Use the word authority in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word authority, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use authority in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «authority». In addition, we also show how different variations of authority can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are authority’s, authority—despite, authority—for, authority—from, authority—her, authority—later and authority—was. If you click on the variation of authority that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Authority in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word authority in a sentence.

  1. He lost yet more authority.

  2. I hated authority like hell.».

  3. He spoke as one having authority.

  4. He did not like to delegate authority.

  5. OPP possessed no authority, no sanctions.

  6. Monteux conducted with skill and authority.

  7. Stephen began re-establishing his authority.

  8. Conflict with civil authority was inevitable.

  9. Under the authority of Major General Thomas C.

  10. Water) is an independent authority of the D.C.

  11. Tribal court authority has been altered by the U.S.

  12. He seemed to radiate calm composure and authority.».

  13. The check on Forbes’ authority at Perryville was Dr.

  14. The film thematizes brutal and irrational authority.

  15. As a child, I viewed her as a rather strict authority.

  16. Once persecutions began, public authorities were eager to assert their authority.

  17. He was an adviser of the king, and an authority on church practice and canon law.

  18. The Parliament has the power to meet without being convened by another authority.

  19. The General Assembly has authority to do this under Article 22 of the UN Charter.

  20. The Cabinet has the authority to announce the half-staffing of the national flag.

  21. The city of Kigali is a provincial-level authority, which coordinates urban planning within the city.

  22. The new Texas government had no funds, so the military was granted the authority to impress supplies.

  23. While the monarchy is the source of authority in Canada, in practice its position is mainly symbolic.

  24. The War Department envisaged that the Manhattan Project would be superseded by a statutory authority.

  25. In 1702, the proprietors of East and West Jersey surrendered their political authority to Queen Anne.

  26. The main themes of the debate were the legitimacy of the government and the authority of the Viceroy.

  27. On board HMS Beagle, Darwin was quite orthodox and would quote the Bible as an authority on morality.

  28. Roger was a Norman, son of William fitzOsbern, but had inherited less authority than his father held.

  29. He refused to recognise the authority of the pope and instead emphasised obedience to the government.

  30. At the lighter end of the GA spectrum some regulatory authority is devolved to representative bodies.

  31. Houston was given no authority over the volunteer army led by Austin, which predated the Consultation.

  32. Cranmer’s vision of reform through careful steps under the authority of the government was maintained.

  33. He is invested with the narrative authority to understand and explain the fantastic events depicted.».

  34. William may have been given the daughter of Óengus in marriage, cementing his authority in the region.

  35. As part of Richard’s programme of asserting his authority, he also tried to cultivate the royal image.

  36. The Lithuanians allowed their Russian vassals to remain Orthodox, maintain their privileges and authority in local areas.

  37. The five Virginia Conventions (1774–1776) would guide the Old Dominion to independence as royal authority came to an end.

  38. The launch retreated to Georgetown, where the police armed themselves and obtained authority to seize the suspect vessel.

  39. Alkan was regarded by the Paris Consistory, the central Jewish organisation of the city, as an authority on Jewish music.

  40. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the new French territory did not recognize the authority of the treaties imposed upon them.

  41. The title of doux was used, but unlike earlier times these were mostly civilian governors with little military authority.

  42. Unlike the Assistant Chief, the Deputy had the authority to act in place of the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) if required.

  43. We have it on William’s authority that the letter was written by Aldhelm of Malmesbury and addressed to Wilfrid’s abbots.

  44. Wang also has a severe cough, which he does not wish to have cured, feeling that it gives him authority in his household.

  45. Importantly, they shared a Hamiltonian faith in the virtue of industrialism, central authority, and expansive capitalism.

  46. When Harrison was reappointed as the Indiana territorial governor on February 8, 1803, he was given expanded authority to negotiate and conclude treaties with the Indians.

  47. Bostock exercised overall control of air operations through the area commands, although RAAF Headquarters continued to hold administrative authority over Australian units.

  48. Furthermore, in 1921, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) was set up, and it constitutes the world authority on hydrographic surveying and nautical charting.

  49. Stephen’s canonization was initiated by Vazul’s grandson, King Ladislaus I of Hungary, who had consolidated his authority by capturing and imprisoning his cousin, Solomon.

  50. Peranio originally wanted a stuntman to fall against the moving train, spin and fall into the padded hole in the dummy wall, but the transit authority refused to allow it.

