Use the word autumn in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word autumn, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use autumn in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «autumn».

Autumn in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word autumn in a sentence.

  1. Gilbert had a busy autumn.

  2. In the autumn, fruit bodies of C.

  3. The autumn is usually cool and dry.

  4. In autumn 1706 Handel went to Italy.

  5. Fruiting occurs from summer to autumn.

  6. The turtles mate in spring and autumn.

  7. There was a game in the autumn of ’92 ..

  8. Henry invaded Saxony again in autumn 1075.

  9. In the autumn, birds arrive from the north.

  10. In the autumn the Vikings moved on to Ireland.

  11. Spring and autumn are transitional between the two.

  12. Pericles died of the plague in the autumn of 429 BC.

  13. Diocletian returned to Antioch in the autumn of 302.

  14. CBS picked up the series for its 1974 autumn lineup.

  15. Archbishop Hartwig of Magdeburg died in autumn 1104.

  16. Henry left Italy for Germany in the autumn of 1081 but returned in February 1082.

  17. Schwaben served in III Battle Squadron during the autumn maneuvers again in 1911.

  18. In the autumn of 1735, Johnson opened a private academy at Edial, near Lichfield.

  19. The situation was still unsettled after Greenfield became premier in autumn 1921.

  20. The red, pink or white tube-like flowers appear from late autumn to early spring.

  21. Wilco subsequently followed the release with an autumn tour, the tour later being extended into 2020.

  22. The contract also required him to perform during the spring and autumn seasons between 1910 and 1912.

  23. In the autumn of 1913, at the age of 19, Joseph began studying Classics at Girton College, Cambridge.

  24. Its diet in summer contains a high proportion of insects, while more plant items are eaten in autumn.

  25. In the Balkans during the autumn of 285, he encountered a tribe of Sarmatians who demanded assistance.

  26. In the autumn of 744, he met Li Bai (Li Po) for the first time, and the two poets formed a friendship.

  27. Despite a slow start, mainly due to a scorching summer, Pinafore became a red-hot favourite by autumn.

  28. For the Roman Empire, the start of autumn was based upon the hour at which Vega set below the horizon.

  29. Southern marbled newts mainly breed from January to early March and may already enter ponds in autumn.

  30. By that autumn, Quisling and Mussert in the Netherlands could be satisfied they had at least survived.

  31. In the autumn of 1735, Johnson opened Edial Hall School as a private academy at Edial, near Lichfield.

  32. Mayflies «hatch» (emerge as adults) from spring to autumn, not necessarily in May, in enormous numbers.

  33. Heavy snow and frequent avalanches are common, especially on the western slopes, from autumn to spring.

  34. The yellow flowers appear in summer and autumn (December to April), and peak over December to February.

  35. In:Motion is an annual series which takes place each autumn and delivers 12 weeks of music and dancing.

  36. Rundkvist was a senior lecturer at Linnaeus University starting in 2012, and at Umeå University, starting in autumn 2013.

  37. As a consequence, Aylesbury ducks were sold primarily in the spring and summer, and Rouen ducks in the autumn and winter.

  38. That year followed the same pattern as the previous year, but Schwaben did not participate in the autumn fleet maneuvers.

  39. Now that the spring and autumn equinoxes are arriving on Uranus, the dynamics are changing and convection can occur again.

  40. The annual autumn fleet maneuvers, conducted from 29 August to 15 September, passed uneventfully for Kaiser Friedrich III.

  41. In Europe and North America, it is found in both hardwood and conifer forests, as well as heathland, in summer and autumn.

  42. Adult ring ouzels undergo a complete moult after breeding from late June to early September, before their autumn migration.

  43. The year’s autumn maneuvers were confined to the Baltic and the Kattegat, and Deutschland won the Schießpreis a third time.

  44. Mahler made arrangements with the impresario Emil Gutmann for the symphony to be premiered in Munich in the autumn of 1910.

  45. Fieldwork in the vicinity of Canberra found that vertebrates made up more of the diet in autumn and particularly in winter.

