Use the word balance in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word balance, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use balance in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «balance».

Balance in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word balance in a sentence.

  1. The battle hung in the balance.

  2. Two incidents tipped the balance.

  3. The battle was now in the balance.

  4. The world is in balance, in Equilibrium.

  5. Balance on this scale led to overarching balance.

  6. He gave me a sense of balance, of right and wrong.

  7. The balance have been Native Americans and whites.

  8. But the successes and failures have been in balance.

  9. The balance came from Kent County and the townships.

  10. France became involved to maintain the balance of power.

  11. The balance was raised by public subscription and loans.

  12. The future balance of these opposing effects is unclear.

  13. A wizard’s power of Changing and of Summoning can shake the balance of the world.

  14. On Hofsjökull ice cap, mass balance has been negative each year from 1995 to 2005.

  15. But leaders of the movement for independence also wanted to balance their support.

  16. People’s Carrie Bell enjoyed the episode, praising the balance of cast members.

  17. He lost balance and threw his legs apart, trying to avoid stepping onto his stumps.

  18. Its balance is assisted by a relatively long tail, which is usually held upright and is rarely still.

  19. The Coalition and Labor each had 29 Senate seats, with the balance of power held by two independents.

  20. Vermeule noted that the lettering «confirms the strength and balance of the total visual experience».

  21. As an independent woman in the city, Beatrice strives for the balance that Okonkwo lacked so severely.

  22. Huygens’ design for the balance spring is the type used in virtually all watches up to the present day.

  23. Its balance is assisted by a proportionally large tail, which is usually held upright and rarely still.

  24. A balance between cell division and cell death keeps the number of cells relatively constant in adults.

  25. To address the problem, and redress the balance for bowlers, the MCC made some alterations to the laws.

  26. To balance out athletics, he participated in amateur theatrics, where his strong voice served him well.

  27. The mystical Mana Tree is a source of magic which sustains the balance and nature of the series’ world.

  28. Namco Bandai produced a mat controller (a simpler, less-sophisticated competitor to the balance board).

  29. He started to disburse this, with promises that the balance would be paid as soon as it could be raised.

  30. However, recently there has been substantial criticism of the importance of the shifting balance theory.

  31. The balance were equipped as heavy infantry, with body armour, a large shield and short thrusting swords.

  32. Normally, the mixtures are made with primarily helium (often about 75% or higher) and a balance of argon.

  33. At the time, it was the custom to have a geographic balance on the Supreme Court, and Baldwin had been from Pennsylvania.

  34. AllMusic writer Jason Ankeny wrote, «Uncle Tupelo never struck a finer balance between rock and country than on Anodyne».

  35. This revelation causes her to question her loyalty to the Dominion and could upset the balance of power within the galaxy.

  36. Centre forward Bobby Campbell was sold to Derby County to balance the books and John Hawley brought in as his replacement.

  37. West of Mississippi, a more conservative Greenbacker, to balance the ticket against Weaver, whom they regarded as radical.

  38. Despite being quadrupedal the ring-tailed lemur can rear up and balance on its hind legs, usually for aggressive displays.

  39. The German naval laws of 1890 and 1898 authorized a fleet of 38 battleships, a vital threat to the balance of naval power.

  40. Majungasaurus was bipedal, with a long tail to balance out the head and torso, putting the center of gravity over the hips.

  41. Those balance of power manoeuvers were epitomized by the War of the Bavarian Succession, or «Potato War» among common folk.

  42. The emphasis placed on the sweeping roof by the great aisle windows struck a balance to the great area the church enclosed.

  43. A 2012 cover by singer-songwriter LP was described by MTV as «[finding] the perfect balance between making it her own and preserving the integrity of the original melody».

  44. The novel suggests that this focus on positives leads to the Orgota being not entirely honest, and that a balance between enlightenment and darkness is necessary for truth.

  45. In July 1918, the Duke and his trustees conveyed the estate to the new company, subject to a mortgage of the balance of the purchase price still outstanding: £1.25 million.

  46. He was slowed by injuries from a fall, and it was not until the beginning of 1849 that he submitted the matrices of the medal, and was paid the remaining balance of £1,500.

  47. This, Cherry says, was «a post so similar to that held by Bonville as to be hardly distinguishable from it,» and disrupted an already fragile balance of power in the region.

Synonyms for balance

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word balance has the following synonyms: balance wheel, counterweight, counterbalance, counterpoise, equalizer, equalise, equilibrium, equipoise, Libra, Balance, Libra the Balance, Libra the Scales, proportion, proportionality, remainder, residual, residue, residuum, res, symmetry, symmetricalness, correspondence, equilibrate, equilibrize, equilibrise and poise.

General information about «balance» example sentences

The example sentences for the word balance that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «balance» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «balance».

the balance of reveled word and the manifestation of

· Have a balance and high quality in your life

the variety of life needed for there to be a balance

Balance and the Brain

The loss of balance that leads to serious, injury-producing falls can be traced to age-related changes in the brain, diminishing vision, inner ear problems, weakening of the legs and trunk and/or the declining reliability of sensory mechanisms that let the brain know where the limbs are in space

Even if you’ve been an avid golfer, a fiend for tennis, loved playing hockey or zooming downhill on skis, you can’t assume you’ve retained your sense of balance

Can we do anything to protect ourselves and bring our sense of balance up to par? Happily, the answer is yes

Its slow, graceful movements have proven to have a profound effect in improving balance and preventing falls

In this chapter, I will cover some basic methods of making your own organic fertilizers while showing you how we can help the earth (soil) reestablish the balance and restore the natural process by harness-

Basics of soil restoration is to restore the natural balance

High energy soil provides greater balance that reduces stress and reduces the pest activity

