roman’s eyes, his heart beating nervously

beating yourself up over it

Emma could hear her own heart beating in her ears

Her heart was beating fast as she swiftly descended the first six steps, she could hardly hear the music

His heart was beating to match hers

It was slow but beating

coming to see you?’ There was no point in beating about

Physical abuse is characterized by beating, hitting, punching, biting, burning,

It is cal ed ‘the beating heat of the Amazon’ with its rainforests and jungles, and is influenced by many cultures

Unsatisfied, Stenworth continued with a series of fists to his face, beating

The beating of a drum, vibrating her insides, hammering at her chest, stifling the sound of her own voice with the pounding of her heart

beating against the roof

’ The sound of the rain beating

Grimes was beating her hall carpet out in the street when three men approached her

Her heart beating loudly in her chest, she tried to sound authoritative and impressive

he wanted to save Marie a beating

the thud of beating hooves would penetrate the gloom –

Jean’s heart was beating hard as he walked the last few

You’ll think this beating was a mother’s soft caress

people had succeeded in their preserved attempts of beating the

“You bring bad news, don’t you?” She could hear her heart beating and she was afraid to be told the dreaded words

Fearful that another beating would kill her, Nerissa obliged

” Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as she realised the seriousness of her action – she had just committed her love and life to Zarko!

Conversely, if you dream that your father is the one beating you, then it implies a lack of emotional connection with your father

The sun was beating down on them and he couldn’t see who was inside

As soon as she stepped into this new cavern her heart nearly paused in its thunderous beating, in awe of the beauty glittering ahead and all around

Zarko’s heart was beating furiously as he shook himself out of the trance

Heart beating rapidly

His heart was beating fast

She was surprised that her heart was beating faster than normal

He sensed the news had to be for him so he got up and quickly made his way down the stairs, his heart beating in his chest

Her heart was beating fast

“That’s…that’s what reminds us that we have beating hearts in us

beating deep in the pit of your abdomen

Edna White, her heart threatening to stop beating, dropped to her hands and knees quietly, quickly

Doris raised her hand, her pulse already beating much faster than it should be

In my dream, his heart was still beating strong and loud against my cheek, and I was able to relax against him

Her heart was beating very fast as she took the limp prick between her lips and lightly massaged it

Sighing deeply — the prick still in her mouth — she began to suck it in earnest, her heart beating faster by the moment

‘He won’t stand beating

Striding along in the shimmering sun beating down on the road, I stepped in a crevice cut in the stone

“They kept beating His head and spitting at Him, and knelt before him and mocked Him

His stride was solid, as if he were sure of himself! Her heart couldn’t help beating fast as he came closer

from me, as well as his friend, seemed on the verge of beating Blackrock to death at these words

” I trudged up the stairs my head hung low like a dog that had taken a beating I was a little unsteady on my feet but I eventually made I as Helen followed behind like a hangman

the faster you catch it the better chance you have of beating it

Shenandoah could withstand the beating it was taking from the volatile sea

Beating the door with his big fist, John yelled, “I’ve got a frozen animal here!” Finally, he heard footsteps inside

I heard the order to present and then aim but I heard nothing else as my heart was beating so fast and loud that I thought I was going to have a heart attack

Is this federalism? Not only that, but these so-called experimenters in federalism are, in some cases, beating the national government on the road to insolvency

Beating his brains out trying to get that log house built and you’re suspecting him of courting me

He beats you

John stares at the President for a couple of beats

John beats his fist on the hood of the state trooper’s car

Bolt looks nervously about, beats a hasty retreat from the photo shop

the host beats head and frantic limb

She paused a few beats, then said, «I think we should start with where he’s going

and the shape of her bones, counts the beats

My heart beats with the restless pulse of a long cicada night,

on the path, with the sounds of bass beats

Never again would she see the inside of a five-star restaurant or dance the night away to the latest drum n’ bass beats in the Department of Tunes nightclub

As soon as she realised what she was doing her legs turned to jelly, her heart skipped several beats, and she could feel herself glowing all over with beads of perspiration

Of course, nothing beats tradition

Govind’s pulse had crossed 130 beats a minute

jelly, her heart skipped several beats, and she could feel herself

Maggie spots Billy and waves as she beats a hasty retreat and helps with the serving

