Use the word bad in a sentence

Synonym: evil, unfavorable, wrong. Antonym: good. Similar words: badly, a bad egg. Meaning: [bæd]  n. that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency. adj. 1. having undesirable or negative qualities 2. very intense 3. feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough’ is occasionally used colloquially for `bad’) 4. (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition 5. feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone 6. not capable of being collected 7. below average in quality or performance 8. nonstandard 9. not financially safe or secure 10. physically unsound or diseased 11. capable of harming 12. characterized by wickedness or immorality 13. reproduced fraudulently 14. not working properly. adv. 1. with great intensity (`bad’ is a nonstandard variant for `badly’) 2. very much; strongly. 

1. He that spares the bad injures the good. 

2. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 

3. A bad thing never dies.

4. Behind bad luck comes good luck. 

5. Bad workmen often blame their tools. 

6. A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 

7. Many a good cow hath a bad calf. 

7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 

9. A bad penny always turns up. 

10. A bad padlock invites a picklock. 

11. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 

12. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. 

13. No man ever became thoroughly bad all at once. 

14. A bad conscience is a snake in one’s heart. 

15. Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters. 

16. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 

17. No man ever became thoroughly bad at once. 

18. There’s no such thing as bad publicity. 

19. Hard cases make bad law.

20. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 

21. Three removes are as bad as a fire. 

22. Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 

23. Better be alone than in bad company. 

24. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 

25. The receiver is as bad as the thief. 

26. Bad money drives out good.

27. Many a good father hath but a bad son. 

28. The good seaman is known in bad weather. 

29. A bad bush is better than the open field. 

30. Money is a good servant and a bad master. 


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Use Bad in a sentence. How to use the word Bad in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Bad. Sentence for Bad.

Use Bad in a Sentence - How to use "Bad" in a sentence


Examples of bad in a sentence

  1. Some people think that owls are bad luck.
  2. I am convinced, however, that it is a very bad plan even here.
  3. I think a boy who uses bad language of any kind does what he knows is wrong.
  4. He does what he knows would be displeasing to his parents, and he sets a bad example.
  5. After some unnecessary shoving and pushing, increased by the disorderly conduct of a few bad boys, a line is formed.
  6. In fact, in many cases you punish them more; for I believe it is almost invariably more unpleasant for a good boy to stand by and listen to rebukes, than for a bad boy to take them.
  7. If your office does this, it is not a bad idea to volunteer to be included in the rotation.
  8. He could have said a bad word or, at least, let out some kind of yuletide scream.
  9. After 3 years they have only shipped out 400 cameras and had to declare bankruptcy, but the news is not all bad for those who supported the project.
  10. If in the dream the blackened silver is a bad omen that suggests that we should not carry out financial transactions for a while.
  11. But despite the hefty income over the years, many have not been able to manage their money well or have made bad financial choices, which landed them in a mess.
  12. In an interview for podcast “Divorce Sucks! With Laura Wasser,” Kate said that she learned an important lesson from her mom, who had never said a bad word about her father in front of Kate.
  13. I do not make these remarks to show that it is of no consequence whether scholars have good or bad pens, but only that this subject deserves very much less of the time and attention of the teacher than it usually receives.

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bad — перевод на русский


Hey! Wait, wait. Looking at your happy appearance, being the King looks not too bad.

стой. быть Королём не так плохо.

How bad is it, Maggie?

Насколько все плохо, Мэгги?

This is really bad.

Это очень плохо.

No, that’s bad.

Нет, это плохо.

— And I felt so bad.

— И мне было так плохо.

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That’s too bad. That happens to be my father.

— Очень жаль, что такое происходит с моим отцом.

Aw, it’s too bad.

— Очень жаль.

Too bad your yacht should have suffered… but at least it brought us together.

Жаль, что ваша яхта пострадала, зато это свело нас вместе.

— Too bad you had rotten luck.

Жаль, просто удача предпочла не вас.

— Too bad the audience was so poor.

Жаль только, что посетителей было так мало.

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— That’s not bad.


I don’t look so bad in a bathing suit.

Я смотрюсь очень неплохо в купальнике.

-Not bad, eh, Henry?

Неплохо. Правда, Генри?

Come on. Not bad.


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This is the worst.

Это худшее.

Well, they’re saving the worst for later.

Они наверняка приготовили худшее напоследок.

The worst’s yet to come.

Худшее впереди…

But you will see much worse sights.

Но вам предстоит увидеть куда худшее.

If the worst happens, we got to act quick.

— Если мы не будем действовать быстро, произойдёт худшее.

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I told her it wasn’t so bad out here because there was always a lot of us together.

Я сказал ей что здесь не так уж и плохо… потому что мы всегда вместе.

It doesn’t seem so bad to me.

Как по мне, вроде не так уж и плохо.

I think, maybe not so bad to have Apache wife, eh?

Я подумал, не так уж и плохо, если жена из апачей.

I figure when we get out there and get work and maybe get us a piece of growing land near water, it might not be so bad at that.

Быть может, когда доберемся до места — найдем работу. А может, и кусок хорошей земли у воды, все будет не так уж и плохо.

This won’t be so bad once we get her washed out.

Вот вымоем все как следует, и будет не так уж и плохо.

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He is this kid who wants so badly to be popular and just… just be noticed.