The Greater the Balance;

But if the plants are supplied with an abundance of food, a greater balance is achieved between the plant and its surrounding environment

It is through this balance that the stress of the plant is reduced

A “circadian clock” in our brain regulates our sleep-wake cycle and the body’s need to balance both sleep time and wake time

Providing housing, food and water for our bird allies will help insure good insect balance

The principle laws of balance are the same in all living things

In animals, this balance is maintained through proper nutrition, proper elimination and proper exercise

Instead at this age you should try and balance the risk and need for higher returns

To regain balance we must stop relying on chemicals to control our pests but instead rely more on maintaining a balanced ecosystem, diversity rich with bacteria and enzymes

The balance has to be distributed in accordance with the law

The surviving spouse gets 50 per cent of the estate and the children get an equal share each of the balance 50 per cent

The greater the balance the higher the energy level, the greater the nutritional levels, the less the stress and the less the pest

, to counter balance this

‘But … the bitch! The complete bloody bitch!’ I ranted at him, turning too quickly and having to hang onto the back of a chair as my balance goes

Who we seek to be? How much we are willing to share? We experience the balance of our thoughts on this physical plane because everything we perceive to be is hardwired to a power that is eager to please, without judgement

Asana should be done with comfort, ease, alertness and steadiness, achieving a balance between ease and effort

The information which is available to you in this book, is passed along with the understanding that we are always responsible for our actions, we must not upset the balance of our delicate ecosystem, nor endanger ourselves

The Greater the diversity the greater the balance

The farmer of today is beginning to understand the delicate balance of nature for which he is directly responsible

Molly turns to see what has knocked me off balance

«Let me have €9000 please and just leave the balance in the account

«I need some green to balance that,» Ava said and pulled a tall, ornate stein out of the air

As my mind tries to find a way through this apparently insoluble problem, the tussock of grass under my right foot gives way suddenly, my balance being iffy due to the alcohol, I suddenly sway and Stephen has to move pretty fast to stop me falling over

grinding pain that the equation must have balance

and time upon His shoulders, succumbing to the myriad energies of relative balance

Neither can I believe all the rubbish propagandized by modern cults, that there is a balance between Good and Evil in the universe

The young and pregnant were set free and a balance had been established between the herds and predators for over a thousand years

I held on for dear life, twisting his foot so that he lost his balance, more out of surprise than through the force of my sudden retaliation

He waved his arms about, trying to regain his balance, but still he started to topple over

Where the balance of God’s judgment and demonic fury comes together is explained in the Scriptures

Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

and the church fund balance

with her sister to balance our scale

balance of nutrients so the duck can feed her birthducks, when

She glanced through it, selected several and handed them to Kara, replacing the balance and locking them again

and the crying game that swells a bank balance

The Bow Posture may be preceded by the Stomach Balance which is the very simplest of the backward bending exercises for the relief of backache

The Arched Foot Breathing Exercise taxes your sense of balance but as in all such exercises it can be used as a valuable exercise in concentration

The practice of this exercise will not only improve your balance but fine down calves and ankles that may be a little too heavy for your liking

Simply for the very good reason that it is difficult for the beginner to master and I wanted you to limber up with some easier exercises before attempting to balance on your head

Having had an easy time of it with the Letter L Breathing Exercise, try now another exercise which incorporates breathing, stretching, and in its advanced stages, a high degree of balance

It is not easy but the practice of it will help you to acquire balance and patience

It will tax your sense of balance to the utmost but practice will be the answer

you can without losing your balance

You will have to bend your right knee a little to do this and at the same time your left leg should remain outstretched to maintain balance

Naked, I tried to look confident but plodding along the shoreline sinking into sand was like waddling along a tight rope without any sense of balance

Vitamins, in controlling the body’s use of minerals, promotes a balance in the body necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and the formation of hormones

This mineral builds strong bones and teeth, aids heart action and the clotting of the blood, and helps to establish the correct balance of vitamin D in the body

Foods high in phosphorus but low in sulphur can lead to improper balance of these minerals in the body

As they approached climax and began to move faster he lost his balance and they fell over together

She lost her balance and her grip on her handbag as she stumbled and tripped over her own feet, falling backwards into a beech hedge that bordered one of the suburban gardens

balance it out with complimentary personal life ambitions as well that you need to project to your partner

“She lost her balance when she fainted; I believe she is all right friend

She tried to sidestep to keep from bumping into him but she lost her balance, James quickly reached out and steadied her by holding on to her arm

It is no wonder that by placing these two types of communicators together that they would balance each other out

Having said all of that, the key to everything dealing with life and love is balance

the best you can to maintain a healthy balance in communication, finances and interests, while

He moved his wrist upwards, and told him to balance

Nevertheless, for those who could follow it, he had to go thru it, show the quantum balance sheets, the entanglement teleportation pathways and all the details his work was based on

True love might be a holy grail worth chasing, but in its absence a good marriage with plenty of publicity did wonders for the old bank balance

It would appear that my imminent arrival has knocked him off balance

At first I kept tripping and losing my balance by thinking too much about what I was doing, so I stopped for a moment until I was ready to start all over again

Her being raised by the Eloi was the best thing that could have happened; they gave balance to what was lacking in her makeup

to keep the body in a state of balance

‘What are you whispering?’ Mama said and almost lost his balance

He lost his balance and fell down next to the

She lost her balance and her grip on

used your techniques to balance my body

It’s a balance that only matters

publicity did wonders for the old bank balance

’ She replied dryly, ‘But on balance, I wouldn’t be without Dave

Does he hoof? Maggie doesn’t know and thinks, on balance, that he is probably getting on a bit

