Use the word bag in a sentence

Synonym: bagful, base, bulge, cup of tea, dish, grip, handbag, old bag, pocket, pocketbook, purse, suitcase, traveling bag, udder. Similar words: bags, handbag, bags of, garbage, schoolbag. Meaning: [bæg]  n. 1. a flexible container with a single opening 2. the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person) 3. place that runner must touch before scoring 4. a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women) 5. the quantity that a bag will hold 6. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes 7. an ugly or ill-tempered woman 8. mammary gland of bovids (cows and sheep and goats) 9. an activity that you like or at which you are superior. v. 1. capture or kill, as in hunting 2. hang loosely, like an empty bag 3. bulge out; form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge 4. take unlawfully 5. put into a bag. 

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(1) He rugby tackled her and stole her bag.

(2) The police emptied her bag and examined the contents.

(3) Don’t just sling your bag on the floor!

(4) He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.

(5) He strapped the bag onto his bicycle.

(6) I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.

(7) He nipped in and took my bag back.

(8) He packed a few things into a bag.

(9) I’ve left my bag in the car.

(10) The bag was wrenched from her grasp.

(11) What kind of bag was it?

(12) Take this bag, and leave everything else to me.

(13) Words like «bag«,»dog»,»nurse»,»electricity», and «wood»are all nouns.

(14) She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.

(15) Shall I bag those tomatoes for you?

(16) He bought me a bag of toffees.

(17) Whereabouts did I leave my bag?

(18) The bag is divided into separate compartments .

(19) All the shopping had spilled out of my bag.

(20) I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.

(21) Could you hold my bag for me?

(22) Could you help me carry my bag?

(23) Jill crammed her clothes into the bag.

(24) The bag split, and sugar spilled everywhere.

(25) He slung the bag over his shoulder.

(26) Stick reflective tape on your school bag.

(27) He hefted his bag into the car.

(28) I took his bag by mistake.

(29) Nancy gripped the strap of her beach bag.

(30) Shall I fetch your bag from the next room?

«You had that in your hands many times?» he asked, pointing to the note she was stuffing in her bag

Hermann gripped his duffel bag with his feet to make sure it was still there

Jorma was now much closer so she could see he had a bag with him

She changed her clothes as an excuse for putting her bag back in the boat with her other clothes and the maps

There was a rubbish bag with some dead roses in it

She is lying on the floor, halfway out of her sleeping bag

John puts a bag in the overhead, settles into a window seat, puts his laptop on his knees

’ She invited once I have put my mobile back in my bag again

Before reaching for that bag of nitrates or other chemical fertilizers, the conscious homeowner or farmer should stop for a moment to consider what needs to be put back in the soil to enhance its life-giving properties

Nurse 1 is nearby with a small paper bag in her hand

She puts the bag on his bed

Finally, he opens the travel bag, takes out his Rolex, looks at it

And do what? Bag groceries at

Solar Tea: Solar Tea is made by placing the ground up dried leaves of the herb into panty hose tied into a ball (becomes a tea bag) then place into a gallon (or larger) glass container of pure water (not city water, distilled or filtered water is best but stream water is OK)

They had a haunch of karga and a big bag of panips that they grilled up

The curtains are beyond redemption, of course, and they go straight in a bin bag

Every now and then, when she thinks no-one is looking, it pops out … am I being a fool? Or even worse, an interfering old bag? I hope not

‘What have I let myself in for?’ he muttered theatrically as Liz, who has been collecting up some of the soggy wallpaper which fell out of the bag, throws a handful at him

You be fucking honest with me Travis coz you gotta believe in this stuff or you know you gonna end up with your balls in a bag

They toss Bolt’s camera and bag out of the truck as they drive away

A few minutes later, putting my mobile away in my bag again, I reverse the car out of the parking space and drive down the road

I stare at the bag I am busying myself with, not daring to look her in the eye

his bag for the hard, round goats cheese and the hunk of heavy bread that he had

She picked up a training bag and headed to the city’s Southside and Ireland’s only full roller derby rink

stout wooden stick, slung his bag back over his shoulder and patted the oak tree,

In fact I think I saw her checking it was in her bag

«You’ve been two cats in a bag since the day you met,» Ava said

I grabbed at the first bag

I tipped the second bag out onto the mattress and turned each fabulous new toy over and over in my hands

I stuffed my old clothes into one bag and my bright new toys into the other

I wanted to light up the room, wanted to chain smoke my way through the morning, but the small bag of gifts on the mattress next to me in the darkness was too precious to waste

Slightly breathless, I check I have my keys in my bag and follow him out to the car, getting in the back with Rose

My life is balanced on the tip of a pin and she just runs the box past her scanner as though it was a bag of onions … it is almost funny

Kara folded the precious sheets and stowed them in her bag before replying

The efficient old bag handed the phone to Kara and disappeared tactfully into her office though not, Kara noted, out of earshot

She’d stayed seated until it stopped, uncertain and unfamiliar with the motion … yes, the bus had stopped and she’d risen, turned to pick up her bag … walked quickly down the gangway to the door … there’d been footsteps behind her … heavy ones – the men