  46. Empty nest boxes, and sites used by house sparrows or other hole nesting birds, such as tits, pied flycatchers or common redstarts, are rarely used for the autumn display.

  47. The autumn maneuvers consisted of a blockade exercise in the North Sea, a cruise of the entire fleet to Norwegian waters, and a mock attack on Kiel ending on 12 September.

  48. Both sexes are similar in appearance, but the juvenile rufous-crowned sparrow has a brown crown and numerous streaks on its breast and flanks during the spring and autumn.

  49. After his arrival, and throughout the late autumn and winter of 1778–79, Hogun’s regiment served on a work detail tasked with building up the fortifications at West Point.

  50. Smoking or salting meat of livestock butchered in autumn was a common household strategy to avoid having to feed more animals than necessary during the lean winter months.

Synonyms for autumn

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word autumn has the following synonyms: fall.

General information about «autumn» example sentences

The example sentences for the word autumn that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «autumn» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «autumn».

1) Maple leaves turn red in the autumn.

2) The leaves turn brown in autumn.

3) Nature is most colorful in autumn.

4) The book is scheduled for publication in the autumn.

5) Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn.

6) The leaves turn crimson in autumn.

7) In the autumn I rake the dead leaves.

8) They candy fruit in autumn every year.

9) The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.

10) The painting glowed with beautiful autumn tints.

11) Spring,summer,( and winter are the four seasons.

12) Departing autumn embrowns the leaves.

13) The garden is a blaze of colour in autumn.

14) American people use «fall» to mean autumn.

15) One falling leaf heralds the coming of autumn.

16) The fabrics were mainly in rich autumn tints(, reds and oranges.

17) It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.

18) In the autumn of 1940 London was blitzed by an average of two hundred aircraft a night.

19) At the first cold of autumn, many insects go into hibernation.

20) When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.

21) We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists.

22) Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn.

23) We’re going to launch a big recruitment drive in the autumn.

24) Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

25) You give me a bunch of roses, bathing the morning dew; you see me off with sunshine. Nowadays, roses are still there but we are not together.I miss you very much in a starry night in autumn.

26) Domestic fuel bills are set to rise again in the autumn.

27) Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.

28) Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

29) Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.

30) These little animals gather nuts from the ground in the autumn.

Naturopaths recommend following a cleansing programme, or short fast, a couple of times a year, preferably in spring and in autumn, to cleanse and strengthen the digestive system

When last he’d been out it was autumn and

It was still autumn and the pipe was cold

on long nights after the sweat of autumn harvests

spring, fall or Autumn

It was a beautiful autumn day, he could feel a bit of a breeze come thru the open windows

pricking out the shapes of autumn berry stains and sticky jam jars

like a reed that blows in an autumn wind,

The valley between this ridge and the next is wooded and deep; in the distance, I can see rolling hills, green for the most part although some of the trees are now showing autumn colours very clearly

shades of autumn hearths as she greets those

feeling the chill of the autumn overcast

The birds sang sweetly in the hedgerows and the last of the house martins were diving and darting across the sky as they fed themselves up for their long autumn flight south

There was not a weed in sight and the flower borders exploded with colour and vivacity throughout the spring, summer and autumn

In the autumn of his years Tom still watched the girls in pubs and at clubs

He mentions that there’s another family in the village willing to take part – they lost someone in the hurricane which hit the coast of America last autumn

‘Do you remember how she insisted on going up to the woods and dancing ‘sky clad’ to celebrate midsummer? When it was pointed out to her that this was more appropriate for the spring or autumn equinoxes, she said it would be too cold then

Before the autumn leaves started to fall, the happy couple had

throughout the spring, summer and autumn

In the autumn of his years Tom still watched the girls in pubs

‘Yes, though it might make more sense to keep it for the autumn, Dave, finishing just before Christmas – people tend to read more in the autumn and would be more willing to put their hands in their pockets for a good cause at Christmas