Suspended in the water, his fate literally hung in the balance

Refusing all offers of help from her, he fusses around the kitchen, getting out plates, pouring red wine … ordinary activities which restore her balance, wiping away the memory of Chas reaching out for her, his hands clawlike in their eagerness to grasp her flesh

Then, as a warbler she couldn’t see sounded a succession of clear notes, much as a herald announcing the entry of a long-awaited personage, rational thought re-asserted itself … the treacherous tussocks became nothing but grass again and the world fell back into balance

This was the way George and Belle had been raised and educated and they passed their love and understanding on to their children—always balance, always respect

He needs to lie low and, on balance, where better than Devon’s mellow back lanes, especially if he starts cooking up exotic little snacks for the local clubbers and smack-heads

She floundered on the sheet, her face buried as her balance went

She spun round sharply, taken off balance – she’d not heard him coming along the path

It had changed their world, but not as much as their world had upset the balance back at Sol

jeans and went for the other but lost my balance and fell over the coffee table

was trying to balance himself in his chair like it was moving

Roman put her hand on his shoulder trying to balance her, and took her

She was a bit off balance with this, reeling, she said, “I don’t think I can remember anyone in my past talking about it in any way except to express sympathy over what happened to Tdeshi

future lay in the balance with this test, or what? He opened the Pinto’s hatch and

She gasped in relief at her lost footing so quickly checked by his instant reflex, and lingered without struggle in his arms perhaps longer than really necessary to regain her balance

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Alastair asking the resident organist to wander round the church to see how the balance between pipes and voice is

horror as the man appeared to lose all sense of balance and

These blends are extremely well balanced, offer broad spectrum time-released plant nutrients, will produce excellent yields

From the smallest to the largest, all living things require balanced energy

The equation of life dictates that harmony be balanced by evolution or growth

To regain balance we must stop relying on chemicals to control our pests but instead rely more on maintaining a balanced ecosystem, diversity rich with bacteria and enzymes

This sharing of resources provides for an ecologically balanced system

Rock dust also has a high PH (8-9 PH) and therefore must be balanced with a slightly acid mulch/soil, compost

Use peat moss or composted aged wood to maintain a balanced PH level

He needed the load balanced front and rear and no closer to the ground than it had to be

! A few days later, Aphrodite will inform me Billy is interested in lucid dreaming a lot, and Alexander has been teaching him in private! What a serious person for the guru to teach personally! Is Bill supposed to be balanced enough for this? ?

I tried to reach a contemplative state, a balanced meditation, where my parents looked back at me from the veranda of our house in Jnah, the two of them smiling sweetly and holding hands

My life is balanced on the tip of a pin and she just runs the box past her scanner as though it was a bag of onions … it is almost funny

He looks calm, balanced, intellectual -entirely different to the men I’ve met so far

It is a commonly held belief that where there is light there must be darkness, that forces of life are matched by those of death and that in all things there is a balanced equation of equals and opposites

hated, balanced on broad beak shoulders

Ethereead balanced out and had now settled

I’m evenly balanced, the chips on both shoulders

You will wobble about at first but gradually you will be able to remain balanced on the toes of one foot with your hands on your hips, and remain so for as long as your breath allows you

While sitting in the Lotus Pose with your hands above your head with the fingertips touching as in figure 31, raise your buttocks off the floor and remain balanced on your knee-caps as 1 have demonstrated in figure 29

Pottery vases and dishes trailing ribbons and silken cord stood before effigies of tulips and lilies in pink, white and turquoise behind rows of ornate glassware balanced on the shelves

All fruits and vegetables are good sources of sulphur but these should be well balanced with foods of a high phosphorus content such as milk, cheese and eggs, cereals and nuts

He held it and weighed and balanced it

balanced view of the situation that triggered your fear

She studied the hilt and balanced it

heated, they lived in a reasonably balanced land where the state,

Somehow, we balanced mathematics and romance within the

How healthy you are is directly related to how balanced

It was balanced

Balanced refinement is often

Breathing heavily, she laboured to lift the stone, swivelling it on one corner and, leaving it balanced precariously resting against a smaller rock, she bent to retrieve the broken corpse of the bird

leaned one against the other, balanced at the apex,

Harry walked passed her as she left the dock and he stood out with the girls, a long cedar pole balanced in his hand

“It stands up like this,” and Hipolyta and Titania raised it on one end where it stood balanced and sturdy

Concentrating on not dropping the tray he was holding, the uniformed policeman kicked the door gently with one foot while he balanced on the other and manipulated the tray through the doorway, protruding tongue demonstrating precisely how much effort it was taking him

She tutted over the fact that a half used roll had been balanced on top of the empty cardboard inner — the two men stood helplessly watching her, a shared glance evidence of a fleeting male camaraderie

He has balanced both sides of the equation, and the result is, like statistics, weighted in favour of the statistician

Harry felt his feet leave the ground and in a perfectly timed release, flew over their heads, somersaulted and landed balanced on one foot atop the corner of a stone wall beyond the edge of the roadway

There is a fourth avenue, a balanced way—called the way of the sly man

Harry handed me the arrow still balanced and beribboned on his finger, and went to put his shirt and vest, shoes and socks back on

The wind almost knocked him over but he balanced himself just before collapse

Now you will be better balanced

balanced on top of it

He again yelled for them to catch their dog and he picked up the puppy and like a weight thrower, balanced the pup in his hands and ejected the pup over the circle of flames

» Morton held up a tee with a ball balanced precariously upon it

A balanced life allows you to more easily

The key to achieving a balanced lifestyle is to eliminate chaos from your life

This is not a very balanced approach to your videos

When you look at a page it has to be harmonious and balanced in how

We stood balanced on a teeter totter

glasses balanced themselves on the very tip of his nose, from

By balancing with them, which involved overcoming terror, we were made to feel so incredibly balanced