Думаю, ученик 10 класса. Он так сильно хочет быть популярным, и просто… чтобы его замечали.

that could ever come down from London and camp in her feild. She hated me and it really affected me bad.

ќна ненавидела мен€ и это очень сильно на мен€ воздействовало.

He hurt bad?

Он сильно ранен?

«Body rich in lead… too badly punctured to hold whiskey.»‘

«Тело, набитое свинцом, слишком сильно продырявлено, чтобы удерживать виски.»

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Nothing but bad blood, dressed up in fancy words.

Дурная у них кровь… Только и умеют, что красиво говорить.

Bad habit of mine. Hard-boiled eggs.

Дурная привычка жизни на прииске.

It’s a bad night.

Дурная ночь.

Won’t you give up that bad habit of eating? Give it to me.

И что это за дурная привычка всё время есть?

Now, by Saint Paul, that news is bad indeed. Hmm.

Дурная весть, клянусь Петром и Павлом!

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Well, they’re a lot worse in the spring, after the rain.

Весной после дождя они еще хуже.

— You’re worse than he is.

— Вы еще хуже его. — Что?

This is worse.

Это еще хуже.

That was the longest night I ever lived through, Keyes… and the next day was worse, when the story had broke in the papers… and they started talking about it at the office… and the day after that, when you started digging into it.

В моей жизни не было ночи длиннее. Но на утро было ещё хуже: дело попало в газеты,..

— and after that they get worse.

— а после этого они станут еще хуже.

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It’s bad for you.

Это не очень хорошо.

Look here, Doctor, I need money very badly.

Мне очень нужны деньги.

Is she very badly hurt?

— Она очень плоха?

Too bad this can’t go on record. You’d be famous overnight.

Не очень, на рекорд не потянет, но ты стал бы знаменитостью.

— You must need a drink badly.

-Видно очень нужно выпить.

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That could be so bad it’s awesome.

Может, будет настолько ужасно, что даже круто.


Ужасно, ваша светлость.

— No, it was bad. The oyster, I mean.

Нет, это было ужасно, я о жемчужине.

Oh, very bad. Ness pop. It’s no use arguing with her, mr.

ох ужасно несомненно бесполезно с ней спорить мистер Клинт она так устала пусть поспит

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Michael Shapiro, Chron, 6 Apr. 2023

The princess was even worse.

Tracy Brown, Los Angeles Times, 6 Apr. 2023

The Genesis seizure is the latest in recent operations by U.S. investigators and their partners across the globe to target bad actors on the internet.

Robert Legare, CBS News, 5 Apr. 2023

But for people with asthma, recent COVID, or other respiratory problems, rapid breathing can make symptoms worse or even exacerbate breathing problems for those with existing conditions, like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Alyssa Hui, Verywell Health, 5 Apr. 2023

Some experts have also suggested that disclaimers and labels for edited images may not necessarily help the audience, and may in fact make things worse by drawing more attention to the image.

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The conflagration’s origin, uncovered within a week by the sleuthing of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, made the tragedy even worse: The fire had been deliberately set.

Frances Dinkelspiel, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 Apr. 2023

To make matters worse, the L2 projects often rush to market with underdeveloped solutions, creating a reliance upon Ethereum contracts under their control and centralized oversight to address security issues later.

Kathleen Breitman, Fortune Crypto, 5 Apr. 2023

Good drama is the choice between two bads.

Hunter Ingram, Variety, 23 Mar. 2023

In the Avenge the Earth storyline, those big bads included Apocalypse, the first mutant, and, of course, Kang the Conqueror.

Joe George, Men’s Health, 16 Feb. 2023

Then a new big bad entered the arena.

Peter Rubin, Longreads, 15 Apr. 2022

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The first to face this new big bad of the MCU’s Phases 5 and 6 will be the multigenerational Lang-Van Dyne-Pym clan, who can also collectively be called Ant-Mans and the Wasps.

Tracy Brownstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 16 Feb. 2023

Jonathan Majors is playing Marvel’s new big bad, Kang the Conqueror, in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and beyond.

Brendan Morrow, The Week, 15 Feb. 2023

He was played by John Lithgow as the big bad of season four.

Matthew Gilbert,, 9 Feb. 2023

That started off bad and got better.

Vulture, 21 Feb. 2023

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Brad Biggs, Chicago Tribune, 21 Sep. 2022

Who wants frustrated and stressed-out workers bad-mouthing the company to their peers, right?

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, Forbes, 19 Feb. 2023

Ignoring one of them can lead you to bad-looking maps no one would prefer.

J. Richard Gott, Scientific American, 17 Feb. 2021

The researchers think that by expelling their bad-tasting innards when fish are nibbling nearby, sea squirts may drive the fish away.

Elizabeth Preston, Discover Magazine, 26 June 2015

However, employees can’t be completely reckless on social media, making untrue or maliciously disparaging statements, or bad-mouthing their employer with broad-stroke commentary.

Johnny C. Taylor Jr., USA TODAY, 8 Nov. 2022

After an online Twitter feud where CZ accused SBF of allegedly bad-mouthing him to regulators, the Binance CEO announced on Sunday the company would be dumping all of its holdings of FTT, a token used by FTX customers.

Tristan Bove, Fortune, 11 Nov. 2022

Also, if exposed to too much heat, humidity, or other elements, the gummies can go bad faster than the expiration date.

Laxmi Corp, The Salt Lake Tribune, 30 Sep. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘bad.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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