’ Kara said with determination as Iain picked up her bag and smiled at Angie

’ He said, picking up her bag before JJ could ask any more

” Son said as he placed his bag of gold coins before her

Under the broad limbs of an oak, in a deep hollow that provided both shade and yet was open to the breeze that continually blew in from the sea, the old man lay down at midday, mopped his brow with a red, paisley handkerchief, and reached into his bag for the hard, round goats cheese and the hunk of heavy bread that he had picked up this morning when leaving his hut at first light

He woke with a start, hauled himself up on his stout wooden stick, slung his bag back over his shoulder and patted the oak tree, thanking it for it’s tolerance of a foolish old man

But when will that be? Hmmm … as the train picked up speed, she reached into her bag and pulled out the letter

‘Do you want to shove your bag in my car?’ Iain suggested as soon as introductions had been effected

’ Iain said as she folded the sheet and stowed it in her bag

The cat has been let out of the bag

She moved her bag from where it was hanging loosely on one shoulder and passed the strap over her head so that the bag hung across her chest down to one hip

bag and eagerly run to their grandmother to show her the

swag for the bag man

He lifted the rattling bag of tricks, wedging the cracked plastic base

Kara glanced at Iain sat holding himself stiffly beside her, the knuckles of the hand clutching his bag tense and white

’ His grip on the bag slightly less tense now

Is the whisky in that bag?

’ Kara replied with a smile, casting a glance at the heap of her belongings … her bulging bag and the basket carrying flowers and produce that Issa had insisted she take with her

Holding out her arm to allow it to perch, and moving the bag holding the bread safely out of reach of the avian’s sharp beak, she carefully detached the message and sent the bird on its way

Four unidentified items marked as ‘belonging to my mother’ … ‘a small silk bag containing locks of Karentze’s hair as a child’ … JJ must have those things … a section headed ‘For Karalintze’ which only showed numbered containers

It was wrapped in a leather bag and concealed in a hole in some rotten panelling

A non-descript hessian bag was produced from yet another secure shelf, and the items carefully place in it

The bag heavy in her hand, she walked along stuffed full of more happiness than she had felt for … since … that he should have loved her so much …

He noticed his ditty bag was on the counter with all his toiletries

«Desa didn’t get quite everything into this bag

Under the mattress I had a little pouch with thirteen irons, a fireglass, a rord pipe with a small bag and some hair ties, along with one more pill from that shop in Hazorpean

That was in the bag with the rord

Her bag was tied over her shoulders sideways on the harness

Desa unstrapped her bag

I will send your bag to you

Oh Wiesse … I do hope Agna’s home is all right! She seemed to think it would be and the fallout from the eruption seemed to be going the other way, but all the same … she said she would sent my bag back if she could

» Desa said, spilling the contents of her bag on the cleared area near the fire

Luray’s silhouette was visible out on the flats with a bag for the lon

seven ways to leave your bag on a train,

has spilled inside it’s carrier bag and leaked all over the boot

A little bag of clothes wrapped around your shoulders is not like this

She took them and wrapped them in her bag

‘There’s some ointment in the bag

‘All I need now is something to bandage you with – anything in that bag of yours I can use?’

As best as we can in the limited space available, we eat the remainder of the food in the bag and finish off the ale

That bag is not heavy now – we’ve eaten all the food and drunk the ale

Now if Desa had her old manual yandrille in her bag they could have had quite the ethnic heritage act

Swallowing hard, Berndt, takes Joris’ bag and begins packing the clothes in the cupboards

‘Can you cope with your stuff?’ he asked, lugging Joris’ bag through into his cabin

Berndt is providing all the items we need in the tent (!), sleeping bag and provisions line, though I shall be responsible for my own clothing and personal requirements

He took down a large bag of oranges and lemons hanging from a nail and began slicing and juicing some into a big jug already filled with ice and limes

My mother took a plastic tag tie off a luggage bag and put one end around my wrist and the other around hers as handcuffs, so she would feel me get up during the night

’ He said, his head almost inside the bag

’ Berndt commented, going back to his bag and digging out a cloth so he can wipe his hands

At that time the family name was long and impressive; D’Agouteville perhaps or Cholmondley-Warner or some such thing, but, as with all families, the generations followed one after another, proving more or less that sons and daughters inherit a mixed bag of genes and ancestral memory

As we draw nearer to the gate, he reaches into his bag and draws out a paper

Alan had most of the bag filled already

jacket I had in a plastic bag I was carrying

They asked to borrow my disc man which was also in the bag

He turned from the fire to see her toss her bag on the counter and hop onto the first stool

He had a kit bag over his shoulder and wore his cap all askew upon his head, because he was coming home from the wars and although not yet formally and officially de-mobbed, he simply didn’t feel like complying with dress regulations anymore

What a lovely cap and what a very big kit bag you have”

It’s just that I am warm from my sleeping bag

Hauling my mantel back over my shoulders, I watch as he folds the tent and reduces it to an absurdly small package which he stows in a bag on Adamant’s back

’ He replied, groping in his bag and producing a couple of large potatoes

He turned around and shouted back towards the cave, “One of you bring my medical bag please Tommy is hurt

Instead of firing the poor girl, the chairman’s wife asked the maid to sew a little bag of the finest silk and fill it with ground up Puy lentils

When her daughter, tired as usual after a long day at the coal face of international mergers and acquisitions, went to bed, her mother tied the bag to the back of her pyjamas

He picked up his medical bag and swung it over his shoulder by a strap he had fastened to it

Then she cut a tiny whole in the bag so that the ground up lentils would leave a trail if she were abducted once again