Authority’s is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority’s.

  1. The authority’s first mayor, Tim Bowles, was elected in May 2017.

  2. In 1928, as part of the local authority’s foreshore development, the Embassy Ballroom was built on Grand Parade.

  3. The old lines marking the former shoulder can still be seen in the right lane as a result of the tollway authority’s attempt to grind them away.

  4. The 1990 Act abolished the IBA, which Thomson believed was directly related to the authority’s decision to permit the showing of «Death on the Rock».

  5. Metro also provided 423,000 bus trips and 1,721 MetroAccess trips for a total of 1,544,721 trips, the highest ridership day ever in the transit authority’s history.

  6. In 2014, the Office for National Statistics estimated the Bristol unitary authority’s population at 442,474, making it the 43rd-largest ceremonial county in England.

Authority—despite in a sentence

Authority—despite is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority—despite.

  1. The women in the novel, are obedient, quiet, and absent from positions of authority—despite the fact that Igbo women were traditionally involved in village leadership.

Authority—for in a sentence

Authority—for is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority—for.

  1. The most likely claimant would be an individual who has been adversely affected by a discretionary decision under the nominee’s authority—for example someone denied a passport.

Authority—from in a sentence

Authority—from is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority—from.

  1. Bodies were even removed—with no legal authority—from prisons and naval and military hospitals.

Authority—her in a sentence

Authority—her is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority—her.

  1. The Queen’s image is used to signify British sovereignty and government authority—her profile, for instance, appearing on currency, and her portrait in government buildings.

Authority—later in a sentence

Authority—later is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority—later.

  1. In the 1990s, a regional transit authority—later Sound Transit—was formed to build a light rail system for the Seattle metropolitan area.

Authority—was in a sentence

Authority—was is a variation of authority, below you can find example sentences for authority—was.

  1. Meanwhile, as the new emperor, Dom Pedro II, was only a child of five, a regency—with little effective authority—was created.

Synonyms for authority

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word authority has the following synonyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, assurance, self-assurance, confidence, self-confidence, sureness, authorization, authorisation, potency, dominance, say-so and sanction.

General information about «authority» example sentences

The example sentences for the word authority that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «authority» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «authority».

authority — перевод на русский


Can’t the authorities help?

Разве власти не могут нам помочь?

The authorities, Neil, my boy, you don’t know these islands.

Власти. Нил, мой мальчик. Вы не знаете этот остров.

The native authorities are afraid to meddle.

Местные власти боятся вмешиваться.

Elsewhere in Spain, hill people, peasants and workers have achieved better conditions through mutual self-help. They have made demands of the authorities for a better life. …will give impetus to the coming elections and lead to a Popular Front government.

Крестьяне, рабочие, горный народец в остальных областях Испании обеспечили себе лучшее качество жизни благодаря взаимопомощи и помощи правительства Народного Фронта, пришедшего к власти благодаря последним выборам.

I have a wire from New York authorities requesting us to hold you in custody pending the outcome of an investigation.

Я получил сообщение из Нью-Йорка, власти которого просили задержать вас… ..до завершения раследования.

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Aren’t you oversteppin’ your authority, Marshal… — comin’ in here and interfering in my business?

— Маршал, не превышаете ли вы свои полномочия, врываясь сюда и влезая в мои дела?

Perhaps I overstepped my authority without realizing it.

Возможно, я превысила полномочия, не осознавая этого.

— And you are exceeding your authority.

А вы превышаете свои полномочия.

Starship captain, you exceeded your authority when you drove me and mine into a shower of asteroids.

Как капитан звездолета, вы превысили полномочия, затащив меня в астероидный душ.

Your authority on this ship is extremely limited, captain.

Ваши полномочия на этом корабле чрезвычайно ограничены.

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How do you maintain authority?

Но как вы будете поддерживать свой авторитет?

And since we also represent a certain authority in the village… I feel it’s such a pity, my dear Van Taeke, that we don’t… that we don’t cooperate more closely.

И мне особенно жаль, мой дорогой ван Таеке, что, имея определенный авторитет у жителей деревни, мы не используем… не используем наше положение для более тесного сотрудничества друг с другом.

The kind of authority that Myers stands for.

В результате причинения вреда его девушке ты побеждаешь его, иными словами, понижаешь его авторитет в своих глазах.