His voice was as dry as the rustling of autumn leaves

I explain that I am about to settle down with Dave and he congratulates me, going on to say that he met Dave at a corporate function sometime last autumn

The third will be ready by the autumn

She’ll wear her hair at shoulder length by the Spanish autumn

The rhythms of the household gradually settled into the domestic cadence, mildly interrupted over the late Autumn and early Winter

Autumn turned to

” He leaned back in the chair as if relaxing from a hard day’s work, “I had the entire resources of the store at my disposal last autumn on all those days y’all were busy on the Bungalows

“You were in here last year, in the autumn

autumn, or even early winter,’ he said while

All other matters regarding Malvern life would be attended to by correspondence or direct instruction upon arrival for the Autumn term on the third of September

I am to pass the leadership of this institution into his capable hands at the end of the Autumn Term, and have included him, naturally, in as much of the business of the school as possible of late, so that he may be able to take the helm with little or no interruption to the staff and faculty

The Autumn terms shall commence each annum on the first Tuesday of September, and run its first term through the fourth Wednesday of November

All male children exempted according to an approved criteria, or beyond school age up to the age of eighteen years, not currently apprenticed or otherwise gainfully employed, shall henceforward be required to provide bi-annual proof of employment to this Council at the commencement of Autumn school term and at the end of Spring school term

The School House was nowhere near the condition the Council had suggested it would be be for the advent of the Autumn term

For example, an early autumn, followed by a mild

So the ladies parted having a fresher and clearer view of the road immediately ahead of them, for the Autumn at least

Summer became autumn, autumn became lent and on to summer once more

The School Committee and the Village Council accepted the keys to the new School House in a ceremony of much pomp and circumstance at the end of the Autumn Term

The village was in the throes of a renaissance and when the Autumn Term began, the children of the village were eager to know what was to be the next Summer’s production in their school house

you the autumn rains because he is

And beyond it, the autumn sun turned the horizon blood red

summer and autumn – they always billow against the

The three months of Autumn and those of Winter were named for Prophets

Mar first, which began the hot Summer months, fell upon Ignar’s Day, for the flame was the symbol of the season; Sepilar first, the start of a cooler Autumn, was represented by the sea, and was always on Flarow’s Day

Because of the season and her coloring, we named her Autumn, and she quickly settled in

Alfre, the Samoyed-retriever mix who’d come to us as an abandoned puppy with a shrunken tummy and bloody paws, formed a close bond with Autumn, and the two often napped together, the furry white dog curled around the full-figured tabby

One afternoon when one of the collies got a little bossy, Autumn swatted the dog on the nose and sent her tumbling off the front porch

Years passed, years in which Autumn grew no slimmer and showed little interest in the out-of-doors

But Autumn quickly established her domain, inside

I didn’t know Autumn as well as I thought

That’s when we realized the screech that woke us wasn’t Autumn crying out in pain

It was Autumn letting her would-be stalker know who was Queen of the Woods

Autumn lived several more years after her encounter with the Thing in the Woods, dying

I think now that as Autumn sensed her own death approaching, she returned deliberately to a more primal place

Animals who have been abandoned, especially those who’ve been abused, as we suspect Autumn had been, are often the sweetest, so relieved to have found steady love that they give theirs freely

But Autumn taught me that they also have great reserves of strength and will and queenly courage

The autumn leaves spiralled to the ground, littering the stony lane as Seraphia trod through the forest path

Before then – before what was still laughingly referred to as the war – Milo longed for the heat of summer to end; now he wasn’t so sure if he actually preferred the post-GW climate to the once guaranteed autumn mildness

“And then comes autumn,” he filled in

Kay sat in her room as the sun delicately painted the sky with autumn colors, brushing her hair out for the twentieth time

The noise that had startled the field mouse quickly developed a new quality– reminiscent of dead leaves rustling in an autumn breeze

dreams while sniffing the autumn wind

My last day of leave and the Sunday before I was to start, was a cool autumn day, slightly overcast