The hilt was shaped like a triton and was perfectly balanced with the blade

judgments are balanced by his mercy and justice

balance as a whole each smaller system within it must itself be balanced

sense of security derived from feeling «balanced«, concentration upon the core by initiating a

In this position, the back is straight, the spinal column is erect, and the head is balanced over the body, with the ears over the shoulders and the nose in line with the navel

When meditating on a chair, the key is to sit erect, with the back straight and the head balanced over your body

The debris that couldn’t be ‘recycled’ as it were, was removed to the asteroid belts of that system and then what still couldn’t be situated there and balanced, was removed to the Illian system’s asteroid belts, where it could be balanced

In the second figure, It is shown which element is controlling the other element and how all these elements are counter balanced — controlled

millets, grams etc and the balance 35% in milk-milk products, vegetables, dry fruits, oils etc, these would be the ideal contents of a balanced diet

tried and tested, in order to come up with a balanced blend of techniques and

Placing the Lead Arrows under the care of Mars, all had been very balanced, if not slightly dysfunctional, for thousands of years

way of keeping creation and destruction balanced and

going to have the most ethical and ethnically/racially balanced ad Also recall

that, he said in the transition period that he was going to have the most ethical and radically balanced administration in history

She’ll know what to do,” Carmen said as she balanced an armload of supplies

Here were shapes balanced incongruously on top of one another

He crouched with his back against the wall, his hands tied behind his back with a course rope, balanced on the tips of his toes with his heels raised

You will also have a stronger core, will have improved any form issues and your body will have a more balanced, symmetrical appearance

The best of them all in my opinion anyway was the Liberation Movement’s AK47 which was perfectly balanced

They were asymmetrical, even lopsided, with five clawed digits on one paw and four on the other, none of them balanced

A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

Mature relationships should be balanced by the essential requirements or needs of both parties involved

The American Worker is likely to face (unfair) competition from overseas markets whose (worker) salary ―structures‖ are anything but competitive or balanced as one might expect in a planned market economy (China) or fledgling, sweatshop economies (Everywhere) whose

you will read here will not provide a balanced diet outside of sports

You need to consume a balanced diet of products, ones that will incorpo-

Arrogance, the off-spring of Low Esteem, is (fortunately) balanced, however, by the professional demeanor of other (exceptional) athletes with little or nothing to prove, whose quiet tenor, and business like attitude, free of pretentious designs and excessive self-regard; that is to say, individuals who are comfortable with themselves and in themselves, who feel that they have nothing to prove and are (generally) less likely to be influenced by money and glamour; speaks volumes about the fundamental character of an emotional secure individual

In most cases, if you can eat a well balanced varied diet, you can achieve this without supplements

She felt as if she were balanced on a knife’s edge

A journalist who enjoys a First Amendment right to obtain certain information as it relates to his or her pursuit of a ―storyline‖ should properly consider the sensibilities of the individual being interviewed; that questions raised should be fair and balanced and not intended to either harass, embarrass or otherwise offend that individual and that the highest (professional) standards should be (properly) observed at all times and that that journalist should neither conceal some hidden agenda nor interpose pre-conceived biases that purposely seek to discredit, distract or place that individual in a compromising position and that answers to stated questions should never be taken out of context or pre-determined and that, (most importantly), privacy rights should be observed at all times

She balanced carefully as he released the hand from around her waist

Reese’s shoulders visibly relaxed at that, and he swung his sword into a high guard, dropping down lower into a balanced stance

• The Balanced plan is the default Windows power plan that will suit most users

Behind him in the cave, total darkness seemed balanced with total silence

Setting aside divisive issues like Abortion, Gay Marriages and the Death Penalty, most voters generally agree on the need for a balanced budget, economic growth, safer streets and better schools

To be scrupulously fair, balanced, objective and impartial, Bru wasn’t a bad-looking man

He prepared healthy, balanced and nutritious meals that were attractive to the eye and not too hard on the palate

Carefully picking one of the delicate eggs up, he balanced it in his palm, fascinated by the pattern of spots covering its surface

going to want to be with you in a healthy, balanced way because they real y like that

we’re balanced and they truly understand that this is something very special

Why don’t you go and fix yourself a tuna sandwich?” His voice carried a provocative tone that caused her to spin and stare accusingly towards the lobby where her makeup case sat, balanced atop her other bags

love of animals helps us learn how to be better humans, and the more balanced and

healthy we are, the more balanced and healthy they can be too

back, their coats shiny, their stand balanced, and their eyes appear

He could almost see her on that day when they carried lunch up the beach for Herminia, in her bikini, spinning pirouettes with the bag of food balanced on fingertips

Walking over, he spotted a large basket of logs with a small axe balanced on top

He found comfort in the normalcy of ox-drawn carts loaded with produce, picked coffee beans, sugar cane, and women with bundles balanced on their heads weaving their way through the crowd

» The bow rested in his hand, perfectly balanced, and beautifully made

His body was awkwardly positioned now and precariously balanced, openly inviting hits of retribution

The continual use of chemicals in the soil eventually destroys both the bacteriological and biological balances of the soil

”…You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;”

Her real first question was, where was the entity? Was there some way she could tell, or would she have to do element balances with the same attention to detail that Delos had? Ava had far more interest in penetrating the native data network than worrying about element balances seven decimal places out

next to a mug that still balances on the edge

the balances of all credit and debit cards

While they were gone Alfred and Elmore brought up the current element balances and what form they were in

Building that android and disposing of my flesh body is what upset the element balances