There’s a little girl who is dead keen to start lessons and because this time-waster has bagged the time, I can’t fit her in

Peg had already completed her ablutions and bagged

They’ve bagged a table in the corner and it looks as though I’m the last to arrive

The grain was bagged and loaded with more back-breaking labour

We bagged our gross of

“Over here Billy Boy it’s the Turk sniper that you bagged and look your shot went right through his temple

Bones bagged a cool half-mill

Jacobs bagged Whitey

Had Tony Scrammed, Rocky could have been bagged and

I successfully passed all of my exams with distinction and bagged an MBA at the University of London to boot, yet I felt paralysed in the real world of employment

I worked my way down to the marsh and bagged about fifty of them, mostly geese, by early afternoon

Ah Uk’s command bagged the bulk of the

bagged one? I have the pictures to prove it

Aunt Mala told his mother, “Sudha, your music chances are growing and you have even bagged the prestigious Music Academy chance; but your son lost his voice and a musical career that would otherwise have been blazing

Sridhar had got a job in Delhi and was eager to propose, however, his brother, Narayan bagged her first

I took his word for it and along with being on a fast track for scholastic probation, bagged wrestling as a sport

The corn meal comes out this spout in front where it can be bagged

 Use bagged, pre-washed greens and precut vegetables

and bagged dog food

All the clothes I wore have been double bagged, the house has been

The spectre watched as its physical remains were prodded and examined by the pathologist; and it witnessed its once living form bagged and carried to the waiting coroner’s ambu-lance

Can be any chili powder but I use the bagged stuff you buy at store on Mexican food isle

«They’ve bagged the crew,» he answered hastily

When she had gleaned as much as she could from this she turned to the exhibits bagged up and tagged on the trestle table

The 2 men had bagged a

incredible stocks of all sorts of canned and bagged foods

“Why the long face, honey?” she asked as she bagged Donna’s muffin and set her cappuccino on the counter

When I compare shopping for food today with the time I bagged groceries, chased grocery carts and stocked shelves, it appears that a great deal of progress hasn’t taken place

«Wow, that’s a bummer, man! I’m sure that if you bagged it good they wouldn’t know the diff

Finally, he replaced the filter and bagged up the contaminated one in polythene

The officer took them in gloved hands and bagged them

My eyes are blue, but bagged and dark

“All bagged and tagged

“The evidence is bagged now and I won’t touch it again, but you’ll see it as well, if not better, here

, which he bagged as potential evidence

He had always been good protection for Sally and when he saw his friend’s pieces being removed and bagged

That bomb, having made its way down to the upper powder room, then exploded and ignited the hundreds of 55-kilogram bagged cordite charges stored there

He then slid the bagged gold under his minivan’s rearmost seat

She told him that she just left the bagged slender gold nugget where he placed it

he bagged the animal, the sooner he could get Cameron back

They bagged the rolling pin and the lock picks, the man had had in his possession, for evidence

Sharad Pawar’s NCP was down to just five seats, Nitish won just two, Kejriwal’s AAP bagged only four seats, all of which came from Punjab

“I bagged one

“Listen to me! You may have bagged the best of the bunch

They were quickly bagged, payment was received, and once she was out of sight, they did a secret little high-five under the table with a gleeful grin

Met one of the ‘outlaws’ who came to the gate for a bagged sandwich and

I got the black and green ones bagged up and left the red and white

Love reappeared as the bagged game upon the table and the strange fruit hanging from crosshaired trees in the faces of the could have been terrorists assassinated last Amnesty Day singing NuLuv’s yet to be released product pop ring tone: ‘i-Be, u-Be, wii-Be zombiies!’

You could have raised a village, instead you bagged and tagged yourself a zoo

Few were the bagged heralds still talking with the park’s morning denizens

” a Seventh Generation paper bagged Ain’t reported

“No one was in the room, so I moved toward a pile of bagged rice against

Than sat on a chair in the corner of the room and talked as Therese created piles of her parents’ possessions and then bagged them in giant black yard bags she found beneath the kitchen sink

She checked out and I bagged up the groceries

We stopped at a creek and refilled our canteens, then sat at the picnic area, where our tour guide passed out bagged lunches

She’d been kidnapped, bagged and beaten

It’s worse than that bagged human stuff

It was actually a good thing, because it caused me to learn more about my abilities, and if I had been exposed to blood ‘properly,’ I would have never known how much better fresh blood is compared to the disgusting bagged stuff

Three hours later, the dead body, which they’d found near the dock, was examined, bagged, and finally taken away

Tam and I could have bagged twice the

Too bad such a crock can’t be bagged inside the bag it was scribbled across

During a session on the rifle-range many situations can be simulated; but not one of them was similar to that unforgettable shot when I bagged my caribou

I was nowhere near as nervous as I was when I bagged my Dall sheep, which was only 1/4 of the size of the musk ox and 1000 ft

When I bagged my first musk ox, my initial shot also went too high

There’s enough room for four people, their guns, and whatever game is bagged, as well

Another thing that causes confusion is that vain European hunters seem to be embarrassed to admit to their hunting pals back home that they’ve «only» bagged a grizzly, rather than the giant Alaskan Brown Bear

But, as I’ve just said, it is essential to remember that categorizing and identifying the bagged bear depends on the number of the Unit you are in

