Use the word avoid in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word avoid, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use avoid in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «avoid».

Avoid in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word avoid in a sentence.

  1. They tend to avoid farmland.

  2. These avoid reliance on infinite series.

  3. These avoid the highest areas of the hills.

  4. To avoid the press, she was booked in as Mrs.

  5. Those of equal rank tend to avoid each other.

  6. Scully brakes hard to avoid hitting the woman.

  7. Some mantis nymphs mimic ants to avoid predators.

  8. Handrails and shower chairs can help avoid falls.

  9. A fine filter is required to avoid these problems.

  10. He was keen to avoid an «Anglo-Franco-Soviet bloc».

  11. The ships were forced to zigzag to avoid ice floes.

  12. Robby Gordon could not avoid the melee and hit Yeley.

  13. All four men dropped to the ground to avoid being hit.

  14. To avoid typecasting, she began taking on adult roles.

  15. Rastafarians typically avoid food produced by non-Rastas or from unknown sources.

  16. The Earl of Oxford turned north to avoid the marsh (and possibly Richard’s guns).

  17. To avoid a crowd and sudden rush, devotees were allowed to bathe before 6:00 a.m.

  18. Baby, aware of Bats’ homicidal habit, stops him from killing her to avoid paying.

  19. Many drummers avoid mentioning the añá in public and may not refer to it by name.

  20. They generally avoid mountainous forests, but may enter alpine and sub-alpine areas during dispersal.

  21. To avoid cumbersome notation, it is common to abuse notation by using the same symbol to denote both.

  22. In the resulting Battle of Taranto, Duilio was hit by a torpedo and forced to beach to avoid sinking.

  23. Pierce wanted to avoid war at all costs, and wrote to Van Buren, proposing an assembly of former U.S.

  24. Tilden opposed the idea, but many Democrats supported it as the only way to avoid a second Civil War.

  25. John a private investigator, and felt that they «appear eager to avoid what makes their show unique».

  26. A third also sank slightly out of position when the tug towing it cut it loose to avoid the shelling.

  27. The appellation was selected in order to avoid confusion with Brooklyn’s Manual Training High School.

  28. Eager to avoid open confrontation, Smith told Dupont to reconsider his tone, and changed the subject.

  29. When Andrei realizes that Kira loves Leo, he helps his rival avoid prosecution, then commits suicide.

  30. She was badly damaged during one such bombardment in March and had to beach herself to avoid sinking.

  31. Tolerance dissipates after a few days, so doses can be spaced several days apart to avoid the effect.

  32. After a few minutes, Rheinland and the rest of the German battleships turned away to avoid torpedoes.

  33. In its aftermath Carthage attempted to avoid paying in full the foreign troops who had fought its war.

  34. In a similar experience, Popular Computing Weekly slowly learned to use rather than avoid the orchids.

  35. They could not predict wind directions, which is key to the ability of ships to avoid or cope with the effects of storms.

  36. These communities lived in separate sections of the city to avoid disputes, especially when it came to social privileges.

  37. The front porch campaign allowed Harding to avoid mistakes, and as time dwindled towards the election, his strength grew.

  38. He wanted to avoid violence, stating that «if at all possible, we want the revolution to be peaceful and reconciliatory».

  39. The portrayal of a double rape caused significant problems with the MPAA and had to be trimmed to avoid the NC-17 rating.

  40. It is thought likely that the king had ordered him to be killed to avoid the disgrace of executing a prince of the blood.

  41. Mason attempted to avoid election on the grounds of poor health and that he was needed to parent his motherless children.

  42. Kaiserin had come too close to Prinzregent Luitpold and was forced to haul out of line to starboard to avoid a collision.

  43. These somehow had to be coated in aluminum to avoid corrosion and the escape of fission products into the cooling system.

  44. The regions where the jaw muscles were anchored are located further back on the skull to avoid interference with feeding.

  45. Pinchot was determined to dramatize the issue by forcing his own dismissal, which Taft tried to avoid, fearing that it might cause a break with Roosevelt (still overseas).

  46. Therefore, the final, pinnate subdivisions of each fingerlike segment may be referred to as «ultimate segments» to avoid the technical inaccuracy of calling them pinnules.

  47. Hiro was very keen to avoid that over-bright stage look.» The budget meant that many of the Enterprise sets were redresses of those used in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  48. Such a proof needs to be able to declare certain pairs of real numbers to be different based on their decimal expansions, so one needs to avoid pairs like 0.2 and 0.1999..

  49. Certain frog species avoid this competition by making use of smaller phytotelmata (water-filled leaf axils or small woody cavities) as sites for depositing a few tadpoles.

Synonyms for avoid

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word avoid has the following synonyms: debar, obviate, deflect, avert, head off, stave off, fend off, ward of, invalidate, annul, quash, void, nullify and keep off.

General information about «avoid» example sentences

The example sentences for the word avoid that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «avoid» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «avoid».

Synonym: evade, keep away from, shun, snub. Antonym: face. Similar words: voice, favor, flavor, favorite, favorable, in favour of. Meaning: [ə’vɔɪd]  v. 1. stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something 2. prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening 3. refrain from doing something 4. refrain from certain foods or beverages 5. declare invalid. 

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1. Avoid the ford on which your friend was drowned. 

2. Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles.

3. He tends to avoid all physical contact.

4. The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.

4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. We took a roundabout route to avoid the accident.

6. The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.

7. I can’t avoid shedding the load.

8. The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.

9. Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips.

10. The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.

11. Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.

12. The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the cyclists.

13. The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.

14. Avoid any reference to his illness.

15. He dodged to avoid the hurtling bicycle.

16. He’d managed to avoid being sidetracked by Schneider’s problems.

17. Book early for the show to avoid disappointment.

18. I am anxious to avoid any possible misunderstanding.

19. Are you trying to avoid me?

20. Her efforts to avoid him proved useless.

21. Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.