As our contract indicates, we begin charging 5% interest for any outstanding balances after 30 days

The difficulty and irregularity of payment from the different colonies to Great Britain, have not been at all in proportion to the greatness or smallness of the balances which were respectively due from them

The difficulty of getting payment from our different sugar colonies has been greater or less in proportion, not so much to the extent of the balances respectively due from them, as to the quantity of uncultivated land which they contained; that is, to the greater or smaller temptation which the planters have been under of over-trading, or of undertaking the settlement and plantation of greater quantities of waste land than suited the extent of their capitals

Prolonged use may reduce iron absorption in the intestines and may also affect other mineral balances in the body

What happened to the checks and balances designed to prevent such a horrific abuse of State power? The answer is simple

And with the inbuilt sense of justice that every Englishman, it seems, is born with, the lack of checks and balances (human rights charters) had never been a problem in England

The solution to this unfortunate dilemma requires (the) reestablishing of and ―enforcement‖ of Immigration Quotas designed to preserve existing racial and ethnic balances (for the time being) while allowing recent arrivals an opportunity to properly assimilate into their new environment

He who defends the cause of the fatherless and the orphan; He who commands His people to provide shelter for the homeless, and uphold the cause of the needy, the aged and the widow? Do I not hold the scales of truth and weigh all in the balances?! Am I not a discerner of the heart and of the mind, He who knows the innermost thoughts and intentions?!

As with all law there are balances in place

He needed to clear himself of any involvement with forging checks especially since he was hiding from Canadian warrants, but he couldn’t take sixty thousand of the casino’s cash without it being noticed and any irregularities in the casino’s balances could cost him his license

concept of checks and balances

threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances

bureaucrats without those checks and balances

They tried by the use of checks and balances to prevent one being dominate over the other

To this end, they divided the Federal Government power and built in checks and balances

VIII — the eventual balances of the closed accounting periods,

On the screen, Evelyn balances her chin on her hand and stares at the sculpture for a moment

as one who balances

I also think he balances strength with vulnerability well

2 Oh that my grief was throughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together!

that balances every piece in the earthy world

Balances: Integrity; judgment that is balanced with mercy or God’s justice; man’s tribulation; the smallness of man; something being shown as in

the evidence, and sealed it, and took witnesses, and weighed him the money in the balances

take you balances to weigh, and divide the hair

just balances, and a just ephah, and a just bath

7 He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loves to oppress

Test Strategy balances between cost of testing and Risk on product quality

And I saw in those days how long cords were given to those angels, and they took to themselves wings and flew, and they went towards the north; And I asked the angel, saying to him: ‘Why have those angels taken these cords and gone off?’ And he said to me: ‘They have gone to measure’; And the angel who went with me said to me: ‘These shall bring the measures of the righteous; And the robes of the righteous to the righteous, so that they may re-establish themselves in the name of the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect; And those are the measures which shall be given to faith; And which shall strengthen righteousness; And these measures shall reveal all the secrets of the depths of the Earth; And those who have been destroyed by the desert; And those who have been devoured by the beasts; And those who have been devoured by the fish of the sea, so that they may return and establish themselves on the day of the Elect One; For none shall be destroyed before the Lord of Spirits; And none can be destroyed; And all who dwell above in Heaven received a command and power and one voice and one light likened to fire; And that One with their first words they blessed; And extolled and lauded with wisdom; And they were wise in utterance and in the spirit of life; And the Lord of Spirits placed the Elect One on the throne of glory; And He shall judge all the works of the holy ones above in the heavens; And in balances shall their deed be weighed; And when he shall lift up his countenance; To judge their secret ways according to the word of the name of the Lord of Spirits; And their path according to the way of the righteous judgement of the Lord of Spirits; Then shall they all with one voice speak and bless; And glorify and extol and sanctify the name of the Lord of Spirits; And He will summon all the host of the heavens, and all the holy ones above, and the host of God, the Cherubic, Seraphin and Ophannin, and all the angels of power, and all the angels of principalities, and of the Elect One, and the other powers on the Earth and above the water

Yet with the Democrats in full control of the federal government, the checks and balances of each branch of government against the others as provided for in the Constitution have become inoperative

I always knew that my being with him was disturbing the balances

• Do the proper checks and balances exist so that one employee does not have an undue

the integrity of your Receivables in that the Customer wil contact you if they feel the balances

In the checks and balances of life, there

And I saw in those days how long cords were given to those angels and they took to themselves wings and flew and they went towards the north; And I asked the angel saying to him: ‘Why have those angels taken these cords and gone off?’ And he said to me: ‘They have gone to measure’; And the angel who went with me said to me: ‘These shall bring the measures of the righteous; And the robes of the righteous to the righteous so that they may re-establish themselves in the name of the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect; And those are the measures which shall be given to faith; And which shall strengthen righteousness; And these measures shall reveal all the secrets of the depths of the Earth; And those who have been destroyed by the desert; And those who have been devoured by the beasts; And those who have been devoured by the fish of the sea so that they may return and establish themselves on the day of the Elect One; For none shall be destroyed before the Lord of Spirits; And none can be destroyed; And all who dwell above in Heaven received a command and power and one voice and one light likened to fire; And that One with their first words they blessed; And extolled and lauded with wisdom; And they were wise in utterance and in the spirit of life; And the Lord of Spirits placed the Elect One on the throne of glory; And He shall judge all the works of the holy ones above in the heavens; And in balances shall their deed be weighed; And when he shall lift up his countenance; To judge their secret ways according to the word of the name of the Lord of Spirits; And their path according to the way of the righteous judgement of the Lord of Spirits; Then shall they all with one voice speak and bless; And glorify and extol and sanctify the name of the Lord of Spirits; And He will summon all the host of the heavens and all the holy ones above and the host of God the Cherubic Seraphin and Ophannin and all the angels of power and all the angels of principalities and of the Elect One and the other powers on the Earth and above the water

