Use the word background in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word background, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use background in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «background». In addition, we also show how different variations of background can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are backgrounds and backgrounds—cacti. If you click on the variation of background that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Background in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word background in a sentence.

  1. The background was painted red.

  2. A cowherd stands in the background.

  3. Gielgud on his theatrical background.

  4. Bikini Island beach in the background.

  5. Parthasarathy on the background music.

  6. Synths click out a jittery, jagged background.

  7. Detail of figures walking in the far background.

  8. A passenger in the background cried, «In the cockpit!

  9. Its stage featured a blinking owl as background theme.

  10. This passage explains the background to the Nativity:.

  11. This, however, says nothing more about his background.

  12. The European political background to the tour was tense.

  13. The clear image of ships in the foreground and background gives a sense of scale.

  14. Most of the background outside the enamelled areas was decorated in the same way.

  15. The chin is white, while the neck has black markings on a mostly white background.

  16. Not that it matters, but a great deal of the background to this story is accurate.

  17. The final chorus repeats with ad-libbed background vocals until the song fades out.

  18. Winfield and the related actors first played out the scene; this footage became the background plate.

  19. They were replaced with notes of the same design, but printed in purple on a light orange background.

  20. Despite his background in chiptune, Vreeland limited his use of that genre’s mannerisms in the score.

  21. The background is flat and lacks the attention to detail common in van der Weyden’s devotional works.

  22. Plants consist of tiny foreground flowers, larger mid-ground grasses and background bushes and trees.

  23. They are framed by columns, and are looking towards the detailed city and landscape in the background.

  24. Under state law, the background color is stated as purple, but the color used in practice is dark red.

  25. The family was wealthy, with strong artistic connections and some background in classical scholarship.

  26. Accordingly, he provided style guides, preliminary character, and background designs, and story ideas.

  27. His foreign background and service record made him «a very suspicious character», he wrote to Kramish.

  28. Robinson and Mary Dennett, chose to work in the background, or turned their attention to other causes.

  29. The designs of the city flags are similar to the prefectural flags: a mon on a monocolored background.

  30. She sang the ballad while archival footage from the Civil Rights Movement was shown in the background.

  31. In contrast, Manning was reticent and uncomfortable in social settings and remained in the background.

  32. His concern is reflected in the darkened flesh and background tones of his paintings from this period.

  33. It was amidst a background of inter-colonial rancour and a belligerent Australian sports culture that the riot broke out.

  34. The Aborigines in the KMT slammed President Tsai over the criminal punishment of a hunter of Bunun Aboriginal background.

  35. In its early years, most of its followers were men, and the women who did adhere to it tended to remain in the background.

  36. IGN, in contrast, heavily criticized the game for a lack of background music, and simplistic and monotonous sound effects.

  37. Both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are set against the background of The Silmarillion, but in a time long after it.

  38. After the credits, Link is seen waving to a crowd from a sailboat off the shore of a land with a castle in the background.

  39. The first time Mellitus is mentioned in history is in the letters of Gregory, and nothing else of his background is known.

  40. Williams, while the script itself was written by Martin Cirulis and the background lore was written by author Arinn Dembo.

  41. Two of the songs on the album were used in United States Navy commercials («Sick of Life» and «Awake») as background music.

  42. Perhaps it was the red [sic] background that made me think of entrails, of an anatomy or a vivisection and feel squeamish».

  43. Guitarist Jeff Tweedy provided the lead vocals for the album and John Stirratt, the only other original member of the band, played bass guitar and added background vocals.

  44. To many, she was seen as an example of the «American Dream,» having risen from a poor background, with her greatest popularity among the «great silent majority» of voters.

  45. Before the 1080s, the majority of officials drafted came from a regionally diverse background; afterwards, intraregional patterns of drafting officials became more common.

  46. These storylines provided the background to the 2011 event, which continued the storylines from the previous event in WWE’s 2011 pay-per-view schedule, Capitol Punishment.

  47. He wrote commercials for Skoal tobacco and sold many of his compositions to Muzak, a company that specialized in providing background music to stores and other businesses.

Backgrounds in a sentence

Backgrounds is a variation of background, below you can find example sentences for backgrounds.