22. They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.

23. The payment was made to avoid threatened litigation.

24. Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.

25. It is sometimes impossible to avoid conflict altogether.

26. Avoid using perfumed soaps on sensitive skin.

27. The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.

28. They decided to widen out the river to avoid the flooding.

29. If we take the bypass we’ll avoid the town centre.

30. Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations[], but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.

Learn how to use avoid in a sentence and make better sentences with `avoid` by reading avoid sentence examples.

  • In addition to this, pregnant women should avoid certain things that may harm their baby’s life.
  • Avoid uprooting your idea seeds with doubt.
  • Rather avoid exposure to allergies, this helps in checking asthma attack.
  • In fact, you will be better off if you can avoid any type of prescription drug for your stress.
  • Avoid painting outdoors or on humid days at all costs.
  • Here are more tips to help you avoid mistakes when writing your ebusiness plan.
  • 5 Tips To avoid Fake Wholesale Cosmetics.
  • In the office, you can’t avoid interacting with one another.
  • There are some pitfalls that you, the prospective online student, will have to avoid.
  • So how do you avoid burnout in a call center environment.
  • Research the regulations carefully to avoid penalties and other serious consequences.
  • To avoid confusion, the leader is the material located between the fly and fly line.
  • Do you usually avoid negotiations because you find them uncomfortable.
  • Many marriage partners have opted to having separate bedrooms so as to avoid their snoring spouse.
  • Choosing the right loan is critical if you want to avoid problems and save money as well.
  • Here are some common myths surrounding weight training exercises, that you should avoid.
  • The recalls also seek to improve or avoid damage to corporate publicity.
  • Avoid some of the mistakes many small mom and pop businesses make with their websites.
  • Avoid having to cut your trip short by doing a realistic budget before you leave.
  • Looking to avoid the dieting mistakes many of our weight loss readers have made.
  • If possible you should avoid using PDF files on your site.
  • It is also done to avoid the use of complicated process like data recovery.
  • The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs.
  • Avoid jargon yet be sure to use industry specific key words.
  • To avoid having this thought, interview, interview, interview.
  • Many new sales representatives ask how to avoid the ‘no’.
  • You might like the cooking and loathe the cleaning up enough to avoid it all together.
  • You’ve done due diligence to avoid the internet scams, and you’re ready to go.
  • Reduce wedding day debt and avoid marriage credit debt problems with some helpful tips.
  • But on the other hand this is very easy to avoid if you know what you’re looking for.
  • Here are three of the most common causes for eczema and what you can do to avoid them.
  • So what can you do to avoid spyware.
  • If a prospective broker does not have a license, avoid dealing with them.
  • To avoid this, you would be much better off knowing how to express your needs from day one.
  • This step is especially taken to help all the homeowners avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes.
  • It’s something you must have to avoid the unwanted alternative.
  • So what can we do to avoid this.
  • Avoid the sophomore slump.
  • There is one characteristic that attackers avoid as much as possible.
  • But did you know that MANY people avoid the beach all summer long.
  • You will known what to avoid and what to stock up on.
  • Cure Hemorrhoids Is It Possible To avoid Surgery.
  • Want to avoid a bee sting.
  • There are many reasons to avoid foreclosure.
  • Here are the top 5 foods I think you must avoid for you to lose weight consistently.
  • Too many people avoid having dental work because they are afraid of the dentist.
  • In the identification phase of problem solving, avoid references to solutions.
  • To avoid dangerous mistakes, let’s arm ourselves with scientific facts.
  • It is very important that you avoid at all costs the dangerous drugs that many take.
  • How can you avoid the synthetic ingredients present in most commercial cosmetic products.
  • Here are some tips on how to avoid losing your shirt at the dealer’s table next time around.
  • Understand how to avoid asthma triggers and get rid of Asthma once and for all.
  • Here are a few ways to avoid distracting yourself.
  • To avoid undertaking such a big risk homeowner can take unsecured homeowner loan.
  • I wanted to talk to you about how you can avoid panic attacks.
  • There are some few tips that you can take to avoid taking the wrong move and getting the right one.
  • You can avoid such a situation by providing your dog with a comfy bed of its own.
  • When speaking with them you must provide the answer to these questions in order to avoid objections.
  • In the article was a list of 7 tips to avoid burnout.
  • So, proper planned eye care must be taken to avoid them.
  • This article is going to give you three things that you should avoid like the plague.
  • As we experience economic crisis nowadays, we may think that we really need to avoid foreclosures.
  • This experience started me on an important inquiry what are my triggers, and how can I avoid them.
  • Otherwise rational people avoid flying or take other such superstitious steps.
  • When I had acne I would always try to avoid public places.
  • Does this cause you to avoid social situations because of your embarrassment due to the spots.
  • Americans avoid Colombia for good reasons.
  • You need to take certain preventive measures to avoid these threats.
  • Retail prices are high and if you can avoid them, you should.
  • When you write your articles you want to avoid the use of jargon.
  • What to avoid when budgeting and make your money stretch using correct financial planning.
  • This financial practice is done to avoid real cash crisis.
  • You can also avoid paying a huge amount of money on making a claim.
  • It is a good idea to pay back on time to avoid any extra charges.
  • Ever wondered what mistakes to avoid to lose weight easier and faster.
  • The concerned party then tries to avoid the risk and tries to reduce its negative effects.
  • But eventually you got tired of it and began to avoid her.
  • There’s so much to avoid it can be tricky at times.
  • There are some simple steps you can take to avoid foreclosure.
  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, avoid the Content Network.
  • Here are most common mistakes, with some steps on how to avoid it.
  • Well I decided to see what tips people had out there to fix it and avoid it.
  • If are into premature ejaculation and looking for ways to avoid doing it, you need to read this.
  • But first, let me say a word about one of the common ingredients to avoid.
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
  • In this article you will learn about some common problems with postcards and how to avoid them.
  • How to avoid this situation.
  • Discover 3 important ways that you can avoid premature ejaculation in this article.
  • Sometimes you cannot avoid coming across one.
  • The knowledge of yeast will help you know what to avoid if you want to be yeast free.
  • Avoid wearing headpieces and full formal skirts as this would look out of place.
  • What precautions should they take to avoid rheumatoid arthritis pain.
  • Watch out for Cupid’s arrow, or better yet, avoid the greeting card aisle.
  • Typically, we hope that full size trees avoid contacting our homes.
  • So, it is very important to de stress and relax to avoid having any stress related complications.
  • However, cancer is something that won’t go away quietly because you avoid its existence.
  • Starters barely play, and the key is to evaluate the kids and to avoid injuries.
  • Here are 4 common mistakes to avoid in affiliate marketing.
  • Here are several tips to help you avoid overpaying for your new mortgage with a prepayment penalty.
  • If you follow a plan then you can avoid some pitfalls that many people make.