The week before I left for America I was told by Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures that on 13th May this year (2009) one of their clients, Rodney Debias, bagged a royal monster, considered to be a potential new world record, and, what’s more, did it near the area where I shall be hunting

The prestige of this trophy is further enhanced by the fact that the brave hunter bagged this Alaskan emperor with only a bow and arrow

2ins; the creature was bagged near Cordova, Alaska, in September 1999

Even so, it is still important to be aware of such records, as this is the only way of assessing the animals we have bagged

Apparently, there is a huge bear wandering around that area, and Bob thinks it is about time it was bagged

In their time, Greg and his fellow hunters have seen a lot of mountain game bagged; they’ve had ample opportunity to observe the effects and practical killing power of the various types of bullets used by different hunters

My main reason for coming here was for the goat: the bear that I have already bagged, if all has gone according to plan, should be waiting to be shipped home

There is no doubt that they will be bagged

In Asia there are deer with characteristics of both the maral and the red deer, but that is a problem for hunters in Asia to sort out when they categorize the game they’ve bagged

Or when you have spent a lot of money for an expedition, and the game you are after will only be bagged by ignoring them

A couple of years ago, Roger left his client behind with his bagged game

Whenever I think back on all the game I’ve bagged here, it is always the actual shot that comes to mind first

Several trophies of almost record size have been bagged here, so my chances are good

from where I bagged my Dall sheep, I have pulled the trigger of my Blaser for the last time

The investigator shrugged, bagged it

they had their items selected from the shelves they took them to the desk at the rear of the room where the clerk scanned them and bagged them

The newspapers on the dresser were folded, bagged and

She uses bagged blood and doesn’t kill

We bagged it and

Instead, they buy a few favorite ones that have consistently bagged them their fish

She did her homework, kept those emotions restrained, and bagged herself plenty of seed money to start her business

Near eleven o’clock in the morning, we cleared the lower slopes of the mountains that form the island’s center, and we still hadn’t bagged a thing

Daresay Corny Kelleher bagged the job for O’Neill’s

O, surely he bagged it

When they had bagged everything, Ralph told Alan to break up the wooden chests with his hammer and chisel

When the purchases were tucked in tissue and bagged in black, Gozan called to his nephew, “Khezzy, please help these ladies put the shopping bags in their car

The guns returned to battery, the breech blocks spun and opened, soaked swabs extinguished any embers, fresh shells and bagged powder charges slid into the breeches, the blocks closed, and each gun captain bent back to the sight mounted to the recoil cylinder

Three of her guns had been dismounted by direct hits, another was out of action with its slide jammed by another round shot, and a messenger from Paityr Gahnzahlyz had warned him they were almost out of bagged charges for the guns

He returned the paper to the jeans, bagged the jeans in plastic, and squeezed the whole package into a large inside pocket of his brushed-wool greatcoat

Outside, office workers carried bagged lunches from the deli

This time it is Cenkos which bagged a nice 115% profit

Needless to say Orange went up and got taken over, still on the cheap, but I bagged a fat profit

When Frank started Baggy today, the bagging machine let out an awful sneeze and blew all of the bags into the reject bin

» She could hardly believe that was her voice bagging him to release her

I planned on bagging Winnie as he walked down the front steps

Part of the routine of operating a spaceship was bagging up all the stuff, putting the tools back in place, everything must be clamped down

That pawn is tea bagging the queen into the lava,” Jaden chuckles while the pawn loses balance and falls in, “Oh my, that was hilarious

So it turned out Pete made pretty good money for the bagging of his wild

» Bill is stooped over scooping up and bagging what he discovers, explaining, «It looks like the end of a french fry

To see him striding along the profile of a hill on a windy day, with his clothes bagging and fluttering around him, one could have mistaken him for a scarecrow running away from a cornfield

All of their main branch dairies had their own bottling, carton-filling and bagging equipment, the milk being delivered in bulk to them via Ubisi Milk-tankers

They had the boy laid out on blankets on the floor and were bagging him, they had inserted an airway

His looks as if it is dead,” the officer was bagging up everything which he had cut away

” Indeed, he thought, it would be an advantageous point for bagging some very important game

euphoric frenzy bagging the kid and actually had to be actively stopped by the

As soon as the safe was opened, they hurriedly started bagging up the cash

She dressed, applied her false fingerprints and collected the clothes she had worn earlier, for bagging and tagging

you, but I’m leaning toward bagging the whole thing

There is no glamour to this and if you thought there was, after two weeks you will wish you were bagging groceries for a living

They spent the rest of the day sorting and bagging Therese’s parents’ clothes, shoes, accessories, and a select assortment of books, magazines, and jewelry

I laughed and started bagging the groceries

As they sped through the large auditorium like room, they noticed several Zombies opening panels with knobs over and over again, washing dishes, throwing newspapers papers, washing cars, and bagging groceries

irresistible offer, your chances of bagging the deal are far higher than if you just

The forensic squad worked hard bagging up pieces of evidence and sending off for analysis

He even traded animal pelts with them after bagging a kill in the forest when he was out hunting on the land that surrounded his property, the majority of which belonged to the Shoshone Indian tribe who had their reservation just over the hill next to White Horse

There’s no guaranteed formula for bagging anywhere, unless it is «canned-hunting», where it’s not so easy to make a mistake, but even then things do not always go well on the first day

