Use the word ban in a sentence

ban — перевод на русский


Laws were passed in America and around the world banning LSD and determing it to have no medical value.

—оответствующие законы были прин€ты в јмерике и по всему миру — запретить Ћ—ƒ и определить его как вещество не имеющее медицинской ценности.

Maybe you could get them to ban flying saucers.

Может быть, Ты хочешь запретить им летающие тарелки?

The more they try to ban it, the more popular it gets…

Чем больше её пытаются запретить, тем популярнее она становится.

There are grounds, in my opinion, for banning girls from the river altogether unless properly dressed.

ѕо моему мнению есть все основани€, чтобы запретить девушкам вообще приближатьс€ к реке, если они не одеты как подобает.

They should ban all cars from Manhattan.

Они должны запретить все автомобили на Манхэттене.

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The program Li was working on, it’s germ weaponry, banned by nearly every nation on earth.

Программа над которой работала Ли. Это бактериологическое оружие. Запрещено почти во всём мире.

Complete ban.

Строго запрещено.

Joke warfare was banned At a special session of the geneva convention, and in 1950 The last remaining copy of the joke was laid to rest

Использование шутки в военных целях было запрещено специальным заседанием Женевской конвенции, и в 1950 году последняя сохранившаяся копия шутки была погребена здесь, в беркширской глуши, — чтоб больше не произносилась никогда.

Yes, and their use was banned by the Armageddon Convention.

Да… Но разве их использование не было запрещено Соглашением Армагеддона?

Your «Predictions of Things to Come» is still banned in Paris.

Ваше «Предсказание будущего» до сих пор запрещено в Париже.

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— Despite my ban!

— Несмотря на мой запрет!

But I learned that, despite my ban,…

Но я узнал, что несмотря на мой запрет…

— But only after you lifted the ban on laughter.

— Но это после того, как ты снял запрет.

The crowd crowned him king which the Romans would ban

Толпа коронует его, А римляне наложат на него запрет.

(radio)One of the first measures during the state of emergency are the restriction of individual freedom and the ban on private transport.

(радио)Одна из первых мер при чрезвычайном положении это ограничение личной свободы и запрет частного транспорта.

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— They should ban it.

— Такое надо запрещать.

But to ban the flirt and the smile, and the date and the possibility of finding love?

Но запрещать флирт и улыбки, и свидания, и возможность встретить любовь всей жизни?

The PTA doesn’t ban books.

Наше собрание не вправе запрещать книги.

Likewise, anything you should do is to be banned.

Более того: все, что ты должен делать — запрещать.

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I live in a little town called Banning, out on the desert, it’s on the way to Palm Springs.

Я живу в маленьком городке Бэннинг, посреди пустыни. Это по дороге в Палм-Спрингс.

There’s a message here for you to call operator 82 at Banning.

— Для вас есть сообщение. Позвоните в Бэннинг

Banning And this is Dester, Cabott and Zoe

Бэннинг и это Дестер, Кэббот и Зоуи

Why, Banning Miller What a vision you are in your fine dress

Да, Бэннинг Миллер Как ты восхитительна в своем красивом платье

Banning. And this is Dester, Cabott and Zoe.

Бэннинг и это Дестер, Кэббот и Зоуи

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Ban Cai, check it out.

Бан Цай, проверь

He has crossed the Norra Ban square and is walking up Olof Palme road.

Он прошел через площадь Норра Бан и поднимается по улице Улофа Пальме.

I’m Shunsaku Ban, a private investigator from Japan.

Я Сюнсаку Бан, частный детектив из Японии.

My name is Shunsaku Ban…

Моя фамилия Бан…

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I’ll see, that you’re banned from the village.

Я добьюсь, чтобы тебя выгнали из деревни.

I thought she was banned from Flings.

— Я думал, из «Чувств» её выгнали.

Paul Crewe, serving a three-year sentence, hasn’t played since he was banned from the NFL six years ago.

…Пол Кру, отбывающий трёхлетний срок, не играл уже шесть лет, с тех пор как его выгнали из НХЛ.

She was banned from several clubs.

Её выгнали из нескольких клубов.

Oh, since I’m banned from set, I figured I’d head back into town and do that favor Dom needed.

Ох, с тех пор как меня выгнали со съемок, я подумал было бы лучше зганять — и сделать это отдолжение для Дома.