Similar words: Avocado, Avon, Avoca, Avocet, Avoidably, Avocados, Avoir, Avouched, Avoiders, Avourneen, Avocate, Avocationally, Avoiding, Avogadro, Avouches, Avoirdupois Pounds, Avoider, Avocatory, Avoided, Avogadrite

“You’re just trying to avoid me

«And one of the hardest to avoid,» Herndon said

Instead, we turn on the TV to avoid being entirely alone

We have to study them and take timely remedial actions to avoid ill effects

Similarly for good health, we have to avoid harmful diet, drinks and consumption

Avoid the use of irritants to the throat such as smoking, chewing tobacco/paan, etc

Avoid talking when food/water is in the mouth

Avoid standing for long periods

No reason to avoid sitting in the sun with a morning cup to watch the snow melt

This forces us to avoid certain hard, sticky and difficult to chew foods

Avoid rubbing your eyes

Avoid chemicals at all cost! Learning to grow without using chemicals is not as scary as it seems nor is it impossible

Instead of saying avoid chemicals at all cost, I suggest not using any chemicals that can harm you and your environment

· Avoid all canned and processed foods in favour of fresh or home-preserved foods

Avoid using anything with Urea in it as it kills the soil

~ Avoid breakfasts containing large amounts of sugar as it give an initial energy boost, but leaves one feeling drowsy within a few hours

observe in our lives, the more chances for us to avoid

You need a cushioned shoe for comfort and to avoid injury when you’re exercising

Even then, avoid using any poisons since they will kill other animals as well

The Invisible Gardener says: “You can avoid many problems associated with high nitrogen use imply by understanding the organic system of providing nitrogen as the plant needs it

· Avoid using folding tables and chairs that can be tripped over

Avoid doing any thing that causes imbalance

Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers

· Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which places added strain on the kidneys and can impair mental function

Avoid arousing activities before bedtime like working, paying bills, engaging in competitive games or family problem solving

If you are unable to avoid tension and stress, it may be helpful to learn relaxation therapy from a trained professional

Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep

Nobody can avoid all stress without completely dropping out of society and becoming a monk

«What are they going to do with the disease they’re carrying?» she asked, glad to avoid a discussion of how ‘ex’ they were

He to avoid the horror he thought she was, she to have time alone to search the house

Avoid foods with chemicals as additives

Children, elderly and pregnant women should avoid completely

It nevertheless has to be used with caution and you must avoid breathing

It is a great this means is that cockroaches will detect pesticides and natural product to use for the laundry but this product avoid the area

Also avoid breathing or getting on cuts

By self-examples at home and outside we can avoid wastage in all these areas

Avoid dusting rugs, etc

Always avoid plantings that are closer than 2 feet from the house

Avoid storing your fire wood or wood scraps next to the house as this could support termites and allow them entrance into the house

Avoid plant boxes attached to the house unless it’s off the ground

Control the watering to avoid constantly wet wood

One should avoid new funds and restrict your selection to those funds that have been around for at least three or more years

Ensure that they are not beneficiaries or minors to avoid complications in the future

Specifically mentioning his name and the reason for eliminating him will avoid any future problems

Avoid urea base fertilizers

To avoid the dust, rock dust can be made into a milk like liquid and sprayed on the leaves

Avoid fish emulsion that has urea in it

Avoid wearing slippers and athletic shoes with deep treads

Avoid tobacco that has additives, and other chemicals

Avoid watering the trunks

Avoid fertilizers as they are all salt based

Avoid spraying if temperatures are above 90 degrees F

Choose carefully what you will use for the trees, ask questions, avoid using chemicals

Avoid any help which results in undue pressure on your chosen way of life

‘We thought he might stop after that, but he didn’t … he does it every night, Liz, It’s got so that I avoid the front of the house in the evenings

· Avoid contact with the eyes

Reluctantly, no longer able to avoid the issue, my thoughts turn back to the events of the evening … it had been kind of Stephen to offer me accommodation like that … why, oh, why did I have to lose my temper? I shouldn’t have bitten his head off like that

«Let’s avoid them if we can,» Tahlmute told him, still talking about the Brazilians he was worried about

How do you think that works? And how do you think you can avoid corrupting it?»