Now we can see why that author, who wrote that he had shot a grizzly on Kodiak Island, was writing complete nonsense: to find a grizzly there, you’d have to take it over I’m going to be hunting in Unit 18, and perhaps 19 as well, so, in theory, I have an equal chance of bagging either a grizzly, or an Alaskan brown bear

There will be no chance of bagging that bear that year

Before leaving, Bob tells us that there are grizzlies, black bears and giant moose in the vicinity, so there is a fair chance of bagging all three species

After bagging my Dall sheep, when I asked Greg about goat hunting, he said: the goat hunt starts where the sheep hunt ends

Over here, wounding counts as bagging

They were broken into bits, but the taxidermist, performing miracles, was able to reconstruct them completely using photos taken just after the bagging

I have carefully saved the exact position of the bagging on my Garmin Oregon 300-s GPS, a very useful device

This is backed up by my second musk ox bagging

Yesterday, and at almost every bagging on this trip, I have managed to take fairly accurate shots

Not only are these consistent in bagging good-sized bass, these are some good lures to begin with

As such, crank baits have very high success rates in bagging smallmouth bass

Fitzgerald noted in his diary that after officials were done “brown bagging” their way through the seventy pounds of sugar allotted to the captives, one teacup of sugar remained

Runners love bagging the big trade

But finding and buying such businesses isn’t easy; Buffett likens the hunt to bagging «rare and fast-moving elephants

CSU was working fast and well, photographing scrapes on car doors, marking blood spatter, bagging found objects on the asphalt

A selfish thought knifed through me, hoping that it wasn’t Claire bagging out of our date at the last minute

“That’s fresh,” I said, handing it to a tech for bagging

Beside the direct pleasures of the chase and the bagging of game, there are many incidental pleasures in such a hunting expedition

I would have consulted Gypsy Rosa Lee, but since switching to tea bags, her predictions have not been up to much

His jowls and the bags under his eyes hung low, distorting all the features on his face

A simple trip to the grocery store will be filled with episodes of bad drivers, poorly-timed traffic lights, crowded aisles, indifferent checkout clerks, and thin plastic grocery bags that rip too easily

They were not fond of the native’s reusable tea bags, what they liked to call a ‘sock,’ but Ava didn’t see how that was such a big adaptation

They took on two hundred bags of fuel, so many that one had to crawl over them to get to the one bed that was still open

There were twenty bags piled on the floor of the cockpit

Azhergok was a small city of less than a million, but Herndon was able to come up with another hundred bags of fuel between three dealers

Since she was still wide awake, she put on three bags of fuel and got the boiler going

plastic bags, garbage, blocked drains, blocked ‘Nalas’, unauthorized constructions blocking free flow of drain water and sewage and non-removal of materials after building constructions

He didn’t answer, but avoided her by going inside and using the head, doing his teeth, shaving, and crawling forward into the bedroom to load some fuel bags out of there and into the space that was free’d up on the kitchen floor during Dawnsleep

It was an hour until they were out and four more bags of fuel

You had to keep three bags going at all times when running full out like Herndon wanted

When Frank started Baggy today, the bagging machine let out an awful sneeze and blew all of the bags into the reject bin

‘What is linked but not the same?’ Stephen asked, appearing breathlessly in the doorway laden with several bin bags full of wallpaper; as is apparent from the split in one of the bags

He spills a quantity of soggy wallpaper on the floor as his grip on the bags slips; together, Liz and I rush over to take some of his burden from him

David and Hamo picks up their bags, walk over to a shiny new Mercedes limo

I had to climb over a heap of black bags full of clothing to get to the phone … Molly and I have been busy

Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

A tall German business man was waiting with his bags

From behind his back he flourished two plastic shopping bags

Clutching it, she watched as a pale and patently edgy JJ and an absurdly protective Angie clambered into the kaht, stowing their bags safely under the seat; she watched until they disappeared

Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades

He’d even got as far as starting to turn out his belongings, sorting a great heap of garments, knickknacks and furnishings into black plastic bags already heaped in his car so he could drop them at the charity shop near his office during his lunch hour

He was barely in the water when Desa appeared below the nest, two bags in her hand

They do their best, with black bags and rolling jaw machines,

grabbing bags and suitcases

and as they pack their bags we remove some of the rails…

It is not much fun trying to pack all these extra items in the bags we brought with us … in the end Caderl solves the problem by offering to carry the extra on his gg

They threw their duffel bags over Jake’s mid section, and Kate climbed on

As always, Berndt is practical and sensible – it is he who locates our bags and checks that they are as they should be and he who oversees the ggs being settled in the stable

Come, bring your bags on board and I will show you where you will be sleeping

Sleeping bags had been brought in earlier as they knew these people would not leave their charges or this spot till morning

You could stand in front of me with your bags packed,

And the landing and the carrier bags

In the graveyard street where carrier bags go to die,

She was juggling in vain with a pile of parcels and bags that seemed have a life of its own

In a stratospheric pitch, she screamed at the bags as though they were naughty children and complained to anyone who would listen but no one took any notice

It was the same old lady but this time she was almost bent double, right in front of me like a bundle of washing, and still struggling with those boxes and bags

of the writing on skipping plastic carrier bags,

Tents and sleeping bags encircled the remains of a fire nearby

They then went about the school retrieving all their possessions and packing their bags