  1. Cope and Marsh came from very different backgrounds.

  2. He changed to white backgrounds for the 2002 edition.

  3. Varied ethnic backgrounds are less likely in such areas.

  4. Wireframes also served as a guide to model the backgrounds.

  5. There have even been morphs with white spots on dark backgrounds.

  6. We were very conscious of introducing different ethnic backgrounds.».

  7. Gertie was McCay’s first piece of animation with detailed backgrounds.

  8. The actors were also chosen according to their characters’ backgrounds.

  9. Many students there came from backgrounds even more privileged than his.

  10. The army was led by officers who had backgrounds and values similar to his.

  11. Final Fantasy VII introduced 3D graphics with fully pre-rendered backgrounds.

  12. The shifting backgrounds became increasingly bizarre, presaging things to come.

  13. In the late-1920s, around half of the communists were from bourgeoise backgrounds.

  14. Working with these requirements, Gross created parallaxing, painterly backgrounds.

  15. The artisans were from diverse geographical backgrounds and included famous locals.

  16. After the Battle of Gaugamela, archers of West Asian backgrounds became commonplace.

  17. She was able to appeal to audiences from many political, racial, and national backgrounds.

  18. The first generation were literate, well educated and mostly from middle-class backgrounds.

  19. There are no backgrounds; McCay’s first film with backgrounds was 1914’s Gertie the Dinosaur.

  20. Myst games had typically used chroma key to insert footage of actors into digital backgrounds.

Backgrounds—cacti in a sentence

Backgrounds—cacti is a variation of background, below you can find example sentences for backgrounds—cacti.

  1. Herriman incorporated unusual details into the mini-strip’s backgrounds—cacti, pagodas, fanciful vegetation, or anything else that struck his fancy; this became a signature of the later Krazy Kat strip.

Synonyms for background

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word background has the following synonyms: backdrop, backclot, background knowledge, background signal, desktop, screen backgroun, ground, setting, scop, play down and downpla.

General information about «background» example sentences

The example sentences for the word background that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «background» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «background».

background (n): the things that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture

Use “background” in a sentence

The word is written in white on a red background.
He is working as an administrator, but his background is in law.
Programs can be left running in the background.

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Synonym: experience, knowledge, practice, training. Antonym: forehand. Similar words: ground, middle ground, on the grounds of, round and round, round, around, round up, all round. Meaning: [ˈbækgraʊnd]  n. 1. a person’s social heritage: previous experience or training 2. the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground 3. information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem 4. extraneous signals that can be confused with the phenomenon to be observed or measured 5. relatively unimportant or inconspicuous accompanying situation 6. the state of the environment in which a situation exists 7. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear 8. scenery hung at back of stage. v. understate the importance or quality of. 

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1. A piano tinkled gently in the background.

2. The job would suit someone with a business background.

3. The choic chanted in the background.

4. Steve has a background in computer engineering.

5. The family made discreet enquiries about his background.

5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

6. The chameleon survives by blending in with its background.

7. Concerning his background, I know nothing.

8. He is of high cultural background.

9. She came from a working-class background.

10. Her younger brother hovered in the background watching us.

11. The computers were humming in the background.

12. He was lurking slyly in the background.

13. Do you know his background?

14. The soft background music made her feel sleepy.

15. She’s contemptuous of my humble background.

16. It is important to have a broad educational background.

17. Her background militates against her.

18. Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.

19. There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement.

20. Children from an underprivileged family background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime.

21. All trace of his working — class background was deliberately obscured.

22. The mountains form a background to this photograph of the family.

23. Students from a privileged background have an advantage at university.

24. Since they discovered the truth about his background, his colleagues have regarded him with suspicion.

25. These political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension.

26. In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife.

27. You should acquaint yourself with the background of all your pupils.

28. The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.

29. He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background.

30. He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background.

More similar words: ground, middle ground, on the grounds of, round and round, round, around, round up, all round, round off, all around, come round, go around, surround, get around, surrounding, revolve around, around the corner, group, back, back of, back up, back on, pay back, hold back, back away, set back, call back, cut back, go back to, feedback. 

What do we mean by background?

The ground or scenery located behind something. noun

The part of a pictorial representation that appears to be in the distance and that provides relief for the principal objects in the foreground. noun

The general scene or surface against which designs, patterns, or figures are represented or viewed. noun

A position, area, or situation that is not immediately in one’s attention or notice. noun

The environment in which programs operate that the user does not engage with directly. noun

The circumstances and events surrounding or leading up to an event or occurrence. noun

A person’s experience, training, and education. noun

The cultural or social environment in which a person was brought up or has lived. noun

Subdued music played especially as an accompaniment to dialogue in a dramatic performance. noun

Sound that intrudes on or interferes with an audio recording. noun

Low-level radiation, as from radioactive decay, that exists as part of the natural environment. noun

(on background) For publication but without specific attribution of the source. idiom

(on deep background) For publication without any attribution of the source. idiom

The ground at the back or behind, as opposed to the front; situation in the rear of those objects, considerations, etc., which engage the attention; subordinate or secondary position in contradistinction to principal or important position; place out of sight: used both literally (of physical objects) and figuratively: as, there were mountains in the background; the true reasons for this action were kept in the background. noun

Specifically The part of a picture represented as furthest from the spectator’s eye: opposed to foreground. noun

In photography, the plain or decorated screens, properties, etc., placed behind the subject in taking portraits, especially in regular gallery-work, in order to form an appropriate setting in the finished picture. noun

One’s social heritage, or previous life; what one did in the past.