The ball flew straight and true, right into the back of the batter as he spun away trying to avoid being hit

He says that she tried to avoid crashing into the back of the van by swinging the car onto the hard shoulder but hit a patch of gravel or something and skidded straight into the bridge

Why do they open the shop, then? Later, I spent some time with Alice and our cousin Niki but I couldn’t avoid the usual boredom: These two are married with children, respectable persons in society; they don’t even bother to conceal their contempt for me

He would probably hear about it from Ahmed Eisep, his superior, but there was no way to blow in enough parallelism in time to avoid it

Having finished work this afternoon, I was walking along Academy Avenue to the bus terminus, when I suddenly saw Persephone and her mother just a few metres away, waving at me happily! They looked thrilled to see me, they ran towards me at once and I could do nothing to avoid them

From now on I will avoid going out with her only, as she is a mollycoddle and she hardly talks

Maybe that was a reason to avoid probing the data system when they got there, but not to destroy it outright without even looking at it?

So, that was my reward for the hard, specialized and unpaid work of one and a half month: The guru talked to me for ten whole minutes (something unprecedented within the five years in total I have attended Janus), he advised me to wear more modern clothes and nicer glasses, and he made clear that men avoid me because of my high intelligence and strong personality

So, from now on I will be Yvonne and I have taken refuge in the world of the living, hoping to avoid a dreadful danger which awaits me in the astral plains

‘ She said he couldn’t avoid an issue that could mean the death of himself and his children as well as what might be the only remnant of the human species remaining

«We need to give him more specific instructions in how to avoid detection

So how do we avoid sublimating the word of God into the existing framework of our values and interests and not accommodate it to that?

into the wave to avoid the undertow

‘But I’d avoid the tea if I were you

Once thru these sandbars; and before Great Fright Island, she would have to cut back south to avoid the swamp itself, but that should be just about dawn

fact) had hidden it to avoid the ear-burning sessions where

Something we could avoid, but a dumb beast wouldn’t notice

But what about now, on his own and helpless? How long would he be able to live this way? Was it just hours or minutes until he was devoured? Or would he avoid the carnivores only to slowly starve to death as he wandered around completely lost for the next few weeks?

desperate to avoid the twist and turn

He would have to be quite careful to avoid being overcome with desire

as the brain tries to find the best way to avoid

We ask ourselves important questions we might otherwise avoid

That was when I turned away, trying to avoid myself in their pitiful eyes

It should bend the same way as your arms, which you should, throughout the movement, try to press backwards as far as possible to avoid any possible sagging forward of your body

Do not omit the correct breathing as you perform these exercises and if you would slim do please avoid constipation, as this is one of the worst enemies of the body and of the figure

deeply cleansed to avoid measly infections,

What can one do to avoid complete social ostracism? That is a problem which you can work out for yourselves, according to your individual circumstances but to all of you I would say this, avoid these foods wherever possible but do not, in the process, offend anyone

When I say avoid eating white flour products, white sugar products, and polished rice you will ask why

To avoid gallstones drink plenty of pure, fresh water, at least nine or ten glasses a day

Avoid all foods and drinks straight from the refrigerator, avoid all fried food, animal fats, salad cream, and oils

In this way you will not only avoid gallstones but liver and kidney diseases as well

I went inside to check out the view, took off my shirt and propped it in between the door and the wall to avoid that mishap again and left

Being diagnosed does not make me any more sick then the millions out there who deny, regress, and avoid, etc

Avoid using headers that hundreds of other people

Men are fearful of this situation for several reasons and many times choose to avoid it

Finally, try to avoid flirting with those senior to you

discreet and do what you can to avoid confrontation with others

To prevent this from happening, avoid the traditional pick up lines

If you still think the traditional way is better, then go for it! When the pains of trail and error begin to pile up, reconsider using the online dating software, and help you avoid those painful

Before another song began, I weaved through the throng, aware that all eyes were on me and so moved cautiously to avoid any undue sacrilege

If she wanted to avoid fighting, she would have to answer some questions

Not a poison; all poisons should be avoided at all costs! Can also prevent dogs and cats from coming near your property

He didn’t answer, but avoided her by going inside and using the head, doing his teeth, shaving, and crawling forward into the bedroom to load some fuel bags out of there and into the space that was free’d up on the kitchen floor during Dawnsleep

Chemical fertilizers kill off the beneficial soil bacteria, as well as killing off earthworms and therefore should not be used, should be avoided at all cost! In this environment, the lawn and its bio-system will be operating under stress

“Disease can be avoided by proper fertilization and proper watering techniques”

If this is avoided the benefits would out-way the problem areas

The carpet seems to have avoided the depredations of the last occupant of the rooms … unlike the bedroom carpet which is stained beyond belief

I avoided giving her a definitive answer, so she asked me to phone her before deciding

During the first two days my friend seemed to be so displeased with my presence that she even avoided talking to me – not that she has ever been communicative

What, then, are these unnatural foods to be avoided? These are the refined, processed, tinned and packaged foods, the worst offenders being white sugar, white flour, white rice and any other food from which the vitality has been refined out

Pickles, preserves, sweets and over-salted foods should be avoided, as should anything containing artificial ingredients

He carefully avoided the half finished cartons of Chow Mein

I looked down at my guilty boots and avoided his eyes, trying to think of some way to tell him

From the takings her husband was able to recompense his mate for the ruined cards, put enough cash in his pocket for a good night in the pub and leave Cyberia with enough housekeeping to keep them going for nearly a whole week, providing, of course, that she shopped frugally and avoided anything expensive like fresh bread and real butter

awkward situations like what occur on blind dates can be avoided

avoided, that is, as individuals, we would gather a perspective that we did not originally hold due to the listening of another’s point of view

The realization of this finally sunk-in and he released his blame of the little seer; but he still avoided any contact with him because his presence brought back too many memories of Serena

The railway official avoided controversy

carefully avoided the half finished cartons of Chow Mein

She avoided more heaves and struggled to get up off the soldier she’d landed on, who also struggled to help her up by the chest