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I’m banned from selling Vita-Self products.

Меня отстранили от продажи продуктов Вита-селф.

They banned him for a year.

Его отстранили на год.

I can’t believe you got banned for life.

Я не могу поверить, что тебя отстранили на всю жизнь.

Well, it’s just that ever since you were banned from working cases with Katherine, you and your pajamas have seen an awful lot of each other.

Ну, просто, с тех пор, как тебя отстранили от расследований дел с Кэтрин, ты был просто не разлей вода со своей пижамой.

I thought you were banned from the league, Hermann?

Помнится, тебя отстранили от лиги, Германн.

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Chelsea’s been banned from the hotel for like two years.

Челси находится в черном списке отеля уже года два.

Mom’s been banned from the hotel too.

Мать тоже в черном списке.

I’d love to go to the game too, but I’m banned from the stadium.

Я бы тоже пошёл на игру, но я в чёрном списке у стадиона.

He banned her from Bel Air Academy, Ray, forever.

Из-за него она в чёрном списке Бэл Эйр, навсегда.

Eh, she tried to kill me twice, got me… Got me arrested once. Mmm, I’m banned from three pubs, two clubs and…

Дважды пыталась мeня убить, мeня арeстовали, я в чёрном списке в трёх пабах, двух клубах и кинотеатре.

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And you are banned from this bar for life.

И тебя запретили появляться в этом баре навсегда.

Vincenzo banned us from the deli, just like I told you sarcastically.

Нам запретили появляться у Винченцо, как я и говорил тебе, якобы с сарказмом.

No, she karate-chopped Savannah Guthrie and got banned from set.

Нет, она поколотила Саванну Гатри, и ей запретили появляться на съёмках.

He and Alyssa had a fight yesterday, and she banned him from the set.

Он вчера поругался с Алисией, и она запретила ему появляться на площадке.

I banned him from the NICU this morning.

Я запретила ему появляться в детской реанимации сегодня утром.

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Definition of Ban

a ban means to exclude something or someone from a place

Examples of Ban in a sentence

There is a ban on cell phone use during the standardized test administered at the university.


Because a tobacco ban is in place, smokers must walk across the street to smoke.


Due to exceptionally dry weather conditions, a burn ban is place within the city limits.


A travel ban blocks migrants from six other countries from entering into the United States.


Under pressure, legislation is working hard to place a ban on cell phone use while driving.


Other words in the Law category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

ban (v, n): to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially; an official order that prevents something from happening

Use “ban” in a sentence

I was banned from entering the building for no specific reason.
Cigarette advertising has been banned.
She proposed that the book should be banned.

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запрет, запрещение, анафема, запрещать, налагать запрет, проклинать


- запрет, запрещение

test ban — запрещение испытаний ядерного оружия
to be under a ban — находиться под запретом, быть запрещённым
to put under a ban — налагать запрет, запрещать
to lift the ban — снять запрет

- объявление вне закона; изгнание (как мера наказания)

the Ban of the (Holy Roman) Empire — ист. объявление вне закона (в Священной Римской империи)
to keep one’s ban — жить в ссылке
to break one’s ban — нарушить приказ об изгнании, незаконно вернуться

- церк. анафема, отлучение от церкви

under the ban — отлучённый от церкви

- проклятие
- осуждение, отрицательное отношение; отрицательный приговор; неприятие (обществом и т. п.)

society’s ban on war — осуждение войны общественностью
such opinions were under the ban of society — такие взгляды осуждались /отвергались/ общественным мнением

- ист. объявление (органов власти); обращение, призыв (преим. к оружию)
- pl. уст. = banns
- призыв (вассалов) под ружьё
- воен. разряд ополчения (во Франции и Германии)


- налагать запрет, запрещать

to ban a play [a demonstration, a meeting] — запретить пьесу [демонстрацию, собрание]
to ban a newspaper — закрыть газету

- церк. предавать анафеме; отлучать от церкви
- уст., диал. ругать, проклинать

Мои примеры


a total ban on cigarette advertising — полный запрет на рекламу сигарет  
a call to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military — призыв /требование/ снять запрет на приём гомосексуалистов в армию  
to ban a book — запрещать издание какой-л. книги  
to ban a film — запретить фильм  
to ban / outlaw prostitution — объявлять проституцию вне закона  
to raise a siege / ban — снимать блокаду, запрет  
to underlie a ban — подвергнуться запрету  
to impose a ban on smoking — вводить запрет на курение  
to ban overtime — отказываться от сверхурочной работы  
ban overtime — запрещать сверхурочную работу  
to raise a ban — отменить запрет  
remove a ban — снять запрет  

Примеры с переводом

Smoking is banned in the building.