Hilier went missing last autumn in the upper Shashawanaga valley

Sun Tzu’s authenticity is still a question of debate, but the traditional Chinese accounts place him in the Spring and Autumn Period of China (722-481 BC), where he was a military general serving under King Hel� of Wu

The official chronicle of the State of Lu, The Spring and Autumn Annals states that Sun Tzu was born in Qi whereas The Records of the Grand Historian or Shiji states that Sun Tzu was a native of Wu

Both sources agrees on the fact that he was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period of China (722�481 BC), where he was a general and strategist, serving under the king of Wu, King Hel�

The smell of autumn was in the air

As more leaves came down on an oblique angle, freshets of soft, moist, autumn air caressed his face

Tufts of hair would show where they rubbed against the trees, removing unwanted, scruffy last-season fur; to make way for the glossy new coat of autumn

In the pool of amber light cast by the security lights, he enjoyed the full moon and crisp, late autumn air

He searched the bushes visually, and found what had to be it; a dark sheen visible through the barren branches and still-clinging autumn foliage

Leaves scrunched under her feet, sharp autumn winds tugged her hair

Had mom and dad remembered to fill up a big bowl of yummies like they usually did? Her parents were preparing to drive off this evening as usual to enjoy the autumn beauties of the resort where they had met, long ago

[28] A * indicates that this text has been republished in my Autumn Leaves series

You knew you would have frozen to death, naked in the autumn mountain woods

I loved the trips to the galleries, looking at a thousand paintings over the course of that autumn, as I recall

Scattered and forlorn, the once proud spacecraft of countless alien empires tumbled and turned like dead leaves floating on a warm autumn breeze

She had a scent of autumn, a warm, sweet scent like that of golden leaves in the rain

Somewhere she had only been waiting for it to happen, but she still jumped when his autumn sky colored eyes met hers

Calras turned to her and looked straight into her green eyes that in the grey autumn morning light seemed to be almost black

The autumn drew to a close and the winter announced its arrival with snowflakes and howling winds, as they in the end of November reached Larinoras

In autumn, the season of her heart, the time when she’d been born, she needed her friend the most

One day still in the autumn of the year, when I’d barely started, my mother showed me a newspaper advert: a singing competition for young people from the whole of eastern Canada

Sometimes during the long white winter they could see, just before it set, traces of the gorgeous autumn gold, red and purple sunsets of a few months earlier

Small maple trees — Chinese maple which seeded prolifically, and delicate Japanese maple – both with gorgeous Autumn colours, and clumps of white birches

It’s autumn under the Southern Cross

Where I live, autumn is ending

Mary lying under the starry blue meadows of the autumn night

Rosemary West had come into his life on that autumn evening bringing with her an atmosphere in which his spirit recognized native air

colors falling, blown about by the chill of the autumn wind

Everything blooms in the spring, and then fades with the autumn leaves

And a smell of the autumn leaves

It was a little dry for autumn and warm, but not hot

Moral-mind was taken gradually keep motionless statue of no spring, summer, autumn and winter

Back in the autumn of 1888, the pub was at the very center of the relatively small area in which the five murders were committed, and it was a well known haunt of local prostitutes

However, it was the club’s activities during that terrible autumn of 1888 that were of particular interest, of course, although at some point towards the end of the 19th century the decision had been made to keep those records under lock and key

Just beyond them we encountered the Dzitsiista not long before autumn

By late autumn, we were approaching the Mongol River

Since it was still autumn, I told him that by now the fires had already swept the area


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Definition of Autumn

the season between summer and winter; fall

Examples of Autumn in a sentence

Even though autumn is such a beautiful season, raking all of those leaves becomes such a daily chore for me.


During the second week of autumn, football season begins which means that everyone in the city will be glued to their television screens.


Requests came from my grandmother that I take her to look at all of the changing leaves before the end of autumn.


With the last few days of autumn approaching, I prepared my wardrobe with sweaters, long pants, and double-layered socks for the oncoming winter.


Many parents were relieved when the beginning of autumn arrived because that meant their children would be returning to school.


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