Leona is burning up as her heart races up to and beyond one hundred and fifty beats per minute

In between charges the nurses compress her chest, counting out the rhythm of life in beats delivered by the heels of their hands

«Hm, nothing beats having a hot cup of cocoa filled with marshmallows resting by the fireplace,” Julia said

Nobody beats the snot out of Nathalia

approaching hoof beats and turned to see who he

bird searching for its roost and the steady hoof beats of

And if he beats me, the strokes won’t have much force

“There’s no law governing what’s done to me? Tragus beats me daily without cause

Very little beats this simple method of seeing what needs to

Patrice beats helplessly against Jayson’s chest as he slams into her

Count the beats until you reach ten

Now, count ten beats in the thumb alone

Count ten beats and

then shift your attention to your middle finger and count ten beats there

But when one man kills, wounds, beats, or defames another, though he to whom the injury is done suffers, he who does it receives no benefit

plugged into some electronic version of life that beats the hell out of opium, so not going out a lot

‘It certainly beats the city

He even beats out Stephen Hawking

determined pursuit of higher profits by corporate interests at the expense of increasing numbers of underemployed (American) Workers forced to compete against cheap(er) labor from burgeoning Third World populations, whose (own) increasing demands for jobs are further reducing domestic salaries, (if salary is the appropriate word), paid to workers whose wages (that‘s better!) barely places many above the poverty line (although I suppose it beats living in the streets)

His greatest merit, machismo beats reason, had become the key to his critical

My mouth hung open and I felt my heart race at a thousand beats a second

My heart skipped a few beats at the sound of the word mommy

Each float had on its back either live music or enormous speakers and trailing behind, hundreds danced to hip swaying Latin beats encouraged by young people in colorfully fringed costumes, shaking maracas to the beat

“Nothing beats a ball of string or a trail of bread crumbs,” joked the doctor

) Nothing beats a good piece of ass

skipped several beats and a shiver ran up my spine

“Nothing beats a good sardine,” noted Dawley, as he made up a couple of plates of quick food

This sure beats cruise ships, he thought sardonically

Molo could only nod in mute acceptance and walk behind the Pilgrim, the sound of his feet sinking in the desert sand, keeping pace with the beats of his heart

Picked up by the beats, passed

Enilia’s heart skipped several beats and she stretched her neck to see better

Her heart skipped several beats

Her heart skipped several beats as she started to realize what he had said

petite sneakers to the beats coming out of the truck

Still the forest was nothing but a shadow in the southeastern horizon, but still it made her heart skip several beats in pure exuberance

I had recognized their voices right away but it’s funny, even though I had recognized their voices in that instant, my heart had still skipped a million beats

His heart beats faster

Beats those bills that Congress makes

My heart beats so hard it marks each second for me, but the rest of me is numb

Hey, Wilson, haven’t you got a smile on yet? Beats all how you women can sulk! _I_ never sulked in my life—it’s just one big flash and crash with me and then-pouf—the squall’s over and the sun is out and you could eat out of my hand

His voice beats with the heart

As a grandfather, I can tell you nothing beats the pleasure that I get from playing with my six-year-old Copyright©2008 by Balasa Prasad, M

In between the throbbing beats that flood my veins

Her heart skipped beats feeling like palpations

who dwells in Heaven has his eye on that place, and defends it; and he beats and destroys those who come to hurt it

time to the beats that a bystander could be forgiven for thinking

A mix of guitar riffs and club beats fills the room

The music was pumping a rhythmic vibe of Cuban beats inside Zigfrid von Underbellys

the Great Heart beats and at each beat a new universe comes

Where he had been for one hour beats me

«Beats the heck out of me,» answered John

The cosmic heart beats

all, is the heart of being which beats steadily — manifested-

Beats all I ever seen, but it works

open the door, someone jumps out and beats the shit out of you

out and beats the shit out of you

“Ethan better sit his almost forty year old behind down before Steph beats his ass

«beats you to it»

Any of these methods beats the conventional, due to the fact that you’re not

A voice that once caused my heart beats with happiness but now beats of fear and anger

Just as the snow-raven beats his great white flight to the earth, a shimmer of green flies out and circles the dogs

All the while, my heart beats out a warning

However, as they said, nothing beats the original

39 For he who dwells in Heaven has his eye on that place and defends it; and he beats and destroys those who come to hurt it