And I subscribed the evidence, and sealed it, and took witnesses, and weighed him the money in the balances

“Confident that his portfolio of Procter & Gamble stock easily collateralized the loan he sought, he opened the point of compensating balances

As cash built up at a location, Tommy Thomas swept the account and transferred balances judged beyond immediate need to the corporate account at Wachovia Bank in Raleigh

Large loan balances were whittled away by the positive cash flow from owned properties

Learning accurate and true history then enhances and balances rational thinking

the internal pressure, the internal pressure balances the force of gravity, and

Their pay was paid into regular bank accounts that they were able to access if they needed but as there was nowhere on the island to spend anything other than pocket money in the canteen there was no need to carry any money and most of the staff were able to see steadily growing bank balances

whose currencies are exchanged, the demand for money is determined by the level of domestic income and domestic interest rates, then a higher income increases demand for transactions balances while a higher interest rate increases the opportunity cost of holding money, reducing the demand for money

Then he’ll have to electrically zero the control rod balances while the others help with the mechanical aspects

the Master Attunement and then the chakra balances

He was coming for weekly chakra balances

come for their fortnightly chakra balances and as I scanned

the attunement, she was able to come for chakra balances

hope to see her personally to give her chakra balances in the

A well-proportioned body is the correct type of physique not only because of its attractiveness but because it balances the body’s overall strength

The weakened part of the brain, no longer functioning at a normal level, leaves the remaining functions with no checks and balances

That is of course unless you plan on paying off the balances on cards by the end of the year

Like the United States, Rome was once a republic based on a constitution, checks and balances, and senators

Monitor the balances

You might think that the way government balances the budget – yeah, right – is an example of fuzzy math

Remember to not only compare interest rates, but look for hidden fees and transfer balances that may not be apparent at first glance

which have low balances

over the balances on both cards to a new card that

balances, and a $50,000 bank loan that paid for

balances in his hand

but consists of balances in accounts at banks, exchange being by means of cheques,

Of course he called for checks and balances

balances in this so called, “land of the free

alternatives that balances the risk of different types of funding with returns that exceed

flows and balances that observation with the choice of alternative sources of capital,

child’s see-saw is the classic example of this principle: when a fifty pound child balances a two hundred pound adult and then jumps off, the adult drops with a thud

approach assumes that the risk of leverage perfectly balances the potential effect on EPS

balances the stability and amount of earnings, the type of assets, and the ability to make

debt, to our advantage — as a measuring stick that balances several other variables —

Ultimately, even in the cases that it does not optimize, it balances key variables and offers management several ancillary targets

) At least being aware of this possibility balances the increasingly prevalent idea that the Antichrist arises out of the Muslim world and the east (based largely on the Middle Eastern

Our analysis was full of countervailing balances, and we came to the conclusion that

She balances out the authoritative power of the magician

reality that balances them and the instincts and passions that power

There are limitations and obstacles to overcome, but for the most part, a free market balances supply, demand and distribution pretty effectively

using the business plan as a system of checks and balances

business plan should be a living checks and balances system for

But most ‘money’ is represented by balances in accounts like checking and savings

The color of the amethyst is the best there is, and to the left of the calcite, it forms a perfect dome that balances the amethyst striped calcite beautifully

Secondly, our management system was geared to various checks and balances and there were various controls in place to nip such misbehaviour in the bud

checks and balances and define our proper directions that would

cash balances decline or are predicted to go negative

Drink lots of water to cleanse your body: Water purifies the system, balances the PH in the body and flushes toxins from the body; all this promotes a healthy body therefore promoting healthy skin as well

We are weighed in the balances and found wanting

Stored water, (ice), is the earth’s resource with which the oceanic balances can be maintained thus allowing the fresh water constant to be maintained

Water is probably the main component in the planet’s self regulating system of checks and balances that maintain a global equilibrium

Waiter places and balances second plate on the thumb, third and fourth fingers and

short term, as you will have higher credit balances spread out

father balances it on his feet and immediately covers

9% on transferred balances for six months, call 24 hours a day, seven days a week

He provided the checks and balances which Teller regarded as essential in his profession

Lee had put the cat among the pigeons by criticising the Basic Law proposals as lacking checks and balances between the two authorities

Except, of course, for the unbending equation, for the balancing highs and

balancing factor in the equation was Smith

«Balancing the reactor input with the capacitor seepage

Except, of course, for the unbending equation, for the balancing highs and lows in the song of Smith’s stars

There had to be the absolute cold that allowed Smith to feel the warmth, and the inevitable balancing factor in the equation was Smith

also great for balancing one’s health given the kind of eating Most runs have their watering stations at every 5-km mark

This balancing would bring

is not always a bad thing, as it allows for the same balancing out that takes place in their

‘No, I know that, you idiot!’ he said dropping a kiss on my head as he makes his way over to the table balancing the very hot toast between his fingers

‘Should be …’ he commented, clearly balancing the phone under his chin so he can write this down

Johnson and Roman both held out their arms, balancing with baby steps,

Roman stopped in his tracks, balancing the two cartons of milk on the edge of his

the solution on the other side of the equal sign? Was he simply balancing the

Not at the end of the mat where he was a split second before when I loosed the arrow, but in the middle of the mat balancing the arrow idly in his outstretched finger, with a ribbon dangling from either end of it, and the ladies’ hair was at that moment just falling to their shoulders as I watched

From there she branched in to the areas she knew the most about, Sales, bookkeeping, employee record keeping, tax records, and balancing the two sides with the middle