There’s a diary entry which suggests that she feels any decent man would be disgusted with her, which is why she avoided any intimate relationship with anyone, although she appears to have had several opportunities, which, of course, must have complicated things horribly for her

livestock in this area is avoided, since it tends to attract the dragons

So whether it was from new-born genuine respect, or ‘the Tiger behind the Fox,’ villagers who once avoided Belle’s eyes when she strolled the boardwalks on her errands for ‘Home and Lodge,’ now greeted her and the girls genially, warmly even respectfully

He avoided looking at Bethai for a few seconds

Hawthorne avoided at

‘What did he tell you?’ His questioner avoided a direct

I’ve always avoided it by having some crackers in my pocket, but that is only a temporary solution…

‘Like I said, Templars who avoided arrest

Suddenly as if she’d touched him, he looked up at her and said “Sorry, that beast has avoided my hook for thirty years

‘I’m afraid it can’t be avoided

But like his former mentor, Roman avoided the attack

Because of the silence, they assumed everyone beyond the city avoided Lock Core because it was under siege, or they were already dead and infected

He avoided the worst of the heat by keeping

The same most respectable and well-informed authors acquaint us, that when any person undertakes to work a new mine in Peru, he is universally looked upon as a man destined to bankruptcy and ruin, and is upon that account shunned and avoided by every body

And bands of any size were best avoided

avoided capture for the moment, but the road would be

I avoided the answer then,

If only he had come to her before – willingly, this might all have been avoided

The Mage reached out to him, but this time, the elf gracefully avoided his hands

future war between those two states could be avoided

I avoided the path where Palak stood, still waiting

If it was at all possible, Brontes would have avoided this confrontation

direct train to Chennai chould be avoided

This Turned out to be the perfect move… yet it was something to be Avoided at all expense!

Much misery could have been avoided had I summoned the courage to be ruthless

Ash deliberately avoided me and his easy acceptance of mine and Liam’s growing relationship bothered me

This was Death; the one thing that all living beings avoided and feared

He stole secret glances in her direction during the meal, but she avoided any eye contact

He avoided looking at the woman directly

They’d wrestled many times as children, but now he avoided the slightest touch

He avoided her gaze and she knew

society has avoided the sin of greed, but here on Ithaca, rich men are always after more of

They both avoided eye contact

Professor Spanners is convinced that it is only a matter of time before such a catastrophe takes place, but he stresses that it can be easily avoided

Therefore discussions at the dining table should be avoided as far as possible

In that case the use of dates, dried grapes or jaggery should be avoided as far as possible

Another reason why such a topic is often avoided is because of the uncertainty of what lies after death

This was a practice I generally avoided

In truth, wars can really be ended or avoided

Even Gerill was growing wary, and he avoided any conversation about the beasts

Lucy deliberately avoided looking into the crevasse as she moved backwards until she had the full width of the ledge as a run-up

Jarad actively avoided Chris, and Chris had no wish to have anything further to do with him

” he avoided her question

Considered that this all could have been avoided if he’d not been so absorbed in his work

ministry? Why have you avoided telling of His travels and the people He met? And what about the people He healed? How about his resurrection? You»ve barely mentioned that

In all countries, a severe inquisition into the circumstances of private persons has been carefully avoided

long periods and was therefore studiously avoided by Jack and

but knew nothing about any of it and until recently had avoided

His wife avoided doing anything which was hard because

she turned the argument and avoided listening to the logic, always

avoided speaking with him

went on to write that this painful duty could have been avoided if they had been allowed to take their prizes into port for

service could not have been avoided, as the repairs were needed

Plague that America narrowly avoided in the decades of the 80″s and 90″s

Of the 5,000 pillows and shoes I have lobbed at him at four o’clock in the morning, he has avoided all but one

Sara had developed some allergies, and right at the top of her list was cats, so she avoided the cats when she was in our home

Behind them the remainder of the charge would wield swords, spears, and axes to hack down demons that avoided being trampled by their steeds

destruction could have been avoided

He had always been uncomfortable about the bombing of Rome and avoided the subject, as many people did

Adem was aware that both kings had avoided even touching the Power, since the first days that teron was infected

Some connected with terrifying force, knocking Raven back, but others he avoided

have been avoided with the presence of one single federal

She made a job of searching through the cabinet for the cat food and avoided his gaze as she handed him the box

He began to think of how that could be avoided when he asked Carl, “What if the Alit’aren only used the Power to block frontal attacks during combat? Air requires less of the Power, so the risk of the taint would be lowered, and the Alit’aren could increase their skills with the sword to become a legion of blades, buffered by shields formed from teron

Warmth flooded up her neck and she avoided his eyes

Once again, he had no response and avoided her gaze

She avoided his gaze

Chamomile may also induce uterine contractions and foetal growth problems so should be avoided during pregnancy

It should also be avoided in pregnancy as it may stimulate uterine contractions, or if the animal is being treated for cardiac disorders as it may interfere with conventional treatments

As with Devil’s Claw which is from the same plant family – this herb should be avoided in diabetes, pregnancy and where cardiac treatment is in progress

Should be avoided in pregnancy, but is actually used to promote lactation in humans so may be useful for bitch once pups are born

Hawthorn is generally considered to be a very safe herb for animals, however, should be avoided in cases where conventional cardiac drug treatment is in place as it may enhance the effects of these drugs and increase their effects

Kelp may interact with other thyroid treatments such as thyroxin so should be avoided if thyroxin treatment is used

For a few weeks I avoided the chicken coop by myself

They point out that civilians were attacked and confrontation with the Security Forces mostly avoided

Collateral damage was to be avoided at all costs since it caused legal problems afterwards

How can the same mistakes be avoided if we don’t know what they are because we have recorded them wrongly? That’s why my books get boring sometimes and expand on things that in truth belong to the historian, and not so much to me