Cringing, his heart skipping several beats as he flattened himself against the sandy backwall, Joshua stared up at the curving overhang not daring even to exhale the sudden intake of breath occasioned by the intrusive sound

It sure beats spending an awful amount of cash versus just having them

In less than three or four beats of the heart, the boy would die

Her heart beats faster and she can feel her breath swift on her tongue

A lunacy has come on him and he meets with evils; And when it comes on him it beats him about; and he foams and grinds his tes and wastes away; and many times it has thrown him into the water and into the fire to destroy him and it hardly leaves him after bruising him; And I brought him near to your disciples and they could P

For a few beats of his heart, nothing

Cringing, his heart skipping several beats as he flattened himself against the sandy backwall,

From somewhere deeper in the woods, a lone wolf howls and Simon’s heart beats faster

My heart skipped not one but two beats before I could reply

His heart kicked up several beats as

In her mind she couldn’t suppress the image that, should she disappear for any amount of time, mojitos and flowershirts would spring out of nowhere to the beats of lively party music

«Beats the hell out of me, the system just crashed

If your blood pressure is 125 over 80, for example, the higher number (125) is the pressure when your heart beats

The lower number (80) is the pressure when your heart relaxes between beats

When it comes to chic, elegant wedding pictures, nothing beats the

«What kind of father beats his daughter if she is ill? Not even animals would do that to their young

Being on a flying horse, skimming over the waves at a hundred miles an hour with the wind in my hair and the sea spray in my face—hey, it beats waterskiing any day

beat (n, v): a regular movement or sound, especially that made by your heart; to defeat or do better than

Use “beat” in a sentence

He was beaten to death.
John beat me at chess.
Don’t beat around the bush!

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Learn how to use beat in a sentence and make better sentences with `beat` by reading beat sentence examples.