A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or behind the main subject; context.

Information relevant to the current situation about past events; history.

A less important feature of scenery (as opposed to foreground).

The image or color over which a computer’s desktop items are shown (e.g. icons or application windows).

A type of activity on a computer that is not normally visible to the user.

What your history is from. Urban Dictionary

Background Urban Dictionary

A remark that informs an individual they have missed out on background information critical to a joke (or storey). Urban Dictionary

The back of a stupid ugly dumb performance Urban Dictionary

If you are a background friend:
You don’t fit in with any particular group of friends.
They are all closer with each other than with the background friend
People who you think about a lot, but feel don’t think of you very often. Urban Dictionary

A character in a movie or play that is meant to literally just exist. These people live normal boring lives that no one cares about and thus they exist just for development and enhancement of a scene setting. These characters could include the entire animated armies that all look exactly the same and named Joe, the elderly couple at the back table chatting over a cup of coffee, or simply a random derp blurry in the background staring off into nothing while we get to see a close up of Johnny Depp’s lovely face. These people are actually the true wizards because they magically appear and reappear out of nowhere, are able to switch jobs in two frames, duplicate, and can change outfits in a matter of seconds. Urban Dictionary

Someone who’s friends with lots of people from different friend groups but isn’t necessarily confined to one, typically an ambivert, sometimes the center of attention but also gets left out often, never asks for help, doesn’t really know whats going on sometimes, and doesn’t really have a best friend in their friend group since everyone has their own best friend in that friend group but copes with that by considering everyone in their friend group their best friend. Urban Dictionary

A person who has the same routine and stories for 20+ years, and can not comprehend anything outside of the lifestyle they live. They have few short term goals and even fewer long term. Their work ethic is hodge-podge, and the extent of the climax of their day is what they are having for dinner and who won the women’s soccer finals. Background people will typically be gossips and are the main consumers of Time and Forge magazine. They are also consumed in there own feelings and only understand their own problems. Main sign of not being a background person is being driven mad by hanging out with background people. Urban Dictionary

The random guy/girl in the background of a pic who is the center of attention Urban Dictionary

Also BGP; placing oneself in the background of another person’s picture (could be stranger or a friend), usually striking some strange pose or making some other gesture, unbeknownst to the subjects or the photographer Urban Dictionary

All the while, the American detective show carries on in the background

I watch as he paces the floor, the TV chattering incessantly in the background

She caught a note of the surf in the background and a single pang of homesickness struck her

with a little background

of them Tom’s cast-offs, hung around in the background at the odd dance at the

‘No brothers or sisters?’ I asked intrigued by what I am learning about this man and trying to match up the background he is telling me about with the professional man I thought I knew

CARPENTERS sing “On Top of the World” quietly in the background

Stephen hovers anxiously in the background, happy to hand responsibility over to me but keen to be around

Glenelle could hear a man’s voice groan in the background even from here

» Glenelle didn’t think her sister heard her because of the ruckus in the background, it sounded like a hand over the phone

I could see smiling faces, maybe a radio on in the background, a picture not so very different from the one at home

Smiler simply snarled in the background, making sly, suggestive winks, telling me that he would explain in his own good way when the moon was low

The looming thunder of artillery from the previous night had stopped but still the diesel-growl of moving men and transport played out in the background

The sheep suddenly scattered as another sound, closer, less expected, broke through the background of train, birds, sea and herbage; they regrouped a short distance beyond and stood staring

chiefly of Buttercup, but it shows the hills in the background

and to a background score of barks and orders,

In the background that went stepping up the hills into the distance

This background helped her make respected judgements and she was trusted by everyone

It helps if you are by a fire when you relax and if there is a slow and beautiful piece of music playing in the background, for this will help to put you into a drowsy and peaceful mood

There followed a succession of visitors, all of whom took the utmost trouble to check on the children’s health and on their background

The evening’s background sounds of bird song and bees buzzing their way from flower head to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking on hard cement

In Miss Jones’s case her family background was investigated and she was revealed to the world

His face appeared in print and on television screens and his own background was presented to the world, just as Miss Jones’s had been

In his case, and although there was, obviously, just as much history to it, his family background was untraceable

 Not all romantic relationships involving children in the background need to end in failure;

service that gives you a certain amount of background information verification support on the