If the Army hasn’t got any authority out here, I’m resigning. And, now!

Армия здесь не авторитет и я увольняюсь, прямо сейчас.

Your authority convinced him you were one of us.

Ваш авторитет убедил его, что вы — один из нас.

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It has no authority to arrest humans but it can investigate, so I think it’d be useful to you.

Он не имеет права арестовывать людей но он может вести расследование, по-моему, он будет вам полезен.

Well, that gives me a little authority around here.

Так, это дает мне кое-какие права.

I don’t have the authority to forbid you, but what if I begged you?

У меня нет права запретить вам, но что если я попрошу вас?

You had no authority.

Вы не имели права.

Mr. Spock has stated that he believes the captain had no authority or order to cross the neutral zone.

Мистер Спок считает, что капитан не имел никакого права вторгаться в нейтральную зону.

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Notice how he is always drawn to authority?

Заметили, как он все время льнет к начальству?

He must learn not to poke fun at the authorities.

Нужно научить его не хамить начальству.

One — discipline, two — respect for authority.

Первое — дисциплина, второе — уважение к начальству.

Hmm, well, before you do that, Control, I’d better go and telephone the relevant authorities. And as a precaution, please don’t open any more letters.

Что ж, прежде чем вы это сделаете, Контрол, я позвоню твоему непосредственному начальству… и на всякий случай, пожалуйста, лучше пока не вскрывайте никаких писем.

His disrespect for authority is unable to hide his ability to lead.

Его неуважение к начальству не может перечеркнуть его способностей лидера.

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I’m an authority on animal cries.

Я специалист по голосам животных.

The best authority in New York on Modern Art.

Самый большой специалист по современному искусству в Нью-Йорке.

I am an authority on NATO.

Я специалист по НАТО

I am the foremost authority on temporal theory in the whole world.

Я крупнейший специалист по теории времени в мире.

I’m not an authority on foreign music.

Я не специалист по зарубежной музыке.

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He’d like to assume his position of authority and take active charge of the business.

Он желает взять на себя руководство и принять активное участие в бизнесе.

I’m sure the authorities will be pleased by your diligence, captain.

Убежден, руководство будет довольно вашим усердием, капитан.

I was sent by the highest authority. Indeed.

Все, что я знаю — меня прислало высшее руководство.

What do you mean by that? You wouldn’t know how our educational authorities get teachers for the outback?

Вы не знаете, как наше учебное руководство получает учителей для провинции?

Even now, in Washington, authorities cannot maintain order.. -That’s enough!

Руководство в Вашингтоне в полной растерянности….

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Detroit and Seattle in the last 24 hours, ‘although the most of these tips have been discounted for the police authorities.

Майерса видели во Флориде, Детройте и Сиэтле… однако, полиция опровергла эту информацию.

The authorities in Bordeaux searched his compartment on the train.

Полиция Бордо обыскала его купе в том поезде.

With no prior criminal record, authorities are interrogating family and friends, seeking any associations that would connect her to the other slain suspects.

Полиция расспрашивает её семью и знакомьIх, пьIтаясь установить связь с другими подозреваемьIми.

Authorities are advising motorists not to pick up hitchhikers… and to use caution at all rest stops.

Полиция предупреждает автомобилистов, чтобы они были осторожны на остановках.

Mexican authorities have been brought into the search… for the three men who escaped from a prison van yesterday.

Полиция Мексики организовала поиски троих заключенных, совершивших побег позавчера.

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The Inner Constellation Corrective Authority.

Исправительное Управление Внутренней Плеяды.

Now, the Portal Authority has been kind enough to install an inter-dimensional slip-stream into the studio which connects to the parking lot outside.

Управление Телепортации любезно согласилось установить в нашей студии и на парковочной площадке порталы.

The US Portal Authority released a preliminary report blaming the tragedy on the fluke failure of a switching module.

Управление Порталов США опубликовало предварительное коммюнике, в котором утверждается, что причиной трагедии послужил неисправный модуль переключения.

Well, there’s one difference, one big difference actually, the Portal Authority is paying me.

Да, но тут небольшая загвоздка. Вернее, огромная. В отличие от вас, Управление Порталов мне ПЛАТИТ!

Oh, the Portal Authority’s gonna pay through the nose for that tidbit.

Управление Порталов раскошелится, это точно!

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I’m sorry, Padre, I can’t let anyone see the prisoner without the proper authority.