  • You cant beat the price and the quality is right up there with the stupid money blades.
  • But don’t despair, you can beat the odds with a concerted effort to prevent them.
  • A quick $14 haircut can’t be beat, and my stylist was very personable and did a great job.
  • For the price, you can’t beat its performance.
  • Best Deal In Town simply can’t be beat.
  • Bowser does annoy you a bit, but I beat him the second time.
  • They sure have all of the HarborFreight tools beat hands down.
  • Overall, I don’t see how you can beat the product for the price.
  • Beat each one and you collect their main weapon so you can use to defeat enemies and other Reploids.
  • For a quich sharpen job you can’t beat one of these.
  • Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to ‘beat the bank’.
  • A saw that works as well as this at this price is going to be hard to beat.
  • My nails came out perfectly and the price can not be beat.
  • Plus for the price you can’t beat them.
  • Background music kept a fast paced beat to keep the busy diners alive and attentive.
  • Also, in my personal opinion, you cannot beat the quality of Ravensburger Puzzles.
  • It is a beat em up side scroll er that rewards moves based on tactics and not just brute force.
  • For the price you can’t beat that view.
  • For the price it is hard to beat.
  • Cant beat the price to that much technology.
  • Techno music concentrates more on the beat rather then the lyrics or the other elements of a song.
  • This mode has you beat up enemies until you die.
  • You can’t beat $1 tacos.
  • We all could play Tiger Woods and beat him if given enough stokes.
  • We got in for free can’t beat that.
  • Just be warned you may have a wait for your food, but seriously, you can’t beat a dolla, holla.
  • But it really can’t be beat.
  • And for desert the lemon cake is hard to beat.
  • 50, you can’t beat it.
  • Great variety and can’t beat the price.
  • Of all the tough teams they have to play, the Bulldogs want to beat the Huskies the most.
  • Practice makes perfect and with a good beat maker, it can be fun and rewarding.
  • Otto is one of my favourites in Vegas, and the prices cant be beat.
  • Just looking at him its a wonder you could beat him.
  • Facing these daily elements can beat the life out of your skin.
  • The rooms are clean but a little beat up.
  • It comes from the Latin verb ‘to beat’.
  • Maybe it’s about time that you examine Oprah’s life in her quest to beat fat.
  • It’s hard to beat at this price.
  • You absolutely can’t beat the price for their amazing quality.
  • In my experience, they also beat the competition in their class in terms of reliability.
  • The creep who beat him was just recently sentenced to 30 years in prison.
  • Seriously, how can you beat that.
  • Plenty of juice right out of the box and you can’t beat the price.
  • But overall it’s fun for him to beat the drums and count up and down.
  • At this price, this model seems hard to beat.
  • Beat Those Marketing Gimmicks.
  • This definately beat my expectations.
  • If you want amazing food and service that can’t be beat go to Carrabba’s down the street.
  • These vacations are offered at a price that just can’t be beat.
  • If you are in need of a soldering set occasionally you won’t beat this one.
  • Looking at the roulette table, you can see that its almost impossible to beat the casinos.
  • Does a 18 volt Lithium Ion battery beat a 18 volt Ni Cad.
  • But if you can find your way over it’s a great way to beat the heat.
  • Our server was great, up beat and really nice.
  • With stunning new slots with forty or more paylines, IGT was the one to beat.
  • It can cause a health problem known as heart palpitation or rapid heart beat.
  • The latter won by a heart beat, plus it’s full of good antioxidants.
  • When it comes to making money, what can possibly beat a job you like.
  • Hard to beat that in any other city.
  • Cannot be beat for the price.
  • Can’t beat it especially for the price.
  • It is without doubt Gaudi’s most colourful and off beat creation.
  • Price is hard to beat.
  • It has been thrown around, beat on and taken all kind of abuse and still works.
  • He beat it up pretty bad but it was duable and stood the test of a rough toddler.
  • The music for the most part had little, if anything, to do with the beat of the spin.
  • Can’t beat that in the heat.
  • Website marketing helps you increase revenue, beat the competition and acquire more customers.
  • Can there really be an alkaline cancer diet that can beat this dreaded disease.
  • Guess we beat the rush because we were seated right away.
  • If your beat does not go along with these 3 elements, your song will be a disaster.
  • Hi Lift its self can not be beat.
  • Can’t beat this item for the price.
  • Their dinner special can’t be beat.
  • You can’t beat that in Vegas.
  • If you are very concerned with power consumption, you can’t beat LEDs.
  • It’s your goal to help your loved one beat their compulsive gambling addiction.
  • Still cannot beat BDC in California.
  • The prices can’t be beat either.
  • This is its sole reason for existence it cannot be beat.
  • For the price you can get this for on Priceline, you can’t beat it.
  • He even took the time to re grind the serrated sections that I had beat down through various means.
  • For the price, this deal can’t be beat.
  • I would recommend this place for anyone in a heart beat.
  • Prices on fish can’t be beat and the quality is very good.
  • I used words that a friend wrote and came up with a catchy melody, happy chords and up tempo beat.
  • Can you believe that my rascally husband beat the pants off me the first time we played it.
  • I expect to get a lot of use out of it, and it’s hard to beat for the price.
  • Sure, while taco shops are a dime a dozen in Phoenix, the price point and taste can’t be beat.
  • Always one of my favorites and they didn’t miss a beat with this one.
  • The room was partially updated with a small, clean but very beat up bathroom.
  • In poker, a weaker hand in good table position will often beat a stronger hand.
  • TJ gets hooked with the wrong boys, white boys, and ends up getting beat.
  • For the price you can’t beat these.
  • Then they want to charge you for these boxes on the truck that are beat up and broken.
  • Ergo, as a jack of all trades, it can’t be beat.
  • There was also a beat up mini fridge next to the dresser.
  • The early NFL odds for the Superbowl was the AFC team to beat the NFC team by 10 points.
  • For less than $40, you can’t beat it.

Similar words: Bearding, Beatitude, Beatles, Beaten Off, BEA, Beadsman, Beaked, Beaverkill, Beany, Beattie, Beachboy, Beaw, Beauford, Beating, Bearing On, Beatons, Beauport, Beauchamp, Beaky, Beauclerc

бить, биться, отбивать, удар, ритм, биение, бой, такт, усталый, измотавшийся


- бить, ударять; колотить, стучать

to beat at /on/ the door — колотить /стучать/ в дверь
to beat a nut-tree — сбивать орехи с дерева (с помощью шеста)
the hail was beating against the window-panes — град барабанил в окна
waves beat against the shore — волны бились /разбивались/ о берег
the hailstorm had beaten the wheat — град побил пшеницу
the eagle beats the air with its wings — орёл машет /хлопает/ крыльями

- бить, побить; избивать

badly beaten — сильно избитый
to beat with a stick — отдубасить палкой
to beat with a whip — (от)хлестать, (от)стегать кнутом
to beat to death — забить до смерти
to beat black and blue — избить до синяков
you ought to be well beaten! — тебя надо бы хорошенько вздуть!