Курение в этом здании — запрещено.

The drug was banned a decade ago.

Данный препарат был запрещён десять лет назад.

The school banned that book for many years.

Школа запрещала эту книгу в течение многих лет.

The sale of pirated cassets has been banned.

Торговля пиратскими кассетами была запрещена.

She always blessed the old and banned the new.

Она всегда одобряла старое и проклинала новое.

Charlie’s been banned from driving for a year.

Чарли было запрещено управлять транспортным средством в течение года. / Чарли на год запретили садиться за руль.

The ban against the tournament was fruitless.

Попытка запретить турниры не дала результатов.

The use of cell phones is banned in the restaurant.

В этом ресторане запрещено пользоваться мобильными телефонами.

The city has banned smoking in all public buildings.

Городские власти запретили курение во всех общественных зданиях.

Smoking is banned in this building

В этом здании курение запрещено.

Возможные однокоренные слова

banal  — банальный, пошлый
banian  — управляющий, маклер, халат, секретарь, индийская смоковница, рубашка
banish  — изгонять, прогонять, отгонять, высылать
banner  — баннер, знамя, флаг, образцовый, наилучший, украшать флагами
banned  — запрещенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: ban
he/she/it: bans
ing ф. (present participle): banning
2-я ф. (past tense): banned
3-я ф. (past participle): banned

ед. ч.(singular): ban
мн. ч.(plural): bans

Learn how to use Ban in a sentence and make better sentences with `Ban` by reading Ban sentence examples.