He threw in his bags and the dogs jumped up

Their bags and possessions were lined up against the wall, and they were all beckoned to the center

In the station, under a huge steel sky, the two children sat quietly amid the hustle and bustle of bags and feet that rumbled by oblivious to their plight

My baggage … now there’s a term! It consists of what I can cram into the two satchel-like bags which will hang over Sefir’s shoulders

‘No, that can go over the bags

Swearing, he quickly pulls Adamant over, leaps off the gg and starts delving into one of his bags

By dint of sheer willpower and a certain amount of gritting of the teeth against the pain, I manage to get dressed and pack up my bags again

‘Yes, they’re all in the bags

Without a word, he throws my bags over Sefir’s shoulders, secures them and hands me the reins, storming off to check Adamant is ready to go

The ladies on the wall ate with frightening enthusiasm, enjoying every scrap, and then they ordered more which they slipped into carrier bags standing by their knees

‘ I nodded, knowing full well those scruffy old bags were so loaded with delicious stews, their families would be satisfied for months

Berndt settles Adamant into the stall beside her and begins unloading our bags

Five minutes later, I clamber up the steps with my bags to the main deck to find that the barge is lying very low in the water

’ I assured him as he throws my bags over Sefir’s shoulders and fastens them in place

As I pull together all the garments scattered round the room and pack them in the bags, I try to come to terms with the concept that I would rather like my dream (as it is probably safer to call it) to be reality

Is that okay with you? We can take sleeping bags – I’ve a spare if you haven’t got one

We carry the basket through the garden round to the back and leave it there while I open up the house and take the bags in

Alastair turns up twenty minutes later clutching white plastic bags and we usher him into the dining room where we have put out plates and cutlery

he could and one by one the team passed out the bags, the

occupants clearly preferring to use carrier bags, cigarette butts and

were bags of powders and pills and some neat piles of ready cash

poor buggers”, he said as he totted up the ready cash and the bags

started to fall, they set out for home laden with bags and boxes full

’ He said, pausing by the side table where cutlery is neatly bundled up in napkins — he counts out sufficient bundles and hands them to me then picks up a handful of condiments, all packaged in their plastic bags

with the size of the shopping list I have, I am not even going to attempt to carry the shopping bags! I’ve not heard from Dave so far today

Brent pulled out one of his sleeping bags from the storage area and placed it in front of the fireplace

water, until, with the steam rising and tea bags in cups, Lucy’s

coats and bags as best they could before the lorry set off with a jerk

Then he pours out three small piles of differently coloured sand from plastic carrier bags

Jorma had his own pack strapped on and the larger two of Ava’s bags in his hands

Julie notices that he has one of his bags with him

It was stacked with boxes, bags and folders right to the ceiling

‘The tea bags are in that jar there

L on each flap of the bags

No more borrowing space in Great-uncle’s bags!”

She bought some bags of staples and another cask

She has strict instructions not to touch any of the stuff in the bags that they packed last night, which are stowed by the front door

He likes that idea and very shortly we are strolling along the seafront clutching bags of chips and battered sausages, eating them with little wooden forks

squeeze, and then began to gather old bags and planks of

There were bags under his eyes and his nose was

She is, apparently, generous with the tea bags and the biscuit tin

He had been more careful about that, ever since he suspected that their bags had been disturbed when they were parked in Eleknane Canal

Before he even got to the main canal he bought and packed his supplies, along with five bags of fuel for just over two irons, a very good deal

Simon carries my bags down to the car and we put Sam in

Half an hour later the girls arrive, hot from their walk up the hill from the bus stop but happy and toting several bags

Jorma is off somewhere far, because he bought five bags of fuel and trail food

The girls were stretched out on the floor, with the sleeping bags from the car, and a picnic box Emma had never seen before

through the darkness to the bags of straw in the corner of

After stepping backwards, so the girls could pass her, to put the sleeping bags up

There was enough thesh and vedn flour for a good batch of dusted rolls in the open bags and all that fresh rinko to stuff them with

When he didn’t break for breakfast a few hours later, she was more than willing to share them, between packing bags of grain from the truck to the barn

He never even said a thing about the way she’d been able to pack the grain bags, nearly as well as he

Was he all that different, she now was covered with his bruises? Although admittedly, most of them came from packing grain bags, only a few were obtained when the truck whirled about

The grain bags did, you should’ve seen my legs

There were three bags left and more would be on the way soon

continued along the river bank, dragging his bags after

Jean had dropped his bags

dropped his bags and gave the woman a polite bow

Leaving his bags where they were, he headed

Learn how to use BAg in a sentence and make better sentences with `BAg` by reading BAg sentence examples.