” Babs grinned showing off his new gold filling in his front tooth balancing the one he commissioned some nearly four decades previously

misfortune is then capable of balancing the hope of good luck, appears still more evidently in

Then they helped the lady to her home with Nimblefax balancing the chair on his horns and his back

“No, what I asked was how come you are here at this precise minute chasing my Harvest Festival poster around my window with a big hammer in your hand balancing on the top of an unstable ladder brandishing a political banner in the other hand, throwing tacks about

By balancing with them, which involved overcoming terror, we were made to feel so incredibly balanced

It is believed, correctly so or not, that the body’s weight is evenly distributed around this point and that it is a kind of balancing fulcrum

She trotted over to the Professor and the three of them stared at it with the same sort of disbelief and wonder that would be engendered by the sight of the Pope juggling live piranhas whilst balancing on a flaming tightrope

You have had a taste of balancing the forces within a planet so that it might heal itself in time; very useful, that

balancing the people’s welfare with that of her personal obligations and responsibilities is a juggling act she can’t always essay with grace!” Tei was beaming

Monty had spent his whole career balancing up his brilliant insight with contrived dumbness

Most souls who have had very little experience in balancing the polarities of the Earth, often succumb to the lower frequencies of energy i

When the population began to explode hundreds of years ago, Cupid recognized he would need help carrying out his task of balancing mortal emotion

The twelve ton vehicle lurched along, balancing on two wheels, the driver frantically trying to stay in control, when the front tyre that was still in contact with the road exploded, flipping the whole limousine onto its roof

Next I stepped onto the large cast iron scales to be weighed which the nurse did by adding iron weights a few lbs and ounces at a time until the balancing arm reached the required place and then she read off my weight she wrote this down in my notes as well

If they continue doing the superb jobs they»ve been doing these past two years in the areas of lowering taxes, balancing budgets, controlling regulations, and creating jobs, Obama may just have a tough time of it getting re-elected in 2012

Keeping its rear end on the top rail, Chuckles slid its front paws down the side slats of the cot, balancing precariously until its front paws were on the mattress and it could drop down without frightening the occupant

Balancing herself on one arm, she used her other to gently probe at the foal’s leg

Putting a paddle down into the sand to brace himself, balancing carefully with his beer, with the doobie clenched between his lips; he eased up and out of the craft

Balancing my can on the arm of the chair, I rose to the bait, falling into the trap of arguing with him

It had been a precarious balancing act but one he couldn’t back away from

Thorne lounged in a high-backed armchair with one ankle hooked over his knee, balancing a thin laptop on his leg

Though many tourists present tried to cross the river, Bobby Lincoln of our group was the only one who succeeded, adroitly balancing his body, during the hour that we spent there

I had graduated to the use of a cane (plus the leg braces) instead of the walker, but it was very precarious balancing on the stool before I had to jump up on the table

I explained about shot-peening all the surfaces of the rods, the balancing of the crankshaft, roller tappets, bigger inlet and exhaust valves

Just about then, Dawley came out of the fuselage, and stood there, balancing with a hand on the back of each of our seats

Personal cleansing can also be used as part of a holistic complementary therapy approach in harmony with such techniques as crystal healing, meditation and chakra balancing

shortening the hours of such labour and balancing the

I stare down at it for a second and then lift it, balancing it legs-up on my good shoulder

McKenzie returned with the drinks a few minutes later, balancing them somewhat precariously on a tray

He taught them composition, which I think mainly consisted of balancing an area of red on one side of the painting with a spot of red on the other side, and S curves

We also would agree that there are some subjects that we wish would have been more emphasized in school, such as making change, balancing a checkbook, making

load balancing will not occur over the 172

In the next part of this IGRP load-balancing tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to configure unequal-cost load balancing

The mid-morning spring sunlight feels good—a gentle breeze balancing its warmth

balancing the hormones needed for conceiving, the unconscious mind is active in all these things

) In general, tyrants are first-generation rulers and do not have in place the traditional balancing forces noted above in the case of a “legitimate prince

compliment matter, frequently, for the way it has been balancing

“The gods said that knowing would balance the scales, so either knowing that will make a great deal of difference, or the scales were already close to balancing before you heard their revelations

I was just too busy balancing all the financial balls it was taking just to keep from going broke

and balancing the migraineurs chakras

semiprecious stones helpful in focusing and balancing their chakras

often balancing on the balls of his feet as if he were just about to

One thing was certain: Mikkel had quite the balancing act

then, balancing delicately with one hand around the tree and the

” He ran to our room and returned, his bow strung across his back, balancing the bundle of arrows under his arm as he strapped his belt on and slid the sword through it

said, balancing a load of our dirty dishes in the crook of her arm as she left us

Balancing on crutches, he looked down and saw the nurse, writhing as she bled

Twenty-three corseted, overdressed women holding flowered cups to pursed lips while balancing tiny plates on tight laps

checkbook from downstairs where she had been balancing it on the

“It’s a balancing act

Sustainability, the balancing of various factors for the sake of long-term survival, was something

It was more of a balancing act than a race

with a self correcting balancing movement

Away from the gaze of strangers he relaxed and once more held forth on the virtuous life and the necessity of balancing mind and body


an inch short from the end of the cliff balancing on the edge, not knowing whether he would fall or not

This is a good time to do those menial, detailed, boring tasks that everyone tends to put off – your accounts, balancing the cheque book, filing, etc

Because it lowers cholesterol (which can clog up the brain!), provides Omega-3s while balancing out Omega 6s, and infuses the body with antioxidants and Vitamin E, olive oil should form one of the cornerstones of a brain-friendly diet