The College Hospital to be avoided

The one place to be avoided was the College Hospital, not so much for the service from the doctors and nurses, which was adequate, but the fact was that it was built upon a slope at the top corner of the College

Soldiers who would have pounced on a fleeing prisoner avoided eye contact with a pushy vendor

The two soldiers avoided glares the corporal sent them, no doubt wondering how they had let her pass

I watch him as he crosses the room; avoiding meeting my eyes, he plants a kiss on my cheek

There’s no avoiding it, I am going to have to leave this house and move back to Bridgwater

It is impossible to receive the healing from God, while avoiding His

‘Why should you think that anything is bothering me?’ I asked, avoiding the question

Instead he had to go completely on his own, keeping no council and avoiding attention whenever possible

Avoiding what it is that really makes our heart sing

‘How long are you going to be around here?’ he asked, avoiding her question

» He thought she was deliberately avoiding the subject

Positive thinking is only the foundation; it is caring for your mind, nurturing it, avoiding anxiety and worry

I looked down at my sandals, avoiding confrontation even though they were taking advantage of their number and her sex

He mumbled something about avoiding a follow-on, which

in terms of avoiding trapped emotions in the future

’ He said, taking the mug I hand him and avoiding my eyes

her positive feelings, and avoiding connection with

’ He replied, avoiding my eyes

We’ve not put our feelings into words as such, avoiding any mention of the ‘L’ word

Agilely avoiding his embrace, she smiled her thanks and spun out of the room

and avoiding main roads

She trod along the path, avoiding as many puddles as she could, and arrived at the top of the cliff

There is no way of avoiding the inevitable recriminations

There – he’d thought it, the truth he’d been avoiding admitting to himself during those hours perched in the darkness

We have difficulty dissuading ourselves from the habit of thinking we are ‘one;’ so to not acknowledge our presumed ‘unity’ by avoiding saying ‘I’ is tantamount to denying our existence

Billy has to jink right as he approaches a hard right hand bend, narrowly avoiding the chevron signage in the hedgerow, and, oblivious to the state of the road behind him, he slams on the brakes, white lining, and slides to a halt

Avoiding any mention of business or studies, Harry asked after Mr

being too busy avoiding bouncing the car off the hedgerows to

more important issue that he seemed to be avoiding

It was like avoiding a dark cave in fear of a hibernating bear

‘Of course not,’ said the little clerk, avoiding his

tapped his fingers together, avoiding the Cardinal’s gaze by

«Do you think she was lost?» Emma went on, although he appeared to be avoiding the question, by looking around the room for something

avoiding the use of Henri’s title

him and avoiding the traffic which seemed curiously

Never moving about freely, and always avoiding the prying eyes of the town’s people

» He changed the subject, avoiding the crazy, topic

In two minutes he had plotted a course to Port Hedland avoiding detection especially as most radar sites were not operational this time

caravan was avoiding the oasis

Avoiding the pitfalls of the prophetic

Avoiding Deception Other ways to keep on the path

Avoiding the pitfalls of the prophetic PROPHETIC PROTOCOL

The secret to avoiding these ideas is to always be pursuing

It would be an awkward angle getting in there and avoiding the masonry of the bridge

keeping the boat on course and avoiding the more

avoiding the subjectivism and preconceived ideas,

while avoiding the more highly refined varieties

“Leave all that, yaar,” I said, avoiding such remarks as a rule

The next day, Ash was still avoiding me

principle, but his major reason seemed to be avoiding trouble

Even the staff started avoiding him because he ceased to greet them, lost in his own thoughts

Avoiding procrastination means you don’t have to

You have been avoiding the problem for too long

To dream that you are born again indicates that you need to deal with issues that you have been avoiding

To see a rusty water heater in your dream means that you are avoiding or neglecting your anger

The Bretons’ smaller statures were life-saving as they fled down the long hallway, avoiding lunges and swipes of blades

inactivity and removal, the way which claims victory over bodily temptations by avoiding other

It has been observed that we are avoiding more and more the last two types of taste with the result that it upsets the digestive system and balance in our blood, thereby leading to a number of diseases, including cancer

Where was the evidence that anyone else had ever been here? When Scott had passed the waterfall he’d left footprints trailing to this point; there was no avoiding it

Even so, on several occasions he could not avoid sending small rocks bouncing hazardously down the slope, narrowly avoiding those climbers behind him

We traveled over mountains, avoiding huts made with stone or any trace of humans

He could just about manage deception by avoiding a subject, but if he was

Perhaps they were all thinking the same; survival was not simply about avoiding danger

the stairs, avoiding step six, the one that always squeaked when the weather was damp, which in

She slumped down on the sofa, her eyes avoiding his, her mouth tight

They had each gone their own ways; avoiding each other for a while; hurt, disappointed, withdrawing, rebuilding, and finally compromising

on avoiding religion and the bureaucracies of Churches and can’t

But he was avoiding contact with her

“I’m sorry,” he added, avoiding her pleading stare

One way of avoiding unsightly razor bumps is to apply a super light layer of underarm deodorant to the area that has been shaved

He is vain to the extreme, constantly preening and categorically avoiding mud and the outdoors

Thornton then took a course to the eastward into the scattering ice in hopes of avoiding a confrontation with the unknown

country together and avoiding a long-lasting insurgency that

Was Alex avoiding her?