  • These aren’t frivolous things like the Haris Pilton BAg.
  • If you check your BAg online 48 hours in advance they only charge you $35.
  • It’s also something you can’t reverse once the cat is out of the BAg.
  • This saw has a home in my main tool BAg and saved me trips back to the trailer.
  • Keep one in your bug out BAg and they quickly prove themselves a must have.
  • How hard is it to check the food that goes in the BAg.
  • The table saw just doesn’t build up enough air pressure to force much of the dust into the BAg.
  • We could see the white powder inside the BAg.
  • The sauce seeped into my BAg and it was a BAg full of liquid.
  • Have you ever opened a credit card just to get a free gift like a tote BAg or water bottle.
  • They charge you for everything and limit your check BAg to 40lbs.
  • I bought this for my EDC BAg.
  • I brought along a BAg of the products I use.
  • They explained how to order which was simply checking boxes next to ingredients on a paper BAg.
  • Could you carry a marketing BAg for half an hour without getting pain in your shoulder and arm.
  • All served to you in a BAg with the crab.
  • Today, the cashier and bagger just threw my sushi in the BAg and it’s spilled all over.
  • Secondly, the crab in a BAg is DRENCHED in oil, it is a gigantic mess.
  • This product is worth the little amount spent to clean up a BAg problem in a kitchen pantry.
  • If so, do you have a hard travel BAg or a soft one.
  • Previous of this purchase, I would simply use Dewalt drivers, and a tool BAg.
  • Some may say that this is just a BAg of hardware, but the technology behind it is worth every penny.
  • And a sleeping BAg and tent that are both under two pounds is fantastic.
  • The BAg is filled with sand and is used for different kinds of lifting exercises.
  • They had found my makeup BAg.
  • Have you added the beauty of a leather BAg to your motorcycle yet.
  • Also keep the twist ties that come with them which will keep them organized inside the cable BAg.
  • Ever lost a sale you thought was in the BAg.
  • That’s all it took for the entire BAg that measures about 9 x 12 plus the shoulder strap.
  • Many of us tend to forget the criteria when choosing the right golf BAg.
  • I’m not letting any secrets out of the BAg by telling you that the World Wide Web is enormous.
  • If you want to BAg a turkey the next time, be sure to get the right bow hunting blinds.
  • Survival BAg seal of approval.
  • Quintessentially English is a term often used to describe the Mulberry BAg.
  • Came with a manual and BAg of new spare parts.
  • Use it for my emergency tool BAg in my car.
  • There is a good size BAg of it too.
  • With an ATV drop rack and BAg, you can do just that.
  • When I got my BAg there was no ketchup.
  • He went to a little side table to box them and came back with them in a BAg.
  • There were two small lock nuts missing from the parts BAg.
  • Pick your BAg and start crafting your masterpiece.
  • I ordered the first set, and BAg arrived torn open and the box inside was missing all the plugs.
  • However, I brought my own BAg and did not get any $$ off my bill or even a raffle ticket.
  • I’ve also seen people grab a BAg of them as they go in as well.
  • This is very well made and heavy duty BAg.
  • What happens, however when the BAg becomes too full and the handles begin to break.
  • The mobile handset is small enough to easily carry in a BAg, briefcase or pocket, measuring only 16.
  • Dust collection was futile with the standard BAg that came with the saw.
  • It’s a real mixed BAg at Aria.
  • Dust collection works, but need to empty the BAg very frequently.
  • Frankly, it’s a mixed BAg.
  • It’s not cheap, but the construction of the BAg warrants the price of admission.
  • Solid huge lunch requiring a doggy BAg each time for under $10.
  • I repeated which items I brought to the counter and he placed them into a BAg.
  • Also, the dust BAg must be Makita’s little joke since nobody would take the time to make it work.
  • I will go nowhere and do no job without these screwdrivers in my tool BAg.
  • Best to be prepared than left holding a complete empty BAg.
  • Just use a plastic trash BAg to wrap your tires around.
  • This machine has the best dust collection BAg of any model I’ve seen.
  • I bought this to replace my tool BAg when I make service calls.
  • BAg of shrimp and BAg of crab Cajun flavor was dynamite.
  • A bagpipe typically consists of an air supply, a BAg, a chanter, and usually a drone.
  • A lingerie BAg works wonderfully.
  • The tote BAg is a very useful article that can also help save the environment.
  • No more ‘mexican cheese in a bag’.
  • Dust chute, dust BAg and allen wrench are also included.
  • Employing an apparatus like a simple bait BAg is a great idea to help keep your worms lively.
  • One way out is to BAg quick unsecured loans.
  • The concept of putting seafood in a BAg of sauce is a great idea.
  • As a new mom myself, I recently became a diaper BAg owner for the first time.
  • A smattering of meat covered with some chopped tomatoes and shredded cheese out of a BAg.
  • Also think about small items such as a whistle, survival BAg etc.
  • My last one died because the trigger on the drill was pressed while the drill was in my tool BAg.
  • We’ve kept the DC charging cable in the accessory BAg.
  • The most expensive investment you’ll make in your golf BAg is when purchasing your set of irons.
  • I use one BAg for all my most used cordless tools and the second for all my nail guns.
  • We have been considering a roof top cargo BAg for several years.
  • You pick your seafood, they bring it to you in a BAg, you tear it apart and eat it.
  • I’m happier with a BAg than a hard case any day, but that’s personal preference.
  • It is possible to buy bean BAg beds, chairs and sofas, amongst other items of furniture.
  • In cases like this, the lighter the laptop BAg, the better it is all around.
  • I got this to keep in my BOB BAg so it will see very little use.
  • 00 on a razor and travel BAg of shaving items.
  • I love tools, but this is a nice one to keep in your pocket or BAg.
  • He just handed me the BAg.
  • Once I parked, I opened my BAg and was amazed at how fresh and juicy the sandwich was.
  • Got a BAg of prawns and corn was very nice.
  • This BAg will hold tons of tools, far more to the point that you can easily overload the BAg.
  • Bean BAg Toss Game Is Transportable.
  • For this situation, a wheeled duffle BAg would be more appropriate.
  • My BAg was the only one there for 30 min during the prime dinner hour.
  • This is probably the most useful bucket BAg I’ve ever seen.
  • The dust BAg really isn’t very good.
  • Outstanding panini, Scottsdale, and fantastic home made chips not a soft one in the whole BAg.
  • She intercepted him and told him that I didn’t want that BAg.
  • After the extended wait, I ended up with a warm plastic BAg with some legs and some liquid.
  • Red headed bartender is a douche BAg though.
  • We received our dinner in a BAg, literally from The Boiling Pot.
  • If you must eat out, split your meal with someone or put half in a doggy BAg for later.