In the background two large looking gentlemen in suits checked a clipboard list, closed the front door to one of the houses and put the keys into a black leather briefcase

playing in the background with lit candles on your table

«They are all at cosmic background,» Thom answered

They heard a man’s voice in the background speaking the language from Alan’s universe

«Yes ma’am, that’s the only thing the bandwidth allows,» Ava said, with some more sleepy mumbling in the background

Combining this background with training in energy psychology

“That’s him raving in the background

a campaign auto continued in the background

“Sir,” he heard Alan in the background, “I only did it to let Ava back in, I’m sorry that failed

to cancel out background noise

And all the while in the background Naria could be heard softly laughing

In Miss Jones’s case her family background was investigated

background was presented to the world, just as Miss Jones’s had

history to it, his family background was untraceable

I wait while she goes off to find the number … I can hear Poppy chucking in the background

We were all from different backgrounds, I remember there was one woman in her twenties, from an upper class, if totally broke, family background

‘How was your journey?’ I asked, desperately trying to get the conversational ball rolling – what the hell do you say to the parents of the man you are moving in with? I can hardly go into a CV of my history, family background and character

Leona bends forward so that she can make headway against the background noise

only as Mister Giles, who must have had a military background in

A family background was fabricated, which made it

played softly in the background

bark in the background

He’s probably sitting at home in his coat and shoes, having a last drink, with his beloved Vic Damone crooning away in the background

investigation into the Major’s background

Alex stops as soon as he sees the bag and seems to melt into the background

Alex moves away and blends into the background, merging with shadows and foliage

Once he figured that out, he needed to choose an operative to go and look into the background of anything else that Kulai had going on

“Who had it, what the sellers were saying about it, that kind of background information

Soft music played in the background, although she saw no

The human eye is designed to notice distinct movement, not background colour and no one seems to see the after shock

In the background he can hear the sound of grown men retching

The cracked background hiss of ancient treble

Terry’s sitting in the kitchen crying while one of the other girls hovers ineffectually in the background not quite knowing what to do

the football game in the background and the noise of the city in the distance

I realize I have only a background of the most routine education, parents who have granted me my almost every wish, and scant talent or skill for actual life in the real world

“I hear a creek in the background and birds chirping

She was reading a book titled, “Happy Horsies”, which had a big happy horse on the front, and a bright blue sky in the background, as the horse hopped along and through big green fields filled with whimsical flowers

It felt like years since she’d spoken to him on the phone, and she could hear the rest of the family in the background

He knew from Kartha that there were people out there who didn’t socialize, he was going to claim he came from such a background

His background as a just-grown desert hermit should help explain some of that

If he knew that there was such a thing as education, he couldn’t be from a background of pure tribal primitiveness

This kid’s parents obviously came from a better background than that

They discussed Harold’s proffered position, his hopes for their new home in Stratford, and Harry’s own background

With his emotional background it would turn just as suddenly

Heather screamed in the background

‘A pub with no beer’, immortalised by Slim Dusty, was playing in the background

every dream he dared to conjure, in the background was Agent Johnson always

or allow them to fade into the background of history

Having filled you in on the background, so to speak, you

the car – the happy laughter of children in the background

this time warning lights were on all the recordings of the past, flashing in the background while a siren blared

Maybe Alan’s cultural background was still a little thin, but he was still very young wasn’t he? And he’d had a heavy dose of cultural background in the last decade

Mary, like myself, is from a basic country background

the waterfall and towering mountains in the background,

She understands the challenges of getting elected with her background, but she remains

Desa used a few fingers of her hidden hand on the base strings with a string section patch gently in the background while Wuffs began swirling and twirling and hurling the lween, up into a silence [indoors or during Nightday, this is when the other spotlights come on] til he catches it and then she can use impact notes on the visible side, Leshar starts to play and the intro to HarvestHenge 151-13 is over

provided a constant but soothing background hum, and

Klowa knew someone else would do a background assignment on Luray

She hadn’t been very open with him about Alan, her background, her relationship with Klarrain or her status at the castle

foreground, swallows and larks sang in the background,

the Venetian stood in the background and tried to

» He already knew all the background, she didn’t have to go over that

Way in the background a slight smell of meat

Trumpets are heard tuning up in the background

The background computers were negotiating

The machines in the background were quickly

a background of conversation, so too will your marketing stand out in the

Any background noise will sound much worse on the recording than at the

the line of instruments and, in background, the

For the bulk of your copy use black text on a white background

contrast you provide between the background and the text, the more

background gives you the authority to speak out about the product you’re

they blended into the background and would remain

It had the iron tang of blood, but with a musky background

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