  • And the sports Ban should not be lifted until it is repealed period.
  • Molly Ban a collaboration with The Chieftains from one of their CD’s.
  • Let’s Ban trains while we’re at it.
  • You should Ban people that do that.
  • Conspicuously absent in any discussions about the Ban is Jared Kushner.
  • He accidentally reconciled Jews and Muslims by announcing Muslim Ban on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
  • The Trump administration put a travel Ban on 6 of these countries.
  • But the Saudis wear teflon and are not part of this unconstitutional and illegal Ban.
  • But it’s safe to assume the only thing he’s sure of, is the next Muslim Ban.
  • This Ban is nothing more than demagoguery.
  • A short Ban which would facilitate better vetting is responsible, not punitive.
  • Tried to make a Muslim Ban.
  • We had a Ban on assault weapons for 10 years and our democracy survived, as did the Second Amendment.
  • Sounds like a Muslim Ban to me.
  • Is this Ban justified.
  • With the Jewish Ban on idolatry, there are no people only things and places in pictures.
  • His mission in life is sneaking copies of God’s Word into countries that Ban its distribution.
  • I don’t have enough patience or enough hysterical fear to support the Ban.
  • Curiously, Trump has no business interests in the seven nations on his Ban list.
  • She thinks the Muslim Ban is illegal.
  • One was about the travel Ban.
  • To my surprise, however, the kim chi is actually the ONLY Ban chan they serve.
  • With the military trans Ban, Republican covfefe fan Caitlyn Jenner got her money’s worth.
  • News around the island is that abolitionists are trying to Ban slavery in the British Empire.
  • I did expect drastic changes but not to the degree we have seen with the immigration Ban.
  • Ban Republicans from politics and we might have a chance.
  • I would have included Saudi Arabia on the Ban as it is a chief exporter of terror.
  • I wonder if LV Casinos will ever Ban indoor smoking.
  • 99 pork bone soup and unlimited Ban Chan.
  • Believe that Orlando or San Bernardino would not have taken place if the Ban had been in place then.
  • If this were not about religion, then he should Ban entry by people from Belgium.
  • What is proposed is a Ban, cloaked in thin cloth of fear.
  • This is NOT a Ban on immigration and quit making it such.
  • So let’s play on the scenario that there is a gun Ban.
  • If memory serves, the tavel Ban was for the first 90 days of the administration.
  • Does he have to Ban flying things.
  • Trump’s temporary travel Ban was a weak version that does not go near far enough.
  • It seems clear to me that the Ban is based on religious bigotry, not national security.
  • But he denied the bar’s bid to have the Ban declared unconstitutional.
  • District Judge James Robart in early February blocked the initial travel Ban.
  • So if you Ban people you disagree with and know nothing about, you would be ok with that.
  • I was going to say something but they threatened to Ban me from the store.
  • I flew 130 times in 2016, thereof 80 times on the airlines affected by this Ban.
  • The protesters claim that the transgender Ban will greatly affect the U.
  • Here we first learn of the Ban War and the conflict between Adon and Gyphon.
  • Every time I see someone with Ban Mi at work it makes me 1.
  • Trump’s temporary Ban on entry visas for people from seven predominantly Muslim countries.
  • Don’t expect Dennis McKiernan’s earthshattering War of the Ban to be half as epic as it sounds.
  • Urges Court to Revive Ban.
  • The wall, increasing military, illegal immigration, Muslim Ban etc.
  • Trump’s Trans Ban Shows Who He Really Is.
  • I believe Trump used the travel Ban as a pretext.
  • Trump is correct but the Ban was poorly implemented.
  • Makes sense vs our Muslim Ban.
  • This Ban was not only against the U.
  • The slave trade itself was banned in 1834 and this Ban was enforced by British warships.
  • We could look to Europe for laws that Ban the big box stores a certain distance from high street.
  • Drugs have not been consumed since the Ban on certain narcotics.
  • Of course, the temporary Ban is for one and all.
  • I know it’s customary, but having really fresh Ban chan helps set up a great meal.
  • Let’s not forget that they are as great a threat to the United States as the Muslim Ban.
  • Missouri and Oklahoma have no statewide Ban.
  • There seems to be no real reason to do a Ban.
  • We know what this Ban would do.
  • A Ban that ignores Saudi Arabia and Egypt is no Ban at all, but another con job.
  • Trump promised he would Ban Muslims entering the U.
  • Its a temporary Ban of travel from several Muslim majority countries.
  • It looks like people buy kimchi and other Ban chan in bulk to go here too.
  • As long as a Muslim Ban is the basis, no order he issues can stand up in court.
  • The friendly staff do not enforce the no smoking Ban.
  • It wasn’t a religious based Ban.
  • Ban sugar and replace all politicians with Artificial Intelligence.
  • But an actual solution isn’t as simple as an outright Ban on these antibiotics.
  • In China they Ban Winnie the Pooh.
  • Well, a Ban has certainly worked in other countries.
  • The continuing saga of the travel Ban proves that.
  • Now they’re wading through complex rules, and scrambling to find ways around the Ban.
  • So after countless bloodshed, the moderate way is to fix Nics and Ban bump stocks.
  • We already Ban bombs.
  • Funny that he did not Ban immigrants from Saudi Arabia.
  • I enjoy the Ban chan almost as much as the main course and the Ban chan here was really good.
  • He just wants to Ban Muslims, period, and leave it at that.
  • The Ban chan were served right away when seated.
  • I was not for Trump, many of his policies nor for this kind of Ban.
  • This Governor clearly needs to Ban all weekend work by all parents.
  • Will not lead to a Ban on capital punishment or lethal injection.
  • I would support a Ban on semiautomatic weapons, and a raise of minimum age to but a gun to 25.
  • Ban Assault weapons now.
  • The local government also enforced that the whole city should Ban guns.
  • This Ban goes even farther.
  • The Muslim Ban shot itself in the foot, completely unnecessarily.
  • Thanks for passing a pointless Muslim Ban that won’t even protect us from ISIS.
  • Tomorrow he will Ban all the people who don’t look like a white to protect the jobs of white.
  • The fact that he tried to Ban legal residents from specific countries and faiths is discriminatory.
  • Why hasn’t anyone called for a Ban on toys that look like other animals.
  • At least UK imposed a Ban that would affect it’s own airline BA.
  • Unheard of she would have been under the Ban.
  • Obviously, this is not a Muslin Ban.
  • Wilders says he would, when in power, Ban and burn the Quran.
  • Trump says this immigration Ban is working out very nicely.

Similar words: Ba, Ba Al

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