She stood, avoiding his eyes, and headed for the kitchen

Alex turned toward the stairs, avoiding the front office

She brushed Gerrid’s hair with her fingers, carefully avoiding the morass of sensor pads around his temples

Avoiding the known and suspected traps, she hustled out of the room

So all in all, the suspect would be chased down and be given a fatherly talk for his long haired liberal ways of avoiding a police roadblock

I say again that drug use and avoiding contacts never happened in SAP COIN or not from what I know of or heard of

Legal covenants governing a civilized society, its rules of law, are based upon a system of morals and values agreed upon by the majority of its citizens seeking some level of assurance while avoiding extremes

All the way home we spoke about irrelevant things, deliberately avoiding the one question that was on all our minds

As she searched for a place to rest, Soffen noticed all the badgers in the chamber were avoiding one corner, even though this meant that there was less space for everyone else

Sexual Abstinence as a definitive means of avoiding teenage pregnancy is oftentimes treated as an afterthought in many of our schools Special Ed Programs

Also, Britain was a white nation, and Polk’s racism played a part in avoiding a war against other whites while picking a war against mixed race Mexicans

Franklin Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy declared an end to wars against nations in America’s “backyard” and he vowed to always negotiate, avoiding being pushed into war with Mexico

So Beth had descended from the main building on foot, picking her way along the rutted switchback drive avoiding most of the puddles, except for one slip that left a shoe and blue jeans cuff caked with mud

But he figured on avoiding osteoporosis, and a few other things

“If he had subverted you earlier, he might have gotten you to poison her IV line, avoiding the mess with the djinn he hired to come after her

What: The end of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, avoiding war in Iran, the Arab Spring, preventing another Great Depression, and the very imperfect but still landmark healthcare program

She was avoiding this part of the hospital

She was impressed at his resourcefulness and told him as much, whereupon he beamed with pride and, in a conspiratorial manner, described another little system he had for avoiding regulations and saving money: below decks, in the barge used to transport their cargo, were two refrigerated ‘fish houses’, insulated by large blocks of Styrofoam removable for drying

Avoiding war with Britain

In 1994 he negotiated an agreement in Haiti that led to the dictatorship stepping down, avoiding a US invasion under Clinton

already started avoiding money by repressing his creativity, his

“You’re avoiding my question,” she snapped

Avoiding attention, he turned a side street and walked down a garden path completely unobserved

That translated into avoiding the usual hotspots in the gathered crowd, namely blind drinking contests (named so because the winner usually ends up with optic nerve damage), prostitutes (sex workers is a more catchy term, but in Memphis they still call them whores), and alligator fights (popular opinion is that the losing ’gator is turned into women’s accessories, but some local news outlets circulated some rather more sinister rumors about zombie assasin ’gators)

But there’s always flaws in a design, and that fact was remarkably pointed out when Eileen arched her back all the way, hands touching the ground, exactly the moment the demons’ claws swept at nothing but air, and then sidestepped him by rolling to the side, avoiding his kicking legs and tail with a motion so graceful and regally syncopated, it reminded me of a cross between Grace Kelly and Tito Puente

Jinotega’s marketplace had converted to a military motor pool for communist armor, Soviet teachers taught Russian and distorted versions of history in the schools, and everywhere people scurried from door to barricaded door, avoiding patrols of soldiers

Unobserved he got into his vehicle closing the door quietly avoiding detection

“I meant things over here,” I said and saw a fireball explode a few dozen yards away, a gunner team narrowly avoiding it

The troopers coming up the stairs immediately dropped to the ground avoiding the volley of gunfire

studiously avoids eye contact, drums the fingers of one hand on his briefcase

“I cannot plot a course that avoids detection by JORN

The person commonly avoids thoughts of the event

It is a form of Creationism and a contemporary adaptation of the traditional theological argument for the existence of God, but one, which deliberately avoids specifying the nature or identity of the designer

It avoids convenient or simple solutions to complex questions or easy expressions for hard-nosed assumptions that require testing, at every level; prepared to accept in whatever manner, the pretentious challenges of misleading or presumptive propositions whose attainment is (sufficient) reward in itself

Henry Wallace Avoids the Cold War

from patients and also reduce the costs where the patient avoids paying

) because its implementation avoids additional cost to the people and agreed organizations

In consequence, when ending with the state of possessions in the productive chain, the Project eliminates the serious problems of lack of capital of the organizations and it avoids scarcity or waste in the utilization of the resources

The Project with its actuation form avoids that 80% of the resources get lost in the means (processes) and it guarantees that these resources are utilized fully in its ends (result)

Our proposal gives to the Third Sector the chance of being the best altruistic competitor to the other sectors so that it accumulates immense financial capital in national and international level through to fundraising in the donation form with utilization of innovative methodology that avoids to spend the collected money, that is, paradoxically accomplishes all its process and it accumulates, without needing to spend it

Finally, it lacks system that avoids

c) High cost reduction of the social and economic activities with high gains and productivity because it avoids repassing the repetitive activities, the storage and the illicit purchases to the prices in the productive chain

With this, it also avoids the multiplication of departments or secretariats in thousands of organizations

With that, it avoids the mass production and it preserves the environment

All its actuation occurs without using the deposited physical money that will stay under the guard of the Central Bank of the Country in that is juridically constituted, this avoids that there are deviations, robberies or fraudulent action

With this it avoids the improper use of the offered income

Also, the new systematics avoids improper use of the products, it inhibits fraudulent actions, robberies or sale of those products in the market; besides, it recognizes and it localizes those objects in any region of the planet

With this, it avoids that somebody receives or make draft in money, it annuls the emission of checks or it impedes any legal right of drafts and it avoids patrimonial appropriation in judicial demand, including the governments, sponsors, introducers, authors and Teams of Coordination of the XUSING Project

It causes the international involvement with immediate action, it solves global problems, it generates conditions for the payment of the foreign debt and it avoids the isolation of the countries

It avoids economic retaliations or conflicts of interests among the country-members, as well as it puts an end to contraband, robbery, tax, import quota and wash of the money