The driver pulled over next to the grass verge and, with the engine still running and balancing the scooter with his feet on the road, he asked where I was going

Rachel had thought through balancing the disadvantages of the reduction in mobility the suits caused against the potential of surviving a major hit

Harold took microseconds to register the fact that the ladder on which Merrell was balancing was toppling sideways and he saw the librarian momentarily hang, then fall

Isaac spent as much time as he could with her balancing the need to support his family with the need to heal his wife

It should be balanced and not lost excessively to allow greater energy balancing within the body

Many are focusing on these areas because there are those around you who also wish to express them in this manner so therefore you are finding the path of least resistance to balancing the energy

It is quite possible though to achieve results and direct energy without taking the time to have mindful study and balancing, simply stating, ‘healing energy’ and placing your hands on an individual will aid them

She shifted the tray from one hand to the other, balancing it in the air, while

What had been a relatively even conflict balancing the attackers’ greater numbers against the defenders’ better training and equipment quickly turned into a blood bath with the return of Saul’s forces

have followed a more ordinary path, one balancing the riches

clinging and balancing (when atop trees); they’re more arboreal

Karma is simply the balancing of energy

Those who are involved with what could be called excessive masturbation do so because the creative energy is not being expressed and therefore you are finding the path of least resistance to balancing the creative energy that is seeking expression

Warm air gently blew around them as the wyassies all stood on one leg on top of the stones, balancing a fruit on their foreheads

It was a delicate balancing act

is balancing the elements of nature while having one foot on a stone and one foot in the

But with time he began to get so familiar with those misfortunes of the world that on one night that was more unbalanced than the others he got undressed in the small reception room and ran through the house balancing a bottle of beer on his inconceivable maleness

life had to offer, like the sides of a scale balancing out

Gary handed Sir Richard the steel box he’d been balancing on his knee

We had a great case and legal representation, but the law firm eventually backed out of the case for lack of funds and the other support became as useful as having W teach a course in balancing budgets

And, as you’ve probably realized through this chapter, it’s always a balancing act between

Balancing on the left foot, raise both arms over the head, keep the elbows

So, it’s all bit of a balancing act

Synonym: equalize, measure, scale, stabilize, steady, weigh. Antonym: unbalance. Similar words: balanced, balance of, glance, parlance, surveillance, cancel, cancer, chance. Meaning: [‘bæləns]  n. 1. a state of equilibrium 2. a scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity 3. equality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account 4. harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design) 5. equality of distribution 6. something left after other parts have been taken away 7. the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account 8. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Libra 9. the seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22 10. (mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane 11. a weight that balances another weight 12. a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat. v. 1. bring into balance or equilibrium 2. compute credits and debits of an account 3. hold or carry in equilibrium 4. be in equilibrium. 

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1, Riders need a good sense of balance.

2, I lost my balance and fell backwards.

3, This exercise improves your coordination, balance, timing and footwork.

4, He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

5, Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.

6, You must learn to keep your balance in skating.

7, She lost her balance and tumbled backwards.

8, Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.

9, They strained at the ropes to balance the sails.

10, I lost my balance and fell on my face.

11, Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet.

12, She had trouble keeping her balance.

13, The granny lost her balance and fell.

14, Large dams have harmed Siberia’s delicate ecological balance.

15, His wife’s death disturbed the balance of his mind.

16, A gust of wind knocked/threw her off balance and she fell.

17, The child couldn’t keep his balance on his new bicycle.

18, He lost his balance,( staggered back against the rail and toppled over.

19, The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.

20, She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death.

21, This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.

22, Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs.

23, You must balance the good points against the bad points and then make your decision.

24, You must balance the high salary against the long working hours.

25, With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline.

26, The sudden movement of the ship knocked them both off balance.

27, The power of the wind is at your command.The balance of power must be preserved.

28, We’d better ask a few men to the party to balance up the numbers.

29, The experience of our side and the youthful determination of the other balance each other out.

30, The teams were evenly matched until two quick goals from Robson tipped the balance in favour of England.

More similar words: balanced, balance of, glance, parlance, surveillance, cancel, cancer, chance, dancer, stance, alliance, enhance, romance, finance, penance, entrance, advanced, guidance, substance, instance, ancestor, distance, pittance, by chance, in advance, arrogance, tolerance, insurance, compliance, acceptance. 

balance (n, v): a state where things are of equal weight or force; to be in a position where you will stand without falling to either side, or to put something in this position

Use “balance” in a sentence

He lost his balance and fell off the ladder.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
She’s trying to balance her work and home lives.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«Children need to find an ideal balance between study and play.«
(ideal, equal, good, reasonable, sensible)

«What is the right balance of meat and vegetables in my diet?«
(right, best, correct, proper)

«We must preserve the ecological balance of the planet.«
(ecological, natural, biological)

«This city has an even ethnic balance.«
(ethnic, racial, socioeconomic)

«The election shifted the political balance of power.«

«New rules were created to ensure competitive balance.«

«That gymnast has excellent balance.«
(excellent, great, good, poor, terrible)

«I need to check my bank balance.«
(bank, account, checking, savings, credit)

Used with verbs:

«We’re attempting to find a balance between the opposing sides.«
(find, create, attain, reach)

«Man-made items have disturbed the balance of nature.«
(disturbed, upset, broken, affected)

«You should maintain a balance between work and relaxation.«
(maintain, keep, preserve, restore, shift, alter, change, adjust)

«After drinking, she had difficulty keeping her balance.«
(keeping, maintaining, controlling)

«Yoga seems to improve my balance.«
(improve, better)

«The medication threw off my balance.«
(threw off, affected)

«Give me a moment to recover my balance.«
(recover, regain)

«I need to check my account balance.«

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