- колоть, измельчать

to beat to powder, to beat small — истолочь в порошок
to beat to pieces — расколоть на куски

- побить, победить

to beat smb. on points — спорт. победить по очкам
to beat for the loss of only two games — спорт. выиграть с потерей только двух игр
to beat smb. to his /her/ knees — сломить, унизить кого-л.
their team was beaten — их команда потерпела поражение
I can beat you at swimming — в плавании я тебя побью, плаваю я лучше тебя
the enemy was beaten and scattered — враг был разбит и обращён в бегство

- разг. превосходить; быть лучше, выше

to beat all — превзойти всё
as a story-teller Chaucer beats all his contemporaries — как рассказчик Чосер выше всех своих современников
that beats everything I ever heard — это поразительно, никогда ничего подобного не слышал

ещё 24 варианта


- удар; бой

the beat of a drum — барабанный бой
the beat of waves on a beach — прибой

- спец. пульсация (напр., сердца); колебание (маятника и т. п.)

the beat of the heart — биение сердца
his heart missed a beat — его сердце замерло (от волнения)

- ритм; такт

in beat — в ритме
off the beat — не в ритме
off beat — а) синкопический (о музыке); б) неровный (о поведении человека);

- отсчитывание такта

he kept beat with his hand — он отбивал такт рукой

- доля (единица ритма, метра)

strong [weak] beat — сильная [слабая] доля
four beats to a measure — четырёхдольный размер, четырёхдольный такт

ещё 14 вариантов


- амер. разг. усталый, измотавшийся, разбитый, выдохшийся (о человеке)
- амер. разг. ошарашенный
- относящийся к битникам

beat poetry — поэзия битников

Мои примеры


a man accused of beating his wife — мужчина, которого обвиняют в избиении жены  
a heart rate of 80 beats a minute — пульс восемьдесят ударов в минуту  
the steady beat of the drum — мерный ритм барабана  
beat a path through the forest — протоптать в лесу дорожку  
beat the living hell out of him — выбить к чёрту дух из него  
to beat a carpet — выбивать, выколачивать ковёр  
to beat the chest — бить себя кулаком в грудь  
to beat / bang the drum — бить в барабан  
to beat the gong — курить опиум  
to beat / flog a dead horse — обсуждать уже решённый вопрос  
to beat smb. to smithereens — разбить кого-л. наголову  
to beat eggs — амер. взбивать яйца  

Примеры с переводом

You look dead beat.

Ты выглядишь смертельно усталой.

You can’t beat the system.

Против системы не попрешь.

Beat the eggs into the flour.

Вбейте яйца в муку

The drums beat all night.

Барабаны били всю ночь.

He was questioned and beaten.

Его допрашивали и избивали.

Beat the eggs, then add the milk.

Взбейте яйца, затем добавьте молоко.

I beat the traffic.

Мне удалось проскочить без пробок.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He beat me fairly and squarely.

They beat him with clubs.

Waves beat against the cliffs.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

beat about — метаться, изменять направление, беспокойно искать, разыскивать
beat back — отбивать, отражать
beat down — сбивать, сломить
beat in — проломить, раздавить
beat off — отбивать, отражать, отгонять, заниматься мастурбацией
beat out — выбивать, ковать, сбивать с толку
beat up — взбить, избивать, взбивать, вербовать, зверски избивать, отколотить

Возможные однокоренные слова

beaten  — избитый, битый, разбитый, побежденный, чеканный, проторенный, измученный, утомленный
beater  — колотушка, било, битер, загонщик, трепало, выбивалка, пестик, цеп, пест, сбивалка
beatify  — канонизировать, благословлять, делать счастливым, давать блаженство
beating  — битье, биение, поражение, порка, выволочка, массаж, взмахивание

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: beat
he/she/it: beats
ing ф. (present participle): beating
2-я ф. (past tense): beat
3-я ф. (past participle): beaten

ед. ч.(singular): beat
мн. ч.(plural): beats

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