Простите, святой отец, но у меня есть строгий приказ никого не пускать к заключенному без специального разрешения.

— Not without authority, you can’t.

— Нельзя, без разрешения. — Ох.

The eradicator cannot be used without authority.

Ликвидатор не может быть использован без разрешения.

And no contact with anyone without my express authority.

И никаких контактов без моего разрешения.

He will not be able to leave without police authority… but the island’s beauty will make exile easier.

И хоть он и не сможет оттуда удалиться без разрешения местной полиции,.. .. красота этого места сделает его ссылку менее суровой.

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Synonym: agency, assurance, authorisation, authorization, bureau, confidence, dominance, federal agency, government agency, office, potency, sanction, say-so, self-assurance, self-confidence, sureness. Similar words: authorize, minority, priority, horizon, thorough, favorite, thoroughly, security. Meaning: [ɔː’θɒrətɪ]  n. 1. the power or right to give orders or make decisions 2. (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others 3. an expert whose views are taken as definitive 4. freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities 5. an administrative unit of government 6. official permission or approval 7. an authoritative written work. 

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1. A policeman has the authority to arrest lawbreakers.

2. The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.

3. The government says that local authority spending is excessive.

4. The leader must be a person of authority.

5. You have exceeded your authority.

6. Could I speak to someone in authority please?

7. The speech bore the stamp of authority.

8. Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.

9. She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.

10. We were brought up to be respectful of authority.

11. The disgraced official was divested of all authority.

12. She is the pre-eminent authority in her subject.

13. He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.

14. He has no respect for authority whatsoever.

15. He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies.

16. Women are often excluded from positions of authority.

17. The present constitution gives supreme authority to the presidency.

18. His authority is steadily weakening.

19. He’s got the experience and the authority to carry it off.

20. The United Nations has used/exerted/exercised its authority to restore peace in the area.

21. I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week.

22. She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses.

23. The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.

24. He has authority,[][] but he doesn’t try to dominate .

25. The local authority may assist you to obtain alternative accommodation.

26. I’m always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.

27. The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.

28. There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.

29. The vice — president is trying to usurp the president’s authority.

30. She’d developed what she considered a healthy contempt for authority.

More similar words: authorize, minority, priority, horizon, thorough, favorite, thoroughly, security, celebrity, similarity, popularity, south, southern, taut, auto, southeast, in truth, southwest, autonomy, automatic, automobile, horn, short, automatically, shorts, hormone, horror, those, shortly, in short. 

authority (n): the moral or legal right or ability to control

Use “authority” in a sentence

He abuses his authority.
Are you challenging my authority?
I don’t have the authority to fire him.
He is a leading authority in his field.

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“Yes, here is the sales report,” Henry tried to say with an air of authority as he put the slightly crumpled papers in Mr

«You speak with authority on the natives

never happen unless someone assumes the authority and puts everything

In order to use the authority and power of Spirit we need to use our faith,

The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband

And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own

in the name and authority of Christ

Behold, I give you the authority

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions,

According to God’s will we are the bearers of His power, His authority

If we have an understanding this authority we will not set our

the manifestation of His authority and the release of miracles by the

Behold, i give you the authority

We have the authority over him

All the authority given by Jesus must be manifested through the Church,

We have the authority whether we realize it or not

authority of the believer

Church have such authority on the earth which we have not realized yet,

the authority which we do not use… Only few of us have touched the edge

of this authority, but before Jesus comes back there will be a whole group

Behold, i give you the authority 101

We need to learn how to take on this authority so that we could confirm

whom he presented and he realized full measure of his authority as a

God gave you the authority in your life just as He gave the authority

you have the authority over your family and your

When we saw in the Word of God that we had the authority over

to the Word of God and release this authority with your mouth

Behold, i give you the authority 103

God gave me the authority over demons, diseases and

that is why i take the authority over any situation which does not

and all the symptoms of disease in my life, for i have the authority to trample

i thank my God who has given such authority to the man

Jesus gave us the authority, and the Holy

has given us the authority over demons, diseases and death

that authority, Satan will use it

the Scriptures: God gave us the power and authority to live a victorious

has the everlasting authority to forgive our sins

his sins for 38 years before he met the One Who had the authority to for-

with daring and authority

In the end, the victims consider it as the greatest honour and happiness to serve an authority or a master