The national and world benefits will be incalculable, because they put an end to the socioeconomic conflicts and it avoids Planet Earth’s destruction, without damaging its organizations and the people

in the international transactions, which it avoids

avoids the people’s isolation and the loss of the

a) Accomplishment of activity that avoids the

It avoids the transfer of the money between the people or socioeconomic agents; it also avoids its conversion for any type of existent physical coin

Also, it stops being convertible wealth in goods or products, as well as it avoids its possession as definitive property

Also, the process avoids the existence of the inflation, deflation, financial speculation or storage

This avoids the consumerism and the burning of resources through the fixed cost with the storage of machines, materials and products whose large majority generates wastes and it annihilates Planet Earth’s wealth

Observe that the methodology puts an end to the anonymous circulation of the physical money, it eliminates the anonymous exchange of merchandises, and it avoids issue of securities or physical coins

The unique task avoids the repetitions of cadastral registers, catalogs, documentations and thousands of other identical reproductions

Therefore, the simple change in the organizational systematics occasions high reduction of the social cost, it also produces immense reduction in the cost of the organizations, besides benefiting all the people and mainly the environment because it avoids the immense burning of resources with mistaken current system that utilizes the consumerism to leverage the economy

It belongs to the new Computational Monetary System and it avoids the loss of the wealth with burning of billion dollars for maintenance of the parity of the coin and its purchasing power

He avoids my eyes

While our intentions to help a person may be loving, we need wisdom to know whether our help will interfere with the results of their karma, and whereby the person then avoids resolving their personal issues

Let a man avoid the dangers of evil even as a merchant carrying much wealth, but with a small escort, avoids the dangers of the road, or as a man who loves his life avoids the drinking of poison

Is there in this world a man so noble that he ever avoids all blame, even as a noble horse avoids the touch of the whip?

“Yes, it avoids almost all the impact of the jump

Every so often, an insect lands on the water’s surface—and if it is lucky, it avoids becoming lunch for one of the voracious little fish patrolling underneath

After ten years he stopped his daily shot of whiskey; now he still loathes frequent fried foods and avoids long stays in the mountains, though he would love even to live on them

Attributing causal negative outcomes to particular conditions, and then trivially noting that other conditions are not associated with those negative outcomes, avoids assigning any positive attribute to everyday

That avoids a messy dispute with the IRS like the one that plagues the estate of publisher S

The tourism industry also avoids mentioning the

This dilutes the very objective of the debate, and the ‘liberal’ thus avoids the necessity of proposing positive ideas and discussion

all the love that avoids my open arms

and thus avoids use of any external battery or other voltage of the transistor T1 (0

This setting avoids most of the whip saw effect and false signals that a fast indicator would give

She avoids Connie for weeks until Brink calls a meeting in the parlor one Saturday morning

The other agrees to come visit but subconsciously knows their friend is dying and so avoids actually visiting

Female moths can tell when a flower has already been visited by another female moth! A female moth avoids already-visited flowers; an adaptive behavior that makes it more likely that her offspring won’t have to compete as much for food!

He put a little food and water in the jar with it and it shrank back from its breakfast the way that a slug avoids salt

By temporarily occupying the body of a pupil, the Adept avoids these

10 The use of the parable form of teaching enables the teacher to present new and even startling truths while at the same time he largely avoids all controversy and outward clashing with tradition and established authority

In a separate incident, he narrowly avoids being scalded when someone in the food court unthinkingly spins abruptly around, arm extended and hand bearing a hot take-out cup of coffee

and avoids pain, then we are nothing more than animals

Zarr starts to run again with these flesh-eaters dangling off him, until he trips over an elevated ridge that barely avoids breaking the lake’s surface

While this phrasing avoids reference to any deity of any religion, the Jew would say that he turns his life and will over to the care of Hashem

Not only does this avoid confusion with the word «gnu,» the name of the African antelope, Connochaetes gnou , it also avoids confusion with the adjective «new

powerful when the the therapist avoids both laxity and coercion

focused coaching thus avoids drawing attention to the problem

This usage of the print statement makes writing output extremely easy and avoids lot of string manip-

This avoids a whole heap of pitfalls

Resisting fear, avoids fear

will be growing at the same rate as the present dividend, a probability that avoids

designate the very “commodity type” industries that he avoids

avoids thinking too much about anything that can negatively influence

com/ — This site is a vegan recipe site which avoids all products that came from an animal

And on the international dance floor America should be neither a shut-in that avoids contact with others, or the reckless showman agitating for attention

suggested that he avoids taking any additional protein until he

tool path that avoids pushing the tool into a corner

As you well know, any citizen who avoids normal entrance and exit without going through customs, and illegally entering another country, is considered a violation of international law, especially with the Israelis

Around and along this dormant trunk of an olive tree could came out leaves that had been nourished from underneath to furnish us with oil that avoids friction whenever we tender our trust towards an ingredient of `peacè

Around and along this dormant trunk of an olive tree could came out leaves that had been nourished from underneath to furnish us with oil that avoids friction whenever we tender our trust towards an ingredient of `peace`

This is sufficient to cover the current requirement and avoids the need to place an order for a new supply of RM1 material

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«I try to avoid alcohol completely.«
(completely, altogether, entirely)

«We intentionally avoid that street.«
(intentionally, deliberately, purposely)

«She carefully avoided the angry stranger.«
(carefully, wisely)

«Our team barely avoided defeat.«
(barely, narrowly, easily, successfully)

«We generally avoid junk food.«
(generally, mostly, usually, normally)

Used with verbs:

«I wish to avoid too much work.«
(wish, want, prefer)

«She will attempt to avoid sleeping too long.«
(attempt to, try to)

«Exercise helps us to avoid getting sick.«

«The car stopped to avoid the bicycle.«
(stopped, braked, slowed, swerved, veered)

«He ducked to avoid the baseball.«
(ducked, moved)

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