Similar words: Ba, Ba Al

bag — перевод на русский


A catcher’s a kid who catches bags of PBJs that someone throws over the fence into the yard.

Ловец — это тот, кто ловит сумку с бутербродами, которую перебрасывают во двор через забор.

Hey, Johnny caught the bag!

Эй, Джонни ловил сумку.

I get to carry the bag, and I scare out the hares.

Меня берут носить сумку и загонять зайцев.

Here, open your bag.

Открой сумку.

— I’ll tell the driver about your bag.

— Я скажу водителю про Вашу сумку.

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So I heard you spent my 40 bucks in peanut money on a bag of tampons.

Итак, я слышал, что ты потратил сорок долларов арахисовых денег на мешок тампонов.

Why, you dumbbell, you couldn’t lift a bag of cement.

Кретин, тебе в жизни не поднять мешок с цементом.

— Can I lift a bag of cement or not?

— Ну, что получил, ты, мешок с цементом?

Now he’s nothing but a painted bag of maraschino and plum pudding.

А теперь стал как мешок с пудингом и вишней.

Put your hands up, you lopsided bag of hay!

Подними лапы, мешок старой соломы!

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That bag’s worth $25.

Этот чемодан стоит $25.

Now hurry up and get in-between those bags.

— Да. Побыстрее. Отодвиньте чемодан.

Hand me your bag.

— Дай мне свой чемодан.

Jeffy boy, put down the bag.

Джеффи, брось чемодан.

And, Francesca, before you go to sleep, pack a bag. We’re leaving for Paris in the morning.

Франческа, перед тем как ляжешь спать, упакуй чемодан, утром мы едем в Париж.

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There. An ice bag and a hot water bottle, right away.

Побыстрее принесите пакет со льдом и грелку

Tuppence, tuppence Tuppence a bag

По два пенса каждый пакет.

Tuppence a bag.

Два пенса пакет.

— Just put ’em in a bag, will you? — What?

— Положите в пакет

— Yes, can I have a bag please?

-Дайте, пожалуйста, пакет.

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Well, that leaves you holding the bag.

Ну что ж, Вы можете оставить сумочку себе.

Then I’m glad I lost the bag.

Тогда я рада, что потеряла сумочку.

First you lose your bag…

Сначала Вы теряете сумочку…

I left my bag in the car.

Я оставила сумочку в машине.

I’ll put it in your bag for safekeeping.

Давай я положу ее тебе в сумочку.

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I just have to pack my bags.

я собираю свои вещи…

You were so scared that you ran all the way back to your room to pack your bag.

Вы настолько испугались, что побежали домой собирать вещи.

Tell him he can get the bags.

Пусть забирают вещи.

If you have your bags, you can start immediately.

Привозите вещи и приступайте.

Here’s the bag, Mrs.

Вот ваши вещи, госпожа.

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— Check those bags, will you? — Yes.

— И давайте багаж к выходу.

If you’d ask me real nice, I might put that bag up there for you.

Если бы Вы вежливо попросили меня, я мог бы помочь положить Ваш багаж наверх.

Maybe you’ll be interested to know your bag’s gone.

Возможно Вам станет интересно узнать, что Ваш багаж украли.

— In fact, I left my bags at the station.

Мой багаж остался на вокзале.

That’s all right, Mr. Larry. I brought your bags.

Всё в порядке, мистер Ларри, я захватил багаж.

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Give him a bag.

Дай ему пакетик.

Got a plastic bag?

Есть пакетик?

Bag of otters’ noses, then.

Хорошо. Тогда, пакетик носов выдр.

— One cellophane bag.

— Один целофановый пакетик.

There’s a tea bag growing.

Там пророс чайный пакетик.

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-Our traveling bag.

— Наш саквояж.

My bag!

Мой саквояж, ты уронил его!

— Give me the bag.

— Дай мне саквояж.

Algernon, my little black bag.

Алджернон, мой чёрный саквояж.

Corey, take the bag and run for it.

Коре, бери саквояж, и бежим.

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Where’s your bag?

Где твой портфель?

Setsuko, go get his bag.

Сэцуко, сходи, принеси его портфель.

Fumi, Uncle’s bag.

Фуми, портфель дяди!

— I thought I put my bag in here.

— Куда я положил свой портфель?

Don’t worry, I really do have all that money. Here, a full bag.

Вы не сомневайтесь, у меня эти деньги есть, вот… полный портфель.

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On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for BAG.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is bulge
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is base
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is pocket
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is purse
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is pocketbook
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is handbag
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is bagful
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is grip
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is travelling bag
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is traveling bag
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is suitcase
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is old bag
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is udder
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is dish
  • • Relevant word or phrase for BAG is cup of tea
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