Schools of spiritual development are no different to the army: They teach you how to fight but never for your personal interest; it is always for a supposedly superior authority

That is not to say they have the authority of an eldership (which has been

authority upon them are called benefactors

leader, (to rule, command; to have authority over; a prince, of regal power,

As in all departures from biblical authority, men think they know more than God and try

If God has provided the rule, pattern, authority for the operation of his church, man

2) Declining respect for the authority of God’s Word

«An Ayatollah has authority only in matters of faith

«The faith they seek is the faith that never questions authority, coupled with the certainty of faith that they are the authority in society

(2) A declining respect for the authority of God’s Word in all religious matters

The inspired writers of the New Testament find both precedent and authority for the

And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence»(bold mine — RR)

They are not to teach or to take authority over the man

was never to exercise authority over man

Let us respect the authority of God’s Word! Let us respect the roles God has ordained for

The use of the Bible as a standard of authority in religious matters

What do we use as authority in

has infants; therefore this gives us authority to baptize infants, but this is not an inference, it is an assumption

There is no authority for the baptizing of infants anywhere

Having shown that the Bible authority is established by direct command, approved

S o far as co n cern s church obligations, elders of the congregation are authority in the realm of expediency

The question has been asked, «What is your authority for a song book?» The song book is an expedient

It is necessary that we respect and be governed by divine authority

This recognizes the Bible is God’s final authority! We need to remember that God’s word

“I just want to go home”, she said, trying to breathe softly while mustering the militia of authority to protect her exposed flanks

’ He said, handing back the authority once he had scanned it

It might also be part of the reason people have such a hard time in submission to authority

In replacing those two words (though He is indeed the Creator), we have allowed an excuse as to why people should not submit to spiritual authority

Now, I would like to make the statement that spiritual authority was never intended to be one man or a team of pastors

God anoints the people who have authority

If in the moment of need the most recent of members to the Body of Christ speaks up with full authority of the Holy Spirit, then he or she has the spiritual authority

It is partial to the business-like system that would put the one man at the front as the head over the company, and all others must bow under their authority

In the end, she retaliated by forcing him to use the birdery daily to correspond with Lintze, stating that if he didn’t at least do that, she would use the authority she had to have him thrown out

It’d be another positive outcome of this whole affair if she and JJ were to get together as Berndt seems to think they may … Abery Hall ought to have children running around its grounds … Kara, get your feet back on the ground! Talking of which, you had better get yourself moving … get this bread home and dig out that authority Berndt gave you

The warehouse in question formed part of a complex of buildings set inside a forbidding stone wall a considerable amount taller than Kara; she presented herself at the gatehouse, offering the authority Berndt had supplied

Maybe another way to put it is this: Who is your Lord? Caesar or Christ? Power or peace? Who is your King? Herod or Jesus? Is power your king? Is authority your king? Is wealth your king? Who is the king? Who is Lord? Government? Statues? Stature? Hot tubs? Palaces? Who is the king? Who is Lord?

Until sickness or death disabled the king to continue their rule, they sat in their place of authority

David surrendered his authority

True authority and power is established when we defer authority and power

He is humble, and from that humility comes His authority

There is a conjunction between humility and authority

Ultimate humility brings us to a place of ultimate authority

When God releases His hand, Satan will actually have the ability and authority to rule over this world

She has an air of authority about her … I wouldn’t dare cross her

Their mother, who hadn’t yet hit the cans, made a real fuss of them and told the assembled figures of authority that they were always running away and she was so relieved they had been found

The young man who sold you the phone was acting outside of his sphere of authority

people give more authority to in their lives

He lead his country through all of the qualifying matches with an authority that mixed stern determination with the most sublime football skills that the world had ever seen

Giving this level of authority to the controller isn’t an easy task in most cases

He carried himself with great authority and seemed to garner respect from the men around him

He needed the crowd to stay focused toward the front, toward where they looked for authority

So much for my position of authority

There is no questioning of their authority, just total, blind obedience

assembled figures of authority that they were always running away

C as a blogger, and they feel your authority over the

sold you the phone was acting outside of his sphere of authority

who holds into account is at a level of authority and will act upon it

But, say you are fired or beaten by someone in authority for what you

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  • Use the word attract in a sentence
  • Use the word attitude in a sentence
  • Use the word attend in a sentence
  • Use the word attached in a sentence
  • Use the word association in a sentence